#Rober Solsona
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Through the Years → Queen Letizia of Spain (2,488/∞) 12 March 2025 | King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia upon their arrival at a meeting with business organizations linked to the recovery of the areas affected by the hurricane of October 29, at the CEV headquarters, in Valencia, Valencia, Spain. Don Felipe VI and Doña Letizia come to the Valencian capital to meet with business leaders and social groups linked to the recovery process after the catastrophic hurricane that devastated towns in the south of the province of Valencia and caused the death of 228 people. (Photo By Rober Solsona/Europa Press via Getty Images)
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Persones amb discapacitat critiquen la deficient accessibilitat als trens Ouigo i Iryo
EFE / infobae.com Rober Solsona / Europa Press El Comitè Espanyol de Representants de Persones amb Discapacitat (Cermi) ha denunciat la inadequada accessibilitat als trens de Ouigo i Iryo. Segons l’associació, els seients d’aquests trens no tenen senyalització tàctil i no tenen suports per a persones amb mobilitat reduïda…[…] (infobae.com)

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#Agencia Estatal de Seguridad Ferroviaria#CERMI#Comité Español de Representantes de Personas con Discapacidad#Iryo#Ministerio de Transportes#Oficina de Atención a la Discapacidad#Ouigo
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Ford meets today with the unions to address the extension of the ERTE at the Almussafes factory
Ford meets today with the unions to address the extension of the ERTE at the Almussafes factory
FILE – Various vehicles at the Ford factory in Almussafes, on October 24, 2022, in Almussafes, Valencia, Comunidad Valenciana (Spain). – Rober Solsona – Europa Press – Archive Ford’s management has called the unions to a new meeting to address the extension of the current Temporary Employment Regulation File (ERTE) that the Almussafes (Valencia) factory has in force, since instability persists in…
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PPCV | Mazón, sobre el año de parón con la financiación: «Hicieron un esqueleto que nos ha dejado en los huesos»
PPCV | Mazón, sobre el año de parón con la financiación: «Hicieron un esqueleto que nos ha dejado en los huesos»
El presidente del PPCV, Carlos Mazón / rober solsona El presidente del PPCV tilda de «semana negra» para Alicante por las decisiones del Consell y del Gobierno central con la provincia El presidente del PPCV, Carlos Mazón, lleva semanas recuperando una tradición que el partido había puesto en cuarentena: las comparecencias regulares para valorar la actualidad política y fijar posición sobre…

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Horror en España: Torturan a un hombre con un taladro y lo graban para exigirle 25 mil euros a su familia Entrada a la Ciudad de la Juticia en Valencia, sede del juicio – ROBER SOLSONA | Foto: Vía ABC …
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How South American drug cartels get around coronavirus lockdowns
How South American drug cartels get around coronavirus lockdowns
By Luke Taylor

Civil Guard agents in Valencia, Spain, inspect part of the 3800 kilograms of cocaine seized in June
Rober Solsona/Europa Press via Getty Images
Like most other industries, the illegal drug trade has been affected by the covid-19 pandemic, but it hasn’t stopped cartels from finding ways around national shutdowns and anti-narcotics police operations.
On 1 July,…
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WHO says there's a global shortfall of 5.9 million nurses as world battles coronavirus pandemic
WHO says there’s a global shortfall of 5.9 million nurses as world battles coronavirus pandemic
Health workers wear protective masks as they observe a minute’s silence at the entrance of the Hospital Doctor Peset in remembrance of nursing staff who have died due to coronavirus (COVID-19) on April 06, 2020 in Valencia, Spain.
Rober Solsona | Europa Press News | Getty Images
The World Health Organization is urging countries to create at least 6 million new nursing jobs by 2030 to…
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#Biotech and Pharmaceuticals#Biotechnology#Breaking News: Business#Business news#Catastrophe#Coronavirus#Disease outbreaks#Epidemics#Health care industry#Pandemics#Politics#U.S. Economy
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WHO says there's a global shortfall of 5.9 million nurses as world battles coronavirus pandemic
WHO says there’s a global shortfall of 5.9 million nurses as world battles coronavirus pandemic
Health workers wear protective masks as they observe a minute’s silence at the entrance of the Hospital Doctor Peset in remembrance of nursing staff who have died due to coronavirus (COVID-19) on April 06, 2020 in Valencia, Spain.
Rober Solsona | Europa Press News | Getty Images
The World Health Organization is urging countries to create at least 6 million new nursing jobs by 2030 to…
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Cinco playas caninas para disfrutar en la Comunidad Valenciana
Cinco playas caninas para disfrutar en la Comunidad Valenciana
La provincia ofrece algunos arenales perfectos en los que las mascotas pueden gozar del agua y la arena este verano Imagen de archivo de la playa de Pinedo– ROBER SOLSONA La playa canina de Pinedo se encuentra situada en la zona más cercana al puerto, al sur de la ciudad valenciana. Un lugar de arena fina y aguas tranquilas, ideal para que las mascotas disfruten de un divertido día de baño. La…
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Through the Years → Felipe VI of Spain (2,748/∞) 22 February 2022 | The President of the Generalitat Valenciana, Ximo Puig; King Felipe VI and the Mayor of Valencia, Joan Ribo, on their arrival at the closing ceremony of the General Assembly of the Valencian Association of Entrepreneurs 2022, in L'Alqueria del Basket, in Valencia, Valencian Community, Spain. The General Assembly of the Valencian Association of Entrepreneurs brings together 165 entrepreneurs from the three provinces of the Valencian Community, which have a turnover equivalent to 62% of the region's GDP and generate more than 295,000 jobs. The Assembly, which this year celebrates its 40th anniversary, promotes the socioeconomic development and territorial integration of the Valencian Community and Spain, as well as contributing to the promotion of the competitiveness of the economy. Its method consists of identifying and analyzing challenges and trying to create the social and political conditions that turn them into strengths and opportunities. (Photo By Rober Solsona/Europa Press via Getty Images)
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Pilar Lima dimiteix com a coordinadora autonòmica de Podemos en la Comunitat Valenciana
Text: valenciaplaza.com / Foto: Rober Solsona / Europa Press La fins ara coordinadora autonòmica de Podem en la Comunitat Valenciana, Pilar Lima, ha anunciat que dimiteix d’aquest càrrec al costat de la resta de la seva Consell de Coordinació i ha emplaçat a celebrar una assemblea per a “reformular el projecte polític” de la formació…[…] (valenciaplaza.com)

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Inditex earns 3,095 million in the first nine months of its fiscal year, 24% more, and closes its best quarter
Inditex earns 3,095 million in the first nine months of its fiscal year, 24% more, and closes its best quarter
zara – Rober Solsona – Europa Press Inditex registered a net profit of 3,095 million euros during the first nine months of its 2022-2023 fiscal year (between February 1 and October 31), which represents an increase of 24% compared to a year earlier, according to The company reported this Wednesday. Group sales amounted to 23,055 million euros, 19% more than in the same period of 2021 (+20% at…
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Through the Years → Queen Letizia of Spain (2,212/∞)
25 November 2022 | Queen Letizia waves upon her arrival at the 34th edition of the 'Rei Jaume I Awards' ceremony, at La Lonja de Valencia, in Valencia, Valencian Community, Spain. The 'Rei Jaume I Awards' are given to individuals who stand out in their field of work and who have carried out most of their professional activity in Spain. There are a total of six awards, each endowed with 100,000 euros and a gold medal. The winners in each category are committed to donating part of the prize money to research and entrepreneurship in Spain . (Photo By Rober Solsona/Europa Press via Getty Images)
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Through the Years → Queen Letizia of Spain (2,006/∞)
12 May 2021 | The President of the Valencian Community, Ximo Puig, Queen Letizia and King Felipe VI on their arrival at the presentation of the Miguel de Cervantes Prize 2020 to the poet Francisco Brines at the author's home, in Oliva, Valencia, Valencian Community, Spain. Francisco Brines was awarded in November last year with the Miguel de Cervantes Prize for Literature in the Spanish Language 2020, the highest recognition awarded to the creative work of Spanish and Latin American writers, granted by the Ministry of Culture and Sport and endowed with 125,000 euros. The jury awarded him the prize for "his poetic work that goes from the carnal and the purely human to the metaphysical, the spiritual, towards an aspiration for beauty and immortality. He is the intimate poet of the 1950s generation who has delved most deeply into the experience of the individual human being in the face of memory, the passage of time and vital exaltation". (Photo By Rober Solsona/Europa Press via Getty Images)
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Unides Podem demana tot el material que s'usa per a ensenyar valencià a persones sordes
Text: levante-emv.com / Foto: Rober Solsona / EUROPA PRESS La síndica de Unides Podem-Esquerra Unida, Pilar Lima, ha registrat una sol·licitud en les Corts perquè el Consell faciliti al grup parlamentari tota la documentació relativa a la llengua valenciana i el seu ensenyament disponible per a persones sordes…[…] (levante-emv.com)

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#Comunidad Valenciana#Corts Valencianes#Junta Qualificadora de Coneixements de Valencià#Pilar Lima#Unides Podem
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Sanchez advances that jobs will be created in November and assures that Spain will overcome the recession next year
Sanchez advances that jobs will be created in November and assures that Spain will overcome the recession next year
Archive – The President of the Government, Pedro Sanchez. – Rober Solsona – Europa Press – Archive MADRID, Nov. 10 (EUROPA PRESS) – The President of the Government, Pedro Sanchez, has announced this Thursday that jobs will be created in the month of November, according to the data available so far, and has assured that the country will overcome the recession next year. “We can enter next year…
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