#Robin being the typical walking timebomb
searsage · 3 months
-PDA/message transmission: Time: 0437-06/22/*****-
Sam: Robin..? Why in the devine hell are you texting me this late?!
Robin: Oh good you're awake!
Sam: Now I'm awake, it's 4am...did something happen?
Robin: What? Happen... Like what?
Sam: I don't know anything, Something bad..? Throw me a bone!
Robin: Ohhhh! No...but YES!
Sam:...What? Robin you're not making sense..
Robin: Stop talking so loud he's sleeping, you know they hardly do that..?
Sam: I'm not talking loud, I'm texting you god damn it! I'd ask if those architects switched your brain out for a chipmunk's but you've always texted like you were half in the barrel of helium poisoning...
Robin: What!? Rude!
Sam: Why are you texting me in the middle of the night Robin!?
Robin: Oh! Right-right! So..like he's bigger than I thought... like I only reach his chest.
Sam: Is that bad..? Should I be worried..?
Robin: Oh..well no, it's ok I guess. He wants to take me on a tour of the planet, it's not the worst idea, it's kind of gorgeous here, even if it's mostly water.
Sam: That sounds fun...so why are you on the phone at 3 am..?
Robin: Right! I'm getting there, stop rushing me! I asked him about the whole intimacy inquiry in his ad, he claims it wasn't necessary to be compensated for my time.
Sam: That's GREAT! It would have been a deal breaker really, at least you know he's a freak but not that type of freak.
Robin: Haha..yeah...but like..
Sam: Like what..?
Robin: He's not so bad, kind of stuck up and awkward but knowledgeable when it comes to the wildlife here.
Sam: Uh-huh..well just make sure he doesn't try any funny business, you're there to keep him company and aid in his research so..he better not get any ideas.
Robin: Trust me he doesn't seem interested really, far too enthralled by the alkaline levels in the water!
Sam: Oh he's that type of nerd..
Robin: Yeah.
Sam: Jeez i almost feel bad setting this up, seems like you're going to spend the next month licking stones.
Robin: Hey! That's a valid way of testing sodium levels
Sam: Yeah. For a moose!
Robin: You're...not wrong. Ok i'm going to go to bed now
Sam: Ok keep me posted, let me know if i need to fly there and kick his shrimpy architect ass
Robin: Oh his tail! It wiggles sometimes! Usually when he's startled or excited! It's really cute if I'm going to be honest here..
Sam: Shut up, I need some sleep!
Robin: I'm texting remember!
Sam: Oh for the love of god!
Robin: Your words not mine!
Sam: Just be careful and get some sleep.
Robin: Okay..and Sam..?
Sam: Yeah?
Robin: Thanks for setting this whole thing up, I was really in a pinch, it means a lot..."
Sam: Sure Robin, anything for my little sis. Love you too, good night"
Robin: Night..
-PDA/message transmission: Time: 0313-06/27/*****-
Sam:WHAT what?!  Where are you!? Are you okay?!
Robin: Saaaaaaam!
Sam: Are you in serious danger or something?!
Robin:Huh? Oh! no, I'm fine...physically...
Sam: Then why the hell are you spamming my phone at 3 am in the morning Robin?! You almost gave me a heart attack!
Robin: Oh sorry.. I just needed to talk..
Sam: Okay, about what? is everything ok..?
Robin: No, Not really..
Sam: What happened? Was it something with Alan? Was he being a creep?! Damn it! Do you need me to pick you up? Because I will! Just say the word.
Robin: Uh...no, it's...nothing like that...really.
Sam: Then throw me a bone here Robin! You've been acting strange as hell tonight...I'm worried..
Robin: I...I we..uhh...I slept with him...
Sam: You WHAT?!
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