#Robin has obviously listened and loves lup
corrodedcoughin · 2 years
Steve listens to TAZ Balance in secret one day because he wants to know what all this fuss is about between Eddie and Dustin.
Finally, he just can’t take not talking about it. “Tell me that Sloane and Hurley aren’t like that forever!” He blurts it out, tears in his eyes and Eddie grins.
It’s the only matching tattoo they have. The BOB symbol on their left forearms.
Steve’s just like me…
He LOVES Garfield the deals warlock and gets a fixation on upsy ‘your lifting friend’ I’m talking absolute huge fan, thinks he’s the best character and asks Eddie to draw him. Eddie obliges but is shaking his head the whole time.
Eddie and Dustin make sure they listen to the final arc as a trio and by the end they are all sniffling and wiping their eyes. None of them hold back.
ALSO!!! Steve OBVIOUSLY agrees with taako on his stance with Angus, playing it off like of course Angus is annoying taako has more important stuff to be doing! just like how Steve is always the babysitter (Eddie and Dustin both know that taako loves Angus and Steve loves his kids)
Eddie and Steve as taako and kravitz WHEN???
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