#Rheumatoid Arthritis Stem cells
stemcellcenterindia · 2 months
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contentment-of-cats · 8 months
Washington Post:
Scientists found a major clue why 4 of 5 autoimmune patients are women By Mark Johnson and Sabrina Malhi February 1, 2024 at 11:02 a.m. EST
An international team led by scientists at Stanford University has discovered a probable explanation for a decades-old biological mystery: why vastly more women than men suffer from autoimmune diseases such as lupus and rheumatoid arthritis.
Women account for about 80 percent of the people afflicted with autoimmune diseases, a collection of more than 100 ailments that burden a combined 50 million Americans, according to the nonprofit Autoimmune Association. In simple terms, these illnesses manipulate the body’s immune system to attack healthy tissue.
In a paper published Thursday in the journal Cell, researchers present new evidence that a molecule called Xist — pronounced like the word “exist” and found only in women — is a major culprit in these diseases.
Better understanding of this molecule could lead to new tests that catch autoimmune diseases sooner and, in the longer term, to new and more effective treatments, researchers said.
Women typically have two X chromosomes, while men usually have an X and a Y. Chromosomes are tight bundles of genetic material that carry instructions for making proteins. Xist plays a crucial role by inactivating one of the X chromosomes in women, averting what would otherwise be a disastrous overproduction of proteins.
However, the research team found that in the process Xist also generates strange molecular complexes linked to many autoimmune diseases.
Although scientists conducted much of their work in mice, they made an intriguing discovery involving human patients: The Xist complexes ― long strands of RNA entangled with DNA and proteins ― trigger a chemical response in people that is a hallmark of autoimmune diseases.
Discovery of the role played by the Xist molecule does not explain how men get these diseases, or why a few autoimmune diseases, such as Type 1 diabetes, have a higher incidence among men.
“Clearly there’s got to be more, because one-tenth of lupus patients are men,” said David Karp, chief of the division of rheumatic diseases at the UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas. “So it’s not the only answer, but it’s a very interesting piece of the puzzle.”
A tale of two X’s
An illustration shows one of the two X chromosomes typically found in women being disabled to ensure the right levels of protein production. (Emily Moskal/Stanford Medicine) Autoimmune diseases have long proved difficult to address. Treatments are limited, and many of the diseases are chronic, requiring lifelong management. Most have no cure, leaving millions of Americans hoping that science will eventually offer better explanations for these ailments.
Stephanie Buxhoeveden was 25 when she began experiencing vision problems in her left eye and found herself unable to hold a syringe in her left hand — a critical tool for her nursing job. The reason: multiple sclerosis, an autoimmune condition in which the immune system attacks the protective covering of the brain, spinal cord and optic nerves.
“I was overwhelmed and scared because I knew there was no cure,” the Virginia resident said. “All of these things that I had laid out, planned and worked really hard for all of a sudden were completely up in the air and no longer guaranteed.”
Previous theories had suggested that the gender imbalance in these diseases might be caused by the main female hormones, estrogen and progesterone, or by the mere presence of a second X chromosome.
A tantalizing clue stemmed from men who have two X chromosomes and one Y chromosome, a rare condition called Klinefelter syndrome. These men run a much higher risk of suffering from autoimmune diseases, suggesting that the number of X chromosomes plays an important role.
Howard Y. Chang, senior author on the Cell paper and professor of dermatology and genetics at Stanford, said he began thinking about the ideas that led to the new discovery when he identified more than 100 proteins that either bind directly to Xist or to other proteins that bind to Xist. Looking at those collaborator proteins, he noticed that many had been linked to autoimmune diseases.
Chang and his team engineered male mice that produced Xist to test whether males that made the molecule would also have higher rates of autoimmune diseases.
Since Xist by itself is not sufficient to cause an autoimmune disease, the scientists used an environmental trigger to induce a lupus-like disease in these mice. They observed that male mice then produced Xist at levels close to those of regular female mice, and well above those of regular male mice.
In humans, genetics and environmental factors, such as a viral or bacterial infection, can also help trigger autoimmune diseases.
The scientists obtained serums from human patients with dermatomyositis, a rare autoimmune disease that causes muscle weakness and skin rash. Serum is the part of the blood that contains antibodies that fight disease. They found that in these patients, Xist complexes produce what are called autoantibodies. Instead of defending the body from invaders, as an antibody would, the autoantibody targets features of the body.
Inactivation of the second X chromosome remains an important process “that you don’t necessarily want to get rid of or tinker with too much,” said Karp of UT Southwestern.
“But this work takes it in a totally different direction, and says that the mechanism that is needed to turn off the second X chromosome, that mechanism in itself might be responsible for generating autoimmunity,” Karp said.
A better understanding of the mechanisms in these diseases would be significant if researchers can use it to develop new diagnostic tools, he added: “We are still using laboratory tests that were developed in the 1940s and ’50s and ’60s because they were easy to do, and they detected the most robust autoimmune responses.”
A long road to new treatments
Jeffrey A. Sparks, an associate physician and director of immuno-oncology and autoimmunity at Brigham and Women’s Hospital who was not involved in the study, said that it will be interesting to see how the treatment options available now might fit into this newfound mechanism.
“The sky’s the limit here,” Sparks said, adding, “I think once you understand the fundamental mechanisms, you could think about developing therapies, early detection and preventions.”
Major advances in treatment, though, may be years away, according to Keith B. Elkon, an adjunct professor of immunology and associate director at the Center for Innate Immunity and Immune Diseases at the University of Washington.
Still, he said, scientific breakthroughs in the past 20 years have prolonged the lives of many people with autoimmune conditions.
“In 1950, if you’ve got a diagnosis of lupus, it would have been as bad as getting a diagnosis of cancer,” Elkon said. “But over the last 15, 20 years there’ve been really striking breakthroughs in understanding disease. It’s at the cusp of now being manageable.”
Buxhoeveden, who is now 36 and a PhD candidate in nursing, is using immunosuppressants to manage her MS. She said she was encouraged by the fact that “we’ve made progress like this study to better understand what it is that triggers it.”
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Types of immunity and immunosuppressant drugs
Immune system is a group of organs, tissues, cells, molecules that help defend the body against harmful invaders these substances include bacteria, fungi, parasites, viruses and other foreign macromolecules.
Functions of immune system: Destroy pathogens, detect and kill abnormal cells, remove dead cells and cell debris from the body.
Basic types of immunity are Adaptive immunity and Innate immunity.
Innate immunity: Protection against infection before it exists it has first line defense and second line defense.
first line defense:skin, mucous, genitourinary tract, saliva, lacrimal apparatus.
Chemical: sebum, perspiration, gastric juice urine.
Second line defense: phagocytosis, inflammation, interron.
Adaptive immunity: Adaptive immunity involves specialized immune cells and antibodies that attack and destroy foreign invaders and are able to prevent disease in the future. 
Parts of immune system: Primary and Secondary.
Cells of immune system: lymphocytes and antigen presenting cells.
Auto-immune diseases: type 1diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, multiple sclerosis, systemic lupus erythema tosus, inflammatory bowel disease, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, celiac disease.
Autoimmune diseases can be treated with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen, naproxen and immune suppressing drugs.
In some cases, the immunity of a body has to supress for that immunosuppressant drugs are recommended Immunosuppressants stop your immune system from damaging healthy cells and tissues. People with organ transplants and stem cell transplants take these medicines to prevent transplant rejections. immunosuppressant drugs which are commonly used are corticosteroids: prednisolone, prednisone, budesonide. calcineurin inhibitors: cyclosporine, tacrolimus. IMDH inhibitors are Azathioprine, mycoplate. Monoclonal antibodies are basiliximab, daclizumab.
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bhumijalifesciences · 2 years
Eating Noni Can Help You To Have Better Health
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Noni is a fruit of Asian Origin. It is a special fruit with a special taste. Noni fruit is also known as Indian Mulberry, it is easily available in India. Well, the fruits, bark, stem, roots, etc are use in the medical world. Hence, it is the best tree for the body. It provides multiple benefits to offer a better and healthy body to humans. The use of noni is ancient. Since ancient times, it has been used for the body. Well, in 1990, it became highly popular as a healthy beverage in the form of juice.
Indeed, a number of nations already manufacture noni. It includes vitamin C, zinc, potassium, calcium, and magnesium, among other nutrients, and is well known for its wide range of qualities and nutritional benefits. 
To eat noni is not an easy job. It is weird in taste and has an unpleasant smell. The easiest way of using noni fruits is in extract form. Noni capsules, noni juice, and supplement form prepared from the noni fruits. If you want to add noni to their routine, then get noni capsules online. It is easy to have one in the morning and one at night or as per professional experts. The advantages of consuming noni capsules for your health will discuss in this article.
Various Health Benefits Of Eating Noni
 Here is a list of properties and benefits you will get with the use of noni fruits-
Reduce inflammation: Noni is known for its anti-inflammatory properties. Scopoletin, an ingredient in noni, helps to lessen joint inflammation and, as a result, preserves the mobility of joints affected by rheumatic disorders. Noni can also demonstrate to have analgesic properties, which may aid with the discomfort associated with conditions like rheumatoid arthritis. The inflammation doesn't only work on the joint. It is also good for the skin. The use of noni reduces skin inflammation and supports skin health too.
Strengthen the immune system: Consuming this fruit encourages the development of lymphocytes, which guard the body against many infections and pathogens. Noni has the properties that protect the cell from pathogens and increase the immune system of the body. Additionally, the presence of antioxidants slows down cellular ageing, maintaining healthy skin and regenerating injured tissues. Yes, noni contains a powerful concentration of antioxidants with anti-inflammatory properties.
Lower blood pressure: Scopoletin from the noni is also effective to lower the blood pressure in the body. Additionally, it aids in blood vessel dilation, enhancing circulation and lowering the risk of high blood pressure. It also helps manage glucose levels, which avoids diabetes. Having healthy blood pressure with natural sources is also good for the heart. An imbalance of blood pressure puts pressure on the heart and increases the risk of heart failure. With noni fruits, people can save their lives.
Better digestion process: Noni is fibre right fruits. Its high fibre content aids in accelerating the digestive process and aids in the removal of waste and toxins from the body. It is perfect for those who experience constipation on a regular basis. Having noni juice in the morning boosts the bowel movement and prevents constipation in the body. Additionally, it aids in enhancing nutrient absorption, removing gases, and reducing digestive system inflammation.
Improve arthritis: For some years, noni fruit or juice is famous in arthritis patients. The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of noni fruits help to improve arthritis and bone problems. It reduces oxidative stress and inflammation from the joints. It is also a natural pain-reliever that reduces the arthritis pain from the bones, reduces inflammation, lowers stiffness and improves the flexibility and mobility of the joints and bones. An arthritis patient should add noni juice to their routine and consume it twice a day for better effective results.
Reduce Smoking Damage: Nicotine from smoking causes many side effects to the body as we know. The antioxidant from the noni fruits reduces the tobacco damage and helps to recover it fast. In addition, noni fruits also act like detoxifiers. It eliminates the toxic and unwanted particles from the body. The nicotine particle is a toxic particle which can eliminate by the noni properties. It is suggested to drink noni juice from chain smokers to lower the damage caused by smoking.
Precautions That You Should Know
Despite having many health advantages, this fruit might potentially have negative consequences if consumed in excess, according to certain research. An overdose of any fruits, juice, herb or drug is not good for the body. Instead of positive results, an overdose causes a negative impact on the body.
For instance, its usage should be under professional supervision in patients with renal illness. It is not for pregnant women since this meal interferes with the correct functioning of estrogens, increasing the chance of miscarriage.
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eternahealth2 · 1 day
Stem Cell Therapy: Unlocking the Future of Regenerative Medicine
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Stem Cell Therapy is revolutionizing the field of medicine by offering a powerful and innovative solution to a wide range of health conditions. From repairing damaged tissues to treating chronic diseases, Stem Cell Therapy provides a new approach to healing by harnessing the body’s own regenerative potential. At Eterna Health, we specialize in offering advanced Stem Cell Therapy to help our patients achieve optimal health and recovery.
What is Stem Cell Therapy?
Stem Cell Therapy involves the use of stem cells, which are unique because they can differentiate into various types of cells, such as muscle cells, nerve cells, or blood cells. These cells have the extraordinary ability to repair, regenerate, and replace damaged tissue, making them a powerful tool in treating diseases and injuries that traditional methods may struggle to address.
Stem cells are harvested either from a patient’s own body (autologous stem cells), typically from bone marrow or fat tissue, or from donor sources (allogeneic stem cells). Once collected, the stem cells are processed and injected into the area that requires healing. Once in place, they promote tissue repair, reduce inflammation, and modulate the immune response.
How Does Stem Cell Therapy Work?
The therapeutic process works by capitalizing on the stem cells’ natural ability to transform into specialized cells that aid in tissue repair and regeneration. Here's how Stem Cell Therapy works:
Stem Cell Harvesting: Stem cells are collected from the patient’s body (usually from bone marrow or adipose tissue) or from a donor. This process is minimally invasive and conducted under local anesthesia.
Stem Cell Processing: Once harvested, the stem cells are processed in a laboratory to concentrate the most potent and viable cells for therapy.
Stem Cell Infusion: The concentrated stem cells are then injected into the damaged tissue or delivered via intravenous (IV) infusion. The stem cells migrate to the site of injury or inflammation and begin repairing the damaged area.
Regeneration and Healing: Stem cells can help regenerate new, healthy tissue, reduce inflammation, and support the body’s natural healing processes. The effects of the treatment may vary depending on the condition, but patients often experience pain relief and improved function within a few weeks.
Conditions Treated with Stem Cell Therapy
Stem Cell Therapy has shown great promise in treating a wide array of conditions. Some of the common areas where Stem Cell Therapy is making significant strides include:
Orthopedic Injuries and Conditions: Whether it's joint pain, ligament injuries, or cartilage degeneration, Stem Cell Therapy is a natural option for promoting the repair of damaged tissues.
Autoimmune Diseases: Conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus can benefit from the immune-modulating properties of stem cells, reducing inflammation and preventing further damage to healthy tissues.
Neurological Disorders: Diseases like Parkinson's, multiple sclerosis, and spinal cord injuries are being treated with stem cells to regenerate nerve cells and improve overall function.
Chronic Pain: Stem cells can help relieve pain by regenerating tissues, reducing inflammation, and promoting long-term healing, especially in conditions like osteoarthritis or degenerative disc disease.
Heart Disease: For patients with cardiovascular diseases, stem cells may improve heart function by regenerating heart tissue and blood vessels, which could significantly improve quality of life.
Benefits of Stem Cell Therapy
The benefits of Stem Cell Therapy are extensive and go beyond just treating the symptoms of a disease. By addressing the root cause and stimulating natural healing, stem cell therapy offers:
Reduced Pain and Inflammation: Stem cells target the source of pain by reducing inflammation and promoting tissue regeneration, offering relief for chronic conditions.
Faster Recovery: By accelerating the body's natural healing process, stem cell therapy often leads to quicker recovery times after injuries or surgeries.
Minimally Invasive: The procedure involves minimal invasion, reducing the risks associated with more complex surgeries and long recovery times.
Regeneration of Damaged Tissue: Unlike conventional treatments that mask symptoms, Stem Cell Therapy works at the cellular level to repair damaged tissues, offering a long-term solution.
Customized Treatment: Stem cell therapy is personalized to each patient’s unique condition, ensuring the most effective treatment for their specific health needs.
Stem Cell Therapy at Eterna Health
At Eterna Health, we provide expert-led Stem Cell Therapy designed to improve your overall health and quality of life. Our experienced medical professionals are dedicated to offering you the most advanced treatment options tailored to your specific condition. Here’s why you should consider Eterna Health for your Stem Cell Therapy:
Comprehensive Consultation: We offer a thorough evaluation to understand your condition and develop a personalized treatment plan.
Cutting-Edge Techniques: Our team uses the latest technology and research-backed methods to ensure optimal results from your Stem Cell Therapy.
Holistic Approach: In addition to stem cell therapy, we offer Integrated Therapies to support your body’s healing process and promote overall wellness.
Experienced Team: Our healthcare professionals are highly trained in the application of Stem Cell Therapy and are dedicated to providing the highest level of patient care.
What to Expect During Your Stem Cell Therapy
Your Stem Cell Therapy journey at Eterna Health begins with an in-depth consultation where we assess your health history and determine if stem cell therapy is the right option for you. From there, our medical team will guide you through the following steps:
Preparation: On the day of the procedure, our team will prepare the necessary equipment and harvest your stem cells from the chosen source.
Procedure: The harvested stem cells are processed and then injected into the area needing treatment. The entire procedure is performed in a comfortable outpatient setting, with minimal downtime required.
Post-Treatment Care: After the treatment, you’ll receive follow-up care to monitor your progress and ensure optimal healing. Most patients can resume their normal activities shortly after the procedure.
Take Control of Your Health with Stem Cell Therapy
If you’re ready to explore the potential of Stem Cell Therapy for treating your health conditions, Eterna Health is here to help. Our cutting-edge treatments, combined with our holistic approach to healthcare, provide you with the opportunity to heal and thrive naturally. Don’t let chronic pain or injury hold you back—take control of your health today.
Visit eterna.health or call us at +1 416-840-3500 to schedule your consultation and learn more about how Stem Cell Therapy can transform your health and well-being.
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Stem Cell IV Infusion: Revolutionizing Regenerative Medicine
Stem cell IV infusion has emerged as a groundbreaking approach in regenerative medicine, offering new possibilities for healing and rejuvenation. This innovative therapy involves the use of stem cells, administered through intravenous (IV) infusion, to treat a wide range of conditions by promoting the body's natural healing mechanisms. From chronic illnesses to anti-aging treatments, stem cell IV infusion is gaining attention for its potential to transform healthcare.
What is Stem Cell IV Infusion?
Stem cell IV infusion is a minimally invasive procedure where stem cells are delivered directly into the bloodstream via an intravenous drip. The stem cells used can be harvested from a patient's own body (autologous stem cells) or from other sources such as umbilical cord tissue or bone marrow (allogeneic stem cells). Once infused, these cells travel through the bloodstream, targeting damaged tissues and promoting repair and regeneration.
How Does It Work?
Stem cells have the unique ability to differentiate into various cell types, such as muscle, nerve, or blood cells, and they can regenerate damaged tissues. When introduced into the body through IV infusion, stem cells seek out areas of inflammation or injury. Once they reach these sites, they aid in tissue regeneration, reduce inflammation, and support the body’s healing processes. This makes stem cell IV therapy effective in treating a wide range of conditions, from autoimmune diseases to orthopedic injuries.
Applications of Stem Cell IV Infusion
Chronic Conditions: Stem cell therapy has shown promise in treating autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, and lupus. By reducing inflammation and promoting tissue repair, stem cell IV infusions can help patients manage symptoms and potentially slow disease progression.
Orthopedic Injuries: Stem cell IV infusion is widely used for treating joint injuries, such as those involving cartilage or ligaments. Athletes, in particular, benefit from this therapy as it promotes faster recovery and reduces the need for surgery.
Anti-Aging: The regenerative properties of stem cells are being harnessed for anti-aging treatments. Stem cell IV infusion can help rejuvenate tissues, reduce wrinkles, and improve overall skin health. It also boosts energy levels, reduces fatigue, and promotes a more youthful appearance.
Neurological Disorders: Stem cell IV infusion is being studied for its potential to treat neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and spinal cord injuries. Stem cells can help repair nerve damage and improve brain function, offering hope for patients with these debilitating conditions.
Benefits of Stem Cell IV Infusion
Minimally Invasive: Since the therapy is administered intravenously, it avoids the need for surgery or invasive procedures.
Natural Healing: Stem cells work with the body’s natural processes, making it a holistic approach to healing.
Versatility: The therapy can be tailored to various conditions, from physical injuries to chronic diseases.
Reduced Recovery Time: Stem cell therapy can accelerate recovery, especially for athletes or those undergoing rehabilitation.
Risks and Considerations
While stem cell IV infusion is considered safe for many patients, it’s essential to undergo treatment under the guidance of experienced healthcare professionals. Risks include infection, allergic reactions, or immune responses, especially if allogeneic stem cells are used. Patients should ensure the treatment is conducted in a reputable clinic with FDA-approved procedures.
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wellmedcenter061 · 13 days
Effective Arthritis Treatment Options Available in Bahrain: A Comprehensive Overview
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The latest trends in arthritis treatment include personalized medicine using genetic and biomarker insights to tailor therapies. Advanced biologics and disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) offer targeted approaches to reduce inflammation and joint damage. Integrative therapies such as regenerative medicine, including stem cell treatments, are emerging. Additionally, digital health tools and telemedicine are improving the monitoring and management of arthritis symptoms.
Managing Arthritis Treatment in Bahrain effectively is supported by advanced care at Wellmed Center, a premier facility specializing in comprehensive arthritis treatment. Wellmed Center is renowned for its multidisciplinary approach, combining cutting-edge technology with personalized care to address various forms of arthritis, including osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
At Wellmed Center, patients benefit from a range of innovative treatments designed to alleviate pain, improve joint function, and slow disease progression. The center offers advanced pharmacological therapies, including biologics and DMARDs, alongside physical therapy to enhance mobility and strengthen supporting muscles. Additionally, Wellmed Center integrates modern diagnostic tools for precise assessment and personalized treatment plans.
The center’s holistic approach emphasizes not only medical intervention but also lifestyle modifications, such as diet and exercise, tailored to each patient’s needs. This comprehensive
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meenu11 · 1 month
How To Get Rid Of Knee Pain
Source : https://ext-6616953.livejournal.com/474.html?newpost=1
October 12 is being celebrated as World Arthritis Day (WAD)  to raise global awareness about all facets of the disease. Knee arthritis is expected to emerge as the fourth most common cause of physical disability in India. About 15 crore Indians suffer from knee problems, out of which 4 crores need a total knee replacement, imposing a considerable health burden on the society and country ( Times of India).
The knee is the largest joint in our body.It is made up of four main things that are bones, ligaments, cartilage and tendons.When something happens to any one of these parts leads to knee pain. Apart from that our knees suffer from a lot of problems due to the amount of work they do on an average day like heading out on a hike, doing daily house chores, etc. Our knees are always playing the part in our lives and pain relief of knee joints is important to go through daily life activities.
Causes of Knee Pain
Injury in muscle due to sprains and strains caused by exercise; torn ligament or tendon; tendonitis between the kneecap and shin; a dislocated kneecap
Damage to the cartilage.
Bursitis is a condition in which a small fluid sac in the knee is inflamed.
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Prevention is better than cure, reasons are many but the cure of the knee pain is necessary to carry out the day to day life activities with ease. The cure for the knee pain is many but opting for the correct treatment according to symptoms is a main concern for the patient.
A minor pain and injury on the knee can be cured by home remedies. Some of them are as follows:
RICE (Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation) is the most used step for all types of joint pain.
Slipping into that perfect pair of heels/shoes can really complete an outfit, prevent knee present and future pain.
Acupuncture is a beneficial and complementary knee pain remedy as it blocks certain pain messages from being passed on to the brain relieving the knee pain.
Exercising and stretching recommended by the physiotherapist also help to prevent knee pain.
Maintaining a healthy body weight also releases stress from the knee and thus prevents early pain.
Reducing the stress level via meditation, yoga, or a good night’s sleep, can help manage your chronic knee pain.
Not all knee pains lead to serious complications apart from severe knee injuries and certain conditions, like osteoarthritis, which leads to increased pain, joint destruction, and disability if left unattended. In such cases a visit to the doctor is necessary. This type of pain cannot be relieved at home and proper treatment prescribed by the doctor must be followed. Some of the treatment are as follows:
Medications of  anti-inflammatory drugs are helpful to reduce pain and tenderness and treat the conditions causing knee pain, like rheumatoid arthritis or gout.
Physical therapy sessions  and different strengthening exercises recommended by the doctor  based on the particular condition causing the pain. In specific conditions, different kinds of braces or splints may be advised to support the knee joint.
Injecting injections directly to the joint.  The types of injections are as follows:
Corticosteroids : It provides pain relief that lasts for a few months.
Hyaluronic acid: It is injected into the knees to significantly improve mobility and relieve pain.
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP):  This decreases inflammation and promotes healing of the damaged tissues.
Stem cells: It helps to regenerate the knee joint.
Surgical intervention is required in  cases where all other conservative treatment methods have stopped working and the knee pain is getting worse day by day. Some of the surgical options are as follows:
Arthroscopic surgery: It is done to  withdraw loose bodies from the knee joint, repair the damaged cartilage in the locking phase of the knee, and reconstruct damaged structures.
Partial knee replacement surgery:  This surgery replaces only the most damaged compartments of the knee with implants of metal and plastic
Total knee replacement: It is done by the doctor, removes the impaired bone and cartilage from the femur, tibia, and patella and interchanges them with an artificial joint composed of metallic alloys, high-grade plastics, and polymers.
Osteotomy: It involves cutting a segment of bone from the femur or tibia to achieve better knee alignment and relieves pain.
All knee pain is not  serious, but  some knee injuries need medical attention such as osteoarthritis which  can lead to increasing pain, joint damage and disability if left untreated. It is always advisable to visit a doctor to treat your knee pain with proper treatment and self care, as in the modern era everything is possible if the correct action is taken at the right time. I believe that today's generation want to enjoy their life to the fullest extent but are not very health conscious and also due to the increased life expectancy due to the modern medical system leads to increased  cases of knee replacement of the aging population. A healthy lifestyle and proper medical guidance would definitely help to reduce knee pain instances.
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bbcolostrum · 1 month
Can Colostrum Really Benefit Autoimmune Disease?
Colostrum, the nutrient-rich fluid produced by mammals in the first few days after giving birth, is gaining attention for its potential health benefits. This early milk is known for its high concentrations of antibodies, growth factors, and nutrients, which support the newborn’s immune system and overall development. Recently, researchers have begun exploring whether colostrum might also offer benefits for individuals with autoimmune diseases, conditions where the immune system mistakenly attacks the body’s own tissues.
Autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and multiple sclerosis, involve a malfunctioning immune response that targets the body's own cells. Treatment often focuses on suppressing the immune system to prevent further damage, but this approach can leave patients more vulnerable to infections and other complications. As a result, there is growing interest in alternative therapies that might modulate the immune system more precisely without compromising overall immune function.
Colostrum’s potential role in autoimmune disease management stems from its complex composition. It is rich in immunoglobulins, particularly IgG, which help neutralize pathogens and modulate immune responses. Additionally, colostrum contains growth factors like IGF-1 (Insulin-like Growth Factor 1) and TGF-β (Transforming Growth Factor Beta), which are known to have anti-inflammatory properties and support tissue repair. These components could theoretically help in regulating the immune system and reducing inflammation associated with autoimmune conditions.
Some preliminary studies and anecdotal evidence suggest that colostrum might have a positive impact on autoimmune diseases by enhancing gut health. The gut is closely linked to immune function, and a well-balanced gut microbiome can influence autoimmune responses. Colostrum’s prebiotics and growth factors could support the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and strengthen the intestinal lining, potentially leading to better immune regulation and reduced autoimmune activity.
However, it is important to approach colostrum for autoimmune disease with caution. While the initial data is promising, more rigorous, large-scale clinical trials are needed to fully understand its efficacy and safety. Autoimmune diseases are complex, and what works for one individual might not work for another. Consulting with a healthcare professional before starting any new treatment is crucial, especially when dealing with conditions that affect the immune system.
In summary, while colostrum shows potential in benefiting autoimmune diseases through its immune-modulating and anti-inflammatory properties, further research is necessary to confirm these effects. As science progresses, colostrum might become a valuable adjunct in managing autoimmune conditions, but it should be considered as part of a comprehensive treatment plan overseen by medical professionals.
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stemcellcenterindia · 4 months
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orthocenter · 2 months
Permanent Solutions for Knee Pain | Dr. Shrikant Dalal | Orthopedic Specialist in Pune
Knee pain is a common issue that affects people of all ages, often leading to discomfort, reduced mobility, and a decreased quality of life. Whether it's due to aging, injury, or medical conditions like arthritis, finding a permanent solution for knee pain is essential. Dr. Shrikant Dalal, a renowned Orthopedic doctor in Pune at Orthos Centre, offers valuable insights on effective and lasting treatments.
Understanding the Causes of Knee Pain
Knee pain can stem from various factors, including:
Osteoarthritis: The most common form of arthritis, characterized by the wear and tear of cartilage in the knee joint.
Injuries: Ligament tears, meniscus injuries, and fractures can cause significant knee pain.
Rheumatoid Arthritis: An autoimmune condition that causes inflammation in the joints, leading to pain and stiffness.
Bursitis: Inflammation of the small sacs of fluid (bursae) that cushion the knee joint.
Non-Surgical Permanent Solutions
For many, non-surgical interventions can provide long-term relief:
Physical Therapy: Tailored exercises can strengthen the muscles around the knee, improving stability and reducing pain.
Weight Management: Reducing excess weight can decrease the stress on the knee joints, alleviating pain.
Medications: Anti-inflammatory drugs and pain relievers can manage symptoms, though they may not offer a permanent solution.
Injections: Corticosteroid injections or hyaluronic acid can provide temporary relief and improve joint function.
Surgical Permanent Solutions
When conservative treatments are insufficient, surgical options may be considered:
Arthroscopy: A minimally invasive procedure that allows the surgeon to repair or remove damaged tissues in the knee.
Partial Knee Replacement: Only the damaged part of the knee is replaced, preserving healthy bone and tissue.
Total Knee Replacement: The entire knee joint is replaced with an artificial implant, offering long-term relief from pain and improved mobility.
Osteotomy: A procedure that involves cutting and reshaping the bones to relieve pressure on the knee joint.
Dr. Shrikant Dalal emphasizes the importance of personalized treatment plans. Advances in orthopedic care, such as regenerative medicine, including platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy and stem cell therapy, are promising avenues for treating knee pain. These treatments aim to repair damaged tissues and promote natural healing, potentially offering a permanent solution without the need for surgery.
The journey to finding a permanent solution for knee pain requires a comprehensive approach. Consulting with the Orthos Center an orthopedic clinic in Pune, ensures that you receive the best care tailored to your specific condition. Whether through non-surgical methods or advanced surgical techniques, lasting relief from knee pain is achievable, helping you regain your mobility and quality of life.
Learn More.
Name: Orthos Orthopedic & Spine Superspeciality Centre | Orthopedic Clinic in Pune
Phone Number : 096191 75354
Address : Office No.9, 1st Floor, PrimeRose Mall, Baner - Balewadi Rd, near Dutta mandir, Balewadi Phata, Baner, Pune, Maharashtra 411045
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What is Anemia of Chronic Disease?
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Anemia of Chronic Disease (ACD), also known as anemia of inflammation or anemia of inflammation and chronic disease, is a prevalent condition often associated with chronic illnesses that last longer than three months and cause sustained inflammation. This form of anemia is particularly challenging because it not only stems from the chronic disease itself but also exacerbates the overall health burden on affected individuals.
The pathophysiology of ACD is closely linked to the body’s inflammatory response. Chronic inflammation, which is a hallmark of many autoimmune diseases and long-term illnesses, significantly alters iron metabolism. Normally, iron is recycled from old red blood cells and used in the production of new ones. However, in ACD, inflammatory cytokines, particularly interleukin-6 (IL-6), stimulate the production of hepcidin, a hormone that regulates iron homeostasis. Hepcidin inhibits iron absorption in the gut and traps iron in macrophages, making it unavailable for red blood cell production, leading to a functional iron deficiency. Additionally, chronic inflammation can suppress erythropoiesis (the production of red blood cells) and reduce the lifespan of existing red blood cells, compounding the severity of anemia.
Epidemiology and Affected Populations
ACD is the second most common type of anemia after iron-deficiency anemia, particularly in populations over the age of 65. It is often seen in individuals with chronic conditions such as cancer, chronic kidney disease (CKD), heart failure, and a range of autoimmune diseases including rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), and inflammatory bowel diseases like Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. The prevalence of ACD in these populations highlights the importance of understanding and managing this condition effectively to improve overall patient outcomes.
Clinical Presentation
The clinical symptoms of ACD are often subtle and can overlap with those of the underlying chronic disease. Common symptoms include fatigue, weakness, pallor, shortness of breath, and dizziness. These symptoms may be exacerbated during physical activity. However, the mild nature of ACD symptoms means that the condition is often underdiagnosed or attributed solely to the chronic disease without recognizing the contribution of anemia.
Diagnosis and Laboratory Findings
Diagnosing ACD involves a combination of clinical evaluation and laboratory testing. Blood tests are crucial for identifying the characteristic features of ACD, including low hemoglobin levels, normal or elevated serum ferritin (reflecting adequate iron stores), low serum iron, and low transferrin saturation. The reticulocyte count is typically low, indicating reduced erythropoiesis. In some cases, a bone marrow biopsy may be conducted to assess iron stores directly and rule out other causes of anemia.
Management and Treatment Strategies
The primary approach to managing ACD is to address the underlying chronic condition. Effective treatment of the chronic disease often leads to an improvement in anemia. However, in cases where the anemia is severe or the chronic disease is difficult to control, additional interventions may be necessary. These can include:
Erythropoiesis-Stimulating Agents (ESAs): Synthetic forms of erythropoietin (EPO) can be administered to stimulate red blood cell production. This is particularly useful in patients with chronic kidney disease or cancer, where endogenous EPO production is impaired.
2 .Iron Therapy: Although oral iron supplementation is typically less effective in ACD due to hepcidin-induced iron sequestration, intravenous iron therapy may be beneficial, particularly when combined with ESAs.
3 .Blood Transfusions: In cases of severe anemia, blood transfusions may be required to rapidly increase hemoglobin levels. However, this is generally considered a short-term solution due to the potential risks of iron overload and transfusion-related complications.
Prevention and Lifestyle Modifications
While ACD itself may not be preventable due to its association with chronic diseases, patients can take steps to support overall health and potentially mitigate the severity of anemia. A balanced diet rich in iron (from sources such as lean meats and dark leafy greens), folate, vitamin B12, and vitamin C can support healthy red blood cell production. Regular monitoring of iron levels and timely medical intervention are essential in managing ACD effectively.
In conclusion, Anemia of Chronic Disease is a complex condition that requires a broad approach to diagnosis and management. Understanding the interplay between chronic inflammation and iron metabolism is key to effectively treating this form of anemia. Through careful management of the underlying disease and appropriate use of adjunct therapies, healthcare providers can significantly improve patient outcomes and reduce the burden of this condition.
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medtravellers · 2 months
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pravaayu23 · 2 months
Comprehensive Knee Pain Treatment in Mumbai: Your Path to Relief
Are you struggling with knee pain and looking for effective knee pain treatment in Mumbai? Our comprehensive knee pain treatment in Mumbai solutions are designed to provide you with the relief you need. Whether your knee pain is due to injury, arthritis, or other conditions, our experienced medical professionals are here to help you get back on your feet.
Understanding Knee Pain
Knee pain can significantly impact your daily life, making it difficult to perform everyday activities. It can result from various factors, including:
Injuries: Sprains, strains, ligament tears (such as ACL injuries), and meniscus tears.
Arthritis: Osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and other inflammatory conditions.
Overuse: Repetitive stress on the knee joint from activities like running or jumping.
Bursitis: Inflammation of the bursae, the small fluid-filled sacs that cushion the knee joint.
Our Knee Pain Treatment in Mumbai Services
At our state-of-the-art facilities in Mumbai, we offer a range of knee pain treatment in Mumbai options tailored to your specific needs:
1. Non-Surgical Treatments
Physical Therapy: Customized exercise programs to strengthen the muscles around your knee, improve flexibility, and reduce pain.
Medications: Anti-inflammatory drugs and pain relievers to manage symptoms.
Injections: Corticosteroid injections to reduce inflammation and hyaluronic acid injections to lubricate the joint.
Bracing and Orthotics: Supportive devices to stabilize the knee and alleviate pain.
2. Minimally Invasive Procedures
Arthroscopy: A minimally invasive surgical procedure to diagnose and treat knee joint problems.
Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy: Using your blood’s platelets to promote healing and reduce inflammation.
Stem Cell Therapy: Innovative treatment using stem cells to repair damaged tissues.
3. Surgical Treatments
Partial or Total Knee Replacement: Replacing damaged parts of the knee joint with artificial components.
Ligament Reconstruction: Repairing or reconstructing torn ligaments, such as the ACL.
Why Choose Us for Knee Pain Treatment in Mumbai?
Expert Team: Our team of orthopedic specialists, physiotherapists, and pain management experts is highly experienced in treating knee pain.
Advanced Technology: We use the latest diagnostic tools and treatment methods to ensure the best outcomes.
Personalized Care: Every patient receives a tailored treatment plan based on their unique condition and lifestyle.
Convenient Location: Our clinics are conveniently located in Mumbai, making it easy for you to access top-quality care.
Book Your Appointment Today
Don’t let knee pain hold you back any longer. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with our knee pain specialists in Mumbai. Let us help you find the relief you deserve and get back to your active lifestyle.
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Exploring the Promise of Therapeutics Stem Cell Therapy: A Revolutionary Approach to Healing
In recent years, stem cell therapy has emerged as one of the most promising areas in regenerative medicine. Stem cells have the unique ability to develop into different types of cells, offering the potential to repair or replace damaged tissues, treat chronic conditions, and even reverse the effects of degenerative diseases. Therapeutics stem cell therapy is at the forefront of this medical revolution, providing patients with innovative treatments for various conditions that were once thought to be incurable.
What is Stem Cell Therapy?
Stem cell therapy involves the use of stem cells to regenerate damaged tissue, organs, or body functions. Stem cells are the building blocks of the body and have the remarkable ability to differentiate into specialized cells such as muscle, nerve, or blood cells. There are two primary types of stem cells used in therapeutic applications
Embryonic stem cells (ESCs): Derived from early-stage embryos, ESCs have the potential to become any cell type in the body.
Adult stem cells: Found in tissues like bone marrow or fat, these stem cells can differentiate into certain cell types, though their versatility is more limited than ESCs.
Stem cells can be harvested from the patient’s body (autologous) or from a donor (allogeneic), depending on the condition being treated and the desired outcome.
Applications of Therapeutics Stem Cell Therapy
Therapeutics stem cell therapy is being applied across a wide range of medical fields, including
Neurological Conditions Diseases like Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, and spinal cord injuries have shown promising results with stem cell therapy. Stem cells may help regenerate damaged neurons, improve neurological function, and alleviate symptoms associated with these conditions.
Orthopedic Treatments Stem cell therapy has become a popular treatment option for musculoskeletal injuries, including osteoarthritis, cartilage damage, and tendon injuries. By promoting tissue regeneration and reducing inflammation, stem cells may accelerate healing and provide long-lasting relief for joint and bone-related issues.
Cardiovascular Diseases In cardiovascular medicine, stem cells are being explored as a potential therapy for heart disease, heart failure, and damaged blood vessels. Clinical studies have shown that stem cell therapy can enhance the repair of damaged heart tissue, improve blood flow, and reduce the risk of future heart complications.
Autoimmune Diseases For conditions such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and Crohn’s disease, stem cell therapy has the potential to reset the immune system, allowing the body to heal itself. This approach targets the root cause of autoimmune diseases by restoring immune balance.
Diabetes Treatment Researchers are investigating the use of stem cells to regenerate insulin-producing beta cells in the pancreas, offering hope for individuals with Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes. Stem cell therapy could potentially eliminate the need for daily insulin injections by restoring the body’s ability to regulate blood sugar levels naturally.
The Process of Therapeutic Stem Cell Therapy
The process of therapeutic stem cell therapy typically involves several steps:
Harvesting Stem Cells Stem cells are collected from the patient’s body or from a donor. Depending on the treatment, the source may be bone marrow, adipose (fat) tissue, or umbilical cord blood.
Processing and Expanding Cells Once harvested, the stem cells are processed and prepared in a laboratory. In some cases, the cells may be expanded to increase their numbers or be conditioned to differentiate into specific cell types for the target treatment.
Administration The processed stem cells are administered to the patient through injection or infusion into the targeted area. For orthopedic issues, the cells may be injected into joints or tendons, while for systemic conditions like autoimmune diseases, they may be delivered intravenously.
Healing and Regeneration After administration, stem cells begin their work by homing in on the damaged tissue, promoting repair and reducing inflammation. Over time, patients may experience significant improvements in function, pain relief, and overall health.
Challenges and Considerations
Despite the growing excitement surrounding stem cell therapy, there are challenges to overcome. Regulatory issues, high treatment costs, and variability in treatment outcomes remain obstacles. Furthermore, long-term studies are needed to fully understand the efficacy and safety of therapeutic stem cell treatments across various medical conditions.
Ethical concerns also play a role, particularly with embryonic stem cells. The use of these cells raises questions about the moral implications of utilizing human embryos for medical purposes. However, advances in induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) offer a potential solution, as these cells are created by reprogramming adult cells to behave like embryonic stem cells, avoiding the need for embryos.
The Future of Stem Cell Therapy
The future of therapeutics stem cell therapy is bright, with ongoing research and clinical trials continuously advancing the field. Scientists are exploring new ways to improve stem cell therapies, such as enhancing stem cell potency, finding better delivery methods, and combining stem cells with other treatments like gene therapy and tissue engineering.
As more patients experience positive outcomes and regulatory frameworks become more supportive, the use of stem cell therapy is expected to expand, offering new hope to millions worldwide.
For more info:-
Stem Cell Therapy in Spinal Disorders
Stem Cell Therapy Denver
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jdmaxhealthcare · 2 months
Top 10 Orthopedic Treatments for Joint Pain Relief
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Joint pain can be debilitating, affecting your ability to perform daily activities and diminishing your quality of life. Thankfully, advancements in orthopedic medicine have provided numerous treatment options to alleviate joint pain and restore mobility. In this blog, we will explore the top 10 orthopedic treatments for joint pain relief. Whether you are dealing with arthritis, injury, or degenerative joint disease, there is an orthopedic solution that can help you regain your active lifestyle.
1. Physical Therapy
Physical therapy is often the first line of defense against joint pain. It involves exercises and stretches designed to strengthen the muscles around the joints, improve flexibility, and reduce pain. Physical therapists tailor treatment plans to individual needs, focusing on the specific joints affected. Regular physical therapy sessions can significantly improve joint function and alleviate pain without the need for surgery.
2. Medications
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), corticosteroids, and pain relievers are commonly prescribed to manage joint pain. These medications help reduce inflammation and provide pain relief. In some cases, disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) are used to slow the progression of conditions like rheumatoid arthritis. Always consult with a healthcare professional before starting any medication regimen.
3. Injections
Corticosteroid injections deliver powerful anti-inflammatory medication directly into the joint, providing quick pain relief. Hyaluronic acid injections, also known as viscosupplementation, can lubricate the joint and reduce pain in conditions like osteoarthritis. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injections use a concentration of the patient’s own platelets to promote healing and reduce inflammation.
4. Arthroscopy
Arthroscopy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure used to diagnose and treat joint problems. It involves inserting a small camera, called an arthroscope, into the joint through a tiny incision. This allows the orthopedic surgeon to view the joint and perform repairs if necessary. Arthroscopy is commonly used for knee, shoulder, and wrist injuries, and it typically results in quicker recovery times compared to traditional open surgery.
5. Joint Replacement Surgery
Joint replacement surgery is a highly effective treatment for severe joint pain, especially when other treatments have failed. This procedure involves removing the damaged joint and replacing it with an artificial implant. The best orthopedic treatment in India includes advanced joint replacement surgeries such as hip and knee replacements. The knee replacement in has become increasingly popular due to its high success rate and the availability of state-of-the-art medical facilities.
6. Osteotomy
Osteotomy is a surgical procedure that involves cutting and reshaping bones to relieve joint pressure. It is often used for younger patients with early-stage arthritis who want to delay joint replacement surgery. By redistributing weight away from the damaged part of the joint, osteotomy can provide significant pain relief and improve joint function.
7. Joint Fusion
Joint fusion, or arthrodesis, is a surgical procedure where two or more bones in a joint are permanently fused together. This eliminates the joint and stops the pain. Joint fusion is typically used for smaller joints like those in the spine, wrist, ankle, and fingers. While it results in the loss of joint flexibility, it can provide a stable and pain-free joint.
8. Stem Cell Therapy
Stem cell therapy is an emerging treatment that uses the patient’s own stem cells to repair damaged tissues and reduce inflammation. These cells are harvested from the bone marrow or fat tissue and then injected into the affected joint. Stem cell therapy shows promise in treating conditions like osteoarthritis and tendon injuries, offering a less invasive alternative to surgery.
9. Assistive Devices
Assistive devices such as braces, splints, and orthotics can provide support to the joints, reduce pain, and improve function. These devices help stabilize the joint, redistribute weight, and reduce strain on the affected area. They are often used in conjunction with other treatments like physical therapy to maximize their effectiveness.
10. Lifestyle Modifications
Lifestyle modifications play a crucial role in managing joint pain. Maintaining a healthy weight reduces stress on weight-bearing joints like the hips and knees. Regular low-impact exercises such as swimming, cycling, and yoga can improve joint mobility and reduce pain. A balanced diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods can also support joint health. Avoiding activities that exacerbate joint pain and using ergonomic tools can prevent further injury and improve daily functioning.
Joint pain can significantly impact your life, but with the right treatment, you can find relief and regain your mobility. From non-invasive options like physical therapy and injections to advanced surgical procedures like joint replacement and arthroscopy, there are numerous orthopedic treatments available. If you are struggling with joint pain, it is essential to consult with an orthopedic specialist to determine the best course of action for your condition.
In India, the advancements in orthopedic treatments have made high-quality care accessible to many. Whether you are considering the knee replacement operation in India, the country offers world-class medical facilities and expertise to help you on your journey to pain relief and recovery. Take the first step towards a pain-free life by exploring these top orthopedic treatments and finding the one that suits your needs.
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