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thesarahfiles · 2 years ago
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On May 13 (and 14 in most news outlets), 2015, two months after her original announcement and after several months of training at Rocosmos, Sarah announced the indefinite postponement of her trip to the International Space Station citing "personal family reasons". Her backup, japanese entrepreneur Satoshi Takamatsu didn't make the trip either. Their sit on the Soyuz TMA-18M mission was taken by Kazakh cosmonaut Aidyn Aimbetov on september 2nd. No space tourists have traveled on the Soyuz spacecraft between 2009 and 2021.
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skycrorg · 5 months ago
Dos cosmonautas rusos rompen record de estancia en la ISS
Roscosmos dijo que Oleg Kononenko y Nikolai Chub rompieron el antiguo récord de 370 días, 21 horas y 22 minutos, que fue establecido en septiembre de 2023 por los rusos Sergei Prokopiev y Dmitry Petelin y el estadounidense Francisco Rubio
Dos rusos establecieron el viernes un récord de permanencia continua más larga en la Estación Espacial Internacional, según la agencia espacial rusa. Roscosmos dijo que Oleg Kononenko y Nikolai Chub rompieron el antiguo récord de 370 días, 21 horas y 22 minutos, que fue establecido en septiembre de 2023 por los rusos Sergei Prokopiev y Dmitry Petelin y el estadounidense Francisco Rubio. Chub y…
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aldocerandaz · 1 year ago
Ax-3 se acopla a la estación a bordo de la nave espacial Dragon
La nave espacial SpaceX Dragon Freedom que transporta a cuatro astronautas de Axiom MIssion 3 aparece acoplada a la estación espacial poco después de un amanecer orbital.  Crédito: NASA TV Los astronautas de Axiom Mission 3, Michael López-Alegría, Walter Villadei, Marcus Wandt y Alper Gezeravci, llegaron a la Estación Espacial Internacional a las 5:42 am EST del sábado 20 de enero. Dragon se…
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anumberofhobbies · 7 months ago
Eh, is only a partial disaster, capsule is still in one piece.
Boeing's first crewed Starliner mission to the International Space Station has turned out to be a complete disaster. NASA astronauts Butch Wilmore and Suni Williams still don't have a return date, remaining stuck on board the station indefinitely while engineers continue to evaluate the plagued spacecraft's flightworthiness. Now it turns out that the massively extended mission could have knock-on effects for other upcoming launches to the ISS. According to Ars Technica's insider sources, NASA is now planning to push back its upcoming Crew-9 mission from August 18 to September 24, a considerable delay. The SpaceX Crew Dragon mission is currently scheduled to carry a crew of three NASA astronauts and one Rocosmos astronaut to the space station. But if Starliner ends up returning to Earth without any crew on board, NASA may send up the SpaceX spacecraft with just two astronauts to make space for Williams and Wilmore's return flight.
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spacenutspod · 1 year ago
On Sunday, September 3 at 7:05 a.m. ET, Dragon autonomously undocked from the International Space Station. After performing a series of departure burns to move away from the space station, Dragon will conduct multiple orbit-lowering maneuvers, jettison the trunk, and re-enter Earth’s atmosphere for splashdown off the coast of Florida approximately 17 hours later at 12:17 a.m. ET on Monday, September 4. Aboard the spacecraft will be Crew-6 NASA astronauts Stephen Bowen and Woody Hoburg, Rocosmos cosmonaut Andrey Fedyaev, and UAE (United Arab Emirates) astronaut Sultan Alneyadi, who flew to the space station on Dragon when Falcon 9 launched the spacecraft from Launch Complex 39A (LC-39A) at Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Thursday, March 2 at 12:34 a.m. ET. Live webcast coverage of Crew-6’s return to Earth will begin about one hour prior to splashdown.
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keyvawn · 3 years ago
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Hope all have good days and good workouts today or, whatever you may do today I hope you do it with grace peace and in love for all good things I hope for all of us here in NYC and abroad I hope for world peace and happiness but, will work with any changes I can make directly all for amy possible positions for work and for friendship or romance. I hope to always remain open and teachable. For like my dad says any day above ground, is a good day! Much love respect all prayers for all who need be #Ukraine #Russia #America #nato #natonations #nasa #rocosmos #France #UK #Poland #Canada hope and positivity please god for the love of good 👍 all good things please 🙏 #runnersofinstagram #run #jog #walk #crawl #living #fitness #fit #health #healthiswealth🌳💰💯 (at Retro Fitness - New City, NY) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcTITBsFtdG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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felixvictorinodonfelix · 2 years ago
Mundo: Rusia lanza su tercer satélite con tecnología militar en menos de una semana
Mundo: Rusia lanza su tercer satélite con tecnología militar en menos de una semana
Rusia ha lanzado este fin de semana un pequeño satélite militar desde el cosmódromo de Plesetsk, situado 800 kilómetros al norte de Moscú. Con el número de serie Kosmos-2560, el satélite ha sido puesto en órbita “con éxito”, tal y como ha explicado la Corporación Espacial Estatal, Rocosmos. “La Fuerza Aeroespacial de Rusia ha lanzado con éxito un vehículo de lanzamiento de clase ligera Angara-1.2…
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psicologiabionica · 2 years ago
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¡EMPIEZA LAS TORTAS! China da un nuevo paso en la carrera espacial a la Luna: desarrolla un motor más potente que el de la NASA. Aprovechando los retrasos del proyector Artemis para su prime lanzamiento, China prueba el propulsor que usarán para su cohete Long March 9 , con el que pretenden viajar a la Luna y hacer la competencia a la misión Artemis de la agencia espacial estadounidense con el que pretende instalar una base permanente en la Luna. Por otro lado, Según algunas noticias publicadas en medios chinos y luego borradas, el país asiático puede tener listo el minirreactor nuclear que alimentará las naves espaciales de sus futuras misiones desarrollando un un motor para viajar en tiempo récord. La discordia se hace notar con las alianzas entre ESA( Agencia Espacial Europea) con la NASA en el proyecto Artemis, mientras en lo que Rusia ( Rocosmos) se alía con China con el proyecto Chang'e 9 , y l plato de idea servido. (en CNSA) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiU9UBmDjC3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lapdropworldwide · 3 years ago
Putin’s Most Nuke-Obsessed Crony May Be Headed for Ukraine, Report Says
Putin’s Most Nuke-Obsessed Crony May Be Headed for Ukraine, Report Says
Mikhail Svetlov/Getty Images Longtime Putin ally Dmitry Rogozin, Russia’s notorious space chief, could be up for a new job commandeering eastern territories in Ukraine that Russian forces are seizing in the war, according to Meduza. Rogozin, who heads up Rocosmos, Russia’s space agency, could soon be appointed to serve as chief of staff or a presidential aide as well, Meduza reports, citing three…
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thesarahfiles · 1 month ago
On January 16, 2014, Sarah appeared on CBS’s “Entertainment Tonight” talking to Brooke Anderson about her cosmonaut training. 
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skycrorg · 3 years ago
Calendario espacial 2022: ¡Lanzamientos de cohetes, eventos en el cielo, misiones y más!
Las fechas de lanzamiento están sujetas a cambios y se actualizarán a lo largo del año a medida que surjan fechas más firmes. NO programe el viaje en función de una fecha que vea aquí. Las fechas de lanzamiento se recopilan de la NASA, ESA ROCOSMOS y otras. Finales de 2022: un cohete Atlas V de United Launch Alliance lanzará la nave espacial CST-100 Starliner de Boeing en su primer vuelo…
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aldocerandaz · 1 year ago
La tripulación SpaceX-6 de la NASA regresa de forma segura a la Tierra ñ
La tripulación SpaceX-6 de la NASA regreso de forma segura a la Tierra La nave de recuperación SpaceX MEGAN poco después de haberlo aterrizado en el Océano Atlántico frente a la costa de Jacksonville, Florida, el lunes 4 de septiembre de 2023 El cosmonauta de Roscosmos Andrey Fedyaev, izquierda, el astronauta de la NASA Warren “Woody” Hoburg, segundo desde la izquierda, el astronauta de la NASA…
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karamanvitrin · 4 years ago
Rusya 2030’da kendi uzay istasyonunu inşa edecek
Rusya 2030’da kendi uzay istasyonunu inşa edecek
Interfax haber ajansının aktardığına göre Rusya Federal Uzay Ajansı (Rocosmos) Başkanı Dmitry Rogozin, “2030’da planlarımıza uygun olarak kendi uzay ajansımızı yörüngeye yerleştirmek  muazzam bir atılım olacak. Dünya, insanlı uzay araştırmalarına farklı bir adım atmak istiyor” diye ifade kullandı. Bununla birlikte, Rusya kozmonotlar, 1998’den beri ABD ve 16 başka ülkeden meslektaşlarıyla…
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spacenutspod · 1 year ago
SpaceX and NASA are targeting no earlier than Sunday, September 3 at 7:05 a.m. ET for Dragon to autonomously undock from the International Space Station. After performing a series of departure burns to move away from the space station, Dragon will conduct multiple orbit-lowering maneuvers, jettison the trunk, and re-enter Earth’s atmosphere for splashdown off the coast of Florida approximately 17 hours later at 12:17 a.m. ET on Monday, September 4. Aboard the spacecraft will be Crew-6 NASA astronauts Stephen Bowen and Woody Hoburg, Rocosmos cosmonaut Andrey Fedyaev, and UAE (United Arab Emirates) astronaut Sultan Alneyadi, who flew to the space station on Dragon when Falcon 9 launched the spacecraft from Launch Complex 39A (LC-39A) at Kennedy Space Center in Florida on Thursday, March 2 at 12:34 a.m. ET. Live webcast coverage of Crew-6’s return to Earth will begin about 20 minutes prior to undocking.
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habermi · 4 years ago
Rusya 2030’da yörüngeye kendi uzay istasyonunu inşa edecek
Rusya 2030’da yörüngeye kendi uzay istasyonunu inşa edecek
Interfax haber ajansının aktardığına göre Rusya Federal Uzay Ajansı (Rocosmos) Başkanı Dmitry Rogozin, “2030’da planlarımıza uygun olarak kendi uzay ajansımızı yörüngeye yerleştirmek  muazzam bir atılım olacak. Dünya, insanlı uzay araştırmalarına farklı bir adım atmak istiyor” ifadelerini kullandı. Bununla birlikte, Rusya kozmonotlar, 1998’den beri ABD ve 16 başka ülkeden meslektaşlarıyla…
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robo-goose-reblogs · 3 years ago
The symbol is for the Rocosmos: Russia's space agency.
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Between fhe Rocosmos' and NASA's logos, I think NASA's is way cooler.
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| After yet another rejected application, the aspiring Cosmonaut’s once unshakable determination has finally broken. #combusken #pokemon
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