#Rhodri n Ian is like my new otp
mitarashiarts · 1 year
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Rhodri's personality feels a lot more concrete after have these two main AUs to work with (Space AU and Witch AU) For a LONG while, he's felt like he's missed a few things that made him feel like an established character. Which... honestly, due to the fact he's changed so much over the last ...7 years? it's been pretty crazy how many changes have actually happened lol.
Due to his upbringings in both AUs, Rhodri is a bit like his surrogate dad, Redland. They're both very abrasive people who value strength in others. Rhodri may have a short fuse for different things, but he's ultimately the type of person that expresses a fearlessness not found in many of his peers. He's hardheaded, not afraid of conflict of any kind but can be rather reckless if not restrained. He's huge on music, loves collecting different kinds of shoes and is easily flustered when around hot dudes. One unfortunate trait he got from Redland is having a difficult time in social situations of not readin the room. Redland is more so just blunt and has very little space to care for people outside of his family whereas, Rhodri just struggles with people in general (from poor socialization in his early yrs thanks to Redland's helicopter parenting lol). He can be blunt and say things that make others upset without meaning to, and may not take advice willingly even if it would help him. He's a good boy, but struggles to show it with how bold n brash his nature tends to be. Dude loves to fight so uh... if he smells that shit comin, runnn.
I've also implemented some Saber boys in this au owo We got Teddy(sex witch), Noel (Kitchen witch) and Ian (Striker witch; which just means his magic is used in physical fights). They don't have the BIGGEST spotlight but Ian and rhodri do have a thing >W>
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