#Roman vacation
adastria · 4 months
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beartitled · 3 months
Where’s the true Roman? Is he okey? (Referring to the doppelgänger comic with extra hands and Lois)
(This is a reference to 👉this comic👈)
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Oh he’s chillin
The man never had a better vacation really
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kingkat12 · 13 days
september in paris (roman godfrey x reader)
WARNINGS: none (for now lmao)
summary: your September vacation in Paris is polluted by the sight of sickeningly loving couples— what happens when you finally find someone who shares your frustrations?
word count: 1,715
a/n: currently in Paris for vacation right now lol, so enjoy this little drabble that I wrote for that occasion!! tihi
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I hate September. It's either when school starts, or when I'm on vacation having the time of my life. 
Now, don't get me wrong; I love vacations. Especially since my recent get-aways have taken place in France because my father got a job there. And who am I to say no to free accomodation in the most romantic city in the world?
But being single in the most romantic city in the world is absolute torture— why had no one bothered to inform me of this? 
September was the peak month for tourism in Paris; the place was swarmed with couples, either completely fresh or on their honeymoon. Everything about it had me rolling my eyes— My favourite activity was to sit at different cafés around the city, giving rude stares to the happy couples passing by. I suppose it made me feel better about myself... although I would never say that out loud. 
My activites of bitterness would eventually end up being interrupted by a young man who sat down next to me one morning, completely uninvited, with a newspaper in hand. Something about it felt old-school, classic, but also annoying— did he not know that you shouldn't seat yourself this close to a stranger? Especially when there are other seats around?
I moved my nasty glare from the young couple passing us by, now watching the man next to me push my morning tea to my edge of the table to make space for his coffee. That was my last straw; "Pardon?"
He looked up from his paper, quirking a brow at me. "Yes?"
Okay, good-- I was relieved to hear that he spoke english. To demonstrate, I glanced around the practically empty café, waving my arms at the vacant spaces with a rather outraged look in my eyes. "Are you maybe new to Paris? There's a certain etiquette at cafés' here. You don't sit down next to strangers like this when the whole place is available,"
The man shrugged, folding his newspaper in his lap. "I think it might be you that is new to Paris," he said, his strikingly green eyes finding mine with intense challenge before he continued; "My family are patrons of this place, and this is my table. And it was my mother's before me, and my grandfather's before her. I thought I was nice by not telling you to move, but I most certainly could?"
My jaw fell, outraged. "What is this, middle school? There aren't assigned seats and tables out in public!"
"Actually, there are. And you're sitting at my table," He reached for his cup of coffee, not breaking eye-contact. "Care to move?"
Something about him was terrifyingly intimidating, but there was no way in hell I'd back down. Just as I was about to open my mouth and snap back once more, I couldn't help but take a few seconds to take in the sight of him; he was wearing a suit at around ten in the morning, his brown hair was gelled back tastefully, and I recognized his enormous watch from the ads around every bus stop in Paris. Was that seriously the newest Rolex? My mouth started to feel drier than a desert— who was this guy? Had I not seen him somewhere before? 
However, no matter what watch he wore, whether his mother and grandfather liked this table too, he still deserved to be told off for being such a stuck up prick. "I'm not going to move. I was here first,"
The stranger rolled his eyes, letting out an obnoxiously loud sigh. "Could we please not do this before the clock has even struck twelve? Be a good little girl and scram, please,"
"Excuse me?" Everything about this was outrageous; did he really think he could talk to me like that? "Sorry, who the hell do you think you are?—"
My rant was quickly cut off; "Hold on," he said, holding out his finger in front of my face as he watched a seemingly new couple pass us. His mouth curved up into a sneer, shaking his head in dismay as he glared at them; "I think these couples all around town are more annoying than you, can you believe it? They're fucking everywhere." He eventually turned back to me, now holding his hand out for me to take. "I'm Roman. And you?"
Roman? I was getting closer and closer to piecing together where I had seen him before— it was right on the tip of my tongue. Introducing myself, I warily shook his hand, unsure where this was leading to. "At least we can agree that the lovebirds are polluting the city,"
Roman's eyes rounded out, an amused look shimmering in his eyes. "I think I said that exact thing earlier today... Funny," 
It was clear that the atmosphere had changed. This would be the first time I ever bonded with a stranger over something so bitter. "Earlier than this? What were you doing up so early?" I decided that I'd entertain whatever this was.
With a shrug, Roman ran his fingers through his styled hair, checking whether it was still holding its form or not. "Just a meeting. I think I slept through most of it, actually,"
I held back a snort, nodding along with words. Then suddenly, it was as though a lightbulb appeared above my head— meeting? Just as I was about to ask him what he did for work, a rather loud bus passed us, and I couldn't believe who it was on the ad on the front of it.
Blinking rapidly, I kept waiting for the face on the bus to morph into someone else. Were my eyes deceiving me? Unable to keep still, I moved to the edge of my seat, my lips parting in shock at the realization that the man on the ad was the same as the one sitting next to me. 
Godfrey Industries - A Brighter Tomorrow. Beneath the bold text was his name, along with the title of world's youngest CEO. 
"There is no way in hell," I mumbled, turning to Roman with a horrified look on my face.
In turn, he bit back an obnoxious smirk. "I fucking hate that bus,"
"It has your face on it,"
"I hate that picture,"
I shrugged; "Why? It's a good one,"
Raising his brows, Roman snickered, leaning back against his chair with a casual manspread. "What, so now you say I look good? Quite the girl I've met on the streets of Paris,"
"Not on the streets," I mumbled, reaching for my cup of tea. "That makes me sound like a hooker."
"... You're right, my bad," Roman watched as I sipped my drink, and he put away his newspaper on a chair close by. "I bet a hundred bucks that your face will be all across the next bus that passes, though."
My brows drew together, huffing as I put down my tea. "You might as well just give me the money right away, then,"
"Why?" Roman tapped his fingers against the table, fighting the amused smirk that threatened to creep up his face. "You're telling me you're not a model?"
I was very happy to have swallowed my tea already— I would've spit it out on the whole pavement, if not. "No, I'm definitely not a model. Just visiting the city," Was he flirting with me? I couldn't quite put my finger on how we had gone from bickering to whatever this was. "So... Roman Godfrey, world's youngest CEO, what brings you to Paris?"
Roman chuckled as he reached for his coffee; "I'm here to roll around in self-loathing at the sight of happy people in love. You?"
I couldn't help but giggle— weirdly enough, I was starting to like this guy. "I have a week before I go back to college, and I have family in Paris. Just taking liberties of free accommodation, I guess,"
"I see," Roman nodded, his green eyes engraving themselves into my mind. "Would you maybe also like to take the liberty of a free drink later tonight, then? I have my own booth at Club Palais down by the Arc if you want to stop by."
Why was I getting so flustered? I wasn't about to show it— I somehow managed to look away from the most charming man I had ever met, hoping my hair would cover the blush creeping up my cheeks. "It seems you have your assigned seats all around town,"
That made him laugh all over; I couldn't help but notice how much I enjoyed the sound of his amusement. "Yeah... But the difference is that you're very welcome to take a seat, this time," Roman finished his coffee, grabbing his newspaper as he got up from his chair. I couldn't help but notice how tall he was— how was he even a real person? He reached into his blazer, pulling out a sleek, beige card. "Here's my number. Feel free to call if you can't make it tonight, or if you ever feel bored during your week here. There are many fun things to do in this city... Especially when you're two."
I accepted the card between my fingers, trying not to think too much about the feeling of his hand against mine. What was that last sentence supposed to mean? I didn't have time to think it over— "Will do,"
Roman nodded, the corners of his mouth curving upwards into a satisfied smirk. "See you, then," 
Just as he was about to leave, another sickeningly sweet couple passed us. Roman gave me a look, imitating the urge to throw up, and I had to clasp a hand over my mouth as the couple turned towards us at the sound of my laugh. 
Roman tucked his hands into his pockets, shaking his head as he let out a hearty chuckle, disappearing into the crowd of people passing the café.
I couldn't help but sigh-- I still hated September. But this vacation seemed to turn into the best time of my life, just as I had predicted it to be.
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sracha · 11 months
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🕯️ My Roman piece for @rwbyprism 🎃
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5iceroy · 11 months
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Two harried Ferrari employees dig through an unused drawer, clearly looking for something. They pull at it, spilling the contents all over the floor. An unmarked stack of photos slip underneath a pile of discarded equipment, unbeknownst to either worker.
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chief-girl · 1 year
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loganslowdown4 · 1 year
Virgil: So Roman, there’s a rumour going around that you’re into Logan.
Roman: Rumour?
Virgil: That’s what they’re saying… hey where are you going?
Roman: I need to fix this, there shouldn’t be any doubt.
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My photography @sherrylephotography 5/23
Córdoba Spain has the remains of a Roman temple, known as Templo Romano
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howamidrivinginlimbo · 10 months
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The art of the Baths of Caracalla in Rome, Italy
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summerbunnys-world · 24 days
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Deep state of relaxation.
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marsskop · 2 months
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OC. Knight Hospitaller Jean-Luc
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adastria · 2 months
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St. Peter’s Basilica, Vatican City
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saint-bestial · 4 months
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happy pride from the dark signers
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soullessjack · 3 months
the jackgirl experience is finding a blog that’s capable of making intelligent thought around jacks character or recognizing him as an autonomous adult and realizing after further inspection that ,8 times out of 10. they’re probably a w*cestie, and then wishing you could take a chemical bath to wash away the interactions
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samijey · 1 year
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Don't feel bad for me, Sami
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nocherrybombs · 7 months
The Washington DC metro is, I assume, what it would look like if a swarm of giant bees built a particle accelerator in the brutalist architectural style.
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