screechingtrashpanda · 4 months
Hail to you Loki Revealer of Corruption, Speaker of Hard Truths May your presence drain the festering wound Remove the infection from flesh And grant it godly hue once again Sly One, Protector of Those Brave Enough to Speak Out May we speak with unfettered tongues And reveal the hard won truth We hold your torch in our hands
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notthesomefather · 7 months
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This remains one of my favorite heathen memes x0x
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lokabrenna13 · 1 year
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Abstract painting on an novel page Loki. Really happy with how magical and dark these paintings are turning out.
Hail Loki! I love You always!
#lokabrenna #lokean #rokkr #rokkatru #loki #godspouse #abstractart #abstractpainting #abstractexpressionism #abstractexpressionist #divinelove #paganaltar #pagan #northerntradition #northerntraditionpagan
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broomsick · 2 years
Hello. Took your quiz, but um, I’m not sure it quite addresses my situation. I lost my grandmother recently, with whom I was very close. Who would be the best at helping me navigate my grief?
Hi. First of all, I'm so sorry for your loss and you have all my condolences. Now, I hope this doesn't come across as inappropriate, since it can be surprising, but Hel is a deity who is well versed on the topic of loss. She is, so to speak, both the impersonation of death and the symbol of everything that surrounds it, such as grief and the afterlife. I've had a lot of people share with me how they'd often prayed to her, requesting that she protect and cared for their loved ones. After all, death is the one variable that doesn't change no matter your vision of what happens after it. I'm sorry to say, there are a few heavily christianized sources which depict Hel as being a sort of cruel ruler, Queen of a kingdom where the dead are tormented. This vision only serves to fit with christian beliefs and has no real weight at all, at least not in my eyes. In any case, praying to Hel for matters of grief seems to come naturally for many practitionners of our faith, who generally view her as welcoming and caring to the ones we've lost. I believe she can help you to accept the reality of passing, while still keeping your beloved lost one close to your heart. This was a pretty quick introduction to Hel, so feel free to look her up and learn more about her, or even to choose an entirely other deity to reach out to! If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to ask them this way or by dm, whichever you feel most comfortable with.
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sarcastic-salem · 2 years
I’ve been wanting to reach out to other Gods in the pantheon. But I’m nervous because for a long time I was hesitant about working with anyone but the Rokkr. Even Gods who are not members of the Aesir.
It makes me worry that the Gods will be upset and think that I rejected them. Even though I know that the Gods will wait probably forever for you to call out to them if they want to work with you.
Loki doesn’t mind — he says its good to share😂
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groovy-lady · 3 months
Fellow Lokeans, I want to get a book about Loki, but am unsure which one to get! What do y’all think of these books and/or do y’all have any Loki related book recommendations?
*Pagan Portals - Loki: Trickster and Transformer by Dagulf Loptson
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*Trickster Makes The World by Lewis Hyde
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*Blood Unbound: A Loki Devotional by Bat Collazo
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*Unbinding the Trickster: A Collection of Lokean Verse, Rokkr Chants, and Heathen Poetry by Gralok Loptsson
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*Trickster, My Beloved: Poems for Laufey’s Son by Elizabeth Vongvisith
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*Loki and Sigyn: Lessons on Chaos, Laughter & Loyalty from the Norse Gods by Lea Svendsen
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drawingbun · 1 year
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I missed Navarre Day on Twitter but I still drew him. I use my rokkr design from another drawing.
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hiding1ntheforest · 4 months
Dark Ages: Apocalypticism, Aeons and Chaos in Paganism
Something that has always fascinated me about the study of religion is the common themes among many of them, especially the various forms of polytheism. Of course, many forms of paganism share the same origin point but it’s nonetheless incredible that so many cultures, some of which have never even interacted, share the same perspectives and similar myths. One of these common themes is that of the cyclic nature of our existence. In paganism, we are constantly going through the process of creation and destruction on a loop. We emerge from a great primeval void, chaos, before transitioning to a period of development and sophistication. In some cases, the process of this cycle is much more distinct, such as the Satya Yuga to the final Kali Yuga in Hinduism. For others, the cycles are less clearly defined. Among the North, our reality was built from the generative substance of the Ginnungagap. Out of this chaos though before its return, the Gods bring order, truth, and beauty. This blog post will explore the significance of birth and rebirth or creation and destruction, the concept of cosmological chaos, as well as “end of the world” events in paganism.
The creation of the world is an important aspect to any religion. Germanic paganism explains this from the beginning with the Ginnungagap, or the “yawning void.” This void is first introduced in Gylfaginning, where sparks from Muspellheim enter the void and are then dispersed throughout the many realms of existence. In the Voluspa, we learn that Woden and his brothers built the world from the material of the Ginnungagap. Among the Anglo-Saxons, the word “dwolma” refers to chaos and can be linguistically traced to the Old Saxon word “dwalm” which means confusion. This may illustrate the void possessing the matter which will construct all life. Additionally, some scholars believe that the term Ginnungagap has its origins in Old High German with more mystical connotations. This strongly parallels the perspective of the ancient Egyptians. Like our Germanic ancestors, the Egyptians believed that all life was created from cosmological chaos. Similar to Ginnungagap, this chaos was an empty void; nothingness with the ability to create. They also believed that it was watery, an idea tied to the primeval waters of Nun. Again, water as the prima materia is a widespread philosophy. Aristotle wrote that Thales argued for water being the progenitor of all things. Later, the alchemists claimed that mercury was the prima materia and also referred to it as sacred water. This may be compared to the mercurial force of Woden creating the world from nothingness. I won’t delve into this too much in this post, but it’s clear that ancient polytheists recognized that the potential for all life was conceived out of mystic primordial emptiness by the creator.
The End of the World
If you’re following this blog, then I’m sure you have heard of Ragnarok. Ragnarok, or “the twilight of the Gods”, is essentially the apocalypse of Norse paganism. It should be noted that Ragnarok is specifically attested among the Northern Germanic peoples. Despite this, the return to primordial chaos is certainly rooted in the Indo-European faith, so it is likely that all of the Germanic peoples had some idea of this. Etymologically, the word Ragnarok is very interesting. The first half of the word, “Ragna,” is in reference to the Gods. The second half may be derived from either “Rok” or “Rokkr.” The term “Rok” is striking because it means origin. This may suggest that return to primordial chaos and this will be further propounded by the myth itself. We get the word twilight in the phrase “twilight of the Gods” from “Rokkr.” The word “Ragnarokkr” is found in Lokasenna, though the term “aldarrok” is found in Vafthrudnismal, and this roughly translates to “end of an age.” This also indicates the recognition of metaphysical ages among the Norse. The tale of Ragnarok can be found in Voluspa. Roosters from all over crow and many jotnar begin to approach. The hound Garmr breaks loose. As a result, humanity begins to degrade. It is said that brothers go to war with one another, familial betrayal occurs, as well as lust and violence growing rampant. Ragnarok commences with Heimdall blowing the Gjallarhorn. The Gods then go to battle against the jotnar with the aid of different creatures. The battle results in many of the Gods being killed. Odin is swallowed by the great wolf Fenrir, though is later avenged when his son Vidarr stabs the beast in the heart. Thor slaughters Jormungandr but soon dies from the serpent’s venom. Finally, Freyr is killed by a jotunn called Surtr. The sun blackens and the heavens go up in flames. The Earth is then submerged beneath the sea. As a result of the battle, the Earth soon remerges from the sea and the surviving Gods congregate together. The Earth begins to revive as vegetation grows. We also learn that the brothers Hodr and Baldr will return along with Njord. Two humans, Lif and Lifthrasir will have survived Ragnarok and repopulate the Earth. Again, we can draw parallels between Ragnarok and the return of the primordial waters in Egypt. Chaos will return after the mighty serpent Apophis defeats the sun God Ra, swallowing up the Earth while the creator grows too old and weary to reinstate order. This serpent is associated with natural disasters as well as general disorder and we come across many myths in which the Gods must reckon with Apophis. Moreover, Ra must encounter Apophis every night during his journey to Duat, the underworld. Apophis is extremely similar to the serpent Jormungandr who plays an important part in Ragnarok and the myths as a whole. This serpent is also associated with the water and engulfs the Earth by biting its tail, much like Apophis who swallows it whole. The Gods, specifically Thunor, are frequently disturbed by this serpent. Most importantly, Ragnarok or any apocalyptic event in paganism does not depict the end of the world, but rather a return to the beginning. Woden created the Earth using the body of the jotunn Ymir, meanwhile many of the Gods die due to the jotnar. There is no end- only birth, death and rebirth.
The Yugas
One cannot discuss apocalypticism without talking about the Yugas, specifically Kali Yuga. It may seem that discussing Hinduism does not fit in with this article or this account’s theme as a whole but seeing that it is the Indo in Indo-European, as well as its comparison to metaphysical ages, I feel it’s still important to mention. The four Yugas all together span 4,320,000 years. Each Yuga is a multiple of the other, with the longest being Satya Yuga at 1.7 million years and the shortest being Kali Yuga at 432,000 years. There’s a lot of debate among Hindu thinkers on which Yuga we’re in now, but many believe that we are in the Kali Yuga. If I may interject my opinion, I believe they likely aren’t far off when you take a look at the world. Satya Yuga is often referred to as the Golden Age and overall the greatest time for human civilization. Truth, religiosity, morality, and beauty are at its peak. The first manifestation of Vishnu appears with Mastyadeva. Mastyadeva must battle the demon Hayagriva who attempts to steal the Vedas from Brahma. The Vedas are crucial because with the degradation of the Vedas follows the degradation of civilization. This decline begins to show during Treta Yuga. Truth and religiosity slowly begins to slip. Some humans grow physically weaker while some elevate to almost a godlike status due to enlightenment. Dwapar Yuga, also called the Bronze Age, shows an increase in materialism, violence and lust. The forces of good and evil are at a tie. The Vedas are divided into four. This is also when Krishna recites the Bhagavad Gita which is very important to the coming age. Kali Yuga is the Iron Age. It is the last age before the cycle repeats. The family unit deteriorates, humanity is divided and the Earth is polluted. Out of Kali Yuga, the next Satya Yuga emerges and the continual cycle repeats once more.
The cycle of life, death and rebirth are central to any form of paganism. Across the globe, many different cultures have their own conceptions and myths revolving around this cycle that share common themes and principles. Whether it be the Ginnungagap or primordial waters of Nun, all things come from a dark cosmic emptiness. Moreover, we all must return to that place of nothingness. Among the Norse, Ragnarok resets the universe while the world’s order slowly disintegrates due to an aging creator according to the Egyptians. Perhaps the most popular example of this life-death-rebirth loop is that of the Yugas among Hinduism. From East to West, we are chained to this mystical sequence.
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hnwd · 2 years
Protected by the guards, she has the right to walk where she wants, she lets her overflowing curiosity pushed her towards Union. Curiosity is dangerous, but he can't send her home, so he tries to scare her away, before simply accepting her presence for the day.
Galao belongs to Rokkr on twitter
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fourspiceblend · 2 years
I like Rokkr Sieges :)
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notthesomefather · 7 months
Prayer to Loki
[[ A prayer I wrote to Loki as I attempt to find purpose and joy ]]
Loki, turn my sorrow to laughter 'Til the hopes of younger days return.
Loki, change my woe to excitement As the pains of hurried nothings burn.
Loki, turn my grief to happiness. While the aches of missing pieces heal.
Loki, change my fear to blissful mirth Until I know joy: loving and real.
Hail the Smiler, Hail the Knot-Maker, Hail the Storyteller, Hail Loki!
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lokabrenna13 · 1 year
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The painting I began in Loki's art journal is complete. Here are a few detail shots, paint still wet. I might post more again after the paint dries.
Hail Loki! I love You always!
#lokabrenna #lokean #rokkr #rokkatru #loki #godspouse #abstractart #abstractpainting #abstractexpressionism #abstractexpressionist #divinelove #paganaltar #pagan #northerntradition #northerntraditionpagan
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nammyfanficsblog · 2 years
Wow! The new banner video came out later than we expect! ( you know the tempest trials units reveal video never late!)
But here I go again!
What, more Camilla?? Well, is she competing with Lyn? Cause they have too many alts and if Lyn has, Camilla seems to have too. Anyway, Seal Res 4??? Wait the seal skill is having upgrade now?? NICE!!!
Cherche finally got alts??? Nice!!! ( she is my fave Rokkr slaying unit <3<3<3) Also I knew from the sihouettes and that she will be the axe unit lol but why she got like few premium skills again ; w ;
Heath got alts too!!! Wow! This is beyond my expectation! And he is our 4* unit , well Nice I guess!
And Fjorm and Laegjarn finally a duo unit??? ( Feh has giving too many hint that they ship them, so I didn't surprise) look at the premium skills + new skill of seal, I think I would like to have some of them ( but my orb will say no ; w ; )
And our T.T unit is Harr??? Wow! Another fave Rokkr slaying unit of mine again! Very nice!!
That's all guys, Hope you got whom you want, I would like some of them to comehome. I don't care if I got whom, just 1 of them is nice enough.
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sarcastic-salem · 2 years
“Be honest, not polite.” -Loki
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grandsonoflightike · 3 days
Reveal of Creepy Xavius’s Identity aka Creepy Alfonse Chapter 3:  Fall Of Ghost Subspace Gustav and Rise of Legendary Mythic Subspace Askrian Queen Anna
(Background Song Is Waking The Demon by Bullet For My Valentine.)
The Subspace FE Army, Order Of Heroes, and Demonic Grey Emblian marches on The Creepy Forces. Once at the position they are going to attack, Ghost Subspace Gustav calls Subspace Anna to Him.
“What is it, My King?” Subspace Anna says.
“I now accept my son as king and approve of you getting together with him as his queen.” Ghost Subspace Gustav says.
“King Subspace Gustav...” Subspace Anna says “What are you planning?”
“You will see.” Ghost Subspace Gustav says.
The attack begins and Creepy Xavius targets Ghost Subspace Gustav.
“Time to end you once and for all.” Creepy Xavius says to Ghost Subspace Gustav as He slashes him.
“Ritual of Heroes, Activate! I give my crown to my son!” Ghost Subspace Gustav says as he is killed for good.
“What?!” Creepy Xavius says.
Subspace Henriette says “And I give my crown to Subspace Anna, My Son’s Lover.”
“What was that?!” Subspace Teronica says.
The Ritual of Heroes Activates and The Subspace Gustav’s crown goes onto the Legendary King-To-be making it into The Legendary Mythic Subspace Askrian King Alfonse.  Then The Light Shines down on Demonic Grey Veronica and She is Legendary Mythic Demonic Grey Emblian Empress Veronica instead of Legendary Demonic Grey Emblian Empress Veronica.  Then The Light Shines on Subspace Anna and It combines with Subspace Henriette’s Crown to make Legendary Mythic Subspace Askrian Queen Anna. Legendary Mythic Subspace Askrian Queen Anna Raises Her Noatun To The Sky and What Comes Is The Subspace Aether Keeps and out of them comes various heroes and Soldiers of Subspace Askrian Armies.  Then Something else appears AKA The Rokkrs from The Rokkr Sieges.
“What?  Those Are my creations?”  Creepy Loki says.
“Yes and so they are mine to command.  Rokkrs, Stop The Subspace Aether Keeps.” Creepy Xavius Says.
“Heroes of The Subspace Aether Keeps, Destroy the Rokkrs.” Legendary Mythic Subspace Askrian Queen Anna says.
“You mean this is where the soldiers of Askr have been?” Demonic Grey Bruno says.
“Yes, this is where they’ve been.” Subspace Henriette says “They were sealed away by Subspace Gustav’s Anger at Creepy Hel. Now Creepy Alfonse has overcome it.”
Legendary Mythic Demonic Grey Embliam Empress Veronica says “How the Rokkrs your creation? I thought the Loki Of The Timeline aka for this one Demonic Grey Loki is the one who creates them.”
Demonic Grey Loki says “Actually the Rokkrs of this timeline are made from her.  She took my form so I can be blamed by my Hero God.  I would never betray the BU, My Empress.”
Creepy Loki says “Well since you know now, Creepy Alfonse and Creepy Veronica allow me to lead the Rokkrs against The Aether Keeps.”
“You have our permission.” Creepy Veronica says.
Suddenly an attack is seen in the north.  It was Demonic Grey Alessandra and Demonic Grey Vantie coming with Help from Terminal Writers Earth Brander Rebels toward the Order Of Heroes.
"The Terminal Brander Rebels have joined your side?" Demonic Grey Teronica says.
Terminal Male Robin and Terminal Lucina run in and they're Seprentine people.
"Because of you creepypasta are like Corrupted Night Elves in Warcraft Series, the demonic greys are like the night elves in warcraft series, the oblivion grays are like blood elves in warcaft series, the Grima FE Army are like the undead in warcraft series, Writers-Forgive-Us are like the forsaken in the warcraft series, The FE Army Alliance besides Grima FE Army and Writers-Forge-Us are the human race in warcraft series, and the monster horde besides Writers-Forgive-Us are the orc race in warcraft series thus We are the naga race in warcraft series for the BU but we're good as we are serving to control The Corrupted World Tree." Terminal Robin says.
"That is correct, so prepare for your forces to die, Creepypastas." Terminal Lucina says.
Demonic Grey Alessandra And Demonic Grey Vantie charge with Terminal Writer's Earth Branders Rebels to join in the fight.
Then Legendary Mythic Subspace Askrian Queen Anna strikes at Creepy Xavius.
"You are a disgrace to your family." Creepy Xavius says.
"You would think so but now I run a kingdom just like A Member Of The Anna family would run her business. No Anna can say they did that and they would be proud." Legendary Mythic Subspace Askrian Queen Anna says.
"What?!" Creepy Xavius says.
Creepy Xavius is then attack by Naotun of Legendary Mythic Subspace Askrian Queen Anna. Next Legendary Mythic Demonic Grey Emblian Empress Veronica attacks her mother.
"Time to die, My daughter." Demonic Grey Teronica says.
Legendary Mythic Demonic Grey Emblian Empress Veronica says "I only a little considered you my mother at first because you abandoned our family and I never consider you my mother since I learned you caused the curse to make our family hate the Subspace Askrians."
"You little bitch!" Demonic Grey Teronica says.
Demonic Grey Teronica is Then struck down by the magic book of Legendary Mythic Demonic Grey Emblian Empress Veronica. Legendary Mythic Subspace Askrian King Alfonse then triggers a battle with Creepy Xavius.
"You think you can escape becoming like me?" Creepy Xavius says.
"I don't just think. With my father's Crown, I will." Legendary Mythic Subspace Askrian King Alfonse says.
"There is nothing that can guarantee it." Creepy Xavius says.
Creepy Xavius is then struck down by Fòlkvangr of Legendary Mythic Subspace Askrian King Alfonse.
The Creepypasta Writer Leaders breathe and say at the same time "You may have won this round but you haven't won the war yet. Retreat, Creepy FE Forces." They then vanish away.
The Creepy FE Forces then all vanish away as well.
Subspace Takeda says "Why didn't That stop?"
"Because we need the power of 8 Legendary Mythics, Future Brother-in-law." Legendary Mythic Subspace Askrian King Alfonse be says.
The Legendary Mythics then transform back to normal.
"Now we just need to find out how to get The next one." Subspace Anna says.
The End For Now...
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