#Richard Wurmbrand
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"A faith that can be destroyed by suffering is not faith." - Richard Wurmbrand
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atarahderek · 1 year
A Beloved Murderer
A transcript from the pages of Jesus Freaks Vol. II: Revolutionaries
Richard and Sabina Wurmbrand
Romania, 1940s
"In the concentration camp where I worked, I killed many Jews, even Jews with children in their arms," the man boasted to Pastor Wurmbrand. He had just come back from the front fighting for the Nazis and was proud of his accomplishments. He was glad to tell of them to anyone who would listen. Having heard the good German name Wurmbrand, the man must have had no idea that the pastor he spoke with was a Jew.
In response to being "privileged" with hearing of the man's barbarity and murdering, most Christians would have been at a loss for words. But not Pastor Wurmbrand. He promptly and affectionately invited the man to his home for dinner. The man loved music, and when Pastor Wurmbrand told him he would play the piano for him, he said he would be glad to come.
When the man arrived that evening, there were some other believers present, but his wife, Sabina, was feeling ill, so she stayed in her room. Pastor Wurmbrand played the piano for them all, and they had a wonderful evening together enjoying the music. After that they all had a long discussion into the night, further enjoying one another's company.
When it had grown quite late, Pastor Wurmbrand turned to the soldier and said, "Sir, I have to tell you something. You must promise me that you will listen for ten minutes quietly. After that ten minutes you can say whatever you would like."
The man was smiling broadly from all he had enjoyed that evening and said quite warmly, "All right, all right, you can speak to me even more than ten minutes. I promise that I will not interrupt you. You can say whatever you like."
"In the other room," the pastor began, "my wife is sleeping. She is Jewish and I am Jewish too. Her family, which is also my family, perished in the big Nazi concentration camp where you boasted that you killed Jews with children still in their arms. So you are presumably the very murderer of my family.
"Now, I propose an experiment. We will pass into the other room and I will tell my wife who you are. I can assure you my wife will not speak one word of reproach to you, nor will she look angrily at you, but will smile at you as at every honored guest. She will go and prepare coffee and cookies for you. You will be received just like everyone else. Now, if my wife, who is only human, can do this, if she can love you like this, knowing what you have done, and can forgive you, then how much more will Jesus, who is love?"
The man began to tear at his jacket. "What have I done? What have I done? I am guilty of so much blood."
The pastor said, "Well, then, let us kneel down and ask for forgiveness from God."
They knelt. First Pastor Wurmbrand said a short prayer; then the man, who did not know how to pray, said again and again, "Jesus forgive me. Jesus forgive me. I believe that You will forgive me." There were many tears, and then he and the pastor embraced.
"I have promised you an experiment. Now we will go to see my wife."
Sabina had heard nothing while sleeping in the other room far away in the house from the main room where they had been speaking. They went to her and Pastor Wurmbrand woke her. "Do you know this man?" Pastor Wurmbrand began.
"No," she replied sleepily.
So he introduced the man. "This is the murderer of your sisters, your brothers and your parents. But now he has repented and he is our brother in the Messiah, our brother in the faith. What do you have to say to him?"
She fell around his neck and they both wept together.
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tom4jc · 4 months
February 27, 2024 Quote
“It was strictly forbidden to preach to other prisoners. It was understood that whoever was caught doing this received a severe beating. A number of us decided to pay the price for the privilege of preaching, so we accepted their (the communists) terms. It was a deal; we preached and they beat us. We were happy preaching. They were happy beating us. So everyone was happy.” Richard Wurmbrand
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libearyn · 11 months
It is Well With My Soul
“God will judge us not according to how much we endured, but how much we could love.” – Sabina Wurmbrand, co-founder Voice of the Martyrs “Look at me. I stand at the door. I knock. If you hear me call and open the door, I’ll come right in and sit down to supper with you. Conquerors will sit alongside me at the head table, just as I, having conquered, took the place of honor at the side of my…
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guyboulianne · 1 year
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Guy Boulianne lance une campagne de financement afin de réaliser la traduction de l’ouvrage de Richard Wurmbrand (né le 24 mars 1909 – décédé le 17 février 2001), intitulé : « Karl Marx était-il un sataniste ? », qui fut publié une première fois en 1976 https://bit.ly/3mWgwWi
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razerback · 2 years
I guess I’m just tired of watching my parents get more and more delusional and idealistic about all the wrong stuff. I wish they’d stop reading voice of the martyrs and sending money to the wives and children of those poor poor missionaries who got imprisoned for spreading the gospel in evil authoritarian regimes :( wish they’d stop reading richard wurmbrand and buying into the evangelical circlejerk of the glories of becoming a martyr for christ. it’s fucking bullshit like why do you WANT to get arrested in fucking north korea and tortured until you deny christ and then beheaded when you refuse, MOM!!!!!! it’s FUCKING WEIRD!
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ishidee · 6 days
14 Years with God in Communist Prison - Richard Wurmbrand
Very interesting interview with the Wurmbrand’s who were imprisoned and tortured for their Christian belief. 
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cmosneagu · 2 months
Preotul mărturisitor Gherasim Iscu evocat de Richard Wurmbrand https://c.aparatorul.md/0lcrc
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dininimapentrumine · 3 months
Torturat pentru Hristos-Richard Wurmbrand (Romanian)
“Am fost bătut de poliţie atât în timpul lui Hitler, cât şi în timpul comuniştilor şi nu am sesizat nici o diferenţă. Amândouă experienţele au durut la fel. Creştinismul a avut de luptat împotriva multor aspecte ale păcatului, nu doar împotriva comunismului. Nu suntem obsedaţi doar de această unică fatetă a lui. Comunismul este însă, în momentul de faţă, cel mai puternic şi mai periculos adversar…
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debra2007-blog · 3 months
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The Mirrors of God Monday, March 25, 2024 The Way of the Great I knew of two great saints of God, Sabina and Richard Wurmbrand, leaders of the underground church in Romania. In Sabina's last days, she was in great pain. Feeling overwhelmed, she asked the Lord, "How long?" He reminded her of how, as a young woman, she'd taken some jewelry to be worked on. The jeweler put her jewelry over a flame. Panicking, she'd cried, "You're going to destroy it!" He turned up the fire and said, "Trust me, I know what I'm doing. I have to keep it on the fire until I can see my reflection on the metal. Then it's finished." She heard the Lord say, "Don't panic, trust Me. I Am the Master Jeweler. You must go through the fire for a moment and when I can see My face reflected in you, it will be finished." Soon after that, she peacefully went home to be with the Lord. When you go through trials, don't fear. God's purpose isn't to hurt you, but to change you into the image of Messiah. God wants to see His reflection in you because you're His jewel and He's your Master Jeweler.
Today's Mission Are you going through a trial today? Allow God to purify you so that He can see His reflection in you.
Romans 12:12 12 Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer; Don’t burn out; keep yourselves fueled and aflame. Be alert servants of the Master, cheerfully expectant. Don’t quit in hard times; pray all the harder. Help needy Christians; be inventive in hospitality.
Have a blessed day and week. May Yeshua Hamashiach bless you, Love, Debbie
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Friendship with Jesus is costly. Faith alone saves, but saving faith is never alone. It is always accompanied by great sacrifices for Christ’s sake.
Richard Wurmbrand
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sovereignsowers · 5 months
"The cruelty of atheism is hard to believe. When a man has no faith in the reward of good or the punishment of evil, there is no reason to be human. There is no restraint from the depths of evil which is in man. The communist torturers often said, 'There is no God, no hereafter, no punishment for evil. We can do what we wish.' I heard one torturer say, 'I thank God, in whom I don't believe, that I have lived to this hour when I can express all the evil in my heart." He expressed it in unbelievable brutality and torture inflicted in on prisoners.
I am very sorry if a crocodile eats a man, but I can't reproach the crocodile. He is not a moral being. So no reproaches can be made to the communists. Communism has destroyed any moral sense in them. They boasted they had no pity in their hearts."
- Tortured for Christ by Richard Wurmbrand
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christophe76460 · 5 months
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68-À vous aussi, Il peut, et veut vous parler
Voici quelques années, au cours d’une conférence qu’il donnait à Nantes, Richard Wurmbrand, pasteur roumain ayant passé 14 ans dans les prisons communistes à cause de sa foi, relatait cet épisode de la vie religieuse en Russie (anciennement partie de l’URSS).
La police avait fait une descente, un soir, dans un village où des chrétiens résidaient et tenaient des réunions spirituelles. Après une perquisition effectuée dans toutes les maisons, les policiers avaient entassé sur la place publique toutes les Bibles qu’ils avaient saisies et y avaient mis le feu. Le vent soufflait fort, attisant les flammes et éparpillant les cendres. Dans l’ombre, à l’écart, un homme assistait à la scène. Il n’avait jamais eu, ni vu de Bible, mais il cherchait Dieu.Il vit passer devant ses yeux un fragment de papier calciné qui tomba à ses pieds. Il se baissa, le ramassa et, à la lueur du brasier, réussit à lire ces seuls mots épargnés par le feu : « La Parole de l’Éternel fut adressée à Jérémie… »
L’homme se dit en lui-même : « Je ne sais pas qui est Jérémie, mais ce qui est sûr, c’est que Dieu lui a parlé…Pourquoi ne me parlerait-il pas, à moi ? »
À partir de ce moment, fort de cette conviction, sa détermination l'amena à se procurer une Bible et à lire avidement. Peu après, il trouva Jésus-Christ, l’accepta comme Sauveur et devint, au péril de sa liberté et de sa vie, un ardent témoin du Seigneur.
#puissance #parole #Dieu #vie #scène #fragment #papier #pied #lueur #brassier #365Histoires #cendre #brassier #conviction #Jesus #JesusChrist #Sauveur #Seigneur #péril #Wurmbrand
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mrshcloset · 7 months
One Body
If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honoured, every part rejoices with it. 1 Corinthians 12:26
READ 1 Corinthians 12:12–26
Richard Wurmbrand, a Romanian pastor, was imprisoned for his Christian faith for over a decade, including three years in solitary confinement. “When I was beaten on the bottom of my feet, my tongue cried out,” he remembered. “Why? . . . Because the tongue and feet are both part of the same body.” He referred to Paul’s letter to the church at Corinth, in which the apostle addressed the many problems of this new body of believers. For instance, some were suing each other, and others were tolerating sexual immorality.
Paul noted that there “should be no division in the body”, but each part “should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honoured, every part rejoices with it” (1 Corinthians 12:25–26). Paul sought unity among the believers; he wanted them to show concern for each other.
Wurmbrand endured beatings and imprisonment half a century ago, but believers still face persecution today. And if we are free to worship God, we too will suffer with them, in the language of Paul. We can commit to praying for these sisters and brothers, crying out to our God who makes us all one body. As we ask Him for their release, for strength and hope amid their suffering, we trust that He will hear and answer our prayers.
By Amy Boucher Pye
How does learning about the suffering and pain of fellow Christians affect you? How could you pray for someone who is imprisoned for their faith today?
Saving Lord, thank You that You have the power and ability to bring freedom and release, even in what may seem to be an impossible situation.
In 1 Corinthians 12:14–26, Paul uses the imagery of the human body as a picture of the family of believers, the church. In Ephesians 1:22–23, the apostle again uses the body to portray the church, but this time with an important addition. Jesus Himself is the Head of that body. The illustration that works so beautifully in 1 Corinthians 12 takes on added clarity with the reminder that the body works, moves, and functions under the leadership and guidance of the Head.
Bill Crowder
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guyboulianne · 1 year
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Les forces derrière le communisme sont révélées dans le livre de Richard Wurmbrand : "Karl Marx était-il un sataniste ?". Marx écrivait : « Jusqu’à ce que le cœur soit ensorcelé, jusqu’à ce que les sens s’ébranlent : avec Satan, j’ai conclu mon marché. » https://bit.ly/3nt5O9H
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yhwhrulz · 8 months
Daily Christian Quote 14th November 2023
Richard Wurmbrand November 14, 2023
A pastor must be like a matchmaker who persuades a girl to marry someone else. He must be very careful the girl does not fall in love with him, the matchmaker. Likewise, the pastor must be a guide, enabling the believer to reach the Bridegroom. He must ignite a love for the Bridegroom in the hearts of the believers, so that after hearing one of his sermons, the congregation should not say, "How beautifully he has preached," but "How wonderful Jesus is!" Remaining attached to the pastor and not passing through him to the Savior, about whom he preaches, can be a deadly danger for the believer.
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