#River's Halloween Stories ๐ŸŽƒ๐Ÿ“œ
riveramorylunar ยท 2 years
A Stein & Her Human Lover
A Halloween Fic
Pairings: Thora Stein(Frankenstein Oc) x Esmeray Daring(Human Oc)
Warnings โš ๏ธ: Monster Calling, Crying, Short Circuiting, Screaming, Limbs Falling Apart, Huge Age Gap(Thora is 180 & Esmeray is 19), Height Difference (Thora is 7'4 & Esmeray is 5'12), Pitch Forks & Torches, Harvest Moon, Lightning & Thunder, Stitches & Blood
Pet Names/Nicknames: Little Human, Handsome, Beautiful, Sweetheart, Tori & Esme
Word Count: 2,230
Your Beauty Never Ever Scared Me
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It was a stormy night on October 31st. Thunder cracked in the sky while lightning struck. Kids were dressed up in all different types of Halloween costumes as parents passed out candy in the small town of Oakdale. There was an abandoned factory not too far outside of the small town. A girl named Esmeray had always visited the abandoned factory but no one knew why except for someone who lived in the factory. When she was 5 her parents had died in a tragic death and everyone said it was her fault when it wasn't. So since then every Halloween night she would go to the abandoned factory and visit the person well thing that lived there.
She swerved through kids as she walked down the streets of the town towards the abandoned factory as she hugged herself since it was chilly outside. She was carrying a basket that had food, water, her dairy and a sketch book. She arrived at the abandoned factory a couple minutes later and walked in. "Thora where are you at" she shouted and heard her voice echo through the abandoned factory. She walked farther into the factory and stopped in front of a closed door that said laboratory when she heard noises coming from behind it. She smiled before slowly opening it trying not to disturb whoever was in there. She shut the door behind her and walked farther into the room. She stopped when she saw a tall figure sitting on an exam table. She watched as the figure pulled on something with her teeth and realized her arm was hanging loose. "Oh did your arm fall off again" Esmeray said making the figure look up. The figure had sea green skin and a sky blue eye while the other eye was white. The figure had silver hair with white & black streaks in it. They had stitches all over their body to keep their limbs intact. They also had bolts on their neck that usually attracts electricity to them.
"Oh Esme Sweetheart god look how you have grown" the person said in a raspy voice making Esmeray laugh as a faint blush crossed her over her face. Esmeray walked over after taking a couple deep breaths and placed the basket down next to the figure. "What happened this time Thora" Esmeray said as she took hold of the figure's arm and started stitching it back together. Thora just stayed quiet as she watched Esmeray stitch her arm back together. After Esmeray had finished she looked up to see Thora looking at her already. Esmeray shook her head before trailing her eyes all over Thora's body to see what she was wearing.
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"Don't you have any other clothes besides this I think it's time you wear something different" Esmeray said as she stepped back. Thora stood up and towered over Esmeray. "No way my creator gave these to me and besides I look good in them" Thora rasped out. Esmeray looked up before rolling her eyes. "You're lucky I wash your clothes every week or they'd be smelling really bad" she shot back causing Thora to look down at her with a raised eyebrow. "You're lucky i care about you or you'd be dead by now" Thora shot back as she straightened her shirt out that had three buttons undone. The black corset that hugged her waist perfectly made the shirt more open which caused Esmeray's face to flush. Before Thora could say something to make Esmeray more flustered since she loved to tease her, Esmeray grabbed the basket and took her diary out along with the water & sketchbook before holding the basket out to Thora. "I brought some food for you" Esmeray said as she looked away. Esmeray felt Thora's hand brush hers as she took the basket. Esmeray pulled away before quickly walking over to one of the desks and sat down.
Thora just watched in amusement at how flustered she could get Esmeray in just a couple of seconds. She never had felt any type of human emotions at all before she met Esmeray. Thora was basically just a robot before she met Esmeray. But when she met Esmeray when she was just a little kid in the same abandoned factory they were in now, everything changed when Thora saw a little girl crying as she ran into the abandoned factory. After standing there in the shadow just watching she decided to show herself. So when she stepped out and the little Esmeray ran up to her she immediately felt sparks fly through her. That day she swore to protect Esmeray with her life even if she was just a creation a scientist made for fun.
Thora snapped out of it when she felt something hit her in the head. She looked over towards Esmeray to see her staring curiously at her. "What were you thinking about I couldn't get your attention" she heard Esmeray say and just shook her head as she smiled. "It was nothing you don't need to worry about it" Thora said and Esmeray frowned not believing anything she said but didn't ask questions.
Thora was working on a blueprint when she heard Esmeray talk. "Hey handsome I got a question" she heard her say. Thora furrowed her eyebrows and gripped the pencil she was holding tightly. "Thora did you hear me I need to ask you a question" she heard Esmeray say and her eyes widened in shock. She let go of the pencil she was holding which was now broken before turning around to face Esmeray. "Did you just call me handsome" Thora said shocked and Esmeray froze as they stared back at each other before Esmeray's face turned bright red. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to it just came out I'm really sorry" Esmeray rambled on causing Thora to roll her eyes. "Could you just shut your mouth for a second" Thora said with her arms crossed. Esmeray immediately shut her mouth as she looked at Thora. "I don't mind that you called me handsome to be honest I liked it" Thora said as she looked away from Esmeray. Esmeray just looked at Thora for a couple seconds before snapping out of it and smiling. She saw the bolts on Thora's neck jolt with a bit of electricity causing her to chuckle. "YOU'RE BLUSHING" Esmeray shouted and Thora's eyes widened in shock as she looked at Esmeray to see that she was looking down at the bolts on her neck. She covered the bolts as they sparked with more electricity meaning she was flustered. "That's adorable" Esmeray said and Thora glared at her. "Don't be mad it's adorable" Esmeray said and Thora rolled her eyes as she lowered her hands. "You better watch yourself little human" Thora scoffed out making Esmeray blush at the nickname. "I hate you" Esmeray huffed out before turning around and going back to whatever she was doing. "I hate you too" Thora said but that was not even true it was a big fat lie. Thora absolutely loved Esmeray with all her heart well mechanical heart. Esmeray didn't know how much Thora loved her. Whenever she'd visit Thora thought her legs would immediately give out when her mechanical heart skipped a beat or two. What Thora didn't know was that Esmeray felt the same way. They kept it a secret from each other since they didn't know if the other felt the same way.
"Esme" Thora said as she turned around to face Esmeray who turned around at the same time. "Is something wrong" Esmeray said as she stood up and immediately made her way over. "No no it's just that the basket is empty & I'm still hungry" Thora said and Esmeray smiled. "Alright I'll go back into town and get more food" Esmeray said before grabbing the basket and rushing out of the factory not noticing the person that was hiding listening to everything. The person headed back into town as well and called a town meeting while Esmeray made some more food.
When she exited her house she went back in and shut the door as she saw people holding torches & pitch Forks walking through the streets. She was confused at first until she realized they were going in the direction of the abandoned factory. She tried opening her door but it wouldn't budge so she started pounding on it. "LET ME OUT" She shouted as tears started forming in her eyes. She rushed over to one of her windows and opened it before hopping out. She started running after the townspeople who were already far ahead. When she got to the factory the moon was high up in the sky & it was an orangish yellowish color. She saw some of the townspeople standing outside of the factory and ran towards them. She shoved past every single one of them and they yelled after her but she didn't care. She went straight to the laboratory but didn't see anyone there. It was completely destroyed though making her worried. She checked the rest of the factory before going out through the back door which led to the forest. "Please please don't be hurt" she cried out as she ran through the forest. As she was running she heard the townspeople shouting.
She came to a clearing and saw the townspeople surrounding Thora who was on the ground missing one of her arms and legs. She ran forward and shoved past them to get to the middle. "Tori" Esmeray shouted and Thora looked up to see her running towards her. Thora's eyes widened in shock when she saw Esmeray. Esmeray collapsed in front of Thora who looked up at her. "Esme" Thora said and Esmeray nodded as she cupped Thora's face. "Esmeray get the hell away from that thing it's a Monster and it's hideous" one of the townspeople said and Esmeray looked over at the man before looking back at Thora. "Am I really a hideous Monster Esme" Thora said as she felt tears in her eyes. Esmeray shook her head before speaking "Your beauty never ever scared me" she said before pulling Thora into a hug. Esmeray felt tears fall down her shoulder before Thora went limp into her arms. "I'm here I'm never letting you out of my site again" Esmeray said as she held onto her handsome Monster.
Thora's eyes fluttered open and she turned her head to look around the room realizing she was back in the laboratory. She bolted up and looked around to see everything was fixed and put back in its place. She took the charging cables off the bolts on her neck and stood up. She looked down at her right arm which was now a mint green as well as her left leg. She lifted her arm around and turned it left & right to see different patches on it. "You're finally awake, took you long enough" she heard someone say. She looked up to see a man with a grey beard standing in the doorway. "Who are you" she spoke and the man just smiled. "You don't need to know that but someone has been waiting awhile for you" he said making her confused until he told her to follow him. She followed him throughout the newly built factory until they walked out. Thora shielded her eyes from the harsh sunlight which shined down on her. "Where are we going" she said and he kept quiet making her frown.
She realized that they were near the human village when she spotted people walking around. She stopped in her tracks causing the man to turn around. "Don't be frightened it's alright come on" he said before walking behind her and shoving her towards the town of humans. As they walked through the town everyone stepped out of the way before waving or saying Hello making Thora really confused. They stopped in front of a small house. The man knocked a couple of times before the door opened. "can I help you Gre-" Esmeray stopped when she looked up. She met Thora's eyes and teared up as she dropped the bowl she was holding causing it to shatter to the ground. Thora smiled before waving "Hi beautiful" she said and Esmeray jumped into her arms wrapping her legs around Thora's waist. Thora wrapped her long arms around Esmeray's small body making sure not to squeeze her too hard. "You're finally awake I missed you so much" Esmeray sobbed into Thora's blazer. Thora looked at the man and he mouthed that she was asleep for a whole year and it was the day before Halloween. Thora felt Esmeray pull away before sniffling. "I thought you were gone for good" Esmeray whispered out and Thora smiled softly before whipping Esmeray's tears away with one of her hands. "I'll never leave you sweetheart" Thora said right before Esmeray smashed her lips against hers. Thora immediately kissed back and they pulled away after a couple seconds. "I love you handsome I always have and I always will" Esmeray said causing Thora to smile. "I love you too my beautiful human" Thora said and Esmeray buried her head into Thora's neck tightening her grip around her making sure she wasn't gonna lose the person she loved the most again.
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๐Ÿท๏ธ: @angelicsupernova
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riveramorylunar ยท 2 years
๐Ÿ˜ญ I can't continue writing this fic it keeps saying error!!!
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riveramorylunar ยท 2 years
Should finish up this fic so I can start on fic 3
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riveramorylunar ยท 2 years
Should my next Halloween Fic be a vampire fic or a ghost fic?
The Ghost Town
Death's Cold Embrace
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riveramorylunar ยท 2 years
Fic number 2 is halfway finished
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riveramorylunar ยท 2 years
Got all the names figured out for all of my Halloween fics
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riveramorylunar ยท 2 years
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riveramorylunar ยท 2 years
Need to come up with 14 more Halloween fic names
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