#Robot Shinkansen
figurecollection · 1 year
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Miku Hatsune Nendoroid by Good Smile Company, from Shinkansen Henkei Robo Shinkalion
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sol-nebula · 2 years
hey psa apparently if you search “spg zoo videos” on youtube half the results will be korean p*rn (/srs)
if you learned this the hard way like i did, so sorry. if not, you’re welcome
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l8news · 4 months
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Tren-formers: El pasado 17 de mayo, la cadena McDonald's lanzó en Japón una Cajita Feliz con trenes Shinkansen que se vuelven robots. Las figuras se basan en la serie de anime Shinkalion Change The World, la cual fue estrenada el pasado mes de abril de 2024. [x]
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amtrak-official · 8 months
Opinion on the gendery Shinkansen transformer?
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Her name is Yamabuki
Why and how did they sexualize a robot
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frierengf · 1 year
dreams & destiny
— snippets of you and fushiguro megumi, and the thread that ties you together.
or : you start a new school, you meet a boy. everything goes to shit, everything turns out okay. you love a boy, a boy loves you.
you dreamed of this, and maybe it was destiny. wc : 15 295 │ ao3 [notes + tags]
— (2018 : March)
The March air chills your skin and digs deep into your heart and your bones but regardless, you’re happy. You’ve just graduated middle school, and you’re walking around Hakodate with your friends after the ceremony. Amane and Natsue are walking slightly ahead of you, arms around each others shoulders, while you and Shizuru tread behind them, hands interlocked.
”I’m gonna miss you,” Shizuru says quietly. You squeeze her hand. ”’m gonna miss you too.” ”Do you know if you’re going to Tokyo or Kyoto yet?”
The three of them think you’re going away to a fancy religious boarding school. They weren’t surprised when you told them, considering the somewhat traditional nature of your home and upbringing. It hurts to lie to your best friends, but you know it’s the right thing to do.
”Tokyo, I think. Less time on the train,” you say, small smile on your face. ”At least theyre letting you pick which branch you're being cast off to,” Amane chimes in, head turned back. You let out a short laugh.
”Yeah yeah. It won’t be all that bad. We can still keep in touch and I’ll be able to visit during the summer. Plus, I’ll get to live in Tokyo,” you smirk, as Natsue turns back and sticks out her tounge at you. ”I’ll just come visit you in the summer instead,” she replies, wide grin on her face. ”Sounds like a plan.”
— (2018 : April)
You’re standing on the platform waiting for the train to Tokyo. Your mother is fussing over you, adjusting your new uniform, running her fingers through your hair, making sure you have all your luggage.
”It will be fine Mother,” you sigh, trying to get yourself out of her grasp. Your father stands off to the side, hands clasped behind his back, a warm smile on his face. Your grandmother stands beside him, tears starting to gather in her eyes.
”Are you sure you have everything?” your mother asks, worry evident in her voice. ”Yes Mother, I’m sure. We went through my bags last night, and I have my ticket and travel food right here,” you reply, holding up your hand and waving it slightly. A small plastic bag, filled to the brim with drinks, snacks and meals, and your ticket pinched between your thumb and index finger. Your mother quickly reaches out to steady your hand.
”Don’t wave your ticket around so carelessly! What if you dropped it and it got blown away?” she scolds, and you roll your eyes with a slight smile on your face. ”It’s on my phone too anyways Mother. I’m sure I have everything, I promise.”
Your father steps forward, placing his hand on your mothers shoulder.
”Misuzu. I know you don’t want to accept it, but our little girl has grown up,” he says, before giving her shoulder a squeeze. Your mother sighs. ”I know, I know. But still, it’s a mothers duty to worry,” she says with a tearyeyed smile, and you roll your eyes at the cliché. Your father pulls the two of you into a tight hug, and you relax into the warmth.
The three stay like that for a while, before you hear your grandmother approach, and you pull away. She pulls you into a hug of her own, and you rest your chin on her shoulder.
”Be kind, my child,” she whispers, and you start to tear up. She rubs your back, and you tighten the hug, before letting go. ”I will.”
The station speakers let out a short spark, before a robotic voice starts to speak. ”Hokkaido shinkansen bound for Tokyo, departing in 10 minutes from platform 3.”
Your grandmother pats your shoulder.
”Let us know when you have arrived, won’t you?” you nod, and she continues. ”Your teacher will be picking you up there, correct?” ”Yes, that’s what I’ve been told.” She sighs, and gives you a short nod, seemingly satisfied. Your mother steps forward again, adjusting your uniform one last time, before turning you towards the doors of the train. She squeezes your shoulders before pushing you forward, just a bit. You turn your neck to look at your family, and do your best to give them a reassuring smile.
”I’ll make you proud,” you say, giving a small twofingered salute. Your father lets out a small laugh, and your mother rolls her eyes, fond smile on her face. ”And say bye to Yukichi for me!” you exclaim, before boarding the train with a wave.
Yukichi, your older brother, hadn’t been able to come and say goodbye to you, having been sent to western Hokkaido for a mission. While you know it’s not his fault, you can’t deny the small feeling of disappointment that’s gnawing at you. The two of you weren’t the closest of siblings, but he’s still your brother.
You still remember the day you had sent him off to Kyoto, standing on the platform, hiding behind your fathers leg. Yukichi, being 10 years older than you, held responsibilities as both the future clan head and as a grade one sorcerer. You do your best not to pity him too much, and instead support him from the sidelines as much as you can.
Shaking yourself out of your thoughts, you find your seat without much trouble, and place your messenger bag on the chair and your snack bag on the table, before reaching up to put your suitcase in the overhead compartment. It takes a bit of stretching, but you manage to get it up safely before sitting down.
You bring out the small bento your grandmother had made for you, and the onigiri and bottle of green tea you had bought at the station, placing them on the table, before digging in your messenger bag for your phone and headphones.
After adequatley preparing yourself, you lean back and make yourself comfortable for the coming 5 hour journey. You’ve never really been outside of Hokkaido, most of your rare family trips being spent going further north. The train starts rolling, and you turn to look out the window. Spotting your family, you give a final quick wave, before the train shoots off, heading south.
The trainride itself passes rather quickly, as you finish the lunch you brought with you and snack on the small bag of chips. You get a few texts from the groupchat with Amane, Shizuru and Natsue, wishing you well, telling you to take care of yourself, and to meet a handsome Tokyo boy and bring him back to Hakodate. You laugh at the last one, replying that you’ll try your best.
As the train rolls into Tokyo Station, you pull out your phone to check the time. 16:24. You roll your neck, before texting your family you’ve arrived, and pocketing your phone.
You put your trash in the small plastic bag you brought it in and shove it inside your messenger bag, electing to deal with it at a later date, before standing up and pulling your suitcase down from the overhead department and throwing your messenger bag on your shoulder.
You stand infront of the door as the train stops at the platform, not wanting to get caught within the crowd and making your teacher wait for you. As you step out and onto the platform, you look around and take it all in. It’s way bigger, and way busier than anywhere you’ve been before, and you start to feel dizzy, even though you ate on the train.
You shake your head, steeling yourself and deciding you should find your teacher, before your eyes widen in horror. You don’t even know who your teacher is, let alone what they look like. Before you entirely lose it, you hear a loud voice cut through the hustle and bustle of Tokyo Station.
Probably the entire station startles, and looks to where the voice is coming from, including you.
As you look towards where the voice came from, you spot a tall blindfolded man, hair as white as the first snow of winter. A boy is standing next to him, but he looks like he would rather be anywhere else. The boy is looking off to the side, but when you look up at the man, you swear you can feel his eyes on you, despite the highly opaque blindfold he’s wearing.
The man waves, a grin on his face. ”Sorcery girl! Come here!”
Your eyes widen in shock. No way this idiot is your teacher. Protecting the public from the knowledge of Jujutsu is one of the most important values of the art, and here he is, yelling it out to the hundreds of people in Tokyo Station. You glare at the strange man, but the grin on his face does not falter. Looking around you, you notice that everyone except you seems to have forgotten all about what just happened, going about their normal lives again. A big city thing perhaps, you think to yourself.
Begrudingly, you quickly walk towards the pair, realizing as you get closer that both of them are wearing Jujutsu Tech uniforms. As you reach them, you fall into a small bow and introduce yourself. The man grabs your hand, shaking it with enthusiasm.
”Nice to meet you too! I’m your teacher, Gojo Satoru.” Your eyes widen as he says his name, and you think you see a small smirk appear at your reaction. ”And this,” he points to the boy next to him, ”is Fushiguro Megumi, your fellow first year!”
The boy you now know as Fushiguro finally looks at you, and you feel heat rise to your cheeks. His eyes are cold as steel as they meet yours, and it makes a small shiver run down your spine. He scans over you quickly before inclining his head in greeting.
”I look forward to working with you.” ”Same goes,” you say with a small nod.
His eyes seem to focus on your face, and you tilt your head, giving him a slightly awkward smile. Before either of you can say anything else, Gojo places one of his arms around your shoulders, and one around Fushiguros. You startle, but Fushiguro just grunts, seemingly used to it. Gojo turns his head towards you and pats your shoulder lightly.
”So, Ijichi is waiting for us in the car outside, and I was thinking we can go back to campus and leave your stuff, and once that’s done, your beloved teacher Gojo Satoru can take his two students for some dinner!”
You furrow your brows and go to speak, but your teacher interrupts you before you can even get a word in.
”It’s kind of late, and you’ve been traveling for a while. Even though you got accepted because of your lineage, we still have to do a skill test exorcism, but we can leave that for tomorrow!”
You give him a hesitant nod, and Gojo smiles. ”All right then! Come on my dear students, to the campus!”
He grabs your bags, before quickly dragging you and Fushiguro out of the station, and shoving the two of you into the backseat of a car. The man in the drivers seat, Ijichi, you realize, turns to look at you before giving you a deep bow, still sitting down. You startle and wave your hands in front of you, trying to get him to sit up again.
”It’s a pleasure to meet you. If you ever need anything don’t hesitate to let me know.” ”There’s no need for all that Ijichi,” you mumble, before giving him a short bow of your own. ”I’ll be in your care.”
You hear a small laugh from behind you, and turn back to see the face of your teacher, putting your bags in the trunk.
”Don’t mind him,” Gojo says. ”That’s just how Ijichi is. You’ll have to get comfortable around him eventually, he’s one of our top managers after all.” The smile on his face takes on a warmth that you wouldnt expect, and when you look back at Ijichi, he looks just as shocked as you probably do.
Gojo slams the trunk shut, and you flinch in surprise. He gets into the front seat, before urging Ijichi to drive back to the school. The trip is silent, only sound being the roads and the music playing on the radio.
After you arrive at the campus, Gojo shows you to your dorm and lets you quickly drop off your bags, before pulling you away for a speedy tour around the school. He shows you the main building, and training field, before dragging you back to the car where Fushiguro is waiting, Ijichi having gone off to tend to other matters.
”If you have any other questions, just ask Megumi!” he exclaims, and you nod, before he’s shoving you into the back seat once again.
You’re back out on the road when you feel Gojos eyes on you through the rearview mirror. He’s traded the blindfold for a more casual pair of sunglasses and left his uniform jacket on the seat next to him. The blue of his eyes is startling, and you tense slightly as you meet his gaze.
”Is there anything specific you want for dinner?” he asks, and your eyes widen. ”Oh, uhm. Anything is fine with me really. I’d feel bad if I picked something either of you didn’t like.” ”Eh, we’ll survive. Right Megumi?”
An affermative hum sounds out from next to you, and Gojo grins.
”See? So really, whatever you want. It’s your admission celebration after all.” ”Ah, okay. Ramen maybe then? I don’t know any places though, so you’ll have to pick for me.” ”Ramen it is! I’ll make sure to take my students to the best place in town!”
The car eventually comes to a stop outside of a small place in the suburbs of Saitama, and as the three of you step out of the car, Gojo puts his arm around Fushiguros shoulders, smile on his face.
”Just like old times, eh Megumi!”
You raise your eyebrows in surprise, and the smile on Gojos face widens, as a small frown appears on Fushiguros face.
”I’m his-” ”He’s not my dad. He’s my legal guardian and that’s it.” ”So cold Megumi.”
Fushiguro only rolls his eyes, expertly getting out of Gojos grasp, before walking into the restaurant. Gojo pats your shoulder as he walks past you, shaking you from your stupor.
”Don’t worry about him, he’ll warm up soon enough.”
You nod, and follow your teacher into the restaurant. The three of you are ushered to a booth in the back, proclaimed as ”the usual table” by the waitress. Fushiguro sits down and shuffles towards the wall, and you follow suit, while Gojo chats with the waitress as she gives you and only you a small menu. You look up at the two of them, confused, and Gojo only waves his hand.
”We’ve been coming here for a while.”
You nod, gaze falling back down to the menu. Once you’ve decided what you want, you put the menu down on the table, and the waitress seems to appear from out of nowhere next to the table.
”The usual for you two, I assume?” she asks, and Gojo gives her a thumbs up. She smiles, quickly writing on her notepad, before turning her gaze to you.
”This one, please,” you say, pointing to your choice on the menu, and the waitress nods, writing it down. ”That one's my favourite too,” she says, beaming at you. ”These two never order anything different, it’s super boring,” she mutters loudly, grin still on her face, as she grabs the menu, putting it under her arm.
After her and Gojo banter for a while, she walks away. He turns to you, starting to talk about the plans for tomorrow.
”So, I’ve scouted a location for tomorrow,” he starts, and you nod. ”We’ll be leaving school at around 11:30, so make sure you’re by the gates by then. Megumi will be joining you as backup in case something goes wrong, and Ijichi and I will be waiting outside. Sounds good?”
”Sounds good,” you agree, and Gojo nods. ”You have everything you need right? No need to borrow anything from the school?” ”No, I’ve brought everything I need with me from home.”
”Good. That’s all the business out of the way then! Let’s have a good evening,” he says, holding up his glass of water. You snort, and clink your glass against his, as he urges Fushiguro to join. He does, and you smile, taking a sip of water as the food arrives.
Gojo wasn’t lying when he said he would be taking you to the best ramen place in town. You swear you almost melt into the seat as you take your first sip of the broth.
”Not bad, right?” Gojo asks, raising his brows at you. ”This is fucking amazing,” you mumble, slurping more noodles into your mouth. Gojo barks out a laugh, before wagging his finger at you. ”Language! Megumi here has a tendency to beat up delinquents y’know.”
Your eyes widen, panic rising in your body before Fushiguro speaks up.
”Just ignore him, he’s an ass.”
Your eyes move rapidly between the grin on Gojos face and the frown on Fushiguros.
”I’m just messing with you,” Gojo finally says, and you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding. ”Only people who care about stuff like that is probably the higher ups, but if I can help it, you won’t have to meet them for a while.”
You nod, and the meal continues without a hitch. Finishing your bowl, you quietly vow to yourself to bring your friends from back home to this place in the future. As Fushiguro slurps up the last of his broth, Gojo pushes his empty bowl to the center of the table.
”Anyone up for dessert?”
Both you and Fushiguro shake your heads, and you swear you see a small pout on Gojos face. You quietly thank him for offering, and he dismisses you, claiming it’s just the right thing for a teacher to do, before waving down the waitress for the check.
As the three of you leave the restaurant you yawn, stretching your arms above you.
”Tired?” Gojo asks, leaning down to your eyelevel from behind. You startle slightly before humming. ”Didn’t get a ton of sleep last night,” you mutter, and he nods in understanding. ”My mother made me get up way too early as well. I swear she went through my bags like five times.” ”You can sleep in the car if you want. I’ll make sure to drive carefully,” Gojo says, patting your shoulder. ”You sure?” ”Yeah yeah. If push comes to shove, I’m sure Megumi will be a kind classmate and let you sleep on his shoulder!”
Your eyes widen, and Fushiguro turns to Gojo with a slight frown on his face.
”It’s probably better to just stay awake,” you mumble.
”I don’t mind,” Fushiguro calls out, and you meet his gaze. You hesitate to call it warm, but it’s definetly not cold.
Heat flushes your face, and you stare down at the pavement. Fushiguros ears grow red, and he turns his face to the side. Gojo simply grins.
”All right then! Into the car my dearest students!” he exclaims as he unlocks the car, getting in to the drivers seat while Fushiguro and yourself get into the back seat.
As Gojo starts the car and drives off, you yawn, resting against the window. The lights of the cityscapes passing by lulls you closer and closer to sleep, eyelids fluttering.
Gojo is quietly singing along to some recent J-pop hit that’s playing on the radio and Fushiguros eyes flick over to you. Your neck is angled in an awkward way that can’t be comfortable at all, your temple dragging against the car window.
”I meant it y’know? I don’t mind.”
His voice shakes you awake, and you blink rapidly. Cracking your neck, your eyes fall shut again, and you dismissively wave your hand in Fushiguros direction.
”Wouldn’t wanna make you uncomfortable Fushiguro. Y’really don’t have to,” you mumble, leaning back against the headrest.
His eyes move from you to Gojos face, grinning at him from the rearview mirror. He scowls.
”I don’t want you to be uncomfortable while you sleep either. You should be in the best possible condition for your mission tomorrow. It’s… my duty as your partner.” The last part is muttered, and you snort.
”You’re so adamant about it Fushiguro. Guilttripping me into sleeping on your shoulder, huh?” you tease quietly, turning to look at him with tired eyes. He’s frowning lightly, and you’re unsure if the red on his cheeks is a blush or the city lights reflecting from outside.
The backseat of the car isn’t huge, but you shuffle closer regardless, before looking at Fushiguro with expectant eyes.
”C’mon then. Unless you changed your mind?” ”No,” he says, almost too quickly. ”I didn’t.”
Fushiguro follows suit, moving closer to you, before resting against the seat. He looks out the window as you rest against his shoulder, refusing to meet Gojos knowing grin.
Almost instantly, you relax against him, breathing slowing down and body going still.
”You frown so much Fushiguro,” you murmur. ”Bet you have a really nice smile.”
Your voice is quiet enough that he can pretend he didn't hear you, and he counts himself lucky that you cant spot the redness that takes over his face.
As you and Fushiguro walk towards the abandoned apartment complex in the outskirts of Tokyo, he turns to you while you fiddle with your belt, making sure your twin tantos are wrapped in tightly. Feeling his eyes on you, you look at him, polite smile on your face.
”Anything wrong Fushiguro?” ”What’s your cursed technique?”
You snort at his bluntness. ”That’s a secret,” you tease, pressing a finger to your lips. ”Besides, you’ll find out soon enough, won’t you?” ”I was just curious,” he grumbles. ”I don’t recognize your last name, but Gojo said you got in through your family lineage, so I figured it’s not really a secret, if you’re from an established Jujutsu clan.” You hum, ”Well you’re not entirely wrong. It’s not really a secret,” you imitate, and he rolls his eyes. ”But where’s the fun in just telling you?” ”It might be advantageous if we are going to work together on this exorcism.” ”Ah, but that’s where you’re wrong Fushiguro! It’s my test, you’re just here in case I fuck up!”
He scoffs at your words, looking away from your invasive gaze. You poke his shoulder, grin on your face.
”Say, Fushiguro. If you can guess my technique before I use it, I’ll buy you anything you want.” He looks at you with raised brows.
”Anything?” You nod.
”And if I don’t?” ”Then you let me call you by your first name!” ”Feels like the stakes are very different for us,” he says, small frown on his face. ”Well I don’t care if you start calling me by my first name right now, but something tells me you’re more uptight about that, so I figured it would be fun.”
His frown deepens, and the grin on your face only gets wider. ”Fine,” he says, reaching out his hand, which you grab, giving it a firm shake. ”It’s a deal then!”
You start walking into the apartment complex, and Fushiguro follows closely behind.
”Is it something with your tantos?” he asks, and you tilt your head. ”Kind of? They help, but I don’t need them. I can use any weapon, but I don’t need a weapon,” you nod, peeking into the first apartment on the first floor. The cursed energy is rather miniscule so far, so you close the door and continue onto the next apartment as Fushiguro speaks up.
”Something where you imbue your technique into the weapons?” ”Nope!”
The following three apartments are equally unremarkable, as are Fushiguros continued questions and guesses towards your technique. As you stop in front of the first apartment on the third floor, an unfamiliar cursed energy washes over you, and you turn to look at him.
”Time’s up Megumi!” you exclaim, pulling your tantos out of their sheaths. ”Watch and learn.” He rolls his eyes, summoning his demon dogs just in case, before you step into the apartment.
The curse that greets you is nothing overwhelming at first glance, its back turned to you. Megumi follows you in, before you hold up your hand, hoping he understands your signal to stay back and let you work. It seems like he does, the sounds of his and the dogs footsteps stopping behind you.
The curse is small, probably somewhere between Grade three and Grade two, and you nod to yourself, sheathing one of your weapons, tightening the grip on the other one.
Megumi watches closely as you place your empty hand on the back of your head, while raising the one still holding the tanto.
”Wound Transfer,” you mumble, before plunging the tanto into the back of your head. Megumi startles, and you pull the tanto out of your head. Quickly placing your hand over the wound, you fix your gaze on the curse, who’s still unaware of your prescence. ”Foxglove.”
The curse shrieks, and Megumi looks towards it. A deep wound has appeared on the back of its head and his eyes widen. He barely has time to react before you’re lunging towards it, slashing its neck from behind.
As the curse explodes in bits of dust and purple blood, you turn towards him, wide smile on your face. ”Pretty cool right, Megumi?” The surprise is evident on his face, and you sheathe your tanto, before throwing up a peace sign. ”Wound Transfer, courtesy of my beloved clan!” One of his demon dogs bark, and Megumi quickly walks towards you, grabbing the back of your head.
You let out quite an embarrassing squeak as he tilts your head forward, carefully carding through your hair, searching for any remnants of where you’d plunged your knife, but all he can find is a thin scar. You clear your throat, and he looks down to see the crown of your head resting against his chest. Megumi flushes, and quickly takes a step back. The veil around the building starts to fall away, and you give him a short nod before starting to walk out of the building.
Gojo and Ijichi greet you outside, and you fall into a bow, before expectantly looking up at your teacher, awaiting his evaluation. Much to your surprise, he turns his head to look at Megumi, a small smirk on his face.
”What did you think Megumi? She good?”
You eagerly look towards him, and he meets your gaze, slightly stunned. ”Uhm, she was good, yeah,” he says, a small flush on the tips of his ears. ”A bit risky, but nothing that can’t be solved with some training.”
You grin. ”Ah, but that's where you’re wrong Megumi!” You think you see Gojos eyebrows raising in the corner of your eye, but you continue.
”I’m great at risk management, and I’m decent at using Reverse Cursed Technique. I just wanted to show off,” you say, putting your hands behind your back.
Gojo laughs, and Megumi scoffs, turning his face away. You look back at Gojo, small smile playing on your lips.
”Any tips for me Gojo?” ”Not right now, no. Obviously some some general training, regular and Jujutsu, will do you nothing but good, but that’s what you're here for,” he says, smiling.
You nod, giving him a short bow, before he stands up and places one hand on your shoulder and one on Megumis.
”Now, my dear students, I’m afraid I have some business to attend to, so I’ll get going, and Ijichi will give you a ride back to school!” Gojo says, as a car pulls up behind you. He gets in quickly, yelling ”Bye for now!” before the car speeds off.
You blink a few times, before looking to Ijichi, who stands up and falls into a quick bow, before guiding Megumi and you to his parked car.
As the two of you sit in the backseat, Ijichi hums along to the classical music playing on the radio. You lean your head back against the headrest, turning to look at Megumi.
”You don’t have to let me call you by your first name y’know? I was just teasing. I don’t mind if you want me to stop,” you mention quietly. He hums. ”’s fine. I don’t mind if you want to. Just not very used to it.” ”Hey, what if I tell you all about my cursed technique in exchange?” ”You don’t have to. I shouldn’t have pried, and technically you earned it fair and square. We shook on it and everything.”
You let out a small laugh. ”Well, I don’t mind telling you if you want to know. As you said, it’s not a secret. I don’t have one of those binding vows either so you don’t have to worry about me beating you up,” you say with a smile, and he looks at you, scoffing.
”Besides,” you continue, meeting his gaze. ”It might be advantageous if we are going to work together,” you repeat his words from earlier, grinning. ”Fine, if you wanna tell me that badly,” he says, and you think you can see the ghost of a smile across his lips. You laugh. ”Oh, you don’t know how many secrets I want to spill to you Megumi.”
You sit up straight, adjusting your seatbelt, before leaning back again.
”So you already know that the gist of it is Wound Transfer, but there are three types I can do,” you tell him, holding up three fingers.
”First is Foxglove, the one I did earlier. It transfers a self inflicted wound to my enemy. I have to have a good view of the place on it’s body that I’m transfering the wound to, and it has to be an equivalent to where the wound is on my own body,” you finish, folding down one of your fingers as he nods.
”Second one is Nightshade, which lets me transfer back wounds that the enemy has inflicted on me. As long as I can see whoever inflicted the wound, all I need to do place my hand on my wound and it’ll come back to bite them in the ass."
”Last is Lavender, which lets me transfer wounds from other people to myself,” you say, folding down the last finger you were holding up, and crossing your arms. ”More of a supportive skill, which is also when my Reversed Cursed Technique comes most in handy.”
”Obviously a lot of it depends on how bad the wound is and how strong my enemy is, but those are the basics.”
You turn towards Megumi with a grin on your face. ”Any questions?”
”No domain?” Megumi asks, and you nearly let out an awkward laugh at the bluntness. ”Not yet, no. I have an incomplete one, but it’s messy and I don’t really know how to best utilize it.” ”Any specific reason for the technique names?” ”Nope. It’s different for everyone, kinda just comes to you instinctively as the varying techniques manifest. Pretty sure my brothers ones are named after old battleships or something, plus his are way more offensive than mine.”
”Yours are flowers right?” His voice is softer this time, and you smile, humming. ”Yep! Foxglove and nightshade are both poisonous, hence why the abilities that do damage are named after them, and lavender is known to have a calming effect so it makes sense for the support ability.”
”Do you have a favourite flower?” he asks quietly, and you look up at the car roof, missing how a small blush rises on his cheeks. ”I don’t know really,” you think out loud. ”Maybe lupines or peonies. I don’t really like roses though, I always hurt my hands on them while helping my dad at his flower shop, plus they’re way too cliché,” you conclude, turning your head back to look at Megumi.
”What about you?” His eyes widen slightly at your question, and you give him a smile. ”Haven’t really thought about it,” he mutters. ”Maybe lillies.”
You hum.
”Lillies are nice.”
— (2018 : November)
It’s almost like an out of body experience. You feel yourself drop into a low, messy, shapeless squat. It’s distant.
”What the fuck?”
You fall down to your knees, and it’s even more distant than before.
”What the fuck?”
You look towards him, and instead of the calm, stoic visage that usually greets you, it’s crazed. Manic almost. You lean forward, almost beginning to crawl towards him.
His face breaks into a grin and a shiver runs down your spine. It’s not Fushiguro Megumi. No longer your Megumi. Ryoumen Sukuna greets you with a grin, and you think it might be the worst thing you’ve ever experienced in your life.
He’s speaking, but you can’t hear him. Your blood is rushing wildly in your ears. You want to do something, help in some way. Itadori is rushing towards him, and you go to reach out, to stand up, to fight. Fight for Japan, fight for Tokyo, fight for your friends. You need to fight for yourself and you need to fight for-
”I need to help him,” you mumble. ”I need to help my ’gumi.”
Without even realizing it, you find yourself on your feet again. You take a small step forward, before you feel a hand on your shoulder.
”You should go.”
Makis voice shakes you, and nothing is distant anymore. It’s all real and you despise the fact that it is. You turn to face her, and she moves her hand from your shoulder to your face. She’s rubbing your cheek, and you’re stunned for a second before you realize she’s wiping tears you didn’t even notice were falling.
”Please leave it to Itadori and I.” ”You’ll bring him back to me?” ”If it’s the last thing I do.”
You let out a shaky breath, and Maki nods, before quickly squeezing your cheek and launching herself into battle. Someone is grabbing your wrist, starting to pull you away from the scene. You’re distant again, but you guess it’s Ijichi or Nitta, or perhaps some manager you haven’t met before. In the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t really matter. You allow yourself to be pulled away from it all, choosing to put your trust in Maki and Itadori.
You sit, curled up against a wall, trying to process what just happened, and one of the only things you can think is how much you fucking hate Ryoumen Sukuna. Wrath, rage, anger, and every other synonym you could think of, it’s all bubbling deep in your gut. You’re frustrated. It feels like a waste, harboring all this borderline primordial anger inside you, and not even fighting with it.
Realistically, you know you couldn’t, but you feel like a single slap imbued with your cursed energy would be able to kill Sukuna right now. You try to calm down, taking deep breaths, walking through what happened, and what you want to happen next. What you need to happen next. Everything feels stuck between too distant and too close.
You’d called him yours, you realize. He wasn’t. Isn’t. You lean your head back against the wall, thinking back to before it all went to shit. Before Shibuya. Maki and Nobara- Nobara. You sigh, and feel tears start to fall again. You don’t bother to reach up and wipe them, resigning to let them fall. You deserve to cry, you think.
You want to travel in time. Kill that bastard Kamo Noritoshi, make sure Sukuna doesn’t spread his nasty fingers everywhere. Or at the very least, spend more time with your friends, tell your Megumi you wish you were his.
You fight to relax, thinking back to that night when Maki and Nobara had invaded your room, Maki taking a seat on your desk chair, while Nobara settled on your bed, placing her legs across your own. You had looked at the two of them with bewildered eyes, only being met with a small grin from Maki, and a knowing smirk from Nobara.
— (2018 : September)
”You like him don’t you?” Nobara asks, cutting through the silence. You sputter, heat warming your cheeks. ”What the hell are you talking about?” Maki laughs. ”She totally likes him.” You huff. ”The two of you are, for sure, delusional. I’ve done nothing to imply I like Megumi.”
They both burst out laughing, and your eyes widen, realizing your mistake. ”Fuck,” you mumble, pulling your legs up and resting your forehead on your knees. The laughter dies down, and Nobara is shuffling closer to you, before she puts her arm around your shoulders.
”Don’t worry. It’s sweet,” she says, and you hear the smile in her voice.
”Who else knows? Am I really that obvious?”
Maki hums. ”Inumaki probably knows, he’s good at reading people after all. I wouldn’t worry about it though, as long as Megumi and Itadori don’t realize you’re probably in the clear.”
Your head snaps up, a look of horror on your face.
”Gojo,” you mumble. Maki presses her lips together, trying not to laugh again. Nobara doesn’t have the same selfcontrol. She lets out a small laugh, before slapping her hand over her mouth. You groan.
”Fuckin’ Gojo,” you sigh. ”He knows for sure, dumb Six Eyes.” Another laugh bursts out from under Nobaras palm. ”Probably why he keeps putting Megumi and you on missions together, matchmaking his students like a freak,” Maki thinks out loud.
”Makes sense,” Nobara chimes in. ”Last week, Itadori dragged me with him to ask Gojo why he never got to go on missions with Fushiguro anymore, and all Gojo did was laugh, before shushing us and throwing us out of his office. Probably would’ve winked if he wasn’t wearing that blindfold.”
”For all we know he did wink under the blindfold,” you mumble, starting to smile. Maki lets out a short laugh, and you feel Nobara shake with silent laughter next to you. You lean your head back against the wall, and look towards Maki. She meets your gaze and tilts her head with a small smile.
”We won’t tell anyone, so you don’t have to worry,” she says. You hum. ”I know. I trust you guys. I’m just worried that Megumi knows but doesn’t know how to tell me he doesn’t like me back or something.” ”If I’m being real, Fushiguro probably doesn’t have a clue,” Nobara muses, ”Like, he’s a teenage boy. Do they ever have a clue?” ”Well Maki said that Inumaki knows,” you retort quickly. ”I said probably, not definetly,” Maki teases. ”Don’t take my word for it. I doubt he would do anything about it anyways.” ”He’s not gonna cursed speech you into confessing,” Nobara laughs. You whine into your hands. ”Stop…”
Nobara keeps laughing, rubbing your shoulder. ”It’s okay. You can always ask us for advice y’know?” ”As if either of you have any experience with romance,” you huff. Maki laughs, and Nobara squeaks in offense.
”I’ve read plenty of shoujo mangas excuse you!” ”So have I,” you roll your eyes. ”Besides, I don’t even know if I want to confess or anything. Feels risky.”
You don’t want to ruin the friendship the two of you share. You don’t want the possibility of rejection. You don’t want the chance of dying on the job to become even scarier, for you or for him.
Nobara and Maki share a knowing gaze at your sudden silence. Maki stands up and goes to sit on the bed with Nobara and you, and she places a hand on your head. ”We’re not saying you have to, or even that you should. Just wanted you to know we’re here for you,” she says softly.
You hum. ”I know. Thank you, love you.” Maki huffs, and Nobara hugs you tightly. ”Love you too,” Nobara mutters against your neck. You wave your arm, urging Maki to join in on the hug. She does, and you hum happily.
”I know you’re not even dating, but if he ever hurts you, I’ll fucking kick his ass,” she mumbles close to your ear, and you laugh.
— (2018 : November)
The way you’re snapped back into the present is all too abrubt. You laugh now too, except this time it’s bitter and hurt. You’re still not dating, and she’s kicking his ass anyways.
— (2018 : December)
It’s Christmas Eve, and instead of being home with your family, you’re watching a livestream of your teacher beating the shit out of the boy you have a crush on. You know it’s technically not Megumi, but as much as you keep telling yourself that, it doesn’t shake the feeling of rocks in your chest and tightness in your throat.
You’re not really listening to what everyone around you is saying, not even really listening to the livestream that you can't seem to tear your eyes away from.
You feel like time is going one billion times slower than usual. It’s hard to keep up with what’s going on, Domain Expansion after Domain Expansion, Reverse Cursed Techniques, Shikigamis. At your core, you have high understanding and knowledge about all of these techniques, despite not weilding all of them yourself, but in the moment it all goes over your head.
You fumble after the bottle of green tea you brought, not wanting to look away from the multitude of screens. After a second or two of feeling around next to your chair, the bottle finds itself in your hands. You go to take a sip, but someone else is gripping the bottle tightly, and you look to the person next to you.
Itadori gives you a tense smile as he pulls the bottle out of your loose grip and holds it towards you. You look at him, unmoving.
While you would consider yourself friends, you’re not super close with Itadori, and you can’t deny that its been a tough few weeks without Nobara or Megumi by your side. Maki has been there for you of course, but you feel a sort of obligation to do your best to stick close to Itadori, as the two present first-years.
Itadori stretches his arm, holding the bottle out closer to you. It forces you out of your thoughts, and you give him the warmest smile you can muster, before taking the bottle from him.
”Thank you Itadori,” you say quietly, not wanting to disturb the atmosphere in the room. ”No worries,” he replies. ”And you can call me Yuuji by the way. If you want.” You smile, the warmth slightly more natural than before. ”Thank you Yuuji.”
The two of you turn back to watch the stream, and after a few minutes you feel yourself begin to space out. It’s exhausting just to look at and while you know deep in your bones that Gojo Satoru is The Strongest, you can barely fathom how he’s still fighting as if he’s having the time of his life. On the surface, it looks effortless, but if you look closer you can see the exhaustion pumping in his veins.
You don’t really dare to look at Sukuna, afraid of what seeing Megumis body like that could do to your mind.
It keeps going, and you’re afraid it’s never going to end. There are less Domain Expansions, less Hollow Purples and Spiderwebs, but it still feels like it could go on forever. Yet, all of a sudden, the room goes silent, and you shake your head, forcing yourself to focus on the screens.
Sukuna is down on his knees, and you let out a gasp. Gojo is standing in front of him, thumb placed lightly on his browbone. He’s saying something, you realize, but you can’t hear what. Before you can even think to speculate, a bright light takes over, and you squint. You’re confused, but it finally hits you.
Jacobs Ladder.
The light is overpowering for the 5 or so seconds it’s there, and you hold your breath. As it fades, you inch closer to the screens.
Fushiguro Megumi is lying on the ground, and Gojo Satoru is crouched next to him. You see Gojos head tilt back and forth, before he turns and looks into the eyes of one of Meimeis crows.
With a simple wink and a thumbs up, you swear that Gojo Satoru has saved the entire world. Your entire world.
— (2019 : January)
It’s all over, yet it’s still only the beginning. You’ve been standing in front of Megumis door for almost five minutes, trying to listen for any signs of activity in the room. It’s deathly silent, and it makes your hands shake. The small bag of snacks and drinks you’ve bought rustles from the movement, and it shakes you from your stupor.
You’ll knock, and if you don’t get a reply you’ll just come back another time, you decide. Having steeled yourself, you knock carefully on the door to his dorm room, cautious of waking him up in case he was resting.
”Come in.”
His voice is raspy. Not in a comforting, well rested way, but in a sickly, deeply exhausted way. It shakes you to your core, and you almost regret coming here in the first place. You feel tears gather in the corners of your eyes, before you shake them away and open the door. You step in, before reaching back and closing the door behind you.
The raspiness of his voice is almost worse now that there isn’t a door between you, but you’ve promised yourself to try your best to not make him feel worse than he surely already does. You can’t meet his eyes yet. You feel his gaze on you, and it’s almost killing you, but you’re not ready. Not ready to see if anything has changed.
”Hiya Megumi,” you say, doing your best to give him a comforting smile without really looking at him. ”I’ve brought snacks!” You wave the little bag in your hand.
As he slowly shuffles up on the bed to rest his back against the wall, you take a few steps closer, stopping near the edge of his bed. You see that he’s sitting with his legs crossed under the sheets, and you let out the smallest sigh of relief, but it barely chips away at the massive ball of worry in your heart.
”Ah, uhm, where should I sit?” you mumble, mostly to yourself, looking around, but still avoiding his face.
”You can sit on the bed if you want,” he offers, and you freeze. It feels like you stand there for an entire ice age before he speaks up again, quieter this time. ”Why won’t you look at me?”
The bag you’re holding falls to the floor, and you go down with it. The bottle of cold green tea you brought for yourself rolls out of the bag and hits your knee. Your head falls to rest at the edge of the bed and you feel your tears starting to fall, soaking the sheets beneath you.
”I’m sorry ’gumi, ’m so sorry,” you sob. ”I’m scared, I don’t want anything to be different, I want you to be okay, and I don’t know if I can handle seeing you not be okay.”
You feel a hand being placed on the crown of your head, before he starts to scratch at your scalp.
”You don’t have to be sorry.”
The two of you stay like that for a moment, words hanging in the air, his hand resting on your head. After a minute or two, you raise your head and place your chin where your forehead was resting. Your eyes are squeezed shut, and you take a deep breath. He places his thumb between your eyebrows and rubs out the furrows, making you relax and lean into him.
”Promise me you’re okay?” you mumble. ”I promise,” he whispers back.
You open your eyes, and meet his gaze for the first time in weeks. He smiles at you, and you feel like the world has stopped.
”Fuck. ’m gonna cry again,” you mumble, crossing your arms before resting them beneath your cheek on the edge of the bed. Megumi lets out a short laugh, before continuing to gently scratch across your scalp. ”’s okay. I’ll be here.”
You sit like that for a few minutes while Megumi runs his fingertips across the nape of your neck, down to your shoulder, and back again. It’s sleep inducing, but you blink a few times and go to pick up what you dropped earlier.
”I feel stupid now. Came here to take care of you but made you take care of me instead,” you say while picking up the bag and your bottle of green tea.
”I wasn’t sure what you’d want, so I brought a bit of everything,” you mumble, placing the contents of the bag on his nightstand, before shuffling over to take a seat on the right side of the bed and resting against the wall.
He hums. ”Anything that’s not liquid food will be like a gourmet dinner.” Your eyes widen. ”Ah fuck, are you even allowed to eat stuff like this yet?” ”Yeah yeah, Ieiri said it was fine.”
You nod, starting to fiddle with your bottle of green tea. As Megumi looks through what you placed on the nightstand, you pull your legs to your chest and rest your head on your knees. He looks tired, you think. It’s not surprising, but it still makes your heart hurt.
He picks out a bottle of water and the box of ginger candy. A small smile graces your face as he turns back to meet your gaze. The evening sun shines through the window, illuminating his face. His skin is slightly dull, his hair is greasy and his eyes are glassy. Of course you hope and wish he’ll get better, but you can’t really find it in yourself to mind. As long as he’s still here, nothing else matters to you.
You know he’s still hurting, physically and mentally. You’re sure, because you are also hurting, and what Megumi went through has to have been worse than what you went through. It’s not a competition, but even if it was, it’s not one you’d win. It’s just a fact.
You’re mostly unharmed from Shibuya and the Culling Games, biggest injuries a broken ankle and some transferred wounds, all of which you’d healed decently on your own with your Reversed Cursed Technique.
You’re hurting mentally of course, the loss of friends, teachers and mentors weighing deep on your heart, but you know Megumi went through all of that and more.
”You’re sure you’re okay?” you ask quietly, slightly scared of hearing the answer. ”I’ll survive. Ieiri did a great job.”
You nod. You’d often been on standby outside of her office, as one of the very few sorceres capable of Reversed Cursed Technique on others, ready to take over the rigourus healing that had to be done, in case she would need a break.
You’re glad she could handle the hard work on her own, instead letting you work with Gojo and Nobara, helping them along while their bodies naturally recuperated.  You’re unsure if you would’ve been able to deal with the burden, not only of using Reversed Cursed Technique that diligently, but also using it on a gravely injured Megumi.
”Uhm, how are you, you know, mentally?”
He pauses, and you panic.
”You don’t have to talk about it of course! Just, I’m here if you do want to.”
Megumi sighs, resting his head in his hand, before speaking up. ”It’s hard. It’ll be hard for a while I think, but…” he swallows.
”Tsumiki would’ve wanted me to keep going.”
You nod, reaching your hand out. An offering of comfort, should he want it. Megumi grips your hand tightly, and you give his hand a squeeze before starting to rub his knuckles.
”Besides, I have certain things that I need to keep living for,” he says quietly, almost so that you need to strain yourself to hear it. He squeezes your hand, and you squeeze back.
Heat rises to your cheeks at even the idea, the possibility, that he could be talking about you, but the slightly more pessimistic and perhaps reasonable voice in your head tells you that he’s probably talking about you and your classmates, as a package deal, or perhaps about continuing to work as a sorcerer and helping others, or maybe he’s just reiterating what he just said about Tsumiki.
Your gaze drops to your intertwined hands, and you sigh.
”I’m really glad you’re still here Megumi.” ”I am too.”
— (2019 : March)
As you walk through the campus, you think back to your graduation ceremony last year. It’s warmer this time, and small buds of pink have started appearing on the trees. Yuuji’s almost skipping next to you, talking excitedly about some manga volume that’s releasing soon.
You try your best to listen and actually pay attention, but you’re finding it hard to focus. You know you should feel bad, and you kind of do, but you can’t really find it in yourself to think about anything other than the fact that you desperatly want to talk to Megumi.
You’re unsure if Yuuji knows about your massive schoolgirl crush, but you’re slightly scared of talking to him about it considering that he’s not exactly famous for being great at keeping secrets. As you keep going back and forth with yourself in your mind, you somehow zone back in, and start actually listening to Yuuji.
”-so I’m like super hyped for the next volume, ’cuz the arc is supposed to be like really good, but I feel so impatient, I don’t wanna wait another two weeks for it to come out, I want to read it now, and I could read it online, but I feel like it’s a different thing to read it physically in the actual volume, y’know?” Yuuji finishes his monolouge, enthusiasm obvious from just looking at him. You count yourself lucky that you heard enough to formulate an actual answer.
”Yeah, I get your point about the special feeling of reading it physically,” you nod, before continuing. ”I mean ultimately it’s up to you to decide if you feel like it might be worth it to wait. If it’s as good as you think it will be, you’ll definetly be glad you waited, but on the other hand, if it doesn’t live up to your expectations, it might feel frustrating to have, like, gone around and waiting for it with minimal payoff.”
Yuuji groans, and clings onto your shoulders. ”Why can’t you make the descision for me?” he complains, and you let out a small huff. ”You know I’m absolutely shit at making descisions unless it’s life or death scenarios Yuuji.” ”But this is life and death!” he exclaims, and you roll your eyes. ”It’s manga,” you deadpan. ”If you actually wanted helpful advice you know you should’ve gone to someone else,” you say, wriggling out of his grasp.
As Yuuji once again begins to ramble about the pros and cons of his two options, you spot Nobara and Megumi by the vending machines.
Nobaras hair is longer and her roots have grown out, upkeep forgotten while she was in her coma. Her right eyesocket is scarred but uncovered. She only just woke up the other week, and every single time you’ve seen her since, you’ve felt pride drip through every single vein in your body. You’re overjoyed she was able to make it to graduation, and from the look on her face, she is too.
Now fully committed to ignoring Yuuji, you walk quickly towards the vending machines.
”Nobara!” you call out, waving your hand. She turns to look at you, wide smile on her face. As you approach, she pulls you into a hug.
It’s suffocating but you can’t find it in yourself to complain. It’s not the first time you’ve seen her this month, this week, or even this day, but the finality of the occasion seems to have made the two of you more sentimental than usual.
You give her a final squeeze before letting go, as Yuuji catches up to you, putting his arm around Megumis shoulders.
”I’m proud of us,” Nobara says, as you lean your head against her shoulder.
Yuuji nods solemnly. ”Definetly the coolest first years in the history of Jujutsu Tech,” he says, before grabbing your arm, pulling you to stand next to Megumi, as he takes your spot next to Nobara. You raise your eyebrows at him in an unspoken question, but he only grins. You shrug, putting your hands behind your back.
”Well, we’re second years now, technically,” Megumi says, and a wide smile spreads on your face. ”Free from Gojo at last!” you exclaim. ”Kusakabe won’t know what hit him.”
Yuuji and Nobara join in on your excitement, while Megumi only grumbles.
”Just a bit longer for you ’gumi! You can do it,” you say with a smile. ”You make it sound like I’m being held back a year or something,” he replies with a frown. Nobara grins at the opportunity presented to her.
”Poor Fushiguro,” she says wiping fake tears from her eye. ”Too stupid for his own good.”
Yuuji bursts out laughing, clinging to Nobara, and Megumi simply rolls his eyes.
”Ah, by the way, can I talk to you?” Megumi mumbles close to your ear, as Yuuji and Nobara begin an animated discussion about vending machine snacks. You smile at the two of them, before looking up at Megumi. ”Sure! Here, or…?”
He shakes his head and grabs your hand, before starting to walk towards a secluded spot on campus, beneath a small white jasmine tree.
What neither of you see as you walk away, are the grins on Yuujis and Nobaras faces.
”Fuckin’ finally eh?”
”I know right!”
As you and Megumi stop underneath the jasmine tree, you take a seat on the small stone bench, looking up at him.
”So? What did you want to talk about?”
While Megumi is usually quite reserved and silent, his current hesitance feels almost uncharacteristic. After a quiet few seconds he speaks.
”Uhm, can you close your eyes? Please?”
You raise your eyebrows in confusion. The tips of his ears are red, and he’s refusing to meet your eyes.
”Are you trying to prank me or something? Did Panda put you up to this? Hakari?” ”It’s not… I’m not trying to prank you. Please close your eyes.” ”Yeah yeah, whatever you want ’gumi.”
You close your eyes and lean your head back, and Megumi lets out a sigh of relief. As calm as he has tried to appear, he’s not sure he could’ve done this if you were looking at him.
Taking a breath, he quickly pulls off the second button of his uniform, before crouching in front of you.
”Gimme your hand please,” he mumbles, and you obey, holding out your right hand, leaning to grip the edge of the bench with your left.
You feel Megumi place something in your open hand, before he closes your hand into a fist, pushing it back towards you.
”Can I open my eyes now?” you question, and Megumi hums.
As you open your eyes, they widen in surprise at the sight of Megumi crouched in front of you, and squint as they fall to his uniform. You look back and forth between your closed hand, and the place where his second uniform button should be, as heat gathers in your cheeks.
Megumi still won’t meet your gaze, and he’s flushed from the tips of his ears to the tip of his nose. The lower half of his face is hidden under his collar. You clench your hand, trying to feel for the shape of whatever Megumi gave you. Of course, you have an idea, a wish, a hope for what it might be, but you don’t dare to be sure.
”Uhm… can… can I open my hand too?” you ask quietly, and Megumi gives you a short nod, finally meeting your gaze.
Nervousness, hope, worry, warmth, admiration, self conciousness, and maybe even affection, you think, you hope. His eyes are flooding with emotion, and you’re drowning in them. In him.
You tear your eyes from his, looking down at your closed fist. Giving the small object one final squeeze, before opening your hand. A small golden button is resting in the middle of your palm, and you pick it up, running your thumb over it.
You look back up at Megumi, and he’s meeting your gaze, flush still high on his cheeks. Without tearing your eyes from his, you pull off your own uniforms second button, before leaning forward and pressing it to Megumis heart. His eyes widen, and his heart is beating rapidly under your palm. You smile.
”I’ll sew it to your uniform if you want,” you mumble, and you feel his heartbeat quicken, before he reaches up to grip your hand, taking the button from you.
”I’d like that,” he says.
— (2019 : October)
”What’s wrong?”
The voice bursts your bubble, and you lean into Megumi as he drapes himself over you where you stand. You turn to face him, leaning your back against the balcony railing.
”Mm, nothing. Just feeling melancholy.” He hums and proceeds to bury his face in the crook of your neck.
”Anything I can do to help?” he offers, and you smile. Smile at the care that’s almost dripping from his voice, smile at the way he makes your heart light up, smile at the simple phrase, offered for such an unsimple problem.
You press your ear against his neck, listening for his pulse. A steady beat is pumping under his skin, and you let out a small sigh.
”D’you believe in destiny ’gumi?” ”Kind of? Why?” ”Kid on my last mission. He’d been paralyzed in Shibuya, and now he was being haunted by two Second Grades.”
You wrap your arms around Megumis waist, pulling him closer to you.
”It sounds fucking awful, but it made me wonder if he was meant to die in Shibuya, and the curses now was just destiny coming to finish the job. And me coming to help has just prolonged the inevitable.”
You swallow, tears stinging your eyes.
”I know it sounds stupid, and I feel like an idiot for even thinking this way, but I can’t help it. Makes me feel nauseous.”
Megumi straightens up, pulling you with him and placing your head to rest against his chest.
”I think… destiny is only good things,” he mumbles, kissing the crown of your head. ”That boy surviving Shibuya, you coming to save him now. Me surviving Sukuna, Nobara surviving Mahito. Us meeting, and still being here. ’s all destiny.”
You rest your chin against his chest, and he leans down, kissing you lightly.
”Whatever happened that led up to it, or whatever happens afterwards, the only destined things are the good ones,” he mumbles against your lips, and you hum before kissing him.
”Thank you ’gumi.” ”You feel better?” ”Mm, little bit. ’s a hard job, and it’s always going to be, but having you definetly helps.” ”’m glad.”
— (2020 : July)
It’s summer break, and you’re sitting on the train back home to Hakodate, Megumi by your side. You’re holding his hand, rubbing his knuckles with your thumb.
”Y’know, when I first left for Tokyo, my friend Natsue told me to bring back a handsome Tokyo boy,” you tease, looking up at him. A blush rises on his cheeks, and you see him fighting to hold back a smile. ”Told her I’d try my best, but it seems like I really hit the jackpot.”
He lets out a short laugh, before placing a quick kiss on the crown of your head.
”Do they know about us?” he asks, mumbling into your hair. You rest your forehead against his shoulder before replying. ”Mm, not really. My family knows I’m bringing my boyfriend,” you smile, before continuing. ”But they don’t know who you are. I was more cryptic with my friends though, figured they’d like the surprise.”
Megumi hums, before leaning back in his seat. You rest your head against his shoulder, and he reaches up to play with your hair.
”Bet my family is gonna love that I managed to snag the head of the Zen’in clan for myself,” you joke quietly, and he scoffs. You both know that the Zen’in clan, and the power it had, is as good as gone, and even if it wasn’t, neither Megumi nor you would want anything to do with it.
”Do you think you would’ve liked me if I was raised a Zen’in?” he asks, and you hum. ”Probably not. Would’ve liked your face still, obviously,” you snicker, bumping the top of your head into his cheek. ”Say what you will about Gojo, but he definetly has better principles than the Zen’ins.” ”Mm, true.” ”I can’t even imagine you like that,” you ponder. ”Feels like you were born to be kind.”
He huffs, before resting his head against yours.
”Don’t know if I am though.” ”Kind?” you ask, and he nods, the movement slightly hindered by the position of your heads. You hum.
”I think you are. Maybe not in the conventional or traditional way, but it’s clear that you have care and kindness somewhere in your dark little heart,” you jest, poking your finger against his chest. ”At least to me.” He hums, before letting out a small sigh.
He presses another kiss to the crown of your head, as if he’s doing his best to force the affection into your skull.
”I love you,” he mutters, but you hear it clear as day, as if everything else in the world paused, just for the two of you.
You stiffen in surprise, despite the fact that you know you love him, and you’ve been pretty sure he loves you too for months now. Your head shoots up, and Megumi lets out a small grunt of pain at your head banging in to his chin.
”Ah fuck, ’m sorry,” you exclaim, before looking away in embarrasment. ”No worries,” he replies, the smile on his face audible in his voice. ”Uhm, me too by the way. Love you.”
He hums, before pulling your head back to rest against his shoulder, and beginning to run his fingers through your hair.
”I know,” he says, and you let out a small whine, feeling more flustered than you ever have in your entire life. ”’s unfair,” you mumble. ”You can’t be the one who confesses and the one who says ’I love you’ first.” You feel his body shake with silent laughter, before you sit up and turn towards him.
Determination in your eyes, you grab his chin and turn his face to face yours. The smile on his face is light, but it warms up your entire body as if it’s the sun. You tighten your hold on his chin, pulling him closer to you and his smile only widens.
”I love you, Fushiguro Megumi,” you say, and he leans closer to you. ”I love you too,” he mumbles against your lips, before he kisses you.
It’s definetly not your first kiss, and you sure hope it won’t be the last, but it feels different to anything you’ve experienced before. You hum, and lean further into him, moving your hand from his chin to the back of his neck, pushing him closer to you. You feel him smile against your lips before he deepens the kiss, sending a shiver up your spine.
It’s electric in a way you can’t explain, and a small voice in the back of your head is telling you that you should be ashamed that you’re doing this on public transport, before it’s quickly silenced by Megumi sweeping your hair away behind your ear and cupping your face. You pull away, just slightly, to catch your breath. As you lean in to resume what he started, the train speaker sparks to life.
”Now arriving at Shin-Hakodate-Hokuto Station.”
You freeze, before bursting into laughter. The smile on Megumis face has turned from what you could only describe as lovestruck, to one dripping in cynicism. ”Come on then lover boy,” you tease, eyebrows raising at the way his ears turn red in response to the pet name. You smirk, before patting him on the shoulder.
”I’m serious, up. You need to get our bags from the overhead compartment.” He huffs, and you snort. ”Shouldn’t have grown tall if you didn’t want to deal with the consequences.” ”Yeah yeah,” he mutters, before standing up and pulling down your suitcases. You stand up as well, gripping the handle of your suitcase, before leaning in and giving him a short peck on the lips. ”Thank you ’gumi.” He mumbles something you can’t hear in reply, and you walk towards the doors of the train, Megumi following closely behind.
As you walk out of the station, going to find your fathers car, you grab Megumis hand and look up at him. ”Can’t believe you kissed me like that on public transport,” you say, giddyness evident in your voice. ”’s like you’re a whole new person.” ”What can I say,” he starts, and you can tell from the tone of his voice that he’s about to make a truly terrible joke. ”I guess love really changes a person,” he finishes, and you groan. He lets out a small laugh.
”You suck and that joke was awful.” ”Don’t care. You still love me.” ”Somehow I still do.”
You’re out in the parking lot now, and you keep your eyes peeled for your father and his car. Megumi is loosely holding onto your hand, scrolling on his phone. You stand up on your tiptoes, the heels of your shoes slipping down, trying to get a better view of the parking lot, when you hear a familiar voice off to the side.
”Hello! You must be my daughters boyfriend. It’s nice to meet you!”
Your fathers voice shocks you, and you turn towards him, a look of horror on your face. Megumi on the other hand looks entirely unbothered, a polite smile on his face, already shaking hands with your father.
”Fushiguro Megumi. It’s a pleasure to meet you too Sir.” You almost laugh, pressing your lips together at the last second. Despite how your family looks from an outside perspective, they are in no way as uptight as most people assume.
”Bah, nonsense! Call me Hirotsugi” your father exclaims, and Megumi throws you a questioning glance. You give a small nod and smile, and Megumi nods as well. ”Very well then. Thank you for your hospitality, Hirotsugi,” he says, bowing. you actually do let out a short laugh when your father slams his hand down on Megumis shoulder and pulls him to stand upright. ”Truly, no need for all of that,” Hirotsugi says with a warm smile. ”You’re family after all.”
Your eyes widen, snapping between your father and Megumi. Hirotsugi looks unbothered, smile still on his face. Megumi looks at your father as if he’s sprouted a second head, blush high on his cheeks.
”Ah, uhm. Yes. Thank you again.” he falters, and you tighten your hold on his hand. Your cheeks are still burning, but you feel it is your duty to save your boyfriend from your fathers overzealous hospitality.
”Hello Father,” you say, pulling Megumi closer to you. ”Thank you for the warm welcome.” Your father simply laughs, pulling you into a hug. As he pats your head, muttering about how long it’s been since you’ve come home, you wheeze at how tightly he’s holding you, and quickly let go of Megumis hand so that his arm isn’t cramped between your father and yourself.
After some more pestering from your father, the three of you get into the car, and he drives you back to your home. Your grandmother and brother are standing on the porch as you arrive, and as soon as you get out of the car, Yukichi is pulling you into a hug.
He hadn’t been home while you visited for Christmas last year, having been called in last minute for a mission. At the time, it had pissed you off to no end, but the more reasonable part of you knows there is no one to blame.
”Long time no see!” he exclaims, rubbing his knuckles into your scalp. You wince, slapping against his face before he relents and lets you go.
Yukichi reaches his hand out to Megumi, and they shake hands, getting introductions out of the way. Your mother comes out onto the porch, and your father throws her a quick wave. As you’re walking up the driveway, your father ahead of you, Yukichi turns to your boyfriend, squinting in assessment.
”Say, Fushiguro, you got any sorcery family? You look kinda familiar.”
You turn to Megumi, raising your eyebrows, and he meets your eyes with an inscrutable expression on his face. Your mother and grandmother have gathered at the edge of the porch. Your entire family in earshot, you think you glimpse a smirk on Megumis face, and your eyes widen in anticipation as he speaks.
”Well, I’m the head of the Zen’in clan.”
His voice is as calm as ever, and you have to press your hand against your face to stop yourself from laughing. You swear that your entire family has stopped in their tracks, and your messenger bag falls of your shoulder as you squat down, laughter taking over your body.
Yukichi is the first one to be shaken from the daze, pulling you to your feet and wrapping his arm around your shoulders.
”That makes sense then! I used to see the Zen’ins at meetings and gatherings after all,” he rubs his chin before turning to you with a smirk you can only describe as evil. ”Never took my little sister for a gold digger!” ”Oh shut up Yukichi,” you laugh, slapping the back of his head. ”If this was 100 years ago you would've been overjoyed at this union of clans.”
Yukichi sticks his tounge out at you, and you roll your eyes.
”You’re almost thirty, grow the hell up.”
The rest of your family eventually unfreeze, your mother telling Yukichi and you to leave each other alone, your father pulling your suitcases into the house, and your grandmother observing it all with a calm smile on her face.
In the grand scheme of things, the rest of the day is rather uneventful.
Your family surround Megumi at the kotatsu, asking him any question they can think of, while you stand in the kitchen, chopping fruit and laughing silently to yourself every time any of them speak.
Your grandmother asks Megumi to assist her with dinner, and you stick your tounge out at him from the dinner table where you sit, playing chess with your brother.
”You like him a lot, huh?” Yukichi asks, moving his rook to close in on your knight. You frown before looking up at him. ”I love him. More than anything,” you say.
You look back down at the board, analyzing, before your eyes widen and a tiny smirk grows on your face. You think you hear Yukichi swear under his breath as he realizes his mistake.
Moving your bishop, you grin up at him.
As your brother throws his head down against the table in defeat, you laugh.
You set the table as your grandmother finishes up dinner. Your mother is standing in the living room, pulling out photo albums from the book shelves. You groan.
”Can’t you at least wait a day before humiliating me in front of my boyfriend?” ”No can do! Did you know your grandfather brought my baby pictures to the restaurant where he met your father? It’s a family tradition my dear!”
Dinner is a joy, despite your brothers teasing, your mother shoving new embarrassing pictures at Megumi every opportunity she gets and your father spouting all the mortifying stories he can think of.
Your grandmother just smiles at you.
”He seems good for you,” she says quietly, and a tender smile grows on your face. ”He is. I can only hope that I’m good for him too.”
At your words, you feel Megumi squeeze your knee under the table, and your smile grows.
Dinner is finished, and tea is enjoyed in the garden. It’s a pleasant affair, calming and unwinding. You give Megumi an in depth tour of the flowers, and he holds your hand tightly the entire time.
It’s bedtime and you’re standing in the hallway, caging Megumi against the wall.
”’m sorry they’re making you sleep in the guest room,” you mumble, kissing him. He hums, wrapping his arms around your waist and pressing your body closer to his own. ”’s fine. I’ll just sneak over later,” he whispers, and you let out a quiet laugh. ”You’ll have to wake up super early and sneak back though. My grandmother gets up at like five in the morning to check on everyone and start breakfast.”
Megumi kisses you with a smile, and it’s almost infectious.
”It’ll definetly be worth it.”
— (2022 : April)
You lay down on the couch, finally feeling like you can actually relax. Megumi sits down on the floor in front of the sofa, before leaning his head back to rest against your stomach. Purely on instinct, your hand falls down to run through his hair, and he hums, letting out a pleased sigh.
You graduated last month, and with some savings and help from your grandmother and Gojo, you and Megumi have your own little house in the outskirts of Tokyo. To say the realtor was surprised when two teenagers showed up, ready to pay out of pocket, would be an understatement.
”Proud of us,” you say, lifting up your torso to look at Megumi. ”It’s a fucking hassle to move, even more when it’s basically your entire life that you’re moving.” He turns his neck to meet your gaze, and gives you a smile. ”Must’ve been hard to drive down from Hakodate all on your own,” he hums, and you tilt your head. ”Eh, not really. Worst parts were my parents acting as if I’m dying and also being away from you for a week,” you say, grinning. He scoffs, but you hear the affection hidden underneath.
”I think we’re wildly codependent.” ”Mm, probably. Wouldn’t wanna be codependent with anyone else though.” ”Not even Nobara?” ”Maybe Nobara.”
He laughs, before rising from the floor and straddling you where you lay on the couch. You look up at him with nothing but adoration in your eyes.
”I love you.”
You say it at the same time, and as your eyes widen, Megumi lets out a short laugh.
”That was really cheesy ’gumi,” you huff, and he hums in agreement.
He pulls you up so you’re both standing on your knees on the couch, before resting his arms around your waist. You lean in, pressing a kiss to his lips, and he reciprocates with a smile. It’s short and sweet, and as you pull away you place your hands on his shoulders, before pushing him to lay down. Megumi obeys easily when it comes to you, you’ve noticed, and a smile graces your lips as you lean down to kiss him again. He sighs against you and you place a final peck on his lips before working your way down to his jaw.
You’re drunk on him, you realize. Even though it had only been a week since you saw him last, it’s like your tolerance nosedived.
”Want you so bad ’gumi,” you mumble against his jaw, before you start biting lightly at his skin, marking him up. You know you don’t need to, Megumis loyalty to you never questioned, but you still want tangible, irrefutable proof that he’s yours.
”Misssed you so much,” you whisper against his skin. He shudders. ”My ’gumi.” ”Missed you too my love,” he replies, head tilted back, his hands still on your waist.
”Do you want to? Now?” he asks quietly, and you pause.
It’s not the first time things have veered down this path between the two of you, but it feels different this time. You don’t know if it’s because of the time you’ve been apart or the sudden feeling of being grown up, but in this moment you feel like there’s nothing else you want more. You crave to be his, fully and wholly, and can only pray he wants the same.
”If you’ll have me,” you whisper against his lips. He kisses you, and you feel heat pool deep in your core. ”Always,” he mumbles.
His answer makes your entire body heat up, and you bury your face in the crook of his neck. You feel him laugh underneath you, before he presses a kiss to your shoulder. His hands migrate down to grip your hips as he speaks up.
”Bedroom?” he suggests, and you hum. Megumi kisses your neck, before sitting up, your body still firmly pressed against his. As you tangle your arms around his neck, he places your legs around his hips and stands up. You shriek in surprise, lightly slapping his back. He just chuckles, and you cling onto him tighly as he walks up the stairs to your shared bedroom.
”Show-off,” you mutter into his ear. ”Only for you my love.”
He brings you to the bedroom and lays you down on your shared bed with a kiss. It makes you giddy, the idea that the two of you won’t have to sneak around the halls of Jujutsu Tech late at night anymore, begging your friends to keep watch for patrolling teachers.
You lean back against the mattress, hair spread out against sheets. You gaze up at Megumi, adoration in your eyes. He looks down at you and you give him a shy smile, and he flushes. He buries his face against your chest before mumbling into your skin.
”You’re so beautiful.”
You smile, running your fingers through his hair.
”You’re not so bad yourself.”
Megumi runs his hands down your waist, fingers catching on the hem of your shirt, as he raises his head and looks at you. The question goes unspoken, but you nod regardless, and he slowly drags the fabric up your body.
You shuffle back as you undo the button on your jeans, while Megumi stands up, pulling off his own shirt.
The feeling of his eyes on you as you undress is nervewrecking, despite not being anything new. It’s always going to feel like this, you think. You hope. The feeling of his gaze, moving from your face to your chest, the curve of your hips, you. It’s intoxicating and intimidating at the same time.
The feeling of Megumis body against yours shakes you from your thoughts. There are no barriers between you as he hovers above you, leaning down for a kiss. Skin against skin. It’s warm. Overwhelming in the best way possible.
Your hips grind up against him and he groans. Deep and raspy. Healthy raspy. It makes you whine under your breath, and you tangle your fingers in the hair at the nape of his neck.
”Need you,” you whisper, and Megumi stills, eyes focused on you. ”You have me.”
You smile.
”Need you now, please.” ”Ah, right away?” he asks quietly and you reach up, pulling him down to meet your lips. ”Been thinkin’ ’bout you all week ’gumi,” you mumble against him. Your eyes are earnest, and a deep flush covers his face.
He nods, more to himself than to you, before lining himself up and carefully pushing in. Megumi groans as he bottoms out inside you, and you sigh, angling your hips to meet his.
He rests his forehead against yours, your wide eyes meeting his lidded ones. ”Fuck,” he mumbles, pressing a kiss to your lips. ”You’re so gorgeous, love you so much.”
You whine, wrapping your arms around his waist as he hovers above you, elbows beside your head. He thrusts into you, and you inhale sharply. He pauses. ”’s okay Megumi. Feels good,” you whisper against his lips, and he hums, finding his rhythm once again.
Both of you fall silent, focused on the sensations of each other. The afternoon sun shines in through the window, falling across Megumis back, and you smile up at him.
”Y’look like an angel ’gumi. So pretty for me.”
His hips stutter at your words, and his head falls down to rest against the sheets next to yours. You let out a short laugh, turning your head to the side and pressing a kiss to his jaw.
He reaches down and underneath you, holding the small of your back, tilting your hips further up against him, before resuming his previous pace. Each thrust makes his hip bone grind against you, and each time you let out a sharp whine. Interlocking your ankles against his lower back, you press him further into you, before gasping and throwing your head back against the sheets.
It’s slow and silent, but you wouldn’t want it any other way. Megumi is practically laying on top of you, face buried in the crook of your neck, and you’re clinging to him, fingernails buried in his back, thighs tightly bracketed against his hips.
You could die like this, you think. Your emotions, the feeling of him, the feeling of your Megumi. It’s all encompassing. The slowness and silence has faded, exchanged to a sloppy softness, but you still wouldn’t change it for the world.
It’s by no means perfect, but in a way, doesn’t that make it perfect?
”Ah, ’m close ’gumi,” you gasp, and he hums. You feel the vibration against your lips. ”Me too. Wh… where should I…” ”You can, i… inside. If you want.”
Megumi kisses you, and the metaphorical bowstring of your back is pulled taut and released as you finish, slumping against the sheets. Not even a second later, you feel a gasp against your shoulder as cupids arrow, launched from your heart, strikes the bullseye, and a warmth floods your entire body.
You’re still clinging onto him, and he’s still engulfing you.
”Love you so much ’gumi.” ”I love you too.”
It’s quiet, wet, sloppy and hazy. You wouldn’t want it any other way.
— (2023 : August)
You’re laying on your back in the grass in your small backyard, and Megumi is sitting crouched on the engawa, hidden under the roof.
The rain is pouring down, and you’re sure your clothes are going to have green stains after you take them off, but you can’t find it in yourself to care. Megumi seems to have given up on trying to get you to join him underneath the roof.
A serene smile graces your face as the rain falls on your eyelids. Lightning strikes in the distance and you count the seconds until thunder takes over the sky. A few minutes pass in silence.
”Do you want tea later?” Megumi calls out from his rainfree sanctuary. You throw up your arm, giving him a thumbs up. ”Green?” You raise your other arm, forming a small heart with your hands. You think you hear him laugh, and the smile on your face grows tender.
You lay there in the grass for maybe thirty minutes, rain washing over you, before you get up, taking slow steps towards the engawa.
Megumi is sitting there, towels and a bathrobe on one side, a tray with two cups and a teapot on the other.
”Maybe we’re like thunder and lightning,” you say as you sit down on one of the towels, wrapping yourself in the bathrobe. Megumi hums, urging you to continue, as he places the last handtowel on your head. ”They’re always together, no matter how far apart.” Megumi places a teacup in your hands, and you grip it tightly, pulling your knees to your chest. ”People always talk about the sun and the moon as romantic counterparts, but it’s impossible for them to be together,” you mutter before taking a sip of tea. ”Lightning and thunder always come together, and even if there’s time between when they happen, it all depends on the person experiencing it. While they might be eight seconds apart for some, if you’re close enough its almost simultaneous.”
”Who’s what then?” Megumi asks, indulging you. Not teasing, not judging. Curious. Fond. You pause, not to think, but to relish in the moment. An odd sense of calm has taken over you, and you think this might be the happiest you’ve ever been.
”Anyone else would probably say that you’re thunder and I’m lightning, but I think it’s the opposite.” Megumi rests his cheek against the top of your head, and you take another sip of your tea. ”You’re light, I think. My world always feels brightest when you’re around. I feel like I have a different kind of impact than you. A calming sort of finality, I guess.”
Megumi tilts your head towards him, and kisses you. The feeling of his lips against yours makes all the nerves in your body stand on edge, and you fumble to put down your teacup before putting one of your hands at the nape of his neck. It’s like you were hit by lightning you realize, before letting out a small laugh against his lips. He pulls away before falling back to lay down against the wood. You follow suit, curling up against him, resting your head on his chest. Rain continues to fall.
”I love you, my thunder.”
You snort, slapping his chest lightly.
”Don’t call me that ’gumi, that’s so corny.” ”You make me corny.” ”That was even cornier.” ”I know.”
”I love you too.”
— (2024 : May)
You’re sitting on the edge of the bed, Megumi draped over your back as you rub lotion into your feet. He gets clingy when he’s tired, but you’re not complaining.
”’re you done soon?” he mumbles into your hair, and you hum. The blisters from the new shoes you got last week are starting to heal, but it doesn’t hurt to be extra careful for the coming days. Once you’re satisfied, you reach around and place your hands on the back of Megumis neck, rubbing in the leftover lotion.
”Come on then lover boy, bed time,” you say, teasing lilt to your voice. Megumi is too tired to recognize it, and simply falls back onto the bed, waiting for you to join him. You let out a sigh as a small smile forms on your lips.
It’s sweet, you think, how after all these years he still waits for you to lay down on your back, before he shuffles up next to you, resting his head on your stomach and tangling his body between your legs. It’s rarely the position you wake up in, but its always the one you’ll fall asleep in.
As both of you lay down, you release a deep breath you didn’t know you were holding. Staring up at the ceiling and then back down at Megumi. Your Megumi. He presses a chaste kiss to your ribs, and your hand falls to rest on his head. As you start to gently scratch at his scalp, running your fingers through his hair, he hums, and you feel it vibrate against your skin.
”Good night ’gumi” ”G’night my love”
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pabsterthelobster · 1 year
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Crossovers are weird, right?
So, back in 2014, there was a small crossover between Transformers and Neon Genesis Evangelion that was headlined by an Optimus Prime decked out in the colors of the Evangelion Unit-01. This release was supplemented by a four-part prose story where Starscream apparently merges with the Angel Sachiel and Prime, realizing that the EVA has a life-force within it (assumed to be Shinji Ikari), scans the EVA to grow in size to use its power to defeat "Angel"-scream, and NERV thanks him by giving him a trailer/battle station of their own design.
A few years later, in 2018, the anime Transforming Bullet Train Robot Shinkalion had protagonist Hayato Hayasugi travel to a parallel world where NERV collaborated with the Shinkansen Institute to create their own Shinkalion units in place of EVAs, leading to an alternate version of Shinji showing up piloting the Shinkalion 500 TYPE EVA. Shinji would then make a few appearances in the series afterwards, even appearing in the feature film of the anime that also feature an 11-year old pilot named Hatsune Miku and a snow monster assuming the form of f**king Godzilla.
...who, by the way, once existed in the same universe as the Transformers due to both properties being licensed by Marvel Comics back in the day. Oh, and let's not forget to mention the NERV-Made Anti-G Weapon, a version of MechaGodzilla designed by Metal Gear artist Yoji Shinikawa as part of an official collaborative project between NGE and Godzilla. And that's not even counting the 4D film attraction that debuted the Shin Godzilla version of King Ghidorah.
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devintrinidad · 1 year
If you want someone to blame, direct it all at this person specifically -> the degenerate (lovingly) <-
Explanations of who the characters are under the cut:
That Damn Coin
The true MVP of the series, the love of my life, the only one to survive aside from Brother and Sister. The level of loyalty and dedication to the cause never ceases to amaze or bring tears to my eyes. 10/10 character. Brilliant character design as well.
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Takoyaki Lady
First seen in episode 1, she doesn't accept digital transaction and calls the cops on Swindler.
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The most eligible bachelor of Kansai. Please give him a chance.
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Courier's Motorcycle
Also seen in Episode 1. Just as dedicated and loyal as That Damn Coin. Wonderful character. Sleek design. Love the purple accents. Kicks ass when needed.
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Cutthroat's Knives
No, Cutthroat is not included with the knives. The blood, though. That's debatable.
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Shark and Bunny
Episode 2 characters! Before you ask, they are one fuckable entity.
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The Police Officer from Episode 1
Only heartvagabond deserves rights. Also. They are right.
(By the by, I'm sorry if this is the wrong character, I'm not sure which police officer so I chose the desk jockey)
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Cutthroat's Tub
Again, Cutthroat is not included. The rainwater is mandatory, thought.
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Sexy Hotel Mascot Lady
She's the mascot of the Seven Star Hotel! You only see her once and she's as tall as a hotel building, but she's made a big impact on all of us.
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The Robot that Gave Swindler Her Name
A guest in Episode 1, they tell the innocent civilian that they're actually a swindler! Look at the sleek design, of the alluring neon green bulb at the top! An angler fish luring in prey...
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The Shock Collars
No explanation necessary.
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*insert obligatory you're getting railed joke*
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merpmonde · 2 months
Before Hello Kitty, it was Evangelion
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The Joyful Shinkansen made its debut between Ôsaka and Hakata in 2015, and marked two anniversaries: 40 years of the complete opening of the San'yô Shinkansen, and 20 years of the mecha anime Neon Genesis Evangelion. And it's safe to say the mash-up of a 500 Series rocketship and a giant robot was bound to work!
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For two and a half years, this train ran one daily return on a Kodama service, until it became the Hello Kitty Shinkansen. When I visited Japan in 2016, I made a point to see it en-route to Hiroshima. Timetable-wise, Fukuyama was the right spot.
As a Kodama train, the 500 TYPE EVA wasn't the fastest, and would often wait for Hikari and Nozomi trains to pass before continuing. This was the case here, and here's an N700 overtaking.
Erm, that didn't look blisteringly fast, did it? Well, taking into account the size and distance it may not, but a very rough calculation (length of a 16-car N700 set: 400 m, in 6 seconds) yields a speed of 240 km/h. The speed limit on the San'yô high speed line is 300 km/h.
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Back to the Evangelion train! As is the case in the Hello Kitty train, two cars received particular attention. Car 2 was a decorated seating car, and car 1, with windows covered, had a mock-up cockpit and simulator game!
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With the overtake done, the 500 TYPE EVA set off. Riding it didn't fit into my schedule on that voyage, but it was great to see it. Best livery on a 500 in my opinion!
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waksworldrebooted · 9 months
My Starlight Express Designs Part 4: The International Challengers
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Bobo the French TGV
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Hashamoto the Japanese Shinkansen
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Prince of Wales the British Intercity 125
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Espresso the Italian Settebello
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Turnov the Russian Trans-Siberian Express
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Rurhgold the German High Speed ICE
Design Notes:
The designs were heavily inspired by vehicle designs seen in Pixar's Cars, Chuggington, The Little Engine That Could 2011, and Robot Trains, with integrated hats inspired by TUGS and Theodore Tugboat.
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ridley-was-a-cat · 4 months
What I Watched This Week – 5/12 – 5/25
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King of Braves GaoGaiGar – I’ve been trying to watch more super robot mecha lately, and this has been sitting on my watchlist ever since Discotek licensed it and posted the memorable opening song on Twitter, so I decided it was time to watch it. Strange sentient machines invade the planet, turning people into mechanical kaiju aligned with whatever was stressing them, and it falls to a mysterious 8 year old boy to stop them, helped by a secret government agency of mecha and cyborg fighters. I’m not really sure why it took me so long to start seeking this stuff out, because it’s a ton of fun to watch. The lion mecha combines with the cyborg to become GaiGar, then that robot combines with a pair of drills, a jet, and a fucking shinkansen to become GaoGaiGar, and then that robot combines with either a giant screwdriver that splits dimensional space or a massive squeaky hammer that turns everything to light particles. If that’s not enough for you, the fights also include a green fairy who sets the transformed humans free. The entire thing is so absurd and over the top, yet played so completely straight that I have to marvel at the voice actors’ ability to deliver the dialog. I didn’t love the overuse of strobe effects, and the plot was getting a little repetitive by the end of the 49 episodes, but I had a smile on my face the whole time. 7/10
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Kurayukaba – I’m not really sure how I felt about this short little movie, to be honest. I enjoyed watching a down-on-his-luck private detective exploring the shady underworld built in the old tunnels under a coal mining city as he attempted to investigate a rash of missing person cases. The characters were engaging, with intriguing backgrounds and distinct personalities, and the antagonists were somewhat more complex than making trouble for trouble’s sake. On the other hand, though, the animation was kinda puppet-show, and the ending felt super rushed through and inconclusive, making the whole story feel a little aimless. 6/10
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Kuramerukagari – This movie takes place in the same setting as Kurayakuba, but it shares none of the characters or events in it, so it stands completely alone. The story follows a young woman who travels around the ever shifting gangways and underground tunnels of the city and draws maps of them that she sells to a local book lender and information broker. It shares the same iffy visuals as the other movie, but I ended up enjoying this one a little bit more. The uprising she accidentally uncovers unfolded in a way that was pretty fun to watch, with a good collection of colorful characters and steampunk-style contraptions joining the fight, and the ending felt conclusive. Both movies definitely could’ve used more space to use all the characters they introduced, and I would’ve liked to spend more time seeing their world, but they weren’t a bad watch. 7/10
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gabbyaldoumor · 20 days
**Exploring Japan: A Cool Country of Fun and Tradition**
Japan is an amazing country that mixes old traditions with modern, exciting things! It’s an island nation in East Asia, where you can find everything from ancient temples to towering skyscrapers.
One of the coolest things about Japan is its food! Sushi, ramen, and tempura are just a few of the yummy dishes you can try. Japan is also famous for its cherry blossom trees that turn parks into pink wonderlands in spring.
If you like technology, Japan is home to super-fast trains called Shinkansen and high-tech cities like Tokyo, where you can find robots and awesome video game arcades! But Japan also has peaceful places like Kyoto, filled with beautiful gardens, shrines, and traditional tea ceremonies.
Whether you're exploring ninjas, watching sumo wrestling, or learning about samurai, Japan is full of exciting adventures waiting to be discovered!
#Japan #Sushi #Kyoto #Tokyo #Shibuya #Shinkansen #CherryBlossom #JapanTechnology
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Which country in the world 🌍 that has offered the best benchmarking portrait in the case of technological advances and how does it affect our future?
Japan has long been a global leader in technological advancements, offering a benchmarking portrait for other nations. Its impact on the future is profound, driven by several key factors:
1.Automation and robotics: Japan is at the forefront of these fields, with businesses like SoftBank and Honda spearheading advances in industrial automation, artificial intelligence (AI)-driven machinery, and humanoid robots. This improves manufacturing productivity and propels innovation in the service, healthcare, and eldercare sectors.
2. Artificial Intelligence (AI): Japan is a pioneer in machine learning, natural language processing, and smart technology thanks to its emphasis on AI research and development. Autonomous cars, smarter cities, and more effective energy management systems are all being made possible by this.
3. Renewable Energy and Sustainability: Japan has established a standard for sustainable development with its dedication to renewable energy, especially solar energy and hydrogen fuel cells. In order to tackle climate change and lessen global reliance on fossil fuels, these technologies are essential.
4. Internet of Things (IoT): Smart device integration in homes, cities, and industries is being fueled by Japan's IoT innovations. This connectivity creates the foundation for the development of smart companies and cities by increasing productivity, decreasing waste, and improving quality of life.
5. 5G and Telecommunications: Faster and more dependable internet connections are made possible by Japan's pioneering role in the development and application of 5G technology. This propels further advancements in connection and transforms sectors like medical, remote work, and augmented reality.
6. Transportation & High-Speed Rail: The Shinkansen (bullet trains) of Japan and advancements in high-speed rail technology have established international benchmarks for economical, dependable, and environmentally friendly transportation. Globally, this technology is being embraced to cut down on carbon emissions and travel time.
7. Healthcare Technology: Japan's innovations in medical technology, including AI diagnostics and robotic surgery, are revolutionizing the healthcare industry. The future of global healthcare is being shaped by these breakthroughs, which result in more accurate therapies, early disease identification, and better patient outcomes.
Impact on the Future:
Global Standards: Japan's technology innovations influenced policies, standards, and practices globally by setting benchmarks.
Economic Growth: Japan leads the world in innovation, which stimulates growth both domestically and internationally by influencing markets.
Sustainability: Japan's emphasis on sustainable technologies and renewable energy is essential for tackling the world's environmental problems.
Quality of Life: Japan's innovations in healthcare, transportation, and IoT are improving people's lives all over the world by making daily living more efficient, sustainable, and convenient.
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corporativoarcanos · 3 months
SHINKALION Change The World HD Anime Japonés Eps. 1 al 13/??
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-Descripción: En el pasado, surgió de repente un misterioso enemigo conocido como Desconocido . En respuesta a esta amenaza, la Agencia de Desarrollo Ferroviario Evolution , comúnmente conocida como "ERDA", desarrolló los " Shinkalions ", robots transformados a partir del Shinkansen, como contramedida. "Para convertirme en una persona genial que tiene algo que proteger... yo...". Taisei Onari , un estudiante de segundo año, se transfiere a la división de secundaria de la Academia Shinkai en busca de pistas para encontrar a su hermana mayor que desapareció hace dos años. Mientras tanto, Unknown resurge por primera vez en diez años. Por cierto, se descubre que Taisei posee un alto valor de aptitud como conductor de Shinkalion y se ve obligado a tomar la decisión de luchar. ¿Cuál es la verdadera identidad y propósito de Unknown…? ¿Y cuál sería la verdad desvelada al final de la batalla…? La historia de la determinación y el crecimiento de los chicos comienza ahora—.Disfruta de nuestro contenido y entra a nuestra web como redes sociales para ver mucho mas.. El siguiente contenido a ver no es de nuestra autoría los derechos están reservados al autor de la obra y al estudio de la adaptación Episodio 01 Episodio 02 Episodio 03 Episodio 04 Episodio 05 Episodio 06 Episodio 07 Episodio 08 Episodio 09 Episodio 10 Episodio 11 Episodio 12 Episodio 13 Catalogo 2024 Series de Anime Esperamos que les guste el contenido recuerda compartir lo y dejar tu DONACION eso nos apoyara Read the full article
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avnnetwork · 3 months
Unlocking Potential : The Advantages of Investing in Japan
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Japan, often referred to as the "Land of the Rising Sun," is a nation with a rich history, vibrant culture, and a highly advanced economy. For decades, it has been at the forefront of technological innovation, manufacturing excellence, and economic resilience. As the third-largest economy in the world, Japan presents a myriad of opportunities for investors seeking to diversify their portfolios and tap into one of the most dynamic markets globally. This blog will delve into the numerous advantages of investing in Japan, highlighting its economic stability, technological prowess, robust infrastructure, and more.
Economic Stability and Resilience
Consistent Economic Growth
Japan has demonstrated consistent economic growth over the years, making it a reliable destination for investors. Despite global economic uncertainties and challenges, Japan's economy has shown remarkable resilience. Its GDP growth, although moderate compared to some emerging markets, is stable and supported by a well-diversified economic structure. This stability is a significant advantage for investors looking for long-term investment opportunities.
Strong Currency
The Japanese yen is one of the world's most stable and widely traded currencies. Its strength and reliability make it an attractive option for investors, particularly during times of global financial volatility. The yen often serves as a "safe haven" currency, providing a buffer against economic shocks and ensuring that investments retain their value. Know more about Investing in Japan here https://internetboss.ru/investitsii-v-yaponiyu-otkryvaya-vrata-voshodyaschego-solntsa/
Technological Innovation and R&D
Leading in Technology
Japan is renowned for its technological innovation and leadership in various high-tech industries. The country is a global leader in robotics, electronics, automotive manufacturing, and more. This technological edge is driven by substantial investments in research and development (R&D), which account for a significant portion of the national budget. For investors, this means access to cutting-edge technologies and the potential for high returns in tech-driven sectors.
Emphasis on Quality and Efficiency
Japanese companies are synonymous with quality and efficiency. The country's manufacturing sector, in particular, is known for its high standards and precision. This reputation for quality not only attracts global customers but also ensures that Japanese products remain competitive in international markets. For investors, this translates into reliable returns and a lower risk of investment in high-quality, well-established companies.
Robust Infrastructure
Advanced Transportation Networks
Japan boasts one of the most advanced and efficient transportation networks in the world. Its extensive railway system, including the famous Shinkansen (bullet trains), provides fast and reliable transportation across the country. This infrastructure supports efficient logistics and supply chain operations, making it easier for businesses to operate smoothly. Investors can benefit from this by investing in companies that leverage Japan's superior infrastructure.
Connectivity and Telecommunications
In addition to physical infrastructure, Japan has a highly developed telecommunications network. With widespread access to high-speed internet and cutting-edge communication technologies, businesses in Japan can operate with high efficiency and connectivity. This digital infrastructure is crucial for modern businesses, particularly those in the tech and service sectors.
Skilled Workforce
Highly Educated Population
Japan's workforce is one of the most educated and skilled in the world. The country places a strong emphasis on education and vocational training, ensuring that its workforce is well-prepared to meet the demands of various industries. This high level of skill and expertise is a significant asset for investors, as it enhances productivity and innovation within businesses.
Strong Work Ethic
The Japanese culture is known for its strong work ethic and dedication. Employees in Japan are often committed to their roles and strive for excellence in their work. This cultural trait contributes to high levels of productivity and reliability, making Japanese companies attractive to investors seeking stable and efficient operations.
Government Support and Policies
Pro-Business Environment
The Japanese government has implemented numerous policies to create a pro-business environment. These include tax incentives, subsidies for research and development, and initiatives to attract foreign investment. Such measures make it easier for investors to enter the Japanese market and support the growth of their investments.
Regulatory Transparency
Japan is known for its transparent and well-regulated business environment. The country has a robust legal framework that protects investors' rights and ensures fair business practices. This transparency reduces the risks associated with investments and provides a level of security that is appealing to investors from around the world.
Cultural Richness and Quality of Life
Attractive Lifestyle
Investing in Japan also offers the benefit of an attractive lifestyle. The country is known for its rich cultural heritage, modern amenities, and high quality of life. For expatriates and business professionals, Japan provides a unique blend of tradition and modernity, making it an appealing destination for living and working.
Safety and Stability
Japan is one of the safest countries in the world, with low crime rates and a high standard of living. This safety and stability contribute to a favorable environment for investment, as businesses can operate without the concerns of political or social unrest.
Strategic Location
Gateway to Asia
Japan's strategic location in East Asia makes it a gateway to some of the world's fastest-growing markets. Its proximity to China, South Korea, and other Southeast Asian countries provides easy access to these markets, offering significant opportunities for trade and investment. Investors can leverage Japan's position to expand their reach in the broader Asian region.
Trade Agreements and Partnerships
Japan has established numerous trade agreements and partnerships with countries around the world. These agreements facilitate easier access to international markets and enhance the country's attractiveness as an investment destination. For investors, this means reduced barriers to trade and the potential for growth in global markets.
Innovation Hubs and Ecosystems
Thriving Start-up Culture
In recent years, Japan has seen a surge in its start-up culture, particularly in technology and innovation sectors. Cities like Tokyo, Osaka, and Fukuoka have become thriving hubs for start-ups, attracting entrepreneurs and investors alike. This vibrant ecosystem offers numerous opportunities for venture capital and early-stage investments, promising high returns for those willing to take calculated risks.
Collaborative Research and Development
Japan's commitment to collaborative research and development further enhances its attractiveness for investors. The country has numerous research institutions and universities that work closely with industries to drive innovation. This collaboration results in cutting-edge technologies and products, providing a competitive edge to businesses operating in Japan.
Environmental Sustainability
Commitment to Green Energy
Japan is at the forefront of environmental sustainability, with significant investments in green energy and eco-friendly technologies. The country has set ambitious targets for reducing carbon emissions and increasing the use of renewable energy sources. For investors, this focus on sustainability opens up opportunities in sectors such as clean energy, electric vehicles, and green technologies.
Sustainable Practices
Japanese companies are increasingly adopting sustainable practices in their operations. From reducing waste to improving energy efficiency, these practices not only benefit the environment but also enhance the companies' reputations and market positions. Investors can benefit from this by aligning their portfolios with environmentally responsible companies, which are likely to see long-term growth.
Financial Markets and Investment Opportunities
Diverse Investment Options
Japan's financial markets offer a diverse range of investment options, from equities and bonds to real estate and venture capital. The Tokyo Stock Exchange is one of the largest in the world, providing access to a wide array of publicly traded companies. Additionally, Japan's real estate market, particularly in major cities, presents lucrative opportunities for property investment.
Stable Financial System
Japan's financial system is known for its stability and robustness. The country's banking sector is well-regulated, and its financial institutions are among the most reliable globally. This stability provides a secure environment for investors, ensuring that their investments are protected and managed efficiently.
Healthcare and Biotechnology
Advanced Healthcare System
Japan boasts one of the most advanced healthcare systems in the world. The country's focus on medical research and development has led to significant advancements in healthcare technologies and treatments. For investors, this translates into opportunities in the healthcare and biotechnology sectors, which are poised for growth.
Aging Population
Japan's aging population presents unique investment opportunities. With a growing demand for healthcare services, elder care, and related technologies, investors can tap into this expanding market. Companies that cater to the needs of the elderly population are likely to see substantial growth in the coming years.
Investing in Japan offers a multitude of advantages, from economic stability and technological innovation to a skilled workforce and robust infrastructure. The country's commitment to sustainability, its strategic location in Asia, and a thriving start-up ecosystem further enhance its attractiveness as an investment destination. With a stable financial system, diverse investment opportunities, and government support, Japan stands out as a prime location for investors seeking long-term growth and stability. By unlocking the potential of the Japanese market, investors can diversify their portfolios, tap into new opportunities, and achieve significant returns.
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firedragon1321 · 9 months
Holy crap they just dumped a lot of robots. And other things.
This Shinkalion Change the World update is from Takara Tomy and the official website. It confirms all my past posts thus far, plus provides more info. I'll start with the giant robots in part 1 (had to split this due to image limits). Part 2 is here. Source website is here if you want to explore on your own.
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The Shinkalions
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First up, it's the E5, which really doesn't look impressive without the attachments but I guess that's the point. There is art of the attachments and Shinkasens, but I can't add those due to image limits. If you want me to grab them, let me know.
"Shinkalion E5 Hayabusa Trailer Form
A vehicle combination of "Shinkalion E5 Hayabusa" and "Elda Trailer".
The ``Trailer Wing'' attached to its shoulders has the function of improving its mobility, and it is good at close combat by making full use of ``Rixou Saber'' and ``Rear Car Shield.''
The "Grand Cross" equipped on the chest unit releases a powerful blow.
Total length / 11m Weight / 65t
Shinkalion E5 Hayabusa
Shinkalion is the transformed lead car of the E5 Shinkansen Hayabusa.
The chest unit is equipped with a Grand Cross.
It is good at high-speed battles that take advantage of the speed of the E5 Shinkansen, and is compatible with the Elda Trailer, which enhances its mobility.
Total length / 11m Weight / 50t
Shinkansen E5 series Hayabusa
A high-performance vehicle that achieves high speed, speed, and environmental friendliness.
Its running speed is 320km/h, the fastest in Japan.
Elda Trailer
The Elda vehicle was developed with the motif of a large trailer used to transport the Shinkansen overland.
Unlike a normal trailer, the body has a special shape, so Shinkalion can be transported overland in an emergency."
Next, the E6. GOOD GRIEF HE'S NAKED- until the attachments go on. All the Shinkalions are like this btw.
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"Shinkalion E6 Komachi Top Lifter Form
A vehicle combination of "Shinkalion E6 Komachi" and "Elda Top Lifter".
It doesn't give the opponent a chance to get close to it with its shooting attacks using the "Kintei Gun" and agile movements using the "high mobility rollers" on its legs.
The large cannon "Twist Rock Buster" attached to its back boasts overwhelming firepower and won't miss even distant enemies.
Total length / 18.5m Weight / 59t
Shinkalion E6 Komachi
Shinkalion is the transformed lead car of the E6 Shinkansen Komachi.
The forehead is decorated with red waves and silver, reminiscent of the symbol mark of the E6 Shinkansen Komachi.
Due to the high running stability of the E6 Shinkansen, it is compatible with the Elda Top Lifter, which requires precise sniping performance.
Total length / 11.5m Weight / 47.5t
Shinkansen E6 series Komachi
A Shinkansen that boasts a speed of 320 km/h, comparable to the Shinkansen E5 series Hayabusa.
It can also travel through narrow tunnels and curves where regular Shinkansen trains cannot travel.
Elda Top Lifter
The Elda vehicle was developed with the motif of a top lifter working to move large containers at a freight station.
The short body of the vehicle allows it to move around in tight corners, allowing it to run quickly while avoiding obstacles."
Last we have the E7. Still called the Kagayaki despite Google Translate's fooling around.
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"Shinkalion E7 Shiny Drill Form
A vehicle combination of "Shinkalion E7 Kagayaki" and "Eldadrill".
The thick armor worn all over the body, such as the ``Kusaku Bumper'' on the chest and the ``Drill Leg Armor'' on the legs, can fend off enemies that approach.
The heavy blows from the "Twin Kussaku Drills" attached to both arms are the key to breaking through the front lines.
Total length / 11.5m Weight / 100t
Shinkalion E7 Kagayaki
Shinkalion is the transformed lead car of the Shinkansen E7 Shinkansen.
The forehead has an arrow-like design reminiscent of the shiny symbol mark of the E7 Shinkansen.
Due to the characteristics of the E7 series, which runs on difficult railway sections such as gradients, it is compatible with the Elda Drill.
Total length / 10.5m Weight / 55t
Shinkansen E7 series Shinkansen
The equipment is compatible so that it can run across regions with different power supply frequencies.
The maximum speed is 260km/h.
Elda Drill
The Elda vehicle was developed with a focus on the strength of large heavy machinery for tunnel construction and mining work.
No matter how hard the rock is, it can drill holes with great effort using a large drill in the front and small drills on the left and right."
My Rambling
So one thing I consistently noticed here is that the attachments are called "Elda". This could be Google Translate messing with the word "elder", but I'm not certain.
Not much to say that isn't obvious. These are standard for their type and don't bring any surprises to the table (no heavyset E6 or sniper E7, for example). And Gran Cross will also naturally return.
But Wait- There's More!
Something I noticed on Takara Tomy's Twitter is...
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They combine! Not only that, but there's three possible combinations that feature the body and weapons of each Shinkalion. I would have killed for something like this in Z (Hanabi and Taiju deserve better.)
You may notice I posted toy ads. There's no clean anime art right now. I don't know how soon these will drop in the anime. But I don't expect the wait to be very long.
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influencermagazineuk · 10 months
Wonders of Japan: Tradition, Technology, and Tranquility
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Japan, a country deeply rooted in tradition yet at the forefront of technological innovation, never ceases to captivate with its myriad wonders. One of the most striking aspects that amazes visitors is the seamless blend of ancient customs and cutting-edge technology. Walking through the bustling streets of Tokyo, you're immersed in a juxtaposition of historic shrines nestled between towering skyscrapers. The efficiency of Japan's public transportation system is nothing short of awe-inspiring. Bullet trains, or Shinkansen, whisk passengers across the country at incredible speeds, exemplifying precision and punctuality. This level of efficiency extends to the intricate dance of pedestrian traffic in busy urban centers, where the orderly flow seems almost choreographed. The culinary scene in Japan is a sensory delight that never fails to amaze. From meticulously crafted sushi to steaming bowls of ramen, each dish reflects a commitment to perfection. It's not just the taste but also the artistry in presentation, transforming meals into visual feasts. In addition, the concept of vending machines dispensing everything from hot coffee to fresh eggs on street corners is both practical and surprisingly delightful. Japan's reverence for nature is palpable, especially during the ethereal cherry blossom season. Witnessing the delicate pink blooms blanket the landscape is a breathtaking experience that symbolizes the transient beauty of life. The meticulous gardens, like those in Kyoto, further showcase Japan's profound connection to nature, inviting contemplation and tranquility. Another marvel is the prevalence of advanced robotics. From humanoid robots providing customer service in hotels to lifelike androids, Japan leads in the integration of robotics into daily life. The realism and functionality of these creations blur the lines between the artificial and human, leaving observers in a state of fascination. Venturing into the realm of traditional arts, the precision of Japanese craftsmanship shines through. Whether it's the intricate art of tea ceremonies, the fluid movements of Noh and Kabuki performances, or the timeless beauty of Ikebana (flower arranging), the dedication to preserving and evolving these cultural treasures is truly remarkable. Japan's dedication to cleanliness is evident in the lack of public trash cans, yet the streets remain immaculate. This cultural norm reflects a collective responsibility for one's surroundings, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a harmonious and tidy environment. In every corner of Japan, the public onsens (hot springs) stand as a testament to a culture that embraces communal relaxation. The ritual of bathing transcends mere physical cleansing; it embodies a social and spiritual practice deeply ingrained in daily life. In essence, the things that amaze in Japan extend beyond the visible and tangible. It's a tapestry woven with threads of tradition, innovation, nature, and meticulous attention to detail. Exploring the wonders of Japan is a journey that not only broadens one's understanding but leaves an indelible imprint of admiration for a nation that gracefully balances its rich heritage with a forward-thinking spirit. Read the full article
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