#Rex Steiner
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okidokidev · 2 years ago
[gives you an opportunity to go off about xenoblade 2]
A huge part of Xenoblade 1's charm for me is how... weird it looks. I say this with the utmost affection, but OG Xenoblade 1 is pig-ugly. It's so atypical from every other JRPG that was coming out at the time and even to this day, and that made it immediately charming for me. They also scale back on this in Definitive Edition, but I think the DNA of the original is still there.
2 just looks straight up bad. Not weird or different, just bad. They bit off way more than they could chew on underpowered hardware and paid the price with dizzyingly low resolutions coupled with motion blur for some fucking reason? and some of the most aggressive post-processing sharpening I've ever seen in a game that just only makes it look worse.
It is also just incredibly confused aesthetically. Trying to wrap my head around how many drastically different artists had their hands on this game makes me feel like I'm reading off the Scott Steiner "THE NUMBERS DON'T LIE" promo. Thankfully, they seem to course-correct in 3, but god damn.
More than any real insightful criticism I can give about this game, though, is the simple truth that I just hate Rex. Wholly. He sucks to look at with quite possibly the worst character design I have ever seen for a !! PROTAGONIST !! You know, the guy you're going to be looking at the longest out of anyone. He sucks. It's impossible for me to look past this and try to appreciate the game's attempts to make me like him because the hater goggles have permanently melted onto my skin.
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jasvvy · 3 years ago
yep, he’s a steiner alright. 
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blueonwrestling · 3 years ago
oh my god i’ve just realised.
samoa joe is in nxt, rick steiner’s son is in nxt.
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dalekofchaos · 3 years ago
Rex Steiner is the next big thing and Rex Steiner or Bronson Steiner is the perfect name for him
Looks like a young version of his Dad. 
Has a similar physique to the Steiners. 
Similar Wrestling Attire to the Steiners. 
Looks like a badass just like the Steiners. 
The name Rex Steiner is already great name.
This is a petty revenge for Scott Steiner knocking WWE for the last 18 years, hence why they stripped him of the Steiner name
Either that or this is proof that if the Vince of today was the Vince in the 90′s then Stone Cold would’ve been forced to be named “Chilly McFreeze”
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mrawkweird · 3 years ago
It's to bad they changed Rex Steiner's name. Especially you since you can tell he's his father's son anyway.
WWE could not wait to show that they got a new Bron.
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turbobyakuren · 5 years ago
Zidane: The bravest soldiers this land has known... The most courageous, most fearless, the strongest warriors! Freyja... Beatrix... A... A.... (looks at smudged writing on hand) A Dilbert Stimbo...
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majingojira · 2 years ago
Dinosaur Music
There are 4 Elements to making Good Dinosaur Music. The first three to appear in film are:
Mystery Might Melancholy Dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals have been with us since the dawn of cinema. Their films helped define movie music going forward (King Kong), but there are elements to them that I find interesting to look at.
King Kong, composed by Max Steiner, established a lot of what we see not just in dinosaur music, but in music in movies overall. The bombast of action movie scores, but it encapsulates the first three Ms of Dinosaur Music.
Kong's theme is a prime example of melancholy (It's three notes on a descending scale), but the real key Dinosaur piece of music is The Bronte.
After this, we get The Rite of Spring, where Stravinsky's suite of the toil of farm labor is turned to evolution and prehistory by Disney animation at the height of their powers. This defined the 'stone age' of dinosaur media music as much as Kong did.
Not much changed for decades, and those changes can best be illustrated by one of the more fanciful dinosaurs of the 1950s.
The march became the go-to style for dinosaur music to show off the might of the prehistoric monster thanks to Godzilla and friends (and Akira Ifukube).
I think the best 'typical' example from this period goes to One Million Years B.C. by Mario Nascimbene mixing marches and the toil of Rite of Spring into a pretty rousing theme.
In 1977, BBC Horizon and PBS NOVA published a documentary: "The Hot-Blooded Dinosaurs," brinring the Dinosaur renaissance to the public for the first time. While Dinosaur Music got... weird.
We got The Legend of the Dinosaurs and Monster Birds with its deeply inappropriate and funky soundtrack, the power ballad for The Last Dinosaur, and the out-there synth scored Planet of Dinosaurs.
The themes of Might, Melancholy, and Mystery are in full force, but things were changing about how they were balanced. The Melancholy began to lose its toil, and something was growing.
Jerry Goldsmith's score for Baby: Secret of the Lost Legend is the easiest to find an example of for this mid-period. It's one of his favorites and he has every right to be proud of it (even if the movie ain't that great).
The Mystery and Might gain prominence over the melancholy of everyday life. What melancholy remains goes to their loss.
Documentaries actually pick up the thread here and get proper soundtracks. Dinosaur! hosted by Christopher Reeves (1985) does not have a soundtrack release, but the Synth scores by Peter Scherer and John Holbrook captures the moment in dinosaur media quite well.
A series of documentaries hosted by Gary Owns and Eric Boardman about Dinosaurs (and other prehistoric animals) does have a soundtrack release and for a documentary, it's a pretty solid set. (Music for Dinosaurs by David Spear). It's very hard for me to pick just one track from this list. "I Need More Dinosaurs," "The Mystery of Extinction," "Rex's Late-Night Snack," "The Puzzle of Paleontology," and "Fossil Impressions" hit a lot of what I'm talking about, but they definitely lean into the Mystery aspect of them all.
I also have a soft spot for the up-beat-ness of the Son of Dinosaurs Main Title.
1989's "The Great Dinosaur Hunt" (an episode of The Infinite Voyage) had a synth/orchestral soundtrack from Jack Illar and William Loose. This was the last gasp of truly melancholic themes to the overall soundtrack of dinosaur films. Though, again, the melancholy is no longer focused not on the brutality of ancient life, but on the loss of animals the documentary itself describes as "truly magnificent."
Then in 1993, everything changed when Jurassic Park added a new "M" to the trio.
John William's score for Jurassic Park changed the game for dinosaur music as the film changed how dinosaurs were seen in the public eye.
After John Williams, composers like Ben Bartlett (Walking with Dinosaurs and its related follow-ups) picked up and carried the torch for dinosaurs that were not just Mysterious, Mighty, and evoke Melancholy at their loss, but were truly Majestic.
While Movie Soundtracks are now in a low form given directors keep using Premier and other editing programs to edit things to music before that music is delivered, one last truly great Dinosaur soundtrack came out. No, not from Jurassic World (though I must give props to the opening of Fallen Kingdom).
But from Prehistoric Planet.
Now, Majesty is at the forefront. No hint at the melancholy of their loss. Their might is in the backseat to their beauty and strangeness. Mystery is no longer a factor, even though there is still so much to learn. Now, they are treated like animals in the fullest sense of the documentary experience. The theme, and overall music, by Hanz Timmer, Andrew James Christie, Anze Rozeman, and Kara Talve contribute a lot to the success of the documentary. It's not just the theme people remember, but music for specific scenes. Modern movies can't even boast that.
Dinosaur have truly evolved.
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madnessroleplay · 2 years ago
Rules and Muses
Hello, I’m 28+ years old, and this is my multimuse Roleplay blog! Simply put, just be polite and kind, and chances are we’ll get along!
1. Please reply as with some substance. While I know that we can’t all make several paragraphs worth of dialogue, it shouldn’t be hard to come up with more than. “She followed along” or “Hey there”. 
2. If you want to do NSFW stuff, you have to be 18 or older. This is not a suggestion.
3. No racism or discrimination of any kind. Any hating will be blocked...
4. Have fun, roleplaying is a hobby, not a commitment!
Fairy Tail
Lucy Heartfilia
Natsu Dragneel
Yukino Aguria
Levy McGarden
Gray Fullbuster
Ann Takamaki
Makoto Niijima
Yu Narukami
Yosuke Honomura
Naoto Shirogane
Rise Kujikawa
Yukiko Amagi
Chie Satonaka
Makoto Yuki
Yukari Takeba
Akihiko Sanada
Weiss Schnee
Ruby Rose
Yang Xiao Long
Blake Belladonna
Velvet Scarletina
Sakura Haruno
Ino Yamanaka
Hinata Hyuga
Naruto Uzumaki
Fire Emblem 3 Houses
Edelgard Von Hresvelg
Petra Macneary
Ashe Ubert
Ferdinand Von Aiger
Claude Von Regan
Xenoblade Chronicles
Pyra, Mythra, and Pneuma
Edens Zero
Homura Kogetsu
Weisz Steiner
Rave Master
Haru Glory
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nagdabbit · 3 years ago
...do you mean bron brekker?
rex steiner, yes.
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mjfass · 3 years ago
Bron Breakker/Rex Steiner is the next big thing.
He definitely is. Until now, I have no problem with that. I don’t know much about him, but from what I have seen of him as a wrestler, the dude can really become a huge star.
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nettvnow-blog · 8 years ago
Hazel Jeffs | Away From It All
A recent English graduate with a passion for web series, Hazel Jeffs is excited to have brought to life her modern take of Far From the Madding Crowd by Thomas Hardy in her web series, Away From It All (AFitA). Learn more about the series below!
netTVnow: Can you share with readers a quick synopsis of the series how you’ve turned it into a modern web series?
Hazel Jeffs: In Far From the Madding Crowd, Bathsheba Everdene is an orphaned milkmaid who inherits her uncle’s large farm and fortune. The novel focuses on Gabriel Oak (Bathsheba’s unfortunate shepherd who once proposed to her before her change of fortune) and his enduring love for her as she attempts to run the farm as a single woman and navigates the attentions of the local gentlemen, with tragic consequences. 
Our modernized version sees Ellie Bathsheba Everdene (Deborah Couch) as a 21 year-old waitress who turns away from her sad home life, and the attentions of vet student Gabriel (Edward Gist), for a new start as the colourful landlady of a village pub. Her companion of the novel, Liddy (Anna Lloyd), is now an amateur vlogger who records the interesting newcomer’s attempts to win over the village and encourages her romantic life, unaware that the pub’s new waiter knows Bathsheba of old. The story is primarily seen through the private videos and multimedia content stored on Bathsheba and Gabriel’s phones as well as Liddy’s in-world vlogs.
netTVnow: Your series prides itself on having broken the mold of traditional literary web series, what were the key differentiators?
HJ: Back in it’s earliest conception, Away from it All was going to be a fairly low-key literary New Media project where the story would just be told through social media accounts and the texts, notes, images and maybe a couple of videos on the two protagonists’ phones with a big focus on the way characters presented themselves to different people and audiences as opposed to who they were in their private lives, we ended up diverging from that a lot in development, especially with the addition of Liddy’s vlogs, which brought us back into more established LIW territory, but I think you can still see the roots of it in how we still use the phones and transmedia as a whole. Other literary series such as Rex, The Misselthwaite Archives and Serena Berg have used “out of world” videos, but I think our framing for them is unique and it negates a lot of the “why would you post this/why hasn’t every character seen this” angst that a lot of other series have to negotiate. 
It’s not necessarily a unique thing but, as someone for whom watching and discussing every Literary Web series I could get my hands on has been a large and joyful part of my life for the last four years leading a writing team of LIW fans and creators, I think we were very conscious of the tropes used again and again in other series. A lot of these (“The Tour Video”, “cut before the kiss”, “Ooops I left that camera on and recorded an entire conversation”) we fondly embraced but others we had fun playing with or subverting too. 
I also think, especially on the lower production side of things, a lot of other literary web series tend more towards the comedy side of dramedy, and we definitely go the other way and also try to connect the story to an exterior physical landscape in a way that not a lot of vlog-style shows since The Autobiography of Jane Eyre have done.
netTVnow: What was the creative process like for you? Do you think the process is easier or harder knowing that there is a literary piece to refer to?
HJ: Oh I love going through the creative process so much. This was an especially weird one though. AFitA started off as a theoretical concept for me to base my final year university dissertation (Mostly about new media audience interaction) around and I had to write a few example scenes and transmedia pieces as part of that, but then I found myself spending that entire university year writing completely unnecessary 20-page character docs and stressing over every part of the potential plot and setting up tumblrs for the protagonists, all the while remaining absolutely certain and telling everyone who would listen that I’d never actually make or write it. 
I handed in that project, relaxed for literally 2 days before realizing that: 1. I cared too much about the story to not make it, even if I had no idea how. And 2. Because of a job I had lined up, if I was going to make it it HAD to be finished shooting by the end of that summer. So then I got a writing team together and we went through group development of the characters, plot etc over 3 weeks, then wrote and edited all 50 episodes in a month while I also sorted out cast, crew and locations and then we filmed the whole thing in less than 3 weeks. So it was a year of me turning it over in my head and then less than 3 very intense months of a whole gang of us doing everything for it.
In terms of source text, I definitely find it a lot easier to have that jumping off point, it’s tricky sometimes when you get stuck on being faithful to certain aspects of the book or thinking how potential audiences will react to how you’ve adapted things, but equally writing from scratch can be really intimidating so I find the former problems a lot more manageable. I’ve always been utterly fascinated with adaptations anyway and, especially in development meetings with the team, the process of creating AFitA also felt like a really self-aware process of literary criticism and as a recent English Graduate I am deeply into that, especially when it’s a complicated book like Far From the Madding Crowd where there’s so much to say. 
netTVnow: What was your favorite part about seeing the series come to life?
HJ: In every series I’ve been a part of so far, the initial development meetings/written discussion have been my favourite part of the whole thing, there’s always so much energy and so many off-the-wall ideas and in-jokes bouncing around as well as getting to be a huge geek about books and character arcs, it’s a huge amount of fun.
In terms of specifically bringing it to life, the few days where we were shooting almost all the big group scenes and had a crew of four whole people for once were so busy but had a lot of life in them. Those were the days we all hung out the most after each day’s wrap too so that was lovely. The day we went out to film most of the outside episodes (including the first one) was amazing too, Woodbury Common is always beautiful but it really pulled out all the stops for us with that sunset and we could not get over it.
netTVnow: What were some of the particularly hard things you had to deal with as showrunner?
HJ: I think it’s a truth fairly universally acknowledged that pre-production is the worst and I did a lot of that on my own. Learning about the equipment needed and how to find cast and crew for the first time and then instantly having to do that and do all the scheduling on top of writing all of my episodes and helping to edit every episode script made for an interesting few weeks.
The scariest moment was probably when our initial choice for Gabriel dropped out and we still hadn’t re-cast someone on our third day of shooting when we needed him on the fifth! Luckily our cast and crew were amazing with putting the word out for that, we eventually found Ed because he went to school with both of our cinematographers. 
netTVnow: Can you talk about the transmedia aspect of the series and how that played a role?
HJ: The series plays out in real time and all of our characters have Twitters and some have Tumblrs, Instagrams, Pinterests etc. We also have a website that updates a few times a week showing the some of the contents of Bathsheba and Gabriel’s smartphones that week, including text messages, private notes, google searches and playlists. You can also find all of this together with the videos on our Storify account.
The novel flips between quite a few different points of view and all of the main characters have secrets and interior lives that they wouldn’t share on public social media, but I still wanted to find a way to show them. 
I think a lot of our audience just follows the videos on YouTube and maybe a couple of Twitter accounts and I think you can definitely access the main story fairly smoothly that way, with a couple of exceptions that we heavily highlight in the videos, but all the rest of the transmedia just adds more depth and nuance. 
netTVnow: Is this your first work in the web series community?
HJ: Not quite, I was a development assistant and wrote 2.5 episodes and some multimedia pieces for The Misselthwaite Archives. I’d been involved with the very early development of Pencil Ink’s upcoming series The Cloisterham Case Files before we began proper work on AFitA too. I’m still working on that with them, as well as being a writer on a new series called Maggie Hale’s Corner and another developing series created by one of the AFitA writers. 
netTVnow: What are some of your favorite web series?
HJ: My all-time favourite web series is The Autobiography of Jane Eyre, with The Candlewaster’s Nothing Much to Do and Lovely Little Losers as close runners up along with Betwixt Production’s The Writing Majors. I just love vlog-style literary series that feel like the characters are inviting you into their warm, messy lives as a friend and equal.
Outside the literary sphere, I really like Wavejacked, The Vault and Couple-ish.
netTVnow: What do you love most about the web series community and what advice would you give those looking to get more involved in the industry?
HJ: I know a lot more about the literary web series community than the wider web series community and I think those are very different places. The Literary web series community is quite possibly a relatively temporary space but it’s a crossroads of a lot of my favourite things in the world: pretty much everyone who’s excited about classic lit, new media and giving voice to young, frequently queer, women is a potential friend in my book, so that entire community just feels like home for me.
The wider web series community is a lot more varied, has more solid links to filmmaking as a general and I think tends to take itself a little more seriously. In both places there’s so much innovation going on in transmedia, format and audience interaction, so many chances to tell narratives that would get silenced anywhere else and so many creators are just fascinating and will talk to you on completely equal grounds, we’re on the cutting edge of storytelling here and I love it. 
To get involved I would just say talk to people mostly, the community’s super active on Twitter and interested in opinions coming from everywhere. And just make things with whatever time and resources you have, it doesn’t have to be a lot, and see what happens. 
netTVnow: Awesome! Lastly, do you have any upcoming Projects to share or anything else you'd like to add?
HJ: Nothing immediate for me but I’m part of the team for Maggie Hale’s Corner and The Cloisterham Case Files, so look out for them some time in the future!
Lastly, I'd like to give a quick shout out to the amazing things other people in the AFitA family are doing, one of our lovely writers, Anya Steiner has her new web series The Merry Maidens coming soon and the infamously productive Jules Piggot is soon releasing her fourth series, The Emma Agenda.
Follow Hazel Jeffs Twitter
Follow Away From It All Facebook | Instagram | Tumblr | Twitter | YouTube
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blueonwrestling · 3 years ago
What’s the best thing going for WWE at the moment
In terms of Raw, Riddle/Sheamus/Priest have all been the highlight in terms of the men, they've been going out here week by week just having knockdown brutal fights and it's been great.
Smackdown, Smackdown hasn't had much of anything as the womens title scene has been a bit of a mess, Biancas rise to the top has been great for sure.
NXT: Odyssey Jones and Steiner Jr are by far the standouts of the new NXT, and Roddy Strong cementing himself in Diamond Mine has been top quality.
Post brand split? No clue.
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dalekofchaos · 3 years ago
Stupid name aside and not choosing Rex Steiner to begin with
Bron Breakker is the next big thing
Looks like a Steiner
He wrestles like his father
Talks like his uncle(I expect a very tense math lesson in the near future)
Dresses like the Steiner Brother
And he is just a perfect example of what could be the next big star in WWE if they don’t fuck it up.
He needs to demolish the entire roster and eventually take out Ciampa at one of the upcoming Takeovers or whatever PPV the 2.0 has in store. 
Bron Breakker is the future.
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uneminuteparseconde · 5 years ago
Des concerts à Paris et alentour en gras : les derniers ajouts :-: in bold: the last news Mars 02. DIIV – La Gaîté lyrique ||COMPLET|| 03. Napalm Death + EYEHATEGOD + Misery Index + Rotten Sound – La Machine 03. Scorpion Violente + Air LQD – Quai de Bourbon 03. Handle + CIA Debutante + David Fenech – Espace B 03/04. The Mission – Petit Bain 04. David Fenech & Laurent Perrier + Phanes – Quai de Bourbon 05. Dorian Pimpernel + Mooon – Supersonic (gratuit) 05. TZII + Sacrifice Seul – Quai de Bourbon 05. Instant Voodoo + Laurence Wasser – Le Zorba 05. Orange Blossom : “Sharing” avec les machines de François Delarozière – Élysée Montmartre 05. King Dude + Biere noire – La Boule noire 06. Frustration + Italia 90 – Le Trianon 06. Electric Fire + Fantazio et les Turbulents (Sonic Protest) – Les Voûtes 06. UVB76 + Gaël Segalen – Café de Paris 06. France + Autrenoir + Aho Ssan + Astrid Sonne + Keki + Janomax – La Station 06. Violent quand on aime + Officium + Matière danse – Espace B 06. Chris Liebing + AZF – Dehors Brut 07. Sourdure – La Lingerie|Les Grands Voisins (gratuit) 07. L’atelier d’éveil musical du centre social Raymond-Poulidor + Foudre rockeur (Sonic Protest) – Les Voûtes 07. Substencia + Eastel + MZA – tba 07. Dave Clarke + Kuss + Murd + Toscan Haas – Dehors Brut 07. ABSL + Mind Matter + NN aka Primitive Tribe – Caves Lechapelais 07. Alcest + Birds In Row + Kælan Mikla – La Machine ||COMPLET|| 07. Ensemble intercontemporain joue Steve Reich : cinéconcert sur un film de Gerhard Richter – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie ||COMPLET|| 10. Tempers + Alessio Peck + Josee Laïka – Supersonic (gratuit) 10. Jerusalem in my Heart + Méryll Ampe et les élèves de l’Ensapc + Lucretia Dalt (Sonic Protest) – La Dynamo (Pantin) 10. Arnaud Rebotini : live pour “Fix Me” d’Alban Richard – Centre des Arts (Enghien-les-Bains) 11. Mopcut + F-Space + We Use Cookies + Astra Zenecan (Sonic Protest) – La Station 11. Morrissey – Salle Pleyel 11. Nada Surf + John Vanderslice – La Cigale ||COMPLET|| 12 Thomas Bégin + JD Zazie (Sonic Protest) – La Muse en circuit (Alfortville) 13. Russian Circle + Torche – Bataclan 13. Jean Jean + All Caps + Quadrupède – Quai de Bourbon 13. Bernardino Femminielli – Le Zorba 13. Emptyset + Hair Stylistics + Méryll Ampe (Sonic Protest) – L’Échangeur (Bagnolet) 13. Ballaké Sissoko & Vincent Segal – Le Colombier (Ville d’Avray) 14. Panico Panico + Tabatha Crash + Cosse – ESS’pace 14. Lonely Walk + Tamara Goukassova + Shock – Espace B 14. Why The Eye + WAqWAq Kingdom + Maria Violenza + Fleuves noirs + Jean-Marc Foussat + Julia Hanadi Al Abed + Pierre Gordeeff (Sonic Protest) – L’Échangeur (Bagnolet) 15. Nosfell (Mondial du tatouage) – Grand Halle de La Villette 15. Das Synthetische Mischgewebe & Anla Courtis + Ricardo Dias Gomes & Loïc Ponceau + Seijiro Murayama & Florian Tositti + Phanes – Les Pianos (Montreuil) 16. Hällas + La Secte du Futur + Meurtrières – La Maroquinerie 17. Chelsea Wolf – La Gaîté lyrique ||COMPLET|| 18. Pelada + Eye + Fiesta En El Vacio (Ideal Trouble) – Petit Bain 18. Lee Scratch Perry & Adrian Sherwood + 2Decks + Zaraz Wam Zagram (Sonic Protest) – Église Saint-Merry 18. This Quiet Army & Tom Malmendier + John Robin-Bold – Quai de Bourbon 19. HP (Haswell & Powell) + Inga Huld Hakonadrottir & Yann Legay + Asmus Tietchens + Regreb “2 Cymbals” (Sonic Protest) – Église Saint-Merry 19. Boubacar Cissokho (Paris Music) – Bibliothèque historique de la Ville de Paris 19. Maulwürfe – Musée d’Orsay 20. Bleib Modern + Order 89 + Blind Delon + IV Horsemen + Paulie Jan + Codex Empire + Opale + Panzer + DJ Varsovie (fest. des souvenirs brisés) – Petit Bain 20. Jon Hopkins – Salle Pleyel 20. Martin Kohlstedt + Manu le Malin joue Barbara (Paris Music) – Musée des Arts et Métiers 20. Yan Wagner + Madben (Paris Music) – Cathédrale américaine 20. Monolithe noir + Paulie Jan – Quai de Bourbon 20. Senyawa + Bonne humeur provisoire + Black Trumpets (Sonic Protest) – La Marbrerie (Montreuil) 20. Paula Temple + 16H07 b2b Ket Robinson + Ma Čka – Yoyo|Palais de Tokyo 20. Ellen Allien + Shlømo – Dehors brut 20. Ensemble Dedalus : "Occam Ocean" d'Éliane Radigue – Le Studio|Philharmonie ||COMPLET|| 21. Stephen O’Malley – Médiathèque musicale de Paris (gratuit) 21. Mind/Matter + Die Orangen + Mitra Mitra + Qual + Rendered + Verset Zero + Years of Denial (fest. des souvenirs brisés) – Petit Bain 21. Container + Muqata’a + OD Bongo + Diatribes & Horns + Jealousy Party + Urge + Wirklich Pipit + Me Donner + Cancelled + FLF + 2Mo (Sonic Protest) – Le Générateur (Gentilly) 21. GZA – La Marbrerie (Montreuil) 21. ABSL + Anetha + Hektos Oaks + High Future + Randomer + Sugar – tba 21. Front 242 + She Past Away – Élysée Montmartre ||COMPLET|| 21/22. Laurie Anderson : "The Art of Falling" – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie ||COMPLET|| 22. Mike Cooper + Yann Legay + Will Guthrie & Ensemble Nist-Nah + Cheb Gero (Sonic Protest) – théâtre Berthelot (Montreuil) 24. Skemer + IV Horsemen + Silly Joy – Supersonic (gratuit) 24. Joe Gideon – Espace B 24. I’d M Theft Able + Teenage God + Suicide Motorhead + Notre Travail bénéfique – Le Balto Otlab (Montreuil) 25. Low House (Eugene S. Robinson & Putan Club) + Moodie Black – Petit Bain 25. Wrekmeister Harmonies – Espace B 25. Buzzkull + Kontravoid + Crystal Geometry – Badaboum 25. Kumusta + Crash Normal – L’International 25. Li Li-Chin + Onceim & Li Li-Chin – Église Saint-Merry 25>28. Èlg + Vincent Epplay & Timo Van Luijk + Dominique Petitgand… (Fest. Interférences) – Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles (gratuit) 27. Lebanon Hanover – La Gaîté lyrique 27. Baston – L’International 27. Maggy Payne : « Crystal » (diff.) + 9T Antiope + John Wiese + Matthias Puech + Nihvak (fest. Présences électronique) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 27. Mongolito + Biere Noire + Bisous De Saddam + Léa Jacta Est + Club Passion (Croux fest.) – Café de Paris 28. Ensemble Links : "Drumming" de Steve Reich + Cabaret contemporain joue Kraftwerk – théâtre de la Cité internationale 28. Iannis Xenakis : « Mycenae Alpha » (diff.) + Marja Ahti + Rashad Becker + Nina Garcia + Kode9 (fest. Présences électronique) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 28. Cut Hands + NAH + Shit&Shine + France Sauvage + Burris Meyer + UVB76 (dj) – Petit Bain 28. Satan + Noyades + S.O.L.A.N + Traitors + Accès de faiblesse (Croux fest.) – Espace B 28. Denis Frajerman + David Fenech – Plateforme 28. Balladur + Bracco + Coeval + Bajram Bili (dj) – La Boule noire 28. 14anger + Brecc + Oguz + Fuerr + Draugr + Atim – tba 29. Ivo Malec : « Recitativio » + Eve Aboulkheir + Richard Chartier + Lee Gamble + Will Guthrie & Mark Fell (fest. Présences électronique) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 31. M!R!M – Espace B 31. Leandro Barzabal + AVC + Vulcanizadora – Instants Chavirés (Montreuil) Avril 01. Lea Bertucci – tbc 02. The Futurians + CIA Debutante – Instants Chavirés (Montreuil) 02. Shannon Wright + Melaine Dalibert (Piano Day) – La Marbrerie (Montreuil) 03. Kuniyuki Takahashi & Henrik Schwarz + Hugo LX & DJ Nori + Akiko Nakayama (Japan Connection fest.) – La Gaîté lyrique 03. Tamara Goukassova + Constance Chlore – Le Zorba 03. Victoria Shen + Meryll Ampe + Golem mécanique – Instants Chavirés (Montreuil) 03. CocoRosie – Le Trianon ||COMPLET|| 04. Hiroaki Umeda + Nonotak + Aalko + Make It Deep Soundsystem (Japan Connection fest.) – La Gaîté lyrique 04. Satoshi Tomiie & Kuniyuki + Hiroshi Watanabe + DJ Masda + Akiko Kiyama + Daisuke Tanabe + Intercity-Express (Japan Connection fest.) – La Gaîté lyrique 04. Ash Code – Espace B 04. 2kilos &More & Black Sifichi + Plurals – Le vent se lève 04. OOIOO – Lafayette Anticipations 04. Katie Gately – Sacré 04. Wow + Laura Palmer – L’International 06. Julie Doiron – Espace B 06. Bauhaus – Grand Rex 08. Föllakzoid + UVB76 – Espace B 09. Will Samson + Northwest + Lyson Leclercq – Le vent se lève 09. The Chap + Rubin Steiner Live Band – Badaboum 10. Ventre de biche + Badaboum + Videodrome + A Ten Year Later + Paolo Tecon + Le Compas dans l’œil – La Station 10. Manu Le Malin + Popof + Nout Heretik + Noisebuilder + Electrobugz + Krïs Heretik + Broke Heretik + Aness Heretik + Split Heretik + Tom Buld'r.Heretik + Limka + Le Jall + Boubou Antinorm17 – tba 11. Infecticide + Astaffort Mods + Mono Siren – Supersonic (gratuit) 11. IAMX – Café de la danse 12. VTSS + Hadone – tba 14. Lucy Railton & Joe Houston jouent "Patterns in a chromatic field" de Morton Feldman – Instants chavirés (Montreuil) 14/15. Metronomy – La Cigale 16/17. Metronomy – La Cigale ||COMPLET|| 17. Facs + ISaAC – Petit Bain 18. Siglo XX – La Boule noire 19. Rome + Primordial + Moonsorrow – La Machine 20. Big ‡ Brave + Jessica Moss – La Boule Noire 23. Volkor X + ToutEstBeau + Aphélie – Supersonic (gratuit) 23. Health + Pencey Sloe + Dead – Petit Bain 24. Parade Ground – L’International 25. Selofan + Jupiter Jane – Supersonic (gratuit) 25. Tim Tama + Vladimir Dubyshkin + Trym + Regal + Parfait – tba 26. Pharmakon + Deeat Palace + Unas (Ideal Trouble) – Petit Bain 26. Igorrr + Author & Punisher + Otto Von Schirach – La Cigale 27. Dean Wareham joue "On Fire" de Galaxie 500 – Petit Bain 27. Caribou – L’Olympia 27. The Foals + The Murder Capital – Zénith 28. Ulver – L’Alhambra 29. Protomartyr – La Boule Noire 29. Movie Star Junkies + Sam Fleisch + Tibia – Gibus 30. Conflict + The Filaments – Gibus Mai 02. Richie Hawtin – T7 05. The Sonics + Messer Chups – Trabendo 06. hackedepicciotto + Laurence Wasser – Espace B 07. Laurent Perrier & David Fenech – Souffle Continu (gratuit) 07. Trrmà – Le Zorba 08. Max Richter : "Infra" + Jlin + Ian William Craig – Cité de la musique|Philharmonie ||COMPLET|| 09. Max Richter : "Voices" – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie 09. Jonas Gruska + Leila Bordreuil + Jean-Philippe Gross + Kali Malone (fest. Focus) – Le 104 09. Extrawelt + Oxia + Popof + Wuza + O'Tawa – Le Kilowatt (Ivry/Seine) 10. Iannis Xenakis : « La Légende d’Eer » + Folke Rabe : « Cyclone » et « What ??? » (fest. Focus) – Le 104 10. Max Richter : "Recomposed" & "Three Worlds" – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie ||COMPLET|| 11. Cannibale + Frankie and the Witch Fingers + Euromilliard – La Maroquinerie 11. The Electric Soft Parade + Tim Keegan – Petit Bain 13. Wire – La Maroquinerie 13. Austra – Badaboum ||COMPLET|| 14. Aksak Maboul + JFDR + Powerdove (Le Beau festival) – La Boule noire 15. Palberta + Michelle Blades + Good Morning TV (Le Beau festival) – La Boule noire 16. Tops + Corridor + Polycool + Myriam Stamoulis + La Veillée Pop (Le Beau festival) – La Station 16. Black Midi – Carreau du Temple 19. Swans + Norman Westberg – Le Trabendo 16. Hermann Kopp & Lorenzo Abattoir + Fusiller + Sang-Foutre – Quai de Bourbon 20>24. Giant Swan + Otoboke Beaver + Sinead O’Brien + Kills Birds + Vanishing Twin + Kit Sebastian + Jardin + Rouge Gorge + Derya Yildirim & Grup Şimşek + Holy Fuck + Gabber Modus Operandi + Balladur + Crystallmess (dj) + Squid + Glitter + Black Country, New Road + Murman Tsuladze + Tôle froide + Sorry + Donny Benet + La Créole + La Récré + Lewsberg + Lido Pimienta + Moesha 13... (Villette sonique) – La Villette 20. The Jesus & Mary Chain jouent “Darklands” + Carla Del Forno (Villette sonique) – Grande Halle de La Villette 21. Yves Tumor + Pottery + Disq (Villette sonique) – Trabendo 22. Robert Aiki Aubrey Lowe + Kristin Anna (Carte blanche Stephen O’Malley/Villette sonique) – Grande Halle de La Villette 22. Kim Gordon (Villette sonique) – Cabaret sauvage 22. François Bayle : « Le Projet Ouïr » + Marco Parini : « De Parmegiani Sonorum » + Yan Maresz (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 23. Tout Est Beau (Villette sonique) – parc de La Villette 23. Julien Négrier + Hans Tutschku : « Provenance-émergence » + Félicia Atkinson : « For Georgia O’Keefe » + Warren Burt + Michèle Bokanowski (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 24. Philippe Mion + Pierre-Yves Macé : « Contre-flux II » + Daniel Teruggi : « Nova Puppis » + Adam Stanovitch + Gilles Racot : « Noir lumière » (fest. Akousma) – Studio 104|Maison de la Radio 23/24. Damon Albarn – Salle Pierre Boulez|Philharmonie ||COMPLET|| 25. The Church – Petit Bain 26. Minimal Compact – La Machine 30/31. Paula Temple + Dave Clarke + Ben Klock + Len Faki + 999999999 + VTSS b2b Shlomo + DVS1 + François X… (Marvellous Island) – île de loisirs de Vaires-Torcy Juin 01/02. The Dead C – Instants Chavirés (Montreuil) 03. Bambara – Espace B 04. Phill Niblock + Tim Shaw – Instants Chavirés (Montreuil) 05. And Also The Trees – La Maroquinerie 06/07. Four Tet + Nils Frahm + Park Hie Jin + Modeselektor… (fest. We Love Green) – Bois de Vincennes 12. The Breath of Life + Box and the Twins – Gibus 13. Flat Worms (Ideal Trouble) – Gibus 14. Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds – Bercy Arena 18. Acid Mothers Temple – Espace B 27. Meryem Aboulouafa + Nicolas Godin (Days Off) – Cité de la musique 28. Ensemble Social Silence joue “Music for Airport” de Brian Eno (Days Off) – Studio|Philharmonie 28. Wooden Elephant joue “Kid A” de Radiohead (Days Off) – Amphithéâtre|Cité de la musique 29. Alva Noto & Ryuichi Sakamoto + Echo Collective joue “12 Conversations with Thilo Heinzmann” de Jóhann Jóhansson (Days Off) – Salle Boulez|Philharmonie 30. Emilíana Torrini & The Colorist Orchestra + Agnes Obel (Days Off) – Salle Boulez|Philharmonie Juillet 01. Apparat – Le Trianon 01. Arandel : “InBach” (Days Off) – Amphithéâtre|Cité de la musique 02. Orchestre de Paris : “Symphony No. 1 "Low"” de Philip Glass + “Music for Ensemble and Orchestra” de Steve Reich (Days Off) – Salle Boulez|Philharmonie 03. Perfume Genius + Anna Calvi  (Days Off) – Cité de la musique 04. Nicolás Jaar : musique pour la pièce chorégraphique “¡miércoles!” de Stéphanie Janaina (Days Off) – Studio|Philharmonie 04. Kevin Morby + Andrew Bird Symphonique (Days Off) – Salle Boulez|Philharmonie 04. Boy Harsher + Partiboi69 + Otim Alpha + Jonny Rock + La Famille Maraboutage + Catu Diosis… (Macki Music) – Parc de la Mairie (Carrières/Seine) ||COMPLET|| 05. Ben UFO + Jamie Tiller b2b Orpheu The Wizard + Murman Tsuladze + The Pilotwings + Flegon… (Macki Music) – Parc de la Mairie (Carrières/Seine) 05/06. Suzanne Vega, Ensemble Ictus & Collegium Vocale Gent : “Einstein on the Beach” de Philip Glass (Days Off) – Cité de la musique 07. The Rapture + Sons of Raphael (Days Off) – Salle Boulez|Philharmonie 17. Björk – Seine Musicale (Boulogne-Billancourt) 17/18. Grim + Galerie Schallschutz + Am Not + Linekraft + Deathpanel + Detrimental Effect + African Imperial Wizard – Les Voûtes 18. Oh Sees – Cabaret sauvage 20. Björk – Seine Musicale (Boulogne-Billancourt) Août 29. Massive Attack (Rock en Seine) – parc de Saint-Cloud Septembre 27. Mudhoney – La Maroquinerie 30. Peter Hook & The Light : Joy Division. A Celebration – Bataclan
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norhimorovine · 6 years ago
Temperament : Norhi
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Norhi is Phlegmatic
"The phlegmatic temperament is traditionally associated with water. People with this temperament may be inward and private, thoughtful, reasonable, calm, patient, caring, and tolerant. They tend to have a rich inner life, seek a quiet, peaceful atmosphere, and be content with themselves. They tend to be steadfast, consistent in their habits, and thus steady and faithful friends. People of this temperament may appear somewhat ponderous or clumsy at times. Pedagogically, their interest is often awakened by experiencing others' interest in a subject." - Steiner, Rudolf (2008). The Four Temperaments. Rudolf Steiner Press.
tagged by @nightmaze
Rules : Take the test > here <, post the result and tag your friends.
Tagging: @theseventhdawn @ser-rex @mostdangerouspotato @ozula-ffxiv @endangered-liaison
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hits1000 · 2 years ago
Songs in German from the 80s
Songs in German from the 80s Songs in German from the 80s, including: Dschinghis Khan – Rom, Gitte Haenning - Freu dich bloß nicht zu früh, Howard Carpendale - Wie frei willst du sein, Katja Ebstein - Abschied ist ein bißchen wie Sterben, Mike Krüger - Der Nippel, Peter Maffay - Über sieben Brücken mußt du gehn, Roland Kaiser - Santa Maria and many more!!! Subscribe to our channel to see more of our content! 1. Dschinghis Kahn - Hadschi Halef Omar 2. Dschinghis Khan - Rom 3. Gitte Haenning - Freu dich bloß nicht zu früh 4. Howard Carpendale - Es geht um mehr 5. Howard Carpendale - Wie frei willst du sein 6. Katja Ebstein - Abschied ist ein bißchen wie Sterben 7. Mike Krüger - Der Nippel 8. Peter Maffay - Über sieben Brücken mußt du gehn 9. Roland Kaiser - Santa Maria 10. Tony Holiday - Nie mehr allein sein 11. Truck Stop - Der wilde Wilde Westen 12. Dschinghis Khan - Loreley 13. Falco - Der Kommissar 14. Fred Sonnenschein Und Seine Freunde – Ja, Wenn Wir Alle Englein Wären 15. Gottlieb Wendehals - Polonäse Blankenese 16. Hanne Haller - Samstag Abend 17. Howard Carpendale - Wem erzählst du nach mir deine Träume 18. Joachim Witt - Goldener Reiter 19. Nicole - Flieg nicht so hoch, mein kleiner Freund 20. Paola - Der Teufel und der junge Mann 21. Peter Alexander - Der Papa wird´s schon richten 22. Peter Cornelius – Du entschuldige, I kenn di 23. Rex Gildo - Wenn ich je deine Liebe verlier 24. Roland Kaiser - Dich zu lieben 25. Roland Kaiser - Lieb mich ein letztes Mal 26. Spider Murphy Gang - Skandal Im Sperrbezirk 27. Andy Borg - Adios Amor 28. BAP - Verdamp lang her 29. Hubert Kah - Rosemarie 30. Hubert Kah - Sternenhimmel 31. Kraftwerk - Das Model 32. Markus - Ich Will Spass 33. NENA - Nur geträumt 34. Nickerbocker & Biene - Hallo Klaus 35. Nicole - Ein Bisschen Frieden 36. Peter Maffay - Lieber Gott 37. Peter Schilling - Major Tom 38. Roland Kaiser - Manchmal möchte ich schon mit dir 39. Spider Murphy Gang - Schickeria 40. Spider Murphy Gang - Wo bist du? 41. Trio - Da Da Da 42. DÖF - Codo (...düse im Sauseschritt) 43. Gänsehaut - Karl Der Käfer 44. Geier Sturzflug - Bruttosozialprodukt 45. Kiz - Die Sennerin vom Königssee 46. NENA - 99 Luftballons 47. NENA - Leuchtturm 48. Nicole - Ich hab' dich doch lieb 49. Nino de Angelo - Ich sterbe nicht nochmal 50. Nino De Angelo - Jenseits von Eden 51. Tommy Steiner - Die Fischer von San Juan 52. Udo Lindenberg - Sonderzug nach Pankow 53. Herbert Grönemeyer - Männer 54. Howard Carpendale - Hello Again 55. Klaus Lage Band - 1000 und 1 Nacht 56. NENA - ? Fragezeichen 57. NENA - Irgendwie Irgendwo Irgendwann 58. Peter Schilling - Terra Titanic 59. Roland Kaiser - Joana 60. Stefan Waggershausen & Alice - Zu nah am Feuer 61. Bläck Fööss - Frankreich Frankreich 62. Falco - Jeanny 63. Falco - Rock Me Amadeus 64. Falco - Vienna Calling 65. Heike Schäfer - Die Glocken von Rom 66. Heinz Rudolf Kunze - Dein Ist Mein Ganzes Herz 67. Juliane Werding - Drei Jahre lang 68. Klaus & Klaus - An der Nordseeküste 69. Leinemann - Mein Tuut Tuut 70. Paso Doble - Computerliebe 71. Peter Maffay - Sonne in der Nacht 72. Wind - Für Alle 73. Die Flippers - Die rote Sonne von Barbados 74. Drafi Deutscher - Herz an Herz Gefühl 75. Erste Allgemeine Verunsicherung - Ba-Ba Banküberfall 76. Falco - Coming Home Jeanny Part 2 77. Juliane Werding - Sehnsucht ist unheilbar 78. Juliane Werding - Stimmen im Wind 79. Karel Gott & Darinka - Fang das Licht 80. Münchener Freiheit - Ohne dich 81. Münchener Freiheit - Tausendmal Du 82. Stephan Remmler - Keine Sterne in Athen 83. Clowns & Helden - Ich liebe dich 84. Erste Allgemeine Verunsicherung - Küss die Hand schöne Frau 85. Jürgen von der Lippe - Guten Morgen liebe Sorgen 86. Münchener Freiheit - So lang' man Träume noch leben kann 87. Stephan Remmler - Vogel der Nacht 88. Trude Herr - Niemals geht man so ganz 89. Falco - Wiener Blut 90. Herbert Grönemeyer - Was Soll Das 91. Klaus & Klaus - Der Eiermann 92. Münchener Freiheit - Bis wir uns wiedersehen 93. Original Naabtal Duo - Patrona Bavariae 94. Rainhard Fendrich - Macho Macho 95. Stefan Remmler - Keine Angst, hat der Papa mir gesagt 96. Die Ärzte - Bitte Bitte 97. Hanne Haller - Mein lieber Mann 98. Jürgen Drews - Irgendwann, irgendwo, irgendwie 99. NENA - Wunder Gescheh'n 100. Westernhagen - Sexy Related Hashtags #songsingerman #hitsof1980s #hitsof1980to1989 #hitsof1980 #hitsof1980songs #hitsof1980uk #hitsof1980australia #hitsofthe1980sand1970s #kannadahitsof1980 #bollywoodhitsof1980 #hitsof1979and1980 #tophitsofthe1980sbillboard #pophitsofthe1980s #hitsof1980sinmusic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zZX0dCarOBA
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