#Roll Grinding Machine Manufacturers
arvindrubberindia · 2 months
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vjinstruments426 · 5 months
Exploring the World of Industrial Machinery: Ball Mill Manufacturers, FBD Fluid Bed Dryers, and Spheronizers
In the realm of industrial machinery, three key players stand out: Ball Mill Manufacturers, FBD Fluid Bed Dryers, and Spheronizers. Each plays a crucial role in various industries, contributing to the global economy.
Ball Mill Manufacturers
Ball mills are indispensable in industries such as mineral processing, paints, and ceramics, among others. They are used for grinding and blending materials into very fine powders. The manufacturers of these machines are known for their engineering prowess and commitment to quality. They ensure that these machines are designed and built to withstand the rigors of heavy-duty operations, while providing optimal performance.
FBD Fluid Bed Dryers
Next, we have the FBD Fluid Bed Dryers. These machines are essential in the pharmaceutical industry, where they are used for drying granules, powders, and other particulate materials. The principle behind their operation is simple yet effective - hot air is introduced into a plenum below a perforated plate, and as the air rises, it lifts and mixes the material, allowing for efficient and uniform drying. Manufacturers of these machines prioritize precision, reliability, and energy efficiency, ensuring that their products meet the stringent requirements of the pharmaceutical industry.
Last but not least, we have Spheronizers. These machines are used to form spherical pellets from a wet mixture or granulation. The process involves spinning the material in a friction plate, causing the particles to roll and form into spheres. This technique is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry, particularly in the production of controlled-release drugs. Spheronizer manufacturers focus on ensuring that their machines offer high levels of precision and consistency, which are critical in pharmaceutical applications.
In conclusion, Ball Mill Manufacturers, FBD Fluid Bed Dryers, and Spheronizers are key players in the industrial machinery sector. Their contributions are vital in various industries, particularly in pharmaceuticals, where precision, reliability, and efficiency are of utmost importance. As we continue to advance technologically, we can expect these machines to evolve and become even more efficient and reliable, further solidifying their roles in the industrial sector.
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leebird-simmer · 2 years
All About: Nicotine
Background and History
- The Maya, who lived in what is now southern Mexico & Central America, had a great civilization which was at its height about 2,000 years ago.
- Tobacco smoke initially was used by Maya in religious ceremonies, rituals, and in medicinal practices.
- They passed on the custom of smoking to almost every other Indigenous group in North & South America.
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- Tobacco was first encountered by Europeans when Columbus reached the West Indies. The Europeans quickly took up smoking tobacco.
- In the 1600s, England commercialized tobacco growing in the Virginia colony.
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- Cigarettes began to be used in Europe during the mid-19th century. Their popularity in the USA exploded over the next 30 years, thanks to...
new methods of curing tobacco leaves that improved flavor
invention of the cigarette machine, which increased production dramatically (before, you had to hand roll all your cigarettes)
- During World War II (1939-1945), cigarette sales were at an all-time high. Cigarettes were included in a soldier’s C-Rations (like food). Tobacco companies sent millions of cigarettes to the soldiers for free, and when these soldiers came home, the companies had a steady stream of loyal customers.
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- In 1971, television ads for cigarettes were finally taken off the air in the USA. The American Medical Association (AMA) declared tobacco a health hazard, as it causes cancer and other respiratory/circulatory diseases.
- Nicotine was first isolated in 1828. It constitutes about 5% of the weight of dry tobacco leaves.
- Nicotine is an oily water-soluble substance, a colorless liquid which changes color to yellow and brown on contact with air or slowly with light.
- It’s odorless and tasteless. And that’s why it can be used for vaping in combination with different flavors.
- It is a potent neurotoxin with particular specificity to insects; therefore, nicotine was widely used as an insecticide.
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Government Regulation of Tobacco/Nicotine Products
- May 5, 2016: The FDA announced that nationwide tobacco regulations now extend to all tobacco products, including...
e-cigarettes and their liquid solutions
hookah tobacco
pipe tobacco
- December 2019: The federal government raised the legal minimum age of sale of tobacco products from 18-21 years.
- December 17, 2019: The FDA authorized the marketing of two new tobacco products manufactured by 22nd Century Group Inc. - Moonlight and Moonlight Menthol, which are cigarettes that contain a reduced amount of nicotine compared to typical commercial cigarettes.
On average, conventional cigarettes contain 10-14 mg of nicotine each. Moonlight cigarettes contain 0.2 to 0.7 mg each.
They are less addictive, but still harmful.
- January 2020: The FDA issued a policy on the sale of flavored vaping cartridges. Only tobacco and menthol flavors are allowed.
Tobacco Preparation for Recreational Use
- The leaves of the plant contain 80-85% water.
- Curing is the process that brings out the aroma and flavor of each variety of tobacco. After the curing cycle, there is essentially no water left.
- The actual nicotine content of the cured tobacco leaf may reach as high as 6.17%.
- Tobacco for chewing (smokeless tobacco): One to three high-quality leaves are braided and twisted into a rope while green, and then are cured in the same manner as other tobacco.
- Tobacco snuff is made by grinding dried tobacco leaves to a very fine powder.
- Tobacco for burning is made into cigars, cigarettes, or pipe tobacco.
- Snus was invented in early 18th-century Sweden. It is placed between the upper lip and gum for extended periods. Snus is not fermented.
Route of Administration: Smoking
- A typical cigarette contains 10-14 mg of nicotine, though no more than 1-3 mg actually reaches the smoker’s bloodstream.
- The amount available depends on the smoker’s behavior (e.g. number of puffs, length of each puff)
- Absorption can also depend on the chemical form of nicotine; freebase is absorbed better than salt.
- Starting in the 1960s, Marlboro started to add ammonia to their cigarettes for a better absorption of nicotine.
- When smoking nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide are released. Tar contributes to the taste and smell of cigarette smoke.
Nicotine: Absorption
- Nicotine readily passes through the absorbent surface of the lungs to the bloodstream.
- The nicotine first reaches the brain in about 7 seconds, which is approximately twice as fast as when the drug is administered intravenously.
- It is absorbed to a lesser extent through the mouth and nostrils when tobacco is chewed or snorted as snuff.
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- Most nicotine is metabolized to cotinine by the liver enzyme cytochrome P450 2A6 (CYP2A6).
- Cotinine and other nicotine metabolites are excreted mainly in the urine.
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Behavioral Effects
- Nicotine is both a stimulant and a relaxant.
- To separate the effects of nicotine from the behavioral aspects of smoking, subjects are given pure nicotine through injection, skin patches, or gum.
- In smokers, nicotine produces a calm or relaxed state.
- In nonsmokers, it tends to elicit heightened tension or arousal, along with lightheadedness, dizziness, and even nausea.
Nesbitt’s Paradox: Most studies indicate that nicotine appears to cause arousal. However, most smokers report that they smoke because it relaxes them. Nicotine changes from a stimulant to sedative when the dose is increased.
- Because acetylcholine plays an important role in aspects of cognitive functioning, several studies have examined effects of nicotine on cognitive function.
- In animals and humans alike, nicotine administration temporarily improves visual attention and working memory.
- Abstinent smokers given nicotine show enhanced performance on many kinds of cognitive and motor tasks.
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- Some benefits for Alzheimer’s disease (nicotinic receptor agonists)
- High smoking rates in people with schizophrenia (which includes significant cognitive dysfunction) may be an attempt to self-medicate.
Mechanisms of Action
- Nicotine works by activating nicotinic cholinergic receptors (nAChRs), one of the two subtypes of acetylcholine (ACh) receptor.
- They are ionotropic receptors made up of five sub-units.
- High-affinity nAChRs are found in many parts of the brain, neuromuscular junctions and in the ganglia of the autonomic nervous system.
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Physiological Effects
- Nicotinic receptors are abundant in the autonomic nervous system.
- Smoking can activate both sympathetic and parasympathetic systems, causing a wide range of physiological effects, including tachycardia and elevated blood pressure.
- This can increase risk of cardiovascular disease.
- Nicotine also reduces appetite and increases metabolic rate, resulting in weight loss.
- Smokers generally weigh less than nonsmokers. Quitting usually results in weight gain.
Nicotine Poisoning
- Nicotine is a toxic substance that can be fatal at high doses. LD50 is about 40-60 mg. Such a high dose cannot be reached via inhalation.
- A large number of poisonings occur among children who eat tobacco.
- Contact with tobacco in the field (”green tobacco sickness”) or insecticides that contain nicotine.
- There are two protections against death: quick first-pass metabolism through the liver, and activation of the vomiting center (area postrema).
Metabolism, Withdrawal, and Tolerance
- Elimination half-life of nicotine is around 2 hours. To avoid withdrawal symptoms, smoking must occur repeatedly throughout the day.
- Frequent smoking leads to ever-increasing peak levels of nicotine during the day, since each dose builds on the residual nicotine from the previous one, but tolerance also builds.
Acute Tolerance
- Cigarette smokers undergo acute tolerance during the day.
- Acute tolerance dissipates during the night and mild withdrawal occurs.
- The 1st cigarette in the morning is the strongest.
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Chronic Tolerance
- Long term exposure to nicotine causes chronic tolerance, superimposed on the acute daily tolerance.
- In one study, a high dose of nicotine elicited an aversive reaction with some symptoms of mild nicotine toxicity in non-smokers but no such reaction in smokers.
- Nicotine on its own is reinforcing; humans and other animals will self-administer nicotine.
- The mesolimbic DA pathway from the VTA to the nucleus accumbens (NAcc) plays a key role in reinforcement. Lesioning the dopaminergic innervation of NAcc significantly attenuates nicotine self-administration.
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- High-affinity nicotinic receptors in the VTA stimulate firing of DA neurons, increasing DA release in the NAcc.
- Research in this area usually involves injected nicotine, but one study showed the same result when rats were inhaling cigarette smoke.
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- Studies show that abstinence syndrome is relatively short, with most symptoms gone by four weeks, and nicotine gum prevents most symptoms.
- Withdrawal symptoms:
decreased heart rate
increased appetite
inability to concentrate
sleep disruption
craving for cigarettes
Nicotine Use Disorder
Cigarette Smoking
- 70 to 75% of current smokers in the United States would like to quit smoking, and about 40 to 45% of daily smokers actually attempt to quit each year. However, addiction to nicotine is so powerful that the success rate is very low.
- Two aspects of nicotine addiction:
Biomedical (abstinence syndrome, reinforcing properties of nicotine)
Sociocultural (smoking is a social activity and many “aspirational” people of the past 200 years were smokers)
- The amount of cigarette smoking in the US has varied over the past 100 years.
- Smoking increased dramatically from 1900 up to the 1960s. Declines since then are related to the Surgeon General’s reports on health consequences, antismoking ads, high cigarette taxes, and societal disapproval of smoking.
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Health Effects
- The damaging health effects of smoking stem from carbon monoxide that results when tobacco, tar, and nicotine are burned.
- Nicotine enters the smoker’s lungs on tiny particles of tar, which is a complex mixture of chemicals (some of which are known to be carcinogenic).
- Other chemicals that can be found in cigarette smoke include:
ammonia (found in toilet cleaning chemicals)
acetone (found in nail varnish remover)
cadmium (highly poisonous metal used in batteries)
napthtalene (used in moth balls)
cyanide (very deadly poison)
formaldehyde (used in preservation of bodies)
- Smoking is a major cause of illness and premature death.
- Cigarette smoking is the major preventable cause of death among Americans. It increases the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, etc.
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Warning Labels
- Behavioral interventions include anti-smoking appeals in the media, Surgeon General’s health warning on packs of cigarettes, and high taxes on tobacco products.
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Graphic Warning Labels
- In June 2011, the FDA ordered the use of nine rotating warnings to cover 50% of cigarette packs with such images as diseased lungs and a cadaver lying on an autopsy table.
- Five tobacco companies, including R.J. Reynolds Tobacco and Lorillard Tobacco (2nd and 3rd biggest cigarette manufacturers), filed a lawsuit claiming the mandate violated their First Amendment rights.
- US District Judge Richard J. Leon ruled in favor of the cigarette companies in three lawsuits against the FDA.
- Individual or group counseling programs can be successful, particularly if they provide social support and/or training to learn coping skills.
- The most common pharmacological intervention is nicotine replacement.
- Nicotine relieves withdrawal symptoms and is delivered in safer ways than smoking: nicotine gum and lozenges, transdermal patch, nasal spray and inhalers.
- The nasal spray and inhaler require a doctor’s prescription, whereas nicotine gum, patches, and lozenges can be obtained over-the-counter (OTC).
Bupropion (Zyban)
Initially developed as an anti-depressant
The anti-smoking properties of bupropion are thought to be related to its actions as a dopamine uptake inhibitor and a weak antagonist at nicotinic cholinergic receptors.
Attenuates rewarding properties of nicotine and reduces nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms.
Varenicline (Chantix)
Is a partial agonist at high-affinity nicotinic receptors expressed in the VTA and other brain areas.
Reduces nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms.
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- invented in 2003 by Chinese pharmacist Hon Lik
- Vaping = using e-cigarettes
- E-cigarettes don’t contain tobacco. They may or may not contain nicotine.
- They are likely safer than tobacco cigarettes but it’s too early to determine the long-term health effects.
- Anecdotally, they’re reported to help people quit smoking.
2019: there was a vaping-related lung injury epidemic
January 2020: FDA banned mint-flavored and fruit-flavored vaping products, but menthol and tobacco flavors are exempt.
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ssengineeringwork · 7 days
Square Bright Bar Manufacturer in Haryana
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Steel and steel products contribute to a significant percentage of country’s economy. One of the products that find immense use in every other type of industry is bright bar, which is made out of steel as raw materials. The entire developing process of bright bars is complicated and carried out in different stages. There are various shapes, dimensions and sizes of bright bars available today and they have varied applications as well. Steel, as we all know has high durability and high tensile strength which makes it a core material for various construction purposes.
All about SS Engineering works
The company came into existence in 1968 and it is an ISO certified agency that is into developing various raw materials for industries and construction purpose. It is a reliable source manufacturing and exporting high quality bright steel bars of different types. The team has a well experience of over 54 years and that makes it an authentic Square Bright Bar Manufacturer in Haryana. The team has been able to cater to the varied needs of their clients all these years and the end result has always been 100 percent satisfactory. Quality and timely delivery as two main focuses for the company. Some of the widely accepted and appreciated list of products includes the likes of HB wires, bright bar, polished wire, square bright bar, hex bright bar, steel round bar among others. All these products are manufactured in different grades. Some of the clients in the list includes land rover, Honda, hero, designco, etc.
Production of Bright Bars
SS Engineering Works is one of the leading Square Bright Bar Supplier and manufacturer in India. The entire development process is very crucial and time consuming that needs utmost perfection and expertise. It is manufactured in the factory, where the raw material i.e. steel undergoes various processes to get different dimensions and sizes of the bright bars. The main raw material is called black bars which undergoes different processes namely drawing, peeling, grinding, polishing and col rolling to get the desired out.
Complete Manufacturing process of Bright Steel Bars
Be it round, square or any other shape of bright steel bars, the basic manufacturing process is more or less same. The actual material used in the process is called black bars, which is entirely different from black steel bars. This black bar is passed through dyes in very cold conditions or by using a peeling machine where there are turned. Before the final cold finishing, the material undergoes heat treatment for added strength. In order to get different sizes, different processes are used as follows:
Drawing – The black bar is drawn through different dyes to get desired shape which will reduce surface imperfection and provide tensile strength as well
Peeling – Here also surface imperfection is reduce but internal ones are pulled out
Grinding – The finished product is then moved towards grinding that enhance tolerance level and enhance surface finish
Polishing is a process of enhancing the finish of the surface of the product
Cold rolling – It is the final process that is majorly used to develop complex shapes
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arisaimpex · 19 days
Supplier of Stainless Steel Flat Bar in Karnataka
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Arisa Impex is a leading Supplier of Stainless Steel Flat Bar in Karnataka. Our Manufacturing Unit is in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. Arisa Impex is a Manufacturer, Exporter, and Supplier of Stainless Steel Products, including Stainless Steel Round Bars, Wires, Rods, Sheets, Coils, Pipes, Flat Bars, Square Bars, Hexagonal Bars, Angles, Flanges, and Alloy Steel. A Stainless Steel Flat Bar is a rectangular or square section of stainless steel with a flat surface. It is used in various applications requiring strength, durability, and corrosion resistance. We are selling high-grade quality series such as 200, 300, and 400. Features: Corrosion Resistance: Resists rust and corrosion in various environments. Durability: High tensile strength and toughness for long-lasting performance. Versatility: Available in various sizes and grades to meet different needs. Smooth Finish: Offers a clean and smooth surface for aesthetic and functional purposes. Machinability: Easy to cut, weld, and fabricate for diverse applications. Work Process: Melting: Stainless steel is melted in a furnace. Casting: The molten steel is cast into ingots or billets. Hot Rolling: We heat and roll ingots or billets into flat bar shapes. Cooling: We cool and solidify the hot-rolled bars. Surface Finishing: We finish the bars through processes such as polishing or grinding to achieve the desired surface quality. Specification: Stainless Steel Flat Bar Grades: 202, 304, 304L, 304H, 316, 316L, 316H, 316Ti, 321, 309, 310, 347, 400 Series Etc. Size: 20mm to 100mm Thickness: 5mm to 50mm Length: 2 meters – 6 meters ( 8 feet to 20 feet) Heat Treatment: Solution Annealed Tolerances: H12, H11, K11, K12, H10, H8, H9, H13, K10, K9 Packing: standard packing Specifications: EN 10272, EN 10088-3 Grade 304/ 304L, 316/ 316L Finishes: Cold Drawn, Turned, Bright Drawn, Polished, Rough Turned, Centreless Ground, Bright, Annealed, Smooth Turned, Peeled, Grinding, Black Arisa Impex is a Supplier of Stainless Steel Flat Bar in Karnataka including locations like Bangalore, Mysore, Hubballi-Dharwad, Kalaburagi, Mangalore, Belagavi, Davanagere, Bellary, Vijayapura, Shimoga, Tumkur, Raichur, Bidar, Udupi, Hospet, Gadag-Betageri, Robertsonpet, Hassan, Bhadravati, Chitradurga, Kolar, Mandya, Chikmagalur, Gangavati, Bagalkot, Ranebennuru, Arsikere, Chakradharpur. Feel free to contact us for more information and inquiries. View Product: Click Here Read the full article
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tellusbbmedicare · 23 days
How Cornstarch Bags Are Made: A Simple Breakdown
Imagine if every shopping bag could help save the planet. Cornstarch bags are making that dream a reality! Made from corn, these eco-friendly bags are changing the way we think about packaging. Let's explore how these sustainable bags are made and the benefits they bring to the environment.
Step-by-Step Process of Manufacturing Cornstarch Bags
1. Material Selection and Preparation
Raw Material: Cornstarch, derived from corn kernels, is the primary ingredient. Other materials such as plasticizers and stabilizers may be added to enhance the bag's durability and flexibility.
Preparation: The cornstarch is cleaned and processed to extract the starch. This involves grinding the corn kernels, separating the starch from the protein and fiber, and then drying the starch.
2. Blending and Formulation
Mixing: The purified cornstarch is mixed with water and other additives (like plasticizers) to create a uniform starch solution. This mixture is known as the "starch slurry."
Formulation: Additional chemicals may be added to improve the bag's properties, such as its strength, flexibility, and resistance to moisture.
3. Film Extrusion
Extrusion Process: The starch slurry is fed into an extruder machine where it is heated and forced through a die to form a thin film. This film is then cooled and solidified.
Thickness Control: The thickness of the film is carefully controlled during this process to ensure it meets the desired specifications for the final bags.
4. Bag Formation
Cutting and Sealing: The extruded film is cut into sheets or rolls. These are then fed into a bag-making machine that folds, seals, and shapes the material into bags.
Printing (Optional): If required, printing for branding or labeling can be added during this stage using eco-friendly inks.
5. Quality Control
Inspection: Finished bags are inspected for quality and consistency. This includes checking for any defects or imperfections in the sealing and overall construction.
Testing: Bags are tested for strength, durability, and biodegradability to ensure they meet the required standards.
6. Packaging and Distribution
Packaging: The bags are packaged into bundles or rolls for shipment. Packaging is often done using minimal, recyclable materials to maintain the eco-friendly ethos.
Distribution: The packaged bags are then distributed to retailers or businesses.
Machinery Involved
Cornstarch Extraction Equipment: For processing and extracting the starch from corn kernels.
Mixing Tanks: For preparing the starch slurry.
Extruder Machines: To produce the thin cornstarch film.
Bag-Making Machines: For cutting, sealing, and shaping the film into bags.
Printing Presses (if needed): For adding any branding or labeling to the bags.
Environmental Benefits
Biodegradability: Cornstarch bags are made from renewable resources and can decompose naturally in the environment within a few months to a few years, depending on conditions.
Reduction in Plastic Waste: By replacing conventional plastic bags with cornstarch bags, the reliance on petroleum-based plastics is reduced, leading to less environmental pollution.
Lower Carbon Footprint: Cornstarch production generally has a lower carbon footprint compared to the production of traditional plastic bags, as it uses a renewable resource and often involves less energy-intensive processes.
In summary, cornstarch bag manufacturing is a relatively straightforward process that emphasizes sustainability and environmental responsibility. The use of biodegradable materials and the reduction of plastic waste make cornstarch bags an eco-friendly alternative to conventional plastic packaging.
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machinedalal · 27 days
Used Perfect Binder & Gatherer Machine for SALE
Gantenbein - Bufalo BAFC-33
Buy Directly from SELLER -
Manufacturer: Gantenbein
Year: 1970
Machine Availability: Immediately from stock
Price: On Request
Location: Netherlands
#print #press #machinedalal
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poims · 28 days
WNJ Factory Manufacturer 2.5mm CNC Spring Roll Grinding Machine With Taiwan Controller
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etimaterials-blog · 1 month
Knowledge about TZM Alloy
TZM material is an alloy of 0.50% Titanium, 0.08% Zirconium and 0.02% Carbon with the balance Molybdenum and is typically manufactured by powder metallurgy or arc-casting processes. It has a higher recrystallization temperature, higher creep strength & hardness, and higher tensile strength than pure molybdenum. In addition, TZM exhibits good thermal conductivity, low vapor pressure, good corrosion resistance and is machinable.
TZM Molybdenum Physical Properties:
Density: 10.22g/cc, 0.37lb/in3
Melting Point: 2623°C, 4753°F
Thermal Conductivity: 0.48 Cal/cm2/cm°C/sec
Specific Heat: 0.073 Cal/gm/°C
Coefficient of Linear Thermal Expansion: 2.50 micro-in/°F x 10-6
Electrical Resistivity: 6.85 micro-ohm-cm
The molybdenum TZM is a normally utilized constructional material for high-temperature applications. These microstructural aspects significantly affect quality at raised temperatures. By methods for carbide-reinforcing TZM features improved high-temperature quality up to 1400 °C and a higher recrystallization temperature, contrasted with pure Molybdenum.
A few types of molybdenum alloys are accessible. TZM alloy bar was chosen as the most appropriate material based on its unrivaled high-temperature elasticity and a high recrystallization temperature (somewhere in the range of 1400 and 1600 C). A high recrystallization temperature is especially significant as this dispenses with the probability of recrystallization during brazing welding causing a misfortune in malleability and quality.
Our TZM Alloy is of the highest quality and conforms to ASTM B386 type 364 (TZM Plate) and B387 type 364 (TZM Rod) standards, which is made by powder metallurgy. Process of TZM products: Raw powder mixture-Pressing-Sintering-Forging-Rolling to plate & sheet-Swaging & drawing to rod & wire. TZM tubes are mostly drilled from rods, length is quite limited. Other processes as turning, cutting, grinding, drilling, are also engaged for machined TZM parts
Available in rod, plate, tube, sheet, wire, fasteners and customized form, it is often used for hardware in vacuum furnaces, large x-ray equipment, and in creating tools. TZM Alloy is used in high-temperature applications involving demanding mechanical loads, for example in forging tools or as rotating anodes in X-ray tubes. The recommended temperatures of use are between 700 and 1,400 °C.
https://www.etimaterials.org/molybdenum/tzm-alloy/ https://www.etimaterials.org/molybdenum/
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arvindrubberindia · 5 months
Roll with innovation with our leading rubber roll grinding machine manufacturers. Our advanced technology and expertise ensure precision and efficiency in roll grinding processes
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Crafting Precision: Exploring the World of Stainless Steel Round Bars
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Introduction to Stainless Steel Round Bars
Among the numerous kinds of industrial materials currently in the market, stainless steel round bars are particularly outstanding due to their versatility and capacity for strength and corrosion.  Hans Metal India these characteristics make them important in a wide range of industries, including construction, automotive, medical, and maritime applications. An investigation of the characterstics of crafting process shall involve stainless steel bar. carfting is one the best method in which its work very smoothly. concreting process is commonly seen in construction works. Stainless Steel Round Bar Manufacturer in India and Stainless Steel Plate Manufacturer in India.This article mainly go to the detectable way and help to work in easy way and quick.
Uses of Stainless Steel Round Bars
Construction and Architecture
Because of its strength, beauty, and ability to withstand weathering, stainless steel round bars are widely utilised in the construction sector. By using Architecture methods it can be easy to analyze the product. Stainless Steel Sheet Manufacturer in India and Round Bar Suppliers in UAE .Their contribution is vital, in constructing buildings, bridges and various infrastructure projects. 
Automotive Industry
It is a automated machinery instruments which work in machinery way. SS Round Bar Manufacturer in India and  Copper Sheet Manufacturers in India.In the sector various parts, like axles, bolts and engine components are crafted from stainless steel bars.  These materials excel in applications that demand reliability and top notch performance due, to their durability and resistance to wear.
Medical Devices
In the field of medicine surgical instruments orthopedic implants and various medical devices are crafted from stainless steel bars. These materials are well suited for critical healthcare uses because of their ability to be sterilized without losing their quality and their compatibility, with the body.
The Crafting Process:
1. Choice of Raw Materials:
In the stage of the process one should opt for quality stainless steel. The specific application will dictate the choice of steel alloy with popular options being 304, 316 and 410 grades. common grades include 304, 316, and 410. Specific qualities like stronger corrosion resistance, better machinability, or higher strength are offered by each grade.
2. Pouring and Pouring Melt:
In an electric arc furnace, the chosen raw materials are melted at extremely high temperatures. This method ensures that the alloy composition remains consistent. The process involves melting steel and shaping it into finished forms, like slabs, billets or blooms.
3. Hot Rolling: The cast steel is put through rolling mills and heated above its recrystallization temperature during the hot rolling process. In this process, the steel is shaped into a rough cylindrical shape and its thickness is decreased.
4.Heat Treatment Process; The rolled bars undergo annealing to enhance their flexibility and reduce their toughness. In this procedure the steel is heated to a temperature. Then slowly cooled down. Moreover annealing helps in relieving stresses in the material.
5. Precision Rolling: To obtain the required diameter and surface finish, the bars are subjected to precision rolling or drawing after annealing. By taking this process, the round bars are guaranteed to meet strict criteria for surface quality and dimensional tolerances.
6. Cutting and Finishing: Depending on the needs of the ultimate use, the lengthy steel rods are cut into predetermined lengths and go through a variety of finishing procedures, including grinding, polishing, or coating. The circular bars get their distinctive glossy, smooth look from this process.
Round stainless steel bars are proof of the strength of expert engineering and fine craftsmanship. From raw material to essential industrial component, they go through a number of carefully regulated procedures, each of which adds to their remarkable qualities. The use of stainless steel round bars in aerospace, automotive, medical, and construction applications is still essential to the advancement of contemporary industry. These extraordinary materials will become even more important and versatile as production methods and technology advance. 
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indianradebird09 · 4 months
What is a Spice Packing Machine?
A spice packing machine is a specialized equipment used in the food industry for efficiently packaging spice powders. It is designed to automate the packaging process, ensuring accuracy, speed, and convenience. It's essentially an automated assistant specifically designed for efficiently and hygienically packaging all sorts of spices. Imagine a machine that takes care of the entire process, from precisely measuring the perfect amount of chili powder to sealing the pouch to keep it fresh. These machines come in different varieties, each suited for various production needs. Some use a rotating screw to dispense spices, while others create pouches from scratch, fill them up, and seal them shut. There are even options for pre-made pouches, where the machine simply fills and seals them for a faster process.
What are the different types of Spice packing machines:
Auger Fillers
Vertical Form Fill Seal (VFFS) Machines
Pre-Made Pouch Packing Machines
Other Filling Systems
Costing of spice packing machines:
Auger fillers, the workhorses for free-flowing spices, are the most budget-friendly option, starting around ₹25,000. For more flexibility with pouch sizes and styles, Vertical Form Fill Seal (VFFS) machines offer a wider range, starting at ₹1,50,000 and reaching up to ₹10,00,000 for advanced features. Pre-made pouch packing machines fall somewhere in between (₹1,00,000 - ₹5,00,000) and are ideal for high-volume production with readily available pouches.
Applications of Spice Packing Machine:
Automating the Grind: No more slow, manual filling! These machines take over the tedious task, precisely measuring and dispensing each spice, significantly boosting production speed and consistency. This translates to a faster flow of packaged spices hitting the market to meet your culinary needs.
Precision Dosing for Perfect Flavour: Every single pouch or container gets the exact amount of spice it deserves. Precise measuring systems ensure minimal waste and consistent quality control. No more under- or over-seasoned dishes – just the perfect flavor burst with each sprinkle.
Hygiene Champions: By automating the filling process, human contact with the spices is minimized. This promotes better hygiene and food safety throughout the packaging process, keeping your spices fresh and free from contamination.
Spice Versatility: These machines are adaptable chameleons. They can handle a wide variety of spices, from free-flowing peppercorns to finely ground powders. Different machine types cater to the specific characteristics of each spice, ensuring proper handling and efficient packaging for all your favourite seasonings.
Packaging Flexibility: Spice packing machines cater to diverse needs. They can work with pre-made pouches for convenience, create pouches from film rolls for customization, or even fill containers like bottles for larger quantities. This allows producers to offer spices in formats that suit different consumer preferences and market demands.
High-Volume Production Powerhouse: For large-scale spice producers, these machines are lifesavers. They can seamlessly handle continuous production, meeting high demands efficiently. This ensures a smooth flow of spices from raw ingredients to perfectly packaged products, ready for distribution to hungry customers around the world.
Top 5 Manufacturers of Spice Packing Machines:
 Auro Equipment, founded in 1996, is an Indian company that makes packing machines. They're known for their high-quality equipment and strict quality control. The company started because the packing industry wasn't keeping up with the growing economy. They saw a need for better packaging machines, so they started making their own. Auro has a great team of engineers and salespeople to design, build, and service their machines. They make a variety of packing machines for different purposes, including machines for powders, liquids, and free-flowing products.
Multi-Utility Full Pneumatic Spices Packing Machine with Volumetric Filling system which finds vast areas of application in packing items such as Pulses, Dals, Rice, Detergent Powder, Salt, Puffs, Namkeens, Extruded Snacks, Kurkure, Wafers, Granules, Spices etc. The machine is equipped with all the latest features and technology to make it very reliable in the packing field. The manufacturer of masala packing machines.
Product Range is Powders (free and non-free flowing), granules, pulses, beans, spices, soup mixes, detergents, pharmaceutical and agricultural powders, tea, coffee, sugar, and rice. The pneumatic collar type machines are PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) controlled and consists of MMI (Man Machine Interface) for a digital display that makes the machine user-friendly. Each machine possesses both Electro-pneumatic and electro-mechanical drives.
Bosch Packaging Technology:
Bosch Packaging Technology is a leading global supplier of packaging solutions, and its Indian division has become a trusted name in the industry. With a comprehensive product range, including form-fill-seal machines, cartons, and flow wrappers, Bosch Packaging Technology provides efficient and reliable solutions for various packaging needs.
Smart Pack India: 
Smart Pack India is a leading packaging machine manufacturer in India, specializing in innovative and reliable packaging solutions. Their advanced automation technology and precision engineering deliver high-quality packaging machines, including form-fill-seal machines, pouch packaging machines, and cartooning machines. Smart Pack India's focus on efficiency and product integrity makes it a trusted choice for businesses across various industries.
For more information visit us at: https://www.indiantradebird.com/product/spice-packing-machine
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grindingball2024 · 4 months
Efficiency Redefined: Exploring the Benefits of Energy-Saving Grinding Balls
Grinding mills play a crucial role in various industries, including mining, where they break down raw materials into smaller particles. The efficiency of these mills significantly impacts overall energy consumption and production costs. With sustainability becoming a focal point across industries, the demand for energy-efficient solutions has never been greater. Energy-saving grinding ball is an important medium for ore grinding operations, and energy-saving ball mill is a key component in the pursuit of productivity and environmental responsibility.
Understanding Energy Saving Ball Mills
Energy-saving ball mills are a cornerstone in mineral processing operations, designed to reduce energy consumption while maintaining or even enhancing processing efficiency. Unlike traditional ball mills, which rely on gravity and friction to grind materials, these innovative mills leverage advanced technology to optimize energy usage.
How Energy Saving Ball Mills Work
At the heart of these mills lies their efficient design. Utilizing features such as cylindrical rotating shells and specially designed grinding media, energy-saving ball mills facilitate the grinding process with minimal energy loss. This is achieved through several key mechanisms:
--Reduced Friction: Energy-saving ball mills employ spherical or cylindrical grinding media that roll rather than slide within the mill, reducing frictional losses and energy consumption.
--Innovative Design: Modern energy-saving ball mills incorporate design features such as internal lifting plates and optimized shell shapes to ensure efficient grinding and energy transfer.
--Variable Speed Control: Many energy-saving ball mills are equipped with variable speed drives, allowing operators to adjust mill speed according to processing requirements, further optimizing energy usage.
Benefits of Energy Saving Ball Mills
Lower Energy Consumption: By minimizing frictional losses and optimizing grinding processes, energy-saving ball mills significantly reduce energy consumption compared to conventional mills¹.
Increased Productivity: The efficient design of energy-saving ball mills ensures consistent and uniform grinding, leading to higher throughput and productivity.
Environmental Sustainability: With reduced energy consumption comes a lower environmental footprint, aligning with sustainability goals and regulations.
Cost Savings: Lower energy consumption translates directly into cost savings, making energy-saving ball mills a financially prudent investment for mineral processing operations.
Applications in Mineral Processing
Energy-saving ball mills find applications across a wide range of mineral processing operations, including:
Ore Grinding: Energy-saving ball mills are commonly used for grinding ores of varying hardness, from soft limestone to hard copper ore.
Fine Grinding: These mills excel in fine and ultra-fine grinding applications, producing finely ground particles with minimal energy input.
Regrinding Circuits: Energy-saving ball mills are often employed in regrinding circuits to improve mineral liberation and recovery.
In summary, energy-saving grinding balls hold immense potential for sustainable manufacturing. Let's harness these innovations to maximize efficiency, minimize waste, and pave the way for a greener future in the world of precision machining.
The Qasim series of energy-saving grinding balls are impact-resistant and extremely wear-resistant. Through innovative manufacturing processes, Qasim Grinding Ball Group produces standard energy-saving grinding balls and a new generation of high chrome grinding balls. If you have needs, welcome to visit our website: q-grindingmedia.
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krunaldigitalads · 4 months
What are Applications of 304/316 stainless steel balls for bearings ?
Stainless steel balls are available in two different material 316 stainless steel balls and 304 Stainless Steel balls for bearing and other applications. These 316 anbd 304 balls are manufacturered are highly durable and can resist extreme temperatures, making them a great choice for use in certain industrial applications inDelhi, Mumbai, Chennai, USA, Europe, Russia, Brazil, Mexico, Indonesia, Vietnam, Taiwan, Japan.
Carbon steel balls are used in light-load bearings, press bearings, moderate-load level products such as casters and low-load level rotating machines, hinges and rod-ends that generally do not require high precision. Stainless Steel Balls are widely used for roll-on lipsticks & lip moisturizers, soap dispensers, nail polish & eyeliner mixing beads. 
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zetarvac · 4 months
What is Heavy Gauge Thermoforming?
Thermoforming is a plastic processing technology, the main principle is to spread the hard plastic sheet heated to soften, the use of vacuum adsorption will be softened sheet adsorption on the surface of the mold, after cooling the molding technology.
Vacuum forming is widely used in plastic packaging, lighting, advertising, decoration and other industries.
With the continuous development of science and technology, the manufacturing industry is also constantly innovating and progressing. Among them, thermoforming plastics process, as an emerging manufacturing technology, is gradually becoming the new trend of the future manufacturing industry.
Vacuum forming according to the thickness of the sheet is divided into thin gauge thermoforming and heavy gauge thermoforming, this article we will focus on thick gauge thermoforming.
Principle of Heavy Gauge Thermoforming
Heavy gauge thermoforming refers to the use of material thickness of more than 2mm, can not be in the fully automatic tool on the thermoforming machine, must be used in heavy gauge thermoforming semi-automatic thermoforming machine for processing and production. light gauge thermoforming, the thickness of the plastic is 1.5 mm or less and is usually roll fed into the thermoforming machine.
Thick piece of pressure forming machine is a plastic sheet as raw material, through the vacuum forming process to produce plastic parts of the key process equipment, it is a thermoplastic material plastic sheet as raw material, through the oven heated to a softening temperature, and then through the plastic sheet and the mold between the plastic sheet and the key process equipment.
It takes thermoplastic plastic flat sheet as raw material, heated to softening temperature by oven, and then through the negative pressure of vacuum between plastic sheet and mold, the plastic sheet in thermoplastic state is adsorbed on the working surface of the mold and then cooled to form.
Difference Between Heavy Gauge Thermoforming and Thin Gauge Thermoforming
Different Materials
Heavy gauge thermoforming is generally used ABS, HIPS, etc.. Thin gauge thermoforming commonly used materials for PVC, PET, PP, PS, PETG, etc..
Material thickness is different, heavy gauge thermoforming industry need to use the material is sheet, that is, plate, 1-15mm thick, and light gauge thermoforming used in the material is coil 0.2-1mm thick.
Different Uses
Heavy gauge thermoforming is commonly used in machine shells, display racks, advertisements, bases, image boards, sports equipment shells, beauty equipment shells, medical equipment shells, golf cart shells, toy car shells, turnover trays, game machine shells, refrigerator liners, light boxes and other vacuum forming products. The product thickness 1-10mm or even thicker.
Thin gauge thermoforming is generally used in electronic products, cosmetics, food, health care products, toys, daily necessities and other pressure forming products. The thickness of the product is 10-100 silk.
Different Processes
Heavy gauge thermoforming than thingauge thermoforming is more complex, on the basis of the process, heavy gauge thermoforming than thin gauge thermoforming more than a few milling edges, skeleton washing, grinding and other processing procedures.
Heavy gauge thermoforming industry cut edges and holes are CNC engraved, while the thin gauge thermoforming industry is punched with a knife mold, so the price of thick gauge thermoforming than thin gauge thermoforming is a little more expensive.
Different Machines
The machines used in heavy gauge thermoforming industry are semi-automatic thermoforming machines, which have a slow production time, while those used for light gauge thermoforming are high-speed machines, which are very fast.
Heavy gauge thermoforming products are mainly used in: electrical appliance shell, automobile body jacket, pet tray, advertising light box, automobile interior and exterior, transportation, building materials, packaging, medical equipment, household appliances, education and sanitary ware, sporting goods, medical equipment, food equipment, instrument shell, lighting, refrigerator industry, air conditioning industry and home appliance parts and other people's daily life in various fields.
Heavy gauge thermoforming products can not only replace the injection molding process, saving the cost of expensive injection molds, but also replace the traditional handmade, with the advantages of advanced production process, fast speed, reliable quality and so on.
Heavy Gauge Thermoforming Materials
A variety of thermoplastic materials are used in heavy gauge thermoforming, each with unique properties for specific applications. The main materials used in thick sheet blister molding are: various colors of ABS, acrylic, PETG, PVC, PC, PP, PE, PS, etc. and a variety of modified plastics such as glossy, skinned and transparent sheets. The thickness ranges from 3mm to 60mm.
ABS: ABS is a thermoplastic known for its strong and durable properties. It has good impact resistance and high temperature resistance, making it ideal for both interior and exterior applications. In the automotive industry, ABS is used to make interior panels and instrument panels because of its strength, elasticity and aesthetic flexibility. In consumer products, it is used to produce everything from toys to cell phone cases.
PE: Chemically resistant and highly durable and cost effective. PE is available in a wide range of densities and different properties with good elasticity and strength. PE is widely used in packaging due to its ability to effectively keep out moisture and other contaminants. Its chemical resistance makes it the material of choice for containers holding corrosive substances.
PS: PS has good rigidity and clarity and is easy to work with. It provides a cost-effective alternative for scenarios where clear, rigid plastic is required. Because of its transparency and rigidity, PS is often used to produce displays and models where a clear view of the product is critical.
PVC: prized for its versatility, strength and chemical resistance.
PC: prized for its transparency and impact resistance.
PMMA: prized for its optical transparency and UV resistance.
HIPS: tough and low cost.
Production Process
Heavy gauge thermoforming and thin gauge thermoforming principle is similar, is the positioning of the plate through the oven heated to a soft state, the vacuum forming mold and its periphery to form a closed space and will be the cavity air instantly pumped away, the plate is tightly covered in the surface of the mold, cooled and shaped to obtain the product of the process.
Vacuum forming is a cyclic process, each cycle mainly consists of: loading - heating softening - blowback pre-drawing - suction molding - cooling and shaping - demolding and taking out the parts. After removing the molded part, the sheet is placed again (either received or automatically) for the next cycle.
Mold Design and Making
Different customers have specifications for their products, so plastic molds must be made before production. In this case, the molds are made from plaster of plastic molds and the molds are produced using plastic. The lower cost is plaster molds, followed by electroplated copper molds, while aluminum molds are more expensive. When the molds are made, they are allowed to dry naturally or are dried and then treated according to the specific conditions of the product surface.
Mold Installation
When the mold is completely dry, it should be placed on the upper iron plate of the vacuum chamber, then the mold should be loaded to the applicable size according to the size of the mold then the paper should be placed in a hot wood cabinet to hold it in place and process it.
Fix the plastic sheets on the mold with fixing clips, heat the ends of the plastic sheet until they become soft, then use a vacuum pump to pump out the air between the material and the mold, so that the softened plastic sheet is adsorbed on the top of the mold, and then blow the air in the reverse direction to release the product from the mold when it cools down.
Finished Product
The finished plastic components is trimmed and integrated into a product that can be sold after sale packaging.
The advantage of heavy gauge thermoforming is its simplicity. For businesses or individuals looking to produce prototypes quickly, heavy gauge thermoforming stands out. The molds for heavy gauge thermoforming can be made from less durable materials such as wood or epoxy, so converting prototypes to physical form is both faster and cheaper.
Heavy gauge thermoforming is particularly cost-effective for low to medium volumes. Because tooling costs are typically lower than injection molding costs, small quantities can be produced without significant financial outlay. Another advantage is the relative ease of design changes. Because molds are less expensive, modifications can be made without incurring excessive costs.
Due to the large area and thick material of thick gauge thermoforming products, their strength and durability are high and they are able to protect the integrity of the goods. Secondly, heavy gauge thermoforming products can be customized to provide a wide range of features and shapes. In addition, the production process of heavy gauge thermoforming products is relatively simple and highly efficient, allowing them to meet the demands of mass production.
The automatic molding of heavy gauge thermoforming is particularly suitable for the production and processing of large products, because it realizes the automated operation from raw materials to finished products, so the efficiency is high and the quality is relatively stable.
In thick plate thermoforming technology, a variety of additional services can be performed, such as mold design, surface treatment, processing details and supporting assembly. Through these services, the appearance and performance of plastic products can be further enhanced.
In conclusion, as an emerging manufacturing technology with advantages of complex shape, high production efficiency and low cost, the plastic thermoforming process is gradually becoming a new trend in the future manufacturing industry. With the continuous progress of science and technology and the continuous expansion of the application, I believe that the pressure forming process will play a more important role in the future manufacturing industry.
Heavy gauge thermoforming technology plays an important role in creating a wide variety of plastic products, while also helping to improve product quality and customer satisfaction. The proper selection of plastic materials, proper control of the manufacturing process, and the provision of additional services are all important factors in the creation of high-quality and value-added thick gauge thermoforming products.
We also continue to explore and advance, pushing the limits of material capabilities and part complexity using advanced molding technologies such as thermoforming, vacuum forming, twin sheet forming, and pressure forming.
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cnmillfactory · 5 months
Complete set of PCB recycling equipment
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A complete set of production lines developed for the electronic waste recycling industry, suitable for the recycling of PCB waste boards Processing, the processing capacity is from 150~1000Kg/h. Process flow: waste PCB board → double roll crusher→Hammer Type Intermediate Crusher→Hammer Type Fine Crusher→Gravity Separator→High Voltage Electrostatic Separator→Resin and Metal.
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