#Riko being scared
mitaharukai · 6 months
Title: Bare your teeth upon my heart
Ship: Yoshiko x Riko (Love Live Sunshine)
Summary: Whenever Riko closes her eyes to sleep, a pair of deep glowing magenta eyes haunts her in her dreams, feral fangs warning her to not go to the forest… Will Riko listen to the warnings and stay away from the creature or will she end up in a dangerous situation?
Words: 3k
Sneak peek:
“- Are you also excited!? Nervous maybe? Don’t worry, it’s going to be fun! – she exclaims with her always eternal optimism, managing to make Riko giggle.
- We’ll practice and then eat and sing around a campfire and do all those typical things people do when they go camping!
You quickly adds, and Riko feels a bit less nervous. Or at least she does until Mari talks.
- And then we’ll tell scary stories about ghosts and dead people and hear the wolves howling at the moon.
- Eeek!
Riko shrieks scared, quickly taking Yoshiko’s arm in her hands to hug it tightly.
- Mari, you know there aren’t wolves in the forest. Stop scaring Riko-chan – Kanan sighs upon her girlfriend’s mischievousness, bringing some feeble comfort to Riko, before Mari talks again.
- Ara~ are you sure, my dear Kanan? – Mari says wickedly, staring at her Guilty Kiss’ mates intensely as if she knew something she shouldn’t.”
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odetojupiter · 4 months
the fact that kevin day also witnessed a man being chopped up in the tower at evermore after neil’s audition is mad, and it’s something that is very much not addressed ever. like, maybe part of kevin was so accepting of how things were in the nest because he knew that this is the second branch, and if he were to leave, he’d become the main branch’s problem because he knows too much, and the main branch casually chops men up as a warning to literal children. and then he’s still called a coward for leaving ?? but also a coward for wanting to go back to make the inevitable less painful for him ??? and that’s not even considering what riko and tetusji did to him specifically, before even jean arrived at the nest. and his mother’s death would’ve been quite recent at that point. just insane.
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plutoslvr · 2 years
do you ever just think about kevin day like. do you think about "Riko reached for Neil but Kevin caught his arm to stop him." and "Did you know I've never been skiing? I'd like to try it one day though" and "Let Riko be king [...] I'll be the deadliest piece on the board" and "fuck him. fuck all them waste of time to be angry. they should be afraid." and "Kevin ignored him until riko said something else, then slid a cool look Rikos way and answered" and "ten-nine, foxes favor- Kevin had scored in the last 2 seconds of the game." and-
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dayurno · 7 months
I see you Harrow Kevin. I see you Alecto Kevin. But most of all, I see you, Coronabeth Kevin
ALWAYSALWAYSALWAYSALWAYSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS coronabeth kevin is seriously so fucking good. beautiful radiant good-for-nothing average human who's been living a farce his entire life.......... i think she was never SO kevin as she was during her crown arc in nona the ninth not just because of the name (heh) but also just how different she was when she was alone, how weird she behaved and still how much she wanted to prove herself, how jealous she was of nona and kiriona because they had people who loved them. i think you're the luckiest girl in the whole world. AHHH pah... and of course the fact she's huge and beautiful. i want kevin and coronabeth to meet and be very weirded out by each other like when cats see themselves in the mirror
the holy kevinity of tlt is harrow, alecto and coronabeth but i really stand behind the alecto thing okay. what if i was the spirit of the earth and i loved you and i hated you and you turned me into a monster and you promised you would never hurt me and i never ever ever knew better. i thought about nona!kevin and now i'm also so sad. kevin. noodle's in the back. YOU KNOW.... what if i was the spirit of something much older and more ancient but you (andrew and neil?!) took me in and loved me and cared for me. do you see it....
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bettterlucknexttime · 10 months
this bobs burgers clip SCREAMS mini Kevin and Riko i can’t watch it without thinking of them
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allfortheslay25 · 4 months
Please never stop talking about Siren Neil and Mermaid Andrew, they truly keep me going 🙏🏻 I would love to hear more HC’s on them, especially about Andrew’s relationship with the other Monsters!
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Here’s the Monsters and some backstory of how they came together (I was too lazy to finish Kevin, Robin, and Neil)
Andrew was abandoned by Tilda (along with Aaron) when they were born. Tilda came back for Aaron and Andrew survived by himself by pure luck. Tilda had abandoned him in prime predator territory and he could’ve been eaten by anything from sirens to sharks
Unfortunately, Andrew was found by random mermaids who raised him until they could find someone to trade him off to. Andrew was then being abused by the creeps who bought him until they lost him to some bandits. Andrew bounced from bad person to bad person until eventually a pod took over the territory he was last staying at. This was Cass’s pod
Cass adopted Andrew and for a while everything was fine. But Drake became a problem and Andrew decided to endure it since the pod was better than living with bandits and going hungry. Eventually, their pod came across the same one Tilda was apart of and the two pods decided to fuse in order to reunite two brothers.
When a pod fuses, they go about it slowly by trading first the young men (that way they don’t bring dangers of adult men or risk the women and children) Andrew was too hostile about it so the other pod refused to let him come over first and they wouldn’t give up Aaron in case the fusion of the pods failed
Andrew eventually convinced Luther to let him join their pod instead of sending Aaron (using ‘bonding’ with Tilda as an excuse) Andrew realized how abusive Tilda was and made a deal to protect Aaron. That’s when he orchestrated Tilda’s death (luring her into a hostile dolphin nest where they battered her to death)
Andrew then decided to start his own pod and only convinced Luther’s pod by having Nicky go along with them. So Nicky, Andrew, and Aaron looked for a territory far from their home.
It wasn’t far enough and Drake often followed after Andrew when he was alone. Andrew couldn’t risk Drake getting to Nicky or Aaron so he took them into Moriyama territory—or at the very least, a territory they had been eyeing
Riko was too disorganized to take over the area so Andrew took half from him. Only he had the balls to do such a thing and no one, not even Drake, could follow into his new territory in fear of being eaten or attacked by the Moriyamas
They lived in peace until Andrew met Kevin and then Neil. Kevin was supposed to scare them off but Andrew constantly humbled him and his act of mercy made Kevin decide on leaving them alone. Eventually Kevin was dragged back into their mess by Neil and Kevin hid within Andrew’s to hide from Riko after he went too far.
After all five of them had finally settled into a pod, Andrew met Robin where she struggled to get used to a pod dynamic with her family. It wasn’t Andrew’s business at the time until Neil met her too and became attached. Andrew then integrated her into his pod where she was more comfortable due to how small it was (she was overwhelmed in her previous pod)
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
Okay but like you guys know how Toji killed Riko Amanai because she was the star plasma vessel and he hates the Jujutsu world?
Imagine that after killing Riko and just narrowly escaping Gojo and Getou, promising to kill every Star plasma vessel just to spite them, he has a daughter- you, and its revealed that you're the next star plasma vessel, a perfect match for Tengen to merge with and prevent forced evolution, and now Gojo and Getou are sent put to capture you and bring you to Tengen.
And they go, not because they want to bring you to Tengen, but because they want to protect you from Toji, only to find out that you're his daughter that has him wrapped around her tiny finger and oh oh THE HYPOCRISY???? So as long as you're his daughter, TOJI WONT KILL THE STAR PLASMA VESSEL?????
Ans Toji's all like- "ohh you guys don't need to worry about Y/n, I'll take care if her and protect her from anyone and everyone. Yall better leave rn unless you want to have a horrible death." Meanwhile, toddler reader is just in her own little world as she's spinning around in circles because it's fun when the world is spinning and makes her stumble.
Anyways, Gojo and Getou don't believe him, and even if they did, they won't just let him go that easily because fuck that guy, he killed a teen and now has the gall to stand there like he didn't kill an innocent kid.
And Gojo is all like "fuck that, we gonna kill your kid too bitch." He's not, but he's gonna make sure Toji feels scared and doomed before dying.
Immediately, Toji has whipped out all of his weapons, pushing you behind him, and just then, out of thin air, the entire Zenin clan appears to Toji's aid because yes, they hate Toji too, but they adore you and they eint letting white haired bitcha and his emo Buddha bf take you.
As the battle begins, there's someone from the clan who's keeping you safe, moving you away from the battle ground so that you don't end up getting hit, and obviously, they put some headphones and sensory videos on their phone to keep you distracted from the fight. Meanwhile, there is absolute chaos on the field, Getou and Gojo being merciless as they kill one clan member after another.
Eventually, one of the attacks ends up blowing away your "bodyguard" and you're just there alone, unattended and unsupervised, so naturally, you look to the ground and see Gojo wielding Hollow Purple, and you don't know what that is except for a purple orb and since your dear uncle Naoya had been forcing you to take tutoring from the best teachers in tge world, you had learned color theory and immeadiately, without knowing the consequences of your actions, you throw out a yellow orb directly at the purple orb because you were taught in art class that "yellow cancels out purple", but now everyone is looking at you like "did a kid just- neutralise the most powerful Jujutsu technique???? Without so much as breaking a sweat?" And you're just giggling nd jumping up and down, calling out to Naoya "see uncle Naoya??? Those classes were not a waste of money!"
And that's when everyone noticed-
You're alone.
Naobito is immediately yelling at Toji to "collect your chaotic child before she reveals more of her powers and becomes everyone's target!" And Gojo is like "??? Um wtf?? Did a child just beat me???", while getou is springing into action to get his hands on you before Toji can.
Toji beats him to it, grabbing you with one hand while the other pulled out his sword. Getou summoned his own curses to help him attack Toji and simultaneously save you. As the two began fighting, Gojo sent another attack to Toji, who in an attempt to save you, shielded you with his body while taking the impact of hit.
As Toji was down, you were taken away from him by Getou, and while you didn't understand just what happened to your dad, you were becoming distressed as he didn't respond to you. And with your distress came a change in your cursed energy, which Getou recognised and he knew sooner or later, you will have an outburst of energy and hurt everyone in the process, because you're just a kid who doesn't how powerful she is.
So, yanking on Gojo's shoulders and telling him to leave the other members of the clan because they need to leave right now, the three of you teleported out of there.
Anyways, Gojo and Getou decide to take you in because there's no way they're giving you to Tengen, and taking you back to the Zenin clan was also out of the question, AND not to mention, they want to discover more about your cursed energy and help you control it. I mean, Getou wants to help you learn your powers and also give you a normal childhood, Gojo is slighted that he got beat by a child who didn't know what she was doing and he's low key concerned if you're gonna be a threat in the future. So... why not just take you in, and act like your parents because you're a gullible child who'll believe anything, and really has the attention span of a goldfish.
And at first, things were great because Gojo was like a chaotic parent who adored bullying you, while Getou was the calm and collected parent who helped you calm down as you swore you were gonna Hollow Purple Gojo if he kicks the back of your knees one more time. But everything changed when Getou parted ways with Gojo because he wanted to "kill humanity because they're all selfish and cruel🥰" and Gojo was like "babe, no, it's my job to be the sadistic one as a joke and you're the one who's supposed to laugh and say no, humans need us to protect them🥺" but Getou is like no, fuck that. And then Getou is like, well you can give Y/n to me because I love children and I love taking care of her, and Gojo is like "no." While holding a very struggling child that wants to scratch his face off, and Gojo only said no initially just so that there's something for Getou to come back. He knows how attached and fond Getou has grown over you. But Getou just sighs and goes "aight. Shared custody it is then. See you in 8 months, Y/n! Give your papa a kiss🥰" and you do.
And yeah, everyday since Getou departure, you can see the changes in Gojo's behaviour. It's not bad exactly, he's depressed for sure, and he's doubting his principles every step of the way, BUT he's kinder to you and to humans in general now. Meanwhile, whenever you do meet papa Getou, with Gojo's supervision cause my man doesn't trust Getou to not take you away and turn u into a killing machine, you can see the changes in Getou's personality too. He may still have that same kind, noble, shaman facade going on, but you see the way he looks down on the weak and on the non sorcerers. You see how he uses people as means to achieve his ultimate goal. Sure, you can also see that he still adores you, but you... dont know if you still love him with his view of the world.
Then one day, it happens. Gojo has finally killed Getou, not because of any ill intent, but because he simply threatened his students and the innocent people of Japan. And even though you knew this day wold eventually come, you still didn't forgive Gojo for a long time. You cried and fought against him, until Gojo had to eventually knock you out just so that your breakdown wouldn't unleash cursed energy and endanger everyone.
After Getou's death, Gojo's behaviour towards you and in general did a whole 180. He became the kinder, softer, gentle parent towards you. The empathetic teacher who pushed you but also consoled you when you failed, instead of the previous Gojo who would ridicule you for failing to master a technique.
Getou's death had definitely changed Gojo in other ways too. He had become more protective of you, always keeping you around because he couldn't bare the thought of losing someone else (Riko, Getou, etc). He keeps a close on you, watchubvvyour development and progress like a hawk because he knows you will soon be wanting to help him on missions, or worse, go solo. He doesn't want that, he can't have that. So the more you push Gojo to let you be independent, the more he tells you to sit down and practice more because you're just not ready yet.
Then one day, you reach your braking point and just- leave when Gojo is busy with his students. And this turned out to be a big mistake because the moment you had left Jujutsu High, it seemed like you were surrounded by thousands of enemies. Everyone wants to either kill you or capture you, and you don't even know why (because Gojo never revealed to you about your family or you being the star plasma vessel). Fortunately, you had trained enough to fight these assassins, and by the time you were done, you were tired and wanted to return back to Jujutsu High, but before you could, someone knocked you out.
When you woke up, you were lying in bed in a traditional Japanese home. Soon, a man with blonde hair came in, introducing himself as your uncle Naoya. He revealed who you were, how he was your family, how he saved you from Gojo, the man who stole you and killed his family members.
Of course, you call bs because why wouldn't you?? Naoya gives major prick vibes without trying so yeah, you didn't trust him at all. Then he pulled out pictures of you, of Toji and everyone else, and you vaguely remembered them, but not enough to believe him because Naoya could just be manipulating you to be compliant for human trafficking.
And then he takes you to another room, on the way you see a lot of other people who are looking at you fondly and have tears in their eyes, they seem like they want to say something or touch you, but Naoya glares at them to move away. Eventually, you reach a door and on opening it, you see a man sitting on a wheelchair, looking away from you.
"Who's that?" You asked as Naoya gently pushed you in. He walked towards the man, turning his wheelchair around and your breath hitched-
"Y/n, meet Toji, your-"
"Dad?" You whispered, recognising him as memories flashed through your mind. How- how could you have forgotten him all these years?
Tears began flowing down your face as you saw his miserable state- his face emotionless, the man was missing an arm, and he looked pale and weak.
"Gojo did this to him." Naoya began. "While your father was fighting, Gojo tried to purple Hollow you. But Toji took the hit instead, protecting you. He almost died that day, but with a little cursed energy, we were able to save him." He sighed, patting Toji's shoulder. "Unfortunately, he is paralysed. The cursed technique we tried to save him, has sent him into a vegetative state. He can't move, can't speak, doesn't even react."
More tears fell as you began questioning if Gojo really did this. Then again, if he was so innocent, why did he never tell you who your father really was.
"Why- why did you bring me here?" You asked.
Naoya scoffed. "Why wouldn't I? I had to save you from that monster. Look at what he did to your father! How could have I just leave you with him? You belong here, with your family, with your clan!"
"I cant- I can't stay here." You said, tearfully.
"Why not?"
"Because Gojo will find me. And when he does, he will hurt you all. I- I can't have that-" but Naoya pulled you into a hug as you began sobbing into his chest, heart heavy with guilt at the sight of your father.
"Shh, its okay. This is not your fault. You didn't do this, Gojo did. Which is precisely why you must stay here, with me and with your father. Besides, you don't need to worry about Gojo. I'm not a weak sorcerer, yknow? And not alone either. Plus, I remember you neutralising Gojo's attack pretty easily as a child. I'm sure you're better at it now. Obviously, not better than your uncle, I mean who are we kidding? No ones better than me-"
Yeah, you're remembering Naoya alright now.
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Meanwhile, Gojo is losing his mind and is on a murder spree through Japan to find you. He doesn't even know who fucking took you, and Naoya may not be as strong as Gojo, he is pretty good at hiding, like a rat.
Besides, Gojo isn't the only who's looking for you.
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wordvomit555 · 13 days
Jean, Kevin and Neil are all obsessed with Exy, but all three couldn't be any more different.
Kevin looks at Exy as his birth given right. His mother created the sport. He probably held a stick, before he lernt how to walk. Little Kevin and Riko probably watched Exy games instead of shows for kids.
Kevin lived and breathed Exy since he could remember. It is his whole life, there is no way he could imagine living without it. It's not his hobby, it's not his passion, Exy is who he is. Without it he is nothing, he is worthless. He is outraged every time someone does something wrong on the court or doesn't care as much as he does, because it is personal for him. He takes disrespect on Exy as a direct disrespect on him.
He never chose this life, it chose him and he would crumble without it.
Jean plays to survive. He plays, because that is what is expected of him. Playing is his only worth, his only purpose, his only value. Without it he would be treated even worse than he already was and he knows it.
So he plays. He plays so he can have a moment to breathe, a moment for himself. If he can focus on the game, or the practice he can forget about the abuse. He can burry himself in at least one thing he is good at.
Exy doesn't, of course, come without consequences. He makes mistakes and he is punished and the cycle of violence continues. Exy is his curse, if he stoped there would be a chance that he would get a thing he so desperately wishes for.
But he plays. He plays, because he made a promise to Kevin. he plays, because he is too scared to find out what would happen if he didn't. He plays, because disobedience was beaten (and so much worse) out of him.
He never chose to play, it was forced onto him and even though he wouldn't accept it, a life without Exy would be his salvation.
Neil plays to live. He spent his whole life on crumbs, just surviving, looking over his shoulder and doing everything to see another day. He was in a rush, never stoping at one place for too long, never having someone or something that he chose for himself.
Until Exy, until the Foxes. He chose to play, despite knowing how dangerous it was for him. He played despite every survival instincts telling him to run.
Exy is like breathing to Neil. He loves it with every fiber of his being. He doesn't care if he gets hurt or killed, he just wants to play.
One more game, one more month, one more year, just one more.
Finding Exy again was the best decision he had ever made. It brought him his family, it brought him purpose, it brought him life.
He chose it himself and he would rather die, than let it be ripped away from him.
They are all Exy junkies, but none of them get the other. They think they do, but their obsessions are so fundamentally different, they never could.
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mitaharukai · 3 months
Title: Don’t be afraid to be who you really are
Ship: Yoshiko x Riko (Love Live Sunshine)
Summary: Riko struggles to realize and accept she’s lesbian, but her mother’s and friends’ love and acceptance will make it easier, especially when a certain blue haired self-proclaimed fallen angel helps her to face the homophobia still present on the music industry.
Words: 5.1k
Sneak peek:
“- I think… I-I like Yocchan, mom… I-I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, mom.
Riko lets out in between heartbreaking sobs and Nana feels her heart breaking upon the pain in her daughter’s sobs, in the fear and shame coloring her voice urging her to hug her tighter and kiss her head.
- It’s okay sweetheart, it’s okay. Trust me, there’s nothing wrong with liking Yoshiko-chan, or any other girl for her matter.
She tries to reassure her daughter, feeling Riko tightening her embrace around her as she cries harder, and Nana can’t help but feel beyond proud of her daughter for coming out to her, hoping she knows she still loves her the same if not even more for liking girls.
After coming out to her mother, Riko finds easier to admit she’s a lesbian and likes girls, or rather likes Yoshiko.
- Riko-chan! – Chika’s cheerful voice surprises her at practice, cornering her concernedly – Are Yoshiko-chan and you okay? You two seem to have fought.”
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my-smial · 2 months
Things in All For The Game that I think are humorous: basically the entire plot hinges on everybody being convinced that Andrew is dangerous enough to take on the mafia single-handedly, and then he never even gets in a fight!! Not once! The closest he gets is threatening Allison. Even Neil actually punched Riko! And yeah, Andrew says some stuff about strategy and how if Neil is public enough it becomes difficult to kill him and blah blah blah. But Andrew's role in the story is not actually to fight people. It is to stare Riko in the face and say "bet" until he backs down. Could Riko actually beat him in a fight and he's just too scared to try? Maybe!
All we canonically know about Andrew's fighting skill is that Renee can wipe the floor with him. For all we know he's actually, like, one of those kids who took a karate class once and thinks he's hot shit on the playground. He's got just enough muscle and D1 athlete workout schedule to back it up so nobody notices. Even Neil is like "it is ridiculous to think that 1 angry goalie can protect me from the mob but I guess I'll give it a shot!"
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ninyard · 4 months
Heyy! You said someone should ask you about Kevin under this post about Kevin's struggles from the nest of which we don't know enough... So I'm asking you about Kevin! Please tell us your Kevin thoughts! You always make very good points and I like reading your thoughts!!
cody my friend I am so glad you asked but you might regret it. i hope you're prepared from an unorganised huge convoluted MESS of a ramble
i've been thinking for a few days about this one like... what would a kevin POV look like? what is he hiding? how does he cope? WHO IS HE?
the kevin we ""know"" is a "coward", an insufferable bitch, an asshole and a hardass. other people's opinions and view of him makes up the entirety of our impression of who he is. but that's not who he is. that's just who we're supposed to believe he is.
kevin, born and bred to have this... borderline psychopathic lack of empathy, who can look his teammates in the eye after being told seth is dead or andrew is being committed and say, "what about the game?"
but when the raven's are switching districts; his sense of danger and fear is paralysing. he's three steps ahead trying to figure out how to please riko, how to keep himself safe, willing to put himself back into the centre of his abuse just to stop riko from finding him and killing him. he has to get blackout drunk to deal with any amount of riko. he's frozen with fear by being in the same room as him.
kevin knows where jean's mind and body goes to when hes panicking, knowing his worst place is right back in the nest being drowned by riko. kevin telling neil "do you know what he'll do to you?" and "he'll break you" when neil asks for his ticket. kevin's text to him before he goes into the nest, and staring at neil like he'd seen a ghost when neil returns after the nest (when he looks like the butcher). his comforting "i know what he's like" or "i know how he sees you, i know it means he did not hold back,".
kevin nervous breakdown panic attack day vs kevin smile for the cameras one track exy mind day
im so intrigued by him. how does he cope? his mother is dead, probably killed by the mafia family he was raised by. he grew up into a cult, he was only a child watching neil's father cut a man into pieces in front of him. how many other's had he seen?
how many other injuries cover his body, in places where the cameras can't see? how many rapes and assaults was he forced to watch in the nest? how many beatings was he forced to participate in? what did he have to say to jean in french that he didn't want riko to hear?
he needs someone with him all the time because of the nest. he's a "health freak" because of the nest. his sleep schedule, his anger, his anxiety.
did he say "what about the season?" re: andrew after drake because he doesn't care, or did he think "i've seen this happen too many times. and they've always kept playing,"? did he think "andrew is the strongest person i know. andrew is stronger than me. he would never let this destroy him," knowing that it has?
nobody has protected him in his life apart from the cameras and andrew.
he's scared. he doesn't know what love is supposed to look like.
he's only been a human for a year.
his scars are healing for the first time in his life and they're not being replaced by new ones, but every day he's afraid that that's going to get ripped out from underneath him. his entire life already got flipped upside down when he left the nest. of course exy is the only thing he "cares" about.
because it's the only thing that's been certain in his life, and even for those few weeks or months where he thought he would never play again, he trained and trained, and learned how to use his non-dominant hand because he can't lose this. he can't lose exy like he's lost everything else.
kevin has never had anything stable in his life except for violence and exy. now he has people he's supposed to care about, and he has to change his priorities. he has to learn how live a life that isn't fueled by self-preservation for the first time ever.
jean was only in the nest for five years; and look at him. look at what the nest has done to his social skills, his view of himself, his self esteem. look at what it's done to him, how he expects violence and contrition, coach and always waiting and waiting and waiting for the punishment to come.
kevin might not have had the same level of physical abuse that jean had, but he was there far longer. the ravens existed before him; their mindset and their abuse and their violence and their poison.
he's been drinking the raven poison since his childhood. the only difference between him and jean other than those things above is that kevin had more pressure to hide it, because he was half of the face of the ravens, half of the face of Exy; media trained or PR trained or a master at being a fraud and faking the way he speaks when he's being recorded.
kevin knows how to hide his abuse because he has always had to, and he's had quite a lot of practice at it.
kevin has only been a human for a year. kevin has only been kevin for a year.
so who is he? does he even know?
or is he just Kevin Day, Raven Fox starting striker, number two, six foot two, left handed right handed left handed, heavy racquet, stick size five? is that all he will ever see himself as?
anyways. or something like that. maybe he is just an insufferable bitch for no reason at all. who knows!
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depresssant · 3 months
'geto would burn in the fiery sea of hell if it meant only he would be the one thing your heart-stopping eyes could see'
warning!!!! : yandere is a warning in itself 💀, yandere!geto, unrequited love, kidnapping extremely suggestive themes, idk what else 😭
also reposted bc i accidenly deleted the first one 😬
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to say that geto suguru was helpless was an understatement.
he was at a lost, and it felt like the entire world was against him. so many conflicting thoughts battled with him day by day, and time came to a stop the second he watched that bullet go through riko's head. that helpless feeling of not being able to save what was dear to you... to be able to not do anything except for watch as something slipped out of his grasp⏤he felt like it was happening all over again.
dark thoughts⏤ones that only you seemed to get rid of⏤dropping him over the edge plagued him like a disease with every twist and turn. these were the dark thoughts that only you washed away with your warm touch and loving smile.
but now?
now you were cold and hostile.
all because of a damn rejection.
geto knew his decade long friendship with you would never be the same after that fateful night you confessed to him. that night⏤just a week and a half after riko's death. he had rejected you. geto was scared. what if you died just like riko? you were a sorcerer with threats that had you walking across the line of life and death. what if you, too, withered from his grasp? 
but he supposed you already did.
bit by bit, you had started to ignore him. you were clearly distancing yourself. you knew he was going through internal struggles, and while you once would've been there right by his side, you weren't this time. you just... stop talking to him, acting like he was the plague, and a single look would kill you.
it killed him.
it killed geto to see you hurting because of him, and it hurt even more that he wasn't able to help. the raven haired man was bitter and angry at the time. he should've understood that you were just trying to give him space after realizing your confession wasn't thrown in at the best time. you were trying to help him in the best way possible while hurting yourself, and he was too fucking stupid to realize it.
geto had stormed into your dorm for an explanation as to why you were ignoring him. the worst fight of his life occurred that very night where you told him you never wanted to see him again. so he had granted you your wish.
thinking back at it, both of you were hurting. riko's death and the following had affected you just as much as it had affected geto, but he was too selfish to realize he wasn't alone. he was too conceited to realize that even when keeping your distance from him, you were still there for him. he was just too proud to reach out.
well... that would never happen again.
he furrowed his brows but he said nothing as he watched you struggle against the chains with a look of panic on your beautiful, beautiful, face. geto had plenty of time to reflect on his behavior⏤to sort through his feelings and plan, and now you were finally back in his arms.
with a sigh of relief, said arms pulled you into a suffocating hug. he held you so tightly he felt like his arms would cramp up, but that didn't matter. all he wanted to do was just crawl into your skin, become one with you, so you two would never apart again. he wanted to kiss those pretty lips of yours until his own became bruised and swollen. he wanted to hold you like this for the rest of eternity because the sound of your heartbeat was the best type of music he had ever listened to.
this was wrong, some part in him screamed. holding you captive like this just for himself was immoral and evil, but... all for himself? geto would burn in the fiery sea of hell if it meant only he would be the one thing your heart-stopping eyes could see. those eyes... those eyes pulled him in like a moth to a flame, turning him into a person he never thought he'd become. but perhaps that was one of the million things he loved about you.
"what the fuck do you think you're doing?" you hissed, pressed up against him, and geto felt completed. "you're insane! how the hell do you... do you⏤"
"i love you."
his hands were all over your body frantically, leaving a blazing trail of fire in every place that he caressed, and it was like he was trying to become one with you.
"... geto... what is this? why are you doing this?"
lavender eyes as alluring as a violent ocean rested on yours. "it's a form of acceptance. your confession? darling, i accept your love. i want your love... i need it."
"that was in high school! it was just a silly crush!" your brows furrowed in anger at first, but your expression crumbled. a face that you once adored now looked down at you with stinging eyes, fangs out and all. 
"don't lie to me." geto grabbed a hold of your inner thighs, pushing you down onto the bed and nuzzling into your neck as if he would die if he didn't. you'd be lying if you said that you didn't like it. it was something you had been waiting for, for a very long time.
"we're meant for each other. you just need a little help understanding it."
his hold you was like a snake wrapping around its prey, constricting like a suffocating pillow until said prey finally fell limp. you were the prey and geto was the snake.. and, well...
he was threatening to swallow you whole.
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ionlydrinkhotwater · 24 days
I want to read all the Raven Neil fics. I want to see the 'Perfect Court's' dramatic, codependent, toxic, fluffy, angsty, self involved, bitchy, bloody, hard won relationships.
They must seem so strange to outsiders
And I want Jean and Neil to be adorable with each other and practically joined at the hip.
I want Neil to adore and admire Kevin while also being so jealous of his talent, position and his influence over Jean.
I want Kevin to love Neil and Jean but also be complacent in their terrible circumstances but also try to help in his own way. And maybe Kevin looks at Neil and Jean's much more mutually loving partnership and is a bit jealous and resentful compared to his own partner, then he feels crippling guilt about it.
I want Jean and Kevin to openly admit they fear Riko but quietly acknowledge that Neil scares them too sometimes
And i love it when Neil and Jean are being extra cuddly and protective of each other 🖤❤️🖤❤️
There is so much fertile ground here
PS: Raven Neil fic recs in the comments
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hyperboleigh91 · 2 months
Jean likely didn't speak anything other than French when he was brought to the US, and Riko and Coach Moriyama certainly wouldn't have been gentle teachers to him. They'd have probably just expected him to pick up Japanese and English at their convenience and punished him if he struggled to do so.
Kevin may have seen a scared, lonely Jean and decided to throw him a life preserver by asking Jean to teach him French. An event that Jean possibly views through rose colored glasses, as Kevin was the only light Jean saw while in Evermore. And then the very thing Kevin used to help Jean ended up being something that he unintentionally hurt Jean with.
But Kevin getting Jean to teach him French would have helped Jean learn English and/or Japanese. And you can't tell me that it isn't very realistic that Kevin did it specifically for that reason.
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satosugu-come-back · 11 days
she got away (gojo x fem sorcerer!reader)
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based on chappell roan’s unreleased song “the subway” (i need this song injected in my veins its so good)
an: i had a dream about this im not even joking- and the edits i’ve seen of these two did NOT help that whatsoever
cw: ooc pretty much everyone, this is a retelling in my own way? depressed and angry gojo, suguru defection, he just disappears, senjaku, hints of reader death + reader’s body is taken over instead of suguru, shibuya, just overall very depressing
this wasn’t supposed to happen. in no world was it ever meant to turn out this way.
riko is dead. suguru is gone. and he’s killed 112 people. everything was wrong.
satoru could hardly believe what he heard. how could suguru do something like that? how could he have been responsible for so much bloodshed?
how did satoru not stop him?
they were best friends. no, they are best friends. he knows suguru. his suguru.
y/n noticed his spiral. they were just as upset as satoru- the three of them were inseparable. she was in her own head, trying to figure out where it all went wrong.
she knew there was no point in mulling over all the what-ifs. they both knew that. but they couldn’t help it. suguru was someone they were closest to, someone they knew they could rely on.
the three of them were also the most powerful sorcerers at the school. y/n joined the academy later, but both suguru and satoru recognized her powers. the three of them soon were dispatched on missions together, cementing their friendship and bonds.
all of that has been thrown out the window.
no more would there be the powerful three. it was now just satoru and y/n. and they were both fighting their own demons.
y/n more than satoru. she did notice suguru’s change in demeanour, but she honestly thought it was because riko was killed in front of them.
now she understood. suguru had a change of heart, a change of morals. a change of everything.
it hurt her. she felt like she was being torn apart from the inside. the guilt manifested itself into self hatred. it started eating her up.
despite his turmoil, satoru saw it. he saw how y/n started to change. she started distancing herself, pouring endless amounts of time sparring in the fields, disappearing for hours and coming back in the dead of night. just like suguru before he left.
it scared him.
gojo satoru was not afraid of anything. that is, he wasn’t up until recent events. but this time, he wasn’t going to let this slip by him. he confronted her about it, and things did not end as well as he had hoped.
“gojo, back off.”
“no. not until you tell me what’s going on. why are you acting so different? i know with everything-”
her eyes snapped to him instantly. satoru didn’t speak further.
“you know? you know? you didn’t see him, satoru! i had to watch and see the man that i-” she took a breath before continuing. she was crying. angry and confused. he had never seen her like that before.
“the look in his eyes, satoru. the way his shoulders slumped more, the bags under his eyes, the staring off into space, i-i saw all of it! and what did i do?! nothing!!”
satoru observed her figure, seeing her energy rising with every moment. he didn’t know what to say to calm her down. he wasn’t sure if he could.
“i could’ve said something! no, i should’ve said something! i saw all of this and i left him to deal with it on his own! what kind of a friend am i?”
“we can’t change what happened-”
“i know damn well we can’t! because of me, he’s gone! because i didn’t try to help him, he’s gone!”
the silence that followed spoke volumes. sure, satoru was very upset. he blamed himself too. but he was somewhat better at controlling himself. somewhat.
seeing her like this, he didn’t know what to do or say. it frightened him how the guilt has taken over her. it broke his heart.
“i need to sort things out. don’t follow me, satoru.”
satoru moved to grab her wrist, not willing to let another friend slip away from him again.
“come back with me, y/n. we’ll get through this together.”
a wall of her cursed energy shoved him back. satoru knew her powers were strong, but this time, it burned. when he recovered from it, she was gone.
she got away.
satoru could hardly believe it. first suguru, now y/n.
for months, he searched for y/n. the conversation he had with her replayed in his mind- the anger, the guilt, the self loathing, he just couldn’t get it out of his head: she had looked just like suguru.
so endlessly he searched. if he wasn’t on a mission, he was searching for her. deep down, he knew she would have wanted to be left alone, but with all that happened with suguru, he couldn’t bear to think about what could happen if he turns a blind eye.
he would be damned if he let anything happen to her.
eventually, months turned into years.
suguru was still nowhere to be found, and of course, so was y/n. satoru still looked for them, of course, but the flame that burned so brightly to fuel his searching slowly started dying out. he was getting closer and closer to the realization that the two most important people in his life were gone forever.
so he tried to move on. he became a teacher, and he had three great students under his wing. he became stronger than ever.
looking at his students, there was always a moment every now and then where he wouldn’t see yuji, megumi and nobara.
he saw himself, suguru, and y/n.
the three students obviously had no idea their teacher had an internal struggle seeing them together. satoru hid it too well.
when the sorcerers were called to shibuya, they didn’t expect the grand number of casualties. the multiple curtains and curses prompted the help of the strongest sorcerer, satoru.
he unleashes his domain expansion, which aided him in defeating all the transfigured humans. it was a grotesque sight.
satoru wanted nothing more than to finish off these damned curses and help his students within shibuya.
all he had to do was catch his breath, and-
“hi, satoru.”
he couldn’t move. he couldn’t breathe.
every instinct inside satoru froze. every muscle, every thought. they all screeched to a halt.
it can’t be.
no, it can’t.
she’s gone.
she left.
“surprised to see me?”
it only took one minute- one goddamn minute for the prison realm to ensnare satoru.
not like he noticed. his bright, big blue eyes were reduced to small pinheads as he took in the right in front of him. as he fell to his knees, his breath shook, hands trembling. he looked up to the woman in front of him, just to see her smiling back at him.
that smile. that sweet, kind smile.
her smile lines were still there. the crinkles around her eyes were still there. you came back to him.
but something wasn’t right.
of course, looking at her, he could tell it was y/n. it would be stupid to deny that, even if he hasn’t seen you in years.
but there’s something… wrong. very wrong.
while the lines on your face were there, he couldn’t help but notice the new scar that stretched across your forehead. had you been injured? did you encounter a curse and he wasn’t there to help you? were you scared?
the woman in front of him noticed where his eyes settled.
“oh, this?” she raised her hand, pointing at the scar.
“i got it a while ago. not that long after i left.”
after she left..? that was years ago.
“…what happened?” satoru asks. his throat was dry. he was surprised his voice still made a sound.
y/n’s demeanour changed instantly. it was unsettling.
her eyes widened, her lips curling into an unnatural smile, one that even made satoru uncomfortable. slowly, she removed the stitches across her forehead.
satoru would have never been able to guess what it was.
the top of her scalp came off in a bloody, sticky mess. satoru was appalled. what was she doing? her brain moved around. it continued writhing within her scalp, the wet noises from the blood were sickening to satoru’s stomach. then there were teeth. teeth.
the teeth started moving, with an unsettling voice that followed that was most definitely not y/n.
“y/n is dead.”
what was that thing doing in her head? was this some sort of curse? yeah, that’s gotta be it. if she encountered a powerful curse that was able to take over her body then he could eliminate it. right?
“i wouldn’t do that, if i were you.”
it was her voice again. the stitches were back, holding her scalp back together.
deep down, satoru knew that wasn’t y/n. it couldn’t be. her energy is there, but it has a different aura to it. it wasn’t just her own. there was something else in it. his six eyes revealed her soul wasn’t there at all.
“it’s sad really. she didn’t fare very well when i found her. she was so sad, she didn’t even see me coming.”
satoru gritted his teeth. slowly, he was piecing things together.
his y/n was not here. her body was being used by a curse.
satoru nearly threw up. the thought of her having to fight off something like that all on her own made his head swim. he let her go that night. he let her slip away. just like he let suguru slip away.
it was all his fault.
“i’ve never felt such power before! so unique, so delicious. this sword she carries too- she’s come to be quite handy.”
she smirks at satoru. the same smile that she gave him countless times before. it used to bring him joy, and warmth that spread through his body. now, it gives him dread.
“now, gojo satoru.”
y/n comes closer, towering over satoru.
“we will meet again in hell, hm?”
satoru knew what that implied. would he have to fight her? hurt her? even though he knew her soul was long gone, it doesn’t help that he’s looking right at her.
“y/n…” he spoke.
her eyes flashed with recognition. almost instantly, y/n’s hand grabbed hold of her sword and held it up to her own neck. her blood dripped down her neck as it forced itself deeper.
she was taken aback. then she started to laugh. manically.
“reflex, huh?! this is exciting!!”
satoru narrowed his eyes at this- her body reacted without her own mind telling it what to do. her body was fighting back on instinct.
as she laughed, willing her arm to remove the sword from her neck, she stared satoru down.
“i’ll be seeing you very soon, sato.”
she commanded the prison realm to close. as the walls closed in on him, satoru couldn’t believe he was back in this position again.
helpless to prevent his y/n from leaving him again.
author notes: im just so sad satosugu angst should not be in the forefront of my mind but here we are- also this is kinda rushed so sorry if there are any errors ☹️ thanks for reading!
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 4 months
Hello! Good morning can I request a yandere satoru and suguru x bestfriend reader. They have been in love with the reader secretly, and they agreed to share her. They want to confess after the Star Plasma Vessel mission. However, after the mission everything have changed. They still love the reader but after the mission, they became overprotective and possessive towards her to the point that the reader started to be scared of them, they just want to protect her, after failing to protect Riko, the star plasma vessel.
-It was an agreement that they discussed early on, before you were even dating your two boyfriends. They knew each other liked you, but instead of trying to win you over, they agreed to share you.
-When they came to you with this arrangement, both asking you out at the same time, saying you were shocked was an understatement. To this day Satoru still teases you on how red you turned- as he made it the background of his cell phone.
-It started off slow, in respect to you, as you were rather shy with dating these two good looking men at the same time, but you felt so warm, so safe between the two of them.
-Cute dates, playful teasing, cuddles and soft kisses filled your days with your lovers who were completely doting and loyal to you, protecting you from other men who dared tried their luck to steal you away. They weren’t, but your boys would get quite jealous at times, something they would always deny.
-However, when Rika was killed, after the two of you had become such close friends, all of you had, things changed.
-When her death was applauded by that stupid group, you could only remember crying so hard you made yourself faint- to lose someone you cared about so much in such a way and for people to then celebrate her death- it was too much for you.
-Suguru and Satoru were the ones who changed the most. They saw what happened to Rika, who had become a close friend to them, almost like a sister, their gaze turned to you, worrying that the same thing would happen to you.
-They couldn’t lose you. They couldn’t lose you as well! They refused to let that happen.
-You couldn’t go anywhere by yourself, you had to always have one if not both with you. They were there at your house to pick you up each morning and return you home. If you wanted to go out, you had to call them to come escort you.
-It wasn’t bad at first, they were just being protective because of what happened to Rika- however, as the weeks passed, you felt like you were trapped, you couldn’t do anything on your own. You couldn’t go shopping by yourself, you couldn’t go out by yourself or with other friends, sorcerer and non-sorcerer.
-You had asked them to talk to you about this, as you felt they were being stifling, which immediately made them panic- you weren’t going to leave them right- you couldn’t leave- they loved you! They loved you so much!
-Seeing their panic, you asked if they were scared to lose you and their silence was very telling, which made you soften a bit- they were just worried and scared you would be taken away and you crawled into their arms, kissing them both softly, the three of you apologizing to each other.
-When some curses attacked, separating you from your lovers, they nearly went feral. And despite finding you handling yourself against two curses on your own, they were quick to dispatch them, brutally, which you did have to admit scared you- seeing how brutal they were being.
-You were fine, not harmed at all, but it scared them, scared them worse than what happened with Rika. They gave you no room to argue, not wanting to lose you and they had you move into their shared apartment, so they could always be with you.
-They told you it was only because they loved you, they didn’t want anything to happen to you, and you believed them, not realizing that you were slowly losing what little freedom you had.
-Bit by bit, they did more and more, trying to keep you home, keeping you safe- that’s what they kept telling you, each time you asked to go out, even just on a walk with them, or to go grocery shopping, to go and get a coffee- each time they told you it was for your own good, to keep you inside. They gave you whatever you wanted, except that, letting you leave, and you knew you couldn’t take them, in a fight at least, as they were both so much stronger than you were.
-You tried to run one day, just to have a taste of freedom, but you were swiftly caught and returned home, where Satoru was holding you close and Suguru was trying to comfort you, the two of them showering you with love, as they believed you ran because you weren’t getting enough attention.
-You tried to explain that you wanted to go out, you wanted to be free, but they always shushed you, being delusional that they weren’t holding you hostage- they were just keeping you safe.
-You were trapped. You couldn’t escape. They wouldn’t let you.
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