#Rian Stoker
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grelleswife · 10 months ago
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Plunging feet-first into the abyss.
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madamemaddy · 1 year ago
please enjoy my brand new original story :) it’s called “sebastian gets scammed”
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hope you enjoyed xoxo
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dailymidford · 8 months ago
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agoraphobic-artist · 6 months ago
Kuro-Shit (Late August Edition)
Another Haul of Black Butler goods from Japan.
I pre-ordered these "Chibi Style" Acrylic stands and they finally made it to me this week.
They come as a little acrylic slab; You simply pop out the pieces and snap them together.
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I didn't buy the entire set this time, as I felt that the two versions of Sebastian were too similar, so instead I bought one of each character available.
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However.... I couldn't help but buy the alternative Ciel; in his bedshirt cuddling up with his pillow....
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The second and third items, I am over the moon to have found!
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The Book of Atlantic glass charms of Ronald Knox and Ryan Stoker.
*I am now only missing Snake from my collection!*
I had honestly accepted that I would probably never find the rarer ones;
The Sebastian and Ciel have been released multiple times and are readily available, Grelle I have found a few times online, not sure about the rarity of the Undertaker. But, the Ronald, Ryan and Snake versions seem to have only been available for one small event in Japan.
Here is the collection so far:
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Lastly, I have the second Black Butler Public School Arc DVD.
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The extras included in this second box are as follows:
The pamphlet book, which contains overviews of the three episodes and interviews.
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Then a mini artbook of designs and 3D Renders.
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Lastly, there are two Pop-up art frames included with this volume.
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The little upside down Master Michaelis cracks me up! So here is a closer image of him!
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abybweisse · 10 months ago
If the cult tragic event didn't happen to the 10 year old twins and they were allowed to grow up normally, would there have been arranged marriages for both boys? Which twin was Lizzie meant to marry?
Had Lizzie treated each twin boy the same, or differently?
Marriage arrangements
There possibly would have been an arranged marriage for both, but since our earl wasn't expected to inherit, there wouldn't be as much expectation for him to marry. If they'd had a daughter, there would have been more pressure to marry her off. They might have arranged a marriage between their daughter and Edward.
If Madam Red had borne a daughter, as she'd hoped, that daughter could have ended up betrothed to our earl, even though there would be a nearly ten year age gap. But I'm sure they could find someone much closer to our earl's age to match him with, if they wanted to arrange a marriage for him. The only thing is, the way Madam Red obsesses over Vincent, she might plead for them to have our earl wait until her own daughter was old enough to marry him.
Lizzie was meant to marry real Ciel, since he's the older twin, the original heir intended to become earl and watchdog.
She treated (and treats, technically) real Ciel as her betrothed. Our earl, she treats more like a brother or friend. Of course, right now she's angry with our earl and also angry with herself for not being able to tell them apart when our earl was pretending to be real Ciel.
This weird arrangement of marriages between cousins reminds me of the comparison I did between Black Butler and the Egyptian myth about Thoth helping the goddess Nut bear her five children: Osiris, Set/Seth, Horus (the elder), Isis, and Nepthys -- the siblings intermarry and have affairs, leading to Set/Seth killing Osiris, Isis getting Osiris resurrected, etc. Except here, we have Rachel giving us real Ciel (Osiris) and our earl (Set/Seth), Francis/Frances giving us Edward (Horus the elder) and Lizzie (Isis), and Madam Red was trying to have a daughter (Nephthys). Let's not forget that mysterious Osiris group mentioned by Rian Stoker. That might be how Undertaker was introduced by Druitt to Stoker in the first place....
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zixinwonderland · 7 months ago
Tumblr loves seeing things my friends have said as black butler characters, I’m here to deliver once more (Tw for drug mention on 6/7!)
Check alt ID for clear version of what each box says
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Full honesty, it was hard to find ones that weren’t going to scare you all off
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every-ciel-phantomhive · 10 months ago
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every-viscount-druitt · 26 days ago
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smoresie · 1 year ago
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fayt30l0v3 · 1 year ago
riantaker wedding be like
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tormiichu · 6 months ago
I forgot how to draw and my art block made my art style inconsistent. Enjoy these nonetheless🐱
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Last one is my black butler ocs with funky colouring 🤭
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otaconinabox · 8 months ago
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Little self care sketch in the way of drawing black butler after YEARS. Happy new season everyone! <3
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nullbutler · 1 year ago
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hhhgah @fayt30l0v3 @smoresie
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dailymidford · 1 month ago
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ask-rian-stoker · 2 years ago
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[✨ “And I am Rian Stoker! I am the Founder of the Aurora Society and one of the great minds pushing medicine past its final horizon — overcoming all physical ailments, including DEATH! PHOENIX!! My dear and trusted friend suggested I open this blog so he may ‘have a good laugh.’ I hope to share positivity and encouragement towards healthy living! Please feel free to ask me anything!” ✨]
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abybweisse · 1 year ago
I like your idea about Druitt and Unny still in cahoots. It fits well with them both involved in what occurred at Weston. Redmond called on uncle Druitt so he knows the secrets of the Music Hall and the school. And of course none of it would've been possible w/o Unny, and there they both are on the Campania. I never did buy Undertaker's excuse for refusing to reap Druitt or let him be killed. Your idea makes much more sense. Toboso makes us laugh at Druitt so we won't suspect him 2 much, right?
⚠️ long post ⚠️
Undertaker and Druitt connections
I suspect that -- unless they are somehow related, and they might be -- Undertaker first became interested in what Druitt was up to when the viscount began selling off children and young women at auctions, if not sooner (and I'll get to that later in this reply).
If Undertaker was called upon to remove remains from any of the buyers, or from Druitt's estate, he'd want to know what they were doing to those victims/bodies. We know he's picked up remains from Phantomhive Manor on numerous occasions; Sebastian has the other servants pile up the remains from the circus troupe attack and cart them to some back or side gate for Undertaker to collect them. Most likely, this was done whenever there was a failed attack at the manor, even before our "Ciel" became earl and master. The Phantomhives, going back however far they go, would have been common targets to anyone who wanted to get rid of the queen's watchdog. And we know that before other servants were even hired by Sebastian and our earl, assassins and thieves were showing up on a nearly nightly basis. Somewhat regularly, in any case.
We now know quite a bit about how our earl ended up with his current servants, but we've learned very little about how he ended up with his various connections; we don't even know how he connected with Vincent's old, remaining network. I imagine that one of the first reconnections he made (besides Madam Red and Tanaka, of course) would be Undertaker. People would show up to the manor, Sebastian would kill them, and then what? Sebastian would have asked his young master how he wants to dispose of the bodies. At first, our earl might have suggested to bury them on the vast estate. But, as the numbers mounted, this would have taken more time and space, plus it could open them up for investigation, if remains were found (by others) that weren't proper burials in the family cemetery. Another option would be to dump them off the grounds, as far away as possible. This could still become a problem. Our earl would remember the creepy undertaker that popped up around the manor (and possibly also the estate grounds) from time to time, back when his predecessor was in charge. During the instruction both boys received about being earl and watchdog, Vincent might have already explained why he has Undertaker in his network... at least the professional reason, though definitely not the personal reason.
I don't know whether Druitt was ever in Vincent's circle, a member of the evil nobles. They probably attended Weston together, but we don't know if he's the Scarlet House prefect. Either way, Druitt might have actually become a subject for investigation before. There's even a scene during the curry arc that could be a hint to that. The jeweled lady that Druitt recalls might actually be Vincent in drag, at some event years ago, there to investigate Druitt or someone else in attendance.
We have no idea how long ago Druitt started trafficking humans, so perhaps it was related to that... and he just got away to do it again and again... much like we've seen him get away with the things he does while our earl is watchdog. Even when Druitt is arrested, he goes free. Probably bribery to corrupt officials. Some of the higher-up ones might be clients/buyers. Yana-san really drives home how much corruption and fraud and abuse there is in her Victorian England. Sadly, it's not too far from reality.
Doctors were largely detested during the era because of some shady practices that many engaged in. Practitioners would be hired to have people committed to asylums... or even to examine girls to see if they were still virgins, so their families could prostitute them out and charge more for their first assignations. Surgeons (for practice) and anatomists got their human dissection subjects through various means; some were acceptable and others were downright despicable. They prescribed dangerous substances as medicines; sometimes the "cures" really were worse than the conditions.
Though Druitt doesn't have a medical practice, he has a medical license. Before he even got into selling live humans, I wouldn't be surprised if he was involved with supplying and/or buying corpses for study. It would be interesting if Druitt cut out the grave robbers by going straight to undertakers for a supply, because he seems like the sort of person who would do a lot of studying on his own, particularly since he's an aristocrat with no intention of opening a public medical practice. Druitt's connections to Undertaker might go back quite a long way, maybe even back to Druitt's Weston years... when Undertaker would have likely re-entered Vincent's life. Who knows, but I'd be very interested to find out.
When Sebastian investigates all the people with events for the social season, narrowing down the ones that might line up with Jack the Ripper, we don't know where he gets all of his information. It's entirely possible that some of it comes from Undertaker, particularly about people like Druitt. Which supports the idea that Undertaker might already have a history of dealing with the remains of people who have passed through Druitt's doors.
Well, they definitely meet before the events of the Campania, since they already have some sort of dealings with each other, including the Aurora Society. Druitt could easily be the one who introduces Undertaker to Stoker. I very much doubt it would be the other way around, with Stoker making introductions between Undertaker and Druitt.
I'm sure there was more I wanted to get to here, but this reply has been sitting in draft for ages, and I've forgotten whatever else I'd wanted to say. 😬
But Druitt has got to supply more to Undertaker than simply laughter. Knowledge and/or experimentation that leads to medical technology would be very helpful for his current activities.
And we can't ignore the possibility they are also related. Particularly if Undertaker ends up being Cedric K. Rosewood, Rosenthal, Rosedale or any other last name that would make him sound right at home in Scarlet House....
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