#Rosie's 100 Days of OCs challenge
rosielav · 1 year
Rosie's 100 Days of OCs challenge
Day 4!!!!!! (4/100)
It's Zoid!!! A little caterbeepillar! Inspired by a knockoff squishmellow, Zoid is super squishy, super soft, and always down for a nice cuddle.
Dish out the drama with Zoid, who gobbles up gossip like nobody's business. Did you know Martha got a third apartment downtown? And this one *also* has a dungeon - I mean cellar?
Zoid lives for it. Tell Zoid all. He will make some biscuits to pass the time.
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nihilnovisubsole · 6 years
oh hey it’s a shipping meme
kamibanani tagged me in this over a month ago, and i’ve been meaning to do it ever since, oops. time to take a stroll around the fandom block again
warning in advance, this is very long. i’ve contained the chaos under the cut!
1. Ultimate OTP
i already know this is a cop-out, but i really couldn’t pick one, because all the ships i’ve written have filled important roles in different parts of my life
nancy and butch were the first ship i let myself ship “in earnest,” instead of doing ship art and fanfic while loathing myself for it. in the same way, oleg and rosie went a long way toward getting rid of my sense of shame about doing shippy/romantic creative work. they’re an inherently ridiculous couple in an inherently ridiculous story, so i took it as a given that it was silly and pressed on.
zaeed and irina are kind of a reminder to myself that you have to let yourself be human to be in a relationship. you can’t be a marble statue. you have to be vulnerable. your partner will see you with no makeup, and find out what turns you on. they’re also in some ways about being embarrassed about who you’re attracted to, and struggling to reconcile who you are with who you think you should be. tgoed was another big, messy meatloaf about my relationship with men - how i love them but struggle with my fear of them hurting me, which makes jo snarky and dominant and sad and lonely all at once.
i can already tell this is going to be a monster of a post, so i’d better move on, oops
2. A ship you’ll always love
i still don’t want to make myself try to pick one, so it’s more a question of what relationship models i like
i like battle couples, i like snarky couples who play fight, i like couples who are understated about their affections for each other. any DINK couples will end up at least somewhere up there on my list, for many sappy reasons that i won’t bore you with. most of all, i like couples who know they don’t need each other, but they want to be with each other anyway, because it makes life that much better.
i also like when characters have a flaw that they’re able to overcome with love, because even if it’s not always realistic, it’s really satisfying to read. we may not be responsible for “fixing” our partners, but isn’t it nice when a relationship is a positive influence on someone? isn’t it nice to think that one character could bring out the best in another, and make the other want to do the same for them? again, i’m getting too deep here.
3. Your current obsession
hands down, marcus and livia, my favorite rogue girl and strong-eyebrowed boy. i’ve spent two years working with them for dangerous crowns and i still haven’t gotten tired of them.
i was talking to my mother about this over dinner the other night: marcus and livia know they’re at their best when they’re combined. marcus is the trope of the great general who’s bad at politics. i’ve said that before - he’s a shrewd tactician, but a blunt object at court. he’s also gotten everything in life by playing by the rules, so he’s squeamish about breaking them - and when he tries, the results can be unpredictable. livia, on the other hand, has enough guile for both of them. she can play courtiers like a fiddle, and has decades of spy skills to get her out of trouble. however, if she’s not careful, she gets too vigilante sometimes. she’s used to street justice, and marcus has to talk her down from some of her more drastic instincts.
neither one of them would be able to save histria by themselves. but together, they’re a serious threat, because they shield each other’s weak spots. and when things get dark and they do find themselves tilting toward a moral cliff, it’s their love for each other that pulls them back from the edge.
you know me, i could talk about marcus and livia all day. i don’t want to make the story out to be more than it is, but i put a lot of thought into them.
4. A ship you never thought you’d like
to be honest, i never saw myself getting into dragon age at all, in part because none of the love interests jumped out at me. and then i was like, “oh, who am i kidding? i write ships with unromanceable characters all the time.”
so, uh, congratulations, varric and carmine! you got me into a whole IP. sure, both my halfway-developed dragon age characters ended up being companion OCs instead of wardens, hawkes, or inquisitors, but whatever. since when have i enjoyed a game the way it was meant to be enjoyed
5. A ship you liked but don’t anymore
well, there was that kaidan/irina thing a few years ago. i know, i’m sorry, it’s the one i bring up every time.
kaidan and irina had the problem of being nice on paper, but thoroughly incompatible. kaidan is open with his affections. irina’s embarrassed by that. kaidan is casual. irina is formal to an infuriating fault. kaidan wants to keep the line of communication open at all times - he wants to talk about feelings, he wants you to be vulnerable so he can help. irina turns inward. she wants to suffer in private and come back in her own time. that would make kaidan pry further, which would make irina hide more, et cetera.
zaeed is more distant. that doesn’t sound healthy for her, but it’s actually what irina is more comfortable with. zaeed has been around enough to realize that she needs space, and also to know that her relationship demons have nothing to do with him. not how she needs to be perfect, not the shame she feels about sex, none of it. it’s not that he doesn’t care. it’s just that he knows better than to ask. zaeed has seen the weirdest, most strung-out parts of the galaxy. a woman who has trouble expressing her feelings is not that big a deal.
i feel bad for kaidan fans every time i talk about this one. i really don’t dislike him, the ship was just a bad fit. sometimes you write something thinking it’s going to be great, but the more you dig into it, the more you realize it doesn’t work.
6. A ship you think should be canon
i hate to admit it, but i prefer it when the few non-OC ships i like are never "confirmed onscreen,” and stay in the realm of unresolved tension. the payoff rarely satisfies me as much as what fans come up with. i think it’s the same principle people talk about with “showing the monster” in horror movies - the audience’s imagination is more effective than anything you can show them. [i’ve heard this attributed to hitchcock, but i can’t be sure it’s him.]
the ideal for me is when creators leave characters’ love lives blank, so i can smoosh an OC against them and thoroughly run away with it. my city now! my city now!! my city now!!!
7. A canon ship you hate
bold of you to assume i’m actually going to say anything negative about the [various, but rare] canon ships i dislike that much
8. A ship you’ve shipped for years
at some point or other, i always come back to 47 and diana, mainly because they seem to pull through whatever challenges their franchise throws at them. i’ve already talked way too much about why i like their dynamic, so i’ll just link back to this post instead of putting you through another round of it!
9. A ship everyone loves but you don’t care about
going back to question 7, “a canon ship you hate,” this is what happens with like, almost every popular ship i see. it takes a lot of awfulness for me to sit up and go, “oh god, that ship.” either that, or it has to involve one of the tropes on my instant-kill list. even when a canon/canon ship is good - maybe even great! - i’m so used to “cooking my own food,” it has to really jump out at me for me to get attached to it.
99 times out of 100, ships float by me like a gentle breeze. it’s like that meme of the video game dad:
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10. Favorite rare-pair
oh, come on, look at who you’re talking to 😂 this entire meme is rarepairs, i don’t know how to ship anything else!
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so-caffeinated · 7 years
You are the first and only writer I have read for this fandom. I love your work so much, I've re read all your Arrow stories twice (even the Firefly one even though I've never watched it). Do you have any favorite Olicity fics to recommend to keep me from going crazy my first hiatus? (I binged the first 4 seasons last year)
This is awesome!! Thank you! I’m super honored. And do I have recs? Oh yes, I have recs. 
First rec isn’t actually a fic, it’s a resource… @theolicitylibrary. If you want recs, they’ve got ‘em. If you want a specific trope or rating or genre, they’ve got that, too. Have a hankering for a fic where Oliver and Felicity are business rivals? There’s a link for that. Where she’s the vigilante instead? There’s a link for that, too. Where one of them is a werewolf? Yup. They’re an amazing resource and you can lose days (and weeks and months) going through lists of alpha/omega tropes and rockstar AUs and friends-to-lovers fics. 
But more specifically… how about I rec some authors, too? I haven’t been reading much lately - I spend all my time writing - so I’m more comfortable reccing authors I know are amazing and whose works I’m looking forward to catching up on. They’re all consistently excellent. This is by no means an all inclusive list.
@dust2dust34 - My co-writer for FiCoN and personal fav (though I admit to no small amount of bias). If you want smut and you want details and mining a scene for feelings, Bre is your girl. She has plenty of oneshots to choose from as well as some multichapter fics.  
@machawicket - Look, I can’t overstate Danielle’s skills as a writer. My husband doesn’t even read my fic but he likes hers. Her writing is funny, sweet, sexy and heartbreaking in turn but it’ll never leave you unsatisfied. She’s a master. 
@anthfan - Nikki is one of those writers that’s so good she makes you forget you’re reading a story, because it’s just something you’re living. It’s an experience. Her characterization is spot-on and her plots are super engaging. She writes both one-shots and longer stories. They’re all worth your time.
@hannasus - Susannah’s writing is the perfect balance of detailed exposition and tight narrative that lets you feel like you’ve experienced the whole setting in just a few lines. Add to that fully in-character characterization and interesting plots that keep you reading and you really can’t go wrong. I recommend reading her Something Like Fate series ASAP as she’s adapted it into the basis for an original novel (which she’s publishing later this year) and it may not be up on AO3 a whole lot longer. 
@rosietwiggs - I can always tell Rosie’s work in just a few lines. Her narrative voice is so very distinctive and so gripping that it pulls me in effortlessly. I don’t believe she’s writing for Arrow anymore, but even her unfinished works are worth a read. I especially recommend The New Normal, Lengths and How The Mighty Fall In Love.
@supersillyanddorky06 - I’d be surprised if you hadn’t heard around about Matty’s writing because she’s right at the core of the Olicity fandom’s best known fanfics. With good reason. She’s prolific, plotty, smutty and evocative. If you have a weakness for Bratva!Oliver, I’d start here. 
@jsevick - I first met Jaimie after reading her Jurassic Park AU (really!) and being both delighted and amazed that she could make it work. I’m extremely lucky to have had her help as my beta pretty much ever since. If you like my writing, she’s a big part of it (along with @alizziebyanyothername). While she hasn’t posted in a while, her stories are just fun and if you like Gilmore Girls, her Arrow AU for Gilmore Girls is a treat!
@realityisoverrated-fic - I have no idea how you would feel about Smoaking Billionaires, Anon (I personally love it), but I’ve got to very highly recommend her Infinite Love series. At 110 parts and counting, it deals extensively with Oliver, Felicity and Tommy’s family longterm, including their kids. It’s alternately hot, sweet, and heartbreaking. But, most of all, it’s just well-written and interesting. If you’re willing to read them as a triad, I cannot recommend this strongly enough.
@geneeste - I would pay for more of Caught a Long Wind. Quite literally. But, that aside, Genie is a top notch writer. Whether her one-shots, WiPs or brilliant, ongoing epic co-written work with @machawicket, everything she writes should be devoured. 
@juliesioux - Julie uses the setting in a story as another character. There’s so much life to the world she puts her characters in that it practically breathes. Above that, she doesn’t shy away from hard topics. She will rush in head-first and dig deep to explore what her characters are going through. When you read her work, take her warnings seriously, but if you’re looking for a rich story to read that challenges you, she’s the perfect option to turn to.
@thatmasquedgirl - One of the most prolific Olicity fic authors (with 110 fics, including the absolute opus Technical Assistance). She’s consistently excellent, creative and she gives us as a fandom a whole lot to read. You can probably spent a huge chunk of hiatus happily buried in her work.
@entersomethingcleverhere - As a rule, I do not read first person stories. Not even when they’re published books sitting on shelves at my bookstore. I will break that rule for her writing. I like it that much. It’s heartfelt, moving, well-paced, and the connections between her characters are both real and evolving as you go. 
@arrow-through-my-writers-block - Shelby is… well, she’s just fun! She’s a solid writer who never disappoints. She’s got quite a few one-shots and a few ongoing multi-chapters. She’s probably best known for Starstruck, but all of her work is worth reading.  
@wagamiller - I just really love wagamiller’s work. Like a lot. There are very few authors I have on alert, but wagamiller is. Stories that make me laugh out loud are few and far between, but the 35B series surely did (as did @machawicket‘s Unbearable Hotness of Being, btw). Strong, sharp, witty writing that will leave you with a grin on your face.
@callistawolf - When I think of Callie’s work, I think of the fanfic version of sitting down with some hot cocoa and curling up with a warm blanket to watch a Hallmark Christmas special. She’s consistently excellent about finishing her work, which is lovely, and you can pretty much always count on a feel-good romantic ending. 
@hopedreamlovepray - Writing one-shots that stick with your reader is hard. Keeping a story to 1-2k and still being impactful is even harder. She absolutely manages it every time. Hope27 (as she’s known on AO3, so you can find her) has something like a hundred Olicity fics. These are, in my opinion, absolutely perfect if you want to lose yourself in a story on the train to work or during your lunch hour. 
@dettiot - Mel has a lot of great stories (like really great). My favorite is probably the “ink in my pen ran dry” series, but that’s a really tough call. Core Curriculum is super hot. The Felicity Stark series (crossover with Avengers-verse) is brilliant and fun and made me giddy while reading it. Beauty in the Breakdown is excellent. Jerry the EA series features one of the best takes on a relative OC I’ve read in fics. Love is Red made me squeal like a teenager with excitement (I’m not ashamed; it was warranted). And Two Men, Same Name (written with @melsanfo) is one of those that I am absolutely dying for the time to catch up on. While I’m at it, let’s rec Mel Sanfo, too. Her Masquerade is another novel-length fic absolutely worth a read. You really can’t go wrong with either of these ladies. 
@ash818 - Ash is freaking awesome. So, here’s the thing. Her Legacy series is mind-blowingly good. I have to admit, I’ve only read The Man Under The Hood in the series (this is intentional, for a reason you’ll see in a moment, but you need to read all of her work ASAP, okay? You do). This series… you’ve got future, married Olicity with teenage children as they continue their mission. There’s action, plot, heartbreak, angst, love, everything you could want. It’s in first person from their son’s perspective which is something I would probably never have clicked on in the first place had it not come highly recommended, but good lord is it amazing. All of her characters have life. All of them have depth. Her OCs are fully formed and vital to the story without overshadowing characters you already know. I haven’t read the later stories because after I decided to continue on with FiCoN verse, I didn’t want to inadvertently shade my views on Olicity’s growing family and continuing mission with anything she did in her series. If anything I do happens to run parallel to her work, I want to know beyond any doubt that it’s 100% coincidence. But her stories are something I’m absolutely itching to get to read… eventually. Her writing is excellent.  
@tinaday3w - I’m tempted to say “JUST READ IT” but that’s probably not enough… But really, just read it. No one does slow burn like Tina. Victorian era AU with pirate!Oliver? Yes, please. Hello. I’ll take two.
@emmilynestill - She’s just so good. And sooooo hot. I don’t know if you know this, Anon, but writing a good sex scene is hard. You don’t want your reader pulled out of the scene by wondering if a position is actually possible or when underwear came off (or if it did) or how gravity isn’t making them collapse. Like… smut is difficult. But it reads so effortlessly with Emmilyne’s writing. And, beyond that, she weaves it in beautifully with plot that keeps you wondering what’s next and emotion that builds and grows in an organic way. Orgasms and organic feelings. Honestly, what else could anyone really want?
@ruwithmeguys - Jess will gut you and leave you asking her to do it again. Indecent Proposal… just… read the warnings and be ready and read it with a lot of time on your hands and probably in chunks because ouch. But still… read it.
@academyofshipping - Sarah has this dry sense of humor that comes out in her fics that’s as clever as it is fun. Fluffy, funny, smart, cute and rich with feeling, Sarah’s writing is consistently strong. 
@someonesaidcake - Felice is fantastic for completed, multichapter AU fics. She has quite a few and I’m pretty sure every single one included smut at some point (if that’s your thing) as well as plot. 
And… I’ve spent like an hour and a half on this which was a lovely diversion for my day. I know I’m forgetting amazing people but I have to stop here. When in doubt, take the title of a fic you like, google that name in quotes along with “rec list” and find someone’s list where that story was included, then explore the others. Or, check the bookmarks on AO3 of an author you like, that’s a great place to mine for fics, too. And, again, I can’t rec @theolicitylibrary enough. That said… happy reading, Anon! We’ll get through this hiatus together… through fic and sheer force of will. ;-)
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rosielav · 1 year
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Rosie's 100 Days of OCs challenge
Day 3!! (3/100)
Ricardo, the fancy sentient corn cob! Just like Flapjack the bag mimic, I had to look up reference for this drawing, which was lots of fun! I haven't gotten much experience using references, so it's been really fun taking common objects and making them silly or sentient or whatever :)
Ricardo is basically a Fabio type, except corn. He walks with his hands as he has no legs, hips, or really anything besides his cob. High fashion is his life and he specializes in earth tones for his collections.
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rosielav · 1 year
Almost finished with the ROY G BIV theme for my 100 Days of OCs challenge!!!!!
Just have the twins - Beauregard and Violet - and then it's on to the next theme (fun composition)!!!!!
Please enjoy OCs #8-12 R O Y G and B :))
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Jeramy Leramy - works at The Mall, which has been closed for 25 years. His paychecks keep coming in, and that money keeps spending, so he keeps coming in for his shift at CD-Romania. He agrees it's a bad pun.
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Queen Clemmie - Queen of De Land (Florida). Clemmie is 9 years old and her favorite thing is playing games with her friends and the royal guards. She's highly intelligent, but also quite silly, so it balances out.
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Bobby Yayane - Orange Knights are the direct protectors of the royal family, which means nowadays the direct protector of Clemmie. Orange Knights, for some reason, have a fairly low lifespan. Bobby is the oldest known Orange Knight, which is clear when you know that the orange fades the older the knights get. He loves Clemmie like his own daughter.
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Grunhilda - Witch of the Woods. Royal medic, advisor, and overall That Person in the kingdom. If something is going wrong, everyone looks to Grunhilda, because she either caused the trouble, or knows how to fix it. Clemmie adores Grunhilda, and vice versa. The path to her cottage in The Woods is well worn, with many budding flowers and fruits along the way; signifiers of Clemmie's many trips. Bobby and Grunnie don't always see eye to eye, but they always do what's best for Clemmie.
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Bluebell - baby's first cowgirl!!! I have very limited experience drawing animal folks, or even people with animal characteristics. I'm not sure how Bluebell fits into the OC Universe yet, as I have to decide if the Orange Kingdom has anthro animals or not. Regardless, she is welcomed into the family with open arms :)
Bluebell loves to sing and dance, especially outside with friends. Handmade music is like magic to her, and she's able to turn that into real life actual magic through her songs. Flowers bloom, food tastes better, wounds heal... Everything gets a lil better when Bluebell sings her songs.
I hope yall enjoyed this post :) If you'd like to see OCs #1-7, or want more info on any of these (or my other) OCs, please ask!!!!!!!
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rosielav · 1 year
Good morning little gay people in my phone
I keep posting my art in the morning, despite knowing that my posts get traction after 7pm lol
Anyways, here's the 11th installment of my 100 Days of OCs challenge :) I'm currently in the middle of a ROY G BIV theme, with this character of course being my Green.
Pleased to introduce Grunhilda, Witch of the Woods. Member of the royal counsel, Grunhilda acts not only as the royal medic, but as... Well, basically Queen Clemmie's really cool Aunt. When the kingdom is in trouble, the counsel will always rush to Grunhilda.... Partially because that's where the trouble usually starts, partially because if she didn't start it, she can probably stop it. She, as her name suggests, lives in the Woods, but it's a very lovely walk from the castle to her cottage, so no one really minds, least of all Grunhilda.
When I have the time and energy, I'm really looking forward to making her outfit. Her hair is the texture of fallen orange leaves, with the colors representing the various stages of decay. Her outfit will probably be quite similar :) I'm excited.
(Day 11/100)
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rosielav · 1 year
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Please enjoy these faces of Jeramy Laramy, my red OC, part of the ROY G BIV theme for my 100 Days of OCs challenge :)
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rosielav · 1 year
Since I'm finally 10% done, here is one drawing(or set) for each of my new OCs so far :D
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In order, with themes:
OC 1-7 Friendship Week - asked 7 friends for an OC they wanted to see me draw
Biff Chuffley
Flapjack the Rucksack Mimic
Ricardo the sentient corn
Zoid the catterbee
A friend's OC from dnd
The blue water dragoon (based on a friend's url)
The Man Eating Serpent
OC 8-14 - ROY G BIV (ROY complete)
Jeramy Laramy
Queen Clemmie
Bobby Yayane, Orange Knight (fading to yellow)
Let me know what you guys think :) who is your favorite? What are you looking forward to? Still 90 new OCs to meet, and I'm excited to share them all with you!! Let me know if there's a theme you want to see as well, as my next one is Cool Composition (action shots, references sheets, 3-5 poses/scenes on one page, etc) but after that idk!
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rosielav · 1 year
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The start of my Yellow OC
Bobby Yayane, Orange Knight.... Kind of.
He fought alongside King Navel in the Acidic Wars of years long past, and now serves the kings daughter, Queen Clemmie, as she grows up in the kingdom of De Land.
Now much older than most Orange Knights live to be, his colors are fading, leaving his skin, beard, hair, and eyes splotched with yellow streaks. Clemmie affextionally refers to this as Salt and Lemon Pepper, which Bobby likes quite a bit.
Although not in his peak fighting form, he is still in shape and ready and able to fight for his kingdom, his family, his Queen.
Here's Clemmie btw :) she's 9
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rosielav · 1 year
Rosie's 100 Days of OCs challenge!!!
(Day 9/100)
I'll probably end up making a long post with all of them when I'm done, bc I simply do not remember if I'm caught up of not on here VS Twitter :')
I am pleased to introduce, her Royal Highness, Queen of De Land (FL), Clementine!
She's 9 years old, loves to learn and play and giggle and jump and roll around. The royal guards enjoy her antics much more than the old Queen's.... So they really just let her do whatever. Her very best friend, a stuffed orange named Navy, is the vessel of a lost spirit, but because she is 9, everyone just figures he's her imaginary friend.
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rosielav · 2 years
Rosie's 100 Days of OCs Challenge!!
Day 1 of 100!
Friendship week!!! (taking bespoke OCs/descriptions of new characters from friends)
Our very first New friend is Biff Chuffley, an angry fuzzball of a man. He loves plain popcorn, long walks on the beach (to punch sand), and his many succulent children (and Gerald, the rat, who he sees as his roommate).
Can't wait to draw him more and nail down his design. I love him already. We stan a tism king.
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