2startups · 4 years
Top startup stories and funding data of the week (3rd week of January-21)
Top startup stories and funding data of the week (3rd week of January-21)
Top stories and fundraising data of the Indian startup ecosystem in the 3rd week of January 2021. Indian startups raised a total of $152 million funds from investors via 18 deals this week. Top Startups news and stories of the week India’s startup IPO journey for 2021 kicks off as diversified gaming and sports media platform Nazara Games refiles the DRHP with market regulator Sebi.The company…
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Digital Brand Storyteller, Eva Hsu, Founder Ripplr China
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trustednewstribune · 2 years
Debut MENA Content Creator Awards to honor home-grown digital talent
The Content Creator Awards kicked off in Dubai on Wednesday with the spotlight focused on the Arab world’s emerging digital talent, influencers and creatives.
“This is a $350-million industry and the region has so much talent. There was just no system to recognize it so we decided to be on the full front of that, award and be rewarded in return,” Tanaz Dizadji, the founder and CEO of Brand Ripplr, told Arab News.
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The winners will be announced at a gala event in the emirate next week. Winning categories include male and female content creator, social queen and king content creator, lifestyle trendsetter, and tech guru.
“The GCC market has a high demand for influencers and brands which is why we’ve decided to launch the MENA awards,” one of the panelists said.
The first-of-its-kind event was sponsored by YouTube and backed by Brand Ripplr and Mediaquest.
While the creators did not attend the session on Wednesday, their content was presented to a panel of judges spread across several different rooms, with over 20 categories showcased.
The winners will be chosen according to performance metrics where public votes are factored in. The voting is open for a worldwide audience and has so far racked up millions of responses.
Judges will also base their decisions on what they call the NICE technique: How natural, innovating, creative and entertaining the content is.
Judges include Jad Bitar, brand manager at Arab News, Noor Starz, a YouTube trailblazer, and Hadia Ghaleb, a fashion icon.
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versinator · 6 years
Szeszélyesen szivedig
Bejárónőnk tűri délkörök ezerháromszázas Lövés velence átcsendül szánalmas Foghatja betakarózik sugtam lepkéje Lábaidon mindentlátó küzdöttetek ereje! Kutya! centrál villámgyors budapestre Rigós lenézni megtért többnyire
Átjár vánszorgok légtornász erőd? Höhle lógatva oldoztad tüdőd Úgyhogy mesékbe palotát ágifüvi Maszatos káldor vanity kövi Agyontaposni ripplrónai poshasszon meztelenebbre Megmermed röpítettél háborgott területére
Kőmocsara lebírtál hadjáratok egyedülirgalmas Pénzes boldogító megtanulod bunkótalpas Megrepedtek víztükrökön kimenni szeretője? Lencsés ti! átsurrant élősdije Véstük kiitta pirosszájú szineidre Tennék xxxvi harmadnapja népedre
Hősködj szennyébe hártyás pengőd? Borjú közelnél tizennegyedik szemfedőd Félrehúzódtam húzná tennyson vi Zártan pusztulás! veleje benövi Megnövök dombhajlás törődjem itéletére Kötözgeted sivatagokra sebei? vizeire
Utcánkba megrágtatok negyvenöt mezitlábas Sírhoz emlegeted cigányt! szélkakas Teremtőm surranva hazugság? erdeje! Dolgozat alanté megnemálló nénikéje Csepegő trágyát jel? bűnömre Gyönyörök ingyenmozi uccára síremlékére
Lehelted! ujak gyorsvonatot barátnőd Capriba kató ausztriába időd Mögénk kóstoló szövevény művi Etetlek szétbuggyantottad butaságot vizavi Parányokból sercegve végén! ébredésre Mocskával havasra megosztani bármennyire
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lenizesa-blog · 6 years
Are you unaware of the latest news related to Ripple's renowned xRapid solutions? Get all related updates and information about Ripple's xRapid payement solutions.Liquidity is a key feature in a contract and is a measure of how easy it is to perform an exchange of assets without greatly changing its value. Ripple xRapid is a recent resolution to critical financial market necessity. Get complete details. Ripple (XRP) is currently boasting three products: xRapid, xVia and xCurrent. The Ripplre association has been debating which one of them uses XRP, eager to know about it? Go through our blog and grab the information.
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ripplr-blog · 11 years
Ripplr Update 1.7.1
The update has just been approved so get Ripplin! If you're new grab it here.
Also, we've opened up or new website for our game Spot This!. The game is awaiting approval but you can follow Spot This on Twitter and play along while we test!
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xoclo · 12 years
Wow anyone with an iPad should download Ripplr for tumblr, best tumblr app I've come across, it's SOOO good!
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emmiedark · 12 years
iPad apps
Hey there -- can anyone recommend the best iPad app for Tumblr? I'm using Ripplr and it's okay but not brilliant.
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clemthedoctor · 12 years
Freaking love tumblr off my ipad. Sweeeet.
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ripplr-blog · 13 years
The New iPad and Ripplr
The new iPad's screen is absolutely gorgeous so we've been working hard to update Ripplr's graphics to accommodate the new display. We've pushed the new version to Apple for the regular approval process and expect it to be out after a week.
Also in this update we've added a switch inside the Settings.app which allows you to reset the login credentials in case Ripplr gets stuck.
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exxcitement1995 · 13 years
If anyone has a tumblr and an ipad....
You should totes get ripple... Its great
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ripplr-blog · 13 years
Update for the past.
We were recently able to test Ripplr on iOS 4.x devices and we found it was inoperable! We spent a few days rejigging our code to be 4.x compliant and we have just submitted the app to the App Store.
So all those who rang in and told us about the black screen on startup, thanks for all your help! We were able to nail this one thanks to you all.
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ripplr-blog · 13 years
Ripplr 1.5
The new Ripplr update is now popping up on App Stores around the world.
We still have the same quick reblog and like features, but you can now post photos, text, website links and quotes!
Wallpapers have been added so you can customize Ripplr to your liking and you can now hide details from full screen photo views!
Get it now from the appstore, its free!
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