#Robin deserves better parents and thats what I'm here to provide
childofhermes03 · 2 years
I let the brainrot win. The werewolf!Robin is now on its way. In the meantime enjoy this small teaser while I absolutely destroy my keyboard for the rest of the day.
Despite the memory of that nightmarish hellscape they escaped not even a month ago, Robin once again found herself outside staring up at the moon. It was full tonight, lighting up the expanse of trees and grass in a soft glow as she sat on a hill just past the outskirts of the forest. There was an electric buzz in the air, but it could also just be the cicadas furiously vibrating from their perches in the trees. Something felt different though. The air was charged with something Robin couldn't quite place. 
The blonde took a deep breath in, letting the fresh air fill her lungs. It was a far cry from the stagnant, dead air of the Upside-down. She held her breath, letting it burn her lungs just a little before she released the breath, and with it the stress she's felt building up inside of her the last couple of weeks. She let the feeling wash over her, the warm burning sensation growing stronger in her chest. It was comforting, feeling so at ease for once. Everything had been so hectic. With Eddie and Max in the hospital, the Byers back in town after a Russian jailbreak, and the literal gates of hell bursting open throughout their small rural town, everything seemed to be going a mile a minute. She found peace in her friends, Steve was always so good at calming her down from her paranoid state, but it always seemed like a temporary solution. It was like putting a band-aid on a gaping wound. Sure it would absorb some of the blood, but there was only so much it could take before the crimson liquid seeped out onto the floor. 
The burning grew then, spreading to her limbs. It was a hot, angry pain, and Robin did her best to fend it off. She coughed, scratched, clawed at her skin but nothing would ease the pain. She screamed willing the pain to disperse but it remained persistent, and as her vision blurred she wondered if this was really the way she would go out. Not by monsters or a mob of angry townspeople, but by herself in the middle of the forest, choking on air that hurt too much to breathe. At least it would be somewhere familiar to her, and compared to the alternatives, it was a relatively peaceful way to go in spite of the searing pain that shot through her bones.
There was a crack and her body doubled over from the pain. It took her a second to recognize that it was her own spine that had made such a ghastly noise, but as cracked the pain died down to a simmer, replaced by a sudden relief. The girl felt her skin shift and change as her back and legs moved of their own accord, and panic began to set in quickly as the initial shock wore off.
She wasn't dying.
No this was something much, much worse. She was changing, her body was shifting into something completely unfamiliar to her. She screamed again but it seemed like the trees absorbed them, creating a soundproof barrier around her and isolating her from the outside world. 
Robin wanted nothing more than to go home, for her dad to hold her and tell her everything was going to be okay. It was a childish thought she knew, but everything hurt and she just wanted to go home. 
She watched as her hands and feet changed, and as she screamed her jaw popped and shifted into a dog-like muzzle. Her cry morphed into a howl, and for the first time in what felt like an eternity, the burning had stopped. In fact it felt like everything stopped as she flopped onto the dirt exhausted. Her skin was now covered in thick dirty brown fur, her teeth razor sharp in her mouth, and her hands and feet were now adorned with knife-like claws. It felt surreal. Sure, she had read a couple articles about supposed lycanthropy, and had been obsessed with "A Werewolf in London" when she had first seen it, but those were supposed to be fake. They were supposed to be nothing more than mystical fairy tales made up by old-timey people who didn't want their kids running into the forest to get eaten by wolves. Now though, after seeing the physical manifestation of hell right before her eyes, Robin supposed that someone turning into a canine wasn't as far fetched as it may have seemed.
There was a snap of a branch behind her and Robin whirled around quickly, half expecting another animal or interdimensional being. However as she turned, a blinding white light blinded her far too sensitive eyes and she crawled back in an attempt to put some distance between her and whoever was behind the light.
"Robbie?" A gentle male voice called. The flashlight was lowered and there in the pale moonlight was her father. The silver in her dark brown hair seemed to shine under the light, and his gentle blue eyes stared down at her with something akin to empathy. "Oh, sweetie."
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