#Ronance fic
myspilledguts-n-stuff · 5 months
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I’m writing a fic about ronance right now and I feel like the only way I can describe it is with these photos, cause this is the vibe I’m going for.
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eskawrites · 1 year
It’s 1979, and every day, Barb wears a dark purple bracelet around her wrist. It’s pretty, although a bit more basic than what Nancy would normally wear—just a simple band of woven fabric, and a little star charm dangling from the middle.
“Where’d you get it?” Nancy asks her one day out of the blue. She does that sometimes—asks people things without any lead up. Her mom tells her she’s inquisitive. Her dad just says she asks too many questions.
Barb never seems to mind. Over the last few weeks of getting to know each other, there’s never been a question that Barb isn’t happy to answer.
This one seems to make her sad, though. She holds her arm up and twists her wrist a little, watching the charm catch the light.
“It’s a friendship bracelet,” she says. Nancy is old enough to recognize the twinge of jealousy for what it is, but she isn’t quite old enough to understand why it’s there.
“With who?” she asks anyway.
This time Barb does hesitate. She looks around the middle school cafeteria, but they’re the only ones sitting at this end of the table, and the buzz of students is loud enough no one can really hear them even if they decide to pay them any mind. Not that they ever would. Nancy and Barb tend to fly under the radar.
“You know Robin Buckley?” Barb says, lowering her voice.
Nancy shrugs. She’s heard the name. It’s a small school, after all.
“She has the other one,” says Barb. “My parents took us to Indianapolis a few summers back. A lady at the mall was making them. I got purple for her favorite color. She has pink for mine.”
“And the star?” Nancy asks. She reaches out without really thinking about it, holding the little charm in her fingertips.
Barb smiles. “We used to stay out in the park for hours after dark, watching the stars. She knows all the constellations, and a bunch of old stories about them. She knows a ton of stuff like that. She’s pretty cool.”
“You guys don’t hang out anymore,” Nancy feels the need to point out. But Barb just shrugs.
“Yeah. We had all different classes last year, and I guess we just drifted apart. I say hi when I see her in the halls sometimes, but we just…don’t really talk anymore.”
“Oh.” Nancy lets the charm go. Barb lowers her arm and picks up her fork again. “We could get friendship bracelets.”
Barb’s eyes light up. “I saw some charms and stuff at Melvald’s the other day. We could make some!”
“Let’s do it,” Nancy decides. “When you spend the night Friday, we’ll ask Mom to take us to Melvald’s.”
It’s 1983, and Nancy has a pink bracelet—with a pen charm, not a star—that she keeps in a shoebox of all of Barb’s things.
She only pulls it out and looks at it when she knows it’s a bad idea; when she’s already one bad thought away from breaking, and she holes herself up in her room so she can push herself recklessly over the edge.
She takes the bracelet in her hands and runs her fingers over the soft, time-worn threads. Pink for Barb’s favorite color. Barb had a soft, sky blue for hers. She thinks about that bracelet, dangling around Barb’s wrist while she drove them to Steve’s house, tied to her still, soaked in blood and rot as she decays in the Upside Down.
Nancy tucks the bracelet into her pocket. If Barb’s association with Nancy led her to her death, then Nancy’s association with Barb can mark her until the day she dies.
It’s 1985, and when a new girl walks up with Steve, Dustin, and Erica, looking terrified and in shock, the first thing Nancy sees is a pink bracelet around her wrist.
“I’m sorry, who are you?” Nancy asks.
“I’m Robin, I work with Steve.”
But that’s not the answer. She’s not Robin who works with Steve. She’s Robin who carries stories of the constellations in her head and memories of Barb on her wrist. Robin, with a pink bracelet and a star charm that, quite frankly, looks ridiculous among the leather bands and thick rings she wears.
The group sits down once they’re finally all together. They exchange stories and make a plan, and all the while, Robin sits off to the side, on her own.
Nancy thinks about Barb sitting on her own by Steve’s pool, her gaze turned down and her shoulders stiff around her ears. She watches Robin curl up and hug her knees to her chest, and that damn pink bracelet is all she can see.
It’s 1986, and Robin complains every step of the way as Nancy wrangles her into a blouse and skirt.
“You should lose the rings,” Nancy tells her. “They’re unprofessional.”
“Gee, thanks,” Robin mutters.
“You can borrow some of mine if you still want to wear them.”
“No, it’s fine.” She pulls the rings off one by one, dropping them onto Nancy’s desk with small, satisfying clunks. She shakes out her hands when she’s done, and Nancy watches that star charm bounce back and forth along its soft pink band.
Robin notices her looking. She covers the bracelet with her hand and scowls.
“The bracelet stays. I’m not taking it off.”
“That—that’s fine.” Nancy thinks she should say something else—she’s not sure how they’ve gone this far without talking about it—but she can’t stop staring at it.
Robin’s shoulders slump. Her grip on the bracelet shifts and she runs her fingers over the charm, her expression turning sad.
“Sorry,” she says softly. “I just—I got this because of—”
Robin meets her eyes.
“She told me,” Nancy says. “She—she still wore yours.”
And for the first time, it occurs to her that Barb was wearing a purple bracelet that night, too. That there has always been a part of Robin Buckley rotting in the Upside Down along with her, along with Nancy.
Maybe they were all doomed, intertwined, forsaken from the start.
“A purple bracelet,” Nancy says. “And a star charm. Because you liked watching the stars together. She said you knew all the constellations. She said—”
Robin’s arms are around her the second her voice breaks. She hugs her close, and Nancy swears she can feel that star charm pressing through her shirt.
It’s 1989, and Robin is moving box after box from her house with Steve into Nancy’s apartment.
It takes all day to get her clothes in the closet and her desk into the second bedroom they’ll use as an office and her frankly excessive collection of tapes onto the bookshelf in the living room. By the time dinner rolls around, they’ve both decided everything else is a job for tomorrow, or the day after, or next week.
But before they go to bed that night, Robin digs through a box of photo albums and picture frames to pull out a small, black shadowbox. She holds it carefully in her hands and walks over to where Nancy stands by the bookshelf. Nancy takes it from her with a soft, sad smile and reaches up to place it on the shelf. She feels Robin’s hand on her waist, and she steps back to tuck herself into her side.
They both look up at two pink bracelets, a pen charm and a star charm, hanging safely side by side.
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yournowheregirl · 1 year
part 1 [part 2 - coming soon]
Robin is panicking.
She’s standing in the middle of Lovelace Lingerie and she’s panicking. 
There are two reasons why she has always avoided this place like the plague. The first and obvious one being the whole ‘I'm gay and if I stare at this model wearing nothing but a lace bodysuit for a second too long, everyone is going to know exactly how gay I am’ bit. The second reason is just a plain habit. She bought her first bra at the department store, she knows what brand she likes, she knows her size and she knows that she doesn’t want all the frills and the bows and the lace. Just a plain black or white bra (maybe blue if she’s feeling fancy), nothing more, nothing less.
That is until Vickie said something when she stayed over the other day. 
“Why are all your bras so boring, Robin?”
Robin never thought her bras were boring. Sure, they were plain and nothing like the colorful lace bras Vickie likes to wear, but they were just there to serve one purpose - to hold her boobs in place while she goes about her day. Plus, before Vickie, she was the only one looking at her bra and she was doing just fine, thank you very much.
But Vickie’s words got stuck in her head, as they often do, which made Robin decide to take matters into her own hands and buy something that’ll make Vickie happy. A final hail Mary to make up for all the arguments they’ve been having these last few weeks.
Though she’s beginning to regret her decision as the sheer amount of choice start to overwhelm her. There’s just so much lace. So many straps. So many colorful bows and flower designs. So many things that say they’re bras, but look more like a flimsy piece of fabric tied together with two strings of floss. 
In her state of outright panic, Robin rushes through the store and grabs one of each pair of lingerie that she thinks Vickie will like. She doesn’t even bother to look at the sizing - honestly, what good is a size anyway when this bra is just a bunch of straps and two hearts cut out of red fabric - she just grabs them all and heads straight to the fitting rooms.
As it turns out, she should’ve been looking at the label because nothing seems to fit or suit her. The fabric of the lilac one is scratchy and the green one is just plain ugly. The black one makes her boobs look saggy, while the yellow one is too tight and make her boobs spill out. And don’t even get her started on the neon pink one - that one isn’t even a bra, it’s a torture device. 
Oh God, she’s never gonna make it out of this alive. She’s gonna die, right here in this pink and red monstrosity of a fitting room, choked to death by satin straps, and, and- are those walls closing in on her or is she just imagining things?
A knock on the door of the fitting room snaps Robin out of her downwards spiral but her mouth still runs faster than the brain when she calls out, “Who is it?”
“Uh, it’s... it’s Nancy? I work here?” A woman responds from the other side of the door. “You were taking a long time and I was wondering if you were okay, if you needed any help.”
Help. Yes, that’s exactly what she needs. Someone who knows their way around all these lace-y things, who knows what she needs to buy to keep Vickie happy and get out of here as fast as she can.
“Yes.” Robin croaks out. “Yes, please. I definitely needs some help.”
Robin immediately regrets her decision when an actual angel steps into the dressing room rather than an employee. And Robin’s not over-exaggerating, the warm light of the hallway does make it seem like there’s a halo around her brown curls, but it’s Nancy’s smile that makes Robin grow weak in the knees. It might be a customer service smile that she knows all too well, but Nancy makes it look genuinely sweet.
Focus, Robin. She tells herself. You’re here for your girlfriend don’t get distracted by Nancy’s blue eyes or rosy pink lips or-
“Wow.” Nancy breathes, looking around the mess that Robin made of the fitting room. 
“I’m sorry! I just got overwhelmed and I just grabbed everything and then I just panicked and then- then this happened.” Robin rambles apologetically. 
“Don’t worry. I’ve seen worse.” Nancy smiles politely. “How can I help?”
“Is this sexy?” Robin blurts out and Jesus Christ, can the ground open up and swallow her whole right now? Why would she say something like that? 
But Nancy doesn’t seem all that bothered with her question. She just blinks and cocks her head to the side, examining Robin with precision in her eyes. 
“It is from our Super Sexy line, so it’s literally designed to be sexy.” Nancy says. “But the most important question is, do you feel sexy in it?”
Robin turns around and takes a good look at herself  in the mirror. The color of the bra is nice and the flower and butterflies that are stitched into the fabric are pretty, but she still feels the need to wrap her arms around her body and shield it from prying eyes. It looks like something Vickie would like, it’s similar to what she owns and wears, but Robin feels that it’s just not her.
“Not really.” Robin says softly. “I’m not... all of this. I don’t wear all this complicated lace-y, girly junk and- oh shit, I’m totally insulting your job right in front of you.”
Nancy chuckles and shakes her head. “Oh believe me, you’re fine. We have a lot of things that are a bit... out there, so to say. But if you tell me what it is you’re looking for, I can see if we have something you feel more comfortable in?”
There’s something in Nancy’s eyes that Robin can’t put her finger on, but all she knows is that she’s suddenly telling Nancy everything. From her bra shopping at the department store to Vickie (Robin’s just in time to call Vickie her partner instead of girlfriend) telling her the bras she wears are boring and how she’s here in the hopes of finding something that will make her partner happy.
Nancy listens and nods along to the story, asking her questions about her preferences for colors and styles and even though Robin has know clue what she wants or what she’s talking about, Nancy doesn’t seem to mind. She just smiles and explains things into further detail with no further judgement and that somehow puts Robin’s mind at ease.
Maybe things will be alright after all
“I think I have just the thing for you.” Nancy says. “What’s your size?”
“Uh, I- I think it’s this one?” Robin grabs at the price tag on her back, but she has to twist her way like a contortionist to be able to see it. Nancy’s at her side at a split second, looking back and forth between the price tag and Robin’s cleavage.
“I don’t think this is the right fit. Do you mind if I measure you?” She asks, grabbing the yellow tape measurer from where it was hanging around her neck, a stark contrast to the black dress she’s wearing.
And yeah, Robin does mind, actually. If the satin straps aren’t the ones that are gonna kill her, a pretty girl touching her boobs just might do the trick. Still, Robin finds herself nodding and lifting her arms above her head so Nancy can easily measure her. 
The tape measure is surprisingly cold when it hits her skin and instead of focusing on Nancy and her lovely petite hands, Robin starts reciting conjugations of French verbs in her head. It does little to distract her, mostly because Nancy is standing so close that Robin can swell the sweet flowery perfume she has on. Nancy’s touches are light and of course, totally professional, but Robin still feels a goosebumps spreading across her skin when Nancy’s fingertips ghost over her skin.
Christ, get a grip Buckley. 
“Be right back.” Nancy smiles as soon as she’s done and disappears out of the fitting room, grabbing the bras that Robin threw on the floor earlier on her way out. 
Robin leans against the wall and sighs deeply once she knows Nancy’s out of earshot. She really hopes that Nancy wasn’t able to feel the way her heart sped up just now, but the flimsy fabric of the bra she’s wearing probably did shit at hiding that. Her hand reaches up to check and yup, Nancy was definitely able to feel that.
Oh God, why can’t she just be normal for once? She has a girlfriend for crying out loud! Vickie’s the whole damn reason she’s in this pink boudoir hell-hole in the first place! She just has to keep her eyes on the prize and not let Nancy derail her from the process.
Which is easier said than done when Nancy reappears with a new bra in hand. This one is black and looks plain at first, but Robin is quick to notice the mesh detailing and cut-outs, as well as the silver decorative thread in the straps. It’s simple, yet still more exciting than any of the bras Robin currently has in her closet.
“Just let me know when you tried it on, okay?” Nancy says and with another sweet smile, she disappears again.
Robin shimmies out of the blush pink monstrosity she still had on and puts the black bra on instead. She can feel the difference almost immediately - the fabric is soft and doesn’t itch, the mesh detailing isn’t overtly sexy but just suggestive enough and it must be made of magic because her boobs have never looked this good.
Giddy with excitement, she knocks on the door and lets Nancy back inside.
“You’re a bra wizard!” Robin beams, gesturing to herself. “Seriously, look at this! I’ve never looked this good!”
“Just doing my job.” Nancy chuckles, a faint pink blush appearing on her cheeks as she looks Robin up and down. “Uh, how’s the fit? Nothing too tight or anything?”
“Fits like a glove.”
“Good.” Nancy says. Her eyes dart between Robin’s face and her cleavage again, her gaze lingering for a beat too long, before promptly looking away, almost as if she’d been burnt. “Uh, if you decide to buy it, come find me in the store and I’ll ring it up for you, alright?”
“Yeah, alright.” Robin replies softly.
Nancy nods and quickly walks out of the fitting room, shutting the door behind her with a loud bang. 
As Robin puts her clothes back on again, she can’t help but wonder what all of that was about. She knows she’s not the best with social cues but even she can recognize that there was something going on there.
Could it be-
No, no, Nancy is just a good saleswoman and Robin is just a customer in her eyes. Nothing more.
Still, Robin can’t help but feel guilty when she feels her heart skip a beat at the mere thought of not just being a customer to Nancy. With a loud sigh, she zips her jacket back up, grabs her bra and heads back into the store. 
She manages to find a pair of black panties that match the bra and armed with both of those in hand, she’s able to find Nancy on the other side of the store. Nancy immediately smiles when Robin waves at her and it does nothing to slow down Robin’s already rapid heartbeat. 
“Were you able to find everything?” 
“Yeah, got something to match as well.” Robin nods, awkwardly holding up the pair of satin black panties. 
“Oh, I know from experience that those are very comfortable. Good choice.” Nancy says, and yeah Robin’s not going to stop thinking about that one, isn’t she?
She follows Nancy to the register and her mind is still a bit hazy as she pays and watches Nancy neatly wrap her new items. She even spritzes some sugary sweet perfume onto the bag before she hands it to Robin with a bright smile. “Here you go.” 
“Thank you so much for your help, honestly.” Robin says. “I mean, you saw what a mess I made back there, I was so overwhelmed and you- well, you saved me, actually.”
“I was happy to help, really.” Nancy replies. She pauses for a moment, a frown appearing on her face as if she’s thinking about what to say next. “Can I be honest with you?”
“Uh, yeah?”
“I really hope you’re also buying and wearing this set for yourself, not just your partner. You should wear something that makes you feel good, not just because your partner wants it. ” Nancy says firmly. “And frankly, your partner is an idiot if they think you’re boring without a fancy-looking garment. Trust me, you don’t need all the extra frills and ruffles.”
That... That sounds suspiciously like a compliment, maybe even a flirty compliment and Robin’s brain does not know how to deal with that right now. Not after her meltdown from earlier, not after feeling Nancy’s kind eyes and cold hands on her, not while Nancy still has that twinkle in her eyes that makes Robin go just a little insane.
“Th- thank you.” Robin stammers. She grabs the bag a bit tighter, as if that’ll help her get back to reality. It’s still pretty hard though because Nancy looks even prettier in the daylight and- “I gotta gay. Go! I mean- I gotta go. Bye!”
“Have a nice day!” Nancy calls out after her, but Robin’s blood is pumping so loudly in her ears that it mostly gets drowned out. 
Fuck, fuck, fuck, what is happening to her?
A firm hand on her shoulder shakes her from her thoughts and Robin turns around with a loud yelp.
“Jesus, it’s just me.” Steve says defensively. “Did you buy the whole store or something? You were in there for a while.”
“Yeah, no, it’s fine. I’m good.” Robin nods a little too obviously, making Steve frown at her. Dammit, why can he always see right through her? But that doesn’t stop her from lying through her teeth. “I’m fine, Steve. Really. I promise.”
Steve hums, still unimpressed. “Alright. If you say so. Glad you got everything you need to woo her right off her feet.”
“Wha- what? Woo who?” Robin panics. How did Steve already know about that weird thing between her and Nancy? Did he have supersonic hearing or something? X-ray eyes? (which, gross, don’t use those eyes in a lingerie store, Steven)
“Ha, you sound like an owl.” Steve snorts. “But I’m talking wooing Vickie, idiot. That’s why you went in there, right?”
Right. Vickie.
brought to you by: me going bra shopping earlier today. also sorry to the vickie stans, i’m sure she’s lovely but she’s not gonna be lovely in this series. stay tuned for part 2! (kudos if you can spot an iconic line from glee that i just had to add in for funsies)
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eds6ngel · 2 months
I genuinely love your writing so much! I was just rereading your Ronance fic and it got me thinking:
(This could be with either of them whether it’s Robin, Nancy or Ronance again, so whatever works best for you!)
What about accidentally saying “I love you” during sex? You haven’t said it yet and honestly weren’t planning on doing so. You do love them, obviously, but neither of you has said it out loud so far and you’d been worried they’d reject you.
But when they’re fucking you so good it turns your brain all mushy and foggy with pleasure it just slips out <33
- 🪷
a/n: thank you so much!! i chose ronance! i hope you enjoy, lovely <3
warnings: ROUGH SMUT!! fem!afab!reader. poly!reader. queer!reader. strap-on (nancy using, r receiving.) oral (r receiving from robin.) hair pulling. swearing. pet names (princess, sweetheart, baby, lovely.) some slight fluff [0.4k].
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Robin’s body was underneath you, head buried in your clit as she sucked and pulled at the erect bud. Nancy was gripping tightly onto your hips, fingernails digging into your plush skin as she moved your body on and off her silicone cock.
Your brain had turned to mush. You were a babbling mess, completely unaware of your surroundings. All you could hear was the suction sounds of Robin’s juicy lips and the slapping of Nancy’s beautiful cock against your rounded ass.
You could feel the ridges of the toy grazing just perfectly against your inner walls, your pussy sucking her in, wishing to never let her go.
“Nance— Robs— Oh God, fuck!”
Robin hums against you at your words, the vibrational waves making your legs shake immensely, Nancy speeding up the movements of her cock.
“Oh God, shit. I love you! I love you both so much! My favourite girls! I love you!”
The words slipped out without a second thought, your mouth reacting faster than your brain could comprehend. Nancy roughly shoves her cock all the way into the back of your pussy, her hips flush with yours as Robin lets up for air.
‘Oh no…’ you thought, ‘Are they gonna think I’m weird for saying that so soon?’
Nancy leans down to your ear, her breath making your body tingle all over, “Aw, we love you too, princess. Don’t we, Robs? Love her so fucking much.”
“You do?” you question, a slight essence of fear in your tone.
Robin nods breathlessly, “‘Course we do, sweetheart. We were waiting for you to say it. And now we can say it back. We love you so much. I love you so much, baby.”
“I love both of you too,” you smile weakly, mind still foggy over how well they fuck you.
And the gushy moment is swiftly over when Nancy pulls all the way out, just to force her cock all the way back in, the wind being knocked out of you. Robin’s tongue attacks your clit once more, Nancy tugging roughly on your hair and shoving your face into the mattress.
“Right, where were we? Oh yeah, making our lovely girl cum.”
And with that, their paces increase once more. You loved them both so much, and with the way they were fucking you, your brain would definitely be repeating that a hell of a lot more tonight.
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taglist: @agxxb @robinsno1lesbian
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thisapplepielife · 25 days
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Written for a @astrangersummer.
Of All the Gin Joints
Week #17 Prompt: "I can't believe you!" | Word Count: 1938 | Rating: T | POV: Nancy | Characters: Nancy, Robin, Steve, Eddie | Relationships: Ronance, Steddie, Past Mentions of Stancy, Fruity Four | CW: Language, Alcohol Consumption | Tags: Future Fic, Bisexual Nancy Wheeler, Old Friends, And Maybe New Love, Getting Together, First Kiss
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Nancy lets her eyes adjust to the darkness and flashing lights of the club. It's not exactly her comfort zone. But she watches as the men, and the women, move to the beat of the music that's bouncing the speakers, thumping so hard she can feel it in her chest. 
She's never been anywhere like this, not really. It's not exactly her scene, never has been. 
So, she finds a spot to stand in the corner, leaving a buffer, so she can take it all in. She always needs to study first, she never just dives face-first into anything. Unless it's an emergency. And this? Not an emergency.
This is just an unknown, an exploration of her sexuality that might be coming later than most. She thinks she should have done this sooner. Maybe not the club part, but the acting on her interest in women. But she didn't. Not the women, and definitely not the club, so now she'd like to know more before deciding to be all in on being a club-going person, especially at her age. 
Watching, it's clear that everyone seems to be having a really fucking good time, and aren't paying any attention to her clinging to the shadows, like a wallflower.
She's about to maybe make a move more towards the center of the action, when she catches a glimpse of a familiar smile, and she steps to the side to see better, to clear her sightline, to really make sure. And, yes, it is Robin, bouncing, laughing, dancing with a guy, seemingly having a hell of a good time. 
It's not Steve, this guy is far too short, and it isn't until he turns that she realizes it's Gareth. He's just chopped off all his curls, which she thinks is kind of a shame.
But, beyond that, she knows if Gareth's here, that means Eddie's here, and if Eddie's here, well...there he is. Steve Harrington, bouncing, hair flying, looking twenty instead of over forty. 
Looking free.
And happy. Really, really happy.
She hasn't seen any of them in person in years, only recently watching from afar on the new Facebook thing that she was bullied into joining by Dustin. She's not too mad about it, since it means she gets to see pictures of all her old friends, and gets to know that they're doing okay out in the world, living their lives. At least when she remembers to login and check.
Nancy hasn't decided if she's going to approach them or not. This is new to her, and while she knows they'd be supportive and fun and totally in her corner, she was really only looking to dip her toes in, not plunge headfirst.
But she doesn't get to decide, because Robin's caught sight of her and is waving frantically, with an enthusiasm only Robin can muster. She's missed her, she realizes. Missed all of them.
She sees Robin turn and yell in the other direction, hands flailing, nearly hitting those around her.
She hasn't changed a bit. 
So, Nancy waves back, and heads her way. She's kind of glad the decision was made for her. It's easier that way, and she gets to see Robin.
When Nancy approaches, Steve is suddenly there, picking her up and swinging her around so hard, she feels her back pop. She's not sixteen, not anymore, but he doesn't seem to have gotten that message as he squeezes her against him, before finally putting her back on her feet but still doesn't let go.
"I can't believe you! You're here!" Steve says, smiling wide and so fucking happy. 
He's glowing. 
There's a ring through his eyebrow, and tattoos crawling up his arm, and yet, he looks exactly the same, somehow. Just really, really happy and all grown up.
It's a good look on him. Honestly.
He giggles, squeezing both of her arms, "Nancy Wheeler."
She almost corrects him, but it is Wheeler again. Her divorce was finalized and she took her own name back, and she doesn't expect she'll ever give it up again. It's who she is, and she kind of hates that she ever forgot that. 
"Where's Eddie?" Nancy asks, leaning towards Steve's ear, trying to be heard over the music.
"The bar!" Steve screams back, and she looks that way, expecting to see him in line for drinks, but he's behind the bar. Putting on a show, as always.
It's a little mesmerizing. But Eddie Munson always was, for better or worse. He had an unique skill for capturing an audience and refusing to let them go.
Steve wraps his arms around her neck from behind, forcing her to walk in front of him, leading her right towards Eddie.
"Look who I found!" Steve shouts and Eddie grins, leaning up on and over the bar to cup her cheek, kissing the other one.
"Hey, Wheeler. What can I get you?" Eddie asks, waving his arm down the bar in a sweeping fashion.
She isn't sure, so she lets him pick, and he gets to work, sliding and twirling, dragging the bottle upwards as he pours, and she grins. He was made for this, she's pretty sure. Putting a show, holding an audience.
She hadn't realized he was a bartender, but she crawls up on an open bar stool, to watch him work. She expects that Steve will sit down next to her, but instead he walks around behind the bar, and kisses Eddie before he makes himself a drink. It's not as impressive as watching Eddie do it, but it's definitely not Steve's first time behind a bottle either, that's for sure. 
"Do you own this bar?" she yells, and they both nod.
Of all the gin joints in all the world, she happened to stumble into theirs.
It really is a small world after all. 
She hadn't heard they'd bought a bar. She must be more behind on that Facebook thing than she thought. Or they've owned longer than Facebook has been a thing, and it was old news she'd just missed out on hearing. She'll have to ask Dustin, or Mike. Get filled in on what they know.
"It's great!" she screams back, and it is. It's a little loud, a little overwhelming, but it seems like a really fun atmosphere. 
They both smile, and Steve is holding his own drink, and Eddie leans over putting the finishing touches on it. Then Steve's back across the bar, sitting next to her.
"You're here by accident?" Steve shouts to be heard, and she nods. She heard about the queer friendly bar, that wasn't really a club exclusively for young people, and it looked like something she might want to check out, now that she's open to exploring that side of herself.
She should have known she'd be drawn right to Steve, the only other bisexual person she really knows. That's just how these things work with them. There are no accidents. They've all been tied together for a long, long time, even as they've drifted and lived their own, separate lives.
They try to talk over the music, but it's impossible, and Steve takes her by the hand and leads her behind the bar, and into an office. He closes the door, and the sound is suddenly gone. Silenced. 
"Soundproofed?" she asks, sitting down on the couch.
Steve nods, "I still get headaches sometimes. It gives me a place to go to get away from the noise if I need to, without having to go all the way home."
"Smart. That's smart," she says, looking around. There are pictures lining the walls, filled with tons of familiar faces.
"It was Eddie's idea," Steve says, grinning, "he just wants me to be comfortable."
Then he smiles a different smile, a softer one, "And nearby."
Nancy smiles back at him, happy he's happy.
"He looks good, by the way," Nancy says, "really good. You both do. Robin, too."
Steve just smiles, because he knows that's true. Time has been kind to them, all of them, it seems.
"Gareth should have kept those curls, though," she teases.
"Don't tell him that, it's a sore spot," Steve says with a grin.
"Mum's the word," she promises.
Then the door opens and closes, Robin sliding inside. She bounces up and down, clapping her hands, "Nance! I can't believe you're here!"
Nancy stands up, and hugs her. Robin isn't as awkward as she was at eighteen. But she's still got that funky style that Nancy's always been a little jealous of, if she's totally honest. That innate ability to just be herself.
Steve is standing there smiling, and then says, "I'll let Robin show you around and catch you up. Eddie'll cry around if I skip out on helping him."
Nancy knows that's not true. Eddie Munson worships the ground Steve Harrington walks on, and has since 1986. At first it felt like Nancy was losing something that she might want again someday, and wanted to bristle up at Eddie. Claim her territory. 
But she quickly saw how Steve looked back at Eddie. She knew that look, and well, and she was happy for him, even if it was kind of hard to let that door close for good.
By the time they all went their separate ways, it was pretty obvious Steve and Eddie were in it for the long haul, and probably would always be. 
And here they are, still together, and they still look fucking happy.
She's not surprised one bit.
And good for them. She isn't sure what it would be like to pick right the first time. She's picked wrong twice now, and she's not excited to do it again.
Women. She might try women for a while. Forget all about men for a stretch and see how that feels, how it goes.
Robin is sitting next to her, and as soon as the door closes behind Steve, leaving them in quiet again, Robin's asking a million questions.
Always curious, Robin.
Nancy answers them. Mike's good. Three kids that act just like he did, which he definitely had coming. 
Robin catches her up on everybody she's still close with that Nancy hasn't seen in a while, and it's nice. Comfortable, like no time has passed.
"You want another drink? Dance? Some food? Anything?" Robin offers.
"Yes," Nancy says, and hell, she thinks she might want it all.
Another couple drinks in, they are bouncing around the dance floor as much as their middle-aged knees will allow, when Nancy reaches forward to brace herself against Robin's hip.
She didn't mean anything by it, but the sudden shift on Robin's face is telling another story. 
Oh shit.
Okay, yeah. That. 
She steps forward, and Robin meets her halfway. Lips pressing against hers in a way that she only barely let herself think about, in a time gone by. The curiosity was there, down deep, back when they were just getting close. But Nancy didn't know how to define it, how to understand it within herself.
She does now.
Robin's hand slides up her back, pressing between her shoulder blades, as she kisses her in a way Nancy's never been kissed. Not by anyone, maybe. 
She should have known. She should have realized that this is what she was looking for, missing, late to understanding.
When Robin pulls back, she smiles, and Nancy smiles back, her heart beating hard against her chest. 
She wants to do it again. 
So she does, leaning up, pressing her lips to Robin's one more time, eager to see where this can go from here.
Hopeful, and excited.
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If you want to write your own, or see more entries for this challenge, pop on over to @astrangersummer and follow along with the fun!
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smileweakandwrong · 1 month
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The most accurate summary of critter catching fic 😂
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nancyqueerer · 5 months
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She was a punk, she did ballet
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She wanted her, she never tell
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katyswrites · 2 years
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Nancy nods again, her face soft. “Yeah - there’s a guy out there somewhere who’d be beyond lucky to have you.”
She squeezes Robin’s wrist then, gently, her face sincere as she meets her gaze.
And suddenly, Robin can’t bear it. Maybe it’s the booze that’s still in her system, or the sound of Whitney Houston drifting in from the yard, or the fading adrenaline from trying to bang the door down. Or, maybe none of these things are true at all. Maybe, it’s just that Nancy looks really beautiful, despite everything, and she’s close enough that Robin can smell her strawberry shampoo, and it’s easy to forget that there’s a world outside of this bathroom, even if just for a moment. All she knows is that it’s just too much -
And then Robin is closing the minute amount of space between them, grabbing Nancy gently by the back of her neck, and pulling her forward, pressing her lips hard against Nancy’s.
Nancy lets out a squeak of surprise, but doesn’t pull away. It’s terrifying, and incredible. It’s even more incredible when Robin feels Nancy relax, and oh God, she’s kissing her back.
This incredible fanart was made by a mutual of mine (@/Timevortexgirl on Twitter & @/monochromevortex on IG). It was inspired by a scene from my Ronance fanfic, what doesn’t kill me (makes me want you more) on ao3. Make sure to follow her and give her art some love, and check out the fic, if interested!
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dufrau · 1 month
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Robin Buckley/Nancy Wheeler Characters: Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Steve Harrington Additional Tags: Smut, Alcohol, they're drunk but not really, extremely belated wound care, homoerotic comparison of scars, Post-Apocalypse, Post-Season/Series 04, its not angsty but its kinda moody, they're very soft in this Summary:
"What's this from?" Nancy asked.
"Hmm?" Robin sat up on her elbows.
Nancy ran her finger over the little scar again, holding on tight when Robin tried to wrench her foot away.
"This scar," she clarified. "You don't shave your legs, where'd you get this?"
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boldlyvoid · 8 months
Silk Chiffon (why wouldn't it be?)
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Robin Buckley x Nancy Wheeler
Summary: Robin can read Nancy like her favourite book, it just takes her a few tries to get the translation right.
Warnings: coming out, demisexual Nancy, anxiety about the future ad regrets from the past. first kiss, love confessions
a/n: i know demisexuality wasn't coined till like 2004/2008 (depending on the source) but it just fits here and so I'm using it
word count: 2k
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Robin can tell something is up. They’re trying to sleep, laying side by side in her twin bed, Robin facing her while she stares up at the ceiling. Eyes open, hands interlocked and laying on her stomach, her breathing is a little too fast. Like her thoughts are racing and therefore, her heart must be, too. 
“Do you want to talk?” Robin whispers. 
Nancy lets out a deep sigh, “no… but yes.” 
“You can tell me anything,” she reminds her. After all they’ve been through, there’s nothing Robin can’t handle now. 
“Can I ask you a question?” 
She nods, “yeah, of course.” 
She scoots a little closer to Nancy as she turns to face robin, inches from her face now, so her whispers can’t be heard by anyone else. “Are you… asexual?” 
“What? No?” Robin’s absolutely shocked by that. “Why would you think I am?” 
“Cause Steve hits on anything with a pulse and you’ve never gotten with him. You’re so adamant that you’re platonic with a capital P and he obviously would respect you if you turned him down but like… you guys don’t flirt. Steve flirts with everyone, but not you?” She explains, rambling a bit which is so unlike her. 
“He did try and tell me he had a thing for me… when we were high, after the Russian’s… but I uh, I um, I’m—” she tries to swallow, to get some moisture back in her mouth. Terrified that this is where the friendship dies. This is why she never had sleepovers before. Telling someone the truth after spending so many nights side by side can only end one way. Disgust. Betrayal. Being kicked out and humiliated in the middle of the night. 
“Robin,” she reaches out and soothes her hand over her shoulder and down her arm. “It’s okay.” 
She takes a deep breath, nodding slightly. “I’m a lesbian.” 
“That’s wonderful,” Nancy smiles at her. “I’m proud of you for telling me… I love that you trust me.” 
Robin feels like crying but she doesn’t, she just lets out a breath she didn't know she was holding for so long, “thank you. Really.” 
“How did you know?” Nancy asks. “Like, did you always know or did it sneak up on you?” 
“Oh, I uh, I always knew,” she explains. “Like… when all the other girls were swooning over boys, I was so disgusted by it. My mom thought I was just a late bloomer but then, then I got a crush. I didn’t think it was a crush but the more I thought about it, the more I was so worried I was just obsessed with her. Like a freak.” 
“That’s how I felt about Steve at first,” she explains. “But that’s just because I thought that was what you were supposed to do when you like someone.” 
“Yeah, it feels so intense you just want to look at them and be near them and—and relate to them, so you become who they want to get closer to them and you lose a bit of yourself,” Robin rants. “I hate it. I wish someone would like me for me, that someone could see me for who I really am and stay who they really are and we can stay happy together.” 
“I want that too,” she sighs. 
“We’ll find it,” Robin gives her a little smile. 
“Would it be okay for me to tell you a secret now?” 
“Why wouldn't it be?” 
“When I was touring the campus in Boston, mom went to find a payphone so she could call home and see if Holly was okay… I went to the store to get a sweater but I ended up finding all the textbooks for each course and—and I bought the book for the human sexualities class,” she explains. “And I read it all.” 
“Can I read it next?” Robin asks, thinking nothing of it. Nancy loves to learn, there’s nothing wrong with that. 
“Yeah, it’s just…” she bites her lip for a second. “Have you ever heard of demisexuality?” 
She shakes her head, “no.” 
“The way the book described it is basically someone who only develops sexual feelings for someone or enjoys and initiates sex with someone who they’re emotionally close with,” she explains. 
“Makes sense,” Robin nods along. “So, is that why you asked if I’m asexual?” 
She nods, “Yeah… and because I think that’s me.” 
“With Steve, the first time was so— not bad, but uncomfortable. I wanted to, at least I thought I did. I thought lying to your parents and going to a boy's house to drink beer and have your first time was such a normal teenage girl thing to do that I did it. But I didn’t enjoy myself—
“Most girls don’t the first time,” Robin validates her feelings. “I’m not saying you’re not demisexual, I’m just saying that’s normal.” 
“I know it is, but… then I kept dating Steve. I did fall in love with him, he was a good friend to me and the sex did get better, which I know you don’t want to hear about but—
“I don’t mind,” she giggles slightly. “I always knew he wasn’t as good as he bragged to be.” 
Nancy laughs too, “he was good. It just took me a while to initiate it and have fun and then there was Jonathan. It was so different with him, that first time was so good. It was months of building a friendship and an understanding that bubbled to the top and it was wonderful. But then it died. As we drifted apart, as he stopped being my best friend, the longer we weren’t together, the harder it was to keep loving him.” 
Robin nods, “And that happened with Steve too?” 
“No. No, it faded with Steve because of Jonathan. Like, I have a one-track mind when it comes to love and whoever my best friend is at the time is the only person I want to be with. And I hate myself for that,” she explains. 
“You were also a teenage girl, I mean, you still are,” Robin talks her off the ledge. “You’re 18. You don’t need to have all the answers and be 100% perfect all the time. I mean there are adults in their 30s and 40s who cheat and ruin families all the time, you’re not like that. You have time to learn who you are and what you like and be truly loved. It’ll be okay.” 
Nancy starts to cry a bit, “I don’t think it will…” 
“Hey,” Robin moves in closer, pulling her in against her chest, she runs her hand over Nancy’s back. “You will. You are loved. Very loved.” 
“That’s why I’m so scared. I don’t want to lose this,” she whispers, her voice smaller than it’s ever been. She hugs Robin so close, “If I love you… if we get together just to go to different colleges and spend days not talking, it’ll dwindle and die like everything else and I can’t lose you. You’re my favourite friend I’ve had in a long time.” 
“So that’s why you asked… cause if I was asexual we couldn’t hook up and you wouldn’t lose me,” Robin pieces it all together. 
She just nods against her, “I have loved this time so much. I love how we talk about everything. I love how we can do nothing and still enjoy it because we're together. I love that life with you is so easy and fun and—and I just love you.” 
Robin simply kisses the top of her head before resting her cheek against her, “I love you too… but unlike those two idiots, I’m not going to let the best girl I’ve ever known in my whole life just walk away. You’re going to get sick of me. I’m going to call you in Boston, and I’m going to come visit when I can, we’ll be home for Thanksgiving, Christmas and spring break and if you get a summer internship in Boston, I can come out there for the summer. If I get to love you, to really love you, I’m making it work for the long run.” 
“Is Steve going to be okay with it?” She worries more. 
Robin just laughs, “Yeah, seeing as he’s had to listen to me pine over you for months now, he knows. He’s okay… he has someone special of his own now. I’ll let him tell you who, but he’s okay. He’s moved on. We’re allowed to be happy.” 
Nancy lets out a relieved laugh, holding Robin even tighter. “Oh my god, it feels so good to tell you. I have been thinking about this for weeks. Months maybe.” 
“You have a killer poker face then,” Robin teases. “I thought you were so straight.” 
“I did too,” Nancy whispers, adjusting her head so she’s closer to Robin’s throat. She gives her a little kiss, “Then I spent a week with you and something brewed and all I could think about was seeing you again, and talking to you again and kissing you to get you to shut up.” 
Robin laughs, “Yeah, that’s one way to do it.” 
Nancy straddles her, a knee on both sides of her hips, her arms wrapped around her middle, she keeps kissing the side of her neck. “I’ve wanted to kiss you for so long.” 
“I’ve never been kissed before,” Robin admits. “I’ve never done anything, before… I’m not sure I’m ready to just jump into it, either.” 
“I’m not ready for that either,” Nancy agrees, holding her tighter for a moment before she props herself up on her hands and leans over her. Her hair dangling down in Robin's face, she reaches up to push her hair back behind her ear. “But I would like to kiss you.” 
“Please?” Robin all but begs. 
Balancing on one hand, Nancy cups her face gently, rubbing her thumb over Robin’s cheek. She leans in slowly, savouring the moment, building anticipation before it happens. 
One touch, 4 lips meet, one explosion, 2 lives better in an instant.
Suddenly, all at once, she understands the big bang. How something so small could create so much. She understands every love song and poem, every painting and sculpture… every depiction of the world from a lens of love and happiness and longing and belonging. 
The kiss deepens, and she follows Nancy’s lead because she knows what she’s doing. Sure, she’s seen enough movies to get the gist of making out, but there’s something so different about experiencing it firsthand. The way her tongue feels so right against her own, how their lips move in tandem like they were programmed this way… how Nancy slips from her perch and rests her body weight on her and Robin's hands instinctively wrap around her and she holds her there. 
Nancy brushes her hair back a few times, trying to get it out of Robin’s face and stop it from tickling her, but it keeps falling back down. Eventually, Robin misses the feel of her hand on her cheek, so she gathers Nancy’s hair in her hands and holds it as if her fist was a ponytail. To her surprise, Nancy just hums against her, thanking her while her tongue is in Robin's mouth. 
She never wants this to end. 
She could make out with Nancy for the rest of her life if she was allowed. They could never leave this bed again for all she cared. She would give up every early pleasure for Nancy’s. 
When Nancy does eventually pull away, it’s just a millimetre before she rests her forehead against robins. She’s breathing just as deep as Robin, flushed and craving more but they said they wouldn’t. They can’t. It needs to be more special than in the middle of the night in the Wheeler’s house with people on either side of her walls and across the hall. 
“I love you,” Nancy whispers.
“I love you,” she whispers right back. “There’s no getting rid of me now. You’re stuck with me, I hope you understand that.” 
Nancy just giggles that beautiful giggle. “Good.” 
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General Taglist 
@ncsls0515 @stevesmunsons @reidsbookclub @sweetyyhippyy @manuosorioh @mrs-dr-reid @k-k0129 @squishyturtle @katsukis1wife @buckleyhans @mrs-ssa-hotch @ssavanessa22
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myspilledguts-n-stuff · 4 months
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This is a line in the fanfic I’m writing
Choking on flowers
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sapphicsoldierwriting · 3 months
I want to do a little challenge, just for fun
Every note this post gets is another 10 words I have to add to my wip
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fragilecapric0rnn · 1 month
first lines tag game!!
thank you for the tags my wonderful and talented friends!! @judasofsuburbia @kkpwnall @fastcardotmp3 ❤️ love yall!!!!
RULES: post the first lines of your last 10 fics/chapters posted on AO3 (if you have less than 10 fics posted, post the first lines of all your fics) and try to draw some conclusions
1. Anyway, It's About Old Friends
Robin stands beside Steve, her grip on his arm is the only thing keeping him grounded.
2. Hand On My Stupid Heart [chapter 1]
Instead of warming up for the game, the last game of his high school career, Steve Harrington is making the trek out to the woods behind the school. 
3. Hand On My Stupid Heart [chapter 2]
A pang of guilt hit Steve in the chest as he sits on the dirty bathroom floor.
4. you'll get older (maybe then you'll feel some control)
Something’s not right.
5. Young, Scrappy, & Hungry [chapter 4]
Robin’s tires screech on the pavement, echoing in the almost empty parking lot, before she cuts the engine of her mom’s red Toyota Yaris, whistling as she climbs out of the car, giving no one even the slightest hint that she woke up this morning on the brink of vomiting from the nerves.
6. It Might Be Worth It For Once
Steve feels so incredibly queasy walking shoulder to shoulder in between Robin and Dustin up to their dingy little hometown bar. 
7. Excuse Me, This is a 7-11 in 1985
“No way!” Steve scolds, the top half of his body turned and facing the backseat.
8. The Future is the Same (but i have to try)
The first time, it was an accident.
9. Young, Scrappy, & Hungry [chapter 3]
Nancy shuts off her car, cutting off the radio announcer talking about the ‘chilly morning’ that Orange County residents are in store for today.
10. Heat Wave
It’s an unusually hot night in Steve’s apartment. 
TLDR; we love to start with an action. we LOVE an action and also sometimes some dialogue!
No pressure tagging some friends!!
@cheatghost @figthefruitfaeth @snowangeldotmp3 @gideoncharov @starryeyedjanai @thefreakandthehair
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eskawrites · 1 month
the epilogue of our hearts know deeper seasons than our memories is up now! thank you all so much to everyone who has read this and the original cfdau and all the other nonsense involved in this universe <3
They wake slowly in the morning, and Nancy revels in the fact that, for the first time in their lives, they have all the time in the world. Robin is quiet. She studies Nancy’s face, leans into her touch, but she doesn’t voice the thoughts Nancy knows are running behind her eyes. She doesn’t mind, though. She’s more than happy to hold her hands out, steady Robin as best as she can, and take those initial steps. To prove that she means it. She means this. “Robin,” she says softly, waiting for Robin to lift her gaze and meet her eyes. “I love you.”
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ronanceautistic · 9 months
Here is my mostly Ronance, mostly Nancy-centric fic masterlist :D
Nancy Wheeler full character analysis with a focus on autistic traits (the autistic nancy doc)
Over 200K
Stranger Things rewrite where Nancy goes missing instead of Will (Ronance, Wheeler Siblings, platonic Stobin) - 41 chapters
50K - 100K
Nancy and Robin gay pining during summer 1986 (Ronance, minor Byler) - 15 chapters
A collection of prompts given to me from my asks - (Nancy-centric, click here for specific list of prompts) - 6/? chapters
Modern Selective Mutism!Nancy AU (Ronance) - 15/? chapters
Nancy grew up in Hawkins Lab AU (Karen & Nancy, Ronance, Barb & Nancy ((unrequited love))) - chapters 9/9
The Last Of Us AU (Ronance, Max & Nancy, Max & Robin, platonic Stobin & minor Lumax) - 8 chapters
Nancy can freeze time (Ronance, platonic Ednancy) - 5 chapters
Grosse Pointe Blank AU where Nancy is a hitman for hire (Ronance, platonic Ednancy, platonic Stobin) - 6 chapters
Season 4 rewrite where Nancy is cursed instead of Max (Ronance) - 4 chapters
One shots set inbetween Season 1 and 2 (Jopper, Boyce, Byler, Wheeler Siblings, Eleven & Robin) - 6 chapters
Six years after they save the world, Robin and Nancy reconnect (Ronance platonic or romantic, Holly & Nancy) - 1 chapter
Nancy & Robin fall in love, Nancy recovers from OCD (Ronance) - 1 chapter
Nancy is stuck in a death loop, Robin has to watch (Ronance) - 1 chapter
Modern AU where Robin and Nancy do a school project (Ronance) - 1 chapter
The Good Place AU (Ronance, Minor Steddie) - 2 chapters
Two one shots, werewolf!Robin and werewolf!Nancy (Ronance, platonic or romantic) - 2 chapters
Pirate AU based on Monkey Island (Ronance) - 1 chapter
Under 5K
Robin and Nancy meet on Nancy's first day of Kindergarten (Ronance, platonic or romantic) - 1 chapter
Depression/Healing fic where Robin takes care of Nancy (Ronance, platonic or romantic) - 1 chapter
Nancy has a flashback with only Mike around to help (Wheeler Siblings) - 1 chapter
Nancy angst with Robin loving her (Ronance, platonic or romantic) - 1 chapter
Ronance aquarium date! (Ronance) - 1 chapter
7 year old Nancy scripts a D&D-ish game for Robin (Ronance, platonic or romantic) - 1 chapter
Robin needs stitches, but is afraid of blood. Nancy is here to help and pine. (Ronance) - 1 chapter
Horror Movie AU where Robin & Nancy stay the night at the Creel House (Ronance, platonic or romantic) - 1 chapter
Nancy and Robin are werewolves, who turn during S4 E7 (Ronance, platonic or romantic) - 1 chapter
Nancy is not okay, Robin notices (Ronance, platonic or romantic) - 1 chapter
Nancy’s Vecna Vision from Max’s POV (Max & Nancy, minor Lumax) - 1 chapter
Robin and Nancy take care of each other after the gates open (Ronance, platonic or romantic) - 1 chapter
Nancy is afraid of heights (Ronance, platonic or romantic) - 1 chapter
Nancy survivors guilt character study (Ronance, platonic or romantic) - 1 chapter
The night after Fred’s death (Just Nancy) - 1 chapter
Nancy loneliness character study (Just Nancy) - 1 chapter
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smileweakandwrong · 10 months
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Nancy opened her eyes and blinked hard, trying to force her eyesight back and the images out of her mind. Robin already had the Tylenol out of her pack and was handing her two for the headache. Before she could explain the grisly vision, there was a crackle of static from their walkies and then El’s voice was barrelling through the quiet of the library.
“Get out! It’s a trap! It’s a trap!”
Steve pulled Nancy to her feet and they ran for the doors before she could grab her pack. She made it two steps before the floor beneath her boots was collapsing and a vine was winding around her ankle. She felt the sharp tug and then she was being pulled down, down, down through the rough hole in the floor.
Or, things do not go as planned when the group returns to the Upside Down.
khajdsjfshskdskjd @sweepy-stringbean annihilating everyone with this drawing 💜
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