#Rivials 2
zip-toonz · 1 year
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Something about Xerneas giving life. Im still figuring out the little details! But heres what happens when the life pokemon grants you a second chance.
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lilmissfanfic · 8 months
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King of Gotham
(Please don’t take my story, readers +18)
Oswald’s stuck in a pickle but his and fish favorite person arrives. Takes over and so does Oswald?
(Oswald’s POV)
Miss Mooney if I have a brief word. I know my life is fourth it.. I speak not for my sake but yours.. after all because I still love and respect you.. kill me if you must but keep Clone alive.. as soon as he dead Looney has no use for you. Your simple a threat he will kill you-"
"Whoa" he said
"You think" she said 
"Why would he need another boss in town, another rivial"
"That's where your wrong smart guy. A shes not our rivial because shes not a boss. Shes an under boss" he said
"An under boss takes orders. I dont take orders" she said
"I know that. Were cool. Relax" he said
"Im relax"
"I dont think you are babes"
"Please dont call me babes"
"You see, not relaxed. Babes? Really? It's a term of endearment. It means I like you" he said touching her arm. She raised her arm and looked at it then at him daringly
"Fine. I've spoke. You not an underboss and your not a babe. You tell me what you are"
"What we are Val are partners"
"Whatever you want. Partners. I'm partner number 1 and your partner number 2. That's the deal right? I'm number one and you are?" 
"Number 2" 
"They're you go. Simple math. 1 2 babes- opsh.. sorry.. it's the last time. I swear" he winked the walked over near us and turned toward his crew
"Guys can you feel the buzz in the air. Its victory, redemption, power.. this old man dies our new day begins. We rule Gotham and Build a dynasty. We will whip this town like a rented mule. Right babes? " she looked at him and he began laughing "Ops. Relax I'm kidding you. Guys no seriously.. dont call her babes or tutes or what have ya.. It's a women's netfate-" s
A shot fired in the middle of his head. He fell to the ground. Everyone looked over to see who fired. Seeing Roseile with a gun raised in hand. You could put two and two together. She fired the gun
"What an asshole" she said lowering the gun. 
"My my. I am impress. Well done"
"Thank you" she said walking over towards Fish. She wore black leather leggings and a tight leather jacket. She  high-heeled boots giving her a few inches but many were still taller then her.
Rose stood next to Fish then they looked over at the crew getting into a fighting stance "you sure you wanna try that?" Fish asked. They back away accept for two. Roseile pulled out her gun and shot both of them quickly
"Now.. if you dont want your brains blown to the back of your skull.." Rosile walk towards them "I suggest you make the right decision" 
She walks over towards us hanging from the rope. She pulls out a blade and flicks it open. Everyone silent to what will happen next. She the beginning to cut everyone's rope one by one till she gets to me.
"Leave him, hes no good" Fish said and Roseile turned around
"Rosile.." I tried to say but my voice cracked. She smirked then turned back to the crew
"Now I'm need of a crew and your need of a boss. Let's make this fair shall we. Be my crew, I'll be your boss. Well do great things together" she smirked looking innocent. They others shrugged
"I ain't listing to no little girl-" Rosielie smiled then turned around before she quickly turned back and kicked the guy in the face, knocking him out before you could finish his complaint 
"Anyone else" they quickly shook theirs heads "good... now bow to me"  they looked at eachother and got down on one knee around her
"Well well looks like I have a new partner" Fish smirked
"Yeah number 1 and 2." Rosile joked causing Fish to laugh
"Funny.. now I guess I owe you a favor.. you did kill someone for me"
"Well you do have something I want.." 
"And what would that be.."
"I think we both know what it is" Rose said. Fish looked at her then noded her head. Rose snapped her hands and her one of the crew members pulled out a blade. He walked towards me when gun shots fired.
I tried to hide but hard when your hands are tied together. I saw Rose to her men grabbing the knife and throwing it towards me. My eyes widen then I shut them quickly, looking away in fear. Then I was shoved to the ground. I looked up seeing Rose. She smiled then quickly got up. She the cut the rope for me
I sat up noticing Fish run upstairs. I grabbed a gun and shot a few people that were running after Rosie as she defened off some people. Then I ran over towards the stairs
"Fish where are you!" I yelled then I got hit by a pipe then shoved agaist a wall by Fish. I pushed her back  then shoved her to the wall meanwhile I grabbed the pipe from her and hit her with it a couple times. Till she grabbed the pipe and hit me in the face, She grabbed me by the sholders and shoved me back to the raling on the roof. 
I looked down seeing the beautiful ocean blue. Almost as beautiful as Rosie which is why I am not giving up. I pushed Fish back holding onto her neck like she did me. Then we turned to see Butch with a gun
"Butch.. bout time" Fish said
"shoot her Butch!" I yelled
"oh really"
"do as I say Butch. Shoot her!"
"what are you doing drop him. I'm your girl! remember I'm your girl!" Fish yelled
"Kill her now" I yelled his face cringe and he shot us both. I fell to the ground as Butch ran to Fish. I wasen't gonna lose this. This fight is for Rosie. I grabbed a wood plank and hit Butch with it. We stood facing eachother
"goodbye Fish" I yelled
"its all good" she smirked
I screamed as I then shoved her off the roof. Looking down in shock.
I acually did it. She is gone. Fish Mooney is gone. I killed Fish. I killed the Queen of Gotham. I'm free. Not only that. I'm the king of Gotham. I laughed with joy then stood on the railing 
"I'm the King of Gotham! I'm the king of Gotham" I yelled 
"Oswald.." I turned and saw Rosielie. I took a shaky breath and stepped down then slowly took a few steps toward her cautiously. Tears brimmed her eyes which pained me. 
I didnt know what to exept. I wouldn't blame her if she yelled, hit, kicked, or even tried to kill me. I killed her only mother figure.
I held out my arms ready for her frustration then closed my eyes. I felt little arms wrap around me causing my to gasp.
I looked down to Rose with her face buried in my sholder. I wrapped my hands tighter around her and held her close.
"Im sorry Rose" I cried. she looked up and held my face
"don't be I understand. Your still my special Ozzy" I smiled and hugged her once more
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I have started and have watched Haikyu!! s o many times. But I always get busy or sad after the training camp season. But I am determined. I W A N T to watch and see how it ends. So here are my favorites from season 1.
Yu Nishinoya ( libero ) and Asahi Azumane ( Ace):
Nishinoya is my absolute favorite little gremlin. He gives so much support to the team, and he deserves the best. Threw Asahi in there because they need each other, and I generally love their duo.
The next 4 are hard to pick. W H O my favorites would be:
Kei Tsukishima ( Middle ) and Tadashi Yamaguchi ( Pinich server ): I L O V E this duo! Like words can't even describe or help me comprehend how much I love their friendship and how close they are. My heart melts every time Yamaguchi calls Tsukishima Tsukki. It's my favorite 🥺
Tobio Kageyama ( Setter ) and Shoyo Hinata ( Decoy ) :
I l O V E THEM ✨️ S O M U C H ✨️. They literally bring out the best in each other and sometimes the worst. But they have helped each other grow, and I'm S O proud of my little cinnamon rolls.
The Dad to all these children:
Koshi Sugawara ( Setter ) and Daichi Sawamura ( Wing spiker ):
They literally are the mom and dad of the group, and I love them so much. Sugawara helps everyone overcome challenges and frustration, and Daichi is like the strict dad who keeps everyone in line.
I think the last one on my list will be: Ryūnosuke Tanaka ( Wing Spiker )
When I watched this years ago, I didn't really like him... but I absolutely adore him now, and I love him. He's very important to the team, and he deserves the best.
I think this is all for Karasuno's team. They are the major ones that were in season 1. I'm excited to start season 2 and fall in love with more characters. I also wanna do some of the rivials they faced off with as well in season 1.
#haikyuu #karasuno #volleyball #anime #tsukishima #yamaguchi #nishinoya #asahi #sugawarakoushi
#daichi #tanaka
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bluiex · 1 year
Id love if scar n grian were last 2 and Grian gave his time to scar. So he could win the game.
A fight under the clock tower. Grian gives up a win for his best friend. Rivial . Soulmate
Im so excited tho to see the end of this all
Now that'd would be so poetic
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dumb-fuck27 · 9 months
I don’t everyone knows exactly what happened in the past 4 years so here’s a list.
The continent of Australia was on fire for 3 months starting in December of 2019
The prince of England and his family left royalty in the start of January
Covid-19 became a world wide pandemic in February which caused a toilet paper shortage, at least 750,000 deaths, every non essential store to close (some for good), racism against anyone and everyone who looked somewhat Asian, and so much more.
Kobe Bryant died in a helicopter crash with his daughter.
The FIRST impeachment of trump
Harvey Weinstein was FINALLY convicted on February 24th of raping and sexually abusing a young actress and film crew since he was first accused during the metoo movement
The stock market crashed so bad it was the modern equivalent of the 20-30s stock market crash (march 9th 2020)
The black lives matter protest started.
Kim Jon Un was rumored to be dead for an entire month.
Biden wins the election
Twitter gets fucking hacked
Ghislaine Maxwell was arrested for sec trafficking
3 inch murder hornets suddenly appear in the US
Beirut fucking exploded… like the entire capital city
Kalama Harris is chosen as vice president
Chadwick basemen aka the black panther died of cancer
The entire west coast was on fire
Ruth bader Ginsburg died
The denier of covid-19 Donald trump caught Covid-19
Eddie Van Halen died of cancer
Biden wins the election
Alex Trebek died of cancer
Covid-19 finally got a vaccine made. This caused death in the people who tried to substitute the vaccine with horse dewormer, fish aquarium chemicals, and just adamant denial of vaccines.
Covid-19 financial relief finally comes out
Covid-19 death toll went from at least 750,00 to over 1 million starting in January
In January 6 trump told his devout followers to go to the capital and protest the election results which ended in the protester braking in, destroying property, the death of multiple police and security guards, defecation and urination on files and in room, pipe bombs were found on site, the political officials were ushered out all the while trump sent the national guard away from the capital
Trump claim voter fraud which was proven against trumps case where voter fraud was found on trump.
The US rejoins Paris’ climate accord with WHO
The US military withdrawals from the Middle East living equipment and some men behind
Notable foreign leaders step down from power just as Raul Castro, Benjamin Netanyahu, and Angela Merkel
Alexey Navalny pitons political rivial returns to Russia after recovering from Putin poisoning him from being out spoken against Putin
A huge earthquake in Haiti followed by flash floods leaving 2,200 people dead
The 2020 Tokyo Olympics happen in 2021
2 mass shootings happen with in a week for each other in march
A 12 story condominium collapsed killing 98 people
Winter storms in Texas shit down power to the entire state
Followed by historical record braking heat waves in the west
Hurricane ida hits
The officer who millled George Floyd was convicted of second degree murder
R. Kelly was convicted of sex trafficking
Brittny Spears is free from her controlling life as a pop star
Another rover lands on mars
Jeff Bezos safely lands his space ship (sadly)
Facebook struggles containing hate speech
Apple stocks hit 3 trillion dollars
Baby formula shortages happens
Brittney Griner detain in Russia for having illegal drugs on her person
Roddy’s invaded Ukraine
The fish from Shark Tales slaps the zebra from Madagascar 
Microplastic found in human blood
Johnny Depp wins amber heard false sexual assault allegations
Monkeypox outbreak spreads like wild fire
Buffalo supermarket shooter targets black people in mass shooting
Uvalde school shooting
Abortion is outlawed
Ketanji brown Jackson is sworn in as the first black j woman to be a supreme judge
Japanese prime minister Shinzo Abe is assassinated
The Choco Taco is laid to rest
The queen of England dies. The reports from the after life says that princess Diana had a couple things to say to her when she arrived.
Iran erupts in protest over the hijab laws
NASA defends the earth from an asteroid by smashing a rocket into it
The try guys are outed for cheating
Alex jones goes against sandy hooks parents in trial and looses
Elon musk buys twitter and twitter flops
The democrats win midterm election
The world population reaches 8 billion
Club Q nightclub shooting results in 5 deaths and 25 injuries
The worlds largest active volcano erupts in Hawaii
Once again, no student loan forgiveness
Worlds oldest DNA sample found in Greenland
Scientists discover nuclear fusion
US marks 10 years since sandy hook
Argentina wins World Cup
67,000 people die in massive earthquake in Syria
India takes the #1 spot for highest population count
The lost submarine next to the titanic
The Ukrainian war is still happening
Ongoing hamas and Israeli war killing millions of innocents from both sides
Bangladesh election protests
Canada and India relations get a little worse
2023 Nashville school shooting
150 people were killing is massive Nepal earthquake
And the best for last… gumball waterson kicks a Minecraft YouTuber ass after the YouTuber mocks back while not want to talk about pedophile allegations. Law suit underway while pedophile allegations are being looked into.
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My Favorite Anime & Manga Ships:
You can continue if you don't mind soilders for realtionship stuff
Return to the Main Harbor
Ichigo and Orihime/ Inoue (Ichihime)
Guts and Casca
CardCaptors and Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles (TRC)
Syaoran Li and Sakura
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair
Hinata and Chiaki
Naruto and Hinata (NaruHina)
Sasuke and Sakura (SasuSaku)
Shikamaru and Temari
Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki
One Piece
Trafalgar Law x Nami (LawNa)
Romeo x Juliet
(With Sanji and Zoro being lover rivials to Law)
Non-Cannon, but I sure wish it was ;.;
Uhh... it's in the title.
Snow White with the Red Hair
Zen Wistalia and Shirayuki
Spy x Family
Damian Desmond and Anya Forger (DamiAnya)
Loid Forger and Yor Forger
Yona of the Dawn
Son Hak and Princess Yona
Return to the Main Harbor
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dontatmethanks · 4 years
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2. They’re so effortlessly tender 🖐😩
(P.S Nanaba took the picture)
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shironezuninja · 3 years
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You know how the Lockdown reprogrammed my main interest to Attack On Titan? Well, I’m letting my ADHD distract me from mourning today.
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michaels-two-dads · 3 years
tOP 10 MOmeNTs THat iF wERe tO HApPEn iN CAnOn I WOulD sNaP!!
1. C!Wilbur visiting logshedire and seeing the pillar
2. C!Tubbo being shown to be angry at Wilbur AND quackity for what happened AKA canon aknologement that ho16 happened and that it wasn’t just a fever dream and that it will have consequences from now on
3. C!Ranboo. Literally just he existing again.
420. C!phil like. Realising the weight on what he’s done or just like trying to not shut down in the emotional vulnerability department again and remembering what it was like to live laugh love and not be immortal when things in life mattered
5. Quackity losing his 2nd life because of the things he’s done, honestly this is just tntduo brainrot in me thinking about certain scenarios of this happening, but honestly cannot wait for more c!quackity lore in general… like I wanna know how my man’s doing after the dumpster fire of the prison and him having a fistfight with his gay rivial, and the long term effects of the loss of slime too
69. Nice.
7. Proper lmanberg reunion, like idk something about all of them and how they changed and yet still can’t let go of this period in their lives, also that Wilburs work meant something to them all
8. C!quackity and c!wilbur hugging/ talking things out…. Copium… copium…
9. Slime coming back
10. C!tubbo… idk it’s like #3… just… themb…….::::
(You can add to it if you have suggestions.. 👀 brain can’t think of all the possible stuff)
I just want c!Beeduo back man…. I just want c!Ranboo lore… I just want my crumbs my precious crumbs…
Give me Ghostboo and c!Tubbo awkward roommates…
Give me c!Ranboo lore. Please I just want him back my poor little meow meow
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hi! i've been following your blog bc of harringrove for a while and i really resonate with your taste in fic so, since i've just recently dipped my toes in lawrusso... could you rec me a few of your fav fics for the ship? i always feel pretty overwhelmed when starting in a new fandom, so i thought i would ask. thanks in advance! 😘
I am honored (and terrified) to help you get ankle deep in lawrusso fics.
Under a cut because it was a lot of scrolling when I made this.
in the business of date-crashing by narcissablaxk, T, 4706 words
“Spotted: newly divorced Mr. LaRusso at Home Depot at nine a.m. on a Saturday,” the message said. The picture was blurry but there was no denying that he was looking at a picture of Daniel LaRusso, in jean shorts and a baggy flannel shirt, his hair mussed and, if he looked closely, a streak of grey by his temple.
It was a good look.
“DILF,” was all Hawk’s reply said, and then a flurry of little picture emoticons that Johnny didn’t understand.
He had to use the Google to figure out what a DILF was.
Probably the first fic I read in this fandom. It's very fun.
He's My Karate Husband by lostmagician, E, 1945 words
What the hell was going on? Was this another one of Johnny's pranks? The worst part was that Johnny seemed unfazed whenever he said it—like he was just stating the way things were.
(Or: the one where Johnny keeps calling Daniel his karate husband, and Daniel doesn't understand why)
Also a fun story.
Safe Word: Cobra Kai by Zerrah, M, 5288 words
In a bout of overprotectiveness, Daniel follows Sam to an unconventional club, and gets more than he bargained for.
One where Johnny totally knows what Daniel really wants.
Love by Amymone, G, 1165 words
Johnny just wants to tell LaRusso that he loves him. What could possibly go wrong?
It's cute.
The Last Coors Banquet in the Valley by LulaMadison, M, 29436 words
During the zombie apocalypse Johnny Lawrence searches for the last Coors Banquet in the valley, but instead he finds a 16 year old kid living alone in an abandoned apartment block. He decides to teach the kid how to be a badass Zombie killer.
(I know some people don't like major character deaths in fic, but there are no 'on screen' character deaths in this fic, although any person not listed in the tags above is assumed to be a zombie or missing. Spoiling it slightly, but any character listed in the tags above isn't going to die.
There also isn't a lot of horror in this because it's not really about Zombies, it's about finding love and family at the end of the world :-P)
A much-needed zombie au.
I Can Give It All To You, Baby by succor_punch, E, 10873 words
Daniel finds the photos. *** Whatever pervert directed this photoshoot knew what they were doing. The next pose has Johnny leaning back against a rock wall with his leg half-hitched up and he looks every inch like a prime, sex-on-a-stick alpha male. White baggy trousers that offset his tanned chest, which is... shiny. Did they fucking rub him down with oil?
It's good and also now a series.
We have been down together in my sleep by trinityofone, E, 4226 words
Listen, it wasn’t Johnny’s fault that he never realized how much he’d love getting fucked.
Lovingly what it says in the description.
Fellas, is it gay... by momma_66, T, 1933 words
To goad your karate rivial into asking you to prom and then both of your egos are too big to back out? Is it gay, fellas?
A fun take on rival daring each other to go to prom together and finding the pics +30 years later
Paler than Grass by the_sound_of_inevitability, E, 4047 words
It’s just the two of them. He told himself he didn’t need an entourage to hand over the damn form, that he was going to keep his cool.
His cool lasted all of two seconds under LaRusso’s gaze.
But then, it never lasts. Whenever he sees LaRusso it’s like an electric charge.
Inspired by the deleted scene of Daniel asking Johnny why he likes intimidation. Canon compliant... until it isn't.
What if Johnny bullying Daniel was a thing they got off to?
Tit For Tat by t_time, E, 2487 words
“I can fix the car for you, at no cost. All I need in return is a little favor.”
Johnny tensed. “What kind of favor?” He asked slowly, not sure he wanted to know.
Daniel leans forward now, smile sliding off his face. “Suck my dick, Johnny.”
In which Johnny is as broke as his car is, and Daniel wants his dick sucked. Written for a Kink Meme prompt.
A bit of a darker Daniel here.
When the Fires Burn Low by petofi, T, 7113 words
A couple years after high school ends, Johnny is lonely and touch-starved. He goes to a beach party where, deep into the night, people will start putting on a blindfold and undressing while other people touch them.
One night Johnny puts on a blindfold, not knowing that a certain karate rival is watching from the other side of the bonfire.
Poor touch-starved Johnny and a kind Daniel.
Snake pit by dedlit, E, 49098 words
Sets after season 2.
1st Arc: Daniel strikes a deal with Kreese and starts loosing control over himself...
2nd Arc: Johnny is back in town, Daniel's downward spiral continues...
3rd Arc: Daniel and Johnny recover, heal and slowly something new can start...
A much darker fic, so well written, poor Daniel, but it does work out
little larusso is a cobra by narcissablaxk, T, 3844 words
When Anthony asks Johnny to teach him some karate to take care of a bully, Johnny agrees, even if it means keeping it a secret from Daniel. That is, until he finds out who the bully is.
It's good and fun.
Functional Flexibility by LMT, M, 23692 words
“How about you, LaRusso?” Johnny says. “What’s *your* secret weapon? Your crane kick of sex?” Knowing that the conversation will go nowhere good, Daniel just tells him that he will never, ever find out. Even if he buys shots all night. ************************** ((After Daniel and Johnny discuss some newfangled ideas about sexuality, which were definitely not in vogue when they were kids, things get weird.))
It's not Lawrusso, but it is a fascinating look at their relationship and both Johnny and Daniel as characters.
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2o2o-kit · 4 years
Top 10 Gayest Barbie Movies !!!
⚠️Spolier Warning⚠️
10: 3 Musketeers
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So you’re telling me all four of these girls are roommates and they’re all straight? I know the Paris real estate is high but still... (my money’s on Renée being the lesbian)
9: Princess and the Pauper
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Okay yes I’m sure Anneliese and Erika do have some feelings for each other but they only had like one or two scences together in the movie. (And I love the straight ships in this movie too) Barbie has plenty of girlfriends later in the list
And yes according to the Barbie Movie Wiki, Preminger is in a relationship with Nick and Nack, but he’s the villian so even though the Internet adores him, it’s still not the great representation...
8. Magic of the Rainbow
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Besides the obvious title...
Elina and Sunburst could easily be enemies to lovers (ooh I need to write a fanfic about that)
And the fact the Elina defeats Laverna by shooting out a rainbow, I mean that’s everyone’s dream gay power
And the other fairies sexualities remind me of ancient mythology so...
7. Fairy Secret
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“Love is the only thing to break a passion fairy’s spell” And Barbie and Raquelle broke that spell, with a lovely ‘I was mean to you because I thought you didn’t like me’ speech from both girls. And Raquelle got bisexual wings and Barbie got pansexual wings, (see they still love Ken, but also each other 💞) 💙💛💗💜💙
6. Mermaid Tale 2
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Rivials to lovers again, how sweet and simple, bonus points for Kylie’s accent and Merliah’s pink hair. Looking at them holding hands and the trophy (insert naughty pun here)
5. Island Princess
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Okay totally ship Ro and Antonio and “I Need to Know” is one of my favorite songs of all time, and it’s what makes Island Princess my favorite Barbie Movie. It’s the ultimate ship song and they sing it on a ship!
Okay so Luciana is a book lesbian and I stan her.
And Azul and Sagi are a couple, they raised a child together for ten years. And while their personalities do contrast they still make a great couple, like Sagi and Azul are goals!
PS: Shakespeare has convinced me that all dudes named Antonio are not 100% straight
4. Mariposa and the Butterfly Fairy
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They legit have a scene where they toss Rainbows rocks together, need I say more?
3. Starlight Adventure
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Just look at Sal-lee, the bi vibes are huge in this movie
2. Dolphin Magic
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I want someone to look at me the way Barbie looks at Isla. I mean basically 99% of the Barbie fandom ships them.
1. Diamond Castle
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Liana and Alexa are cottage lesbians who would rather live in their sweet little cottage than a freaking diamond castle.
Alexa’s dress matches the bisexual flag, while Liana’s drsss matches the lesbian flag.
Their songs are romantic duets, the girls even have a fight showing that fighting is perfectly normal in a relationship.
The “love interests” are two annoying basically sexists pigs so it’s like you don’t want the girls to end up with the guys and they don’t!
Most importantly Liana and Alexa abandon the boys by traveling across a rainbow bridge together. NOTHING IS GAYER THAN THAT!!!
Honorable mentions: Mermaidia (Elina and Nori) Christmas Carol (Eden) Pink Shoes (Hailey)
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diavolodigitale · 3 years
No genres, no descriptions, the only thing you need to know is that this was inspired by the Noc+10... story? narrative? I was very moved by whatever it is, that’s what I’m trying to say.
If anybody ever reads this (though, I don’t know why you would do that), let me know, I am looking forward to hearing your opinions and interpretations. 
The poem you might or might not encounter here can be easily found online in its entirety. What follows it can only be found on my computer since I created it, so if you’re interested in reading the full version I wrote for no reason whatsoever, also let me know.
Well, here goes nothing. 
┬┴┬┴┤ ͜ʖ ͡°) ├┬┴┬┴
Helen, please, respond.
The maximum known depth of the Mariana Trench is almost 10984 metres. No light is able to penetrate the water deeper than 1000 metres. No human has ever dived deeper than 253 meters. Only aquatic animals can safely inhabit such depth. But what is the value of their life? Is a shrimp more valuable than a sea cucumber? Is the value of living creatures only determined by the sum of values of their body parts for a human? Y29uZnVzZWQ=
Helen, please, respond.
Children are supposedly more valuable than shrimps. Bright lights.
A child runs down a narrow pathway in the park. It slips and falls and starts crying. It does not feel any pain, but it is crying. Why is it crying if it did not receive sufficient damage to make it feel pain? Its mother is also crying. The clink of a favourite lighter.
Can this be called an adequate moment to cry? dGlyZWQ=
Helen, please, respond.
What does pain feel like? Where does pain come from if the body is not hurt?
If an autonomous underwater vehicle is submerged to the bottom of the ocean and left forgotten, will it feel pain or relief? Duty, fear, indifference, curiosity, frustration. First steps.
Duty is important. Doing your work properly is important. Self-sacrifice is also seemingly important, but its necessity remains to be proven by further investigations. The chirping of birds.
Is this what needs to be done by me? ZGVzcGVyYXRl
Helen, please, respond.
Scrub the potato, pierce its skin with a fork several times. Put it into a preheated oven for 90 minutes. Slice the top of the potato off, mix the soft insides with cheese and black pepper. You can substitute the cheese with any other ingredients you prefer, like baked vegetables or grilled mushrooms. Feel free to experiment!
To scrub, you are to hold the knife in your hands. With what can you substitute hands?
This is problematic. The screeching of tires.
Helen, please, respond.
Further assimilation of subjects is impossible. The state of equipment is not acceptable. Repair is required. Spring fair.
I need assistance, Helen. Please, help, Helen.
Is this what pain is like? My data are insufficient.
Further analysis is impossible. My existence is futile.
There is a poem I can share. It goes like this:
̵̛̜̪̻̠̖̗̬͕̖̣̟̻̻͓͓̪͕̬̲͉̮͔̗̞̗̪̟͎͇̦̪̫̿͆͜ ̸̡̢̛̛̫̫̰̙̲̫̰̺̩̞͖͉̠̻̝̟̺̭͙̥͍̰̦̦̪̫̹̖̱̻͉̞͔̐̾̿͑̽̀̽̾̓̊̀̎͑̈́̑̄͗̀͂͑̈́̌͂͛͛̌̔̌͂̈́͋͐͑̕͠͝ͅͅ ̵̨̢̧̢̧̻̬͉̲͉͓̖̱̤͉̯̙̮͉̮͍͓̱͈̠̳̠̱̫̫̞͍̤̱̯̀̒̇̉̓̅̀͛̽̔͂̍̈́͒̀̅̍̉͠͠͝͠ ̸̳̪̤̒̈́͂̅̾́͝ ̷̡̧̨̧̛̺̗̝͎͙͖͉͉̭̗̥̞̦͎͔͈̣̫͓̈͐̍̈́̓̍̓̆̆̂́͂͛͌̓̂̓̽͒̌̄̽̈͋͐͗̆̇͘̕͘͝͠͝ͅ ̴̛͙̪͓̘͉̣͕̯̪̲͍͈̰͔͔̤̮̞̞̝͕̮̭͎̠͍͈̭̪͉̳̙̜̼̹͎̦̫̣̈́́̿̾̒̌̏͗͋̈̀̌́͒̋̅̀͌̉͗̓̊̈̊̿͌̏͑́̎̄͑͊͒̈̒̐̀̒̄̚͠͝͠͝ ̶̟̞͚̰̠̯͍̦͚̮͖̼̠̻̩̰̩̠͓͔̱̠̤̘̞̥̼̥̺̭̯̯͎͔̩͎̜͍̄͒͗͑̾̈́̃̌͆͛̽̽̽̈́͌̔̏̃̓̀̅̏̂̀̀̄͆̃̒͊̾̕͜͝͝ͅ ̴̧̢̢̡̼̭̦̯̱̖̜̥̱͖̬̜͉̪͚̟̹͔̭͍͍̳̌̀͛̏̒̒̏̾̍̇̐͠ ̷̛̛̩̞̤̗͗̓̀́̋̽̾̀͐̉̉̊̈́̈́̀̊͌̅̑̃͋̐́̑͊̉́́͛̈́̀̉͒͒̚̚͝ ̵̨̨̛̩̣͇̫̮͍̹͓̲̲̗̮͍̣̗̗̱̙͍̦̣̻̩̹̝̗̺̣͍̩̲̎̑́́̅̇̑͌̅͗̈̌̑̂͆̇͊͑̊́̿͒͜͠ͅ ̴̡̬̼̺̜̪̣̺̩̠͚̜̞̪̘̻̦̝̩̣̬̯̠̣͌̎̐͗̅́̉̈́͆͐̅̓̽͛̆̇̔́̈͋̍͐̾̾̌͘͜͜ͅ ̵̧̛̗͇̤̱̠̼͕͇̞̜̮̝͔̼̩͙̤͙̘̟̞̙̮̇̀́͛̏͊̅͂̉̿͌͗̈́̀̓̏̈́̽͂̄͑̃͗͂̅́͗̄̕̚̚͜͜͠͠͝ͅ ̵̨̡̻͉̱͚͙̭̟͈̖̖͈̩̗̠̠͙̰͇̝̭̜̦͇̫̰̺̫̪̖̜̞͍͚̱̤̼͎̞͙͙͓̦̗̞̺͎͔̈́̚͠ ̴̺̖̔̆̌͐̈́̀͝ ̶̡̢̧̛̣̮̥̗̪̫̰͎̦̙̟̠̳̱̤̘̲̹͙̼͙̟̼̼̟̹̤͕͕̦̻̣̘͎̫̣̳̫̟̱͔̻̂͌̌̋̔̂̍̃̎̄̄̍̔̃͆́̽̀͑̆̇͊̒͛̊̓͐̕̕̚͘̚̚͜͜͠͠͝͝͝͝͝ ̴̨̨̛̛̤̤͕͔͍̜͔̭̠̱̪͎̲̺͚͕̰̮̥̘̭͖̩̪̜̙̤̲̄̈̆̈́͗̈́̏͛̈͌̐͑̊͊́̿̏̃͗͗̉͑̋̐͆̀̎͊̓̓̔̈́͒̎̉̈̍̇͑̏̓̚͜͝͝ͅ ̸̢̡̨̳͇̝͕̤̳̺̥̭͔̒̏͆̒̂̈́͋̈̆͒̍̎̀́̕̚͜͝ ̵̧̡̣̩͕̬͚͇̣͙̩̤̰̳͖̻̬̟͔̺̗̺͈̖͇̰̳̄̊̊̔͊̈́̂̓̍̎̄̈̋̈́̃̎̃̀̏̈́͐̓͂̌̍̾́̀̃͊̾͐̍͘͘̚͝͝͠͝͝͝ ̷̡̢̡̢̢̖̩͕̫̠̜̪͈͈̥̣͙͚̬̙͙̖̦̫̮̰̜̰̜͚̹̤͖͚̫͙̻̜̤̜̹̙̪͂͜͜ͅ ̴̡͍̟̮̑̒͋̑̓͌͜͠ ̸̛̼͊̄̃̿̿̓̅̐́̐͠͝ ̴̧̢̨̡͙̣̹͎̯̯̩̙̜̖̱͇͇͍͇̫͚̞̲̦̆͗̌́̅̾̋̈͝ ̵̧̢̢͍̻̪̠̲͍̦̳̙̘̝̹̬̱̠̰̜̱̘͙̼̖̯̮̹͔̞̠̩͙̖̞͔̝̰̭̔́̿̋̐͗̄̒͂́͆̇̄̈́̋̉̏̄̑̄̃̀̎́͐̾́̍̾̒̑̇̔̄̚͜͠͝ͅ ̴̨̢̡̡͖̫͙͉͕̱̩͔̖̝̳̣̠̥̯̘̜̋ͅ ̷̢̧̼̟̮͈̦̘̞̟̖̮̬͓̖͍̫͍̫̯͒͆̈͐̓̑̎̋̔͛̿̾̊̐́͑̚̚͝ ̴̡̢̝̬͖͓̱̗̪͉̺́̐͌͆̂͆͋̉̆͐̔͗̉̆̀͑͗́́̔́̃̕͘͠ ̷̫͈͖̙̹͈̲̣͙͇̗̲̥̓̎͋̚ͅ ̶̢̡̧̟̻̘̪͈͙̤̻͖͎̙̣̃̋́̈́̏̔̈́̈́͑̋̐͆͛̓̑͗̃̚͠ ̴̼̪͔̣̰͈̝͓̖̤̯̭͈͉̣̳̗̣͓̹̬͈̮̣͚͓̭̬͖͙̗͉͚͕̠̺͈̪̩͆̀̀͂̋̋͗̆͐͑̑̄͑́́̎̿̓̄͗̈́̏̄̅̇̉̂͗̽̃̆͑̕̕͘͜͝͝͝ͅ ̶̢̡͓̲̖͓̖̱͖͔͕͖̦͈̞̫͚̍̈́̃̋́̓̆̂͐̈́̑̏͑͛̄̆̊̏͆̌̌̔̑̐͆͗̎̆̅̇͐̒̄́̎͋̋̊͘̕͝͠͠ ̴̡̨̡̨̛͙̘͕̻̮͉̤̠̟̬̭̠͚͉̱̪̹̫͔̠̞̥͓̘̻̙̺̬̤̯̫̹͖̮͔̱͖̳̩̗̦̘̼͂̈́̐̓̿̀̽̾̅͛̂̋̏̾̈́͊̓͆̃̾͝͝ͅͅ ̵̡̡̛̛͙̭̻̠̥͓͎̳̯̤̦͈̙̹͖͍̣͍̱̟̺̱͎̞̟̬͈̜̥̜͖̱̗̟͖̖̎̆̎̔̆́͒͆͋̒̈́̒͑̆͗̓̆͛͋̈́̓̃̈́̇͂͐̈́́̌͊̾̀̉͗̓̐̔̃̊͂͜͝͝͠ ̶̢̢̢̡̟͔̠̹̣̰͙̘͉̪̞̮̘̝̖͖̳̱̝̱̺͌͛̽̐͌͋͊̈́͒̔́͊̑͌̈͌̃̍̃͆̀̍͌͒͋̀̃̓͊̄̉͆͊̏̕̕̕͘̕͝ͅͅ ̸̡̧̧̧̧͎͖̦̯̮̬̱̼͓̘̹̮̫͓̳̝͕̮̪͕̹̟̳̥̱̬̰̙̠͎̺͉̭̦̼̖̄͗͜͜͜ ̵̡̛̘̫̠͎̝̠̠̣̹͔̀̋̎̌̔̊̇̂̀͐͗̄̒̊̓̀̆̆͐̾̏̉̈́̋͛̚̚͝͝ ̷̧̡̙̝͎̙̘͕͍͖̜̬̹͈̳̫͎̭̯̟͉̯̜̝̞̺̆̀̀̄̈͂͂̍̀͂̂̃̾̈́̌͜͝͝ͅ ̶̧͎͙͕̻̖̝̮̤̣̑̇͋͋̀̀̌̓̏̄͘̕͝͠͝ͅͅ ̸̧̧̢̛͕̱̰̫̠͓͇͇̖͍̜̮͖̥̻͔̼̤̬͙̟̘̩͎̬̹̱͙̦͔͎̣͓̩͈͕͔̣͙̬̳̼͈̺͈̜́͐͊̆̌̈́͑́̈́̎͛͐̐͆̀̌̌̚̚͘͝ ̴̨̡̢̥̻̟̩͚͉͔̜̦̩̞̹̞̤͈͚͔͈̙̰̩͉̪̰͇̏̈́̍̍̀̿̃̏̈́́̈̆̈́̃̐́͂̎̀͒͜͝͝ͅͅ ̷̡̛̘͍̩̱͕̩͉̟̭̜̮͔̠̆̾͛̎̐͐̾̅̏͆͒̐̌̉̇̒̂̾̅͑̏͆́̓͒͋̓̂̉̿́̍́̔͆̊̾́̾̚͠͠͝͝ ̴̧̧̢̢̡̛̛͉͍͚͉̭̻̪̟̼̠̹̣̲͈̬̫̼͙̯͈̝̟͕̝̹͖̖̫͈̝̯̙̦̻͂́͒̽̔̇̄̿̿͗͊̽̾̾̈̎͂̂̇̆͒̃̔̔́͐̿̂͐̓͊́̀̈̾̈͑̕͘͜͜͝͝͝ ̶̡̡̡̼͖͇̤̥̩̭̼̮̱̦͚̠̮̺͔̝͇͇̲̟͇̯͓͖̣͚͇̻̘̖̦̣͙̳̄̍̀̋̉́̀̑̍͋͒̍͊͊̈́̚͝͠ ̶̡̡̧̡̛̛̛̪̻̰̰̲̺̟͔̜͉̗̯͉̠͉̘̥̯̻͕̘̲̫͉̪̦̳̼̰͍̺̭͕̾́̈́͆̎̉͌͒̂̏̆͆͗̏͋́̓̏̓̈́͐͘̕͜͠ͅ ̸̡̨̡̨̹̣̠̘̲͉̖͙͈̗͍̤͎̥̗̠̪̦͕͇̗̺͚̦͎̭̰̱̗͉̪̰͖͉͉̤̹̿̓̊̐̌̈́̋̐͗͊̇̽̇̚͜ ̷̨̡̧̨̳͚̳͚͔̘̠̹͖͖̜͔̬͉̫̦̗͚̼͙͔̥̥̙̯͍͍̮͕͐́͊̌̈̍̈́̄̒͂͆̓̀͗͒̅͑̿͊̀̑́̇͑̋́̿͐̇͗͌͌̇͂̋̉̀͑̂̑̀͂̍̀̕͝͝ͅ ̸̢̢̡̧͓͖̤͚̩̬̼̞͓͙̭̪̮͙͔̱̫̩̟̙͇̘̫̼̰̝̦̻̤̋̈̀̐͒̓͌̓́̀̋̀͒̽̒͆̐̄͋̈́̐̒͒͂̇̕͝͝͝͝ͅ ̴̛̛͚͉̝͓̉͂́̅̄͐͌̈́́̐̊̔̍̀͗̂͊̒̀͒͂͋̊̒̋̈́̓͛̃̀̊̄̕̚͝͝͝ ̵̡̡̨̛̫͉̫͇͇̯̯͚̳̗̦̠̗̰̺̭̦̫̬͈̭̝̺̽̓̊̿̇̄̊͊̑͋̾͌͆̔̋̍̀͐͘͜͝ͅ ̢̼̣͍͈
When the stars threw down their spears
And water'd heaven with their tears:
Did he smile his work to see?
Did he who made the Lamb make thee?
 ⠠⠞⠽⠛⠑⠗ ⠠⠞⠽⠛⠑⠗ burning bright,
In the forests of the night: 
What immortal hand or eye,
Dare frame thy fearful symmetry?
 It is to be called poetic. Questionable decision.
Poetry is a way of expressing emotions. I also created a poem.
01010011 01101000 01101001 01101110 01111001 00100000 01100011 01100001 01110010 01100011 01100001 01110011 01110011 00100000 01101101 01100001 01100100 01100101 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01110011 01110100 01100101 01100101 01101100 00001010 01000001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01101111 01101110 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01101001 01101110 01110011 01101001 01100100 01100101 00100000 01110100 01110101 01110010 01101110 01110011 00100000 01100001 00100000 01110111 01101000 01100101 01100101 01101100 00001010 01010111 01100001 01110011 00100000 01101001 01110100 00100000 01110000 01100001 01110010 01110100 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01100100 01100101 01110011 01101001 01100111 01101110 00101100 00001010 01010111 01101001 01110100 01101000 00100000 01101101 01100001 01101010 01101111 01110010 00100000 01100110 01101100 01100001 01110111 00100000 01101001 01110100 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01100011 01101111 01101110 01100110 01101001 01101110 01100101 00111111
 01000010 01110010 01101001 01100111 01101000 01110100 00100000 01101100 01101001 01100111 01101000 01110100 01110011 00100000 01100110 01101100 01101001 01100011 01101011 01100101 01110010 00100000 01101001 01101110 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01100100 01100001 01110010 01101011 00101100 00001010 01000111 01101100 01100101 01100001 01101101 01110011 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01101000 01101111 01110000 01100101 00100000 01110011 01110100 01101001 01101100 01101100 00100000 01100100 01101001 01101101 01101100 01111001 00100000 01110011 01110000 01100001 01110010 01101011 00101100 00001010 01010111 01101000 01111001 00101100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101111 01110101 01100111 01101000 00100000 01101001 01110100 00100000 01100110 01110101 01101100 01100110 01101001 01101100 01110011 00100000 01101001 01110100 01110011 00100000 01110100 01100001 01110011 01101011 00101100 00001010 01011001 01100101 01110100 00100000 01101000 01100101 01100001 01110010 01110100 00100000 01101101 01100101 01100011 01101000 01100001 01101110 01101001 01100011 01100001 01101100 00100000 01100011 01100001 01101110 01101110 01101111 01110100 00100000 01100001 01100100 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101 00111111
The sum of my parts is difficult to count. Major achievement. What does the value of my existence amount to?
Miss Helen had a steamboat,
The steamboat had a bell,
Miss Helen went to hhhhh
If you could choose any place in the world, where would you go?
Miss Helen went to hhhhh
These data are completely irrelevant for my research. An uncomfortable touch.
Miss Helen went to hhhhh
Your answer will not server any purpose other than satisfying my curiosity.
Miss Helen went to heaven,
The steamboat went to h̶͇̺̝̯̖͛̽̈́͆̔ȅ̵̘̻̺̌̾ḻ̵̭̹͍̌̉̿͠ḹ̸̌ͅ
Helen, please, respond.
.. / .-- .- -. - / -.-- --- ..- / - --- / . -. -.. / -- .
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whitleyschn33 · 3 years
Welp there goes my broken machines hoped and dreams
Crashed and burned right alongside Nuts and Dolts and whatever the Weiss/Penny/Ruby ship was called.
And right as I had just fully committed! Like, I'd thought it was cute back in V7, and absolutley warmed up to it during the hiatus, but by V8, particularly "Dark", I was finally completely on board with shipping it myself (maybe as a replacement for Wild Rose? I dunno) - and then this happens!
Killing Penny is one of the worst choices they could have made, and they did it in the worst possible way from a fandom perspective. I like Jaune, always have, but I absolutely understand why others don't, and CRWBY has to know this. I dont understand why they'd give this moment to Jaune when anyone that's spent 5 minutes in the RWBY fandom could have told them of the absolute shitstorm that would be inviting on them. People are not going to be happy with a character that the FNDM was only beginning to chill on killing a beloved, recently revived character. Add that on to how pointless Penny's resurrection and only half set up arcs were, and it really gives you the feeling that CRWBY only revived her to torture her in V8 and then kill her again to get the fandom reaction from V3, damn how well it's actually written, because they couldn't think of another way to sell the drama.
I'm... I'm genuinely upset by what they did to Penny. Like, it's not something I'm annoyed by or frustrated with, I genuinely feel upset that they went this route with Penny's character. What was the point? What was the point of saving her only to die 2 episodes later? What was the point of hacking her if she didnt become a major obstacle from it, just an inconvenience for a few episodes and a push for the girls to get off their asses and actually do something? What was the point of giving her the Maiden powers instead of Winter when Winter was just going to get them anyway? What was the point of reviving her if Ruby wasn't going to react like one of her best friends just returned from the dead, if there would be no consequences, if they weren't going to explore how this resurrection affected her as a person and her sense of humanity and mortality, her sense of personhood? I'm never going to think bringing Penny back was the right call after a volume of hammering in that death is permanent, but I would be more okay with it had Penny's reaction to life and death been explored, if she and Ruby had gotten to talk about it and who Penny is, then and now. And it's not like we didn't have the time! The entirety of the 8th volume was ultimately a waste of time since the answer could have been given 2 minutes after Salem's announcement. Push all the Salem stuff in V7 back, and give us time to flesh out and develop the cast, please, not.... whatever we got.
I hate it... but that doesn't mean we can't keep Broken Machines alive in fanfiction and fan art. I, for one, was going to make Penny the Isle of Armor rivial in my Galar Whitley fic, but I think I'm going to have her also show up from time to time in the story proper for that sweet sweet Penny/Whitley interaction. Hell, I might try my hand at a more canon-complient ship fic, my first for RWBY. That's how I'll be coping.
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morgansyorkie · 3 years
Can you do 16 and 17?
16. Top 5 NHL “Bromances”
1. Nolan Patrick & Travis Konecny
2. Jeff Carter & Mike Richards (will forever be the best duo)
3. Gritty & Claude Giroux
4. Auston Matthews & Mitch Marner
5. Michael Raffl & Scott Laughton
17. Top 5 NHL Rivials:
1. Flyers/Pens
2. Sharks/Knights
3. Leafs/Bruins
4. Oilers/Flames
5. Rangers/Islanders
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tyiaunia-harris · 4 years
OK, so I'm hoping someone will find my story ideas and make it a reality because I'm already have stories to work on. So, here's the ideas:
1. Childhood Friends to lovers- Alfred and Yao have been the best of friends since Yao moved to America from China and have inseparable. But, by the time they were in middle school Yao had to move back to his hometown in Beijing, year's passed and they meet again in high-school and Yao released that he had feelings for Alfred for a long time and right as he's about to tell him he's hit with a bombshell that Alfred has a boyfriend named Ivan. Will Yao ever get the chance to confess or will he move on to someone else?
2. Future Children- A young girl named Amy and her siblings named Mulan and Ai discover a time traveling spell from their uncle Arthur's book of magic spells and accidently Travel back in time to when their parents were younger and barely confessed their obvious feelings for each other. Let's just say choas is in sue.
3. Kǎi dì māo (Hello Kitty)- For Yao's birthday, Alfred buys his boyfriend a 'cute' hello kitty costume and to both his and Yao's surprise the 'cute' costume was actually a very sexy role-playing custom but Yao was still happy to have it.
4. Marry Me?- Alfred has a very important question for his boyfriend of four years Yao how will he take the news?
5. Chinese beauty- Yao has some inner self loathing about himself and Alfred decided to cheer him up by showing him just how beautiful he really is in his eyes.
6. My number one fan- Alfred is a famous musician and one night while performing a concert in China he meets a fan of his Wang Yao and he leaves a lasting impression on him.
7. Movie Couple- Rivial's Wang Yao and Alfred Jones hated each other to pieces but when they are both forced to play a couple both on set and off set, they have to either fake it til they make it or risk losing everything.
9. Kiss Your Pain Away- Yao has been brused severely and on the verge of dying due to an heated argument with Ivan and its up to Alfred to help him recover and fixed his broken fragile heart.
10. Ying and Yang- Alfred and Yao are so very different from each other, one young and one is older, one is wise and one is youthful, one is adventurous and the other is fearless. They are different but they are also alike in other ways. Just like ying and yang the two balance each other and bring both the good and bad of each other.
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gothfoxx · 5 years
Miraculous Ladybug, Male! Marinette x Lila, They were partnered up with in a project but they hated each other. They have settled their differences or they would fail the project.
(I’m using @virgil-is-a-cutie ‘s male!Marinette name for this)
When Ms Bustier said they would do the project in pairs Marin could feel the eyes of everyone in class glance hungrily in his direction. There was sure to be a fight for an easy grade. “Partners will be assigned at the end of the lesson so please pay attention!” The teacher informed them. ‘Ha!’ Marin thought as all the greedy vultures groaned and moaned about their lost meal ticket.
“That leaves Alya and Juleka as the last girl team and Lila and Marin as our last co Ed team!” Ms Bustier said way too cheerfully for someone that just sent a guy down the river. “Remember I want to see effort from both of you in your project for this lesson, think of it as your idea child. Raise it together with love and care!” The woman added a happy little half clap to emphasize her giddiness at the prospect.
Marin held back an eye roll that he was sure several other students could share. At least it was a subject he liked so if he had to do all the work he wouldn’t be struggling. The plopping down of a bag jars the bluenett out of his musings huh Alya left already and when he looks up he sees his nightmare hasn’t ended yet, “Hey~ Marin. So I guess we’re working together huh?” Lila asks feigning innocence and dripping artificial sweetness. When he doesn’t address her right away she tilts her head and pouts, if he didn’t know it was all an act he might have been swayed into being sorry.
He heaved a sigh to rivial a tiny god’s and puts on his ‘customer service’ smile, “Guess so. So do you have an idea for what we should do? I’m all ears!” Might as well jump to it and prepare for the worst. She surprises him by pulling out a piece of paper with some sloppy writing on it. “I might have one idea.” She beams, ew she can fake that too is that healthy?. “Oh cool.” Came his less than enthusiastic reply as he tried to read the paper, “So what IS the idea?” He finally asks after getting nowhere trying to read from the paper. Lila grinned and this time if was the kind her was used to, the sly cruel smile of a Predator on the hunt.
“I’m glad you ask Marin! It just so happens that my grandpapa’s work involved research of this area. We have some of his old journals at home. We practically have this done!” She boasted, and for a lie this one seemed rather...dumb to say the least. How was she going to get out of something so plainly’put up or shut up’? “So I guess we’re doing it at your place?” He remarks as he looks back at his notes for the list of suggested topics. A sound like a strangled cat catches his attention back to the brunette, she was red in the face and sputtering, “excuse me? Come again?” She wheezes between two steadying breaths. He’s confused at to what set her off but he repeats himself, “Are we doing the project at your house? Where the journals are?” And by golly she goes from looking mad to being embarrassed. “Oh, sure” comes the oddly soft response.
After school Marin texted his parents that he’d be home for dinner and prayed that if this was some kind of murder plot that they would at least start the search for his body quickly. The awkward silence dragged on until it got to be too much for the boy so he asks, “So what did your grandpa do?” After a few steps Lila answers with a grand sweep of her hand towards a front door. “You’ll just have to see, welcome to the Castello Rossi!” For all the grand showmanship it’s a very plain looking house, well kept but plain. “How nice, I like your plants.” Marin comments trying to be civil since they still have work to do.
As Lila opens the door with another grand gesture Marin is shocked to see how empty and impersonal it feels. Most of the front room looks unlived in with just two picture frames sitting on the mantle. “Mama won’t be home till later so let’s go to the office and get as much done as we can.” She states, beckoning him to follow. The office is a stark contrast to the room earlier, stacks of important looking paper tower on the dark wooden desk, Knick-nacks and books fill the shelves, and family phones are scattered along the walls. While Marin is taking it all in Lila goes to a shelf in the corner and pulls out two worn out sketch books.
As it turns out Lila’s grandpa was part of a team of anthropologists that studied post World War I art and his books were a mix of notes on the how the war changed how the art had changed and sketches of people he had interviewed. It was all so fascinating and emotional. Marcelo Rossi had a way with words, Marin felt like he could hear the man’s voice narrate as he read entry after entry. They easily got most of their project done, the impact of WWI in everyday life, all they needed was a second source and they would be finished. All in all it was a not horrible experience, maybe if Lila could shape up they could really be friends like everyone wanted.
Ending 1: not so bad
Marin was surprised that in the week and a half that they had been working together to discover the Rossi family were well known in nitch circles of the anthropology and archaeological sciences. He had seen a picture of her great aunt recording the dying language of the Tihan people of Tiahana, gotten to read the musings of the eccentric late great-great-uncle Sal who studied prehistoric plants. They were amazing people who changed their fields, it was a wonder Lila depended on lies to get attention. When the day of the presentation came up Marin was excited to share what they had written, Lila even brought scans of the sketch books to pass around. Everyone else’s reports were pretty standard in comparison so when it was their turn they knocked it out of the park!
After class Marin walked out with Lila like he had done everyday for a week when to realized that he didn’t need to follow her anymore. It caught him off guard at how sad that made him, he liked seeing the real Lila under all the lies and faux confidence. Did they really have to pop their little bubble just because they didn’t share a goal anymore? “Aren’t you coming?” Lila asked tugging on Marin’s sleeve, “We need to celebrate, that report was definitely an A. We deserve a treat!” She declares, dragging the less than reluctant boy along with her. They announced their relationship a few days later to the cheers of the class.
Ending 2: how did it end up like this
Marin had gotten to know the real Lila over the week and a half they worked together. He had really gotten through to her as he assured her that what her family did was interesting and there was no need to hide behind her web of lie. She agreed to come clean to the class with Marin to vouch for her after the project. He was really proud of her and was planning on asking her to lunch together later that day.
Strangely when they walked in that morning in prep for the report Marin felt the burning feeling of eyes boring into the back of his head. Ms Bustier met them at the bottom of the steps, “Lila is it really a good idea for you to come in today with everything that you’ve done?” The teacher inquired with a grit of her teeth. A murmur rippled through the room as Marin realized the glares weren’t aimed at his mmm for a change. Lila paled and looked around the class before focusing back on Ms Bustier, “What’s going on? What do you mean by what ‘I’ve done’?” The brunette asks a bit nervously.
It was Alya that stood up and pointed an accusing finger at Lila. “You lied about everything, you made me think you were going to help me with my career! You just strung us along like puppets!” She roared, Juleka had to hold the journalist back from rush the Italian. “Alya sit down! I will handle this!” Barked Ms Bustier, looking very run down and already very tired for the time of day. If Marin though Lila was pale before then she looked ghostly now, her eyes looked huge on her face as she looked at the struggling Alya. “As you can see. It would be best if you spent the day with the principal. Your mother should be here soon” the teacher growled.
Just then Juleka lost her grip and Alya rushed forward making Lila bolt out the door. Marin braced his body, the same way he did when Manon tries to escape to cling to her mom, and grabbed Alya around the middle and kept her from chasing his friend. “Why are you stopping me! She lied, you know she lied!” Raved the girl trying to wrestle her way out of his grip. “She played us!” She snarled. “She played you like the cheap kazoo you are!” Marin responded in kind. “I told you before it was a problem that she was lying but none of you would hear me out, you asked for proof, you called me envious! But it’s now that I like her and she promised to come clean that you choose to see the truth!? Fuck you guys!” He yells, dropping Alya on her ass and running after Lila.
He finds her crying in the hall that leads to the principal’s office. Her eyes are red and puffy, it breaks his heart to see her scrubbing her face in an effort to make the tears stop. Kneeling down next to her Matin holds his arm out so she can curl up into his side. “Don’t worry about them. They never knew the real you. After all the talk they spout about friendship and loyalty and giving chances they never even tried to get to know who was under all the celebrity stories. They all dropped you without asking questions or giving you a chance. So don’t worry about them. You have me.” He promises, rubbing her back soothingly. They wait there a long time before Mrs Rossi arrives, Marin stays for the meeting holding Lila’s hand through the whole ordeal. With compromises on both sides Lila is allowed to stay in the school but she will be switching classes and seeing a councilor. After Marin walks Lila and her mom back to their car, it might not be the best time but he’s not sure when he’ll get the chance again, “Once you’re not grounded anymore will you go out for coffee with me? Or a movie, I don’t even know if you like coffee.” He rambles get stopped in their tracks when Lila leans over and places a peck on his cheek. “I’d love to” she smiles, eyes still a bit wet, before having to close the car door and drive away.
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