#Rin said less kink more wholesome
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Kinktober - October 11 (Cu Rin)
Crushing Kink
Cu paused, bringing the others in his group to a halt to look back for him.
After all, he had stopped talking in mid sentence at the sound of someone calling for him. He was staring into space, his eyes widened.
He knew that voice. He knew that voice far too well.
How many times had he heard that voice at night? How many times had he heard that voice when he had been in the midst of battle, imagining that the woman owning that voice was the one giving him the commands?
It wasn’t Ishtar for once. The call was too sweet, too excited.
Cu didn’t even hesitate from motioning the others on, insisting that he was going to just be a minute. He was fine. He didn’t need their company.
He motioned again, laughing a little as they scowled his way and asked again if he was alright.
He was fine.
He was very fine.
His eyes fell to the woman in the other room, her red coat stopping just short of covering that black skirt around her hips. The brown hair was loose, her hair ribbons in hand as she looked his way and smiled. The bags under her eyes were deep in color. Her hair ribbons were in hand, bringing his eyes down her body again.
The small bite she gave to those lips only reddened them more, bringing more color to her face despite her smile at him.
There was little choice other than to go in. His feet were moving without him thinking, crossing the space and closing the distance between them. His hands delved into her hair, his arms crushing her against his chest.
“You’re a sight for sore eyes, woman,” Cu breathed, laughing at his own words.
“Ah, no. You’re the one who called out to me, lass. You’re in this now. It’s been too damn long! I knew you’d become a sexy lookin’ thing!”
He hauled her off her feet, listening to the screech from her and laughing harder as he crushed her in his arms. She was all soft perfume and smooth skin. All cold hands and silk feel.
She’d been long legs and generous chest, peeking out from the gap in the top of her shirt. She’d been just a bit more refined, just a bit more elegant.
Her face was pressing against his chest, her hands smacking at his sides.
“Ah, Cu Chulainn,” Gudako’s voice called from nearby. “Maybe let the mage master we found go. She’s looking upset.”
“We knew each other,” he told the woman, setting Rin back on her feet.
“Y-you did?” Gudako looked to Rin.
“Lancer was ah… Well, he’s an absolute beast, but he did do me a favor in the last war.”
“You mean- I helped you out when ya lost your servant in the war and helped you win.” There was no helping the smile on his face now, knowing that blush was entirely his fault.
“I said you helped!”
Gudako looked between them.
“So… Would you be fine with Cu Chulainn showing you around and helping you find a room? We can talk about your support in a few days after you settle in.”
“I won’t need a few days,” Rin pulled her hair back, tying it back with her ribbons and looking his way. “Can you carry my bags?”
“You got it, Rin.”
“It’s Tohsaka, Lancer.”
Cu threw his master a smile before grabbing the bags near the prickly woman.
“Take your time,” Gudako told her.
“Don’t hold your breath,” Rin replied.
She followed his lead in the hallways though. Her bravado, for how big and bold that it’d been, ended the moment she was around the woman’s dozens of other servants. Her eyes strayed over Caster Medea and over Heracles Berserker, her face paling.
“They don’t really attack other masters these days. We’re all saving humanity now and whatnot,” Cu reminded her.
“And you do too… Cu Coole?”
“Ya never did learn my name, did ya?” He smirked, pausing near his rooms. “It’s Cu Chulainn. Hold on.” He set her bags down by his door, giving the woman a show of a spear spin, kneeling down and looking up from beneath his few bangs. “Celtic warrior and son of the sun god, Lugh, Cu Chulainn.”
She reached out tentatively, pulling his Gae Bolg into hand and looking it over with interest.
“Cu Chulainn then… do you all use your real names here?”
“Well, there’s like nine or so classes. It’d get confusin’ going by class names. There’s a few multiples running around though. Those guys go by class and name. It’d be like “Lancer Cu” or “Caster Gil.””
“I see…” She looked at his blade more closely a moment before handing it back. “Well... I um… I’m going to be staying around here.”
“I gathered that, lass.”
“Right.” She looked over at the room nearby. “What room is this?”
“It’s mine.”
She paused, frowning, “Why’d you put my bags down here? I’m not staying in here with you!”
“I wasn’t thinking that. You wanted to know who I was. Hard to hold all your shit and give a good introduction.”
“I’m serious, Lancer!”
“I’m not thinkin’ that!”
“I won’t!”
GEEZ. This woman.
Cu rolled his eyes, hauling up her stuff.
“Alright,” he glanced over his shoulder at her. “Where you staying?”
“I don’t know! Where do masters stay around here?”
He snorted, “Woman, we don’t get masters hanging around here.”
“Where are the empty rooms?”
“Ah, I mean… come on. If you need me, my room’s right here by the elevator,” he motioned at his room before slamming his foot against the elevator button.
She wanted an empty room.
Leading her down to the sublevels with the facility workers, he set her bags into one of the little rooms and watched her nose wrinkle.
“It’s… quaint.”
It was damn small compared to the servant rooms.
They still toured the floor and the other rooms, heading their way up to the main floors and around the different areas for servants. Gudako waved from the dining hall, stealing the woman away.
She didn’t look too comfortable, but eh. Women.
You never could know for sure.
Maybe quaint was her thing? Maybe she was gonna settle in easily enough alongside Gudako and the other staff members. He settled in with Diarmuid and them, listening to the chaos of the knight’s afternoon and getting a good chuckle from the man’s leader startin’ shit with the pharaohs.
His eyes strayed over to Rin, watching her nibbling away at a little of this and that.
She wrinkled her nose at the drink she had, making him snort.
“What’s goin’ on, Cu?”
“What’s funny?” Diarmuid asked.
“The woman over there,” he nodded at Rin, “I’m watchin’ her adjust to Chaldea.”
Diarmuid wrinkled his nose, shaking his head. “I’ll pass on meeting woman. I’m fine as is.”
“Uh huh.”
He watched another sip of that drink be taken before he headed to toss his dishes in the kitchen. His hands wrapped around one of those easterner’s teacups, pouring that grass steeped stuff in and carrying it over to where Rin was.
“You look uncomfortable,” he murmured, setting teacup beside her plate. “You seem like you’d like this better.”
He stole her cup and headed for the door, throwing a wink back the woman’s way and watching her face turn red.
There was no missing her small smile at the taste of her drink though.
What a fool.
He sipped at the cup and snorted.
Cheap beer.
It’d be a good night.
The evening was quiet for once. In the end, there wasn’t much to say about it.
His head hit the pillows early. His eyes closed.
His eyes went to the door.
“I’m not staying here with you!”
He could still picture her flushed face, her eyes wide and wild as she glared at him. Her hands had been on her hip and pointing at him, as though accusing him of debauchery. He could still see the little twitch in her brow.
Damn though.
She always had to be so damn cute, didn’t she?
His eyes closed, seeing the image of her when she’d been in the lounge earlier. She wasted havin’ that much hair with having it tied up. She should have left it loose like Gudako did these days.
A knock came, bringing him back to the real world.
“What’s going on?” he called.
Silence met his words.
If one of the others was gonna try to kill him again, he was gonna kill them back.
He grabbed the lower half of his suit, pulling the trews on and pulling the door open.
Rin hesitated, hand halfway to the door.
“Whatcha need?”
“I um… I had questions,” she told him, shifting on her feet.
“I’ll wait until you dress and we could-“
Yeah, that wasn’t happenin’. He pulled her in, closing the door and leading her over to the sitting area nearby.
“Why’s your room bigger?”
“It’s a servant room. It’s meant to be bigger. You saw the size of some of the others.” Ivan and Heracles were large enough. Gudako had a time getting them through doors sometimes.
“Right…” she nodded, looking around at the décor and frowning more. “…Are these symbols magic?”
Her eyes gleamed, her hands running over a few of them. “Do you teach others them?”
“I’m a lancer.”
No one really went around to other classes asking about learning things that were a caster class kind of thing. That was like learning swordsmanship from an archer or driving lessons from a Caster.
Rin was looking hard at those runes though, her hands following along the lines as though trying to comprehend the meaning of them through sheer willpower alone. Her nightgown strap was falling off one shoulder a little, her robe barely holding on.
He pulled it up, fixing it back into place.
“I could probably teach you a few of these, if you like ‘em that much.”
She pressed against his side.
Was um… Was this a test?
His eyes drifted over that mop of brown hair, all loose and tussled slightly from her messing with it. Her arms moved around him slowly. Her face pressing against him.
His arms slowly went around her waist, tugging her in closer.
Her arms tightened.
He tightened his embrace, earning a soft hum from her.
“…You’re really warm,” she murmured.
He was warm.
A gift of being the child of light, he was naturally warming to someone like Rin with her cold hands and- as he found- feet. Pulling her over to his bed to hold her better, he found she actually liked being buried in his arms.
He held her tighter, listening to her soft little hums.
His arms would loosen only for her to murmur ‘not yet’.
The evening was carrying on.
He crushed her against him and held her tight as he fell asleep, figuring she’d just shove him off when tired of it. She was an opinionated thing. There’d be no holding a second longer than she wanted.
Then he found her under him at dawn.
Her body was pressed between his own and the mattress. Her arms were clinging to his waist, her cheeks a rosy hue. His lips pressed against her neck, listening to the mewl of a sound escape her.
He moved to pull away-
“No,” she breathed, blearily opening her eyes. “Don’t leave me…”
Don’t leave her…
He couldn’t dare leave her. Not like this. He pressed down on her a little more, finding that small smile coming to her lips. Her arms pulled him in closer to her face, her hands delving into his hair.
This was the start to something else.
He fell asleep again only to find her gone from his room, but she didn’t stay gone for long.
Gudako chattered away with her, nervously showing her around more of the servants.
Rin’s eyes ran over the servants, judgement ticking off quite a few.
“Askin’ if I do anything other than lancework,” Fionn scoffed over dinner. “Like I’d bother with that.”
He smiled slightly, watching Rin sip her tea and blabber on to Mash and Gudako. Well, more like command around to the women.
“She said I was too undressed!” Ishtar complained. “As though her own peasant clothes can come close! Did you see that heathen bracelet on her wrist?”
Cu pulled the little mage into his room night after night, crushing her into his arms. Her flustered face pressed against his chest, her legs wrapping around his waist. Her bags appeared in his room, her eyes daring him to question their presence.
He found her lips, pressing her into the mattress and holding her down.
“Cu,” she’d breathe, those blue eyes looking up at him.
His lips would move against her own, his hands skimming along her silk gown and underneath the lace trim. His affections trailed to her neck, keeping himself pressed against her.
“Don’t let me go,” she’d whimper, blushing up a storm.
“I’d never dream of it.”
Her hands carved into his back like a beast, driving him to the edge of his patience.
“Don’t let me go,” she’d repeat, flailing as he pulled back.
He spun her around, pressing her chest to the bed and lifting her legs up to line them both up.
“I think only Cu Chulainn’s really worthwhile,” Rin told Gudako finally. She sipped at her tea as he passed by the master’s table, bringing him to pause.
“Y-You think Cu’s the best?”
“He is.” Rin gave a smile, nodding at her own assessment.
“You offerin’ to take me as your servant there, Rinny?” Cu smirked a little, crossing his arms.
“I’m just stating facts! I wouldn’t want to do anything to upset Gudako,” Rin replied.
“I don’t mind,” Gudako replied. “If you want to try out being his master. We can do a week long tryout, see how you like it.”
He slammed himself home into her, bringing a cry to those lips. Her voice echoed off the walls, making him glad that the rooms were pretty soundproof.
“Cu…” She gripped the bedding, her command spells for him standing in stark contrast to her skin and the sheets. “Cu… Please! Please…”
He could feel her so deep now, his manhood buried to the hilt in her silken heat. His hands moved to her hips, gripping her harder as he continued to pound into her. Over and over he went. He could feel her body shuddering. He could feel her cries growing more and more desperate.
The mana that flowed forth made him roar her name, his body falling against her as his orgasm came in waves. His seed spilled out on to the sheets as he finally pulled himself from her, crushing her to his body.
“Please,” she gleefully purred, snuggling half under him.
She liked feeling something holding her down, tying her to this reality and no other.
His arms were a vice, keeping her with him.
Much like the command spells upon her hand, his arms and his body held to her to him. Forever more his.
“Get some rest, Master,” he purred. “A lady should always enjoy her beauty sleep.”
“...love you, Cu...”
Yeah, she did.
He knew that already.
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