#Rhythm gets to go to Scipio! I sure hope nothing happens to him :)
lost-on-kamino · 2 years
Whumptober No.9 with Rhythm and anyone else you'd like 👀 ? Thank you hehe <3
Whumptober!! No.09 - The Very Noisy Night Sleeping in Shifts | Tossing and Turning | Caught in a Storm Characters: Rhythm, Commander Thorn (Hope you enjoy Terra, dear <3 Nothing is going to happen :))
Rhythm wasn’t used to sleeping in these bunks. He was so used to home that when he had been requested to join the Coruscant Guard on an assignment to follow Senator Amidala, he was shocked. He rarely left off world and Scipio was certainly not on his bucket list to visit. Considering the tensions within the Banking Clan, the Communications Officer wasn’t sure if there was anything they could do for the Republic at this stage.
With news of Umbara fresh in his mind as well as the case of ARC Trooper who died… Rhythm wasn’t so sure in what to think. Considering Pitch didn’t talk to him after Fives had died, in fact; none of his batchmates had any contact… They likely didn’t even know that he’d left Coruscant. He could die out here and they’d be none the wiser. Rhythm curled up on in his bunk.
He attempted to will himself to sleep but found himself throwing himself around the bunk; thankfully the Shock Trooper above didn’t awaken in the bunk above and the Officer finally sat up hunched over in his bunk, pulling out a holopic of his Batchmates as Cadets… The only one with his lost twin in… Oh Chord… He’d know what to do… how to unite them all again… Beat would too…
He paused when he heard footsteps and found Commander Thorn approaching him, the Commander was taking the first watch with other shock troopers to allow half of the forces to rest up. “You okay?” Thorn whispered as Rhythm looked to his holo once more.
“Honestly sir? I feel like everything is getting worse…” Rhythm admitted. “And I’m nervous. I feel like a bigger storm is going to hit us… I don’t like this mission.” Thorn looked towards his kih’vod, gently removing his helmet and sitting down by Rhythm, brushing his trimmed beard as he thought carefully. “It’s okay to have those thoughts Rhythm… I know the GAR has been hit hard these last few months… But we need to keep our heads up and forge ahead. After this meeting, we’ll go back and tell Fox and the others, okay? Maybe we can get you some time to try and contact your batchmates.” “Pitch hasn’t spoken a word since Fives died.”
Thorn frowned. “I don’t think Fox has either… But… He’s got Thire, Stone, Olly, Remedy, Nocte- He has people and hopefully it convinces the di’kut to talk.” Rhythm hummed and leaned in towards Thorn who pulled him in closer. “Come on Rhythm… Where’s your usual energy?” “Lack of sleep does that…” “…Say how about you start shift then… I can let another Officer sleep if you want to work… Keep your mind off of it.” Rhythm thought for a moment, looking at his holopicture and nodded. “Okay…” “We’ll weather that storm you fear together… I won’t leave you, kid. No more tossing and turning.” Thorn smiled as he helped Rhythm up before leading him to the temporary barracks to prepare for duty. Still, Rhythm hoped, Scipio would be a turning point for the Republic, they needed some good news...
Even if that seed of dread sat in his stomach, he’d make sure Thorn would get home too. Then it would be alright;
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