rossoch · 4 years
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Flash back to my senior year of high school. The much anticipated college essays. The prompt? Why Michigan. Having sported maize and blue since the age of 3, many reasons were obvious: the education, the culture, the admiration and passion for a school unlike any other, and the largest support system and alumni network in the world, but those reasons were obvious; a given! For me, my hours spent looking over resources and classes and opportunities within Ross and at the University of Michigan led me to one that stood out: The Och Initiative. Having an initial interest in finance within the business school, it seemed like the perfect opportunity and fit for me to explore my interest and a career that I knew was traditionally more difficult for women to find a way into. Fast forward to the fall of my sophomore year, I would soon realize how much this trip, opportunity and subject of my “Why Michigan Essay”, would impact my undergraduate experience and help to forge my path as I find my way in business and beyond. 
Like all things today, I knew our Trek would look and feel “different”. Although initially bummed that we wouldn’t be able to run to catch subways and taste test every NY pizza slice within reach, our Trek became special and unique for its own reasons. 
3 Fridays
5 cups of coffee
8 pages of notes
Passionate Zoom chat box debates
Fuzzy slippers
The pajama pant and blazer jacket combo
A community of extremely passionate and driven women studying in Ann Arbor and beyond to go through this experience alongside
While it couldn’t take place face to face, none of the information, passion, knowledge, or connections were lost. From firm to firm, over a computer screen and in different homes, offices and desks across the company we were able to get a feel for companies across the globe and whose financial roles differed completely. Our questions were always embraced and appreciated, and with every company we gained an overall understanding of who they were and what they did, but dived so much deeper into the type of community and role they played as we had the opportunity to speak one on one with representatives who were some of the highest up and experienced at the firm as well as recent Michigan alumni who had been in our shoes only a few years ago. With every visit, I learned more about finance and more about how every role, company and culture differed in amazing ways. With every experience, I learned more and more about where and how I could fit into finance and was able to learn alongside other amazing women in my position who had the same interests, curiosities and desires to learn more like I did. 
There is no one part of the experience that I can pinpoint as the best because truly the entire Trek was amazing. This was an opportunity that I dreamed about long before arriving as a student in Ann Arbor and an experience I am beyond grateful for now that I have had the opportunity to participate. If you are reading this, and are considering applying, I am begging you to! I cannot begin to tell you how impactful and informational it has been and how much I have gained as I walk away from my first Och Trek experience. 
My experience because of Och has only furthered my desire to pursue finance and make a difference as a woman in finance and I am forever grateful for the opportunity I received to be a part of this Trek and community of women.
- Jensen Gutzwiller University of Michigan Class of 2023
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rossoch · 5 years
NYC Highline
One of the most rewarding parts of this Trek was being surrounded by a beautiful city. The ability to experience this fast-paced, brightly-lit, and incredibly immersive city was something beyond compare. Beyond this, I had the opportunity to experience New York City and all of its intricacies with a group of brilliant women that are both driven and just as excited about the city as I am.
One thing in particular that we did was walking the High Line. The High Line is an old train track that they recently transformed into a pedestrian walkway. This walkway is elevated and spans across miles of the city. Walking along this High Line at night with some friends was an amazing experience, as it really showed the beauty of the city, and how the architecture and lighting is beautiful and consistent throughout. Beyond this, parts of the High Line were covered in stunning, natural greenery, along with several delicate pieces of art. 
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rossoch · 4 years
These past few Fridays have been incredible, inspirational, and enlightening! Although we were not catching any subway rides or navigating the busy streets of NYC, the Och New York trek has been jam-packed nonetheless. In total, we met with nine different companies in the following chronological order: Sculptor Capital, Comcast/NBC Universal, Bloomberg, Goldman Sachs, Blackstone, Google, Royal Bank of Canada, Barclays, and American Express. Each session was packed with loads of information and good conversation! Every firm took a different approach: some preferred to do a formal corporate presentation, while others placed more emphasis on breakout room sessions, and a mix of both was used as well. I found every format engaging in its own way and always learned something new. We took a deep dive into all aspects of finance, from sell-side to PE to corporate.
Overall, I could not think of a better way to spend my Fridays! A big thanks to Claire and Diana for all their hard work in organizing and structuring the entire three week Och experience! It allowed us to get a first taste of the professional corporate world as just sophomore college students. Also, I am deeply grateful for each company and employee that I was able to meet: the trek simply would not have been possible without them. The same goes for our donors who helped immensely in providing us this opportunity. Finally, words cannot express how fortunate I am to have learned from and talked with Finance industry professionals alongside this cohort of amazing girls. I truly felt a sense of community and believe that we will continue to provide a network of support and push another in a field where we are currently underrepresented but definitely have the courage and confidence to change that in the near future!
~ Cindy Wang, NYC Och Trek 2020
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rossoch · 4 years
Fall 2020 New York Virtual Trek
Bridget Folk, New York Virtual Trek Fall 2020
  I am extremely thankful for my time on the Och Trek this fall. From being someone who did not grow up in a household knowing anyone in the finance industry, it was very intriguing to actually hear from those who have chosen this career path. The Och trek has given me hope and pride in seeing so many Michigan Alumni thriving in their careers. While it was hard to virtually attend the trek, it was still very meaningful and gave me the same opportunities I would have gained if it was in person. My favorite part of the many exciting parts of the trek was talking to NBC Comcast about their corporate finance program, and seeing how large of an umbrella they hold over many other brand names. I had no idea NBC Comcast had owned so many trademarks, and it was very intriguing to see all of its success. 
  Another thing that I found to be meaningful was actually learning what a typical day to day is in investment banking, as well as how hands on the job truly is. It is amazing how much responsibility is given to someone at such a young age in large deals such as mergers and acquisitions. Although I do not know which path of finance I want to go down, the Och Trek Initiative definitely gave me a knowledge of each sector of finance, as well as the lifestyle of each, and I am so beyond grateful for that opportunity. 
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rossoch · 4 years
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Having the opportunity to attend the New York City Och Trek during this virtual semester was an invaluable experience. While attending school virtually, it is often hard to talk to new people or make new connections. The Och Trek provided me, and many other women from the University of Michigan, with the chance to learn more about potential careers while meeting new people not only from the firms, but also from my own school who I may have not connected with before. From the presentations and different questions asked, I was able to learn information about companies and important lessons to remember. 
One of the visits that I found to be very engaging and informative was Google. We were able to all join a call and hear from a panel of seven employees, all working in different functions of the company. Most members of the panel came from different backgrounds and had found their way to Google in distinct ways. In fact, multiple panel members shared that they were previously rejected from the company before having the chance to pursue their dream career. As a sophomore applying to various programs or clubs, it can often be discouraging to be rejected from companies or organizations. The Google visit really opened our eyes to the lessons that failure can teach us, as young professionals, and to remain optimistic about future careers and opportunities, even when being rejected from a position or company. 
Overall, the Och Trek was an amazing experience that I would highly recommend to other women at Michigan! Go Blue!
 - Desiree Shafaie, Class of 2023, NYC Och Trek
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rossoch · 4 years
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In a virtual world, it’s easy to feel disappointed about missing out on in-person experiences. For the Och Trek, however, Claire and Diana did such a great job of creating a supportive and informative online environment for all the girls! At the very beginning, they had us get to know each other through a series of breakout rooms and exercises relating to the upcoming company visits. Even through the computer, I was able to build relationships with other girls in Ross who were in the same boat as me and provided a great support system throughout the trek. 
Meeting with so many different companies, all with different processes and cultures, opened my eyes to what finance really was. I think, like many others, I had a very limited idea of what the field entailed. One visit that really stood out to me was Google, a company I originally never thought of when thinking about finance. Their panel talked about a lot of the issues and worries that many students have right now. Being able to hear from people who were in similar shoes but are now very successful talk about their journey there was both refreshing and reassuring. They were open about their failures and how they helped them grow and get to where they are today, but also about imposter syndrome and being a minority in the workplace. 
My favorite company visits were Goldman Sachs and Comcast/NBCUniversal. The latter was really interesting because it was part of the entertainment industry and it had never really occurred to me there were opportunities at the intersection of business and media available for us. With both of these companies, we were able to truly understand the pride that comes with being a Michigan student. Hearing from all these alumni talk about their experiences at Michigan and how much love they had for the school was an amazing experience that left me feeling very energized and inspired! 
Overall, the Och Trek provided me with an incredible experience, and I would highly encourage any underclassman who is considering finance to apply! Professionally and personally, this trek was extremely valuable and I’m so glad I was able to participate in it!
  -Sunjuna Chalasani, New York City Trek 2020
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rossoch · 4 years
The NYC Trek arrived at a very timely transition period in our lives as sophomore women with interest in careers in finance. Each firmwide visit was very helpful and allowed for new insights, providing a safe environment to ask questions, to truly understand broadly and navigate our careers. Whether it be the "+1" chat notifications indicative of the culture of Google or the vast Michigan presence of the RBC Capital Markets visit, we learned a lot about different firms and what makes each of them unique. I found myself internally reflecting more on potential career paths, along with sharing ideas and insights with some of the other Och Trek participants. It is truly an opportunity I am grateful to have experienced -- attending the different firm visits alongside other sophomore women created a sense of community in knowing that we all were in this exploration and discovery phase of our college time. 
As a much more reflective experience than I had anticipated, it is easily one of the highlights of my fall semester as the virtual setting allowed for a similar experience had the Trek been in person, in terms of learning about different firms and networking. There was ample opportunity to receive advice and guidance, from practical and technical questions to more abstract and personal experiences. It was a great way to find out more on what feeds our curiosity, through firmwide presentations in addition to smaller breakout sessions oftentimes with Michigan alumni.
The Och Trek was instrumental in helping me decide the next step for what I want to pursue, as I am sure it helps write the narrative of the careers for all participants. I especially loved the moments, such as our very first visit, when several representatives from these different firms introduced themselves having participated in the Och Trek themselves when they were in our shoes just a few years ago. Seeing the experience come full circle was incredibly inspiring, and provided greater clarity to answer the questions of where I am coming from, what I am looking for, and what is to come. As I am grateful for the experience it has provided me, I look forward to seeing the Treks continue its impact years from now.
- Breana Ang, Och NYC 2020
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rossoch · 4 years
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The OCH Trek was a great way to explore the finance industry, learn about different sectors, and network with professionals. Before applying to the OCH Trek, I knew I wanted to pursue a career in finance but I wasn't sure what path I wanted to take within finance. The OCH Trek was definitely a great way to nail down my interests. Although it was virtual and going to the offices would have been amazing, the OCH coordinators did a great job in setting everything up to make it the best possible experience for us. Prior to the company meetings, we had a pre-departure meeting where we conversed with other girls going on the trek and did ice breakers. It was nice to get to know so many new people and see that they were in the same boat.
During the OCH Trek, I learned so much about the finance industry and the opportunities within different firms. Although it was unfortunate that everything went virtual this semester, there were many positives that came along with it. Through virtual company meetings, we were able to get more personal with each other and get a glimpse into the daily lives of members of each firm. Working from home and in comfortable attire attached a more personable feel to conversations. We got to see each person in a setting away from the professional side which made the finance field less intimidating. I enjoyed the breakout rooms and virtual interactive activities that some firms did as well. Overall, the virtual winter trek was a great way to learn more about each firm and get a feel of what we want to go into in the future. 
I highly encourage future women in finance to apply to the OCH Trek. It is a program that will cover the depths of each finance sector, give you an idea of different company cultures, and teach you how to network. I recommend applying and taking advantage of the connections you form afterwards, both with your peers and members of the firms you visit. 
- Anishka Sanghavi, Class of 2023, NYC Trek 2020
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rossoch · 4 years
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Although this year was not the traditional trip to New York City that I had looked forward to, the Och Trek was an event that I will cherish forever. As a woman interested in this field, I felt a thousand steps behind many of my classmates: I hardly had any knowledge of some of the biggest names in the industry, I had no clue there were so many different sectors within each bank, and I thought I was going to feel swallowed alive by my peers because I thought they all knew so much more than me. Even if this was true and I did know way less than all the other girls, they were always there to lift me up. 
Even before we started visiting companies, Claire and Daniella facilitated a pre-departure meeting that included actually fun ice breakers that gave us a chance to get to know the other women on the trek, despite our virtual nature. We actually had a great time getting to know each other and I felt like I had a chance to connect with people in the best way I could given the circumstances. It also gave me a chance to be reassured that I was not the only woman with very little finance knowledge. We collaborated together on different types of questions we could ask the presenters and this helped me build my confidence going into the next 3 Fridays of conversations. 
I loved each and every call we were on, although I was definitely upset we could not be in New York. Each company brought something different to their presentation and kept it engaging, despite being all on zoom. If you decide the Och Trek is something you want to participate in (which I would 100% recommend) do not allow yourself to feel discouraged if you have little to no knowledge. Lean into that. Ask as many questions as you can. Research the companies the a few days before you go into the call. Just take it all in. It is truly an amazing experience that I think everyone should apply for. You meet amazing likeminded women and foster a network that will last forever. 
Bella Muscarello, Class of 2023, NYC Och Trek
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rossoch · 4 years
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The Och Trek was an incredible learning opportunity and I’m so happy I went on it. The day before the Och Trek started, I remember talking with my parents saying I didn’t think I wanted to go into finance and I didn’t know why I was even going on the Och Trek. After that first day of presentations, my mindset completely changed. Getting to hear from finance professionals about their career paths and what their day to day work looks like gave me a new and positive perspective on finance. It was especially helpful hearing from recent graduates about how they, like me, were once not sure what career they wanted to pursue, and how they ended up in finance. The Och Trek opened me up to areas of finance that I didn’t even know existed and helped me picture myself working in the industry. 
It was disappointing that it was all online, but a few women in my house were also on the trek. After each trek day, we’d eat lunch together and debrief, which was fun and fostered a community aspect similar to what the in person Och Trek would have produced. It was neat to hear what each of them took away from the presentations and added another fun layer to an already fun program.
If you are at all considering finance, I highly encourage applying! The Och Trek is an amazing program where you’ll learn so much about finance, work culture, networking, and more.
- Caroline Schmitt, Och NYC Virtual Trek 2020
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rossoch · 4 years
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In the last seven months, I was fortunate enough to attend two of the Och Women in Finance Trek’s that Ross offers BBA women interested in finance. Last March, I flew out to the West Coast and explored all facets of the finance world and was able to solidify my interest in that field. Fast forward seven months later, amidst the ongoing global pandemic, the Och Women in Finance Trek for NYC was still held as planned, albeit virtually.  
The Trek kicked off with visits to three companies all in a different sector of finance. Throughout every presentation I was able to get a solid feel for each culture and grasp what a position in that firm would entail. From Real Estate to Corporate Finance, I gained insights into every role’s day-to-day duties and the structure of each firm.
The Trek started out with Sculptor Capital Management, an alternative asset management company. During the visit, it was clear that the company's emphasis on Environmental Social Governance and diversity was echoed by all the employees. Each and every employee was honest and heartfelt when discussing their experience at the firm. After a brief overview of the company and a deeper dive into the different group functions, there was an engaging Q & A for us Och Women! 
The next visit was with Comcast/ NBCUniversal. Growing up using this company’s platforms, it was eye-opening to learn about the firm from an inside perspective. The lighthearted session started with a Kahoot Trivia game, which was engaging and taught us more about the company and its history. Comcast/NBCUniversal employs a very dynamic rotational program. Ross alumni expanded on their experiences with shifting cities and roles and how positive it has been for them. 
The day ended at Bloomberg with an exciting and engaging conversation about their team mindset. We were joined by Michigan alum and talked about the starting roles available for post graduates and how that role can grow and broaden over time. Each employee spoke with such enthusiasm about Bloomberg it radiated through the Zoom screen. Their collaborative environment made me excited to start my recruiting process! 
I am extremely grateful for the opportunity to attend the NYC Virtual Trek. These 3 days gave me invaluable experience and information on different companies in New York City and helped narrow my interests. 
  - Carly Schwinke, NYC Trek 2020
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rossoch · 4 years
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Hearing all the wonderful stories and experiences from Och Trek participants encouraged me to apply to the program this year. I figured that because of the virtual aspect of the program there would be a lot less of an impact resulting on me but I couldn't have been more wrong. 
As October rolls to an end, I reflect back on the last couple of Friday’s I have spent dedicated to learning more about these wonderful different companies and networking with industry professionals. Before I went on this trek I wasn’t exactly sure what career path I was interested in and was still trying to figure myself out including the best way I can display my interests. Hearing from company leaders and recent graduates really helped me see that finance is an interesting field that I should definitely consider. 
My favorite company visits were those of the Royal Bank of Canada and Goldman Sachs. I loved how excited everyone was to be there and spend their Friday morning or afternoon speaking with us. Hearing from the head of U.S. investment banking was so incredibly rewarding and we were so lucky to have that experience. Not only that, but all of the Michigan pride displayed through the Zoom calls made me proud of my school and our wide alumni base. This made me realize that these individuals started from the same place we are today and inspired me that I could one day end up in a similar place. 
In addition to the company visits, I really liked the fact that we were visiting these companies as a group. Even though we weren’t together in person to build those kinds of bonds, at the pre-departure meeting I had a lot of fun interacting with all of the different girls. I am confident we would have all become a lot closer, but was still thankful for the opportunity to meet so many young, driven women ready to make an impact professionally. 
Overall, I really enjoyed this trek and will definitely hope I have the opportunity to go on the next Chicago or West Coast trek to see careers elsewhere and compare the similarities and differences  so I can develop more insight through knowledge regarding where I might want to end up working after graduation. I am already looking into finance based internships so I can gain even more experience in this field that the Och Trek gave me such a great introductory exposure towards. I highly recommend applying to this program to any underclassman who is still trying to figure out their way and I wish everyone the best of luck in their future endeavors :)
Go Blue!
  Nikita Gollapudi, NYC Och Trek 2020
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rossoch · 4 years
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On our second day of the virtual trek, we had the opportunity to visit and hear from a panel from Blackstone. Being one of the largest firms in America, we often hear about the deals they do in the news and in class, but after attending the Och Trek, I realized how little I actually knew about them prior. I got the chance to get a glimpse of what a career there would look like and how engaging, collaborative, yet motivating the culture is at the company. Speaking of motivating, as a woman exploring finance as a sophomore, I didn’t know much about the field of finance and the various paths you can take within it. However, the companies we talked to were very informative and explained to us exactly what kind of tasks they do and what their industry entails. 
Furthermore, although the treks were virtual this year due to COVID-19, they were so many great opportunities to connect with the panelists through group breakout rooms, Q & A sessions, and much more. And even better, many panelists were Michigan Alumni! Being said, we had the chance to talk about how they set the foundation for their future careers at Michigan through clubs, classes, and more. So even though the majority of the time we were engaging about the field, we also talked about fun topics like football, restaurants, places to study, and anything else Michigan!
Overall, the Och Trek was an amazing experience and very fruitful that I am so glad to have been apart of and would recommend that you do to!
~Bhavya Kadiri, Virtual NYC Och Trek 2020
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rossoch · 4 years
Overcoming with Och: A Story of Growth
As I feverishly researched the different companies we would have meetings with throughout the Och Women in Finance New York Trek, I suddenly became overcome with nerves. How I would be perceived, whether or not my questions would be considered well-thought-out and valuable- these concerns kept me awake on the night before the first round of visits. I knew our purpose in meeting these professionals was the pursuit of knowledge, but I was too preoccupied with trying to leave a good impression on the professionals who were incredibly accomplished and in a world I hadn’t yet experienced.
At 9:00 AM the first morning our visit with Sculptor Capital Management (previously known as Och-Ziff Capital Management) began, accompanied by a surprise nosebleed from a lack of sleep. I hurriedly turned off my camera before texting Claire of my situation, feeling embarrassed and off-balance from an unexpected event that left me scrambling to grab tissues and unable to listen to the first minutes of the call. My nerves doubled, worried that I had left a bad impression.
Throughout the course of the meeting, my concerns were assuaged. The in-depth explanations of different jobs and their functions that I had always been unsure about, the nuanced conversations on culture, and the experience of women working in the finance industry- I was gripped by the authenticity of the people we met and how genuine they were. It was clear that they wanted to help us, that they were willing to share all knowledge and advice on how to follow in their footsteps and decide how we want our odyssey to unfold.
I began our virtual journey to New York intimidated by the thought of asking the wrong questions. With every subsequent visit, I quickly learned that there are no wrong questions. If you want to get the most out of the Och Trek, all that is needed is an active ear and an understanding of the generosity of the people who have taken the time to give us the opportunity to get exposure to a career in finance and life as a professional woman. By the time the end of the trek had arrived with our visit to American Express, I didn’t feel nervous because my experiences gave confidence in my ability to learn from every interaction with those who are so ready and willing to give their knowledge.
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rossoch · 4 years
Being able to participate in this year’s Och Women in Finance New York Trek was an incredible experience. Though we weren’t able to physically tour the headquarters of each firm and wander around New York City, Claire and her team put together such an amazing virtual trek. All of the company visits exposed me to different careers in the financial services industry that I had never considered before. It was also great to meet a group of girls who were interested in pursuing finance careers like me. I had always thought that finance was a completely male-dominated field, so I was really excited to get to work with so many other girls. I now have a network of fellow BBAs that I will definitely see in the future at recruiting events and around Ross. The firm presentations themselves were also extremely beneficial. It was refreshing to see so many finance professionals speaking passionately about their work. It was evident that each one was genuinely interested in their career and excited to share their knowledge with us. I thoroughly enjoyed this trek, and I hope to be able to participate in the next one!
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rossoch · 4 years
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Although visits were virtual this year, meeting with so many companies and experienced individuals was a valuable experience that I will reflect on constantly throughout my recruiting process. I appreciate each employee’s passion for their job and love for their company culture, and it makes me so excited to know I may be in their shoes one day, sharing my love for the job with a group of women with promising futures. 
There was one conversation that stuck with me, and I am certain it will impact me not just through the recruiting process, but through my entire professional life. When visiting with American Express, our last visit of the entire trek, one of the women from the company mentioned imposter syndrome in passing. During the Q&A portion of the meeting, I asked the women to describe their experiences with confidence, or lack thereof, in the workplace more in depth. They all recognized that they had experiences with imposter syndrome and gave their own methods for overcoming it. They mentioned to “fake it until you make it”, recommending you fake confidence until it comes naturally. They also mentioned that when recruiting, you must prove yourself to multiple people, such that when you’re offered a position, those people see potential that you must recognize. It was so encouraging to hear accomplished women share honest answers about these specific hardships in their careers. I personally have experienced moments of self-doubt, so it was valuable to hear that I was not alone in those feelings. 
While I learned a lot professionally throughout the trek, I know the advice the women at AMEX shared is something that we all can apply to our life beyond our career. In my remaining time at Ross, I will hold this advice at the front of my mind to reassure myself that I am capable of doing anything I set my mind to. 
- Libby Schrank, Virtual NYC Trek 2020
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