#Robert Polack
leitoracomcompanhia · 4 years
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“Um dia, em que passeava nas proximidades do castelo, pelo pequeno bosque a que chamavam parque, Cunegundes viu entre as moitas o doutor Pangloss que estava dando uma lição de física experimental à camareira de sua mãe, moreninha muito bonita e dócil.”
 Voltaire, “Cândido”; aguarela de Robert Polack.
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jtargaryen18 · 4 years
Pretty Baby
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Part 3
Pairings: Robert Pronge aka Mr. Freezy (The Iceman) x Reader
Word Count: 5k
Warnings: This is a dark story for me. Bad language, hit-men, assassination, death by cyanide poisoning. chloroform, kidnapping, non-con, general creepiness. Use of the word Polack which is an offensive slur. This chapter deals with references to bullying, death, dismemberment, and a severed head. Please read responsibly.
Summary: A mark’s daughter is in the wrong place at the right time for Mr. Freezy…He decides to keep her. 
Part 1 | Part 2
I don’t consent to have my work hosted on any third party app or site or translated. If you are seeing this fanfiction anywhere but tumblr and AO3, it’s been reposted without my permission.
Robert smiled as he navigated his ice cream truck out of New York City, humming along with the radio as he drove. When the light turned red, he pulled out a Lucky Strike and lit it, taking a nice long drag.
This little girl is mine…
He liked the song, turned it up. He had a little girl of his own at home. And tonight? Was going to be so much fun.
Robert brought her presents tonight. Like a good husband.
The sun was just setting when he pulled up in the drive of the little brick ranch house he’d bought for her and he snuffed out his cigarette. His gaze roamed over their home. He was honestly pleased with all the progress she’d made. Sure, he hired a kid from down the street to come take care of the lawn. She was nowhere near ready to be outside the house. Not yet.
But the windows were all fixed with new glass. Colorful, frilly curtains lit them up to make the house look cheerful. Cozy.
Soft like her.
Carefully grabbing the shopping bag and the bowling bag from the passenger seat, Robert climbed down from the truck and headed for the front door. The smell of dinner hit him as soon as he walked in and he took a big whiff. He was late tonight but everything still smelled amazing.
Stashing her gifts in the coat closet, he headed for the kitchen.
There she was working at the stove, her hair tied back. The yellow dress draped softly over her curves and her feet were bare just the way he liked. Curls of smoke rose from the steaming pots before her and it was fucking hot in there. Perspiration dotted the skin at the back of her neck like dewdrops.
Grabbing her about the waist, Robert pressed a kiss to the back of her neck, tasting the salty drops on her skin. She froze in his grip, her body tight as a bow string and he grinned.
“What’s for supper?” he asked, sliding his hands up to cover the swells of her breasts, giving them a squeeze.
“Pot roast,” she said quietly. “With some vegetables and au gratin potatoes.”
“I have time to get a shower?”
She nodded, meek as a mouse. Sliding his hands back down to her hips, he turned her around to face him. She wore just a hint of makeup, her hair looked nice. The locket he brought her last week hung between her breasts, the kitchen light winking off its dull gold surface.
“Welcome me home properly, baby,” he said glancing down at her.
She moved in closer, her hands sliding up the shirt he wore when he sold ice cream. Her lips were a gentle press against his, soft and careful.
Robert smiled against her lips. She was the perfect little wife.
He took a quick shower while she finished dinner. It was all served and waiting for him when he walked into the dining room and took a seat across from her. Now that she was done cooking, she’d taken down her hair, unfolded her napkin to place it in her lap.
“What did you do today, baby?” He asked as dug into his meal, appreciating what a good cook his girl was.
“Well, I finished painting the guest room,” she replied. “I just have the trim left to finish… I can show it to you after dinner.”
Robert smiled, enjoying the excellent pot roast she’d made for their dinner. “Not tonight, baby. I brought you presents.”
Curiosity had those big eyes on him. He couldn’t wait for her to see them. It was all he could do to make himself stay at the table and enjoy dinner with her.
“You’ve been a good girl lately,” he explained. “I thought that earned you a couple of gifts.”
Nodding, she dropped her gaze. “Thank you, Robert.”
Grabbing the paper from where she’d placed it by his plate, he casually skimmed over the day’s news. His mind wasn’t retaining any of it. And she did what she always did and ate quietly while he read.
Robert hadn’t been lying when he said she’d been good. Now she was too good. As angry as her small acts of rebellion had made him at first, she now did what he wanted to the letter like there was no fight left in her.
And that was funny. Now he missed her fighting him, her fear. The sex was so much better when her anxiety level was high.
Yeah, sometimes he’d sabotage her to give himself a reason to punish her. Spanking was her favorite punishment. Her little cunt got so wet when he turned fired her ass up, letting him know that it really worked on her. He enjoyed watching her sit gingerly in the days following. He’d bend her over the kitchen table, the couch, whatever he wanted and fuck her raw after those scenes, knowing the pain would enhance her pleasure.
There’d been other things. Edging. Orgasm denial. Once he’d left her in tears, naked and spread eagle on the guest bed after edging her for hours. One time she’d really pissed him off, trying to get out the kitchen door without a stitch on. Well, he’d done one better. He’d tied her to the bed spread out and mounted a vibrator to stay up against her clit for the rest of the night.
The cries and moans coming from the room next door had been so good, he didn’t sleep either. He had to fight himself not to go in there, pull the damn vibe away and ride her until she couldn’t walk. He had jerked off to her though.
Tonight? Tonight would be special. A psychological treat. Robert couldn’t fucking wait.
Taking a deep breath, you glanced up from your plate. Robert sat smirking at you from the other side of the table and you felt a wave of apprehension wash over you.
Most days he drove an ice cream truck, but you knew what he did was nowhere near that innocent. He’d told you he killed people for a living, and you took him at his word. It wasn’t unusual for him to come home with blood splattered on his clothes. He told you from the beginning to put anything you found blood on to the side and he’d do it. You did. You didn’t want to think about whose blood was on each item of stained clothing you found when you were doing the wash.
On an average day, he came home and showered before dinner. He watched TV while you cleaned up the kitchen and put up the leftovers. You joined him in the living room, sitting next to him on the couch until he decided he was ready to go to bed. And it was a rare night that he didn’t expect sex from you.
And you weren’t allowed to just lie there and think of Jesus. No, Robert made you react. He made you do a lot of things.
Tonight? Oh, something was different. You felt an almost manic energy coming off him tonight as he watched you closely.
He said he brought you presents tonight. He did that a lot lately. Dresses and sandals. He didn’t like close-toed shoes. He preferred that you didn’t wear shoes when he was home. The locket you wore, the turntable he’d brought you to play records on. You enjoyed listening to the 45s he brought you now and again. You listened to Kim Carnes, Juice Newton, and Rick Springfield while you worked around the house.
But him saying he brought you presents tonight didn’t feel like that. Wondering what he’d done filled you with dread.
“You remember that conversation we had a couple of weeks ago?” he asked, his blue eyes intent on you from behind those large-framed glasses.
You’d learned the hard way not to pretend you knew what he was talking about unless you were absolutely sure.
“Which conversation?” you asked quietly, not meeting his gaze.
“The one where we talked about your childhood.” You waited as he took a long drink of water. “You growing up without a father figure in your life. How it left you afraid sometimes.”
You remembered the conversation very well. It would have been so much easier to be his prisoner if you’d just been an object to him. His little wife who cooked and cleaned and worked on his house. The little woman who had sex with him on demand. It would have been easier to have been something he could take for granted.
But that wasn’t the case.
Robert wanted to know everything about you. Not that there was a lot to tell.
You’d dropped the wine goblet during communion in elementary school, caught chicken pox and missed the Christmas play in middle school, and got bullied by the most popular girl in your high school. That was as interesting as your life got. Your first year in college hadn’t been so bad aside from losing your beloved mother.
Then, of course, you finally met your father only to have him murdered. Robert had then decided to take you in as his “wife.”
Robert wanted to talk about trauma. He’d made you admit there were times that you’d felt unsafe with just your mother as your protector. He made you thank him for protecting you by showing you how to give him a blow job. And oh, how he loved that little treat.
Finally, you nodded, afraid of where he might be going with this. “I remember, Robert.”
“Good,” he said, his grin wide. “Clean up everything in here and meet me in our bedroom when you’re done. I’ll give you your presents.”
“Thank you,” you told him as sincerely as you could and got to work.
You knew you weren’t getting out of cleaning the kitchen. But you wrapped it up quickly and stopped by the bathroom before you made your way to the bedroom where Robert sprawled across the bed you shared watching some police show on the TV there.
When he sensed your presence, he got up, walking over to the TV to turn it off. His gaze was heated and dirty as he slowly took you in.
There was a gift bag on the bed and a bowling ball bag next to it. Was he going to take you bowling? You weren’t very good at it. You looked to him in question. You didn’t dare move or assume you could go over there and see what you’d gotten.
You weren’t sure you wanted to know.
Robert walked back to the bed, sitting on the edge of it and patting his thighs. You approached him, taking a seat on his lap. His body was hard and heated around yours. Reaching over, he grabbed the gift bag and handed it to you.
“Open your present,” he purred close to your ear, the scratch of his beard on your shoulder as he pressed an open-mouthed kiss on your skin there.
“Thank you,” you tried to sound sweet. You dug through the tissue paper filling the little blue bag, finally finding your prize at its bottom. You felt beads. A necklace?
When you pulled it out, you were shocked to find a very familiar looking rosary clutched in your hand.
“Is this…?” Your gaze moved over the pink-tinted glass beads of the rosary, and you let your fingers skim over each one until you got to the crucifix attached to it. When you turned it in your hand to look at the back, your heart raced to see your name carved crudely into the silver. You’d etched that yourself as a freshman in high school.
It was your rosary, stolen from you in your senior year, just as you were getting ready for confirmation.
Calliope Dennings had stolen it from you and that wasn’t even the worst thing she’d done to you.
“It was yours, right?” Robert’s voice was close to your ear.
“Yes,” you admitted. “It is… Where did you find this?”
You felt him shake around you, quiet laughter. “What was that bitch’s name who took it from you?”
That feeling of dread only got worse.
“Calliope,” you said slowly. “Calliope Dennings.”
“Yeah,” he replied. “Pretentious fucking name… Remind me what she did to you?”
You knew he could feel you trembling. You were sitting on his lap. The hard press of him beneath your ass did nothing to lessen your anxiety.
“She bullied me in school,” you said quietly.
“Bullied you,” Robert echoed your words. “It was a little more than that, wasn’t it? She got pissed at you for talking to her Polack boyfriend, right?”
You nodded mutely. You’d told him that already.
“Then you said she caught you after classes in school and she and her friends took your purse, took stuff out of your locker. Roughed you up a bit.”
Again, you nodded, your trembling getting worse.
“I paid the bitch a little visit,” Robert told you boastfully, one arm winding around your waist.
Your hand clutched that rosary. You started reciting the prayers in your mind as you waited for the bomb to drop. And you knew there would be one.
“You said she roughed you up, but you were being noble.” Robert pressed a kiss into your hair. “My noble little wife.”
What had he done?
“She didn’t really want to talk to me… at first. But eventually, she got around to telling me her side of the story. And it was interesting, baby.” More kisses pressed to your neck, your jaw. “She said she was afraid her Polack boyfriend wanted a virgin, and you were obviously that, so she decided to scare you off. Said they dragged you into the bathroom by your hair.”
You were already shaking your head in denial. You didn’t want to remember it. You didn’t want to think about it.
“She said that she and her little friends all pissed in the same toilet,” Robert said low in your ear. “And then they shoved your head in there.”
They had.
“Then they beat the shit out you.”
Your heart pounded in dread and fear as images of that day flashed in your mind. You’d had bruises for weeks and had been too afraid to report it. You’d begged your mother to let you drop out of school. She wouldn’t hear of it. Graduation had only been two months later. They had been two of the most miserable months of your life.
“Is that true, baby?”
Your mind spun. Robert had found Calliope? Had gone to see her? She told him what she did to you?
“Yes.” Tears were choking your voice.
“Shhh,” he soothed you, smoothing a hand over your hair while the other arm held onto you. “She can’t hurt you anymore.”
The matter of fact tone of his voice pushed at your escalating fear. What did he mean she couldn’t hurt you anymore? Dark suspicions filled your mind.
Reaching behind him, he grabbed the bowling ball bag and placed it on your lap, knocking the weightless gift bag to the floor. You’d expected it to be heavy, but it was lighter than you thought it would be.
Not wanting to set your rosary to the side, you dropped it around your neck, the crucifix hanging just beneath the golden locket you wore. Your hands shook as you gripped the leather handles of the blue and white bag.
“Open your present, baby,” Robert whispered, nearly vibrating beneath you.
Fear and anxiety had tears filling your eyes. “What is it?”
“Open it and find out.”
A tear slid down your cheek, dropping on the leather bag. “I’m afraid,” you admitted.
Robert huffed out an exhale. “The point of all this is to get you over that fear.”
One rough hand grabbed the tab of the zipper and he roughly pulled it from one side to the other.
You froze when you saw the shiny locks of blonde hair. You shook your head, frantically trying to pull free of his grip, to get away from that bag…
“No, you’re going to look at it,” he said forcefully. “I went to a lot of trouble to get you this present. And you’re going to fucking appreciate it.”
His arm tightened around your waist and before you could shove the bag off your lap, he reached in and grabbed that hair, roughly pulling a severed head out.
You screamed then, taking in Calliope’s dead face, her skin already discolored and dotted with dried blood. Robert’s other hand moved up to clamp over your mouth, his hold hard as he held the head up in your field of vision.
“Look at her,” Robert said as if he were showing you a new dress or a pair of shoes. “I did this for you.”
Fear and disbelief silenced you. After a moment, he dropped his hand from your mouth, still holding onto you with that arm.
Throwing all your weight against that arm, you managed to free yourself to dash across the room to the door.
“No one’s gonna hurt you now,” he told you meaningfully.
No one except you.
“This was for you,” he reiterated, smirking at you. He was enjoying this.
You took off running. Tears were blurring your eyes as you made it to the kitchen. Your hands worked frantically at the deadbolt, the chain lock…
Your fault. Your fault Calliope was dead. You didn’t want to think about what might have happened to her before he killed her. You just hoped that she was dead when he cut off her head. The jagged line of skin with its ripped flesh had you shrinking in fear.
You’d never be able to expel the sight from your mind.
You got the lock at the doorknob of the kitchen door. Your heart was pounding, your mind was a runaway train. Had Calliope changed in the years since high school? Did she have a family?
Why wasn’t Robert chasing you down?
As if your thoughts conjured him, he came strutting down the hall, his shoulders filling up most of the hallway space. His smirk made your heart drop. Oh, you’d be paying for this.
What the fuck did he expect? He brought you the severed head of a woman you’d gone to high school with. Sure, she’d tortured you. But did she deserve that?
Robert stopped a few feet from you, that intent gaze taking you in.
You left your hand on the doorknob behind you, even as he stood there staring at you, you began to turn it.
“This is the thanks I get?” Robert demanded in way too calm a voice. “You going to run right out of here?”
The knob turned more.
“If you open that door…”
You turned the knob a little more. You heart felt like it would beat its way out of your ribcage. Could you make it out the door this time? Could you manage to get away?
“Sure you want to try that?” he goaded you.
You sniffled, tears streaking your face. “I have to try. Don’t I?”
He said nothing to that, just folded his huge arms across the wide expanse of his chest.
“One day it might be my head in that bag,” you pointed out, feeling the door give behind you.
It happened in the blink of an eye. You yanked the door open meaning to spin around and dash out of it. The door slammed shut in your face before you got that far and you were roughly flung away from the door, sprawled across the kitchen floor.
Robert was coming at you then but for once, you didn’t cower. You climbed to your feet before he could jerk you up by your hair. Using your hands, you shoved him back by his chest when he persisted.
Now he was full-on grinning at you.
“That’s more like it,” Robert taunted you.
He stalked you, backing you up until you were in the hallway. You tried to dodge around him only to have him catch you about the waist with one powerful arm. Hauling you back against him, he easily carried you back into the bedroom, kicking the door shut as he went.
Calliope’s head was discarded, lying on its side on the floor with its sightless eyes staring the opposite way.
Robert slammed you on the bed and followed you down, only taking the time to pull off his glasses and toss them to the floor behind him. He was all over you with a heavy thigh shoving its way between yours, his hands trying to shackle yours as you fought him.
You knew you wouldn’t win but frustration had you trying. You pounded his upper body with your fists, trying to reach his face, grab his long hair. That he was laughing at your efforts only made you more determined to fight him.
“How did you feel?” Robert demanded, capturing one of your hands while his wide thigh nudged at you through the soft summer dress. “How did seeing her make you feel?”
You were both panting like you’d run a mile. You managed to land a blow upside his head before he grabbed that hand too, pressing it down on the bed.
“Horrified,” you spat at him. “You killed her!”
“Like you didn’t want to.” Hot kisses trailed down your neck and blended with the rough of his beard, the soft tresses of his hair. “You thought a lot about doing that bitch in. Admit it.”
You were getting tired. Frustration at the heat building at your core, the way he was blazing a trail with his mouth down to your chest.
“I… hated her,” you managed. “I’ll admit it. But wanting to kill her? No.”
“Bullshit,” he muttered angrily.
He released one of your hands to grip the front of your dress and rip it down to your thighs, the rending fabric barely making itself heard over the labored rasps of your breathing. More hot kisses smeared across your chest as he ground himself into your tummy now, his weight forcing you into the mattress.
The entire time you hit at him, slapped him one-handed.
Your bra was a weak barrier, he tore that away easily. Roughly he yanked off your rosary and locket. His eyes were wild when his mouth fastened around your nipple, leaving you gasping with your thighs clenched around his. His teeth nipped at the tight peak until you cried out, his hand sliding down your body.
When his rough hand slid into your panties, you were mortified that he found your center hot and slick. Robert lifted his head to grin at you, pulling his fingers free of you before bringing them to his mouth. His gaze never left you, his expression nearly gleeful.
You managed to pull your other hand free and jolted up. The room spun as he caught you by the throat, manhandling you until you were on your hands and knees on the bed. You were facing the window, the same window Calliope’s discarded head faced.
You felt sick and your stomach dropped when you realized what he wanted. One strong hand held you by the back of your neck while the other ripped away what was left of your dress, your panties.
“Fucking little liar,” he hissed. The clink of a belt buckle, the drop of a zipper. You felt him shifting behind you, shoving his jeans down his hips. When you tried to break his hold, his fingers tightened, and he shoved your head down until your chin grazed the bed’s surface. “This got you really worked up, didn’t it?”
No. No. Because what kind of person did that make you?
Robert wasted no time spearing into you. It only took a few sharp thrusts to split you open, to reach the end of you. One hand tightly gripped your hip, pulling you back onto his cock without any pause. The other hand painfully wrapped itself in your hair, forcing you to face the severed head he’d brought you.
“Keep your eyes on your friend,” Robert’s voice was strained as he started fucking you, his thrusts brutal and fast.
It didn’t hurt. Oh, no. Your inner walls clutched around him, wrapped him in all the wetness your core had gathered in its strange craving. 
What was wrong with you? The situation was sick. The man holding you captive had found your high school tormentor, cut off her head, and brought it to you as a souvenir. That he was fucking the hell out of you and making you look at it didn’t surprise you. Robert was a cold-hearted killer, volatile and depraved.
What was your excuse?
Your hands clutched at the comforter tightly as he took your roughly from behind. The slapping of your bodies, his rough grunts, and your cries and moans were a macabre chorus floating around you. Your pussy clamped around him, the way he battered into you satisfying some primal need you didn’t know you had.
Your eyes were riveted to Calliope’s head and you were grateful it wasn’t facing you. Shame blended with lust in your bloodstream, racing through your veins until your core tightened and your thighs trembled in raw need.
What kind of person were you? Were you getting off on this?
Squeezing your eyes shut, you decided to pretend the head wasn’t there. You’d focus on the pleasure whether you wanted to or not.
Robert always made you react to him, made you come until you couldn’t breathe. His grip on your ass was painful, his thrusts greedy and deep.
The orgasm had you crying out, fighting to stay upright. Your scalp burned at the tight grip he had on your hair and your walls fluttered around his driving cock. Wanting more, needing more.
Just focus on him fucking you.
And even though you faced away from him, he knew. He always fucking knew.
You yelped when his hand struck your ass cheek, the sting sharp. Robert pulled himself out of you before roughly shoving you face down on the bed.
“Open your goddamn eyes,” he hissed right in your ear. “You can tell yourself you don’t want to look at it all you want, pretty baby.” His breath was a hot rush against your skin. Roughly, his cock shoved back into you, his weight holding you down. “But I don’t think… you’ve ever come so hard.”
You shook from the release, unable to stop him as he began thrusting into you again. He was heavy, and the angle of his cock changed as he shifted and ground into you. One hand wrapped around your throat. The other clutched in your hair again, forcing you to look at the prize he brought you.
Robert’s lips moved in a frenzy over your neck and jaw as he continued to fuck you hard. Hot breath fanned across the side of your face as his cock worked in you, so deep you didn’t know if you’d ever be free of him. You felt his gaze on you, verifying you were still staring at Calliope’s head.
“Everybody’s got a darkness in them,” he huffed into your ear. “Even you…”
You tried to say no, to shake your head. His fingers tightened around your neck in warning. His hips pushed harder, hitting your front wall in a way that had you whimpering pitifully.
“She had it coming,” he muttered darkly.
Over and over he hit your spot, making you howl and flail beneath him. Your core tightened in a way that made you feel like you were about to combust. Your cries filled the room as he went at your harder.
“Fuck, baby,” Robert whispered hotly into your ear. “Not going to last with you squeezing my dick like this… “
His punishing rhythm pushed you closer to the edge. His tongue teasing the shell of your ear in a way that your core throbbing was what finished you off.
Robert fucked you through it, only pulling out to paint your ass with his release when you were shaking weakly on the bed beneath him. His shout filled the room and you felt the hot drizzle across your skin until you thought he’d never be spent.
While you fought to breathe, he dropped heavily to the bed next to you. His breath was as harsh as yours. A glance at him showed his eyes were closed, his mouth curved up into a grin that made your blood run cold.
One thing was certain. He’d really gotten off on that.
After several long moments, he pulled himself up. Robert pulled off this shirt and hiked up his jeans, scooping up his glasses after he walked around the bed. He didn’t demand you get up or say anything, merely bending down to brush a kiss over your cheek.
“We can’t keep her here,” he whispered. “She’ll be gone in the morning.”
Your heart clenched in your chest at the thought. You wouldn’t want to keep it. Never.
Robert strutted towards the kitchen as he always did after sex, returning to bed usually with a bag of Oreos and a tall glass of milk.
You managed to pull your shaking body up from the bed. You fished the yellow scrap that was your dress out of the floor, used it to wipe your ass off. You had to step around that head to get to your dresser for panties and something to sleep in.
You turned around, unable to keep from staring at it.
Memories floated through your mind of that day at the school, the way Calliope and her friends had beaten you, tortured you. Her cold mean eyes held no sympathy, her laugh had been a mocking cackle that you’d never forget.
No, you weren’t happy Robert killed her.
Maybe he killed her for you and that made part of the blame yours. But no tears came for her, no crushing remorse.
Maybe you were a terrible, rotten person at heart, and you were just now figuring that out. Maybe you deserved the hell you lived in now. 
With a deep sigh, you stepped over the head and made your way into the bathroom.
You never saw Robert watching you, smiling in the shadows.
@ididntchoosethislife​ @itgetsdarksometimes35​ @buckysteveloki-me​ @patzammit​ @smediumsmeatbae​ @cheeseburgersstuff​ @hevans-angel​ @andrusc​
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blog59-world · 3 years
Marie-lyne Bezille 1 octobre, 17:43 · YouTube ·
Étranges étrangers – Poème de Jacques Prévert Étranges étrangers Kabyles de la Chapelle et des quais de Javel hommes des pays loin cobayes des colonies Doux petits musiciens soleils adolescents de la porte d’Italie Boumians¹ de la porte de Saint-Ouen Apatrides d’Aubervilliers brûleurs des grandes ordures de la ville de Paris ébouillanteurs des bêtes trouvées mortes sur pied au beau milieu des rues Tunisiens de Grenelle embauchés débauchés manœuvres désœuvrés Polacks du Marais du Temple des Rosiers Cordonniers de Cordoue soutiers de Barcelone pêcheurs des Baléares ou bien du Finistère rescapés de Franco et déportés de France et de Navarre pour avoir défendu en souvenir de la vôtre la liberté des autres Esclaves noirs de Fréjus² tiraillés et parqués au bord d’une petite mer où peu vous vous baignez Esclaves noirs de Fréjus qui évoquez chaque soir dans les locaux disciplinaires avec une vieille boîte à cigares et quelques bouts de fil de fer tous les échos de vos villages tous les oiseaux de vos forêts et ne venez dans la capitale que pour fêter au pas cadencé la prise de la Bastille le quatorze juillet Enfants du Sénégal dépatriés expatriés et naturalisés Enfants indochinois jongleurs aux innocents couteaux qui vendiez autrefois aux terrasses des cafés de jolis dragons d’or faits de papier plié Enfants trop tôt grandis et si vite en allés Qui dormez aujourd’hui de retour au pays le visage dans la terre et des bombes incendiaires labourant vos rizières On vous a renvoyé la monnaie de vos papiers dorés on vous a retourné vos petits couteaux dans le dos Étranges étrangers Vous êtes de la ville vous êtes de sa vie même si mal en vivez même si vous en mourez Jacques Prévert (1900-1977) Notes : ¹ Selon le Robert, « boumian » est une altération phonétique de « bohémien », en vigueur en Provence. ² Fréjus était une des bases de cantonnement des troupes coloniales.
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savewritingnsw · 4 years
Save Writing NSW
An open letter to Create NSW and the NSW Minister for the Arts
We, as writers and active members of the literary community, were dismayed by Create NSW’s decision not to grant Writing NSW Multi-Year Organisations Funding in their latest round, despite the fact that Writing NSW was recommended for funding.
This decision demonstrates the ongoing devaluation of literature within the Australian arts funding landscape. We know literature is the most popular artform in the country, with 87% of Australian reading some form of literary work in any given year, yet in this round Create NSW offered only 5.7% of their ongoing funding to literature organisations.
The decision to defund Writing NSW carries a particular sting. Writing NSW is the leading organisation representing writers in a state with a long literary history and one that is home to many of Australia’s leading publishers, writers, literary agents and other core participants in the Australian literary industry.
Writing NSW is an important stepping-stone for writers at the beginning of their careers, providing high quality professional development programs, and it also employs emerging and established writers to deliver and lead these programs. For decades the organisation has provided high-quality courses, seminars, workshops, festivals, events, grants and literary prizes. In putting such programs at risk, Create NSW is jeopardising both an entry point and an ongoing support system for writers.
Macquarie University research shows that the average income of an Australian author from their practice is $12,900. The current economic crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic makes the situation of writers even more precarious. Writing NSW offers key employment opportunities to writers, through teaching, publication, speaking engagements and both curatorial and judging positions. The removal of these opportunities will mean many writers will not be able to maintain the other income streams that support their writing careers.
The removal of $175,000 from a single source would be catastrophic for any business – not-for-profit or otherwise. For a government funding body to enact such a blunt economic withdrawal in the midst of a global pandemic and without concern for the economic flow-on effect to hundreds of industry professionals is deeply distressing.
We call on Create NSW to reverse this decision and ask them to reveal their future strategies for arts funding and how they plan to rectify the disparity in funding between other funded artforms and literature.
As writers, we will never accept the loss of a vibrant, essential cultural network such as Writing NSW.
What you can do We invite anyone affected by Create NSW’s decision – writers, publishers, literary agents, illustrators, readers alike – to co-sign this letter. You can copy and customise this letter to draft a version from your own point of view on this matter to send to a Member of Parliament.
To co-sign this letter, add your name here: shorturl.at/dERX6
Pip Smith, Writer, creative writing teacher Sam Twyford-Moore, Writer and arts administrator Fiona Wright, Writer, editor, critic, reader Gabrielle Tozer, Author, writer, editor Brigid Mullane, Editor Jules Faber, Author, Illustrator Dr Christopher Richardson, Author and academic Liz Ledden, Author, podcaster, book reviewer Kate Tracy Ashley Kalagian Blunt, Writer, reviewer, reader Julie Paine, Writer Nick Tapper, Editor Belinda Castles, Writer and academic Simon Veksner, Writer Amanda Ortlepp, Writer, reader, reviewer, High School English Teacher Bronwyn Birdsall, Writer, editor Robin Riedstra, Writer, reviewer, reader, English teacher Dr Delia Falconer, Writer, critic, academic Robert McDonald, Author, writer, creative writing teacher Dr Kathryn Heyman, Author Wai Chim, Author Kirsten Krauth, Writer, editor Tricia Dearborn, Poet, writer, editor Dr Mireille Juchau, Writer Gail Jones, Writer Dr Jeff Sparrow, Writer, editor, academic Linda Jaivin, Writer, editor, translator Adara Enthaler, Poet, editor, literary arts manager Keighley Bradford, Writer, editor, arts and festival administrator Nicole Priest, Reader and aspiring writer Shamin Fernando, Writer Andrew Pippos, Writer Bianca Nogrady, Writer and journalist James Bradley, Writer Ali Jane Smith, Writer Dr Eleanor Limprecht Idan Ben-Barak, Writer Jennifer Mills, Writer Nicole Hayes, Writer, podcaster Michelle Starr, Writer/journalist Phillipa McGuinness, Writer and publisher Vanessa Berry, Writer and academic Blake Ayshford, Screenwriter Emily Maguire, Writer Sarah Lambert, Screenwriter Anwen Crawford, Writer Sarah Bassiuoni, Screenwriter Jackson Ryan, Writer, journalist, academic Simon Thomsen, Journalist, editor, other wordy stuff Ivy Shih, Writer Miro Bilbrough, Writer, filmmaker, screenwriting teacher, script editor Graham Davidson, Writer, artist, festival director Christos Tsiolkas, Writer JZ Ting, Writer, lawyer Susan Francis, Writer, teacher Suneeta Peres da Costa, Writer Dr Harriet Cunningham, Writer, critic, journalist Adele Dumont, Writer, reader Sheree Strange, Writer, book reviewer, book seller Phil Robinson, Reader Ashleigh Meikle, Reader, writer, book blogger Naomi RIddle, Writer, editor Cathal Gwatkin-Higson, Writer, book seller Hannah Carroll Chapman, Screenwriter Angela Meyer, Writer, editor Steve Blunt, Reader, supporter Ambra Sancin, Writer, arts administrator Michelle Baddiley, Writer, reader, archive producer Dinuka McKenzie, Writer, reader Catherine C. Turner, Writer, reader, freelance editor and publisher, arts worker Hilary Davidson, Writer, poet, academic, reader Dr Eleanor Hogan, Writer Nicola Robinson, Commissioning Editor Kim Wilson, Screenwriter Jane Nicholls, Freelance writer and editor Lisa Kenway, Writer Virginia Peters, Writer Sarah Sasson, Physician-writer and reader Dr Joanna Nell, Writer Laura Clarke Author / Copywriter Nicole Reddy, Screenwriter Anna Downes, Writer Sharon Livingstone, Writer, editor, reader Lily Mulholland, Writer, screenwriter, technical editor Benjamin Dodds, Poet, reviewer, teacher Markus Zusak, Writer Alexandria Burnham, Writer, screenwriter Sam Coley, Writer Marian McGuinness, Writer Selina McGrath, Artist Adeline Teoh Natasha Rai, Writer Catherine Ferrari, Reader Jessica White, Writer & academic Zoe Downing, Writer, reader, creative writing student Amanda Tink, Writer, researcher, reader Lisa Nicol, Children's author, screenwriter, copywriter Aurora Scott, Writer Gillian Polack, Writer, academic Susan Lever, Critic and writer Denise Kirby, Writer Michele Seminara, Poet & editor Meredith Curnow, Publisher, Penguin Random House David Ryding, Arts Manager Catherine Hill Genevieve Buzo, Editor Hugo Wilcken DJ Daniels, Writer Linda Vergnani, Freelance journalist, writer and editor Tony Spencer-Smith, Author, writing trainer & editor Dr Viki Cramer, Freelance writer and editor Petronella McGovern, Author, freelance writer and editor Jacqui Stone, Writer and editor Talia Horwitz, Writer, reader & writing student Sophie Ambrose, Publisher, Penguin Random House Rebecca Starford, Publishing director, KYD; editor and writer David Blumenstein, Writer, artist Rashida Tayabali, Freelance writer Sheila Ngoc Pham, Writer, editor and producer Rosalind Gustafson, Writer Alan Vaarwerk, Editor, Kill Your Darlings Gillian Handley, Editor, journalist, writer Karina Machado Isabelle Yates, Commissioning Editor, Penguin Random House Michelle Barraclough, Writer Natalie Scerra, Writer Melanie Myers, Writer, editor and Creative Writing teacher Emily Lawrence, Aspiring Writer Nicola Aken, Screenwriter Jennifer Nash, Librarian, writer Clare Millar, Writer and editor Kathryn Knight, Editor, Penguin Random House Linda Funnell, Editor, reviewer, tutor, Newtown Review of Books Stacey Clair, Editor, writer, former events/projects producer at Queensland Writers Centre Virginia Muzik, Writer, copyeditor, proofreader, aspiring author Lisa Walker, Writer Sarah Morton, Copywriter, aspiring author, Member of Writing NSW Board Laura Russo, Writer and editor Vivienne Pearson, Freelance writer Justin Ractliffe, Publishing Director, Penguin Random House Australia James Ley, Contributing Editor, Sydney Review of Books Alison Urquhart, PublisherPenguin Random House Debra Adelaide, Author and associate professor of creative writing, University of Technology Sydney Magdalena Ball, Writer, Reviewer, Compulsive Reader Anna Spargo-Ryan, Writer, writing teacher, editor, reader Charlie Hester, Social media & project officer, Queensland Writers Centre Mandy Beaumont, Writer, researcher and reviewer Chloe Barber-Hancock, Writer, reader, pre-service teacher Dr Patrick Mullins, Academic and writer Wendy Hanna, Screenwriter Chloe Warren Dianne Masri, Social Media Consultant Jane Gibian, Writer, librarian, reader Dr Airlie Lawson, Academic and writer Karen Andrews, Writer, teacher, reader Tim Coronel, General manager, Small Press Network and Industry adjunct lecturer, University of Melbourne Tommy Murphy, Playwright and screenwriter Evlin DuBose, Editor, writer, screenwriter, director, poet, UTS's Vertigo Magazine Tony Maniaty, Writer Emma Ashmere, Writer, reader, teacher Alicia Gilmore, Writer Suzanne O'Sullivan, Publisher, Hachette Australia Jacqui DentWriter, Content Strategist Rachel Smith, Writer Intan Paramaditha, Writer Cassandra Wunsch, Director TasWriters (The Tasmanian Writers Centre) Meera Atkinson Eileen Chong, Poet, Writer, Educator Debra Tidball, Author, reviewer Beth Spencer, Author, poet, reader Lou Pollard, Comedy writer, blogger Bronwyn Stuart/Tilley, Author and program coordinator, Writers SA Gemma Patience, Writer, illustrator, reviewer Amarlie Foster, Writer, teacher Dr Felicity Plunkett, writer Angela Betzien Drew Rooke, Journalist and author Michael Mazengarb, Journalist RenewEconomy Katrina Roe, Children's author, broadcaster, audiobook narrator Liz Doran, Screenwriter Arnold Zable, Writer. Tom Langshaw, Editor, Penguin Random House Brooke Maddison Monica O'Brien, ProducerAmbience Entertainment Jacinta Dimase, Literary AgentJacinta Dimase Management Jane Novak, Literary AgentJane Novak Literary Agency Sarah Hollingsworth, Arts Organisation ManagerMarketing and Communications Manager, Writers Victoria Barbara Temperton, Writer Sandra van Doorn, Publisher Red Paper Kite Alex Eldridge, Writer Karen Beilharz, Writer, editor, comic creator Esther Rivers, Writer, editor, poet Jane Pochon, Board Member, lawyer and reader Zoe Walton, Publisher, Penguin Random House Eliza Twaddell Alison Green, CEO, Board Member, Pantera Press Emma Rafferty, Editor Sarah Swarbrick, Writer Dayne Kelly, Literary Agent, RGM Léa Antigny, Head of Publicity and Communications, Pantera Press Jenny Green, Finance, Pantera Press Sarah Begg, Writer Mark Harding, Writer, Brand Manager, Social Media and Content Specialist Shanulisa Prasad, Bookseller Katy McEwen, Rights Manager, Pantera Press Olivia Fricot, Content Writer/Bookseller, Booktopia Jack Peck, Writer, Open Genre Group Convenor, Writing NSW, Retired Kathy Skantzos, Writer, Editor Serene Conneeley, Author, Editor Kerry Littrich, Writer Merran Hughes, Creative Cassie Watson, Writer Lisa Seltzer, Copywriter, Social Media Manager and Marketing Consultant Gemma Noon, Writer and Librarian Tanya Tabone, Reader Laura Franks, Reader, Editor, Writer Dani Netherclift, Writer Who to contact We urge you to join us in advocating for Writing NSW and the state of funding for Australian literature, by contacting Create NSW, your NSW Member of Parliament, and the NSW Minister for the Arts.
Chris Keely Executive Director, Create NSW Email: [email protected]
The Hon. Don Harwin, MLC Phone: (02) 8574 7200 Email: [email protected]
Who to else to contact
The Hon. (Walt) Walter Secord, MLC Shadow Minister for the Arts Phone: (02) 9230 2111 Email: [email protected] Ms. Cate Faehrmann, MLC Greens representative for Arts, Music, Night-Time Economy and Culture Phone: (02) 9230 3771 Email: [email protected] A full list of names and contact details for NSW State MPs is available here.
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harrythegreekblr · 5 years
Turkish partner ties Flynn Intel to Russia and Israel
President George Bush with his dog, Barney, Oct. 12th, 2002 (above)
While his boss discussed NATO weapons with President George Bush in the White House, who watched Barney, the President’s dog?
Ekim Alptekin.
He is a lawyer specializing in commercial transactions.
Although born in Turkey, he went to law school in the Netherlands.
Besides Turkey, he has represented:
President George W. Bush (right) shaking hands with Ekim Alpekin during a visit to the Netherlands on May 8th, 2005. The others are unidentified.
May 8th, 2005: After paying respects to Allied troops killed in the Netherlands during World War II, President Bush stopped to see Ekim Alptekin.
Alptekin had White House access to President Bush for a year and a half when he was an intern for Tom Lantos (D-CA) of the International Relations Committee.
“I’ve never felt more American”, said Ekim.
Alptekin speaks Turkish, English, Dutch, French and German.
All NATO countries.
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization or NATO is made up of 29 countries listed here:
The U.S. spends one-fourth of its budget on NATO weapons.
This line item is greater than the U.S. Defense Budget.
Ekim Alptekin is a defendant in the ongoing trial of his former business partners in Flynn Intel Group:
Bijan Kian Rafiekian
Mike Flynn
Kristen Verderame (Ekim’s attorney)
Alptekin was never mentioned in the trial.
Prosecutors have made no attempt to explain why.
As a Turkish diplomat, Alptekin is immune from prosecution.
However, Ekin is the one who:
paid the $80,000 in bribes drawn on his personal account in Turkey
was vouched for by the CIA to launder money through the Netherlands, Turkey, Russia, and Israel
set up a key meeting in New York City on Sept. 19th, 2016 with his personal friends who included Turkey’s Ministers of:
Natural Resources
Who is Turkey’s Minister of Energy and Finance?
Berat Albayrak.
The son-in-law of Turkey’s President.
Meeting with the Turkish Ministers were Alptekin’s business associates from Flynn Intel Group.
They included:
Mike Flynn, former three-star Army General
Bijan Kiani Rafiekian, owner of the Kianco Group Corp.
former CIA Director James Woolsey
Brian McCauley, former CIA/FBI who was the right-hand man for CIA Director John Brennan
Alptekin said he ”arranged the room, arranged for bottles of mineral water and transport to the hotel” for the joint meeting.
Woolsey “arrived in a limousine that I had ordered for him”, said Ekim.
“For a large part of the time it seemed that he (Woolsey) was napping.
“He is no longer the youngest. "
Alptekin met an Iranian born American named Bijan Kian Rafiekian.
Rafiekian was a partner at Flynn Intel Group, a consulting and lobbying group founded by Flynn after he left the military and government.
In 2009, Kian financed international loans for companies in the Middle East for the U.S. Export-Import Bank (Ex-Im).
Alptekin added Rafiekian to the board of EA Aerospace in Turkey.
“He’s an Iranian-American and I’m a Turk; we have a lot in common culturally,” Alptekin said.
“I align with his worldview.
“He’s a very sociable, nice man.
“We celebrate Christmas together.”
Ekim Alptekin (left) in white at his first marriage. Lulzim Basha is his best man.
At his first wedding, Alptekin's wedding witnesses were:
Turkey’s Minister of Energy and Natural Resources, Hilmi Guler
AK Party Deputy Saban Gear
At his second wedding, Ekim used his private jet.
Alptekin has been charged but never arrested in the U.S.
The FBI has an office in Turkey.
They can pick him up in Istanbul where he lives.
A warrant was never issued.
Ekin was on his Twitter feed during his trial.
Why was Alptekin charged if he has diplomatic immunity from Turkey, Albania, and the Netherlands?
Ekin was indicted with his partner, Bijan Kian Rafiekian, of Flynn Intel Group and EA Aerospace (Eclipse Aviation) for:
acting in the U.S. as an illegal agent for the government of Turkey
four counts of making false statements to the FBI
Kiani was found guilty last month for conspiracy and illegally acting as a secret agent for Turkey in the U.S.
Whether or not a new trial will be granted is up to the judge.
The next court hearing is Sept. 5th.
Rafiekian is asking for a new trial.
Mike Flynn has been named a co-conspirator but has yet to be charged in the same conspiracy.
Ekim Alptekin deposited $530,000 from his personal account in Turkey to Flynn Intel Group (FIG), according to prosecutors.
FIG folded in Feb. 2017.
Alptekin seems to be in the center of Flynn Intel’s deals, bribes, and kickbacks.
Since he was four-years-old, Ekim’s parents trained him to be a Turkish spy.
The Alptekin’s lived in the Netherlands for 20 years as diplomats for Turkey.
Alptekin has been accused of being a money launder, gun runner and drugs smuggler for:
Alptekin has been CEO of EA Group’s ATH Defense and Security Systems Division since 2006.
EA is Eclipse Aviation.
According to its web page, its portfolio of products are custom ordered.
Ekim has been selling to MIT, the Turkish CIA, since 2006.
ATH is part of EA Group (Eclipse Aviation and Aerospace) Group.
Alptekin has been its President since 2008.
Turkey’s standing army of 410,00 soldiers is the second largest in NATO.
And the tenth largest in the world.
America’s active military force is 476,000 from a workforce of 2,875,500.
According to Lockheed Martin, eight Turkish companies make nearly half of all the parts for the F-35 fighter planes for the U.S.
Since 1999, Turkish companies have also helped in the engineering and development.
The Turkish government appoints the officers of the Turkish American Business Association in Washington, D.C.
Who has been its President for the last seven years?
Ekim Alptekin.
For a time line of Eclipse Aviation, here is the link:
The Russian-based operation was intended to be jointly operated by the:
European Technology and Investment Research Center (ETIRC) based in the Netherlands
Russian Federation
Commonwealth of Russian Independent States
Republic of Turkey
According to Alptekin, he appointed Bijan Kian Rafiekian to the Board of Directors of Eclipse Aviation & Aerospace (EA) on May 21st, 2009.
And to its Turkish-based subsidiary, EA Havacilik.
Source: Turkey Chamber of Commerce archive
At the time, Kiani was working for the U.S. Export-Import Bank.
It is more commonly known as Ex-Im or Ex-Im Bank.
It is uncertain whether the Eclipse Aviation Group received any money from the U.S. Export-Import Bank while Kian was a voting member.
Or whether another company received loan proceeds from another for the benefit of Eclipse.
According to its most recent Ex-Im Annual Report dated 2018, 40 per cent of its loans were made without a voting quorum or documentation.
Loans were routinely approved without paperwork.
On Sept. 23rd, 2008, Russian President Vladimir Putin approved a factory to build Eclipse Aviation jets.
It was supposed to be a joint venture with Turkey and the Netherlands.
Putin’s financing for Eclipse never was approved.
Source: press release from Eclipse Aviation imaged here:
Russian President Putin standing next to an Eclipse Aviation jet dated Sept. 23rd, 2008
Instead, with Alptekin’s help, using Turkey as a conduit, Putin paid nothing to get a billion dollars worth of NASA research and development.
The first Eclipse jet was a top secret project.
NASA Wallops Island facility in Virginia contracted with Swift Engineering of San Clemente, California to make the first Eclipse prototype.
What was the technology?
Paint to make a plane undetectable during flight.
The Eclipse Aviation plane was made to land in the middle of nowhere without a trace.
No footprint.
No need for:
an airport
flight logs
landing strips
air traffic controller
Ideal for drug smuggling operations.
How many Eclipse stealth jets do they own?
Who has the records?
For years the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) failed to license Eclipse planes because they were undetectable by air traffic controllers.
And failed dozens of inspection checks, according to Calvin L. Scovel III, the Inspector General of the Department of Transportation.
Scovel’si 32-page report is dated Sept. 17th, 2008.
The report number was CC-2008-120.
Scovel said the plane was unsafe.
The IG report is linked here:
On Sept. 12th, 2008, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) certified the Eclipse plane as safe.
Their report was 61-pages and is linked here:
According to an FAA report dated Sept. 26th, 2015, “Eclipse Aerospace, Inc., has not delivered an aircraft since 2008”.
According to General Aviation Manufacturers Association, Eclipse delivered 293 planes.
The first Eclipse jet was priced at $850,000.
Then $1,500,000.
Then more?
According to Pacer, the official record of the federal judiciary, Eclipse Aviation was involved in eight bankruptcy cases.
Their cases are imaged here:
Another 31 federal cases were filed against Eclipse mostly for taking people’s deposit money without delivering a product.
Since its inception in 1999, Eclipse has never made a profit.
Public court records on the 39 Eclipse cases are non-existent.
Or settled with no record at all.
John Travolta may have gotten Eclipse jet without paying for it.
Actor John Travolta (center) with Vern Raburn (right) and Mike McConnell of Eclipse Aviation
Who paid if Johnny Boy got a freebie?
Federal, state, county, and local taxpayers in a variety of locations across the U.S. from:
New Mexico
New York
Alptekin boasted that he paid four cents on the dollar or $40 million for a billion dollars worth of technology tied to Eclipse Aviation.
Only his company made a bid for it in bankruptcy court.
No criminal prosecution was ever filed against the Eclipse Aviation or its management team or Board of Directors.
According to court records, the Board included:
Kent Kresa, former Chairman of both General Motors (GM) and Northrup Grumman Corporation
Harold Poling, former Chairman and CEO of Ford Motor
Page Eight of federal case number 16-2203 imaged above
David Zaikin, a partner in the Eclipse Aviation joint venture with Putin and Turkey, said the Russians never built an Eclipse jet.
“We never got any orders”, said Zaikin.
Eclipse Aviation was incorporated in Delaware on 1999.
The initial prototype was to make a personal jet for the billionaires from Microsoft.
They were:
Bill Gates
James Allen
Vern Raburn
Why Vern Raburn? He was a pilot and a passion for flying.
Plus Bill Gates was the best man at his wedding
Ekim Alptekin, Mike Flynn, and Bijan Kian Rafiekian also worked for Ratio Oil Exploration in Israel.
Turkey hired Ekim’s Dutch and Turkish Companies, Inovo Group AV, to help put together a pipeline between Israel and Turkey.
Russia provides Turkey with 75 per cent of its gas supply.
The proposed pipeline is 1248 miles long and six miles deep.
So far, only Israel, Greece, and Cyprus are involved.
Alptekin, center, wearing a Ratio Oil Exploration (Israel) badge.
Namik Tan (left) of Ratio Oil. Former Turkish ambassador to Israel and U.S.
Aron Liel (right) former Israeli envoy to Turkey.
Event was the Israel Energy and Business Convention in November 21st, 2016 in Tel Aviv.
Letter dated June 28th, 2016 from Ratio Oil.
Ekim Alptekin is named in it representing the Israeli oil company.
The names of Mike Flynn and Bijan Kian were blackened out.
The above invoices were sent by Flynn Intel Group.
Please note the billing was structured in amounts of $5000.
This was done to avoid suspicions of money laundering.
Amounts over $5000 trigger a banking review.
The two documents imaged above were submitted into evidence on July 16th in the criminal case of Kian, Flynn, Alptekin, and Verderame.
A dozen pipeline contracts were awarded by Israel on July 30th.
None of them involved Turkey.
The story is linked here:
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31, 32, 64, 65
31. Three favorite boy names?
I don’t really have favorite names, so I'll go with some that I like.  So I guess Robert, Malcolm, and Alexander.
32. Three favorite girl names?
I like Krystyna (Krystyna Skarbek was a spy during World War II, and was pretty damn amazing at the job.  Also I’m part Polish, so it’s nice to see someone who shits all over the Polack jokes), Rebecca, and Veronica.
64. Favorite dipping sauce?
Probably ketchup.
65. What do you wear to bed?
Usually pajama pants and an old t shirt.  It is almost always black pants and a red shirt (I just have a lot of both of those) and if you watch Parks and Recreation, you’ll probably understand the unintentional Ron Swanson reference.
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harrythegreekblr · 5 years
Flynn’s failure to testify means five years for him and contempt charges for the lawyers
Miss Sidney Powell and Mike Flynn (above)
Michael Flynn was supposed to testify in the Flynn Intel Group case last week in Alexandria, Virginia.
He never did.
Flynn hoped his testimony would reduce his five-year sentence for lying to the FBI.
Instead, Flynn is facing new charges as a co-conspirator for:
acting as a foreign spy for Turkey
and lying to the FBI
Flynn was President Donald J. Trump’s National Security Advisor.
Flynn resigned on Feb. 13th, 2017.
Flynn’s guilty plea in the D.C. case dated Dec. 1st, 2017 is attached here:
Flynn’s business partner was Bijan Kian Kiani Rafiekian.
Kian was found guilty on both charges last week by a jury.
Both sets of attorneys declined to have Flynn testify.
Prosecutors said Flynn’s testimony was untruthful and unreliable.
Defense attorneys filed motion upon motion to prevent Flynn from testifying too.
Then the defense said to the jury:
“Where is Mike Flynn?”
After the defense suppressed any and all evidence with Flynn’s name on it.
Here is a sample of a motion to suppress filed by the defense.
It is 113-pages and is linked here:
Prosecutors had Flynn’s attorney, Rob Kelner, testify that:
“Mike Flynn has a story to tell.”
Kelner said kickbacks were involved with the CIA and Flynn and Kian had knowledge of them.
Contempt charges and jail time for the prosecutors and defense attorneys are anticipated.
Both sides lied to the Judge.
First, Robert Mueller.
Former Special Prosecutor.
Mueller told Judge Emmett Sullivan, D.C. District Court, to delay Flynn’s sentencing because Flynn:
“. . .could testify in the EDVA case should it proceed to trial.”
EDVA stands for the Federal Eastern District of Virginia court in Alexandria, Virginia.
Mueller’s signature is on that statement dated March 17th is imaged here:
Next up is Jessie Liu.
She heads the U.S. Attorneys Office in the District of Columbia.
Liu has to sign off at the conclusion of all the prosecutions’ cases in D.C.
She told Judge Sullivan that Flynn will testify.
Who else lied to the Judge?
Lawyers for the defense.
Miss Sidney Powell.
Flynn “will testify”, she said.
Miss Powell is pictured with her client, Mike Flynn, at the top of this story.
Flynn’s sentencing has been delayed umpteenth times.
A status hearing is set for Aug. 27th at 11 a.m.
The courtroom is in the Federal District Court of the District of Columbia (DC).
Will Judge Sullivan find Mueller, Liu, and Powell guilty of contempt?
“Bring a toothbrush”, said the Judge.
What evidence is the Flynn Intel Group case hiding?
Hillary’s emails.
Uranium Two: the sale of $250 billion worth of nuclear reactors to nine countries in the Middle East funneled through Saudi Arabia
the FBI spying on the Trump campaign both before and after his election to President of the U.S.
For more detail, the George Webb Channel on YouTube documents each and every detail:
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harrythegreekblr · 5 years
CIA's Woolsey set up Mike Flynn
James Woolsey, former Director of the CIA
Jim Woolsey set up Mike Flynn of Flynn Intel Group (FIG), according to Rob Kelner, former attorney for Flynn Intel Group,
Woolsey was Director of the CIA from 1993 to 1995 under President Bill Clinton.
Woolsey quit the President Donald J. Trump transition team on Jan. 5th, 2017.
Mike Flynn resigned as Director of National Security for President Trump.
Flynn has pled guilty to lying to the FBI.
He is awaiting sentencing since Dec. 18th, 2018.
Rob Kelner’s admission was submitted into evidence yesterday in the Bijan Kiani Rafiekian criminal court case.
Flynn is a co-conspirator.
Jury selection starts this morning.
The case is in Alexandria, Virginia Federal District Court before Judge Anthony Trenga.
It is alleged Kian and Flynn failed to register as Turkish spies and lied about it.
Kelner no longer represents Flynn Intel Group.
He quit two weeks ago.
Kelner is a lawyer with Covington & Burling in Washington, D.C.
Lines 162 to 164 (above):
Woolsey wanted the word “kickbacks” removed and replaced with either “consulting fees” or refunds
Kelner’s admission was made to federal prosecutors and the FBI on Sept. 21st, 2018.
It was concealed until made public yesterday in court filings.
Federal law enforcement employees who interviewed Kelner and took his statement were:
James P. Gillis
Evan Turgeon
Brandon Van Greck
Bryan T. Alfredo
Bruce Baird
Roger Polack
Jim Woolsey asked for a kickback from Flynn Intel Group (FIG) on Sept. 19th, 2016, said Kelner.
Flynn and Kian Rafiekian were partners.
Their company, also known as FIG, dissolved in February of 2018.
Kristen Verderame is the personal attorney for Flynn and Kian.
She incorporated their company, Inovo in the Netherlands, and was the company attorney.
Flynn and Kian were also Inovo employees.
Woolsey invented a fake story on Sept. 19th, 2016 involving the kidnapping of a Turkish cleric, an American citizen, living in Pennsylvania.
Kian and Wooley planted the false story in the Wall Street Journal.
How much the Journal was paid to run it is unknown.
Kian admits in court documents that he has dozens of media sources on retainer.
Based on previous court rulings, Judge Trenga anticipates dismissing the Flynn/Rafiekian criminal matter as soon as today.
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