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Who is Riley Fox? Wiki, Biography, Age, Father, Family, Cause of Death, Investigation
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Riley Fox Wiki - Riley Fox Biography
Riley Fox of Wilmington, Illinois, was kidnapped from her home early in the morning on June 6, 2004, as her brother and father slept nearby. A search for the young girl began that day but it ended in heartbreak as her body was found, bound by duct tape, and drowned in a nearby creek. The little girl’s father, Kevin Fox, became the primary suspect in the murder investigation as authorities claimed that his behavior after his daughter’s death was suspicious. They questioned Fox, who denied being involved, and he agreed to take a polygraph test. Fox failed the polygraph, which led authorities to question him for several hours until he confessed to killing his daughter accidentally, court documents show. Immediately afterward, Fox recanted his confession and argued that authorities framed him for his daughter’s murder and coerced a false confession out of him, these documents reveal. The confession led to him getting charged with first-degree murder, a charge that could have led to the death penalty if found guilty.
Riley Fox Age
Riley Fox was 3 years old.
Kevin Fox Was Freed & Charge
After eight months in jail, the charges against Fox were dropped when tests of DNA found on Riley Fox’s body excluded Fox from the scene. In June 2005, the State’s Attorney who inherited the Fox murder case dropped all charges against Kevin Fox immediately after the DNA results were released, a press release stated. According to the release, the DNA had been collected from Riley Fox’s body right away but it wasn’t tested against Kevin Fox’s DNA prior to his murder charge. The State’s Attorney then requested the FBI’s assistance in investigating the case in 2008 and in 2009 they identified Scott Eby as a potential suspect. According to the press release, Eby consented to provide a DNA sample that was eventually matched to the DNA found on Riley Fox’s body, after which he wrote a lengthy confession admitting to the murder. Eby pleaded guilty in court about five months after he was charged with first-degree murder and predatory criminal sexual assault of a child in Riley Fox’s death. He confessed to the crime and said he’d been drinking and using drugs that night, which led him to break into the Fox home and molest the three-year-old girl, the Innocence Project reported. He said he then kidnapped the young girl and tied her up with duct tape, molesting her again, the organization wrote. Eby confessed that he panicked when he realized that Riley Fox had seen his face and that’s when he killed her in the creek. According to the Innocence Project, Kevin Fox testified in court after Eby pleaded guilty and told his daughter’s killer: “I would always wonder what you were doing with your freedom. If you were lying, watching TV or if you were picking your next victim. After today you will no longer be a part of my memories of my daughter.”
Kevin Fox Won a Civil Rights Lawsuit
Kevin Fox filed a civil lawsuit against Will County arguing that he was framed for the rape and murder of his daughter and that he was wrongfully imprisoned and maliciously prosecuted. A federal jury agreed with Fox in 2007 and the family was awarded $12.2 million, the Chicago Tribune reported. According to the outlet, in 2010, the case made its way to the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals, which upheld the verdict but reduced the amount owed to the Foxes to $8 million. The court said authorities lacked probable cause in their arrest of Fox and had gathered “exceedingly weak evidence,” according to the outlet. The family’s attorney Kathleen Zellner said, “We thought it was a stunning rebuke of the defendant’s entire case. I don’t think we could have got a better result.”
Riley Fox Cause of Death
On June 6, 2004, the lives of the Fox family changed forever. That weekend, Melissa, then 25, and a group of friends participated in the AVON Walk for Breast Cancer in Chicago, where she stayed for two nights -- the longest she’d ever been away from her children. Kevin stayed home with the kids. Melissa adored Riley and cherished her time with her little girl.“She had this perfect black hair and perfect little round face and blue eyes,” Melissa said. “She was funny. She was silly. Just, so talkative, and she was friendly to everybody she met. She was just a sweetheart. Riley was a lot like Melissa,” Jillian Garrelts, Melissa’s friend, said. “She was a spunky, sassy little girl. She ... could be a little princess... But ... she was a daddy’s girl, kind of a little tomboy loved to fish … and wasn't afraid to get dirty.” While his wife was in Chicago, Kevin, then 27, and the kids spent Saturday afternoon making posters in anticipation of celebrating Melissa’s walk at the finish line, where they planned to meet her the next morning. But early Sunday morning, Tyler woke up Kevin to tell him that Riley was missing. Not thinking it was a true emergency, Kevin looked through the house and backyard. Then, after about 30 to 40 minutes, Kevin called the non-emergency number for police. He reported finding his front door open and Riley’s yellow blanket still on the couch, where she had been sleeping. Meanwhile, in Chicago, Melissa and her friends were nearing the end of their walk when she called her husband to check in. “He sounded so startled. I knew immediately something was wrong,” Melissa said. “He just said, ‘Riley's gone,’ and I immediately hit the ground and the phone fell out of my hand.” The women rushed back to Wilmington, where word of Riley’s disappearance had spread quickly throughout the small town of 5,000. They arrived to see the community mobilized, with dozens of volunteers searching for Riley in ditches, woods and the town’s forest preserves. “It was something out of a movie… feel like the entire town was out looking for her,” Colleen Hansen, Melissa’s friend, said. “Every area of the town was being canvassed in some fashion. For hours after Melissa had arrived, the town continued to search high and low for Riley. Then at one point, Melissa said a police officer placed her and Kevin in separate police cars. “I didn't understand what was going on. When we got to the police station, they just started asking questions and I was like, ‘Is someone going to tell me what's going on?’” she said. The couple was unaware that two volunteers had found Riley facedown, wearing only a shirt, in a creek. She had duct tape across her mouth and what investigators believed to be duct tape residue on her wrists. Autopsy reports later determined that she had been se**xually assaulted and drowned. “It was just crushing,” Melissa said. “I couldn’t even stand. I couldn’t even think. I couldn’t even imagine what life would be like without her. From that moment forward, Melissa said she never stepped foot in the house where Riley had disappeared from again.
Investigation Report
Nearly 6,000 people attended Riley’s funeral a few days after she’d been found. The attendees wore pink, Riley’s favorite color, and buttons with her picture on it while Martina McBride’s “She’s a Butterfly” played through the speakers. Riley was buried in the white flower girl dress she had worn to her uncle’s wedding just two weeks before her murder and new flip-flops that she’d wanted. Melissa later learned Will County Sheriff’s Office detectives were also in attendance, videotaping Kevin. “Within an hour of the funeral ending, came to my house,” Hansen said. “They asked if there was any reason that I would believe Kevin to be capable of doing something like this. … Before the question even came out of their mouth, my answer was, ‘No.’" Desperate to find out what happened to her daughter, Melissa said she reached out to the detectives every day and that they assured her they were investigating the case thoroughly. Then, nearly three weeks after Riley’s murder, the detectives asked to speak to her brother, 6-year-old Tyler. Melissa and Kevin agreed. For over an hour, a forensic interviewer questioned Tyler about Riley’s disappearance. On a videotaped recording, Tyler was seen crouching into his chair, covering his face, and crying while the interviewer questioned him. He told the interviewer 168 times that his father had nothing to do with the disappearance of his little sister, according to Fox’s attorney Kathleen Zellner. When Melissa was able to view the recording at a later date, she was distraught. She said she allowed her son to be questioned because she trusted the detectives. “It was really sad to watch,” Melissa said. “Our family had been through so much. I had just lost a child and then to see the way that they decided to treat the one I still had was really terrible.” FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK Read the full article
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