#Roku Phone Number
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Warning other "Rings of Power" fans as Samba TV reported some of the US ratings and of course those haters who want the show cancelled are having a field day with it as it's reporting a 50% drop in viewers from s1 in the US. However, Samba TV is limited with what they report as they only count Smart TVs, so people like me who have an older TV and use a Roku device that plugs into it aren't counted as are those that use their phones, tablets, or laptops. They also only judge US and not globally. The real ratings will be in about 3 weeks when Nielsen releases their streaming chart for the week, but again that's only US ratings and not the global numbers. Also the 50% drop also just happened to "House of the Dragon" s2 compared to their 1st season with Samba's reporting. "ROP" has also been at the top of most of Amazon's countries' lists this past week too on their app so the global numbers are much higher when you combine them all.
We already know "ROP" has been renewed for season 3 since last year, which is supposed to film next year going by what some of the actors have said. If anything this would affect the 4th or 5th seasons they have planned, if this even comes to that. They won't just outright cancel it, but likely do budget cuts, trim the cast, and/or combine season 4 and 5 into one season. There's really nothing to worry about yet and like always ignore any of those comments from the haters.
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Hi this is very random but how do you watch Dimension 20 on TV? I only have the app on my phone but would love to put it on a bigger screen 🥲
Hi! 👋
So for me, I have a little Roku device that I have HDMI’d to my TV, and on that, I’ve downloaded the app!

It should be available for a number of devices that can hold Netflix / HULU, etc 😊

Hope that helps!!
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herculean (drrr x f!reader) - chapter 14
Chapter 14 - Hair Trigger
synopsis: you witness anri acting strange in front of the yellow scarves and begin to piece two and two together. later, you finally take a glance at the folder that izaya 'gifted' to you.
word count: 3,181
warnings: horada being creepy smh, graphic descriptions of murder
"seven, six, five, four, three, two, one everybody got a name, everybody got a number,, seven - rainbow kitten surprise
The walk was silent, save for the sounds of rolling thunder and light footfalls. It had gotten dark now, and the two of you only had streetlamps to use as means of navigation. You eventually stopped at a park, suggesting that Anri use one of the public bathrooms to change out of the rest of her bunny outfit. She agrees, letting go of the hand she had held the entire walk there. As she changes, you keep watch outside, leaning against the side of the building. Your phone chimes with its billionth notification that night, and you're reminded of the forum. It would be best to update everyone, since they were so worried.
*roku*: She's safe with me, everyone. No Yellow Scarves in sight.
You smile as several messages of affirmation pop up. It was heartwarming how much these people cared about someone who they didn't even know. Anri finally emerges, holding the bunny uniform in her hands. "We'll have to figure out a way to get that guy his suit back, huh?" you chuckle softly. She's still sullen, as you'd expect, and you're content to be there for her until she started to feel better. Once she's close enough, you lay a hand on her back, rubbing a small, brief circle. "Hey, listen." She finally looks you in the eye, and the pure emotion swimming in them practically breaks your heart. "You're gonna be okay."
While her smile doesn't quite meet her eyes, you're happy to see that she's trying to cheer up.
"Hey! There she is!"
UGH you hate these guys.
You spot Horada clambering around a corner, accompanied by several gang members. It was the most of them you had seen all together in one spot. They stop in their tracks, doubling over in exhaustion from the strenuous chase. You position your body to shield Anri as Horada approaches, bearing a menacing smile. “Don’t even think about it, bitch! You may have gotten lucky last time, but you won’t stand a chance against all of us,” he taunts. However, he still maintains a noticeable distance from you.
You don’t gratify him with a response, only continuing to glare at him and cover Anri. On the inside, though, you trembled at the thought that he was right. There were definitely too many of them to get out of this unscathed. Horada stretches his neck to peer over your shoulder at Anri. “And you, come clean! You’re with the Dollars, aren’tcha!?” Your eyes narrow at the accusation. How stupid could they be to think that? A girl like Anri, involved with the Dollars? After a moment, you realized how long it had been since she had said anything.
You turn over your shoulder to get a look at the girl. She’s surprisingly still, not trembling or fidgeting. The white light of the streetlamp above you reflects from her glasses, obscuring her eyes. Anri wasn’t even looking at the man, chin tipped downward and gaze aimed at the floor.
“I’m not,” she says finally, steady and unmoved.
“The hell you’re not!! Quit lyin’ and tell us who the hell you think you are!” Horada spits. The group seems to be closing around the two of you more and more with every passing moment. You hastily turn to Anri, mouth fixed to tell her no, don’t say anything, you don’t owe them that—but the words die on your lips at the sight of her.
“Do you really want to know the truth? About what I am?”
Horada and his goons laugh at that, continuing to taunt the girl. However, the words fall on deaf ears as your full attention is drawn to her. Something about her was very strange. As disgusting laughter fills the air, you stare into Anri’s eyes, searching for some semblance of understanding. For a moment, even through the flash of the streetlights, you swear that the white glint of her glasses goes red. Out of the corner of your eye, something glimmers silver from beneath her hand. You murmur her name, hoping for some sort of response, but she doesn’t seem to hear even you.
“Well, we did a little something special to those guys you turned against us. We beat the shit out of ‘em!”
In a pinch of a second, it all disappears. Anri gasps and finally turns to look at Horada. The change in position removes the glint from her glasses, revealing her wide, brown eyes. Even then, you couldn’t shake the vision of the red mingling with the brown, quick and fleeting like the eye of a stove. What was Horada talking about to horrify her so? How exactly had she turned anyone against them? As you finally address the gang again, you realize with panic that they’ve effectively closed the two of you in. Anri seems to have come to her senses now, staring fearfully at the guys surrounding the two of you.
“That being said, it just wouldn’t be fair for you to walk away without a scratch,” Horada drawls. He's closed the distance, probably bolstered by the presence of his goons. He’s still staring at Anri, but when you follow his line of sight, you’re disgusted to see that his eyes were trained on her breasts. A trail of blood trickles from his nose. Grimacing in disgust, you press a hand to his chest, shoving him as far away from you as he can. He grunts, stumbling backward and falling flat on his butt after losing his footing. “Get away from my friend, you creep—I won’t let you put a hand on her!” you snarl, voice riddled with an unexpected amount of venom.
Horada sits there for a moment, the wind having been effectively knocked out of him. After regaining his senses, he growls, face going red with rage. “You bitch! You’ll regret that!” He pulls himself back onto his feet, and you notice that he’s struggling a little bit. None of the other men move, only staring at their leader. Upon noticing their eyes on him, he sputters in embarrassment. “Why the hell are you just standing there!? Get them!”
You and Anri can only stand where you are, cornered on all sides by yellow-clad punks. They eye you with malicious intent, brandishing their weapons. Your resolve to save face begins to break, replaced by a growing panic as you watch them slowly advance. For a moment, you can only focus on the vigorous ringing in your ears, drowning out the nasty laughter and snide remarks. However, as you listen closer, you notice a ringing outside of the noises in your head. Just as your eyes begin to reach beyond the crowd, searching for a source to the noise, a familiar voice joins the fray. More specifically, a familiar yelling voice.
“Shut the hell up. Stop freakin’ beeping at me, I can’t read all this crap! School girls, bunny suits—the hell am I supposed to do about it!?”
The crowd surrounding separates like the gates of heaven, revealing the holiest angel—an angel that was currently swearing at his own phone. The thugs stared at him in shock, while you could only grin foolishly at the man. He stops abruptly, head slowly turning to see the gang members standing not too far from him. You can practically see the gears turning in his head as his eyes shift from the Yellow Scarves, to Horada, to Anri, and to you. From the fire of rage that instantly ignited in his eyes, it looked like you and Anri were off the hook.
He approaches the ring leader, him and all of his goons being too terrified to move a muscle. You seize the opportunity, backing out of the trapped position in the middle of the cluster and guiding Anri to follow you. Before you can even turn back to look at Shizuo, Horada is already flying, rising higher and higher into the air before finally falling back down again. Over the sound of his screaming, you hear other voices joining him, most likely facing the same fate.
The area clears in mere moments as the rest of the thugs scuttle away, leaving you with Shizuo and Anri. He finally turns back to the two of you, not a bit unsettled by the encounter. You could almost laugh, but you’re a bit to exhausted, settling with smiling at him instead. “Th...thank you for saving us...again…” Anri says, bowing to the man. This wasn’t the first time he had come to your aid, was it? Looks like you owe this guy a lot. Shizuo only stares at the girl indifferently, long enough for you to get a little concerned.
“...Who are you again…?” You gasp dramatically at the question, swatting at Shizuo in offense on Anri’s behalf.
“Shizuo, just because you saved her doesn’t mean you can be rude!!” He’s expectedly unfazed. If you didn’t know any better, you could swear that there was amusement swimming in his eyes. “This is Anri, my friend . You saved her from a crazed news reporter with a knife.”
“Right, sorry.” He nods simply and you already know that he’s going to forget again. You feel a sudden presence beside you and yelp. In the darkness, you hadn’t noticed Celty approaching you. You’re the only one taken off-guard, as Shizuo only addresses the woman, declaring that he was turning his phone off. She stood there silently for a moment, typing nothing. Finally, shadows waft past you, surrounding Anri’s head. The shadows cleared, revealing the girl’s head encased in a helmet, similar to the one she had put on you before.
“I’ll drive her home, I’m sure she’s been through a lot. Thanks for looking out for her.”
She shows the message to you and Shizuo. You quickly grab Anri’s hand, giving it a quick squeeze. She finally looks up at you for the first time since the Yellow Scarves showed up. You can’t tell if she’s smiling back at you or not. Through the sleek, dark helmet, you could only see her eyes. You found yourself peering deeply into them, hoping that the reddish tints in her pupils were just your imagination.
Her hand slips out of yours as she walks away with Celty, most likely to mount her bike. You watch their disappearing forms until they’re clearly out of sight. “That why you ran off like that?” Shizuo speaks up from behind you. He seemed so tranquil now, even after the rampage he had just gone on. Although, he didn’t meet your gaze, eyes fixed on something else away from you. Your eyes scan his face and beneath the tranquility of his features, you see insecurity. Had he been hurt when you left so quickly?
Pushing down the rising feeling of guilt in your chest, you muster a mischievous smile. “Well...can’t confirm or deny that the information got to me, somehow,” you tease, winking. He huffs, mouth twitching into a lax smile.
After you and Anri had been cornered by the Yellow Scarves, someone spotted you and messaged the Dollars forum. The celebration incited by your previous message was cut short, as now everyone was on a mission to save a big-breasted school girl with glasses and a flamboyantly dressed foreign woman. You couldn't tell what was funnier, the way that they described you or how the numerous texts from Erika indicated that the description was pretty accurate. The first chance you got, you made a point to text her that you were okay.
Shizuo, being the gentleman that he was, decides to walk you home. Mere minutes into your walk, the moisture in the air overflows and your nose is met with small droplets of water. The two of you were umbrella-less, but neither of you seemed to mind. You pass a cement walking structure and something catches your attention from the corner of your eye. A figure stands at the very center of it, standing completely still. As the rainfall is growing heavier, it’s hard to make out who it is. You crane your neck as you and Shizuo begin to pass the person. From a different angle, you finally catch who the person is.
Mikado always seemed to shrink when you stood face to face with him--as if he was constantly trying to eschew all sorts of attention from himself. However, in this moment, when he stood so high above you, staring down at you, he looked so unbelievably powerful . You could make out nothing but his form, and the downward tip of his head towards you--his facial expression remained a mystery. Not wanting to make Shizuo stop, you quickly smile in greeting, waving at the boy before you finally have to look forward again.
You wondered what he was doing out so late, and if he had caught wind of the commotion surrounding his close friend. An ordinary boy like Mikado, sincere, but admittedly very average… could he be a part of the Dollars? You chuckle to yourself and shake your head, continuing to carry the conversation between you and Shizuo.
You don’t see why not.
The feeling of the quilted comforter against your face is very welcome. Immediately falling face-first onto the bed, it takes everything in you not to fall asleep then and there, fully-clothed. Sighing, you extract yourself from the blankets and sit up, kicking off your shoes and going to change into some pajamas. After a very hasty change, you plop back onto your safe haven. However, you yelp as you realize you’ve landed on something. You pull the offending object out from under you. The manila folder rests in your hand, now slightly crumpled. In your sluggish state, your inhibitions are slow to hinder your impulses.
You remove the paper clip holding it closed and open it for the first time. It seemed so easy in this moment, as if you hadn’t been scared to even touch the thing for the past few days. It's much more underwhelming an experience than you had anticipated. The first few pages are all words, and you immediately notice the dark lines where certain sentences have been crossed out. It’s not so obstructive that you can’t understand each passage, but it’s fairly obvious that some of the information was being purposely hidden.
January 25th, 2015, at 11:34 PM, Andrew and Halley Clarence came home from an outing to the body of their 17 year old daughter, Leanne Clarence, as well as the bodies of 17 year old Renee Hall and 18 year old Katherine Harker. The estimated time of death for all three victims are believed to be relatively close together, around 8 to 9 PM. Katherine Harker was found in the kitchen with 2 stab wounds, one to her left side and the other, the likely cause of death, to the right side of her neck. The murder weapon was not found, but it is believed to be a kitchen knife that was missing from the crime scene. Renee Hall was found by the pool, at the bottom of the stairs leading to the covered deck. The cause of death is confirmed to be strangulation. The markings on the victim’s neck were matched with the hose attached to the wall closest to the body. Leanne Clarence was found in the pool. Cause of death was confirmed to be drowning. The autopsy also revealed . confirmation regarding the sequence of the victims’ murders, drowned Clarence in the pool stabbed Harker to death in the kitchen strangling Hall next to the pool.
Your heart aches at the morbid descriptions. It was astounding to you how someone could bring such a cruel end to the young girls. You found yourself thankful that some of it was blacked out, assuming the censored portions to be too graphic for just anyone to be exposed to. Most of the pages were less traumatizing, going over court procedures and speculations on possible culprits.
The family’s housekeeper, who came in weekly to maintain the household. An elderly neighbor of the family who had recently been admitted into a psychiatric hospital. A relative of Renee Hall, who had been cut out of the family due to drug use and deviant behavior. However, much of this section of the files was spent speculating about an undiscovered serial killer.
The Baseball Card Killer is believed to be responsible for the deaths of countless women, ranging in the ages of 18 to 27. The nickname ‘Baseball Card’ references the culprit’s tendency to keep a ‘trophy’ from each victim, collecting them like baseball cards. Victim’s have been found missing items such as wedding rings, clothing items, and, most notably, locks of hair. This would explain .
From the looks of it, all clues were pointing to this ‘Baseball Card Killer’. The only thing stopping the case from being closed was his discovery. This killer had been active for years, but they still had yet to even locate him.
There’s a break in the paper work and that’s when you come across the first photo. It’s another sheet of printer paper with nothing but three pictures are printed onto it. Each picture has a girl in it, depicting them from the shoulders up--yearbook photos. They’re all beautiful girls, only a little younger than you.
The first girl--Renee--has a round, freckled face and wide, dark eyes. Even printed in black and white, the light streaks in her short, dark hair are prominent. You wonder what color they were. The second girl--Katherine--is slim-faced, smiling brightly to reveal a set of braces. Her hair is lighter than the other girl’s, but not quite blonde. The third picture resides in the middle of the two, occupying its own row. Leanne’s heart-shaped face is framed by long, flowing hair. It cascaded down her shoulders, long enough that the ends are visible in the frame. Her bangs curl over her eyebrows, barely avoiding covering her eyes. It's extremely light colored, showing up as near white in the grayscale color scheme.
There’s a tremor in the paper, building to such an intensity that you can’t focus on the picture anymore. It takes you a moment to find the source of the shaking to be your own hands, stiff and veined from the tension of gripping the paper. A tear starts to form at the top, ripping lower and lower and lower…
The paper begins to part just above the blonde girl’s head before your grip loosens. The paper, nearly ripped in half, flutters to your feet. Your tired eyes flicker to the clock beside your bed and widen at how much later it’s gotten. A yawn tumbles it’s way out of your mouth.
Without much of a second thought, you lean over and turn out the lamp on your nightstand. Eager to finally get some rest, you turn on your side and quickly wade your way into a much-needed sleep. The manila folder sits on your night stand, still open to one of the case analysis pages.
Forgotten on the floor, the torn sheet of paper flutters under the cool air blowing through the apartment.
#durarara#durarara x reader#drrr x reader#herculean#shizuo heiwajima#shizuo heiwajima x reader#anri sonohara
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Once again thinking about how advertising shifted from a small group of selected individuals who would rate, approve, and distribute a limited number advertisements on TV, radio and in print and how the modern "anyone can make an advertisement for anything and put it anywhere" completely destroyed the market.
In theory advertisements aren't bad. I mean there are still a great number of people who loudly and proudly declare they only watch the Super Bowl because marketing agencies spend big bucks on funny, interesting advertisements. There were scenarios where advertisements were acceptable and even enjoyable!
But not anymore. Since a person can register for Google Adsense and slap as many ads on a thing as they want to, the more desperate and sleazy among us decided to fill entire pages with ads. The value of a single advertisement bottomed out, as instead of guaranteeing a viewer's undivided attention, websites started being lit up like the Las Vegas strip. Memorable ads suddenly matter less than whatever's the most simple and flashy.
The side effect, the thing that I'm actually thinking about today, is how little advertising matters to me now. The only ads that ever actually command a single iota of my attention are the most annoying things: websites with "sign up for our mailing list!" pop-ups, or when I go dumpster diving on my Roku and find a streaming app that plays ads every 90 seconds, or when a news website is covered in "SUBSCRIBE TO OUR PREMIUM SERVICE" banners in every corner (or limits how much you can read before paying).
The only ads I remember are the ones that feel like a punishment.
To the point where, on a website that actually tries to show an acceptable number of advertisements, my brain has been automatically trained to ignore them. I don't even see them. I was using the tumblr app five minutes ago on my phone and I can't tell you what the ads were. I salted the earth for those neurons in my brain. That kind of mental spite is a reflex for me now. The rest of the internet has made me so resistant to all forms of the most annoying, forceful, attention-grabbing advertising that it will probably never work on me ever again for as long as I live.
But I can still recite the Toys'R'Us song by heart. It's been more than twenty years since its debut and people still remember the McDonalds "I'm Lovin' It" jingle.
...Actually, I'm so inoculated to modern advertising I had to double check whether or not McDonalds even still uses "I'm Lovin' It" because I cannot remember having seen a McDonalds advertisement in a very long time.
I suppose my ultimate point in all of this is never feel obligated to watch ads. Never feel guilty for using an adblocker. When that website says "We noticed you're blocking our ads, please turn it off" there is no law that says you have to (if they try to force you, a quick google search will probably solve that).
Always remember you are the victim of their circumstance, not the other way around.
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For the anime ask game, can I ask :
Balance : Unlimited, Vanitas no Carte and ATLA?
Favorite Character: Haru Kato! From his design to his personality, Haru easily became my favorite character.
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: The entirety of episode 4. It's just too funny to me that Daisuke left the house because he got natto for breakfast, left his phone by accident, and has to stay with Haru because he refuses to go back home. He slept in the bathtub! 😆
Character I Think is Underrated: The whole Detective Division. They're actually very enjoyable characters to me and a lot of the scenes they have together are favorites of mine.
Character I Think is Overrated: We all know it's Daisuke. Remember when that show came out?! Oh my gosh... still love him though.
Favorite Ship/Pairing: DaiHaru, that will always be my ship!
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: The gag that at the end of each episode shows the total balance of how much money was spent is something that I love. Whoever thought to do that, I applaud them. Also, just the overall vibe of the show. To me, it's an anime worth a rewatch. I find myself doing so once in a while. The opening song is one of my favorite anime openings still!
Favorite Character: Noé is everything to me. He actually holds a very special place in my heart because he looks like a character I created way back in middle school.
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: One of my favorite scenes has to be that Vanitas had pushed Noé to the point of being scary. First season when they're facing Roland and Noé takes Vanitas hostage. The way Vanitas reacts will always have me in tears and Noé? Me watching that scene "you're doing amazing, sweetie!"
Character I Think is Underrated: I feel like Amelia is underrated. She's nice, I like her.
Character I Think is Overrated: Noé definitely, but more so Vanitas is overrated.
Favorite Ship/Pairing: Vanitas and Noé! Their dynamic is everything to me, okay?
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: The anime, to me, is very beautifully animated to me. The music though? That first ending song, oh my gosh. That song is just... I can't even describe. You ever listen to a song and it just puts you in a trance and it relaxes you? That's what that song is like.
Note: ATLA isn't an anime. But I'll answer for it.
Favorite Character: ATLA has such a good cast of characters, it's hard to choose a character. But for me, it's Yue! When watching her episodes as a kid, I couldn't help but admire her. Still do!
Favorite Arc/Episode/Scene: Other than Yue scenes, The Beach is definitely one of my favorite episodes. Another would have to be "Firebending Masters". My favorite scene is when Aang and Zuko gets stuck in that trap and Aang yells for help and Zuko responds "who are you yelling to? No one has lived here for centuries!"
Character I Think is Underrated: Hmm... okay any Avatar that isn't Roku, Aang and Kyoshi. Avatar Yangchen being one.
Character I Think is Overrated: The main cast, but can you blame them? To pick... I'm giving it to Zuko and Sokka here.
Favorite Ship/Pairing: Sokka/Suki will always be one of my favorite canon relationships. It's just so sweet! And admittedly, I am also a fan of Zukka.
Something I Love About the Show/Movie: The characters, love them. The plot, amazing. Music, on point. One thing I really like about the show is the number of memorable quotes. It's been over a year since I actually watched the show, but almost every day I or anyone in my family will quote something from it.
"Let us leave!"
"Lettuce leaf?"
"My aura has never been pinker!"
"My own mother thought I was a monster. She was right, of course, but it still hurts."
"It just says... 'bear'."
You get the picture.
Anime Ask Game
#kiya answers#balance unlimited#fugou keiji balance: unlimited#fkbu#vanitas no shuki#vanitas no carte#the case study of vanitas#vnc#avatar the last airbender#atla
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HDMI2AV Up Scaler 1080P HDMI to AV Composite Video Audio Converter Adapter Media Streaming Device

About this item
- HDMI2AV Video Converter - Latest Video Processing and Scaler Video Processing Technologies - Ultimate Clear Output CVBS makes better picture's Brightness / Contrast Ratio / Color,and high-definition of HDMI signal after Scaler Down into CVBS output. - Audio and Video Converter - Full HD 720/1080p UP Scaler Adapter Best Quality Video Converter Adapter - NOTES: PLEASE hook up the USB power cable to 5V power source before use. It cannot work properly for TV Stick, (such as Fire Stick, Roku, Chromecast), mobile phones and iPad series.
Product description
"The HDMI to 3RCA + Audio R/L CVBS + Composite video converter, which allows the HD device only equipped HDMI output to be connected to analog TV CRT Monitor, or Projector via RCA/AV or Video. Perfect for AV equipment testing, CCTV monitoring, HD PC to TV, DV to Projector and Education, business promotion, conference, exhibition etc. Features & Technical Specifications No need to install drivers, portable, flexible, plug and play Low power, no need power supply Output the audio synchronization with video High bandwidth capability support 1920x1080 at 60Hz Support NTSC and PAL format output Compatible HDMI 1. 3 Application: Connect HD STB, Blu-ray DVD Player, PSD3, XB360 devices and converter HDMI signal to Analog AV signal for the use of projector and CRT / TV. Contents of the package 1 x HDMI to AV Converter 1 x USB Cable 1 x User Manual Color - White. "
Technical Details
Brand JGD PRODUCTS Manufacturer JGD PRODUCTS India Pvt. Ltd., Jaipur , Rajasthan, 302015, JGD PRODUCTS India Pvt. Ltd. , Mahesh nagar , Jaipur , Rajasthan Model HDMI to AV Model Name JGD-2AV-1 Product Dimensions 10 x 5 x 10 cm; 82 Grams Item model number HDMI to AV Compatible Devices Connect a HDMi Port to AV port for Video Transfer Mounting Hardware HDMI2AV Adapter Number Of Items 1 Batteries Required No Cable Type USB Manufacturer JGD PRODUCTS India Pvt. Ltd., Jaipur , Rajasthan, 302015 Country of Origin China Imported By JGD PRODUCTS India Pvt. Ltd., Jaipur , Rajasthan, 302015 Item Weight 82 g Read the full article
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How to Get Started with Catchon TV: A Beginner's Guide
With the rise of digital streaming services, Catchon TV has emerged as a popular platform for viewers seeking a wide variety of entertainment at their fingertips. Offering everything from TV shows to movies, documentaries, and original content, Catchon TV allows users to watch what they want, when they want. If you’re new to the service and want to dive in, this beginner's guide will walk you through everything you need to know about getting started with Catchon TV.
Sign Up for an Account The first step in getting started with Catchon TV is signing up for an account. Simply visit the Catchon TV website or download the app from your device's app store. The platform is available on various devices, including smartphones, tablets, smart TVs, laptops, and streaming devices like Roku or Amazon Fire Stick. After downloading the app or visiting the site, follow these steps:
Create an Account: Click the "Sign Up" button and provide your email address or phone number. Alternatively, you can sign up using your social media accounts like Facebook or Google for convenience. Choose a Subscription Plan: Catchon TV offers different subscription options, including a free plan with ads, and premium plans with no ads, higher video quality, and additional features like offline downloads and exclusive content. Select the plan that best suits your needs and budget. Payment Details: For paid plans, enter your payment information to complete the subscription process. You may be eligible for a free trial, so make sure to check for that option before finalizing your subscription.
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Download Content for Offline Viewing Catchon TV allows you to download your favorite TV shows and movies for offline viewing. This is especially useful when traveling or when you won’t have internet access. Here’s how to download content:
Open the Catchon TV app on your mobile device. Find the movie or episode you want to download. Tap the “Download” button (usually displayed as a downward-facing arrow). Once downloaded, you can access the content offline from the “Downloads” section in the app.
Parental Controls for Family Viewing Catchon TV is family-friendly and allows parents to set content restrictions. You can apply filters to ensure your children are only watching age-appropriate content. Here's how:
Go to "Settings" and select "Parental Controls." Set content restrictions based on the maturity ratings. Enable a PIN to prevent children from accessing restricted content.
Start Watching! Now that you’ve set up your account, explored the content library, and set your preferences, it’s time to sit back, relax, and enjoy your streaming experience. Whether you’re into the latest dramas, action-packed movies, or documentaries, Catchon TV’s extensive collection ensures you’ll never run out of things to watch.
Conclusion Getting started with Catchon TV is easy and convenient. From creating an account and choosing a subscription plan to exploring content, setting up profiles, and downloading shows for offline viewing, the platform provides a seamless and personalized streaming experience. Catchon TV caters to all kinds of viewers, offering endless entertainment for families, individuals, and everyone in between.
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Netflix Login: A Simple Guide for Easy Access
If you're a Netflix user, logging in is the first step to accessing all your favorite shows and movies. Whether you’re using your smartphone, tablet, laptop, or smart TV, the Netflix login process is quick and straightforward. This guide will walk you through the steps of logging in, offer troubleshooting tips, and address common issues related to Netflix accounts.
How to Login to Netflix on Different Devices
1. Login via Web Browser (PC/Mac)
Open your preferred browser and go to www.netflix.com.
Click on the Sign In button at the top right corner of the homepage.
Enter your email address or phone number and your password.
Click Sign In to access your account.
2. Login on Mobile Devices (Android/iOS)
Download the Netflix app from Google Play or the Apple App Store.
Open the app and click Sign In.
Enter your Netflix email/phone and password.
Tap Sign In and start streaming.
3. Login on Smart TV or Streaming Devices
Open the Netflix app on your Smart TV or streaming device (like Roku or Firestick).
Select Sign In on the welcome screen.
Enter your credentials using your remote or follow the on-screen instructions for entering a login code on another device.
Netflix Login Tips and Troubleshooting
Forgot Password? If you’ve forgotten your password, simply click the Forgot Password? link on the login page. You’ll be prompted to enter your registered email or phone number to receive a password reset link.
Password Not Working? Double-check that you’re typing the correct password. Ensure Caps Lock is off, and check for any potential typos.
Can't Access Your Account? If you’re unable to log in, Netflix provides an option to Recover your account by entering your email, phone number, or billing information.
Too Many Users Logged In Netflix has a limit on how many devices can be streaming at once, depending on your subscription. If you're receiving the Too many users are using your account message, you may need to log out of other devices to free up access.
Additional Features with Netflix Login
Once logged in, you can:
Manage Profiles: Netflix allows up to 5 profiles per account. Each profile can have personalized recommendations.
Parental Controls: If you want to limit the content that certain profiles can access, Netflix allows you to set parental controls on individual profiles.
Download Content: On mobile devices, you can download select shows and movies to watch offline.
Common Issues and Solutions
Incorrect Login Credentials: Ensure you’re using the correct email or phone number and password. If the issue persists, use the password recovery option.
App Issues: If your Netflix app isn't working, try updating the app, restarting your device, or reinstalling the app.
Payment Problems: If you're having trouble logging in due to a payment issue, Netflix will prompt you to update your payment method. Make sure your credit or debit card details are up to date.
The Netflix login process is designed to be user-friendly, but if you ever encounter any difficulties, Netflix offers several ways to resolve common issues. With features like personalized profiles and the ability to stream across multiple devices, Netflix ensures a smooth, enjoyable experience for its users. Keep your credentials safe, and enjoy endless streaming on Netflix!
Now that you're all set, go ahead and explore the world of Netflix, from the latest hit shows to timeless classics!
1 note
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Having Dyspraxia sometime feeling left out it embarrassed when you havn't got What apps do feel left out like Rockbox what apps,
Dancing group Tuesday and Wednesday (when back on holiday? ) what apps,Clubside what apps ( But on summer holidays) I feel trap in digital world with can't join because mum want somethings that can approve number for lean difficult but sadly most adults don't track monitor there ever more and Parants or guardian approve it there want independence because of scarm thank to them can't have mobie phone anymore meeting mum friends in Stafford Town on Friday " Have both you what apps?" Mum said yes but wasn't alwon say no " I be quiet say noughting hate lie that why I write blog even out family what apps group. If download Compassionuk, Equaltravel( Coelic card) and other apps can't get in because need mobie phone even Facebook lite having problems with and Twitter too and Gmail.com I having problems but mum won't have email keep use my email for Amazon account want have Disney plus again but mum said no it can't get itv apps,myfive apps all four apps even new apps U apps on roku box all say errors at movements don't know if error there side or my side even Google TV having same promble too on TV too even Netflix and Amazon prime too. I have included Hidden disabilities Sunflowers landyard photos.

0 notes
Enter Hulu Activation code — Hulu Com
Hey kids! Do you have ever wanted to stream all your most loved shows on hulu.com/activate and films all in one place? This is what hulu is all about! Hulu is a streaming service where you can access a wide range of great movies, amazing cartoons or TV shows, and even some great documentaries. It’s like having an enormous collection of entertainment on your tablet, TV, or laptop.
However, before you can start watching, you must enable Hulu on your computer. This is the place where hulu.com/activate as well as a Hulu activation code comes into the picture. Learn more about these wonderful tools that provide endless entertainment for you!
What exactly is hulu.com/activate?
Consider hulu.com/activate as the key for your box of entertainment. This is a unique site that allows you to create your Hulu account available for your specific device. It doesn’t matter if you own an interactive TV, a gaming console such as Xbox or PlayStation, or a streaming stick such as Roku and Fire TV, hulu.com/activate is the first step to start your Hulu journey.
When you first start your first Hulu program on your phone, the app will prompt you to turn it on. You may be thinking, “How do I do that?” It’s simple! The app will send you an individual code known as”the Hulu activation number. It is a code that is unique only for you, and you must input it into the hulu.com/activate website to begin watching your favorite shows.
What is a Hulu Activation Code?
This Hulu activation code functions as an encrypted password that connects devices with your Hulu account. If you start your Hulu application from a brand new gadget, it’ll display the user this code. It is usually an amalgamation of numbers and letters. This code is crucial because it informs Hulu that you are the one who would like to stream shows on the device.
Imagine it as the VIP card in an amusement park. It lets you ride on all rides without waiting to wait in long lines. In the same way, the Hulu activation code grants your device access to all the exciting content available on Hulu.

How to Activate Hulu: A Fun and Easy Guide for Kids
Hey you, young adventurer! Are you eager to stream your top shows and movies on Hulu? It’s simple, and I’m here to assist you along the process. If you’re looking to stream cartoons, superheroes, or enchanting stories you can find everything on Hulu. Let’s explore the exciting realm of Hulu activation!
Step 1: Visit the Magic Portal – www.hulu.com/activate
The first step is to go to the specific Hulu website, where all the magic occurs. Open your web browser and type in www.hulu.com/activate. This is the portal that will lead you to the world of Hulu.
Step 2: Enter the Secret Code
Once you’re on the Hulu activate page, you’ll notice an option that asks you for an individual code. This is referred to as the activation code. You can locate the code on the screen of your TV or other device. It’s a kind of secret code that lets you access all the fun things!
Step 3: Getting the Hulu Activation Code
Here’s how to find the code to activate your Hulu account:
Connect your device or TV and ensure that the gadget is plugged into the internet.
Launch Hulu’s app: Open the Hulu app: Search for the Hulu icon on the app, then start it.
Sign in: If not yet signed in it is possible that you have to input your Hulu account information.
Search for the code: After you’ve logged in, a window will be displayed with your hulu.com activation code. It’s typically a combination of numbers and letters.
Step 4: Enter the Code on the Portal
Now that you have your secret code, go back to the website www.hulu.com/activate. Input the code into the box, then click the button that reads “Activate” or “Submit”. The device will be linked to your Hulu account.
Step 5: Start Watching Your Favorite Shows!
Hooray! You’ve made it! You can now begin watching your most-loved movies and shows on Hulu. Go back to your television or mobile device, and you’ll find that everything is available for you to watch.
Troubleshooting: What to Do If Something Goes Wrong
Sometimes even in the presence of magic, things can turn out to be a bit odd. However, don’t fret. Here are some suggestions to assist you if you’re stuck:
Verify the internet connectivity: Ensure that you are connected internet.
Verify the validity of your code Ensure you’ve entered the Hulu correctly activate code. Sometimes, it’s easy to misplace numbers and letters.
Make sure to restart your phone: Switch off your device and switch it back on. This will fix several small issues.
You can try again: If all other options fail, return to hulu.com/activate and enter the code a second time.
Fun Tips for Using Hulu
Now that you’re now a Hulu specialist Here are some entertaining ways to make your viewing experience even more enjoyable
Create Your Profile
On Hulu, You can also create your profile. This lets you make a list of your favorite films and shows. To create your profile:
Navigate to the main menu, and then choose “Profiles”.
Click on “Add Profile”.
Enter your name and select an attractive avatar.
Now, you can have your place on Hulu!
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Bite of Black Business June 22-23 2024
The New Generation 2.0, in collaboration with Congo Productions & Dundeal Entertainment, proudly invites you to a vibrant and inspiring series of events dedicated to supporting and celebrating the incredible black-owned small businesses of the Puget Sound region. Mark your calendars for an unforgettable experience that spans multiple dates throughout the summer! Event Dates and Locations: - June 22-23: Wrights Park, 501 South I St, Tacoma, WA 98405 - July 13-14: - August 17: - September 7: Event Highlights: - Support Local Entrepreneurs: Discover a diverse array of products and services from innovative black-owned small businesses. From unique handcrafted goods to delicious culinary delights, there's something for everyone. - Community Building: Connect with fellow community members, share experiences, and forge new relationships in a supportive and uplifting environment. - Entertainment and Activities: Enjoy live performances, engaging activities for all ages, and a festive atmosphere that celebrates culture and entrepreneurship. - Networking Opportunities: Business owners will have the chance to network, collaborate, and gain exposure, fostering growth and success within the local economy. Join us for the first event at Wrights Park in Tacoma on Saturday, June 22-23, and be part of a movement that uplifts and empowers black-owned businesses. Each event promises a unique and enriching experience, showcasing the best of what our community has to offer. Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to support local entrepreneurs, enjoy great entertainment, and make lasting connections. We look forward to seeing you there! For more information and updates on future event locations, please visit our website or follow us on social media . Event Partners: - Congo Productions - Dundeal Entertainment Let's come together to celebrate and support the vibrant tapestry of black-owned businesses in Puget Sound. See you at The New Generation 2.0!
Past Event Gallery

Artist Submission
Artist Submission Instructions for The New Generation 2.0 Event Series Thank you for your interest in performing at The New Generation 2.0, an event series dedicated to supporting and celebrating black-owned small businesses in the Puget Sound region. We are looking for talented artists in the genres of dance, poetry, rap, R&B, and instrumental music to showcase their talents. Artists have the opportunity to perform at one or all of the scheduled event dates. Event Dates and Locations: - June 22-23: Wrights Park, 501 South I St, Tacoma, WA 98405 - July 13-14: - August 17: - September 7: Submission Requirements: - Artist Information: - Name of Artist/Group: - Genre: - Contact Person: - Phone Number: - Email Address: - Social Media Handles/Website (if applicable): - Performance Details: - Preferred Performance Date(s): (Indicate if you wish to perform on one or multiple dates) - Description of Performance: (e.g., dance routine, poetry reading, rap performance, etc.) - Duration of Performance: (Maximum 5 minutes) - Sample Work: - Please provide a link to a video or audio sample of your work. This could be a live performance recording or a studio recording. - Raffle Ticket Requirement: - All artists must commit to selling a minimum of 10 raffle tickets at $2 a piece to secure their performance slot. The raffle ticket prize is a 32" Roku Smart TV. - Confirmation: I agree to sell 10 raffle tickets to secure my performance slot. Submission Process: - Complete Submission Form: Important Dates: - Submission Deadline: All submissions must be received no later than . - Confirmation: Artists will be notified of their selection and performance schedule by . Additional Information: - Selected artists will receive further details about the event, including logistics and ticket selling instructions. - All performers will be promoted on our event website and social media platforms. For any questions or additional information, please contact at or 513-696-9336. We look forward to showcasing the incredible talent within our community and making The New Generation 2.0 a memorable event for all. Thank you for your interest and participation! Event Partners: - Congo Productions - Dundeal Entertainment
Raffle Prize

Read the full article
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Hulu com/activate | Enter Hulu Activation code
How to login to your Hulu account?
Now you have successfully created your account on Hulu. To access the vast library of Hulu, you need to login to your account using the same login credentials that were used while creating your account. Consider the following steps for logging into your Hulu account:
After creating your account as described in the above section, you need to scroll back to Hulu’s dashboard. From there, navigate to the sign-up or login section.
Click on it, and you will need to enter the login credentials, i.e., your email ID and your password.
After entering all these details carefully, hit enter.
You will be logged into your Hulu account. The vast library and genres offered by Hulu will be displayed on your screen.
By now, you have successfully signed up for your Hulu account. Follow all the aforementioned steps carefully, and you will be able to explore all the encompassing features that Hulu has to offer.
How to activate hulu on mobile? And other devices
We have already mentioned in the above section that you will need an activation code in order to activate your Hulu account on multiple devices. In this section of the article, we will guide you through some further devices to which you can link your Hulu account. Let’s get started with your mobile phones and how you can activate Hulu there. Consider the following steps:
Whether it’s an iPhone or an Android smartphone. Proceed to the relevant app store.
Look for the Hulu application, download it, and set it up.
Launch the app on your smartphone. A popup to log into your account will appear.
You will see an activation code on your mobile device after logging into your account.
Go to hulu.com/activate and enter the code.
Return to the Hulu app on your phone, where Hulu will now be activated and your account will be connected to it.
To activate your Hulu account on your Apple phone, simply follow these steps. Just get the application from the Apple Store.
You have now successfully activated your account on your mobile phone, be it your Android phone or your iPhone. Follow these steps precisely to avoid any sort of error. Enjoy limitless streaming on your mobile phones now!
How to Activate Hulu TV for Roku device
In this day and age, when everyone demands easy access to unrestricted online streaming, it is impossible to fall short on demands. You can get endless streaming on Hulu, as I mentioned in detail to you already. Purchasing small set-up boxes allows consumers to easily access Hulu, one of the many Roku apps.
You can enjoy a limitless variety of TV shows and films by using a Roku device. It provides access to a number of services, such as Hulu. Taking the shape of a little stick or box, this device links to both your TV and the internet to provide a variety of materials without the need for a cable package. Setting up Hulu on your Roku device is easy. Simply carry out these steps.
After utilising the Roku device or the Roku mobile app to access the Roku dashboard, you should choose the “what to watch” option.
After choosing “what to watch,” a list with a drop-down menu will show up. Select “channel store” to have access to your preferred channels from there.
Find the Hulu app by using the top search bar. Click “add channel” to install it after it has been located.
Visit www.hulu.com/activate after Hulu has been added to your Roku channel option.
When you find the Hulu app and select “add channel,” an activation code will be sent to you. Enter this code as directed to finish the activation process.
You’ll have limitless streaming access to the most popular TV shows and movies when you carefully follow these directions to connect your Hulu TV subscription to your Roku device.
How to redeem hulu activation code?
Hulu offers cost-effective and inexpensive subscription plans. Depending on the device you use for streaming, the plan you select may change. A promo code for Hulu is a special code that you can use to obtain special offers or savings.
These coupons may provide a number of advantages, such as price breaks or additional savings, contingent on the conditions of the promotion. To receive the advertised savings on your Hulu deals, just apply the coupon code at the time of payment.
All you have to do is use your Hulu activation code to gain access to an abundance of Hulu content, including movies, TV shows, and exclusive programmes. Log in to your Hulu account in order to use a voucher or a coupon. If you’re a first-time user, fill out the registration form by entering the required information. Search for the option to use or redeem a Hulu promo code in the subscription section. To apply the discount to your subscription, follow the instructions and enter the code.
To complete the coupon redemption process, just adhere to the directions. You can then use your devices to start viewing Hulu. Enjoy the discounts on the most recent content and adhere to unlimited online streaming on Hulu.
How to renew my Hulu subscription?
Hulu provides a 30-day free trial, considering the tastes of its consumers. Until the 30-day free trial period has ended, you are not required to pay anything.
Selecting between Hulu’s base plan and bundle/save plan is the first step in activating a subscription plan on your device. You’ll need to renew your Hulu membership after you’ve made an account and chosen a plan. The process for renewing a subscription plan varies according to the kind you selected. When renewing your plan, you must take the following activities into consideration:
Open your device’s web browser and navigate to hulu.com/activate .
To access your account, click the “Accounts” space. To access your account, enter the password and email address that you used to register.
You will see your profile on the screen that appears once you log in. The “subscribe” button is located there. After you click on it, choose your preferred basic or bundle subscription plan. Choose the option that best suits you well.
You will receive an email confirming the renewal of your subscription once you have finished all the necessary steps, which include updating your payment details that might be necessary.
Following your plan selection and payment, you will receive a confirmation message verifying the renewal of your membership. At that point, you can resume watching Hulu’s extensive streaming collection of episodes and films. If you properly follow each of these procedures, your Hulu subscription will be renewed. The benefit is that this time around, you can also change to a different membership plan.
How to reset hulu account password?
Resetting your Hulu password can be necessary for a variety of reasons, such as forgetting the password or protecting your account. Resetting the password is an excellent way to make your account more secure if you’re concerned that someone else might be using it. Hulu’s procedure ensures that you can securely regain access to your account in the event that you forget your password.
Hulu often uses your registered email address to verify your identity when you reset your password. When you request a password reset, Hulu emails you a unique link. To change the password for your Hulu account, click that link and adhere to the prompts. To better secure your account, make sure you select robust security measures this time. A portion of this involves coming up with a strong password for your account.
Go to the login section after landing on Hulu’s dashboard. After selecting “Sign In” or “Log In,” click “Forgot your password?” Put in your email for Hulu. Look for a reset link from Hulu in your inbox. Click it, then adhere to the prompts to change your password. After that, log into Hulu using your new password.
For people who want to maximise their leisure time, Hulu provides an amazing experience. It’s crucial to find a way to relax with your favourite activity in today’s fast-paced, stressful world. With the thorough introduction to Hulu offered in this article, you may quickly begin streaming your preferred TV episodes, films, and web series on Hulu. You may easily take advantage of Hulu’s entertainment
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Complicity・共犯 — KANKAKU PIERO
English+Romaji Translation
**various trigger warnings for the music video, blood, self harm
aishiteru wa nee daarin
I love you, hey darling
anata ni deaete shiawase na no
I'm so happy to have met you
towa ni futari no jikan ga tsuzukimasu you ni
May our time together last forever
naita kao egao mo zenbu sekai de hitotsu takaramono yo
Your tears, your smile, all of your expressions are my one treasure in this world
でもお願い 聞かせて
demo onegai kikasete
But please, hear me out
watashi janai kaori ga shiteru wa
There's the scent of somebody else on you
kinou no yoru no koto wa kangaesugi tte sou iu kedo
You told me I was "overthinking" what happened last night, but
tori tsukurou tabi ni shisen wa oyoideru
Every time you gloss over things, your gaze falters
tou ni hieta koohii de gomakasu kuse mo kirai ja nai no
I don't mind your habit of fooling me with a cup of coffee that has long gone cold
dare ni watasanai wa
I won't hand you over to anyone
watashi dake tte sou itte
Tell them you have me
何回だってキスして そっと優しくなぞって
nankai datte kisu shite sotto yasashiku nazotte
We kissed over and over, tracing over each other tenderly
何十回とキスして もっと強く噛み締めて
nanjuukai to kisu shite motto tsuyoku kamishimete
We kissed over and over again, biting each other harder
何百回とキスして ずっと二人で溺れて
nanbyakkai to kisu shite zutto futari de oborete
We kissed hundreds of times, drowning together
nanzenkai to kisu shite
We kissed thousands of times
mada tarinai ja nai
It still isn't enough
Dance, Dance, Dancing in my heart beats
kowaresou na kokoro wo ageru
I'll give you this broken heart
Dance, Dance, Dancing in my heart beats
yume no naka de anata no kage wo idaite mo ii desuka
Is it okay if I embrace your shadow inside of a dream?
watashi houdai roku jou uwaki wa shi shite tsugunau beshi
Article 6 of "Yours Truly" law states that "Cheating must be atoned for by death"
keitai no gamen ni utsuru hito wa dare
Who is that reflected on your phone screen?
resu kimi no shoutai wa watashi ni miryoku wo kanji nai kara
Is the reality that it's because you don't find me attractive?
watashi to yori mo motto motto sugoi koto shiteru no
Could it be that much more exciting to be with them than me?
Dance, Dance, Dancing in my heart beats
どこにいるの 私を置いて
doko ni iru no watashi wo oite
Where are you
You've left me behind
Dance, Dance, Dancing in my heart beats
yume no naka de anata wo koroshiteshimaitai
I want to kill you inside of a dream
giwaku kenjou chakushin narasu wa
An offering of doubt? A phone rings
nan no you
"What do you want?"
mugodenwa de tsutau watashi moyou
My pattern conveyed through a silent phone call
chigau dareka no kehai de kurui sou
Going crazy feeling like there's somebody else
hikaru gamen wo reisei ni fuujikomu
Calmly capture the glowing screen
私 覚悟決めたわ だってさ
watashi kakugo kimeta wa datte sa
I've prepared myself for the worst, after all
hitori kiri de ikiteiku nante sa
Living on all on my own or whatever
dekiya shinai wa
It's impossible
konse raise
In this world, and the next
eien ni hanasu wake nai wa
I can't believe that we'll be separated forever
hontou wa shitteru no
In reality, I know the truth
baka janai
I'm not stupid
Dance, Dance, Dancing in my heart beats
watashi wa zutto nibanme datta koto wo
I'll be number two forever
Dance, Dance, Dancing in my heart beats
ならばいっそ道連れして あの世へ行きましょう
naraba isso michizure shite ano yo he ikimashou
If that's the case, I'd prefer we go onto the next world together
Dancing in my heart beats
Dancing in my heart beats
watashi dake no mono yo
You belong to me alone
Dancing in my heart beats
Dancing in my heart beats
Dancing in my heart beats
0 notes
The Ultimate Guide: Linking Your Fubo Account Across Devices
In the present computerized age, real time features have turned into a vital piece of diversion utilization. Fubo television stands apart as a famous decision for sports devotees and diversion searchers the same, offering many live games, news, and diversion stations. One of the key elements that upgrade the fubo.tv/connect television experience is the capacity to connect your record to different gadgets. This usefulness guarantees that you can partake in your number one substance consistently across different stages, whether it's your savvy television, cell phone, tablet, or PC. In this article, we'll dig into the most common way of connecting your Fubo record to numerous gadgets and investigate the advantages it offers.
Grasping Fubo television: A Concise Outline
Before we jump into the complexities of connecting your Fubo record to numerous gadgets, we should pause for a minute to comprehend what's truly going on with Fubo television. Fubo television is a live television web-based feature that essentially centers around sports programming, in spite of the fact that it likewise offers an extensive variety of diversion and news stations. With Fubo television, clients can get to live games, including NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, soccer, and then some, alongside on-request satisfied and premium stations.
Why Connection Your Fubo Record to Various Gadgets?
Connecting your Fubo record to different gadgets opens up a universe of potential outcomes and comfort. Here are a few convincing motivations to exploit this element:
Flexibility: Connecting your record to numerous gadgets permits you to watch your number one substance any place you are, whether you're at home, in a hurry, or voyaging.
Multi-Client Access: Assuming you share your Fubo account with relatives or companions, connecting it to various gadgets guarantees that everybody can partake in their favored substance all the while on various gadgets.
Consistent Change: With your record connected to numerous gadgets, you can begin watching a show on one gadget and consistently change to one more without thinking twice.
Improved Survey Insight: Whether you favor watching on a big screen or a handheld gadget, connecting your record to different gadgets guarantees that you can partake in an ideal review experience customized to your inclinations.
Step by step instructions to Connection Your Fubo Record to Numerous Gadgets
Now that we've laid out the advantages of connecting your Fubo record to different gadgets, how about we stroll through the basic moves toward achieve this:
Pursue Fubo television: On the off chance that you haven't proactively done as such, pursue a Fubo television account on their site. You'll have to pick a membership plan that suits your inclinations and spending plan.
Download the Fubo television Application: Contingent upon the gadgets you need to connect, download the Fubo television application from the individual application store. Fubo television is accessible on different stages, including iOS, Android, Roku, Amazon Fire television, Apple television, Brilliant televisions, and that's just the beginning.
Send off the Application and Sign In: Once the application is introduced, send off it on your gadget and sign in to your Fubo account utilizing your qualifications.
Explore to Record Settings: In the application, explore to the settings or record segment, where you'll find choices connected with your record inclinations and settings.
Find Gadget Connecting Choice: Search for the choice to interface extra gadgets or oversee connected gadgets. This choice might be marked contrastingly relying upon the stage or gadget you're utilizing.
Adhere to On-Screen Guidelines: Adhere to the on-screen directions to connect your gadget to your Fubo account. This normally includes entering a code or affirming your record subtleties.
Rehash for Extra Gadgets: If you have different gadgets you need to interface, rehash the cycle framed above for every gadget.
Appreciate Gushing on Various Gadgets: When you've effectively connected your gadgets to your Fubo account, you're good to go to appreciate streaming your number one substance on numerous screens.
Tips for Ideal Streaming Experience
While connecting your Fubo record to numerous gadgets is direct, here are a few extra tips to improve your streaming experience:
Actually look at Gadget Similarity: Guarantee that the gadgets you need to interface are viable with the Fubo television application. While fubo.tv/roku-connect television upholds a great many stages, it's generally smart to twofold really look at similarity to stay away from any issues.
Stable Web Association: To appreciate continuous streaming, ensure you have a steady and dependable web association. Think about utilizing a wired association or situating your gadgets nearer to your Wi-Fi switch for ideal execution.
Update Applications Routinely: Keep your Fubo television application and gadget firmware cutting-edge to guarantee you approach the most recent elements, enhancements, and security patches.
Investigate Extra Highlights: Exploit extra elements presented by the Fubo television application, like cloud DVR, customized suggestions, and multi-view choices, to additional improve your streaming experience.
Connecting your Fubo record to various gadgets opens a universe of comfort and adaptability, permitting you to partake in your number one games, diversion, and news content any place you are. By following the straightforward advances illustrated in this article, you can consistently stream your favored substance on numerous screens, guaranteeing that you never miss a snapshot of activity. So go on, investigate the conceivable outcomes, and raise your streaming involvement in Fubo television. Cheerful streaming!
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How to sign up for Haystack tv?
As of my last update in January 2022, haystack.tv/activate is a news aggregation service that offers personalised news streams. Here's how you can sign up for Haystack TV:

Visit the Website or App Store: Go to the Haystack TV website or download the app from your device's app store. Haystack TV is available on various platforms such as iOS, Android, Roku, Amazon Fire TV, and others.
Create an Account: Once you've accessed the website or app, you'll typically find an option to sign up or create an account. Click on this option.
Provide Necessary Information: You'll likely be asked to provide some basic information such as your email address, a password, and possibly your name or other details depending on their signup process.
Choose Preferences (if prompted): Haystack TV often allows users to personalise their news feeds by selecting their interests or preferred news categories. You may be asked to choose the topics or sources you're interested in to tailor your news experience.
Agree to Terms and Conditions: Like most online services, you'll probably need to agree to Haystack TV's terms and conditions or privacy policy before you can proceed.
Verification (if required): Depending on their signup process, you may need to verify your email address or phone number to complete the registration.
Start Using Haystack TV: Once you've signed up and logged in, you should be able to start using haystack.tv/activate to watch news videos tailored to your interests.
Keep in mind that the signup process may vary slightly depending on updates to the service or changes in their interface, so it's a good idea to check the specific instructions provided on the website or app at the time of signup.
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HDMI2AV Up Scaler 1080P HDMI to AV Composite Video Audio Converter Adapter Media Streaming Device

About this item
- HDMI2AV Video Converter - Latest Video Processing and Scaler Video Processing Technologies - Ultimate Clear Output CVBS makes better picture's Brightness / Contrast Ratio / Color,and high-definition of HDMI signal after Scaler Down into CVBS output. - Audio and Video Converter - Full HD 720/1080p UP Scaler Adapter Best Quality Video Converter Adapter - NOTES: PLEASE hook up the USB power cable to 5V power source before use. It cannot work properly for TV Stick, (such as Fire Stick, Roku, Chromecast), mobile phones and iPad series.
Product description
"The HDMI to 3RCA + Audio R/L CVBS + Composite video converter, which allows the HD device only equipped HDMI output to be connected to analog TV CRT Monitor, or Projector via RCA/AV or Video. Perfect for AV equipment testing, CCTV monitoring, HD PC to TV, DV to Projector and Education, business promotion, conference, exhibition etc. Features & Technical Specifications No need to install drivers, portable, flexible, plug and play Low power, no need power supply Output the audio synchronization with video High bandwidth capability support 1920x1080 at 60Hz Support NTSC and PAL format output Compatible HDMI 1. 3 Application: Connect HD STB, Blu-ray DVD Player, PSD3, XB360 devices and converter HDMI signal to Analog AV signal for the use of projector and CRT / TV. Contents of the package 1 x HDMI to AV Converter 1 x USB Cable 1 x User Manual Color - White. "
Technical Details
Brand JGD PRODUCTS Manufacturer JGD PRODUCTS India Pvt. Ltd., Jaipur , Rajasthan, 302015, JGD PRODUCTS India Pvt. Ltd. , Mahesh nagar , Jaipur , Rajasthan Model HDMI to AV Model Name JGD-2AV-1 Product Dimensions 10 x 5 x 10 cm; 82 Grams Item model number HDMI to AV Compatible Devices Connect a HDMi Port to AV port for Video Transfer Mounting Hardware HDMI2AV Adapter Number Of Items 1 Batteries Required No Cable Type USB Manufacturer JGD PRODUCTS India Pvt. Ltd., Jaipur , Rajasthan, 302015 Country of Origin China Imported By JGD PRODUCTS India Pvt. Ltd., Jaipur , Rajasthan, 302015 Item Weight 82 g Read the full article
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