#Richard theobalt
rathwald · 7 months
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Important deliberations between senior members of Oldminster
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umbrastag · 1 year
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Some highly stylized pieces, one of my character Vale Merris! Kindly priest 👿 and @rathwald ‘s Sir Theobalt, Bastard mans who I adore. His characterization is 10/10.
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rathwald · 2 years
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Daily Doodle
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rathwald · 2 years
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Love Is In The Air- 2023
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rathwald · 2 years
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rathwald · 2 years
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Theobalt just became curlier and more tired after the time skip
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rathwald · 7 months
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rathwald · 2 years
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Daily doodle
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rathwald · 2 years
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The topic of memory/mind-reading came up and I was like “yea you’re probably just going to get the equivalent of a Paint It Black music video because that rattles around Theobalt’s head almost 24/7”.
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rathwald · 2 years
Oldminster Enclave
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(Map estimation/headcanon of Oldminster)
-Oldminster was formerly considered lost. Located on the crossing of Westfall, Duskwood, and Stranglethorn It watches a river that highly benefits traders; recovering the area would prove valuable to the kingdom. -It was given to Breerdon after the most recent scourge invasion. -Formerly a church town, once the area was given to the watch of Breerdon, it turned into a near-fortress. -Its citizenry is made up of a small handful of Duskwood locals who choose to support the fight for their home. Otherwise, it’s practically just a military land.
Notable Individuals:
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Breerdon Rathwald: A robust Paladin from Lordaeron. Despite age beginning to get to him, he remained faithful to his duties, regardless of whether his kingdom would recover or would forever be lost. His services to Stormwind were not left unrewarded, as he pledged his loyalty and he was given wider responsibility, including his own land.
Richard Theobalt: Breerdon's right-hand man and the second-in-command within Oldminster. He is often colder and more distant than the others, almost opposite to his superior. He is capable of leadership, but his history has left him somewhat haunted and he struggles to improve himself beyond being bastardo.
Nevres Rathwald: Breerdon's niece and the closest individual he'd consider his heir. Despite her young age, she has been through a fair share of events that would put her on par with many veterans. Her recent spat with Shadowlands(content) had her hair turn a silvery/white.
Martrey Chantsinger: Once a priest of the Rathwalds back in Lordaeron, Martrey's experience going undercover in void cults permanently changed him for the worse. He suffered in silence until the Ren'dorei aided a full transition away from the Light and to the Void. Though conisdered Breerdon's 'Left Hand', exactly what Martrey does remains a mystery.
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