#Rokuro Hengawa : The Lightning Tiger
tetsuwan-atom · 2 years
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tetsuwan-atom · 2 years
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The sun was setting on the Hengawa shrine.
From the top of the shrine, the sight was incredible, it was like it was built on a mountain, with the forest stretching for miles and miles in every direction. It was a sight the familiar Samurai had experiened before, but today it felt more different than ever before.
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It was a beautiful backdrop, sure, but his thoughts were far removed from the sight, for he had wanted to speak to his guest, his long time guest, dear Tiffanie.. or ‘Tiff’ as he’s called her, from the very start.
God, why can he not get his heart to ease?
It was like looking at that setting sun was putting the poignancy, the importance, of this moment, all to a head. It was like a challenge he had never face before, yet one he knew he had to overcome.
And to do that.... he had to tell her everything.
Such a mixture of feelings, butterflies, nervousness, things he had long tried to steel, all come undone here.
But he knew if he failed, he might not ever, ever forgive himself!
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tetsuwan-atom · 2 years
Continued from here.
He did it anyway, of course he would, because if touching Tiffanie's back did not hurt her, then surely it would help her instead. Of course his massage was careful, even on the scar itself, though even he could not help but think and feel things, even while being the one administering such movements.
Rokuro began to blush, he heard Tiff's breaths, how they were deep, how they stuttered, he felt her shake. It was bringing up thoughts and urges he had otherwise in his dreams, thoughts and urges he experienced sometimes while kissing and embracing her. Yet here he felt like such was coming to a head, hearing her speak.
"...Tiff.." He whispered back. He loved seeing and hearing her like this... even with what that all gave him in return.
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tetsuwan-atom · 2 years
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“I do not know the full extent of Diabolos’ power, for I have yet to experience it myself. However, life is precious. I cannot, in all my conscience, consider extinquishing the life of my dearest love, in the event Diabolos takes over. He should know, that I have given him a chance. He should know, that I will not take kindly if he fails to see reason and take aim at me. I want to believe that he himself has a conscience. I hope such a day never comes, but if it does, I hope he can prove to me that he is not indiscriminate, that he will not be like demonkind..”
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tetsuwan-atom · 2 years
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I reckon with Rokuro it would be a bit difficult to get him to lose NNN, unless you throw like, one of the ships at him where he has ‘done it’ before (and there is a few of them, onw of which he started when he was younger). By defaut, he’s very much in the dark about sex, so he’d be pretty gentle and cautious in the beginning.
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tetsuwan-atom · 2 years
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Is not a brat.
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Is also not a brat. Is a crackhead tho.
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tetsuwan-atom · 2 years
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Does this mean the Atomite Samurai is weirder?
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tetsuwan-atom · 2 years
Archetype Quiz!
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47% Intellectual
The Intellectual is the ultimate dinner-party guest. Engaging questions and thoughtful debate are their trademarks.
38% Spiritual
The Spiritual seeks a deeper meaning. For them, the journey of faith is never-ending. Thoughtful and compassionate, they have a strong sense of moral obligation.
15% Advocate
The Advocate is the one everyone wants on their side. In the name of justice, they are not afraid to challenge authority or speak up for others.
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44% Advocate
The Advocate is the one everyone wants on their side. In the name of justice, they are not afraid to challenge authority or speak up for others.
38% Explorer
The Explorer is drawn to the unknown, whether that’s a Himalayan peak or the road not taken, and have a thirst for adventure. They take journeys, not vacations.
18% Athlete
The Athlete's focus and drive are unparalleled. Staying healthy and being fit are paramount to them (as for winning, that doesn't hurt, either).
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41% Rebel
The Rebel is comfortable throwing caution to the wind—and bucking the system—if that means getting their point across.
35% Royal
When the Royal walks into a room, they command attention. They are the one in charge, and they enjoy reaping the rewards of their hard work.
24% Intellectual
The Intellectual is the ultimate dinner-party guest. Engaging questions and thoughtful debate are their trademarks.
Tagged By : @vixlenxe​ - Thanks!
Tagging : Anyone who wants to do this!
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tetsuwan-atom · 2 years
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@vixlenxe​ sent in : ❦ Holding hands and nuzzling somewhere ambient and low-lit(Tiff & Rokuro) 
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This was love at it's finest, it's most perfect. Rokuro and Tiffanie, holding hands, laced fingers, almost in an embrace, nuzzling with eyes closed, the light just perfect for such romance. The samurai even left the occasional kiss to her face.... even if the temptation was there to kiss her properly.
He loved her, fully, wholly, completely.
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tetsuwan-atom · 2 years
"Around this time, the Starlight Celebration would be happening." Tiffanie mused out loud, witfully remembering the old holiday from her homeworld. A place she still missed so, but was also just as happy where she was, here, with Rokuro. Someone she also found herself calling 'home' quite often. "A time for feasting & exchanging gifts with loved ones. I would been throwing a feast for all the Quenderlain House knights about now, I believe." Who knows if such was still happening without Tiffanie there, but it might be better not to dwell on that too much.
"I don't have anything to give, obviously, but I can make an offer, if your interested, Rokuro." Teal eyes looked to the Samurai in question then. "How about a taste of an Ishgardian feast? I know quite a few meals that can be able with what you have here at the shrine. And Starlight or no, you deserve something for all you've done for me."
Rokuro heard Tiffanie's musings, which was to be expected given that he had one arm around her holding her close to him, a very common sight nowadays for such a happy couple. He still turned his head to face her, a look of curiosity on his features. So he would learn the celebration, a time for a feast and giving gifts to people cherished dearly. If Tiffanie was home, she would be giving gifts to her knights, but instead, well, she was here, in a world that might well be her home now, here, with him.
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Eyes now locked as she proposed the idea of an Ishgardian feast, even if just for two. Her comments brought him to smile, his heart rising again as he leaned in to kiss her, just once. "A feast for the two of us." He agreed, softly. "We can make it out own Starlight Celebration, a celebration the likes this sky has never seen, just for you and me, my love."
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tetsuwan-atom · 2 years
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tetsuwan-atom · 2 years
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Is way too refined to consider whatever this ‘Fortnite Dance’ is supposed to be so instead he just sips his tea.
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tetsuwan-atom · 3 years
Okay it be THIS thing.
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It was a perfect day at the Hengawa Shrine. Only a few clouds graced the sky, allowing the sun to bask light all over the land. Some of the tigers were lazing about, some were out below in the forest, having their own fun, catching prey, basically tiger stuff, tiger problems.
Inside, the owner of the shrine, Rokuro Hengawa, the Lightning Tiger, or the 'Tiger of Japan', was finishing his last bit of tea. The drink that would relax him for a small period of time.
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Things at the shrine had changed ever since he took in a student of his own. It was like history was still turning. First it was him and his master, the late Oeyasu, now he was the master, training a new warrior to the world. How promising he was in his skills, how immensely capable, but there was still a small pit of concern, that had not gone away.
Speaking of, let's see how he's going. Standing up, the Samurai would head on outside. The day held so much to do, but it was always a good idea to check up on one's progress throughout.
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tetsuwan-atom · 3 years
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"Da-daaaaaa!" Rokuro, your daughter went out on a magical adventure today, but she's come home because she is hungry & it's nap time!
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A gasp from the man, rushing over to the baby, quickly scooping her up in his arms. “My dear child, where have you been? I have been looking all over the castle for you!” He’s already got her in a caring, comforting hold. “I hope you were not causing a lot of trouble for everyone. We searched every nook and cranny for you.”
Such a slippery baby, where did she go? Rokuro really had no idea!
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tetsuwan-atom · 4 years
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@whitecrowns-blackthrones​ sent in : Diamond for a romantic partner for Hydal & Rokuro(I know we talked about this before, but it still hasn't gotten off the ground yet!) 
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“Lady Diamond Infinity...” The knight paused, in thought. “A woman of beauty, of wisdom. She has shown me more to the world than what I believed, in my traditions, in the life I had once lead. The woman who opened the door to the extraordinary. I must admit I felt.. very comfortable in her company.. and in my knowledge growing of her... so did my care. I feel as if she had shown me more than what she had meant to. I question myself in towards the feelings I receive around her. Maybe in that it is... romance, as they speak of in tales and stories. I do not fully grasp the term ‘romantic candidate’, for it makes me think that there would have to be more than one, that there is some form of ‘contest’ involved. But.. if you are asking if I think she would be a good companion in the romantic sense, for a person like me...”
“... I would say that she would very much be.. and that maybe.. it is the one wish I truly desire, for such a thing to become a reality...”
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The Samurai found a smile on his own face, in fondness. "The Diamond of the Night Sky.. and the Day. Jewel, of the multiverse. We met when she arrived at my shrine one day, for accommodation and respite. Discovery would soon follow in immense wisdom and wonder. The experience of meeting her may well have made me a better man now than I was before, we are all constantly learning. The companionship was a delightful blessing, no doubt I would have desired to keep her in my company forever if I could. Maybe it is that fondness of her that makes me heart beat a tune I do not normally feel. I never learned, felt the wonder of romance, in my youth, nor at my age now, but there was something I did feel, when she was under my roof. Small as it had been, I do wish to see her again. I myself find the term ‘romantic candidate’ odd, but if you were asking if she was a woman I would wish to experience that world with, of romance, of love, then I would most certainly agree. A blessing it would be from the heavens, if our hearts were to come together.”
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tetsuwan-atom · 2 years
It's not exactly an unusual thing for people, or persons to appear at the Hengawa shine now-&-then, lost folk likely seeking either a way out of the forests or a place to stay for a night. What was unusual was for even the tigers to be growling like on alert of someone(something?) that was approaching. And what they could feel could be felt too by the likes of their master as well, a strange... foreign sort of darkness, that almost didn't feel completely whole.
[Throwing Tiffanie into goodie-goodie Atomite hell pt 1 feature Rokuro ovo]
Indeed, Rokuro Hengawa had many a visitor arrive at the shrine before, many who were lost, who found the shrine by happenstance, as well as those who needed a place to stay. The shrine itself had a few rooms available for those who needed a bed, even if for just one rotation of the dark.
This, was different.
The tigers growling, he could hear them, all of them. Up he was in a heartbeat, rushing out to the outside. Just then… he could feel it. That energy, that unsettling, unnerving energy, that he could feel as some sort of darkness, darkness that did not feel natural.
A darkness that might not all be there.
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He could summon his armour in an instant, swords ready. Whatever was coming, he had to be prepared for it. Never had a demon ever tried to set foot in his home before, but what this was, this didn't seem like any normal 'demon'.
Who was this, coming up the stairs? Why were they here?
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