#Reyes Malcom
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math-rocks-and-lizard-bats · 10 months ago
If I was Kindred and Margot “Fuego” Walker (as played by @quiddie ) got ME a snack, and asked me to kill him. I would. Rey and I aren’t different in this aspect. I was gonna make a sorry Rey but I’m different but I’m not.
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bloodoftremere · 2 years ago
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And Isaac just starts sawing at the neck of the Wight.
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kindredbynight · 4 months ago
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wildestdreamcatcher · 2 years ago
Not important stuff about my OCs
Cade, Xander, Nia, Astrid, and Nkwaye have Spa nights every week
On every road trip rey plays Everything at the End of time until everyone starts yelling at him
Xander and Nkwaye have a ASMR Lighting Mcqueen X Matter sensual roleplay youtbue channel (it has over 150.k subscribers)
Ashee has a permanent scar on her leg from when Rey tried giving her rabies while he was drunk
Astrid tried dying Nkwayes hair pink in his sleep but was only able to get about ten dreads done before he woke up
Conner and Nkwaye have daily screaming fights (not arguing but they just scream as loud as possible until the others voice peaks)
Nkwaye and Xander havet ried creating their own language using only barks and meow
Cade and his boyfriend have matching minions shirts
Violet once inhaled a wall tac and had to get a metal tube shoved down her lungs to pull it out
Xander once smoked 112 joints in 24 hours, he felt like he was dying but he tries to pass that every once in awhile
Kelanie really likes those bug lollipops for some reason, she's also eaten crickets sevral times and she'd probably do it again
Rey once slept for 3 days
Kelly got one of his molars broken in a fight and had to get a filler
Kelanie has a massive beane baby collection from the 90's
They're so chaotic and cool together, I love them sm!!
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sognareleggiesogna · 11 months ago
REVIEW TOUR: Casper di Elena M. Reyes
Cari Sognatori, Rosanna ha letto il secondo volume della serie mafia romance Beautiful Sinners scritta da Elena M Reyes per la Heartbeat Edizioni!!! Serie: Beautiful Sinners vol 2 Genere: Mafia Romance  Data di pubblicazione: 15 Marzo 2024 Ebook / Cartaceo Affiliati Amazon TRAMA Tutti in Inghilterra conoscono Casper Jameson. Sanno che sono un Bastardo crudele che non prova rimorsi di fronte a…
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diceriadelluntore · 11 months ago
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Storia Di Musica #317 - Black Flag, Damaged, 1981
A me piace poco la musica punk. In primis, perchè nasce sotto aspetti che molto ipocriticamente non si prendono mai in causa (basta sentire quello che dice Malcom McLaren, il deus ex machina dei Sex Pistols in The Great Rock'n'Roll Swindle) rispetto alla vera natura del genere musicale; in secundis perchè si oppose con i suoi modi sguaiati e "puri" contro la grandezza tecnica del prog, soprattutto in Europa. Negli Stati Uniti fu invece un movimento molto più eterogeneo e diffuso, il cui obiettivo trasgressivo era soprattutto artistico (mentre da noi fu sprattutto estetico). Detto ciò, per i gruppi che hanno "black" nel titolo non potevo non parlarvi un po' di loro. Il loro nome, Black Flag, fu suggerito ai fondatori Greg Ginn e Keith Morris dal fratello del primo, Raymond, che aveva un nomignolo curioso, Pettibon: la bandiera nera è il simbolo del movimento anarchico, e lo stesso Raymond disegnò il logo della band, quattro righe spesse che davano la sensazione del movimento della bandiera stessa (e cosa importante, poteva essere facilmente riprodotta con le bombolette spray per i graffiti). Tutto nasce a Hermosa Beach, vicino Los Angeles, nel 1976: Greg Ginn e Keith Morris fondano un duo, che si chiama Panic. Quando scoprono che esiste già un altro gruppo dallo stesso nome, cambiano in Black Flag, come detto sopra. Con la prima formazione registrano 4 brani in un Ep dal titolo esplicativo, Nervous Breakdown, che viene stampato in 2000 copie, ma problemi con la piccola casa editrice che gli aveva pagato le registrazioni spingono Ginn a fondarne una propria: aggiunge infatti una "divisione" artistica alla sua Solid State Tuners, che è una piccola dittaq specializzata in riparazioni e costruzione di impianti per le registrazioni elettroniche, creando la SST Records, che oltre che i dischi dei Black Flag sarà una delle case discografiche indipendenti più importanti degli anni '80 per aver pubblicato Soundgarden, Meat Puppets, Minutemen, Hüsker Dü, Sonic Youth, Dinosaur Jr., Negativland tra gli altri. Cambiano nel frattempo due volte cantante: prima Morris se ne va, e viene sostituito da Ron Reyes: dura pochi mesi, registra comunque delle canzoni che verranno inserito nel secondo EP, Jealous Again, poi se ne va a Vancouver. Qui in un negozio di dischi trova l'EP in questione e legge nei crediti come cantante un certo Chavo Pederast, pensando che avessero trovato un nuovo cantante, ma ascoltandolo si accorge che è la sua voce, la band ha voluto omaggiare il suo abbandono con la prima di una serie sgangherata di azioni di satira nera per cui diventeranno proverbiali. Reyes viene sostituito da Dez Cadena. Durante un concerto a New York, un tizio sale sul palco e inizia a cantare con lui: piace a tutti gli altri, e prima viene ingaggiato come roadie, poi spostato a cantante perchè Cadena esprime il desiderio di suonare la chitarra. Il tizio si chiama Henry Garfield, ma per cantare sceglie il nome Henry Rollins. Nasce così la line up leggendaria che nell'ottobre 1981, messi sotto contratto dalla Unicorn, una sussidiaria della MCA, va negli studi a scrivere la pietra miliare dell'hardcore punk.
In copertina, Rollins che dà un pugno allo specchio (rotto con un martello, il finto sangue è un miscuglio di caffè e salsa di pomodoro). Damaged è uno degli album più estremi, nichilisti, sinceri e devastanti della storia della musica. È l'espressione, sincera, di esigenze che sono ancora oggi comuni denominatori della sofferenza generazionale giovanile. Si parte con la necessità di alzare la voce contro il muro di silenzio degli altri, nella storica Rise Above, in cerca di realizzazione: We are born with a chance\Rise above, we're gonna rise above\And I am gonna have my chance\Rise above, we're gonna rise above\We are tired of your abuse\Try to stop us, it's no use. L'adrenalina si sposta nei 33 secondi, deflagranti come una bomba, di Spray Paint, dedica al movimento dei writers tanto caro alla band. Rollins sputa parole e urla più che cantare, su un tappeto sonoro che sebbene sia "semplice" nella struttura (le canzoni hanno una loro struttura ricorrente e riconoscibile), dimostra al contempo che i nostri sanno suonare e ne sono esempio gli intricati assoli di Ginn e Cadena. Seguono in parte lo stile Ramones in Tv Party e Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie, ma è quando Rollins e compagni parlano di sofferenza, quando sputano rabbia e frustrazione, che mettono i bridivi: Room 13 è una disperata richiesta di aiuto (It's hard to survive\Don't know if I can do it\I need to belong\I need to hang on\I need, need) con la voce di Rollins al limite dello spasmo; No More inizia con il tamburo della batteria quasi a segnare un countdown, prima di esplodere nella furia della musica della band; c'è la rabbia politica contro le istituzioni, pienamente espresso in Police Story (Fucking city is run by pigs\They take the rights away from all the kids\Understand that we're fighting a war we can't win\They hate us, we hate them). Ma l'apoteosi dono le due Damaged: Damaged II è una sorta di delirio rabbioso, scandito dalle urla di Rollins (I'm confused, confused, don't wanna be confused), che è un misto tra una crisi di panico e la disperazione della solitudine, che si trasforma in ferite interne ed esterne. Ed è ancora più sconvolgente Damaged, che chiude il disco:
My name's Henry And you're here with me now My life It's a song, ah You're just, you won't even let it happen You won't You won't let Damaged, by attack
e continua con dei vocalizzi che assomigliano pericolosamente ad un delirio.
Il disco fu stampato il 25 mila copie dalla Unicorn, ma quando i boss della MCA sentirono il disco, ne bloccarono la distribuzione. Senza battere ciglio, i Black Flag lo pubblicarono per la SST, con un adesivo in copertina che diceva "Come genitore, credo che questo sia un album contro i genitori", parole pronunciate dal presidente della Unicorn. Questo fu preso alla lettera dalla Polizia, che non perse occasione per intervenire durante i concerti della band, in cui spesso ci saranno dei feriti. Tutta la questione finì in una causa intentata dalla Unicorn che portò al carcere, per pochi giorni, Greg Ginn. La band tra altri cambiamenti di formazione pubblicherà un altro album inno punk, My War (1982) per poi intraprendere, fino al 1986, un percorso davvero interessante in cui alla furia iconoclasta della loro musica aggiungano elementi hard rock, più melodie e persino elementi del free jazz, grande passione di Rollins. Dopo lo scioglimento, Rollins fonderà una propria band, la Henry Rollins Band in cui proseguirà questo cammino sperimentale. I Black Flag si riformeranno due volte, negli anni 2000, ma non sarà mai la stessa cosa: non era più possibile replicare il pugno in faccia che fu questo disco, la loro rabbia, la loro disperazione, che arriva qui a vette insuperate, divenendo il seme da cui negli anni a venire nascerà di tutto: dico solo che persino il rap campionerà tantissimo questo disco, soprattutto Rise Above che fa da base a inni del genere quali Buck Whylin' di Terminator X, And What You Give is What You Get dei Beastie Boys, Real Niggaz Don't Die degli NWA e Holy Rum Swig dell'X-Clan.
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canadiankazz · 2 years ago
Please reblog and stay tuned for more LA by Night and NY by Night polls!
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phantom1fanatic · 1 year ago
below you will find the various canon characters i have played or are willing to play from various fandoms. i am willing to play these characters against other canon characters or original characters too. keep in mind that i do prefer to double when it comes to canon/original pairings, but may be swayed to a single pairing depending on plot.
last updated: october 18th, 2023
note: any & all characters are or are aged up to 18+
911/911 Lonestar
Athena Grant, Carlos Reyes, Evan ‘Buck’ Buckley, Edmundo ‘Eddie’ Diaz, Henrietta ‘Hen’ Wilson, Howie ‘Chimney’ Han, Judson Ryder, Marjan Marwani, Paul Strickland, Ravi Panikkar, Tyler ‘T.K.’ Strand
Across the Spider-Verse
Hobart ‘Hobie’ Brown, Miguel O’hara, Miles Morales, Peter B. Parker, Spiderman Noir
Barry Allen, Jefferson Jackson, John Constantine, Leonard Snart, Oliver Queen, Ray Palmer, Sara Lance
Detroit: Become Human
Connor RK800, Connor RK900, Gavin Reed, Kara, Luther, Markus
Good Omens
Aziraphale, Beelzebub, Crowley, Famine, Gabriel, Maggie, Muriel, Nina
Agent Tequila, Gary ‘Eggsy’ Unwin, Hamish ‘Merlin’ Mycroft, Jack ‘Agent Whiskey’ Daniels, Roxanne ‘Roxy’ Morton
Arthur Harrow, Charles Xavier, Clint Barton, Eddie Brock, Erik ‘Killmonger’ Stevens, Erik Lehnsherr, Gamora, Helmut Zemo, James ‘Bucky’ Barnes, Katherine ‘Kate’ Bishop, Khonshu, Layla El-Faouly, Marc Spector/Steven Grant/Jake Lockley, Makkari, Matt Murdock, Monica Rambeau, Natasha Romanoff, Nebula, Peter Parker, Peter ‘Three’ Parker, Peter Quill, Pietro Maximoff, Loki, Sam Wilson, Scott Lang, Shuri, Stephen Strange, Steve Rogers, Thor, Tony Stark, Wanda Maximoff, Xu Shang-chi, Yelena Belova
Stranger Things
Billy Hargroves, Dimitri, Jim Hopper, Robin Buckley, Steven Harrington
Castiel, Dean Winchester, Gabriel, Lucifer, Sam Winchester
Ted Lasso
Colin Hughes, Isaac McAdoo, Jamie Tartt, Keeley Jones, Rebecca Welton, Roy Kent, Sam Obisanya, Ted Lasso, Trent Crimm
The Walking Dead
Daryl Dixon, Glenn Rhee, Maggie, Green, Michonne Hawthorne, Rick Grimes, Shane Walsh, Tara Chambler
Umbrella Academy
Allison Hargreeves, Ben Hargreeves, Diego Hargreeves, Klaus Hargreeves
Alan Grant (Jurassic Park)
Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
Harvey Spector (Suits)
Ian Malcom (Jurassic Park)
Jake Sully (Avatar)
John Nolan (The Rookie)
Merlin (Merlin)
Michael Ross (Suits)
Neytiri (Avatar)
Owen Grady (Jurassic World)
Tim Bradford (The Rookie)
Toph Beifong (ATLA)
Zuko (ATLA)
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vampire-the-misfits · 2 months ago
Rico Reyes
Age: 17 ½, died at 17
Height: 4’0
Pronouns: He/they/it
Clan: Malkavian
Generation: 13th
Appearance: A small young man with short, wild black hair and yellow eyes. His skin is slightly less pale than the average vampire’s, looking human in the right light. His heart beats during the night, and he still has the unconscious instinct to breathe. They have pointed ears, sharp teeth, and small claws. It wears a dark blue shirt, black coat, black pants, and dark off-blue shoes.
Malcom Ward
Age: 37, died at 20
Height: 5’10
Pronouns: He/them
Clan: Nosferatu
Generation: 13th
Appearance: A stick-thin, pale purple skinned vamp with long elf ears and curved teeth that peek out from his closed lips. Their mouth extends farther than it should a good few inches on either side. It also parts in the middle, trailing down his throat to just above his ribcage, locked together by sets of zipper-like teeth until opened. It appears to be a scar when closed, the thin line hard to see unless you look closely. His wild, short black hair is always inexplicably damp, greasy, has bits of wood shavings and random trash snarled in it, and probably houses at least one rat. His skin has lighter and darker patches across it, with a slick and leathery texture respectively. The flesh from the middle of his forearms is missing, showing a gap that nearly reaches to the bone. His hands are long, spindly, and definitely would not fit in normal gloves. In the underground he wears a black t-shirt and old pants torn off at the knees. Aboveground he dons a couple shirts, a heavy jacket with a hood, his ‘nice’ (not torn to shit) jeans, and a respirator gas mask.
Age: 20, died at 16
Height: 5’8
Pronouns: She/they/it
Clan: Gargoyle
Generation: 9th (previously 13th)
Appearance: A small, young looking humanoid who has skin has the texture of stone and long black hair. There are many small cracks running down her body, with a few notable ones on her back. They have a pair of large wings and a long ‘furred’ tail that appear carved out of stone, both the color of concrete. It has sharp claws on its feet and hands, and its legs are more suited to quadrupedal than bipedal movement, though it can easily do both. It wears clothes, though they’re obviously old and falling apart.
Marsilio Vitora
Age: 45, died at 27
Height: 5’9
Pronouns: He/him
Clan: Tzimisce
Generation: 10th
Appearance: A young man with short, sandy brown hair and amber eyes. He wears a dark red coat, reminiscent of priest's robes, darker clothes underneath, and shiny black shoes.
Percival “Percy” Fontaine
Age: 29, died at 25
Height: 5’7
Pronouns: He/him
Clan: Tremere
Generation: 12th
Appearance: A thin, slightly awkward looking young man with short dark brown hair and brown eyes. He wears a pair of copper glasses and tends towards sweaters, coats, and other such clothing.
Sara Mina
Age: 56, died at 27
Height: 5’8
Pronouns: She/them
Clan: Banu Haquim (Sorcerer)
Generation: 10th
Appearance: A somewhat tall woman with short black hair, mid toned skin, and black eyes. She wears a lot of blacks, greys, and browns.
Age: 31 died at 26
Height: 5’11
Pronouns: He/bite/fang/plague (bite/bites/biteself, fang/fangs/fangself, plague/plagues/plagueself)
Clan: Gangrel
Generation: 11th
Appearance: A thin, tall man with stringy dark brown hair and green eyes. He wears forest colored clothing, often ones with holes or covered in dirt and blood.
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machtaholic · 6 months ago
Ten characters ten fandoms ten tags!
List your 10 favorite characters from 10 separate fandoms, then tag 10 people
Tagged by @prettyinsoulpunk! And in no particular order!
Eliot Spencer - Leverage
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2. Steve Harrington - Stranger Things
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3. Echo - Dollhouse
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4. Lydia Martin - Teen Wolf
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5. Quentin Coldwater - The Magicians
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6. Henry George Edward James Fox Mountchristen Windsor - Red, White & Royal Blue
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7. Harvey Specter - Suits
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8. Carlos Reyes - 911 Lone Star
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9. Malcom Bright - Prodigal Son
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10. Jace Herondale - Shadowhunters
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And I'm going to tag - but you're under no obligation to participate - @gusthemoose, @cheddartreets, @childoffantasy, @stevesjockstrap, @crazyassmurdererwall, @literaryoblivion, @missmagooglie, @tattooedsiren, @wantonlywindswept and @skepsiss
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burningexeter · 7 months ago
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I realized very early on that I've always been attracted to in media and fiction, unconventional protagonists that while are heroic, they're NOT at all the typical type of "heroes" you'd expect. I've always found that way more interesting and compelling than most other regular or conventional type of stories. Here's a list of the ones that I think are some (or in this case, a LOT) of my biggest influences when it comes to the characters that I write, the protagonists that I write where it's unconventional main characters fighting the odds or facing the highest stakes possible or BOTH in incredible situations or scenarios BUT are again NOT the generic "heroes" you'd think or expect them to be:
• Andy Dufrense & Ellis Boyd "Red" Redding — The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
• Paul Edgecomb & John Coffey — The Green Mile (1999)
• John McClane — Die Hard (1988)
• Arthur Morgan — Red Dead Redemption 2
• Mrs. Brisby — The Secret Of NIMH (1982)
• Norman Babcock — ParaNorman
• Frank — Thief (1981)
• Alice Johnson — A Nightmare On Elm Street 4: The Dream Master & A Nightmare On Elm Street 5: The Dream Child
• Miguel Rivera — Coco (2017)
• Eddie Valiant & Roger Rabbit — Who Framed Roger Rabbit
• Marty McFly & Emmett "Doc" Brown — The Back To The Future Trilogy
• Samantha "Charly" Caine — The Long Kiss Goodnight
• Walter "Heisenberg" White — Breaking Bad
• Ezekiel "EZ" Reyes — Mayans MC
• Peter "Spider-Man" Parker — Spider-Man 2 (2004)
• Michael De Santa, Franklin Clinton & Trevor Philips — Grand Theft Auto V
• Niko Bellic — Grand Theft Auto IV
• Jaguar Paw — Apocalypto (2006)
• Jack Sparrow, Will Turner & Elizabeth Swann — The Pirates Of The Caribbean Trilogy
• Poindexter "Fool" Williams, Alice Robeson & Roach — The People Under The Stairs
• Shane Vendrell — The Shield (FX)
• Matt Parkman — Heroes (Season 1)
• Bob & Helen Parr — The Incredibles (2004)
• The Man With No Name & Tuco Benedicto Pacífico Juan María Ramírez — The Dollars Trilogy
• Matt Murdock, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Frank Castle & David "Micro" Lieberman — Marvel Netflix
• Robyn Goodfellowe & Mebh Og MacTire — Wolfwalkers (2020)
• Kevin Garvey — The Leftovers (HBO)
• El Mariachi — The Mexico Trilogy
• John Hartigan, Marv & Dwight McCarthy — Sin City (2005)
• Andrea Grimes — The Walking Dead (Comic Series)
• Kenny McCormick — South Park
• Thaddeus "Rusty" Venture, Malcom "The Monarch" Fitzcarraldo & Gary "Henchmen 21" Fischer — The Venture Bros.
• Gwen Tennyson — Ben 10: Alien Force & Ben 10: Ultimate Alien
• Literally all of the protagonists — Generator Rex
• Virgil Ovid Hawkins/Static Shock & Richard "Richie" Osgood Foley/Gear — Static Shock
• Al "Spawn" Simmons — Todd McFarlane's Spawn (HBO)
• Billy "Shazam!" Batson & Frederick "Freddy" Freeman — SHAZAM! (2019)
• Frank Bannister — The Frighteners
• Ann Darrow — King Kong (2005)
• Sarah Bowman, John "Flyboy" & Bill McDermott — Day Of The Dead (1985)
• Rick O'Connell, Evelyn "Evie" & Jonathan Carnahan — The Mummy (1999)
• U.S. Army Captain Benjamin L. Willard — Apocalypse Now
• Staff Sergeant Mikhail "Mike" Vronsky — The Deer Hunter
• Mikasa Ackerman — Attack On Titan
• Max Rockatansky — Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior
• Sheriff Hassan — Midnight Mass
• Historia Reiss — Attack On Titan (Manga)
• Grey Trace — Upgrade (2018)
• Seth Gecko — From Dusk Till Dawn (1996)
• Cecilia "Cee" Kress — The Invisible Man (2020)
• Private Cooper — Dog Soldiers
• Quintus Dias — Centurion (2010)
• Lucius Vorenus & Titus Pullo — Rome (HBO)
• Seth Bullock & Al Swearengen — Deadwood (HBO)
• Alita — Alita: Battle Angel (2019)
• O.J. Haywood — Nope (2022)
• Puss In Boots & Perrito — Puss In Boots: The Last Wish
• Po — Kung Fu Panda 2
• Bob Belcher — Bob's Burgers
• Atticus Finch — To Kill A Mockingbird
• John Rambo — First Blood
• Bruce Wayne/Batman — Batman (1989)
• Logan/Wolverine — Logan (2017)
• Charlie Shakespeare — Deathwatch (2002)
• Edward Boyce & Lewis Ford — Overlord (2018)
• Solomon Kane — Solomon Kane (2009)
• Alan Wake — Alan Wake (2010)
• Private/Sergeant J.T. "Joker" Davis — Full Metal Jacket
• Lee Everett — Telltale's The Walking Dead (Season 1)
• Bigby Wolf — Telltale's The Wolf Among Us
• Heather Mason — Silent Hill 3
And that's just merely the tip of the iceberg.
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fuckyeahlabynight · 3 years ago
New York by Night Character Tags
(To be updated as new characters are introduced)
Story teller Jason Carl
Isaac Brooke
Theodora "Serif"
Margot "Fuego" Walker
Reyes "Rey" Malcom
Annabelle Li
Cat Costello
Consuela "Coco" Elena Ramona Comprisi
Derek "Brawn" Brön
James Rafferty
Julia Sowinski
Aisling Sturbridge
Qadir Al-Asami
Hellene Panhard
(All Shadows of New York characters)
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bloodoftremere · 2 years ago
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New York By Night | 01.08 Virtue Overthrow
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kindredbynight · 7 months ago
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Virtue overthrow
The gang has hunted down the Whight but the night is still full of surprises. And betrayals
Isaac has staked the whight and used his abilities to make a blade of his hand
Rey: Don’t!
Isaac: (overlapping with Fuego): don’t what/what?
Rey: Don’t kill it
Isaac & Serif: Why!!
Rey: I need this thing
Serif/Fuego: why?!
Isaac: You can’t have it
Rey: I was asked to get proof that this existed.
Serif: Take a picture!
Isaac: For who?!
Fuego casts mesmerise on Rey
Fuego: (quietly but intently) explain. Now
Rey: I need this to prove to the Camarilla that I’m worth it to them.
Serif laughs humourlessly: (to Isaac) do whatever you were about to do Isaac
He does so! Rey rails against it but Issac begins sawing at the neck of the whight. Serif takes a photo before it disintegrates.
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hermannco · 8 years ago
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All new Dr.Fate // Batman, Rotten Apples (2017)
Oh yeah guys, REDESIGN TIME. I have been trying to get this done for a month or two now? I finally got around it and I’m very happy with the result.
thanks @harveydont for the civilian clothing (and Etrigan)
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buckybarnesalways · 2 years ago
Share ten different favorite characters from ten different pieces of media in no particular order. Then send this to ten people.
tagged by my friend @ravens-words
carlos reyes-911 lonestar
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2. bucky Barnes- marvel
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3. Drew- night shift
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4. Michael Guerin- Roswell new Mexico
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5. scotty and Kevin- brothers and siters
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6. Lito Hernadez- sense8
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7. Malcom bright- prodigal son
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8. Killian jones- once upon a time
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9. poe dameron- Star Wars
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10.Agron- Spartacus
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and as an extra lol
11. Joe & Nicky- the old guard
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tagging: @musette22 @morganaspendragonss @moviegeek03 @mycurlyboobear @love-buckybarnes @sneetchestoo @marjansmarwani @bellakitse @strandnreyes @rhubarbdreams @hesnotmy @tkstrrand @tkstrandreyes @trkstrnd
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