#Risen V1
cherubchoirs · 1 year
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taking a tour of heaven before finally heading home
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icefir-windbreaker · 9 months
Poor Raphael.... From YouTube.
I wanted to make this video for @muzzleroars after I had asked this very question. I had no idea what their apartment looks liek but I hoped I had tried. This was made on GIMP, and VIdeoPad!
I hope ya'll like it!
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a-stoopid-person · 6 months
@muzzleroars Fallen Gabe on the brain again, so I drew him, and Risen V1 who is fighting Thanatos for some reason, little shit can't not fight something for 5 minutes.
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maggie44paint · 10 months
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I ABSOLUTELY ADORE @muzzleroars 's Rise and Fall AU, for some reason Fallen Gabriel gives me huge Beast vibes from Disney's Beauty and the Beast so I just had to draw a little screenshot redraw with him and Risen V1 haha!
They were so fun to draw and I adore their designs sm!
Reference below!
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divine--intervention · 10 months
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azzydoesstuff · 9 months
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uhhhh lore drop much??????
when you take into account the fact that machines began being developed during WW1 in the ultrakill universe (there's evidence look it up) and, uh, whatever this is...
you start to consider that maybe the machines aren't "alive" because of their AI, but perhaps it was their flesh and blood. they weren't driven by artificial reasons, but by supernatural ones.
they're called "machines" and not "bots" or "droids" for a reason.
these aren't robots. they're essentially metal golems, risen from the blood of human beings. blood isn't fuel in the sense of going into an engine, it's fuel in the sense of flowing through veins.
this pretty much explains how so many machines managed to reach hell. sure, some just went there out of their own volition like v1 or v2, but pretty much almost all other machines we see ingame would be completely incapable of making it down there by themselves. things like drones or streetcleaners would get their asses absolutely rocked by some of the things we've had to fight on our journey into the depths, and yet we keep seeing them on the way there.
they're in hell because they were ALIVE. they had SOULS. they died and went to hell.
i think this was subtly implied by the earthmover terminal entry said that when the sun was covered by ash and soot, the earthmovers "died out" instead of just "shut down".
this also explains why the only machines we see in limbo are drones and streetcleaners. they're the only ones that weren't invented purely for destruction and chaos, and thus, the only ones capable of being morally "ambiguous".
it's also why we're only now seeing guttermen, guttertanks and earthmovers in the violence layer. they were machines invented purely for war and nothing else, of course they would've all had commited the sin of violence and therefore be damned to AT LEAST go to layer 7.
of course, this theory doesn't really hold up with more, uh, human layers, like greed or wrath. machines can't be greedy, they have no concept of money. machines can't be wrathful, they can't express anger.
the same can't be said for lust, though. mindflayers are the only new machines we see there, and uh, you can probably see what i mean just by looking at them. yeesh. their rather revealing forms are enough to offend the holy father and damn them to such a layer.
neither can it be said for gluttony. machines can very much be gluttonous, seeing how they obsess over wanting blood to fuel themselves so much, when in reality they could last a long time without having to refuel, yet they yearn for blood anyways. think about it. what is food, but fuel for humans?
just to make ends meet in this theory i've got going, i'm just gonna assume that hell does sometimes move machines around layers for the hell of it (pun absolutely intended lmao)
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ricardian-werewolf · 6 months
Grishaverse rant: First Army.
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(Dominik the Bold in a field dress uniform and Sobachka in... an enlistment's uniform? Bubby, you're a major, what's up, Lapushka?) Sometimes, now that I'm part of the Grishaverse fandom, I wish I was old enough to have been around when It first started. it's all great, but it's So big, sometimes I feel like I'm screaming into a void. Plus, since Leigh Bardugo is so big as an author, I can't just send her an ask anymore about the size of Ravka's armies, which has been a particularly meddlesome problem with regards to my fanfic I've been writing. With history being my major backbone to any work, I always love to situate my works in a period, and annoyingly, Ravka would work for Napoleonic Era Russia, which means I can haul out my giant Oxford History of Russia (on pdf), and go to work. But, the line of reality and fiction blurs, and as someone who's a very linear and realistic thinker... it's difficult. Especially with the Nikolai duology and the sudden leap from 1800 to... 1940ish with the usage of rockets which should more closely resemble V1/V2s then what I assumed - IBCMs.
“In the distance, I saw Os Alta, the Dream City, its spires white and jagged against the cloudless sky. But between us and the capital, arrayed in perfect military formation, stood row after row of armed men. Hundreds of soldiers of the First Army, maybe a thousand—infantry, cavalry, officers, and grunts. Sunlight glittered off the hilts of their swords, and their backs bristled with rifles.”
(hmmm). LB, where's the artillery?! Also why does no one in this book series wear helmets when going into combat?? Basically, I feel like LB should have put more energy into the makeup of First and Second Army. As a historian in training, where are the calvary beyond this one mention, where's the heavy and light artillery? She says regiments? Give me corps, give me battalions! where are the battle-honors, the Colors of regiments? I know First Army is stretched thin and they fight for the king, but I want regimental colors! I want Nikolai pouring over the regimental histories! Give me more than two Generals, Grishaverse wiki! Give me battle stories. Give me a history of regiments who're disbanded in times of peace and risen in times of war. We know Ravka has a draft and they're constantly in active border skirmishes with Fjerda/Shu Han, but I want to see the machinery and guts of a Ravka constantly in a state of ever-active militarism. Give me proper technological advancement by non-grisha, and for saint's sake, give me a reason why LB hasn't thought of this before Nikolai's Nolniki. It can't be Just Nikolai thinking of these things. Nor just Grisha hoarding all their tech!
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unknownfrom34 · 9 months
For @muzzleroars
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On this post, I write a MichaelxV2 fanfic. Fluff writing about the Angelic courtship dance performed by a robot so I decided to be like this part. (Where they dance. Haha. I hope you won't mind 😅) Plus pronouns for V2 will be He/Her btw. I had edited out last minute edits before posting this so I hope you'll like it.
Enjoy. ——————————————————————————————————
"...And V1 had done that? To your brother?"
Michael nodded. He couldn't and still can't, believe that Raphael had helped but it made his already literally rotting heart flutter with reassurance that he tried.
"Yes indeed. He had helped the Machine to court Gabriel into marriage but I am surprised that he helped regardless."
"It must've been shocking." V2 tilted her head to the right.
Michael laughed gently as he placed his hand on his helm, a finger tenderly tracing the cracks. "I can't ridicule him for doing this." he spoke after a moment, still tracing the helmet's cracks mindlessly. "He is my brother and helping others is in our nature."
Michael finally removed his hand and turned towards the red automation. A mirror. A near perfect mirror of her processor painted as red as blood as the protector of peace. Blood tubes painted blue to ensure that he stood out of V1, the newly risen robotic angel and symbol of his brother's love Gabriel willing to give.
V2's processers is recording her findings on culture of Heaven. She had learned a lot from Gabriel in Fraud Layer she lived in, only from what he had been told from his perspective but when offered to see it for herself. It is truly a place of Paradise for what's left of Humanity to go to. Free of pain and suffering and found something she had been lacking in her making: Peace.
Still, the courtship dance is one of the private parts of Heaven over an millennia after Lucifer had fallen down with many other angels as it is considered a taboo by the Father. He had seen them prior to the former banished into Hell itself. The Hell that she and V1 had been born into when New Peace was established.
Curiously a few of his eight wings twitched slightly with another question in her hard drives as Michael took a sip from a cup provided by Raphael, due to a rotting jaw that seemingly be made of light gold, he was recommended to only drinks now.
"May I ask you again, Michael?" "Please do," He accepted, "What is it on your mind, Machine?"
He hesitated. "Have you ever been courted before?"
Michael nearly spit out his drink.
"I beg your pardon?" "Has anyone ever court you before?"
Michael went silent for a moment. He placed a palm on his exposed ribcage adorn with colorful radiant jewels and chains of sliver and gold.
"No." He answered honesty. "I have not been courted by any an angel nor human, Machine." he shook his head lightly. "Many had looked at and up to me as a leader chosen to lead His people and man kind throughout these centuries." He placed his hand again on his helm with a hint of flustered and nonsenses of the question. Turning away from V2. "Many of them knew this is an forbidden act to do, and even worse, the Prince of Heaven in place of Lucifer's and the Lord. I never even try to do courtshiping ritual."
V2 looked at him for a moment.
"Michael." V2 said finally, with a little bit of worry but confidence so little in his machinal voice. "Do you think that I..." Michael turned to look at her once again. "That I... that I do the heavenly courtship dance?"
"You?" Michael could almost chuckle but it was raspy due to a ruined larynx, it was ruined due to the event had had tried to sever his Light in attempt to show his loyalty to Lord he had long-since searched for... and Failed. He will save that story for later yet the machine like V2 could do the ritual is rather funny to him but...
But since Gabriel fell, since V2 was rebuilt and since, for him too much to bare; Even tried binding his brother before reason was struck into him by Gabriel's words, even in Hellish language, they still reached him and even worsen to do to him, he had tried to get him to see V1's corruption by having V2 himself as his date but... All of those failures, taken away his pride but made room for love, humble and a door open for a way for his own sins to be forgiven.
The plan to "open his brother's eyes" had backfired when feelings of this machine, the same way as Gabriel had and... To be honest when he looked back on it. He guessed that's what the race of Man calls "Petty."
Nonetheless, Michael had learned more of V2 being a replacement, ruined and will perish one day like himself will too. He could... He could watch her try. And if he was courted, well, only he will decide to tell or not tell the masses of Heaven.
"Well," He began to say, thoughtfully. "I cannot why not."
V2's optic seem to opened up a little, stars in his eyes with wings flutter a little behind him as he stood upright and then hand over his metallic abdomen and bowed with another arm extended out from him.
Head rose up and then one foot back and then he jumped into the air in a twirl, golden glowing wings flared out in display and then sticks the landing on two feet like a ballerina. Silent amazement resonating in Michael as he watched on. On the right and left of four appendages each. The right bottom one twitched slightly before one after another followed suit going up and then on the upper left appendage repeated this going downwards.
Then them both do it upwards and downwards before crouching down on fours as eight of them gone together to make it seem like they had only one pair of two wings before slowly raises up on two feet once again. Before too long, the eight wings came back but yellow faded into sapphire blue as two of each go downward and then soon out on display.
"This is..." She started to say, "This is so confusing to me, how do you all do it?" Michael, watching the progress had come to an metaphorical halt, placing his drink down and then stand up. He was feeling ridiculous for explaining this but he will feel even more not doing so. He said "Allow me." simply but his voice is gentler by the sound of it.
In his own display of wings, his four wings unfolded in brilliant shades and gradients of pinks, purples, magentas, and violets for a machine or soul to see. The wings then came around and covering Michael slowly and purposely to insight curiosity from the latter and then spun away before he unfolded the wings and then dashed towards V2 before stopping in front of him. The helm barely reached his ribcage and Michael is staring down at them before crouching down, wings flapping down to touch the floor before he stood up and hands grabbing onto forearms (so not to tear the skin and flesh off) after placing them behind his back and circled around him gracefully and leisurely.
V2, stunned but mesmerized, watching the head chief prince closely with wings behind her gently lowered down with her CPU was recording this in wonder before abruptly disappeared in a flash of light. Her optic blinked and looked to her left and right before something shines behind him.
Before he could turn to see, a pair of hands quickly covered his optic and wings enveloped around her as feeling of a helm lightly touching the surface of her own as his head was lifted up a little. Hands then removed themselves from his optic to see Michael roving above him, allowing the small robot to bathe in the glowing lights of his wings.
Both of them lost in a void of a colorful light.
Eight wings of his own twitch with surprise softly, blue began to share a gradient of light pink as he looked up at the Prince of Heaven before one hand lightly taking a hand, a hand that is nearly identical to V2's left one before raising it up and then spun the peace-keeping machine around with trails of neon blue and pink following behind her as four wings flown away steadily.
He kept spinning them to his right before letting go and catching V2 as a leg was raised up while he leaned backwards before lifting upward, lightly urged by a hand on her back with her wings fanning out as she was brought close to his chest.
Feet kept going in a dance of wings of beauty and grace for as long as it could go, a ritual was in fact an success by this point.
Midway, Michael had his hand on V2's back again and the other holding his hand, fingers intertwined, as they looked at each other.
"You have a surprising amount of grace for a machine." Michael commented, looking at his optic with interest. "Oh yeah?" V2 chuckled lightly. "Well, you've got a surprising amount of bugs for an angel."
Michael chuckled at the joke. She wasn't wrong but it was good to laugh once in a while.
"And the expecting tact."
They then spun around as they let go, wings behind them before they flapped, neon and natural light coming off from both pairs and soon they came back together with hands holding onto them and then twirled as they held on. Wings made from metal and divine light flapped and fanned out before fluttering and danced on their accord as their feet had became accustomed to the ritual.
They continued on in their rhythm of the heart beats and fans spinning before letting go.
At last, they bowed to one another.
"So, this is what the courtship dance is like." V2 commented as he turned to look at his wings, colors fading into the tips of his wings as they went from pink to blue and finally going back to default yellow. "Dance with someone you are close to."
Michael laughed, both lightly and worryingly as he tilted his head. "It is, Machine." he added. He is worried.
Someone will know that he had been courted and even worse, it was with this machine but they are in his private quarters, the chambers that was once... Once Lucifer's. Still, since they had danced the ritual here, this could be where a little white secret could lie until he will confess this sin. This sin that made him happy.
Michael cleared his throat gently as his wings folded and soon faded from existence. "W-Well, I enjoyed our time together." he said as his fist was placed behind his back and closed his eyes. "Please," He wanted V2 to leave back to his apartment but he hesitated. "It is getting late, do you think you can travel back to the Eighth Layer?"
V2 looked at the pillar that overlooks outside, stars have already decorated the skies as night time has begun and below were a small city and villages built since the Uproar after the Father's death. "I will but-" V2 turned over to Michael, with another question in mind. "Do you think that I could stay here, but for the night?" he asked as he used his hand to rub his arm. "I haven't seen an actual night like this." No. No you will not.
That's what he wanted to say.
"Of course, but only for one night... V2." He answered this instead.
V2 light up a little before bowing her head. "Thank you, Michael."
Michael bowed his head as well. "You are welcome, I hope you will enjoy the night." he said as he watched him sitting down and crossed his legs on one of many luxurious pillows to watch at the skies with wonder and silent joy.
Michael just wanted to offer her a room of her own but stopped himself. "Have a good night, V2." He bided good night before he turned and then headed towards his own resting chambers as V2 bids him a good evening as well.
Oh God Almighty, what is he even doing?
He had offered the machine to sleep over in the Eighth Sphere of Heaven for the night and only for the night. And all after that ritual of courtship!
He moved a fabric leading into his room away and letting it fall behind him as his head looked at it. He turned to his left arm and noticed new flowers have grown from the wounds. He must've accidentally scratched it during that dance as he carefully recognized them.
Peace lilies, cosmos and apple blooms.
No doubt this was related to the dance.
Michael turned to the fabric once again and peaked to see V2, still there right where he left her, watching the view and a dim lunar light before letting the fabric drop once again. It was the first time he had participated the ritual and he hoped it would also be the last yet.
His wings made from glass and metal, stamina long enough to keep up with him and the look in the optic. An angel of iron and blood he had greeted as an plan to restore Gabriel yet he could've known that this robot...
Never meant to be an replacement. Striped of purpose. Failed in securing something far from her reach. Stoic. Intelligent.
V2 was just like himself. He could come to talk to Raphael for advise on this newfound friendship but still on the same matter, maybe he could ask him if they could dance one more time before turning in for the night.
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admiral-mason · 1 year
SAGAU x Battlecruisers
Feat. Beidou
Disclaimer: Beidou may be a bit out of character.
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Before we get into this post, lemme tell you a bit about Battlecruisers.
...Here just watch this video:
And here's the game's website:
Here's some lore from my perspective:
Humanity was effectively killed off, and robots took over the world. Said robots tend to refer to humans as meat people.
The robots also built massive warships simply referred to as battlecruisers. The battlecruiser you control is known as the Trident.
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All that's left of humans is floating cities. I can also imply that sea levels have risen dramatically since the game's protagonist is capable of using his battlecruiser to Paris which is in the middle of France.
I don't think this is canon but I like to think that plastic bottles survived humanity's eradication
I know three nations that exist: The United Automata Coalition (Also known as the UAC, it's the strongest nation in the game), the Rust Nation (which builds battlecruisers of their own), and New Australia (I only know one character from said nation, that's it)
Also the protagonist is this guy (I screenshot the image myself):
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His name is Charlie, but at the end of the game, his full name is revealed to be Charles Wilfred Haka V1.
So, how will I tie this to SAGAU?
The answer is simple: While you played Genshin Impact a lot, you eventually found out about Battlecruisers. After giving it a whirl, you honestly liked the game as it was nice to play something else for once.
Well, then you get yeeted into Teyvat.
Except this time, you're not in a nation or frankly anywhere for that matter.
You notice you're on the deck of a jet-black cruiser... before looking around and seeing an ABSOLUTELY MASSIVE GUN TURRET.
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(This is assuming that Charlie is around the height of an average human... refer back to the Trident picture shown earlier for an idea of the scale) (I screenshot this myself and added text in Canva)
Suddenly, someone emerges from a hatch next to you.
You immediately realize that the jet-black robot is Charlie due to his slim legs and stubby arms.
Suddenly, he says something.
"Hey! You're the guy who helped me steal the Trident and survive thirty-one life-or-death scenarios!"
"...I'm sorry wha-"
(Headcanons start here)
Beidou and her crew likely would find you and Charlie on one of her voyages. It isn't hard at all to spot the Trident since it's a very large jet-black modular battleship.
Once she spots you, everyone on the Alcor would likely feel your divine presence since this is SAGAU. Beidou would order the crew to get closer, but with caution since the Trident is highly intimidating.
Meanwhile, Charlie is watching the Alcor get closer via a mounted telescope.
"Is that... a wooden cruiser controlled by meat-people and propelled by paddles and two giant wheels in the rear?"
"Hold up lemme see *notices the Alcor via the telescope* ...Oh crap we're in Teyvat."
Once the Alcor finally reaches the Trident, Beidou is just staring up at the massive profile of the ship. It's massive.
Conversely, you're looking down at the Alcor's tiny profile, wondering how you were gonna talk to them. Hopefully, Beidou and her crew don't see you as hostiles.
Charlie suggests the idea of using a Steamcopter to get down to the Alcor.
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(That's a Steamcopter)
"Dude, this is insane! These things only have a 60% chance of taking off properly!" You yelped to Charlie, panicking over the fact that you remembered the problematic lore bits of the Steamcopter.
"Nah, you'll be fine! Trust me!" Charlie replied as the VTOL aircraft took off. Thankfully, the Steamcopter did not malfunction and you and Charlie were able to descend onto the deck of the Alcor.
"Uhhh... hi Beidou-" was all you could make out before Beidou tackled you with a hug.
"Your grace! I cannot be any happier in any other moment that's not right now!"
"...Great! Now I'm in a SAGAU situation!" You yelped, not knowing how to respond.
"What is that?" Charlie asked as he was confused.
After the hasty introduction Beidou recomposed herself, introducing her, Kazuha, and the Alcor's crew... before asking on who Charlie is.
As soon as they found out that Charlie is a naval captain from another world they were fascinated by him and his ship.
"It has weapons, shields, and a charging station for the drones that work on this cruiser!"
Charlie excitedly said as Beidou and Kazuha continued to look at the Trident's massive profile.
"How... how did you obtain such a vessel?" Kazuha asked.
"I stole it with the help of this guy right here!" Charlie said as he pointed to you with his left arm. You just looked at him with a 'bruh' face.
"YOU WHAT?!" Beidou and Kazuha yelled at the same time.
Genshin Impact by miHoYo. Battlecruisers by Mecha Weka.
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ahb-writes · 23 days
Manga Review: 'Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou' #1
Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou: Deluxe Edition, Vol. 1 by Hitoshi Ashinano
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coming of age
science fiction
slice of life
social commentary
My Rating: 5 of 5 stars
In the countryside. On a cape overlooking the sunset. Over aged roads that yawn into the distance, cracked by sun and time. Beyond hills and mountains and sand dunes that linger like accidental thumbprints left by indifferent gods. Above the sea levels, which rise year over year over year. Café Alpha.
YOKOHAMA KAIDASHI KIKOU v1 is a tender manga that fools the reader into combing through its pages all too quickly, impatient for next low-key adventure and stridently hyper-aware of nonexistent threats to the comic book's rural quietude. The magna isn't at fault, though; the problem, assuredly, lays with the reader. Too many meandering shounen adventure tomes, too many restless romance epics, and too many melodramatic new arrivals tend to fault readers into believing that angst equals good storytelling. But for readers with time to spare, they know that authors of manga in the iyashikei subgenre are smarter than that.
Alpha Hatsuseno is a domestic robot. She's also the caretaker of a tiny café on a nondescript cape in rural Japan. The sea levels have risen and much of the country's fervent urbanization has succumbed to the winds of time (but it doesn't hurt to have a nice rest stop where strangers can gather for a sip of coffee or tea). Café Alpha's visitors number in the single digits (on a weekly basis), but that simply leaves its sole worker more time to watch the sunset, tune her guitar, fix up her home, or chat with the locals. Life is good when one demands only as much of it as one deems necessary. Sometimes, kindness follows kindness, and that's all that matters.
YOKOHAMA KAIDASHI KIKOU v1 is less an attempt at post-apocalyptic purity, than it is a commentary on post-urban ambition. The art style bears this out, often through playful explorations of environmental design that bring readers into singular, existential moments and never lets them go. The author composes expansive, almost exhaustive shots of nature intersecting the built environment, wielding forced perspective to maneuver readers into and around distant mud flats, to the top of well-trodden hills, and to the edge of newly made bays following a flood.
Alpha rides a petite motorbike around nearby villages and to the local gas station. She chats with an old timer, she has tea with a visiting package delivery girl, she waves to a local doctor, and she exchanges stories with a nervous young boy whom she often sees as an excitable little brother.
No need to rush. The café will be there when she returns.
And she has no real urge to adventure, either. The clouds will drift, the rain will fall, and the sun will set, today, as they do every day.
Alpha strolls through shade-dappled roads with weeds dividing the concrete every two meters, she observes the swaying tall grass and contemplates the changing of the seasons, and she plucks at her three-string moon guitar, humming a tune she never knew she knew.
Happiness can often be had in the simplest of contexts. And in YOKOHAMA KAIDASHI KIKOU v1, readers find a young woman marked by her sensitivity to the land as it drifts through time. Nature is powerful and dangerous and unrelenting, but it is also beautiful and protective and awe-inspiring. A unique sea creature by the bay? Probably. A mythical god-being turned to stone in a nearby village? Possibly. Readers will locate a few keen curiosities in the cracks and folds of this manga's world. Note, however, that none of them are particularly worthy of one's attention. Alpha-san doesn't age. Whatever peculiarities draw one's attention on any given day, may well drift into memory by sunset.
The book's stripped-down storytelling and delightful artwork are treasures best consumed at half-speed. Philosophical debates can certainly be had about humanity's prurient overconsumption or of culturally-bound inner monologues concerning rural life. But for now, perhaps it's best to sit back, sip some juice, and watch the rain clouds roll in. It's a good thing Alpha repaired the upstairs window the other day.
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cherubchoirs · 8 months
Risen V1 behaving like a weird, angelic bug birb war-bot
its personality didn't change a bit
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knuckleblasted · 3 months
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Insane V2 ramblings let's go, this is an infodump I did and just tidied up so sorry if it's incoherent or sporadic!
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So! As mentioned by the dev, the reason V2 was the only prototype of her line made was, of course, money! Mankind didn't see it as a worthy endeavor to invest in production because why on earth would you make 1 V2 when you can just make 50 drones instead??
Not that it ends up mattering in the end though, as for game stuff; I imagine her first battle with V1 is done out of necessity, territorial. This one comment I saw on Reddit sums it up;
They're competitors. They'd have to kill each other eventually and the more blood one takes is less blood for the other. They're not like humans who will just die eventually anyway, they can and will use all of it to survive longer.
During 1-4; she does have a bit of an ego ( Gabriel's still #1 in the pride department, though ), after all she's better! She's larger, more durable, she fires faster, her wings are actually functional. Kinda like how players may still sometimes die on past bosses despite having more upgrades now JXCHB she's risen to the top and done so much just on her own, why shouldn't she be able to take down a more fragile counterpart?
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Even if she has nobody to protect, it doesn't stop her from showing that security unit "humanity" ( also in part due to the blood she consumes overtime slowly giving her sentience ) shown in things like like bowing before combat rather than immediately ripping and tearing like V1 would've done. The fact when she sits on the throne in 4-4 she props her head up. My portrayal also does things like put her hand on her hip, check her "nails", fold her arms, pistol twirls, idly flips coins or rolls them over her knuckles. She justifies these mannerism's existence because they "ultimately don't harm the integrity of the mission or effect the end result" as opposed to V1 not doing those things because "they don't aid in the integrity of the mission, they're of no importance"
Anywho; after the first loss she is furious, she wants revenge. She goes deeper into hell and continues on her own warpath ... but despite all her victories, she never stops feeling like something is missing. She feels incomplete. She has quite literally taken down entire sections of hell by herself but that's not enough, it'll never be enough. She wants back what she lost, and she wants the closure of destroying V1 to finalize that she is, indeed, better. Her creation meant something. She is worth the life she was given. She was not a waste of time, of resources, of money. 50 drones could not replace her, 100 drones could not replace her. While yes the second showdown is once more in part because of necessity, there's now a level of spite to it. Now it's personal.
She doesn't want to win solely for blood, she wants to win to prove that she can
And that bitterness is shown more in her fight with that cracking of her knuckles before it starts, the fact she gets 𝙴𝙽𝚁𝙰𝙶𝙴𝙳 immediately upon being hit with the knuckleblaster. it's salt in the wound. how dare you.
She may have rewatched her last match with V1 to an almost obsessive degree in an attempt to get any combat data so she can win this time ( and she certainly learned alot from it! ); but at the end of the day, she was not made for war. She was made during an era of peace, and even if she doesn't do it on purpose, it shows. Despite doing everything in her power to ensure victory; she has a level of restraint, dignity, which is great for being noble around the humans she would have protected but. well! she doesn't have to do that, there is nobody to talk to or protect. there is nobody left. mankind is dead. and her failed escape attempt made her ultimately join them.
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project-pantheon · 7 months
Data Report V1
Subject Codename: Scylla
Original Name: Daze
Species: Sea Swallow
Pronouns: She/They
Age: 13
Current Abilities: She is capable of generating poison from her palms, this poison she’s capable of manipulating as well due to the energy within the poison. This poison is only lethal in high doses, and will cause paralysis and pain depending on the dosage. She also can breathe underwater as a sea mobian.
Weaknesses: The amount of venom she generates tires her out, causing her to grow a tired nature. Her venom can only work on organic individuals, and cannot work on inorganic individuals such as robots. She also has low levels of endurance, and requires a large amount of hydration due to being a sea mobian.
Summary: Origin unknown, been in development for one year. A recent experiment, who had risen up from the ocean. It is unknown which aquatic city she comes from, as she refuses to tell anyone anything about her culture, seemingly suspicious of the territory she’s found herself in. She was discovered by NWO officers asking if they were the gods that wished to devour her people. She has not provided context for this statement, but she had agreed to come into the Pantheon Project for testing under the promise that she would obtain the power to protect her people. She tends to not interact as much with the others, sleeping most of the time to preserve her energy, but she usually is seen as the ‘sleepy little sister’ of the group.
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ignitesthestxrs · 10 months
your nails look fantastic!!
but tbh i'm kinda more intrigued by the keyboard in the background? I didn't expect you to be like a fancy keyboard nerd?
but the nails are really great! just less surprising to me because i'd seen you do nail witchcraftery before already lol
thank you!! they are so much fun to do lolol and i am Slowly getting better at not like, trapping hair in the gel lolol
re: keyboards LOL i would not say i have risen to the level of Keyboard Nerd (as in person who knows the lingo and has opinions on it), but i definitely have Keybord Preferences. Like i'm at the level where i know there's stuff that i don't know, you know?
the keyboard in the bg of the nail photo is the Glorious Gaming GMMK 1 which i was previously using for my personal pc! but after munting the second wireless dongle for my work keyboard i finally decided to give up on wireless keyboards for my work station because the laptop travels fro my home work station to like, actual work with me and i keep kinda dropping the it places and fucking up the dongle. which then renders the whole keyboard + mouse combo useless! so now i have this wired keyboard that plugs into my work station and nothing that plugs into work laptop
the only customisation i did for this one was switching out the keycaps from plain white to the ones u can see below. the GMMK1 has some like, minor customisation software available, but it mostly only affects the LEDs in the bg. i REALLY like the sound it makes tho, it's very satisfyingly clicky without being too obnoxiously loud
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and then for my personal pc i am using the Glorious Gaming GMMK2, because i liked the v1 enough that i could not be bothered to do further research on other brands. i ended up 'building' this one, insofar as 'building' means 'i purchased all the parts separately because they were on sale and cheaper to buy separately than it was to buy the whole keyboard pre-built', but there are like. three parts. keyboard base, switches, keycaps. it's more like putting together simply 3d puzzle than building anything.
i don't actually know much about switches - the ones i got for the GMMK2 were chosen solely because i needed a new keyboard and these were the cheapest available on the website i was buying them from. they are less clacky than the ones on the GMMK1, which i dont like as much, but they have a little more resistance when u press them, which i do like!
i also prefer the full layout on the GMMK1 with space in between the numpad and arrows and stuff. the GMMK2 is a 96% layout, wehich is like,,,fine, in that it has all of the buttons i prefer to press, but i don't like how cramped it was. unfortunately, the GMMK2 only comes in 96% or Tenkeyless (without the numpad) form, and bc i live in NZ and am very impatient, i could not be bothered doing further work to find a Perfect solution when i wanted to get the keyboard together like, That Day LOL.
the thing that IS very cool about the GMMK2 is that it has the level of keybinding customisation that i wanted, so i have been able to map some specific keys that i wanted but can't do on the 1.
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i realise that this is a long post for a bitch who claimed she wasnt a keyboard nerd but like. idk what a macro is and can't imagine having a use for one u know, like there are things mx GMMK2 is capable of that i do not understand and don't have a call for. the Real Nerds are out there, and they have opinions on whether or not your switches need to be Lubed.
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dxwnxdusk · 2 years
Is there truth to be had after all these years? | V1 : The obvious redemption arc. Or just an Arc where Azure was putting his own plan on hold (not the one to save his brothers) but when the gang is free so is Sun Wukong. Though Azure still has the scroll and he's not keen on giving it up just yet. However, he confronts him. Demanding answers, he wants to know why. Of course....Yellow Tusk and Peng will not yield like Azure, forcing him to see the other side of the spectrum. Forcing him to put his own two brothers away that he spent centuries trying to rescue. He wants nothing more than to bring the jade emperor down, look at how many have suffered even now! Why!? Why won't anyone do anything about it!? In which Wukong keeps Azure under a close eye, trying to show him a path other than the one for revenge...or worse.
I'm ten times the emperor Jade was! | V2 : The world is in dissaray, the balance is broken and a new emperor has risen. Hail to the Emperor. However, even so, Azure has taken control of heaven and by law it's armies as well. Many expect him to ruin things but Azure begins taking careful steps, seeking only to help, like he has all along. Now a God himself, he has to grasp unimaginable power, unveiling the words of the late emperor. Azure doesn't go after the group that did try to stop him, he doesn't punish those who tried. He knows why they did, he knows. But even still with his newfound power he begins setting out to fix what it is he wanted. To help people. But Azure is beginning to notice that at times his actions do not feel like his own, or that he does things that are far out of character for himself. Doubt and fear are a powerful weapon, especially when they're about yourself.
The sun, beautiful and dangerous in all its glory | V3 : JTTW VERSE LETS GOOO
The Azure Beast | V4 : Their plans ruined, cast out and unknowing of the fate of two of their brothers. The trio wandered, eventually the gods did seek them out, unknowns to Azure is that his two remaining brothers were sealed away. Enraged, the demon attacked the gods, unawares that only a few miles away was the group that was supposed to do it, the one who was supposed to have sealed all three away. The pilgrims found the Azure Lion, quite literally. A towering beast, a curse that was carved into the demons very bones, reveting him to his most feral state. Nothing more than a miserable beast, still with a lingering conscience. Mourning over the loss of his brothers. Despite their original goal, seeing the gods curse in action, they could not bring themselves to do anything else. For it was no longer nessecary. But they did not bring him with. Now? Centuries later. The giant lion still stalks those lands, that have slowly drawn closer to the city. It's only a matter of time before the inevitable.
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trinityhighwycombe · 6 months
Bible Reading - Mark 16 v1-8 - Jesus has risen
Bible readings.... Bible Reading - Mark 16 v1-8 - Jesus has risen Like what you hear? ❤️ Join us for worship every Sunday. ⛪🛐🙌🙏
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