mako-neexu · 9 months
"May this simple gift be a source of warmth to you in the long journey ahead." [Fujimaru Ritsuka]
The day was coming to an end.
Another Christmas for the year – a week of Christmas to celebrate the incoming new year they’ll be in for a few more days.
Ritsuka never expected to always get something from her friends and Servants, but it always makes her happy to receive whatever they’ll give to her.
Cursed talismans, plushies, chocolate, flowers, blankets, books and even weapons. She may not have the chance to use all of them, but she treasures each of them equally, all given to her by those who stood by her side.
Ritsuka yawns as she exits the bathroom, having finished drying her hair after a relaxing shower and change of clothes. It’s been a long day like usual, but she’s glad Nemo invited her and Mash to deliver the presents he wasn’t able to give to the rest of the Servants.
She’s curious about what happened but since he never elaborated, she shouldn’t pry on what happened.
Still, when Captain came back… there was an air around him that made her and Mash get frozen for a moment before answering his offers with glee. She may not know why… but that was the thing that made her curious.
It looked as if Captain Nemo met someone with gentle eyes, the fatigue from traveling around the world simply wiped away by an encounter he did earlier.
…It was familiar in a way she couldn’t describe.
She was silent as she stood in the middle of her room before shivering slightly.
...Hm, her room is kind of cold...
There was no time to be melancholy for a bit though! The shop was still open for a few more days and she had to get some materials to give to some of the newly summoned Servants so she should sleep now and make sure she was ready to go for missions anytime.
Ritsuka dims the lights before climbing into her bed, raising the blanket so she could lay underneath it, but just as her head approached the pillow–
–She saw a green colored gift box tucked beside it.
She blinked for a moment. It was a gift. Her smile turns soft as her hands reach for it, sitting up with her legs criss crossed.
Accompanied with that same present was a small golden note that read:
‘It’s a little late but this is the gift I promised. I’d like to apologize for the delay as Marine and Engineer argued a bit about the wrapping as they wanted it to be special for both you and Mash, but it’s all good now.  As Captain of the Storm Border, I thank you for all of your efforts as Master and friend to all.  As Santa, Merry Christmas, Ritsuka. This gift is simply something I found in our warehouse section of the Border, so don’t think too much about it. Looking forward to another year with you.’
“...Signed, Nemo and the crew.” She sighed softly with her smile, closing the small enclosed letter and folding it for safekeeping. To be honest, she also forgot about what he said earlier about getting them something so it’s certainly a surprise to receive it right now.
But all worries and other thoughts pushed aside, Ritsuka gently unwrapped the white ribbon from the green box, and upon opening the lid—
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She froze on the spot.
And time felt insignificant at this moment.
What was before her eyes was a miracle manifest. 
All the air in her lungs vanished, all the strength in her body, every single weight that heavily piled upon her shoulders vanished upon the sight of something that was far beyond a simple gift.
—This was a treasure worth far more than a simple gift.
A polaris star born in this very moment, soothing the cold that she felt, a guide for her to come back home.
An unexpected gift.
A wonderful, unforeseen present that completely startled her.
And there was warmth.
Lovely searing warmth wrapped around her like a blanket. Like what that man used to do whenever she broke down from seeing her friends sacrifice themselves for her, losing their lives while she herself was saved.
Her body shook, her hands trembled terribly, and her eyes failed to see clearly as her vision turned more blurry every second.
And she wondered, through the tidal wave of emotions, if this was simply all a dream.
That touching something as precious and rare as this would make her wake up. Since, for the first time, she didn’t want to wake up in case this had been a dream.
Ritsuka takes a shaky breath as she blinks her tears away, wiping them with the back of her hand. She couldn’t hide her emotions anymore. She doesn’t care if someone barges into her room.
All she felt right now was the crushing feeling of missing the one person who she lost on this exact day.
(Rings. Sacrifices. Promises. Farewells. A smile. A hand on her cheek. A whisper of how proud he was of her—)
Her hands reached out to gently, tenderly hold his gloves near her face as her shallow breaths continued to stutter, and her tears stained the soft fabric brushing against her cheek.
And it felt as if the gloves themselves were wiping her tears away. It felt as if his hand cupped her face while the other rubbed small circles on her back.
Just like what he used to do…
“Thank… you…Thank you—” She whispered through gasps and harsh tears, cradling the pair like she had finally found a long lost loved one after searching for years.
Ritsuka doesn’t know how much time had passed but she kept holding onto the gloves like a lifeline, as if any moment, it could disappear from her grasp, out of reach, slipping away like sand on her hands.
She sniffled as she wiped away her tears again, her tears had never stopped flowing but she felt a little calmer now. Just a bit… just for a bit…
Ritsuka moves to wear the gloves on her hands. Shaky as she felt, there was no helping the warmth that covered her icy fingers. Gloves that were a little too big on her hands, an exact size that belonged only to the hands of that man himself.
Ritsuka closed her eyes and smiled, her gloved hands pressing against her chest. Her heart beating steadily, her shoulders the most relaxed in what felt like forever.
She looks at the pair of gloves again to make sure they were real. That this was unmistakably his gloves.
…The warehouse, huh? Their storage room did house a lot of unexpected things… Did Nemo spend the entire day trying to find something to give to her and Mash?
Her gut told her that this was a little more than a little ‘warehouse scavenging’ though, but she has to believe in what Santa said.
She smiled this time, the curves of her lips tender and happy as she lay back down onto her bed, feeling the gentle fabric lull her to sleep.
How odd must the warehouse be, to still be able to hold and retain Dr. Roman’s scent as if it hadn’t been a day since he wore them and gave it as a present.
She opens her eyes just a bit before squeezing the gloves just a little tighter.
...Miracles rarely come by, but when they do, they often shine like a star. 
But right now, to her, they were in the form of a certain Captain bashfully asking a kind Doctor for two pairs of white gloves.
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d0rax0x · 5 months
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Romani Archaman and Merlin with female Ritsuka/Gudako
Made this comm as a bday for my friend who's the same age as me and not into Fate rn, but with her faves. Figured other people might appreciate it as well. Artist is sk_diablo.
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cringechy · 1 year
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oh wait... thank you so much for 1,000 followers!? I'm really appreciate!😭🥺🫶💓💖💓
I don't know what to do for all of you so if you wanna request my drawing I'm willing to do!{only fate series} even I'm drawing so slow af---
Here let me feed you some romaguda *sobbing* 😭😭😭🤟🤟🤟
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iyohme · 1 year
Suddenly thought about that one time I read a doujin where Guda was called "Solomon's Beloved," with the silhouette of Romani behind Guda and my god does that make me giggle and kick my feet in the air
Also that kickstarted ideas for MahoYome AU. Just. MahoYome AU.
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charlemagne-yy · 2 years
Dr. Romantic
Romani Archaman x Fujimaru Ritsuka (Female) || Fate/Grand Order Alternate link: AO3 ᠃ ⚘᠂ ⚘ ˚ ⚘ ᠂ ⚘ ᠃
In this endless dream, floating in the airy, we say good night.
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Romani turns a familiar corner and gradually, the clamor gets fainter. Low, glinting light meets his gaze, and he is finally able to raise his head.
He continues down this quiet path until he stops by the junction and meets a threshold, his keys already out from his pocket. In front of him stood a tall edifice of three floors, old and serene. The concrete walls were covered in crusted but chipped paint meanwhile, inside lay cemented walls that were never bothered to be finished. Such a simple apartment complex, with cheap rent and a good signal. Romani also cherished its homely atmosphere.
As he walks inside, Romani could hear the soft sounds of domesticity permeating through the cracks from the door at the end of the corridor. He traverses up the stairs, continuing its cycle until he reaches the third floor where a singular door meets him. The sight of it made Romani feel lighter. Unlocking the door, he is met with bright lights and music blaring from the speakers, and in the midst of it, the faint sound of disgruntled groans and huffs.
Entering the apartment quietly, Romani’s eyes search around, head swerving from the kitchen to the living room where he finds a woman hunched over her laptop, looking very displeased nonetheless, concentrated. Romani finally smiles and proceeds to lift his hand to wave, “Ms. Ritsuka,” he greets.
The woman looks up and meets his gaze and she smiles, “food is on the table, go.”
The man nods and proceeds to the kitchen where he finds dinner covered securely with a plate. As he sat down, the sounds quietened and he sees Ritsuka following to the table.
Dinner was a most comfortable silence. Romani takes it upon himself to wash the dishes afterward while Ritsuka hurries back to the living room to continue fiddling with her laptop.
Romani chuckles when he finally catches glimpse of what Ritsuka was grunting about earlier when he came in. She is playing her usual video game, in midst of attempting to beat an overpowered boss she would complain about from time to time. He settles down the couch, quietly watching from behind as she would attempt for the nth time to beat the boss.
“Fucking bitch, you look like a fucking whore!” As Ritsuka continued to mutter obscenities, Romani finds the showdown quite entertaining.
After a few minutes of more failed attempts and strings of curses, the boss finally falls headfirst to the floor, and Ritsuka screams in victory, “fucking finally!”
“Congratulations!” Romani cheers.
The woman scrambles to the couch and sprawls her tired back on Romani’s side haphazardly. He then proceeds to put his arm over her shoulder. As Ritsuka snuggles comfortably within his embrace, warmth instantly dyes Romani’s cheeks.
The music finally fades after a while and the room was now filled in complete silence. Ritsuka brings up her hand to rest atop Romani’s, “I’m being called in tomorrow for an emergency shift, I’m afraid I’ll be out until Monday if it doesn’t get better,” she says.
Romani frowns. Sunday was the only day that both of them had to themselves. While he was proud of his wife and her work, he wanted to spend some time at home with her too, without the hubbub of the hospital around them nor the fatigued weeknights where they never bothered talking and just proceeded to the bedroom and pass out.
While both of them worked in the same hospital, they worked in different departments. Romani is the head of the emergency department, meanwhile, Ritsuka is a psychiatrist—three floors apart and barely interrelated. They rarely saw each other during work, minus lunchtime; they had different schedules—Romani is more systematized meanwhile Ritsuka has more spontaneity in hers. Romani is slightly envious of her schedule but he could not do anything about it. A lesser day did not make work easier, at the very least.
He pulls her closer. “Okay then,” he mutters, not bothering to conceal his disappointment.
Ritsuka inclines her head to meet his sullen gaze to which she laughs softly and apologizes. Romani huffs as he hears her words, his disappointed frown turning into an endearing smile. “Go do your thing,” he responds with encouragement, squeezing her for a slight moment.
“You should sleep now,” he adds, “I’ll take care of things here.”
“I’ll make it up to you,” she mutters.
Romani plants a soft kiss on her temple and grins. “No need to. Just let me know that you’re taking care of yourself too.”
The wristwatch ticks softly. It reads three minutes past eight in the evening. Romani peers away from the watch, his eyes now continuing to scan through the quiet hallway.
Reaching the end of the hallway, the nurse he followed gestures towards the last door before promptly leaving to return to his post. Entering the office quietly, Romani is met with darkness. He could see the faint glow coming from the computer monitor, shedding some light on the figure hunched over the wooden desk. Even in the dark, he could spot the silhouettes of the bookshelves on the walls and the linen couch that lay in the middle.
Sighing, the man walks over to the light switch and flips it.
Still, the snoozing figure on the desk did not move.
“Ms. Ritsuka,” he calls softly, shaking her shoulder gently.
Finally, after moments, Ritsuka shifts awake. Vermillion hair cascades down her shoulders, covering her face. Romani then brushes the loose strands back behind her ear.
Ritsuka veers her head around, adjusting to the sudden lighting and trying to grasp her surroundings but she immediately slams her forehead back on her reddening arm with a dissatisfied groan.
“C’mon, get up! Let’s get you home, love,” he says. “I’ll drive so you can rest.”
“You can’t drive a manual to save your life,” replies the muffled voice.
“Now now, we haven’t seen each other for two days, and this is how you greet me?” Romani playfully prods at her.
“Fuck off,” Ritsuka mutters.
Romani laughs and proceeds to shut down the computer himself while his wife forces herself off the desk. Shedding off the white gown and grabbing her backpack, Ritsuka stretches as she walks over to the door.
“Buy me dinner,” she appeals as Romani catches up to her.
“Of course, love.”
“Throw in some iced coffee too,” she adds, pouting at him.
He looks at her, confused. “Why?”
“I told you, I can’t let you drive the car,” Ritsuka scoffs. Ironically, she hooks her arm with Romani’s.
“This is why I told you, we should’ve gotten an automatic.”
“I don’t trust automatics,” Ritsuka snarls, “you never know if the car will decide to reverse, park or run off on its own.”
Ritsuka always did have a penchant for being suspicious and skeptical of things.
Monday nights, in particular, are quieter than most. The pavements are continuous, tempestuous, nonetheless, shifting. Not one thing stops, even as the light fazes and becomes fuzzy, basking in a whirlwind of amber. The world hastens to repose, scurrying to clear the thoroughfare and find solace. Despite that, they all remain silent.
Romani finds his repose.
It was at the way RItsuka’s aureate eyes would watch the road. It was at the way the amber lights reflected on her skin. It was how her hands led them to the direction of home.
Climbing up the last flight of stairs, Romani leads them inside their humble apartment and Ritsuka lunges for the couch, faceplanting on its feathery sheets. She then proceeds to kick her shoes off and throw her backpack somewhere she could not be bothered to give a damn.
This particular sight is all too familiar with Romani. Both of them were privy to busy workdays and some days left either of them in a much disastrous state. So he hunches over and pats her head, endearingly.
“Go to bed,” he says.
Ritsuka almost stumbles when she gets up from the couch. Luckily, Romani had held onto her.
The bedroom is relatively small with a lone mattress situated in the corner of the room, beside the curtains. Meanwhile, a wardrobe is situated opposite the bed and a vanity desk and mirror beside it. Instead of accessories and knick-knacks though, it was littered with papers and binders that they couldn't bother to stash away. When Romani finally arrives inside, Ritsuka is already passed out and facing the wall.
Just as he settles down on the bed, the bed stirs. Romani observes, only to find Ritsuka scooting over to him. Instinctively, he caught her in a clumsy embrace.
Romani feels the heat rising to his ears at the sudden warmth she brought.
“I hope you don’t mind,” Ritsuka mutters, “I haven’t bathed for two days.”
Lifting her head from the pillow, Ritsuka tilts her head up to face Romani who was sipping coffee from the kitchen counter.
“Pick a new playlist, will you?”
Romani perks up from the request.
He hadn’t even noticed that the room grew silent. Usually, his wife would play her playlists on the speaker whenever she was home. Romani didn’t mind. He knew how much Ritsuka loves music. He remembers watching in horror as she assembled her playlists for an entire night just to get the ideal pacing and he also stared in shock when he found one of her hard drives filled with discographies from a hundred artists of different genres, most in FLAC format. Meanwhile, he only knew one artist, at most.
And Ritsuka occasionally teases him for it.
Veering his head around, he locates Ritsuka’s phone on the opposite end of the counter, attached to the speaker via a cord.
“It needs your password,” Romani says while detaching the phone from the cord.
“You type it yourself—mashupotatoes,” Ritsuka replies. "The 'o' is a zero, and the 'e' is a three."
Romani snorts.
The music tab opens for him and he finds a long list of playlists, all with unique titles and cover pictures. He scrolls through them carefully, trying to handpick the playlist that piqued him.
All of a sudden, his eyes caught something very much interesting.
At the bottom of the list, he finds a playlist with the label, ‘ROMANI ARCHAMAN’.
He stares at it for a while whereas his thumb hovers above the play button beside the playlist’s name. However, he gathers himself and clears his throat.
Scrolling up, Romani picks a random playlist to play, and instantly, the speaker blares in loud rock music. He jumps at the sudden sound, firmly clutching the edge of the counter. Looking back at Ritsuka, he finds her still lying down on the sofa, bobbing her head with the beat of the drums. She looks unbothered, willfully trapped inside her music bubble.
Romani remains curious though. That particular playlist screams at him still. A very evident blush colors his entire face and Romani clears his throat once more as if that would get rid of it.
Minutes have passed and Romani is still tapping his finger on the counter, that same tick still bugging in the back of his mind. It is a sin to pry on his wife’s phone, especially without her permission and he knows he had blown his chance earlier.
The little demon whispers to him to take a peek at the songs, meanwhile, the little angel says to ask his wife about the playlist, or better yet, let it go altogether.
He has the password. He doesn’t have his wife’s consent though.
It’s just a quick peek, maybe take just a screenshot. It’s still invading her privacy.
Despite Ritsuka’s cool and easy-going demeanor, Romani still could not risk it. He can always pretend he did not do anything but the pang of guilt will remain there. Meanwhile, he can always ask about it however, he was more embarrassed by asking the question himself.
It was this moral dilemma that kept him restless that night.
He shouldn’t let it be. He had work the next day and he could not afford to be bothered by a simple playlist that had his name as its title.
Exactly why was Romani bothered by a playlist that had his name as the title?
Grunting quietly, he grabs Ritsuka’s phone and earbuds off the bedside table and immediately covers himself with the blanket.
The little demon wins this time.
All of the songs were unfamiliar to him and it was a mix of different languages too. He recognizes the Hangul and Hiragana characters but did not know what they meant. He sighs deeply but continues to listen anyway.
The playlist wasn’t long but it had an interesting arrangement of songs. They weren’t the usual songs Ritsuka would listen to, or at least, the ones he knew she frequently listened to. However, somehow, some way, the feelings are there. Like an airy feeling, it was the same way Magi✩Mari spoke to him despite not knowing the meaning of the lyrics to her songs.
Romani is smiling as he slowly drifted to sleep.
The next morning, Ritsuka wakes up to this horrifying discovery.
A wrinkled hand reached out for the doctor’s wrist. Romani looks back at her with a comforting smile.
“I won’t die yet, right?” Her voice came out barely a whisper, but Romani understood.
The smile waned gradually. Romani is confused. Veering his head, he watched as the family converses outside the curtain, still carrying their smiles. His eyes shifted to the elderly man across him who had a handsome grin, however, his eyes say otherwise.
“Ah, you won’t, dear!” the old man soothes with a gentle titter, “who’ll find my dentures for me when I lose them?”
Croaky laughter fills his ears. The elderly couple is beaming. This rare sight before him appeased any form of doubt in the doctor’s mind.
“No, you will not, I assure you. I bet you’ll be too stubborn to leave your clumsy husband behind,” Romani answers with confidence.
She laughs heartily at his remark.
Hearing that laugh, Romani also believed in his words.
Wistfully, the light of day becomes a soft gradient. Through the wide glass doors, the day finally turns into night. Bright red lights flicker outside. The clamor is as loud as ever. Everyone shuffles about. Everything remains completely hazy and white.
Piercing emerald eyes gleam as the fluorescent lights blare. Romani glances at his wristwatch.
“Give him 2000 CCs and a fast drip and keep an eye on it,” Romani tells the nurse as he leaves the bay.
“Code Blue to ICU,” the PA repeats thrice.
Romani stops for a moment to glance at the PA. Fear always washes over him when he hears the codes are being announced. It always meant that a life was at stake. He hates facing death but he has to accept it when it knocks. As an emergency care doctor, he has his fair share of deaths every day.
Heading to the locker room to get his belongings, he sees the intensive care unit ahead, bustling. Outside the glass doors is a group of people, huddling together and shaking. It was a familiar sight for him. However, something was amiss in this particular sight.
He barely recognizes them. Then, he sees the wrinkly old man in the middle, looking utterly devastated, then it clicks.
His face is stricken with disbelief. An uncomfortable and unfamiliar pain sits still and as he drew distance, it swells. Forcing himself to leave becomes one of the hardest things Romani had to do.
This is the kind of death he didn’t want to face.
He walks with that heavy burden, head filled with regrets, eyes glaring, pondering—doubting.
What went wrong?
Unconsciously, Romani flinches as he hears Ritsuka greeting him with her usual remark. When he halts abruptly, glaring emerald eyes turn to her unintentionally. Something shifts in Ritsuka's eyes that Romani almost misses. The crease in his forehead loosens and they both stand there, silent and awkward.
Unease sits within Ritsuka but she does not pry, instead, she only watches as Romani wordlessly heads to the car.
Ritsuka is careful. Romani notices the different approach she had towards him immediately. Usually, when she drives, soft music would play, but tonight, there is none. As they walk, she distances herself. When they finally settle down, she makes sure her presence is almost invisible.
A different kind of pain sits inside of him, instead.
Romani reaches for Ritsuka's shoulder the first chance he could and grimaces at how his cold sweat feels uncomfortable against the soft fabric of her shirt.
“Ms. Ritsuka?” Romani hates how weak his voice sounds.
She turns to him, immediately. Concern dripping from her eyes.
Romani shifts his position and reaches for her frame, gently tugging at her. Ritsuka sighs, calming herself as she brushes her fingers through his hair.
When she returns the embrace, his chest twinges as a million thoughts went through his head, flashing by like the deaths in his doorstep.
A realization hits him. She is the kind of death he can never face. Romani relied a lot on Ritsuka, as much as that elderly man relied on his wife. The image of him stricken with grief in the middle of the hallway wrenched him in a tear. Seeing that loss made him wonder what could he have done to prevent it. Holding his breath, Romani had no answer—he will never know what he did wrong. Thus, the guilt will always shadow him.
What then, if it was Ritsuka's turn?
Tilting his head up, he catches her gaze. Even in the dark, he could distinguish her features. Emerald orbs locked with amber. “I’m sorry,” he mutters, releasing his breath.
He would do everything to ensure that nothing will go wrong.
“It’s okay,” she replies.
But when death comes knocking? Can he accept it?
Dark hues of crimson color his face. Romani is silently thankful that the lights are out. The more he looks at her, the more he feels numb. His heart palpitates and could hardly think of the right words to follow. Ritsuka waits, patiently.
Instead, he pushes himself up to kiss her temple. His lips linger there as he grips tighter so she could not feel him trembling.
Romani buries himself in the crook of her neck, hiding away from her in embarrassment.
“Thank you for marrying me.”
Clawing hands rids of the distance between and there is nothing but brimming, enflamed emotions. Whisked away in a drunken-like stupor, touch becomes an ephemeral heat, suffocating and aching.
Propelled against the door, their bodies align. Ritsuka is caged. Romani continues to be deft and cunning.
He presses his knee in between her legs and he hears her muffled cry as it grazes her poor, clothed core. Arching her back, Ritsuka is tense from the pressure and Romani takes the opportunity to envelop her waist with an arm as the other searches for her wandering hand.
Romani does not let his lips dawdle for even a fraction of a centimeter. As Ritsuka pulls to breathe, his lips attack her neck instead, leaving no skin untouched. Traveling down to her collarbone, he bites softly, earning a strained mewl from her.
Stopping his ministrations just at her cleavage, Romani breathes deeply, humming along the soft flesh.
“Don’t hold anything back, please.”
Before Ritsuka could even reply, Romani kisses her again. She notices his face darkened in beautiful scarlet but her mind goes blank with nothing but the feeling of her husband pressing against her.
The heat swirls wonderfully, billowing throughout her entire body. As Romani lures her to the mattress, expertly unfastening her blouse, Ritsuka wonders briefly where this bravery has come from.
Landing on the bed, Romani travels down to her chinos, unbuttoning them with ease. Ritsuka grabs a fistful of his hair and tugs. “Unfair,” she mutters. “Romani—”
Pulling away, Romani tugs at his shirt and lifts it swiftly. In the low light of the room, Ritsuka can see the sweat glistening down his torso, fit and toned. She blushes profusely and averts her gaze.
Romani notices this and blushes deeper. He wavers for a moment and the trembling in his hands return, but despite that, he sinks to meet her. Seizing her hands from her face, he gently locks them together, exposing both their blushing faces.
“Hi,” she squeaks.
He shuts his eyes, the fiery heat inside of him calms into a warm hearth.
“Romani—“ she doesn’t finish her sentence as Romani seals her lips again. Gently, this time.
“I’ll make love to you.”
As he continues his earlier journey, Ritsuka sighs, “why are you so… bold today?”
The man is in the middle of pulling her chinos off when he kisses her inner thigh, “fortune favors the bold.”
“What fortune are you hoping for exactly? You’re already getting laid.”
A snort tries to escape his throat but he composes himself. Instead, he stares down at Ritsuka’s pale flesh.
Laying under him, Ritsuka could feel his piercing gaze prodding at her. Any remnant of the awkward tension earlier is gone. The heat returns to her core, swirling feverishly. She needs him close or else, she’ll burst. When she tugged, Romani gladly takes her lips again while trailing his warm hands along her skin.
His hand fumbles with the hem of her panties and consequently, Ritsuka pulls slightly. “Hey, be careful. Those panties have been with me since high school,” she bemoans.
Romani tries, really—but a snort escapes him, making him stop his ministrations. He trembles as he stifles amused laughter.
“Hey, I’m serious!” Ritsuka lightly smacks him on the chest.
“Ritsuka, I’m trying to be romantic but you—” Romani lets his laughter loose.
The woman is confused. But the sight of Romani’s bobbing Adam’s apple and glistening chest entices her. Taking matters into her own hands, she pushes him off and proceeds to straddle him.
“Ms. Ritsuka?” Romani stutters, blushing madly yet again.
She wastes no time and nips at his neck, trailing butterfly kisses as she traverses down to his chest. Romani groans and grasps her soft hair, brushing it off her face.
Reaching the hem of his pants, Ritsuka stops to look at Romani for approval. The man sits up and caresses each side of her face, “I’ve never seen you bold either,” he teases.
“You said it yourself, fortune favors the bold,” Ritsuka mutters.
Romani laughs, “Ms. Ritsuka, you’re—you’re so cute.”
She pouts at him which prompts Romani to kiss her. It’s not like the fervent, heated kisses from earlier but this one is chaste and filled with adoration. Ritsuka smirks at the gesture.
The man rests his forehead against hers, his hands opting to pull her body in an embrace. A gentle smile etches on his face.
“Jerk,” Ritsuka squeaks as she playfully smacks Romani’s shoulder.
At this angle, the soft lights permeate, letting her see Romani. Ritsuka loves it. She loves how she could see his flushed cheeks, deep emerald eyes, and the soft smile on his lips with clarity. Suddenly, everything becomes a warm, secure feeling—like she belonged there. Ritsuka lets this image be engraved in her memory.
“What fortune do you hope for exactly, love?” Romani asks.
They did not make love that night.
Grocery shopping with Ritsuka has always been the most interesting part of the week—mostly because it’s spontaneous. Romani always looked forward when Ritsuka would randomly decide to stop by a supermarket and drag him around to buy what they need.
Even if they had some money to spare, Ritsuka still insists on getting the best budget-priced goods. It still perplexes him how the sacked tomatoes of the same quantity and quality had quite the difference and somehow Ritsuka had mysteriously dug out the cheaper one underneath a gigantic pile of sacked tomatoes. Soon enough, he finds himself rummaging through the shelves for the best price of the best quality.
Tonight is Wednesday and the street lamps gleam brilliantly, piercing the tinted glass windows. Romani watches as the view passes him by from the passenger seat. When Ritsuka takes a different route, he perks up with a knowing smile.
Inside the supermarket, there isn’t a lot of people. It’s almost closing time and the customers shopping are mostly in pajamas going for a quick snack restock. Meanwhile, the couple had a cart piling with a week’s worth of groceries.
“Choose.” Ritsuka holds out two large tetra packs, one is orange juice and the other apple.
Despite Romani’s choice, Ritsuka shrugs and puts both into the cart.
“Spicy or garlic?” Ritsuka asks, pointing at the shelf of canned tuna.
Although Romani chooses the latter, Ritsuka is already placing another can of spicy tuna on the cart before his garlic.
“Chocolate or strawberry? Wait, no—stupid question,” Ritsuka shakes her head and proceeds to put the strawberry in the cart.
Romani’s smile widens when Ritsuka adds an extra carton of strawberry milk.
“Ms. Ritsuka, which—?”
“The seafood one,” she answers without even looking.
The man nods, grabbing four packets of instant noodles with spicy seafood flavor. Meanwhile, Ritsuka grabs a box of cereal from the opposite shelf.
“I’ll grab more items from the other end, I trust you to get the dairy and vegetables,” Ritsuka instructs before zipping away.
Minutes later, Romani is standing by the dairy section, picking in between cream cheese brands when Ritsuka walks over to him with an armful of groceries on her arm. As she places the items on the cart in an orderly fashion, his eyes catch something odd and—
“Ms. Ritsuka…”
“What? We need detergent.”
“I meant—” Romani doesn’t finish his sentence and instead, looks directly at the item on her hand.
Ritsuka looks surprised herself, but Romani isn’t buying it.
“Romani, I can explain,” she sputters.
The man only raises both eyebrows at that statement, prompting the woman to pout at him. She huffs after a moment’s silence, “I don’t have an Easter cactus yet and I have been trying to spot if they have finally had one on the shelves,” she explains.
One of the things Romani finds amusing is Ritsuka's obsession with cactus. Their apartment is littered with little pots of decorative cacti, from the shelves to the tables. However, the best of her collection of cacti lay in the kitchen where a wide windowsill is situated. Honestly, Romani found them quite adorable but, whenever they go grocery shopping, most often Ritsuka will buy a new, tiny cactus plant. And as Romani believes that there is no more space for the plant, Ritsuka always finds a way.
Romani nods, almost musingly, with a teasing look. Ritsuka only huffs again.
“I’ll still buy it,” she says with finality.
He bows his head, hiding the shrewdness, lest his wife will pinch his cheek for such a cheeky expression.
As Ritsuka places the plant at the elevated cart seat, Romani finally gets a good look at it. Dotted white spots and taupe feathery flowers adorn the luscious, green and bulb-shaped plant. The small, round red vase and tiny pebbles complete its minimalistic aesthetic. Indeed, Ritsuka has never had this type of cactus in her collection. After standing by countless times by the kitchen sink, washing dishes, he had memorized every detail of the cacti perched by the windowsill.
His wife’s hand clutches at his elbow as she appears to revert to her usual stoic expression. Romani’s gaze shifts to her, amusingly.
“We need some frozen items, let’s hurry,” she says.
“It’s a very cute plant,” Romani says instead. “Will you put it in our room or the kitchen?”
“I was thinking in the bathroom, right by the glass blocks,” she pipes.
Romani nods in approval, “you should get two so it won’t be awkward or lonely.”
Ritsuka stares at him in astonishment. He looks back at her with fondness, “hey, I always thought the bathroom needed a little more life,” he adds.
She squints at him, somewhat charmed at his enthusiasm. Romani purses his lips, battling an amused laugh. Instead, he ruffles her hair, earning a displeased grunt from her.
“Hurry! I’ll go get what we need,” Romani urges her.
Ritsuka glares at him for a second before she finally leaves to get another cactus plant. Finally, when he was out of sight, she beams.
A swift glimpse is all it took. Romani notices Ritsuka passing by the emergency department and out to the ambulance bay. Around her is a company led by a paramedic and another doctor.
Romani follows for a bit, watching as she steps into the back of an ambulance and disappearing through the doors. He sighs and he walks back to the station as the ambulance sped away.
He forgets about it for a while, entrusting his wife to do her job splendidly. Usually, doctors do not board ambulances, unless extreme circumstances apply. Romani can only guess what that is.
“Dr. Archaman, your ED load will be full tonight, I’m gonna need you to work overtime,” announced Marisbury, the hospital director. “We got a shipload of ambulances coming our way, there has been an accident on the expressway.”
“What about other hospitals?” Romani asks, briskly walking along with the director.
“The nearest hospital cannot take level 1 trauma since they don’t have enough surgeons,” he answers, “the mild injuries go there so we’re taking the severe cases since we are the next closest that has a level one trauma center.”
“I can hear the sirens,” Romani notes, rushing ahead to the ambulance bay.
The moment he steps outside, three ambulances park, and the paramedics disembark. The other doctors soon follow out of the doors, along with the director. Romani turns to face them, “you will run by my orders,” he instructs them before running to the nearest ambulance.
“He is having tension pneumothorax, we’ve already inserted the angiocatheter but he is still not stabilizing,” reported the paramedic.
“Dr. Sanson, get him to stabilize, get a tube ready. Once he does, get him prepped for surgery, have a cardiothoracic surgeon on standby.” Romani adds, “we have a case of pleurodesis.”
As he leaps to the next ambulance, another comes in. Romani waits for the paramedic to finish his report before yelling instructions, “prep a chest tray for ED thoracotomy.”
“Doctor, 23-year old female and needs a VATS procedure—” the paramedic continues.
“Get her to any open bay,” Romani answers immediately.
The next ambulance comes and Romani rushes to receive them, however, the sight that meets him leaves him stunned for a moment.
Ritsuka scurries out of the ambulance, whilst carrying a child in her arms. The paramedics disembark, along with the cot. She hurries past him, only giving brief eye contact, before heading inside.
“43-year old. There’s a pulse, but he’s not breathing,” says the paramedic.
“He’s belly is rock-hard—he’s bleeding to his abdomen. Get an intubation tray and page Dr. Asclepius to Trauma One, now! Get him to OR, I’ll supervise the cric.”
Inspecting the avenue one last time, the head doctor confirms no more ambulances and proceeds to return inside the hospital. He is immediately greeted with an onslaught of nurses, staff, paramedics, and patients. The stench of blood and tension fills the room.
Romani surges ahead, breaking away from the busy crowd, towards the operating room.
“Get 20 milligrams of etomidate and 100 milligrams of succinylcholine and start a propofol drip.”
Nurse Nightingale greets him with a steely gaze. She carried along without sparing a moment. The electrocardiogram beeps perfunctorily. Romani inspects the machine before putting on a new batch of surgical gloves. Standing behind him is the surgeon, Dr. Asclepius, with a tube in hand and Nightingale helping him with the cable.
Light blares at their faces. The air goes stale. The operating room is left in strained silence.
“Pressure: eighty over sixty; pulse: fifty,” Martha, the anesthesiologist declares, “and it’s dropping.”
“I’ll get another bag!”
“He’s going to cardiac arrest. Dr. Archaman, start the time. Nurse, ready the epinephrine.”
Tension looms. Gravity becomes heavier.
“No pulse.”
Reiterations later, the surgeon calls it.
Leaving the operating room, he feels as if the air is lighter. However, the moment his eyes land on Ritsuka sitting on the benches with a pensive look on her face, he feels heavier. Her whole outfit is full of blood smears, as well as her hands and neck. Romani grows tense as carefully approaches her.
He gives her a light tap on the shoulder. “Hey, you okay?”
Ritsuka erupts, “is my patient okay?!”
Romani gently holds her and shakes his head deliberately. “No, he didn’t make it.”
She sinks back into her seat, looking devastated. Romani follows, sitting beside her.
“Ms. Ritsuka, what happened?”
“He is one of my patients before. Got discharged and is currently an outpatient; went back for some sessions, continued his meds but, he’s been having reoccurring episodes lately.” Ritsuka stops for a bit and takes a few breaths before continuing, “then, today, he—well, he ran off. His ex-wife called for us and we sent an ambulance to catch up.”
Romani has a clear picture of what happened next.
“Your ED looks like a MASH unit,” Ritsuka quips, “I’m sorry this is happening.”
“It’s not your fault,” he replies. “How’s the girl you were carrying?”
“She’s safe at least, her fractures got treated. She’s been admitted and is resting.”
It was awkward. Romani didn’t know how to handle this tension between them. He kept his gaze directed towards the floor, thinking of what he could say.
“When I arrived there, it was… well, I tried to help but I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t even feel like a doctor out there.” Ritsuka sighs, “I know I’m not that kind of doctor but… what good am I if the only patient I could help died and I couldn’t do anything about it?”
“Ms. Ritsuka—”
“You don’t need to say anything,” she quickly stops him. “I’m just glad everyone else is safe.”
She stands up to leave but Romani catches her hand before she could even take a step. Ritsuka stares back only to find him looking concerned.
“I’ll be fine, don’t worry.”
Romani was not in any way convinced, but he slowly lets her go.
The usual stairs should not scare him. Romani knows better than be a coward.
As he climbs, each step felt like inevitable fate approaching. An absolutely tragic fate, nevertheless he accepts that conclusion and he blames none other than his insensitive personality for it. The last flight of stairs is just ahead of him, waiting. Clutching to every bit of willpower left, his feet deliver him, with hope still lifted high. Maybe there is a chance to salvage himself.
Just another Saturday, he said—oh, how he was so wrong about that.
Arriving at the hospital that morning, he received a notification from his phone about an important appointment at noon. Hopelessly confused, he asked around the staff but was granted no answers. So he called his wife, but she sounded grumpy when she picked up, nonetheless, his questions are left unanswered.
Noon arrived but no enlightenment came. The alarm buzzed, bringing him out of stupor. Romani looked for any clue whatsoever, repeatedly browsing his phone and computer for anything related to today’s date, alas, his search was unfruitful.
When he went through the details once more, that was when he noticed the alarm was set to yearly. So he brought up every file and record with today’s date and finally, a realization hits him.
It was their wedding anniversary.
Romani knew he was doomed. The pieces started falling together—Ritsuka's foul mood, his phone alarm set to yearly.
He had forgotten. At that moment, Romani never felt much self-hatred than he did now.
On the way home, he hurriedly bought a bouquet and slices of her favorite dessert and prayed to every god that his wife will forgive him.
So, here he was, just by the door of their apartment, heart rapidly pounding and palms sweating. When he finally plucked the courage to enter, he tries his best not to look afraid. Although, the sight that welcomed him is somewhat puzzling, to say the least.
Ritsuka is hunched over her laptop, appearing excited. Dinner is on the table, covered with a plate, and looking very normal. It’s the same sight that greets him every Saturday. Nothing more and nothing less.
Now, he feels dumb. Of course, why should she bother with preparations if she is the only one who remembered? Romani winces, utterly livid at himself.
“Ritsuka, love?”
“Yo, dinner is on the table. Let me just finish this real quick—ugh, what?” Ritsuka gives him a sideways glance and that’s when she notices the bouquet in his hands which grabs her attention fully.
Romani is flustered. “This is… ugh—”
Ritsuka snorts, “What the—? What’s that for?”
The man grumbles, the blush in his cheeks deepens. “I’m sorry, okay?! I didn’t know—I forgot! I don’t have any excuses!” Romani cries.
He lifts the bouquet and the box of dessert, handing it out to her, obliviously failing to notice Ritsuka's bemused stare.
“I hope I’m not too late—oh god, maybe I am! Ritsuka, I’m really, really sorry. This is unforgivable—”
“Romani! Romani!” Ritsuka almost yells. She meets him, holding his trembling hands with her own. “Hey, slow down! What’s gotten into you?”
“Well, it’s… it’s our anniversary today, right?” Romani replies, confusion equivalent to hers. “Well, my calendar said so, and well—you’re mad at me for forgetting, right?”
She blinks. “Wait, it’s our anniversary today?”
A moment of silence follows and two confused faces continue to stare at each other.
“Y-you don’t remember? But you sounded so grumpy earlier when I called about today?”
Ritsuka squints, “who the hell calls at 8:30 in the morning? Of course, I’ll be grumpy! You know I sleep in during the weekends.”
Romani nods slowly in understanding. Suddenly, he feels like a blethering idiot.
“You should’ve told me it’s our anniversary, I could’ve prepared something else than... well, fish.”
“I didn’t know that you also didn’t know!”
For a fleeting moment, there is silence then, laughter ensues.
The minute passes, for what seemed silly and transient, they cherish an ever-lasting memory. Their first anniversary—forgotten. Granted, their marriage wasn’t anything fancy. Romani dragged Ritsuka out of the hospital, one sunny lunchtime, and drove to the city hall where their marriage contract was waiting.
Two incidents happened in between those 90 minutes: one, they were finally married; two, Romani is a disaster with a manual car. Ritsuka had to double-check her engine to ensure it wasn’t permanently kaput by his horrible driving.
Romani extends his arms out, inviting Ritsuka for a hug. He squeezes her tightly, hesitant to let her go. Ritsuka grabs the flowers from his hands and caresses the soft petals. Beautiful carnations, mums, and sunflowers are intricately arranged within a blue decorative paper, all held together by twine.
“Thank you,” she says.
“I love you.”
She stiffens and her cheeks are dyed with beautiful crimson. The man swiftly places the box of desserts on the kitchen counter and swoops her into his arms for an endearing kiss.
When he withdrew, Ritsuka only lets him breathe for a second before immediately grabbing his collar and yanking him back. She wraps her arms around his shoulders, her free hand brushing his soft, ginger locks. Romani reciprocates with the same fervor.
“And I love you,” she mutters, in between the kiss.
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You know how like if hakuno became a servant she'd be Fransisco Xavier because of the whole Fransisco Xavier is like an answer option to like a lot of choices in extra/CCC?
Who would Gudako be? I mean i have a role reversal romaguda au where's she's Beast VI. But besides her being like a monster servant akin to Riyo!Gudako. I like the idea of her being a servant all of her own but like Grand Berserker or Grand Ruler would be too much and a different thing entirely
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A huge disclaimer: I have read up here and there on ABO verse but forgive me in advance if some are completely wrong including mpreg with Servants. Because well... Given what the Holy Grail is capable of and our favorite hentai doujin artist who did the work.... Just take all of this with a damn pinch of salt OTL
Edit (24/10/21): decided to publish this headcanon out after watching Solomon Singularity movie from the feels
Gudao is the older brother and an Omega while his younger stepsister Gudako is an Alpha in the Fujimaru family.
From childhood, Gudako has been violently protective but also can be supportive if she sensed the Alpha either Gudao or said Alpha is someone worthy to protect and love her brother
With suppressants and behavior compared to a beta or an Alpha-like personality earning him a position as Student Council President in high school, not a soul once bat an eye on the thought he would be an Omega.
Gudako's partner is Mash, but there's a building harem from Kiyohime, Serenity and many other female Servants that showed interest in her as their mate.
As of now, Gudako has yet to mark Mash out of respect and desire wanting to take things slow due to Mash’s sheltered life in Chaldea. They have helped each other heat and rut, but were careful in not getting pregnant due to current circumstances.
For Gudao, however, when he first joined Chaldea showed interest and from growing friendship to love to the Beta doctor Romani Archaman. Both were drawn to each other due to sharing similar traits in their love for Magi*Mari and found at ease to be themselves.
But, their relaionship make Gudako worries for her brother future and at times violently threaten Romani to behave himself once the latter discovered by accident of Gudao’s scent when he visited his room to pick up the report when he was showering.
Her protectiveness also stemmed from the society where because a Beta and an Omega will never be happy together once the Omega found their Alpha partner.
But yet through all singularities and events, even meeting tons of other Alpha and Beta Male Servants, especially Alpha Caster Gilgamesh and Alpha Merlin, Gudao only have his eyes and still chose Romani to be his mate instead.
In truth before the start of Babylon a Singularity after Gudao remained to believe Romani is on their side despite Holmes and Old Man Hassan’s claims... Romani finally revealed his true identity to him and the reason why Gudao is drawn to him despite him being a Beta.
Romani Archaman is actually King Solomon, an Alpha Servant who wished for the Holy Grail to become a normal human. But because the essence of his true nature remain and unable to erase when he becomes human, it drawn him to Gudao and vice versa.
This also caused him problems especially when he was in rut, having to give himself excuse to hide from his fellow colleagues. Those who knew about his real Alpha status was only Da Vinci, and the previous Director Marisbury.
Because of his circumstances, Romani/Solomon proposed Gudao to wait for him until the Grand Order mission is over and when he graduated from High School
Gudao’s and Romani’s love unfortunately ended shortly when Romani/Solomon sacrificed his existence to give Gudao and his sister the opening to defeat Goetia once and for all
Despite the victory earn to save humanity from extinction, the price would have nearly broken Gudao mentally at the loss of his Alpha partner without his sister and everyone in Chaldea to help coping through the grief
While coping his grief, Gudako sensed two life essence within him. And her intuition proven correct when there were unusual symptoms of mood swings and vomiting of how a pregnant person was.
Her older brother Gudao was pregnant with Romani's children: a pair of twin boys for a month. The evidence was found in the last checkup note with Romani who done  it before they went off to defeat Goetia.
It had happened when Romani’s rut started before a meeting to conclude Babylonia Singularity started. And to avoid anyone to realize Romani’s alpha scent and even potentially on his true identity to be revealed, Gudao assisted his lover to bring back to his room to hide and to deal with his rut.
At the same time due to the stress that causes unstable cycle of his own heat, Gudao’s own omega heat started which in a passion any protection and contraceptive medications need to take were forgotten for that heated moment.
The doctor was conflicted whether to reveal this crucial information to his beloved which would forced Gudao to withdraw his position as the main commanding Master for the mission. Or, to keep it a secret until the mission was over to reveal, propose and finally mark his beloved Gudao as his mate once and for all.
Eventually he chose the former out of reluctance and his faith Gudao would come back safely and well with their children, knowing he and his sister went and gain through enough experiences and friends to survive against Goetia.
Gudao finally gives birth to his twin son Rehoboam and Menelik. Rehoboam his black hair and green eyes, while Menelik has white hair and blue eyes
Rehoboam has both Ritsuka and Solomon's former mature and confident personality, while Menelik is more closer to Romani's personality of being timid coward.
Ritsuka now being a single dad subsequently to raise his children just own seem to just raise people's desire to want him as their mate. But both his sons got their Aunt protective nature to protect their father from those men, including Merlin
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butchjolyne · 4 years
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kiss me under the milky twilight
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opaliites · 4 years
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it's romaguda hours and i've got memes to offer
 reference pictures here
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derpderpi · 5 years
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They have same pose
Im crying
My impossible OTP gets a bit of similiarity 😭😭🥺
Thank you official for the coincidence
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mako-neexu · 1 year
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mirukiz · 6 years
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A little romaguda comic thing bc i just finished solomon and i have so much emotions. I love romani :''')
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iyohme · 1 year
Something something guda who notices their servants' tendency to splay hands over where their uterus/womb would be and thinking "Haha okay kinda weird, but maybe it's a god/old custom/demigod/faerie/eldritch being thing to pray for or bless for good health," but in reality it's just sending large red neon signs of all caps saying "BACK THE FUCK OFF, THIS CUTIE IS MINE" signals to any people present
Worst offenders include the Clairvoyance Trio (Solomon, Merlin, Casgil), Obebegirl, Cu Alter, Kiyohime, Raikou, and maybe a lil bit of Morgan and a riled-up Bedivere
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charlemagne-yy · 2 years
ahhh i didnt know you were the one who wrote CATCH for romaguda😭 back then, i couldnt stop reading it because it was really good! i loved it so much!! thank you for writing it!!
yess yes,, thank you as well!! i'm so glad you liked it :3 we all need more romaguda loving hours in this world
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hanxel10 · 6 years
A memory flashbacks Ritsuka Fujimaru (Gudako) about a certain serious question that the Head of Chaldea's Medical Facility, Doctor Romani Archaman asked to her before.
(One-shot fanfiction) (WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD)
*I wrote a one-shot fanfiction due to RomaGuda fanfic side being silent (for me?). This is made because of my imagination running wild and so I have to write this.*
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Romani: *has a cold*
Gudao: *puts hand to his forehead to take his temperature* Uh oh, you’re hot.
Romani: Thanks, you are too.
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