#Romione Chp 5
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hungrygaming · 13 years ago
My Romione Fanfic | Chapter 5
"Well, this has been delightful; but I'm knackered. See you all tomo-"
"George Fabian Weasley. Do not think you are leaving us to clear away this mess!" George froze in mid step. Rolling his eyes, he turned to face his mother. Molly Weasley's small plump figure stood in the centre of the living room. Sweet wrappers, plastic cups, biscuit crumbs, and an assortment of other pieces of rubbish were strewed about around her, as if she were stood in the centre of an explosion.
"But I'm so tired." George cast his eyes downwards. "I-It's been a really long week for me, mum." His voice had lowered considerably. Mrs. Weasley's gaze faltered slightly, before she assumed her usual disapproving stares at George.
"You are not pulling that one on me! Don't you dare try and use your brother as an excuse to skive off work!" She placed her hands on her wide hips, as if the act settled the matter. "Come along, chop chop."
George sighed heavily.
"Nice try mate." Ron muttered to him behind Molly Weasley's back.
"Hermione dear, could you fetch us some black bags from the kitchen cupboard please?" Hermione smiled at Mrs. Weasley, and hastily left the seating area to do as she had been asked.
Having been living in the Burrow for a while now, she knew where practically everything was stored. She knew that Mrs. Weasley hid the good biscuits in the cupboard beneath the sink, which was locked at all times. She knew that because Bill and Charlie were adults, and both had jobs, they had to purchase their own food - which was kept on the top shelf in the pantry. She knew that Mr. Weasley kept a stash of Firewhiskey beneath his armchair, and that he thought no one knew about it, yet George often stole a glass, or two. So when Hermione walked into the Weasley's cosy kitchen she knew instinctively to go to the third cupboard to the left, on the top row, to find the rubbish bags.
She searched the cupboard's packed shelves for the item she needed. Finally spotting the plastic black bags on the top shelf, among several glass bottles filled with strange concoctions, she reached up to take them down; but the roll of black sacks were out of reach. Hermione tried again, standing on her tip toes and flexing her arm as high as possible. Giving up on her hopeless stretching she reached for her back pocket, where her wand was stored.
"Damn" She mumbled to herself, remembering she had left her wand in Ginny's room. Rolling her eyes at herself for being so forgetful, she turned away from the kitchen cabinets to leave the room, but someone blocked her path. Almost running smack into the grey t shirt clad chest she gasped, backtracking her steps. Hermione felt the cool tiles of the kitchen counter pressing against her back. She raised her head slightly, meeting Ron's piercing blue eyes. Without warning he advanced on her slightly. Hermione's eyes widened drastically, giving her the appearance of a deer caught in the headlights. Ron reached up over Hermione's head, extending his tall, lanky frame. She was trapped now, between the breakfast bar and Ron. The fresh scent of his aftershave drifted pleasantly towards her, she got lost in it. Inhaling deeply, wanting more. Hermione closed her eyes, the delicious sense of Ron entrancing her. Suddenly, strong hands were around her. One on her shoulder, another pressed lightly to her waist. 
"Hey, you alright there?" Ron had bent over slightly, bringing himself down to her height. His concerned stares were boring into her. "Hermione? You okay?" He looked torn between amusement and worry.
"Yes. I just, um..." She drifted off, loosing track of what was going on. All she could think about was the slight pressure on her waist. The warmth of Ron's hand was seeping through her shirt, making her feel giddy. They were so close. She could count the number of freckles that mapped his cheeks. 
"You kinda fell into me" Ron chuckled lightly. Hesitantly, he removed his large hands from her small waist, ducking to the ground to pick up the discarded rubbish bags. "Here. I dropped them when I caught you" He handed her the plastic sacks.
"Oh, thanks. And thanks for, um, saving me I guess. I think I'm just a little tired." Flustered more like! She thought to herself. Her cheeks reddened in embarrassment. I could have sworn he was going to kiss me...
"Thought you said you slept well" Ron raised an eyebrow questioningly. Hermione could have sworn he was teasing her, referring to their previous nights sleep. Before she could answer, he grinned at her mischievously and left the kitchen. Hermione stayed resting against the counter for a while, to compose herself. Her cheeks were flushed, with a mix of both embarrassment and excitement.
Rays of sunshine poured through the glass window, casting light shadows on the mismatched furniture. As clouds passed the light intensity grew stronger, illuminating the long wooden table in the centre of the room. From only a few feet away she could make out distinctive carvings on the surface of the oak. The Weasley children had all left their mark. Each red haired misfit had scratched their name into their place at the large table. Fred and George's messy scrawl was the biggest of them all, taking up two seats at the dining table; although now only one of those places was occupied during meal times. Ginny's name was carved elegantly, surrounded by small illustrations of flowers, and Quidditch related doodles. Bill and Charlie's signatures were faded slightly, having been there the longest. Percy's name was engraved at the edge of the table, in a minute scrawl, the letters were rigid and neat. Last but not least, Ron's distinctive inscribe caught Hermione's eye. It was the deepest cut of all, as if he had worked on it for weeks, making sure it stayed there forever, that he was never forgotten. An assortment of other scribbles covered the panel of wood. Some had been removed, making the surface uneven, but a few rude swear words had slipped Mrs. Wealsey's notice. 
The loud 'pops' of people Apparating into the Burrow sounded from the living room. Hermione left the kitchen to see who had arrived. 
It was hard to tell exactly who had dropped by, as the throng of people were huddled together in the centre of the room, exchanging pleasantry's. However, one figure within the mass of people she recognized instantly. Luna Lovegood's long white-blonde hair seemed to glow, like a beacon of light. The petite girl wore a light green dress with large bright sunflowers snaking up the sides. Luna noticed Hermione leaning against the door frame, and gave her a friendly smile. The pair had never really been great friends, being the complete opposite of each other, but Hermione respected her greatly. There were times where she wished she could be just like Luna, completely fearless. Unafraid of what anyone thought of her; she seemed free. Luna walked, well, glided really, towards Hermione. Catching her by surprise she flung her arms around her. Hermione found herself in a mass of silvery hair, which had an overwhelming sweet smell of watermelons. She smiled to herself, only Luna. 
"Hi there Hermione!" Luna said in her light sing song voice. "It's been a while."
"Luna, I saw you yesterday." Luna titled her head to the right. "At Fred's wake?" Luna knitted her eyebrows together in confusion. "Never mind. Who else is here anyway?" Hermione asked, wanting to change the subject. As much as she admired her, Loony Lovegood was hard work sometimes.
"Well there's me, Neville, Seamus, Dean, Ginny, George, Har-" Hemione cut her off before she finished listing every single person that was currently standing in the room. 
"I meant who had just arrived." Hermione stated. Luckily, Mrs. Weasley's shrill voice sounded over the loud sea of conversations in the small room.
"Thank you all very much for coming, this is a great help! You know know I was talking to Arthur the other day, about how lazy you lot can be sometimes! Proves me wrong, eh?" Molly chuckled to herself whilst the rest of the group wore looks of confusion upon their faces. Hermione caught Ginny's eye and raised her eyebrows questioningly, Ginny answered with a light shrug. "Now dears, some of you can start by putting the big pieces of rubbish into the black bags, whilst the rest can start on this floor." The group simultaneously bowed their heads to examine the rug laden wooden floor. Crumbs, juice stains, and countless other pieces of dirt were crushed between the fibers of the mat, and wrappers could be seen glistening beneath the floor boards. "There's a spell book on quick cleaning fixes somewhere in the kitchen, hang on loves, I'll just go and fetch it." Mrs. Weasley hastily exited the room, leaving Seamus, Dean, and Neville glaring at the three Weasley's. 
"We only came here for a cuppa tea! Now your mam's got us cleaning!" Seamus whispered accusingly.
"Well I didn't bloody know! Do you think I want to be tidying up?!" Ron replied.
"We don't live here! Not our problem!" Seamus countered.
"Quit it you two! It was you and Dean that made most of the mess, well, and George when he got really drunk and started falling over everything, so it's only fair you help clean it up! Anyway, with magic it'll only take two minutes." Ginny hissed loudly at Seamus.
"Ginny's right." Harry stated, stepping forward into the obscured circle that had been made. 
"Well you would say that, wouldn't ya Harry. I mean, if you didn't she wouldn't be letting you stick your tongue down her throat every five minutes now would she?" Seamus laughed loudly, along with the rest of the group. Ginny stepped forward and punched him playfully on the shoulder; it was apparently harder than it looked though as Seamus began rubbing his arm gently.
Hermione felt Ron bristle by her side. His hands were clenched into a fist, and the look on his face was murderous. Hermione wasn't sure whether he was mad at Seamus or Harry, but either way, she knew she had to do something to calm him down before he physically punched someone, or hexed them into oblivion. He still wasn't comfortable with his best friend dating his sister, which was understandable. Hermione thought as quickly as she could, of ways to cool him down. She couldn't make him leave the room, as it would be obvious as to why he was departing, and Ginny would kick off. Telling him to wouldn't work either, as when Ron gets angry, he looses all rationality, and lets his emotions rule his reason. Without thinking it through, she grabbed his hand. Hermione's hands were small, and dainty, and so she managed to squeeze her fingers beneath his tightly locked fist. As soon as she did so, Ron's grip lessened slightly. He looked away from the scene in front of him, down to their interwoven hands. Hermione looked back and forth from their hands to Ron's expression. After a short while, he looked into her eyes, unsmiling. 'Breathe' she mouthed silently to him. Ron closed his eyes, and inhaled deeply. When he released his breath he looked away form Hermione, back to the group, although his eyes seemed glazed, distant. She was about to ask him of what was the matter, when he squeezed her hand lightly; making Hermione grin sheepishly. 
What was supposed to only take two minutes ended up being two hours. The book of cleaning spells Mrs. Weasley had provided them with wasn't much help. Hermione had been allocated the chief of spells position within the group. It had been Ron that volunteered her, deciding to take this as a compliment, and not his way of calling her a know-it-all, she accepted the role. The large book had a fraying brown cover, yellowing pages with curling corners. Most of the ancient scrawl could not be read due to major water damage, and pages being stuck together. The charms Hermione skimmed over were useless to them, being for major cleaning disasters. One, for example, was how to remove gnomes from drain pipes after severe weather conditions. After scanning through the entire book and coming up empty, the team decided to resort to 'Muggle methods' and using the basic, limited spells they knew.
Ginny and Ron had a spat every ten minutes, the majority of them regarding Ginny calling Ron a wimp for not dealing with the spiders that had invited themselves into the Burrow. Seamus and Dean probably made more mess in the process of 'cleaning' the clutter they had made the previous night at Fred's wake; and Luna took to warning George about the Nargles that lurked behind the furniture. Hermione couldn't help but notice that he seemed intrigued by Luna's ramblings. This left Hermione, Harry, and Neville to do most of the work. They worked well together, settling into a nice rhythm. They made their way around the Burrow's living room in a clockwork fashion. Hermione would do the best she could with the little spells she knew, whilst the boys would do the manual labour. By five pm the room was spotless. 
When Ginny, appointing herself as leader of the group, announced that the room was done, they simultaneously collapsed to the now-clean floor. Ron, Harry, Ginny, George, and Luna were leant against the mismatched sofas. George and Luna had resumed their animated conversation, and Ginny was leaning against Harry; Hermione glanced at Ron, longing to be able to be able to do just as her two best friends. A pang of jealousy surged from deep within her. Physically shaking herself, not wanting to feel such a petty emotion, she focused on other matters.
The group stayed that way for a long while, at around seven, when the sky turned a pretty shade of red, Hermione and Ginny left the seating area to make tea and coffee. 
"Argh" Ginny sighed in an aggravated tone whilst plonking herself into Mr. Weasley's large wooden chair, at the head of the table. Hermione began preparing the ordered beverages, filling up the kettle, and lighting the stove. She then joined Ginny at the table, taking Percy's seat.
"What's up?" She asked.
"Ron's doing my head in" Ginny replied, rolling her eyes.
"When doesn't he?" Hermione asked. The pair laughed. Ron and Ginny bickered almost as often as she and Ron did; although Ron and herself were never really mad at each other, arguing was their strange, perverse way of flirting.
"He needs to man up, grow a pair!" Ginny seethed.
"You can't moan at him for being afraid of spiders Ginny! It's a genuine phobia." Hermione defended Ron; she actually thought Ron's fear of spiders was rather sweet.
"No, not that! I'm used to him being a prat like that, I actually find it quite amusing. You know, once I put a sp-" Ginny shook her head, the ends of her flaming red hair whipping around her slender shoulders "never mind, tell you about that later. What I mean is, he needs to stop being an idiot about you!"
"What?" Hermione asked, confused.
"He's being a right coward. I don't know why he hasn't asked you out properly, you know, like made things official." The kettle let off a high pitched whistle, signalling that the water within had boiled. Hermione left her seat at the table to tend to the tea. She could feel Ginny's eyes on her. "Or has he? You'd tell me though, right?" She questioned.
"Yes, of course Ginny, you're my best friend, I'd tell you anything." She stated, hurt that she thought she didn't trust her. Growing up Ginny was the only real girl friend she'd made, she found it hard relating to other girls her age, but they hit it off straight away. After time, they learnt that they balanced each other. Hermione could calm Ginny's bad temper, much like Ron's, and Ginny often persuaded her to be more courageous, daring her to be bolder. 
"So he hasn't?" She clarified. 
"No. Ronald hasn't, as you say, grown a pair." She stated. 
"But you want him to right?" Ginny asked, blowing her steaming mug of tea; Hermione had only made Ginny and herself a cup, sensing they were going to be in the kitchen for a while.
"Well, I guess so." She blushed. "I thought we kind of already were, I mean after what happened during the war, I just presumed..." She trailed off, embarrassed.
"Me too. But he definitely still likes you." Ginny said, glancing towards the living room.
"How do you know?" Hermione asked.
"Well he can't take his eyes off of you for starters!" She exclaimed. Hermione's cheeks deepened, knowing Ginny was right; she had often noticed Ron's stares, but reading nothing into them, well, not until now.
"Thought you were making us tea too?" Seamus said, making Hermione jump.
"Hold on! If you want it fast you can make it yourself!" Ginny said.
"Alright, alright, don't kill the messenger. I only came here to let ya know that they all want coffee now instead, I didn't mean to interrupt your mothers meeting!" At this Ginny picked up an old issue of Witch Weekly and threw it a Seamus, who ducked, grinning when it missed him.
"'Spose we better get moving then." Ginny sighed, stretching as she hoisted herself  out of Mr. Weasley's large wooden chair.
When she and Ginny returned to the Burrow's living room, arms laden with a tray of steaming cups of coffee, they saw that no one had moved much since they had left. Ron and Dean were now playing Wizards Chess, a game that Hermione despised, and Luna and George were now discussing Fred and George's joke shop. Hermione layed the tray in the centre of the circle, allowing the others to help their selves to the drinks. She settled herself down on the thick rug, between Ginny and Ron, whom noticing she had returned, let Harry take over his game. 
"I like your earring's Luna." Ginny said, gesturing towards Luna's slightly elfish ears from across the rug. 
"Oh, thank you, they're radishes." She stated in her dreamy tone. "I have a ring to match, would you like to see?"
"Sure." Ginny replied. Luna began fumbling through the large slits in her vibrant dress. She pulled out an assortment of random objects from her deep pockets; some of which Hermione didn't recognize. Luminous handkerchiefs, fluffy quills, and what appeared to be enchanted socks, on which a small knitted mouse would scurry around. When she had found the item in question, Luna pulled it out of her pockets with a cheery 'aha!'
"Catch Ginny." She said, tossing the ring gently, underarm in Ginny's direction.
There was a very good reason why Luna, much like Hermione, was not on any Quidditch teams. The entire group watched as the ring traveled completely off course, soaring through the air. It seemed to fly in slow motion. Hermione gawped as it spun in mid air, the tiny radish became a red blur. All eyes followed the ring down towards the ground, watch it's elegant twirl, and suddenly come to attention as it began to escape, reeling towards the sofa. Ginny, Ron, and Harry all dived for the golden loop, sending their mugs of coffee to the rug. Three pairs of hands grabbed for the ring, all of which missed. It was gone. Under the dark cavern of the settee. 
"Damn" Ginny muttered to herself. "I'm not putting my hands under there." She motioned towards the gap between the floor and the old fraying sofa.
"Ergh, me neither, I don't think it's ever been cleaned. Imagine the spiders..." Ron's eyes widened, shivering at the thought. Meanwhile George and Hermione seemed to be thinking exactly the same thing. Both had frowns of confusion upon their faces, and were looking around at the group in astonishment. Noticing Hermione's similar expression, George turned to Hermione.
"Hey, Hermione. Remember that thing we all used to do? You know that thing we used to have, it made us all special or something." He said sarcastically. Catching his drift Hermione joined in on his little skit.
"I don't know George. Could it have anything to do with this?" She replied, pulling her wand out of her boot, which she had fetched from Ginny's bedroom earlier. 
George gasped in mock surprise. 
"Yes! Merlin that's it! If only we knew how to use it!" They all laughed, that is except Ginny and Ron, whom was looking back and forth between George and Hermione.
"Ha ha. Very funny, just because we have magic doesn't mean we have to whip our wands out for everything." Ginny gasped and smacked her hand over her mouth. George, Harry, Ron, and Hermione stared at her in shock. "I - I." She stuttered. They nodded in agreement, knowing exactly what Ginny had intended to say. 
Ginny Weasley, had turned into her mother.
George and Hermione took to giving her sympathetic smiles, whilst Ron was doubled over with laughter.
"Good - luck - mate!" He managed between breaths to Harry, whom was looking almost as worried as Ginny herself.
Wanting to help Ginny by drawing the attention away from her, Hermione suggested they summon the ring from beneath the couch.
"Accio ring!" Hermione said with a flick of her wand. They could hear the ring scuttling on the floor, there was a loud 'clink' before the ring shot out from beneath the settee, covered in dust, into the palm of Hermione's hand. She picked off the large pieces of fluff with the tip of her fingers, and then blew away the smaller particles. She went to pass the ring to Ginny, but she was preoccupied. Handing it back to Luna she inquired why Ginny was on her knees, with her bottom in the air.
"She's trying to find what the ring hit on it's way out." Harry informed her.
When Ginny pulled out her arm from beneath the sofa, the group saw the the object was simply an empty bottle of Firewhiskey. She discarded the glass bottle in the middle of the rug and they all resumed their seats. Dean and Harry had ended their game of chess, and now looked as bored as the rest of them. 
"Tsk, stop it Ron!" Hermione scolded; he had taken to spinning the bottle on its side, which was irritating her.
"Hey!" Seamus exclaimed. "Why don't we have a game of spin the bottle?!
Dean and Seaumus were grinning wickedly at each other, whilst Harry and Hermione had slight disapproving looks upon their faces. The rest of them however, had no idea what spin the bottle was.
"Um, can someone explain what spin a bottle is." Ron said.
"It's a Muggle game." Harry stated. "They tend to play it when they're drunk, hence the empty bottle." He looked to Hermione handing over to her. She rolled her eyes at him. Why must she act as the teacher within the group.
"One person spins the bottle, within a circle, and whoever the neck of the bottle points to, has to kiss the spinner." Hermione remembered watching a sitcom during a summer holiday, where a group of friends played the game. She thought it was silly.
"Cool!" Exclaimed Ron. "Shall we?" Hermione looked at him disapprovingly and he lowered his head slightly, as though he had been reprimanded.
"Well we can't really can we. There are three of us." By 'us' Hermione presumed Ginny meant Weasley's. "And I'm not kissing you or George!" She confirmed Hermione's guesses.
"And I don't particularly want to kiss Harry either." Seeing the wounded look on Harry's face Hermione continued. "You're as much my brother as Ron is Ginny's." Harry smiled, understanding he nodded in agreement.
"We could always do dares instead." Neville suggested. Ron looked eagerly to Hermione. She nodded her head, approving of the idea, and he grinned. 
Ginny, again appointing herself leader, organised the group into an orderly circle, and placed the green glass bottle in the middle of the bodies. 
"Okay, so truth or dare right?" Everyone murmured an agreement. Ginny span first, the thinner end of the bottle pointed to Luna. She looked around the circle with glassy eyes. 
"Truth or dare, Loons?" George asked. 'Loons'? Where had that come from? Hermione thought to herself.
"Truth, please." She answered. Ginny thought for a moment. A long moment.
"Ummm." Ginny took to staring at the ceiling as if a question were written up there among the cobwebs they had missed. George cleared his throat.
"May I?" He asked, Ginny shook her head avidly, clearly thankful she didn't have to think of the question. Hermione herself could see why Ginny had struggled. She couldn't think of a truth question to ask Luna; she wasn't the type to keep secrets, if he had something on her mind, she would say it.
"So Loons, how's your love life?" George asked Luna, twisting slightly in his place on the rug to face her. Hermione was surprised to see that he appeared genuinely interested in the matter.
"Well I suppose I haven't really got one." She giggled. "I'm not seeing anyone if that's what you mean."
"But do you like anyone?" George asked again. Hermione met Ginny's eyes; they were thinking the same thing. Why does George care?
"Yes, I met someone recently, he's rather charming actually." Luna replied in her dreamy voice.
"Who?" George demanded. Luna looked suddenly flustered, her cheeks began to colour and her mouth kept opening and closing, giving her the apperance of a goldfish.
Hermione had never seen Luna like this.
"I think you're only supposed to ask one question, George." She said quietly, but George heard her. Taking the hint, he stopped asking Luna questions.
Harry span next, the bottle landed on George, who chose dare. Harry dared him to sing 'Do The Hippogriff', which George exclaimed was easy. 
George's a bloody awful singer; worse than Hermione, Ron thought. He sang the entire song, which was more than enough to drive someone insane. After his final chorus of 'can you dance like a Hippogriff', the whole group applauded George, whom got to his feet, and bowed melodramatically. Ron rolled his eyes but clapped anyway. Luna Lovegood was red in the face, due to laughing so much at George's performance. Ron frowned, thinking she was going a bit over the top. George, however, seemed to enjoy the attention, beaming at her.
The bottle was spun again and again, Ron, luckily, had not been landed on, although Ginny accepted Dean's dare to smell Ron's shoe, and had had to run to the bathroom. Ron roared with laughter, along with Dean and Seamus, catching Hermione rolling her eyes at him he attempted to stifle his laugh.
Everybody was in high spirits. George had stolen the half empty bottle of Fire whiskey from beneath Mr. Weasley's plush armchair. Hermione had declined a sip, not being keen on the strong beverage. Noticing she wasn't drinking, Ron also refused a drink. He retreated to the kitchen quietly, unnoticed by the others whom were engrossed in their game of truth or dare. Padding through the kitchen diner, bare footed, he used his wand to light the stove and magically fill the kettle. Whilst the water was boiling he fetched Hermione's favourite mug from the cupboard. The kettle let off it's high pitched scream, steam bellowing from the spout. He poured the piping water into the large ivory mug, making sure not to add any sugar to the tea. (Hermione never took sugar, she said it rotted teeth.) Ron walked carefully back to the living room, not taking his eyes off of the brown, wobbling liquid within the cup. No one had acknowledged he had left, no one but Hermione. As he reached the centre of the room he noticed her watching him intently. He handed her the china mug, making sure to give her the handle side, even if his hand burned a little. She looked a little surprised, smiling at him, she said thank you.
"Who's next then?" Ron asked, having missed a couple of spins. 
"It's Ginny's turn to spin now." Neville informed him.
Ginny span the bottle. It completed three whole rotations, and came to a slow stop, pointing to the person two spaces to the right of Ginny. Hermione. She took her eyes off of the stationary green bottle to face the group. 
"So Hermione..." Said Ginny, settling onto her knees. She was smiling deviously, looking from Ron to Hermione. "Do you still like-" She began, being cut off by Hermione.
"I haven't chosen truth or dare yet!" She stated, stopping Ginny short.
"Yeah, but it's obvious you'd choose truth... It's you." Said Dean, opposite Hermione in the small circle. She frowned. She was going to select truth if the bottle had landed on her, but that was besides the point. Hermione knew she had a goody-two-shoes reputation, but did her closest friends still perceive her to be sweet little Hermione, after everything she had gone through in previous years. Temper rising, she decided to defy them.
"Dare." She said simply. Glaring at Ginny; she knew the question she had been about to ask, so she would have had to change to dare either way.
A few of them raised their eyebrows in surprise, but Ginny simply smiled even more mischievously than she had before. Had she planned this? Oh Merlin, what's she going to give me? Hermione fretted.
"Alright then." Ginny pretended to think, though it was blindingly obvious that she had already made up her mind. "How about you kiss Seamus." It wasn't a question. That was it, the dare.
"I thought we weren't playing the normal version of spin the bottle?" Harry asked, seeing how uncomfortable Hermione looked. 
"Yes, because too many of us are related, and it would be weird, but Hermione and Seamus aren't related, are they?"
"Yeah, but-" Harry protested, clearly not approving of Ginny's sudden, apparent cruelty.
"And it's not like they're close friends or anything. I'm sure Seamus won't mind?" Ginny turned away from stricken looking Hermione to an eager Seamus.
"No mam." He said, grinning. Ginny looked to Hermione, whom was staring at Ron, whom was focusing on Harry's shoe. Luna, George, Neville, and Dean, looked as though they were watching a tennis match. Their heads were darting back and forth between Ginny, Hermione, Ron, and Seamus. Harry, meanwhile, seemed to be attempting to catch Ron's eye.
Ginny coughed lightly, prompting Hermione.
Hermione moved her mug of tea aside, and began to kneel unwillingly towards Seamus. Pushing the bottle aside, she crawled a couple of steps, into the centre of the circle. She felt as though she was on a stage. Seamus had met her in the middle; he had stopped grinning, noticing how little Hermione wanted to do this.
A tight knot in Hermione's stomach had formed. The closer she got to Seamus, the more it clenched. She had only ever kissed Ron properly before. Viktor Krum had tried going further than a light peck on the cheek, but Hermione had never felt right about it. She knew now, that it was because she only had eyes for Ron; and still did. Just close your eyes, and do it. She thought. The quicker you do it, the sooner it'll be over.
Leaning forward, she caught a whiff of Firewhiskey from Seamus's breath. When the pair locked lips, she screwed her eyes shut, not wanting to acknowledge whom she was kissing. It wasn't bad, but it was different. Seamus's aftershave was slightly overwhelming, the strong scent of oranges hit her with force. His lips were large, and chapped, and she found the kiss awkward. After only a couple of excruciating moments, a loud clash sounded behind her. She broke apart from Seamus, who kindly looked away from her flushed face. 
Attempting to discretely wipe her mouth with the back of her hand, she saw Harry rush past her, through the open Burrow door, out into the blackness.
"What happened?" She asked Ginny, who was looking towards the door, she looked torn between satisfaction and worry. "Ginny?" 
"Ron took off, he knocked over the table. Harry's gone after him." Dean answered for Ginny, whom was now staring at the ground
"Happy now?" Hermione asked her angrily. This was all Ginny's fault. She knew what she was doing. Why? Why on Earth would she dare her to kiss anyone in front of Ron, knowing full well how they both felt. 
"Hermione, I didn't think he'd-"
"Save it." Hermione said seethingly as she passed to upturned coffee table, following Harry and Ron into the night.
The air was cold. Goosebumps erupted on Hermione's arms the moment she stepped out of the Burrow's door; though she didn't mind. The chill would help to calm her. The urge to scream, let out her anger at Ginny was fading slightly as she walked through the high grass in search of Ron. 
"Hermione! Wait!" She could hear Ginny running behind her, trying to keep up with her long strides. "Let me explain. Please." She pleaded.
Hermione ignored her.
"I thought he would do something, step forward, prevent you from kissing him. I thought he'd get so jealous he couldn't stand it, and finally do something! I'm sorry, I didn't mean for him, and you, to get so upset! Hermione?" Ginny finished breathlessly. After a few minutes, Hermione finally spoke.
"I think they're by the Quidditch field." 
"What? Y-you're not going to shout at me?" She asked, surprised.
"No. I'm mad at you; you didn't think it through, but I know you were trying to help." Hermione replied calmly.
"So you forgive me?" Ginny asked hopefully.
"Yes, I forgive you." She said with a laugh. "Now help me find Ron, he's probably hexed Harry out of anger by now."
They walked to the edge of the large expanse of cut grass that was the Weasley's Quidditch pitch, to find Harry standing alone, his wand tip alight.
"Where's Ron?" Hermione asked when she and Ginny reached him in the middle of the pitch.
"He Apparated back to the house when he saw you coming." Harry said.
"Is he angry at me?" Hermione asked tentatively.
"No, I think he's pissed off with you if anything." He replied, looking at Ginny. "You knew how he would react! What did you go and do that for?" Harry said accusingly. 
"I thought it'd make him jealous!" Ginny said exasperatedly. "Merlin I wish I'd never done it now! Everyone's having a go at me! Even George called me a prat." Ginny's eyes began to water; Harry was instantly by her side.
"That's because you are." He mumbled into her flaming hair. She laughed into Harry's chest. Hermione suggested that they return to the Burrow, and get some sleep, it had to be into the early hours of the morning by now. 
When they got back the cups of tea and coffee had been cleared away and only George, Neville, and Luna remained. 
"Thanks for clearing up guys." Harry said the Luna and Neville appreciatively. 
"That's alright. Dean and Seamus told us to say goodnight, they've gone home, Seamus felt a bit awkward, you know..." Neville trailed off, purposefully not looking in Hermione's direction. "We better be off too."
"You two are staying together?" George interjected suddenly.
"No no, I'm just going to make sure Luna gets back safely." At this George frowned.
"Well, she lives closer to us than you Neville, mate. I'll drop her by, it's no problem." 
"Are you sure? It's no trouble for me, I like being out of the house, away from my Gran." Neville said jokingly.
"Well, she's surely in bed now, so you won't have to see her. Really, I'll take Luna." George replied, apparently not getting the joke. Hermione met Ginny's puffy eyes, George not getting a joke? Maybe he's gone mad, Hermione thought.
Neville and George finally agreed that Neville would travel straight home alone, whilst George would Apparate with Luna back to her house.
"Come along then Loons." George said cheerfully, holding out his arm for Luna to take. She smiled at him sleepily, holding on to his hand, and with a slight turn, they were gone. Harry, Hermione, and Ginny ascended the stairs together, all feeling rather drowsy after a long night. When they reached the first floor landing, Hermione entered the small, cramped room without Ginny, as she was saying goodnight to Harry just outside. She changed into her comfortable cotton pajamas, brushed her hair, turned out the lights, and climbed into bed. Fifteen minutes later, when Ginny finally arrived, Hermione closed her eyes, steadied her breathing, feigning sleep; giving Ginny privacy. 
Hours later, Hermione found that she could not sleep. Her single bed felt unable to contain her as she repeatedly changed position, hoping to drift off into darkness. She found herself staring up towards the ceiling, up towards Ron's bedroom, four floors up. Hermione knew why she couldn't sleep. She knew that her mind craved a certain fresh pine scent, a familiar feeling of comfort, and protection, and safety. She knew that her body longed to hold a certain pair of large, warm hands, itched to touch and explore a certain body, and yearned to caress a certain pair of lips. She needed Ron. She was used to this emotion, familiar with the dull ache that would form at the pit of her stomach; but it was stronger now. The longing to be with him had intensified after last night. She needed to do something, take her mind off of it all, before she climbed the stairs and crawled into bed with him, no matter the consequences. Stepping lightly out of bed, as not to wake the still figure in the bed beside her, she tiptoed over to the paneled door and shut it tenderly behind her.
Ron grabbed for his wand on the old kitchen table, raising it to chest level, as he realised Hermione was at the kitchen door.
"I come in peace!" Hermione said softly. He apparently hadn't heard her come down the stairs.
"Sorry, habit I guess..." Ron said, gesturing towards his now lowered wand. Hermione knew what he meant. She never used to feel so wary at the Burrow. She never jumped when something sounded expectantly. Before her reflex would have been to glare at Fred and George, as they'd have been the source of the noise, but now her subconscious automatically presumed she was in mortal danger.
"I know." Hermione replied. "I'm so jumpy now." Ron nodded, understanding. "Mind if I sit?" She asked.
"Yeah, of course." Ron said slowly. "Want tea?" He asked before she sat down at the large wooden table.
"Please." He left his place, Hermione taking it as he poured her a mug of steaming liquid. When he returned from the kitchen counter, Ron sat in the chair beside her, which Bill usually occupied. Hermione began tracing the letters that Ron had carved into the tarnished wood.
"Can't sleep either then?" Ron asked. Hermione shook her head. 
The air was tense. They were used to silence. In the weeks spent together, isolated from the rest of the world, they had grown accustomed to the stretches of quiet whilst they were thinking, retreating into their own minds. It had been a comfortable silence. Not anymore. Before nothing was unsaid, lingering in the air. Tonight was different. Hermione could feel butterflies in her tummy, not the pleasant sort that appear when you're nervous; but the kind that push angrily against the surface, desperate to be free, the kind that materialise when you're full of guilt. When you feel so bad and awful for your misdoing the butterflies can't stand the shame that bubbles inside of you, pounding against the insides of your stomach, determinedly trying to escape the overwhelming mass of guilt slowly choking them...
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Hermione burst out. Her sudden outburst had started Ron, he had gotten to his feet in alarm. Realising there was no danger, except maybe his mother being awoken and extremely mad, he sat down again on the small kitchen chair.
"Merlin you scared me! What are you going on about?" He asked.
"I'm sorry!" Hermione repeated, tears began to leak from the corner of her almond eyes.
"I gathered! But what for?" Ron looked searchingly into Hermione's eyes, which were now glazed with tears, he rose from his chair once more to comfort her. It was an awkward hug as Hermione was sat down, but she appreciated it none the less. Ron patted her clumsily on the back, whispering soothing words into her bushy hair. She dried her eyes from over his shoulder, making herself calm down. Ron crouched down in front of her, balancing on the balls of his bare feet, he placed his large hands on Hermione's knees to steady himself. The warmth of them seeped through her cotton pajamas, making her feel giddy; almost making her decide against bringing up what was upsetting her so.
"For earlier. Th-the kiss. I didn't mean anything, I promise. A-and I'm so sorry Ron, I tried to find you to explain, because I knew you were upset." Wretched tears sprang from her eyes once more, obscuring her vision. Ron's face became a blur with a nest of red resting on his head. When she wiped the tears away angrily, she saw that he was smiling at her.
"I'm not mad at you, just Ginny really, she made you do it." Hermione beamed. He wasn't mad at her! 
"She was just trying to make you jealous..." Hermione trailed off, regretting mentioning it.
"Well it worked. Harry told me why she did it." Hermione had resumed her tracing of Ron's name, lost in her thoughts, she was only half listening to what he was saying. Ron took hold of her hand, jogging her out of her reverie. "He explained why Ginny felt the need to jog me to my senses. I just wish she could have found a better way." He gave a shaky laugh. "I'm sorry, for not fixing things between us."
"Fixing?" Hermione asked, not knowing what was broken in the first place.
"N-no, not that we need fixing, just you know, mending the cracks, we, I mean I, kind of fell apart, after-- after Fred. I forgot about us. I forgot about everything. The guilt just, it ate me up, and nothing was real. And then you came, and it was like a light, you know? I just had to pull on this silver cord, the more and the harder I tugged, the clearer you were. You were my lifeline, you guided me through a dark tunnel, helped me out of the deepest part of my mind." Hermione was crying again, nothing could have kept her eyes dry through that. "I did this, when I was fourteen." He had guided her hand to the leg of the table, and placed it over a minute scribble. Hermione had to squint to see what it said, she fingered it, trying to make out what it read. She heard a click as Ron dispersed light from the Deluminator, she could see clearly now. Her heart warmed. 
A ragged heart, with sharp edges, and the letters H.G had been carved into the thick leg of the dinner table.
She turned to Ron. He looked at her questioningly. 
"I've wanted to show you that for a while, and..." He stared down at her, taking a step closer. There was virtually no space between them now. Hermione raised her eyebrows, encouraging him to continue. Not speaking for a while, she parted her lips, about to ask him what was the matter, but she never got the chance.
Ron bent his head, and kissed her on the lips. Hermione's eyes widened in surprise, but she soon closed them and began to kiss him back. It had been almost a month since they had returned from Hogwarts, a long time since Ron and she had been in the Room of Requirement, since they had locked lips; but the sweet strawberry taste of Ron's full lips seemed strangely familiar. He had wrapped his arms around her, which she was glad for, as her knees didn't seem capable of supporting herself at the present moment. Her arms had been hanging limp by her side, much like the rest of her body, they had become paralyzed by sweet surprise. Now she placed one on Ron's broad steady shoulders, and raked the other through his hair, she felt his body shiver with pleasure. Ron attempted to run his hands through Hermione's hair, but when he encountered several large knots, he resorted to running them up and down her back, playing with the hem line of her shirt, she laughed at this, her petite frame shaking within his arms, he smiled in return, which she felt, rather than saw.
"Evening." Said George from behind them. Ron and Hermione broke apart suddenly. Hermione had forgotten that he had taken Luna home. Why's he back so late? She wondered. "Don't mind me, I'm off to bed." And with a wink in Ron's direction, he hurried out of the room.
Hermione dared not talk, not wanting the taste of Ron's lips to ever leave hers. She felt herself blush furiously under his gaze. They stood for a moment, just watching each other, amazed at the affect they had on one another. Hermione's stomach did back flips, still feeling giddy from their perfect kiss.
"I've wanted to do that." Ron finished at last.
A.N: Yep, so this is beyond cheesy but that's the only way I could think to write it!  Thanks if you read it, let me know what you think, any improvements or whatnot :) 
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