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A Phone Call Away
Prompt: Please, Come over. I don’t want to spend Christmas alone.
Jon Moxley x Reader
Word Count: 1,240
Summary: Y/N is alone for Christmas and thought she’d be okay. In the midst of seeing everyone’s happy social media, she becomes sad and lonely and reaches out to her friend Jon Moxley, asking for him to come over.
Warnings: Angst/Fluff -----------
Third Person POV
Y/N sat there in complete silence. Everyone had gone to their respective homes already for Christmas and she… well she had no one to go back home to any longer. She was spending it alone in Massachusetts, with the snow falling outside. The night before seemed to go just fine, only the slight sting of loneliness hitting her as she lay down to sleep.
Though it was this morning that had her aching for company; someone she could just spend time with. All the other superstars were posting pictures with their families, and loved ones, and it truly made Y/N ache to have that once more. She looked through her phone and landed on the one name she knew would be in the area. He had mentioned he would only be in Rhode Island if she needed him. At the time she’d rolled her eyes at him and replied with ‘I’ll be fine’. To say she was stubborn would be a huge understatement. Her finger hovered over the name as she swallowed what pride she had.
“You’ve reached Moxley, I couldn’t get to my phone so leave a message and I’ll try to call you back.” Y/N knew this was the worse thing she had done as her stomach twisted in knots. “Hey Mox its Y/N I’m just calling because.” A long pause was heard between her words before she finally spoke again “look if you’re still around, I could, would you, please come over. I don’t want to spend Christmas alone.” Her voice broke slightly as she uttered the last words before hanging up.
“Can’t say I hadn’t tried.” She mumbled as she got up, and went over to the kitchen to fix herself a cup of hot chocolate. Hours passed with no word from Mox but she wasn’t surprised, knowing him he was out doing typical Jon Moxley crap, working out or at a bar, hell probably even some poor strip club. Four o’clock rolled around and she ordered Chinese food from her favorite place, she could always count on them to be open.
Moxley’s POV
I had woken up hungover as shit, it didn’t help that I had seen my ex out with her new guy. Rolling out of bed my head pounded and for a split second I swore I’d never drink again. Jumping in the shower I wonder about Y/N, she used to love this time of year until he’d left her for someone else. It broke my heart to see such a sweet girl go through all of that. I had grown closer to her over the years and that's what made my ex leave, she swore I was cheating on her with Y/N but it couldn’t have been further from the truth.
Getting out I hear my phone ringing and stumble over to answer it, only to find it had gone to voicemail. I got dressed waiting to see if whoever it was would leave a message. Hearing the phone beep I picked it up and put the message on speaker phone. Hearing Y/N’s voice, the sadness in it, hurt. ‘Please come over, I don’t want to spend Christmas alone’ that’s where it ended and I knew I had to be there for her. I grabbed my stuff and made my way to her house. It shouldn’t have taken more than two hours, but the holiday traffic was a bitch. I got there just as I saw a delivery guy about to knock. “Yo! I’ll take that.” I ran over to him, and paid taking the food and watching him leave. I stood at her door, and took a deep breath, before knocking.
Third Person POV
Y/N licked her lips as she got up to answer the door, she might have been sad but there was no reason to be sad and hungry. Opening the door she was looking over at the table with her cash on it. “One second I’ll grab the money.” she chirped trying to seem happier than she was and most likely failing. Mox grinned seeing the woman not paying attention. “Y/N don’t worry I’ll already paid.” She stopped in her tracks and turned to look at Moxley, a genuine smile, gracing her lips. She quickly moved aside allowing him into the house. “I can’t believe you really came.” She took the bag of food setting it down before wrapping her arms around him. A slight sniffle coming from her. “Of course I came Y/N.” He scratched the back of his neck “Sorry it took so long traffic wasn’t the easiest to get through.” She shook her head not caring, she was just happy he was there.
“Come on, let’s grab some bowls and drinks and eat!” She chirped as Mox made his way to the living room. Y/N returned quickly with everything needed as she plopped down next to him. “Thank you so much for coming.” She hugged him once more as they pulled up a movie to watch. Moxley hummed as they both ate, and he wouldn’t lie he enjoyed the fact that he had made Y/N so happy just by being there. But he hadn’t come just out of friendship, and now was as good a time as any to tell her. The movie ended and Y/N smiled up at him “We can watch another if you want?” Moxley shifted and looked down at her “I need to tell you something first.” His voice serious and low had Y/N worried about what this was about, she nodded her head for him to continue.
Moxley stood up and looked down at her, he couldn’t hide the twinkle in his eyes. “Y/N, you know I’m not great with feelings and all.” He began to say as he bounced on the heels of feet, she went to speak but he stopped her. “Please don’t say anything until I finish.” Y/N nodded her head and allowed him to continue. “Look, at first we were just friends, travel buddies, we talked, and laughed, and told stories. We grew close but there was always that safety net of not falling because we were both taken.” He swallowed hard past the lump in his throat. “After everything happened in our personal lives, that net crumbled and fell away. I don’t want to hide the truth from you Y/N.” He looked into her eyes and bit his lip. “I love you, and not just in a ‘oh hey your my best friend’ kind of way, I love you in away that I should have loved my ex. I hate the idea of you being sad, or hurt or alone. I’d do any and everything to make sure that never happened. Yes I’m reckless and crazy in the ring, but you’ve always understood that about me, and supported me, which only made me love you more.”
Y/N smiled as she stood up on her tippy toes and kissed Moxley softly. “I love you too Jon, I just didn’t want to say anything out of fear of losing our friendship. I’ll always support your choices, that doesn’t mean they don’t terrify me though.” She giggled as she lead him to sit back down on the couch. She snuggled into his side and hummed “Thank you for coming. You;ve made this the best Christmas ever.”
I’d like to thank @theworldofotps and @writtingrose
For giving this story a once over and making sure it was good enough. You two are the best
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Deck The Halls
Pairing: Drew McIntyer x Reader Word Count:622 Description: Decorating the tree with Drew for Christmas.
For @writtingrose Christmas writing challenge ________ Tag list: @writtingrose @biforbecky2belts @sassymox @sjwrites22 @wrestlersownmyheart @the-beastslayers-queen @thewrestlingwarehouse @new-zealand-chic @reigns420 @sassyspacedust @burnitbalor @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk @xladyxfatex @biforrollynch @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @demonqueen29 @theeblueehazee @itsicantbelievethis666
If you wanna be added to the list lemme know! _______
Drew smiles watching his girlfriend struggling to hold up four large wreaths and looks at him with a grin on her face.
"Okay babe, which wreath do you think would be best for the front door?"
Looking between them he chuckles shaking his head. They were all kinda ugly but he couldn't bring himself to crush the look of happiness in her face.
"How about the holly with presents one?"
Y/n looks at the wreath smiling and nods her head letting him take the wreath so she could put the others back. Placing it in their trolley they walk around gathering a few more items then head to the check out. Drew ushers y/n into the car having her warm it up while he loads their bags turning on the Christmas CD y/n cranks up the heat. The ride home is spent with y/n singing loudly to the radio and laughing at the few lines Drew throws in. When they finally arrive home they grab their bags quickly getting in out of the cold snow and icy wind.
"Okay my love what are we decorating first?"
"Let's hang garland around the ceiling then we can add some lights and go from there."
Y/n smiles happily, as she pulls out the red and green garland, handing it to Drew to hold while she digs out the tacks. Working together, they managed to hang the garland around the ceiling then in entwining lights with it. Adding a few more decorations around the house y/n turns her attention to the tree.
"Drew baby? Are you ready to decorate the tree?"
"Go ahead and start I'm busy."
"What are you doing?"
"Decking the halls."
He chuckles knowing y/n would be rolling her eyes and he was correct grabbing the lights y/n begins winding them around the tree. Standing on her tiptoes she manages almost the whole tree apart from the top damn Drew and his need for a tall ass tree. Leaving the top bare y/n begins on the garland wrapping the shiny material around the tree.
"Um lass? Why is the top bare?"
"Because not everyone is as tall as you and this tree Drew I couldn't reach it so if you want it decorated you'll have to do it."
Drew chuckles as he finishes wrapping the lights and garland around the tree.
"What's next?"
"The decorations we'll save the tinsel for last."
She smiles dragging the large box over to sit next to the tree, going into the kitchen she quickly makes two hot chocolates and a get a plate of Christmas cookies to enjoy while they decorate.
"Turn the music up and let's start decorating start decorating!"
Y/n cheers as she grabs a few ornaments and begins hanging them on the tree. Drew grabs a few as well the two working together to decorate the tree humming along to the music. By the end they're both singing to Winter Wonderland and Drew has his arms wrapped around Y/n's waist lifting her to place the tree topper on.
"The tree looks beautiful!"
"Aye sure does my love."
Drew smiles kissing y/n softly then leading her to sit on the couch to finish their cookies and hot chocolate. Drew lays the blanket from the couch over their legs, y/n curls into Drew's side watching the lights slowly blink.
"I'm so excited for Christmas."
She says softly kissing Drew's cheek playing with his fingers Drew kisses her lips softly smiling.
"I am too baby, how about we go celebrate a little early."
Smirking Drew picks y/n up and begins walking upstairs to their room he was about to make her body sing.
#drew mcintyre#drew mcintyre x reader#wwe#wwe one shot#drew mcintyre one shot#RosesChristmaswritingchallenge#RCWC#christmas fic
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Snowball Fights and Christmas Lights
This piece is for the “Christmas Writing Challenge” set forth by the lovely @writtingrose. Thanks for the challenge and I hope you enjoy!
(Also, I'm not totally comfortable with writing accents so I hope that doesn't take anything away from the story).
Snowball Fights and Christmas Lights
Synopsis: The reader and her boyfriend, Drew, decorate the outside of their house for Christmas. Things get a little rowdy.
Characters: Female!Reader x Drew McIntyre
Word Count: 692
Warnings: Fluffy adorableness
“Okay, how's that?” Drew asks you as he backs up onto the sidewalk in front of the house. The front yard is abundant with plastic snowmen, mechanical light-up reindeer, and glowing candy canes. Multi-colored lights twinkle along the trimming of the house and the windows.
You stand beside him, feet together and arms crossed tightly in front of your chest. The two of you have been setting up the decorations for a good hour in the cold and the snow. Your fingers have turned to ice. Shivers have taken over your entire body. “For the millionth time, Drew, it looks fine. Now can we go inside? It's freezing out here.”
Drew pouts. “No. 'Fine' isn't good enough.” A quiet scoff escapes your lips as he trudges back into the ankle-deep snow that covers the front lawn. He moves a few over sized candy canes and one of the mechanical deer. “How about now, Y/N?” he asks, joining you on the sidewalk once again.
“Drew, seriously honey, the house looks great. Can we be done now before my toes turn blue?”
He wraps his arms around you from behind and pulls you close to him. “Oh, come now, love. I just want our house to look perfect for you.” He leans down and places a soft kiss on your cheek.
“I know,” you admit. You turn to face Drew and gently place your hands on either side of his face. “But, in this weather, perfection needs to take less time.” You smile and give him a quick kiss on the lips. He gazes into your eyes for a moment before turning his attention back to the house.
“I should wrap lights around the bushes,” Drew whispers excitedly. He makes a beeline for the garage where he digs around in the plastic storage containers for more lights. You watch in mild annoyance as he winds long strings of white lights around the two tall, skinny bushes on either side of the front steps.
As Drew continues to fiddle with the lights, his back turned to you, a sly smile forms on your lips. You sneak into the yard, scoop up a handful of snow, and pack it into a neat, little ball. You creep closer and closer to Drew, who still has his back to you, until you are within striking range. You hurl the snowball at Drew, hitting him right between the shoulder blades. Drew turns slowly, his eyebrow raised in a playful manner. You slowly bend down, pack together more snow, and chuck another snowball at him. This time, Drew ducks to avoid getting hit. “Alright, now you've done it,” you hear him mutter under his breath, a cheeky grin on his face.
Drew begins to chase you through the yard, throwing snowballs at you as he does. You giggle as you run from him, haphazardly throwing more snowballs behind you in retaliation. You zig-zag between all of the Christmas decorations and use some of the taller decorations as shields. Eventually, the snowballs stop flying as Drew catches up to you. He wraps his arms around you from behind and carefully swings you around in a circle, losing his footing as he does so. The two of you collapse side by side into the snow, laughing.
You roll over and snuggle up to Drew. “You know, the decorations really do look perfect. Thank you for making the house look so beautiful.”
Drew smiles warmly. “A beautiful house for an even more beautiful woman.”
“Aww, you're so sweet,” you blush. You caress his cheek and kiss him tenderly.
“So,” Drew chimes, “since we're done decorating, how about we go inside, get out of these snow-covered clothes, and help each other warm up...if you know what I mean?” He winks at you playfully.
“Ooh, yes please,” you reply sensually. Drew gives you a quick kiss before he stands and then helps you to your feet. He lifts you up off the ground and carries you into the house.
You smile as you glance out the window and see the warm glow of Christmas lights against the snow.
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Christmas Feelings
with Braun Strowman
Braun x Sophie
Angst and sweet fluff
Rose’s Christmas Writing Challenge
Word count: 1075
It was Christmas Eve day, all the homes were lit up with beautiful Christmas lights and decorations. A white truck pulls up to a cute, Ireland style, stone made home. A young woman named Sophie hops out and says goodbye to her family. She goes inside to the vacant home, her cat jumps onto the couch and she pets them. Her eyes seemed distant as she walks from the living room of the house to her bathroom. After a hot shower, she walked to her room and lays in bed.
Sophie curled up looking up at the ceiling. She was all alone since her best friend/roommate left to spend Christmas with her lover and family. She turned on her tv to watch a movie. However she felt even more lonely as an hour passed. Dark thoughts began to dance in her head. A single voice of doubt was playing tricks with her heart. “Seems it’s going to be a rather lonely Christmas for you! Not even the man you like is gonna come around. Too shy to even ask! Why would he want a pathetic thing like you?”
Sophie presses her face into her pillow. Tears roll down her cheeks as she sniffles. She hates when her self hate and doubt kick in like this. She knows others care about her, it just hurts to be alone. Yes one can enjoy their own space, but during such a joyous times such as Christmas, she can’t help feeling lonely and crave another’s presence.
Soon she looked at her phone screen for a moment. Gazing at the smiling face of Braun Stroman, the goofball of a redneck holding up a big bass he caught. She smiles seeing his bright smile that seems to brighten her mood. Thinking on it she pulls up her contacts and calls the “Monster Among Men”. After two rings she heard his deep baritone voice that always sends shivers down her spine. “Sophie? I thought you were with your family tonight.”
“No Adam, they had to leave early and brought me back to my house. Rose is gone as well.” Braun smiles hearing her say his real name, then he frowns a little. “So you are all alone? On Christmas Eve?” She rubs her arm looking away from the phone. “Yea. Pretty much.” She rubs her eyes trying to keep the moistness from spilling from her eyes. “And...well….Adam? Could you….” she started to tear up as she felt the isolation close in. Braun grew concerned and sat up a little more. He heard a soft sniffle and a shudder of a breath. “Sophie?”
“Adam...Please, come over. I don’t want to spend Christmas alone.” Braun could hear the sadness in her voice. “Okay, sweetheart. I will be over there in an hour.” Sophie smiles as she held back a soft whimper of joy. “Thank you.” He hung up and got to packing a few bags and gather the gifts he wanted to give his favorite little woman. He gets in his truck and starts heading toward Sophie’s home.
Sophie got up and was making coffee, she always loved having coffee when she was stressed. She hums softly as she goes to the fridge to grab her creamer. She sat comfortably on the couch watching an old movie she loved still as an adult. Soon she heard a knock and went to answer it. A smile brightens her face as she looked up at Braun. “Hey, thank you for coming.”
Braun smiles as he walks inside with his bags. “Of course! No one should be alone on Christmas.” A smirk plays on his lips as he smelled the coffee. “Already got your comfort drink?” Sophie blushes rubbing her arm. “Yea, it really does help.” He smiles before he kneels and hugged her close. “It’s okay Sophie, I’m here now.” His hand gently strokes her hair, his hug was strong as well as gentle.
Sophie held back tears as she hugged him tight. Soon the two had gotten comfortable on the couch together, watching a Christmas movie. Braun had his arm wrapped around her, keeping her close. She nuzzles his chest gently as her hands relax against his stomach. “How are you so warm?” He laughs gently looking over at her. His eyes look over her with pure adoration, her sweet smile and beautiful eyes seem to stare into his soul.
“I just am sweetheart, gotta be to keep little cuties like you warm.” He cuddles her closer against him, causing her to giggle as he pulled her into his lap. She sits up and blushes lightly, Braun held her hips as he gazed up at her. Sophie felt a drop of courage as she leans closer to him. “Adam? Would you...ever consider d..dating me?”
Braun raised his eyebrow a for a moment before a bright smile appears upon his face. “Well yes! I mean who wouldn’t want a woman with the body of a goddess like you?” Sophie blushed bright pink as she hugs herself. “Even when that body is fat?” She yelps as his hand spanks her ass. He sits up and growls softly. “Don’t you call yourself that anymore! You are the most beautiful young woman I ever met! And your heart adds to that beauty! Your so kind and full of love that it is contagious!”
He cups her face and looked into her eyes. “Which is why I felt you deserved better than me. Someone who could treat you better. However now I see I was wrong. I have fallen hopelessly in love with you.” He pulled her into a deep kiss, his arms wrapping around her tightly. Sophie was shocked and shudders a bit before she pressed into the kiss.
Braun moans softly as he pulls back with a smile. “Sophie, I would love to take you on a date.” Sophie Smiles happily as she cuddles back against him. “I would love that Adam.” They share another kiss before they spend the rest of their Christmas watching movies.
Braun could feel his little love falling asleep, so he picked her up and took her to bed. Stripping naked, the new lover’s cuddle under the many soft blankets. Braun gently strokes her hair as they both fell asleep. The “Monster Among Men” held his darling close during that wonderful Christmas night.
This is my second entry to @writtingrose Christmas Challenge. And it was proof read by the wonderful @xladyxfatex I hope it is good! Enjoy the reading!
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Rose’s Christmas Writing Challenge
It is me, AGAIN, my loves! Below you will find 10 or the 25 Christmas prompts I posted last week. THIS TIME; I want YOU to write them. All you need to do is send me the # you’d like and who you will write about. I will accept 2 per prompt and look forward to, hopefully, having a better turn out than last time i tried this.
All submissions MUST me tagged with #RCWC and #RosesChristmaswritingchallenge so I can see you’ve done then and reblog/ add to the Masterlist for the challenge. They also MUST be posted by December 31st! I know the holidays can be a rough time but they only have to be a minimum of 500 words. (There is NO maximum,) So write to your heart’s content!
Any questions, please message me and ask. I would be happy to help.
The Prompts;
1.) Decorating the House
2.) Decorating the Tree
3.) Mistletoe
4.) Baking Cookies
5.) Christmas / Christmas Eve
6.) Lights
7.) A playlist of nothing but “All I Want for Christmas is You” and not being able to figure out if their flirting or not.
8.) Please, come over. I don’t want to spend Christmas alone.
9.) Who sent these chocolates and flowers?
10.) Merry Christmas, you dork.
Happy early holidays y’all 💕
#wwe#seth rollins#drew mcintyre#finn balor#wwe superstars#dean ambrose#wwe raw#wwe smackdown#becky lynch#wwe imagines
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Under The Mistletoe (Drabble)
Pairing: Finn Balor x Reader Word Count: 717 Description: Finn catches you under the mistletoe. For @writtingrose Christmas writing challenge. _________ Tag list:
@biforbecky2belts @writtingrose @sassymox @sjwrites22 @wrestlersownmyheart @the-beastslayers-queen @thewrestlingwarehouse @reigns420 @xladyxfatex @sassyspacedust @burnitbalor @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk @biforrollynch @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @demonqueen29 @theeblueehazee @itsicantbelievethis666 _________ When you rolled out of bed that morning to start a busy day of cooking and decorating the house for a party the next night Finn had no idea he’d barely get two words out of you all day. You were talking away on the phone trying to get everything ready and triple check those who were coming would still make it. The Irishman tried everything he could to get your attention but you simply brushed him off with a ‘not now babe I’m busy.’ Of course he was trying to be understanding but when you started stressing out over the number of snacks and treats he knew you needed to take a break.
“Love come on, why don’t you take a break and have some coffee or hot chocolate with me?”
“I can’t right now babe I’m busy trying to finish these cookies.”
“Why don’t you just go out and buy cookies it would be so much easier.”
“Because it’s not the same as homemade besides I enjoy baking.”
“But you’re stressing out and I haven’t got to spend any time with you since last night.”
“I promise when we go to bed tonight we can spend as much time together as you want.”
You promise pressing a kiss to his cheek as you go back to placing cookies on a baking sheet, Finn sighs walking off into the living room. He would just have to be patient and wait for you to finish for the night. When bedtime rolls around Finn excitedly waits in the room he was so excited to cuddle you. After finally emerging in the room once finished with your shower you yawn crawling into bed. Kissing his cheek you roll over quickly falling asleep exhausted Finn slightly frowns but kisses your cheek back. He’d be so happy when the party was over and he finally have you back to himself.
The next morning you’re back at it with the cooking and tidying the house making sure all the decorations are in order and everything looks perfect. Finn spends the day pouting trying to get your attention but just like yesterday he’s told to wait. When the guest finally start arriving you rush upstairs to shower quickly and change. Opening the door for you Finn greets yours friends and smiles when Seth hands him a small brown bag.
“This it?”
“Yep fresh just cut this morning I think it will work perfect.”
“Thank you I really appreciate it can you distract everyone for a few minutes.”
“Go ahead we’ll be fine.”
Finn smiles going upstairs and pinning the object above the doorway of your bedroom, when you finally come to the door Finn stands in the way.
“Come on babe we need to get downstairs the guest are waiting.”
“They can wait a few minutes longer I haven’t got more then a peck on the cheek from you in the last two days. You’ve been brushing me off to do stuff for the party you didn’t even think to ask me for help. Now I know you want it to be a great party and it will but I’m a little hurt by this y/n.”
You frown gently wrapping your arms around his waist pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“I’m so sorry baby I didn’t mean to make you feel that way I was just trying to make sure that the party went well. I’ll make it up to you I promise.”
You say rubbing his back Finn smiles at you nodding his head and opening the door so you could go out but stopping and pointing up a smirk on his face. Looking up you smile seeing the mistletoe hanging above your head.
“Well well y/n you know the rules baby.”
Laughing you nod as Finn pulls you close kissing your lips softly the kiss growing as he pushes you gently into the wall. Breaking the kiss to catch your breath Finn smirks pecking your lips.
“After the party you’re mine.”
Finn whispers in your ear squeezing your butt then swatting it as you head downstairs to the party. He planned on spending the whole party teasing you as a little revenge the rest of the evening would definitely be interesting.
#wwe#finn balor#finn balor x reader#finn balor one shot#christmas fic#RosesChristmaswritingchallenge#RCWC#wwe one shot#fergal devitt
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Cookie Foolery
with Finn Bálor
Finn x Rose
Rose’s Christmas Writing Challenge
Word Count: 681
Rose returned home from the store. Carrying 5 bags worth of things by herself. With a grunt of effort she managed to lift them all into the counter. “Fuck! Phew, that was close. Now to get everything set up before Bálor comes home!” With giddy excitement the redhead began setting up stuff before her lover to arrive.
Soon she had everything set up and was wearing her favorite pair of comfy pants and a white shirt. The front door opens and she runs for the lounge in time to catch her lover off guard. “Rose?? Why are yea….AHH!” Finn had no time to finish his sentence as Rose tackles him into a hug and they fell onto the couch. Both start to laugh as they hug each other happily. “Missed me that much lass?” The handsome Irishman couldn’t help but kiss his feisty redhead on the cheek as she cuddled against his chest.
“I am so happy you're home Finn! I have the whole evening planned!” She smirked at him cheekily. “If you feel up for it.” Finn Smirks right back and sits up with her in his lap. “Baby girl, I am always ready for anything you can throw at me.” Rose claps her hands and grabs his arm, dragging him to the kitchen. There was an entire set up for making Christmas cookies of all varieties. “Then let’s make Cookies!!!!” Finn snorts and smile sat his darling down. “Alright, let me change first and I'll join you.”
Finn left the room and got changed into more comfortable clothes. When he returned to the kitchen, Rose placed an apron on him that said “Kiss the Irishman”. Finn laughed and smiles at her. “Thank ya love.” Soon the two of them got to making many batches of cookies. They saved the frosting ones for last. Rose giggles as she watches Finn concentrate on a cooking he was piping to read “F x R” with a cute heart.
As he was finishing his “masterpiece”, Rose slapped his cheek with a handful of green frosting. “Oh look! I found a leprechaun!” Finn was in shock at first, then a sinister grin appeared on his face as he digs his hand into the black frosting. “Oh? Yea want ta play that game lass?” Rose went pale as she saw the blob of black frosting in his hand. “N..now Finn, I was kidding.” Finn went to grab her before she ran for her god damned life. Finn was in hot pursuit of his love as they ran through the living room. She tried to run into the master bathroom and shut the door, but Finn was too quick and strong for her. He shoved the door open and pinned her to the wall. He smeared the black frosting from her upper cheek to her neck.
Rose squeals in protest before she and Finn started laughing. After a hearty laugh they kiss each other lovingly before the Irishman licks the frosting on her cheek. “Let’s clean up the kitchen, then take a shower, and we can watch some movies. I will make ya some fresh popcorn love.” Rose smiles as she nods. “I would love that Finn.”
Soon the loving couple got everything and themselves cleaned up. Rose went to the tv, wearing her favorite polar bear pj bottoms and elephant tank top, and picked out a Disney movie. When Finn came in with a massive bowl of popcorn, he laughed seeing the menu screen. “Oliver and Company? I didn’t expect this movie to be your choice lass. I thought you would have went for “Girls Trip” or something.” Rose smiles happily as she snuggles close to him. “I been wanting to see it for a while. Mainly for nostalgia reasons.” Finn just smiles as he starts the movie while it started to snow gently outside. This was a great day, nothing too crazy and exciting. Just him and his little love, cuddled on the couch together watching movies together.
I hope this is good. Thank you @writtingrose for setting the challenge. I needed something to write. Now it’s off to the second entry I chose to torment myself �� And a big thank you to @xladyxfatex for proof reading and fixing up what I wrote. I really appreciated it.
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