#Rhonu blogs Cyberpunk 2077
rhonuscorner · 11 months
I just finished CP77 Phantom Liberty's ending and I am in severe emotional pain right now
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So yeah.
Saying goodbye to Johnny in that AV hurt me deep in my soul. Max friendship and I knew this wasn't how he wanted to go out - I winced so hard when he said "They're gonna dismantle me" and I agonized for a few minutes on whether I should go through with it or not - but he still made peace with my choice and I just
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I can't man.
I adore Johnny as a character and just seeing how sad and lost he looked in those last few minutes, admitting that he was scared, not because he was about to die but because he wouldn't get to see how V got to... live on I guess. I don't remember his exact words but jesus fucking christ.
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I MEAN, LOOK AT HIM. LOOK AT THE EXPRESSION ON HIS FACE. It's killing me, I'm so sorry man.
I'm glad we got to have that last conversation and confirm that we were still friends until the very end and that he's made peace with it but this whole ending, man... I think it's the most depressing one out of all of them. I don't think I'd be able to do this ending without the max friendship, or any of the endings. My first ending I ever did was the Arasaka ending and I didn't pick the right choices in Chippin' In, so while I already adored Johnny, he didn't return those feelings and... well. I can't blame him for the harsh things he said in that ending but oof. That hurt too.
This ending though, it's so incredibly bittersweet, and I was a complete and utter sobbing mess through it all. There are no winners in this one... except Judy I guess.
I still have one more ending to do. I sided with Songbird but I have a save right before that. I'm gonna side with Reed this time and finish it up with the secret ending that I've yet to do - saved it for last - and then I'm gonna put this amazing game aside for a while because I need a BREAK from all the emotional gut punches it keeps throwing at me. This game has been eating my time and attention for weeks and weeks and while I loved every second of this insane rollercoaster, I'm looking forward to focusing on wholesome DCA stuff again. Finally finish up the first chapter of my AU and such and do a bunch of new art.
I haven't been this emotionally destroyed by a game since RDR2. 10/10
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rhonuscorner · 2 years
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Art time!
Finished this back in April shortly after I started my second Cyberpunk 2077 playthrough.
I got hopelessly, HOPELESSLY attached to KeanuJohnny in my first playthrough, and even more so in my second one. I just can’t be a dick to him lol. He’s a total asshole but a loveable one and I always try to get the highest friendship with him, so I wanted to do a symbolic piece of sorts, because they have this unique relationship going on.
Like, the few times Johnny is the only one holding V up, keeping him going, especially if you’re on good terms with him... all of my feels, man. :’)
V needs Johnny, Johnny needs V and their fates are entangled. They’re stuck with each other whether they like it or not. I fucking love it.
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