#Revised Exhibition Period
[CN] Li Zeyan’s Reliance Date (Eng Translation)
⌚Warning⌚ This post contains detailed spoilers for a date, 依靠之约, that is yet to be released on the global server! ♡
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⚠️ Additional Warning ⚠️ while the entire date is not spice-themed, but the steamy parts are borderline dangerous and highly not recommended if you don’t qualify for the 17+ age rating (CN server). so, the call is yours~ :>
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【Subbed Video】
【Chapter 1】 
MC: [on the call] …We need to find some local media outlets that we can potentially partner with for our ad campaign ASAP.
MC: [on the call]  Also, email me a copy of the revised design proposal for the main exhibit booth.
As soon as I hang up the phone, a flurry of work notifications causes my phone to vibrate again. I roll over on the soft couch and can’t help but heave a sigh.
MC: Sigh…
[MC’s Company Name] has undertaken several major projects this year, and all of them have been executed very successfully. The company’s reputation is also gradually expanding beyond Loveland City.
Last month, our company bid for a large-scale project in collaboration with Copenhagen City Council and Loveland City, and I worked overtime for over a month for this.
However, just as we were about to secure the project smoothly, we were maliciously intercepted by the competing company Shuanjian Media. In the end, it was due to LFG stepping in that we were able to resolve the situation with a narrow escape.
Even though the project has been secured, a lingering sense of defeat from being backstabbed and making critical errors remains with me, refusing to dissipate from my mind.
Perhaps because of this, I’ve recently spent the majority of my time being on top of all kinds of tedious work, afraid that if I don’t handle them in time, it will lead to further consequences.
The sound of steady footsteps gradually draws near, and I turn my head to see Li Zeyan walking towards me. He places a cup of hot Longan tea on the coffee table next to me.
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LZY: This is already the eighth time a certain someone has sighed tonight. What’s so thorny about the project that got you on edge?
I put my phone down and, somewhat coquettishly, open my arms toward the person in front of me.
MC: We’re planning an exhibition for the project in Copenhagen. Just finalized the venue today and now ironing out the details.
He readily responds to my cue and enfolds me in his arms. His fingers trace their way up my neck, massaging the skin there in a soothing manner.
LZY: If I remember correctly, the preparation period for this exhibition is quite long, and there’s no need for your recent overtime to catch up on the schedule.
MC: You’re right, but the coordination needed for various aspects of a multinational project is quite intricate. Starting earlier allows more elbow room…
MC: Plus, the reason I’ve been working overtime isn’t just for this project. The business interview you’re starring in will also be recorded tomorrow.
MC: It’s the final episode of the year, so I cannot afford any slip-ups!
LZY: You’ve already confirmed the program sequence with me three times today. What could possibly go wrong?
While speaking, Li Zeyan sits down next to me and draws me into his arms.
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MC: After all, the external press would absolutely kill to have their names in the show where the CEO Li of LFG is making an appearance. So, I definitely need to be 200% cautious.
Nestled in his embrace, breathing in his familiar scent, I make a conscious effort to relax my somewhat tired brain.
LZY: If you encounter any difficulties, reach out to me at any time.
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MC: I’m facing difficulties right now, and I’m in urgent need of CEO Li’s encouragement!
I pucker my lips and lift my head to approach him. The corners of Li Zeyan’s lips curl up slightly, and he lowers his head–– a soft, warm touch descends before leaving just as quickly.
Though fleeting, the tenderness of the moment washes over my heart. I nuzzle his chin with the tip of my nose, feeling perfectly content.
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LZY: [chuckles indulgently] Dummy, you’re so easily satisfied.
MC: Why wouldn’t I be? What could be more soothing than a kiss from CEO Li?
MC: As for work matters… CEO Li has already helped me a lot, so I’ll work hard and handle the rest on my own!
LZY: We’ll talk about the “working hard” part later. But if you keep dawdling like this, the bathtub is gonna need a refill of hot water.
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MC: Hehe, right now, you should say something like, “Honey, it’s bath time~”
LZY: …
Ignoring the speechless look in his eyes, I lazily shift my position and nuzzle his neck, then stand up with a smile.
MC: Would you like to join me for some relaxation time?
I notice that his fingertips seem to tense up for a moment. Before he can really come and “arrest” me, I make a face at him and dash into the bathroom.
【Chapter 2】
Soaking in the warm bath, I feel the fatigue in my body dissolving into the water.
Just as I’m about to use my phone to find a drama to watch and completely clear my mind, work messages begin popping up one after another on the screen, and I subconsciously click on them.
MC: [to herself] So, the collaboration partner we agreed on before has backed out…?
As part of our tourism project with Denmark, we are planning to establish recreational and promotional zones in both cities, and we have found an experienced collaborator in the relevant field to partner with.
MC: [to herself] Everything was already talked through and all set, so why are they bringing up issues with the company’s capital chain at this critical juncture?
I feel my insides somewhat burning with rage, so I give Anna a call. She also sounds just as angry and swiftly catches me up to speed on the situation.
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Anna: [on the call] I did some digging, and it turns out one of the shareholders of this company has a very close personal relationship with the owner of Shuangjian Media.
MC: [on the call] Shuangjian Media?
Isn’t that the black-hearted company that tried to sabotage our tourism project?
Anna: [on the call] We initially partnered with them because of their experience in cross-border tourism projects, but now wrangling with them is more cumbersome than it’s worth. I think it might be better to take this opportunity to switch to another company.
MC: [on the call] …let me think about it.
I release a sigh and hang up the phone, then bury my face in the water, blowing bubbles as a mild head throbbing creeps over me.
The perfect company… As I ponder on this matter, a face flashes through my mind.
As a matter of fact, I have casually mentioned this project to Li Zeyan before, but he didn’t show much interest in it.
Should I… go ask him?
Even though I know in my heart–– LFG is the ideal choice that can’t go wrong, for some reason, I can’t seem to bring myself to voice my thoughts.
I can’t always turn to Li Zeyan to help resolve my problems every time I run into one.
No longer in the mood to soak in the warm bath, I reach for the shampoo and press the nozzle, intending to wash up as quickly as possible.
I press down hard twice, but the bottle only emits a sputtering sound, and the last remaining bit of shampoo drips pitifully into my palm.
MC: …
Akin to a sudden spark explosion, it instantly triggers a denotation of all the built-up frustration inside me.
I take a deep breath, jerk myself up from the water and throw on a robe, intending to head for the cabinet to find a new bottle of shampoo.
Little did I know, the moment I step onto the tiled floor, I feel my feet slip out from under me, and my body uncontrollably begins to topple forward––
With a loud thud, the immediate sensation of pain shoots up my knee.
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MC: [in pain] Hiss…
The pain causes my eyes to burn hot, and I slide down onto the bathroom floor, rubbing my knee.
A flurry of somewhat anxious footsteps echoes outside the door. Moments later, the door is flung open, revealing Li Zeyan’s face, tension written across his entire countenance, an expression that is rarely seen on him.
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LZY: [panicked af]  What happened?
The blast of cold air from the open door causes me to shiver. Noticing this, he closes the door before squatting down beside me.
MC: …I slipped and banged my knee.
As he looks at my slightly reddened knee, a hint of helplessness crosses his expression.
LZY: [sighs with infinite indulgent resignation] Restless.
His warm thumb massages the area around my reddened knee, causing the jumble of fretful emotions in my heart to instantly turn into a surge of grievances and pour out.
I blink, trying to dispel the mist clouding my vision. The finger caressing my skin pauses for a moment before suddenly landing at the corner of my eye, catching me unawares.
LZY: [even more indulgently] Crying because it hurts too much?
MC: …no, it’s not that!
MC: It’s nothing serious, just that I got a call from Anna earlier. There’s been… a minor hiccup with the tourism project.
Pouting my lips, I recount to Li Zeyan the “bad news” I’ve just received.
LZY: Do you need my help?
This seems to be the second time he has asked this question. I struggle with myself for a moment before shaking my head.
MC: There’s… no need for now, but if I can’t handle it myself, I’ll definitely reach out to CEO Li.
Hearing me respond this way, Li Zeyan doesn’t press further, and he simply places his palm on the side of my knee.
LZY: Does it still hurt?
Listening to his tender tone, I can’t help but gently hook my finger around his.
MC: It hurts… I can’t get up.
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LZY: [laughs helplessly] When a certain stubborn someone fixates on something, there’s no stopping her, but she’s oddly honest when it comes to being afraid of pain.
MC: I’m just being a little persistent, is all. I can’t always have you be my safety net every time there’s an issue… ouch!
My knee twitches slightly, and a dull ache once again surges through my knee, reminiscent of spreading out along silken threads.
LZY: You can’t solve two things at once, so take them one at a time.
LZY: Do you want to take care of your knee first, or deal with the work matters?
MC: …knee.
The air in the small bathroom with thick with white steam, and even Li Zeyan’s faint sigh seems to blend into the steaming hot vapor.
LZY: [lets out a complex laugh; it’s of sb who is all-knowing of all happenings but is infinitely indulgent towards you]  Then listen to me.
MC: [confused]  What…
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Before I can finish my sentence, Li Zeyan has already shown me through his actions how I should “listen.”
A soft touch imprints on my skin, and a burning sensation spreads from my knee along my skin to my entire body.
I jolt slightly and freeze for a moment. The patch of skin kissed by that softness tingles, and it seems like even the pain is slowly dissipating.
LZY: Don’t fidget; it might make the pain worse.
The deep, slightly hoarse tailing note of his voice, accompanied by the sound of running water, causes me to subconsciously draw my leg back a little, only to have it restrained in place by that hand again.
A gentle sensation, carrying with it a slight chill, seems to pepper its way over my knee, and the painful spot feels as if it’s being licked with cherishment and care.
All the senses in my body seem to be concentrated on that one spot, and I can’t help but take a light breath.
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MC: Li Zeyan… 
LZY: [SO SOF– but you can also hear he’s THERE–]  Hm?
MC: …It’s nothing, I just wanted to say your name…
The fingers supporting my knee tighten slightly, and a surge of scorching breath sweeps over me, swallowing my trailing notes.
I follow his breath and, bit by bit, probe deeper, my heart in my chest pounding in synchronization with his increasingly rising body heat.
Warm water continues to gush from the showerhead, soaking both Li Zeyan’s clothes and mine without distinction.
A body temperature hotter than mine gradually closes in, and I feel as if I’m drowning in this steamy heat swirling in the air.
The lingering colorful bubbles from the shower gel float into the air, then burst open with a pop, leaving behind a soft chime drowned out by the sound of water.
【Chapter 3】
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Even though I gave up on the bubble bath halfway, ended up having to take a second shower, and by the time I went to bed, it was already the middle of the night, I still woke up early today.
[MC’s Company Name] annual business interview program is scheduled to shoot its final episode today, and Li Zeyan will be appearing as the heavyweight guest in this installment.
I have postponed all my other work and arrived at the studio early to ensure every detail of the shoot is absolutely flawless.
The soft white light from the softbox projects onto the light gray background wall, dimly reflecting the shadows of people hurrying around.
Standing in front of the filming equipment, I direct the production crew to adjust the set.
MC: This table needs to be moved a bit more. It doesn’t look well-positioned at the moment.
MC: Turn the reflector on the front left a little more to the right… there, perfect!
MC: The set is almost ready. I’ll go and check on the guest first.
After saying hello to the supervisor, I head to the dressing room.
Li Zeyan, clad in a suit, sits in front of a vanity mirror, his bangs swept up, causing his somewhat piercing eyes to be enhanced with an even deeper intensity.
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The moment I walk in, those eyes precisely capture me from the reflection in the mirror.
MC: How is the preparation coming along, CEO Li?
LZY: Not bad. Is everything taken care of on the set?
Detecting a hint of jest in his tone, I walk over with a smile.
MC: Yup, that’s why I’m here to check in on this side of things–– CEO Li is our important, esteemed guest after all, so we can’t afford to be negligent.
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MC: Therefore, today, my entire day belongs to you, CEO Li.
I wink at him through the mirror and catch a subtle smile playing at the edge of Li Zeyan’s lips.
I sit down on a stool nearby and watch the makeup artist styling Li Zeyan.
From this angle, his ocular orbit and the bridge of his nose appear even more defined, accentuating the depth of his eyes all the more.
MC: CEO Li’s side profile could outshine many stars on the cover of fashion magazines without competition.
LZY: [laughs in spite of himself] …always laying it on thick.
Even though he says this, the slight arch at the tip of his brows betrays a hint of delight.
Spellbound, as I continue to watch him, my phone suddenly vibrates twice, and a message from Kiki pops up––
Kiki: Boss, great news!!
In the chat window, a push notification jumps into my sight, and a few familiar words grab my attention.
MC: [reading the news] “Shuangjian Media Faces Major Crisis! Multiple celebrities under its banner are implicated in tax evasion scandals, and the investigation is underway. The amount of tax evasion has reached up to…”
Upon seeing the number below, I take in a sharp breath of air.
With such a large amount of tax evasion being investigated, it’s sure to land them in serious trouble.
Although I have caught the wind of some rumors before, suddenly so many people being exposed at once seems more like a deliberate action…
A vague idea surfaces in my mind. I instinctively look towards the man not far away, only to lock eyes with him directly.
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I haven’t even noticed when, but his styling is already complete, and the makeup artist has left the dressing room, leaving only the two of us.
The slightly slim-fitted suit highlights his already tall and straight stature, and his slender fingers unhurriedly adjust the cufflinks. He looks in my direction, lifting his head slightly.
LZY: Help me out.
I raise my eyes and see a rose gold collar pin loosely hanging from the collar of his light gray shirt. 
I walk up to him and carefully fasten the collar pin. My fingertips inadvertently graze against the skin of his neck, eliciting a slight quiver of the Adam’s apple beneath the collar.
A somewhat scorching breath caresses my bangs, leaving a tickling sensation.
LZY: [laughs in amusement] Why are you zoning out?
His warm fingertips are on my neck, gently grazing the skin there intermittently.
MC: Just saw some good news that came as a relief for body and mind, that’s why I was a little distracted.
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MC: Shuangjian Media, the company that intercepted [MC’s Company Name] before, has hit a roadblock… I wonder who “played the hero to uphold justice.”
I smile and wink at him, trying to discern any inkling of a clue from his expression that would confirm my guess.
However, he simply lowers his eyes slightly and looks at me, a barely perceptible arc forming on his lips.
LZY: [chuckles softly, but that’s a mastermind chuckle i tell you lmao] That’s quite nice.
MC: Li Zeyan, you…
A knock on the door cuts me off, and the voice of my assistant comes from outside.
Assistant: Boss, CEO Li, it’s almost time for the shoot to begin.
MC: Got it, we’ll be right there.
I purse my lips, suppressing my urge to inquire further, and loosen my hands, intending to escort Li Zeyan to the filming studio.
To my surprise, the pair of arms holding me within show no intention of letting go. He lowers his eyes, his gaze intent upon me.
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LZY: Given the importance of this shoot, there ought to be an additional step in the preparation process.
With his head lowered, Li Zeyan leans in towards me slightly. A gentle and familiar breath assaults my senses, and his soft finger pad presses between my lips and teeth, hinting at something ambiguous. 
I cradle his face and lift myself up on my toes.
Our breaths intertwine for a brief moment, but a gentle ripple is left in my heart, reminiscent of a dragonfly lightly touching the water’s surface.
MC: So, even CEO Li needs a little encouragement before stepping in front of the camera?
LZY: I learned it from a certain someone.
The light in those deep eyes remains locked onto me, shimmering slightly, radiating a glow that seeps into my heart.
LZY: And it’s very effective.
Such scenes are run-of-the-mill for Li Zeyan. His tone remains steady throughout and devoid of any trace of tension.
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LZY: The economic situation this year isn’t conducive to expanding the business scope or making risky investments, but there are more opportunities in the lower-tier markets compared to previous years…
As I watch Li Zeyan through the camera lens, the soft light, which leans more on the cooler tone, accentuates the depths of the man’s countenance all the more.
He speaks at a measured pace, but each word is uttered with an inexplicable sense of certainty.
Host: Although CEO Li mentioned just now that this year isn’t favorable for expanding business extern, LFG seems to be steadily venturing into new fields this year.
LZY: As a matter of fact, LFG has not been as stable this year as it may seem from the outside. On the contrary, we’ve encountered more crises than in previous years.
LZY: The failure of some investments has even put us under the preying eyes of many industry peers.
LZY: But fortunately, I’m not alone in holding up LFG, and LFG is not an isolated island––
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As he speaks, his gaze seems to subtly shift towards me behind the camera. In that brief second our eyes interlock, the corners of his lips curl upward into a small smile.
But when I focus and take a closer look again, it’s as if that fleeting smile was never there.
LZY: LFG was able to weather this year’s storms without any mishaps not only due to our decisions but also thanks to the countless colleagues who worked tirelessly day and night to recover the company’s losses, as well as to the support of our subsidiaries.
LZY: Especially the companies that LFG has invested in. Without them, LFG would’ve encountered even greater challenges this year.
Li Zeyan’s straight-from-the-shoulder remarks leave even the host a little taken aback, an expression of surprise settling on their face.
Host: It appears that even LFG, regarded as the lion king in the eyes of the others, has times when it rides the waves to advance.
LZY: That’s inevitable; no one walks a solitary path in this society.
LZY: Having your own plans and making decisive choices is important, but choosing the right people to move forward with is equally important.
I am slightly taken aback.
This was not in the script; it’s obviously an impromptu remark from Li Zeyan.
I’m not sure why, but these words suddenly make me think of those eyes gazing into mine in the bathroom last night.
The unnecessary persistences in my heart seem to quietly start to disintegrate. I tightly clench my fingers and pull my attention back to the show.
Host: We can tell that CEO Li is speaking from the heart. It seems that not only for the company but also for you, CEO Li, personally, do you have someone who can be considered as your exclusive “valued person”?
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This time, I clearly see the smile in his eyes. I hold my breath slightly, waiting for the answer that I may have already known for a long time, yet can’t help eagerly anticipating––
LZY: [while looking at you] I do. It’s a well-spring that will never run dry, even in the desert. No matter what trouble may arise, I know without a doubt––
LZY: [while looking at you] She will be by my side forever.
【Chapter 4】
After the interview concludes, the filming crew and I head to the Central Grand Hotel.
To celebrate the completion of year-end work and the official wrap-up of the show, [MC’s Company Name] is holding a team-building celebration party here.
Perhaps because the end of the year is drawing closer, a festive atmosphere gradually begins to permeate, filling the banquet hall with laughter.
Being spurred on by this pure joy, I also end up having a few extra drinks.
I find myself feeling a little woozy, until, finally, Li Zeyan takes the wine glass from my hand and escorts me all the way to the lounge of the suite.
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Inside the room’s bathroom, I turn on the faucet–– the cool water flows over my hand, washing away the slight tipsiness from the alcohol.
After the buzz from the alcohol has worn off a bit, I exhale and push open the bathroom door.
The lights in the room are not lit, and a familiar voice can be heard drifting from near the window. He seems to be on the phone with someone.
LZY: …got it. Email it to me.
The high heels under my feet tread on the soft carpet, barely producing any sound as I walk quietly to the floor-to-ceiling windows––
Outside the glass windows of the high-rise, thousands of lights spread out into the distance like a dazzling mosaic of stars.
Li Zeyan is lying on the carpet, the neon lights falling upon him in soft, colorful specks.
I sit down by the freestanding panoramic bathtub not far from him, watching as he hangs up the call.
MC: Was that about work?
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LZY: Mm. I heard [MC’s Company Name] is looking for new partners for the Denmark project. I’ve asked the marketing department to draft a proposal. Once it’s finalized, I’ll send it over to you.
MC: But… weren’t you not very interested in this project before?
LZY: It’s true that the profit margins of this project are finite for LFG. However, if we approach it strategically, it could be a breakthrough in the Nordic market.
Seeing my somewhat baffled expression, he raises an eyebrow.
LZY: Since a certain someone has been dragging her feet, I have no choice but to take the initiative and propose it myself.
LZY: Or perhaps you already have other choices in mind?
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MC: Of course not!
I don’t shy away from meeting those deep eyes of his squarely. My heart skips a beat, and I’m reminded of the question I’ve been holding back all afternoon.
MC: Before I give you my formal answer, I also have something I’d like to ask CEO Li––
MC: Shuangjian Media artists were found to have engaged in tax evasion. Helping [MC’s Company Name] vent some frustration this way… that was CEO Li’s doing, wasn’t it?
LZY: After all, a certain someone has been frowning and being glued to her phone even during meals for the past two weeks because of the troubles this company has stirred.
LZY: It’s best to take care of it early on, so it doesn’t take up more of your energy.
I’m momentarily stunned, and as I reflect on the recent events, a surge of emotions suddenly intertwines in my heart.
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MC: So, CEO Li, what you are subtly reminding me is that I’ve been too occupied with work recently and have been neglecting you?
LZY: [you can’t hear me, but I’m screaming––]  I simply want to have the share that’s rightfully mine.
His understated words convey a hint of tenderness that’s impossible to miss, and it sears into my heart, making the swaying toes of my feet pause mid-motion.
MC: Li Zeyan, thank you. Even though it may sound very formal, I still want to say thank you.
LZY: I wonder who was the person that said before that, you and I, we are one identity?
I’m slightly taken aback for a moment–– I did seem to have said those words not too long ago.
At the time, FengZhen Group was making moves against LFG, and I couldn’t be more grateful to be the one who could stand by his side.
[Tidbits]: It’s a call-back to Li Zeyan’s 2024 CNY UR: Burning Imprints~
MC: [teasingly]  I believe I said “and LFG” at the time.
LZY: [confidently shrugs off LOL] Same thing.
LZY: Both LFG and I are enmeshed in many complicated relationships, and more and more branches and leaves are slowly growing outward.
LZY: So there’s no need to be so anxious. You’ve long been the sharpest blade capable of breaking the siege for LFG.
The lingering haze that has been weighing on my mind for the past half a month suddenly clears up. In its place, there arises a kind of sweet and surging fluttering sensation, and it’s overwhelming enough to fill my entire heart.
I did seem to be a little too anxious, so anxious that I overlooked the fact that I didn’t need to be in a hurry to rush forward. The unshakable position by his side will always belong to me and me alone.
I lower my eyes, my gaze tracing the contours of his outline obscured by the darkness.
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MC: Li Zeyan… you will forever be my first choice.
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As the words leave my lips, my ankle is suddenly clasped by a warm, dry palm.
Followed by a sigh that almost blends into the night, a twinge of pain shoots through my calf––
My eyes widen, watching as Li Zeyan’s lips meet my skin and nip me gently. He raises his eyes to interlock with mine, and I can see a hint of dissatisfaction swimming in their depths.
LZY: [GOSH THAT SULKY YET SEXY TONE] You’ve hesitated for too long.
Warm fingertips trace upward along my calf little by little, as if offering a kind of appeasement.
The worries haunting me every now and again, concealed in the darkest recesses of my heart, are set alight and burned to ashes.
MC: …I didn’t take that long.
LZY: Since I am your first choice, don’t hesitate.
His fiery breath snakes slowly up the inside of my knee, accompanied by comforting words tinged with a layer of inexplicable rosy hue, causing one to become addicted.
The soft touch rests gently agains the bend of my knee, causing me to shiver involuntarily. I chuckle softly and look at him with a semi-playful gaze.
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MC: Um… Mr. “First Choice,” could you help me with something––
MC: Tell me, what can I do to make you happier?
Not waiting for me to finish my sentence, the pressure on my thigh increases slightly, and suddenly my body feels lighter.
The cry of exclamation hasn’t even left me before I find my entire person already wrapped in strong, solid arms.
LZY: You knowingly ask the question.
His deep eyes are so close to me, almost within reach. I can clearly see countless sparks surging beneath them, stirring up an ambiguous and inexplicable heat.
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LZY: [chuckles softly] Also, while I said I would help you, it doesn’t mean you won’t have to pay the price.
LZY: After all, I don’t do business at a loss.
LZY: You still have time to think about… what you can give to pay me.
My heart is filled to the brim. I wrap my arms around his shoulders, bury my face in the crook of his neck, and release a sigh of contentment.
The throbbing and undulations of his chest pound against my body again and again, and even the depths of my very soul seem to be trembling along with the motion––
Filling up my entire being.
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anxiousandindenial · 6 months
I hopped on a very very old train. I turned the Sanders Sides into SCPs. These are all made up by me. I will be releasing their 'files' one by one, each week, for the next few weeks. Understand that these are not nor will they likely ever be part of the official SCP database, as hey are based on characters from another source, and draw pretty heavily. If anyone makes art of this, I will love you forever, until the day that I die and go to Hell and beyond.
First up, we have the wonderful Logan Sanders, who is now:
Item #: SCP-18175 (L.O.G.A.N.)
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-18175 is to be contained within a standard humanoid containment chamber at Site-████. The chamber is to be equipped with reinforced steel walls and an observation window. Security personnel are to monitor SCP-18175 at all times via closed-circuit cameras.
SCP-18175's containment procedures require Dr. ███████ to enter the containment chamber at least once per hour for routine checks and interaction. In the event of SCP-18175 becoming agitated, security personnel are to engage in de-escalation protocols until the anomaly returns to a calm state.
Under no circumstances is SCP-18175 to interact with █████ █████. All personnel must adhere to this protocol strictly.
Description: SCP-18175 is a robotic entity resembling ██████████ composed of unidentified metal-like plates. When calm, the gaps between these plates emit a dark blue glow, while its ocular sensors emit a similar hue. However, when agitated, the glow transitions to an intense orange, and SCP-18175 displays aggressive behavior towards any nearby individuals.
The significance of the designation "L.O.G.A.N." remains uncertain, though it appears to hold emotional significance for the anomaly. Further research is required to elucidate its meaning.
SCP-18175 exhibits technopathic abilities, allowing it to █████████ ████ ███ ██████████ ██████████ ███████ ██████ ███ ████████. The entity becomes increasingly agitated when left unattended for extended periods, with a threshold of approximately three days before agitation manifests.
The composition beneath SCP-18175's metal plates remains unknown, as attempts to investigate its internal structure have been unsuccessful.
SCP-18175 was recovered on ██/██/████ from ██████ City. Its origin and potential connections to other anomalies, including SCP ██ , warrant further investigation.
Update: Following continued interviews conducted by Dr. ███████, SCP-18175 disclosed the meaning behind its designation. "L.O.G.A.N." serves as an acronym for "Lethal Operations Guardian And Nemesis."
Update: Due to repeated attempts by SCP-18175 to access █████ ██ ███████, containment protocols have been revised to ensure spatial separation between the anomaly and the restricted files.
Update: Dr. ███████ has proposed the hypothesis that SCP-18175 may consist of two distinct anomalies, designated SCP-18175-1 and SCP-18175-2. SCP-18175-1, identified as L.O.G.A.N., exhibits docile behavior, whereas SCP-18175-2, which we have classified as The Warbot, manifests as an aggressive antagonist triggered by SCP-18175-1's emotional state. Notably, SCP-18175-1 appears to lack awareness of SCP-18175-2's actions.
Update: Following multiple incidents involving SCP-18175-2's hostile behavior, Dr. ███████ has recommended termination of SCP-18175.
Update: SCP-18175 has evaded containment, with Dr. ███████ present during its disappearance. Dr. ███████ has declined to provide further information regarding the incident. Investigations into the anomaly's whereabouts are ongoing.
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droctaviolovecraft · 6 days
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"Eat spinach, kids!"
Subject Classification: H-03-350
Identification: Popeye the Sailor
Classification: Darlig 🔴
Responsible Researcher: Dr. Octavio Lovecraft
Special Containment Procedures: ANM-350 must be contained within a standard humanoid containment cell at the Department of Human and Humanoid Anomalies D-04. The cell must be reinforced with lead plates and at least 40 cm thick concrete. Access to the subject's containment is restricted to Level 3 personnel and above, and any experiments involving ANM-350 must be approved by at least two Level 4 personnel.
ANM-350 should be provided with a constant supply of spinach, delivered weekly by authorized personnel. Any deviation from this schedule must be reported immediately to the Department Director (Dr. Fubuky). Under no circumstances should ANM-350 have access to any other type of food.
Description: ANM-350 appears to be a humanoid entity resembling the fictional character known as Popeye the Sailor, as portrayed in various media. ANM-350 stands approximately 1.85 meters tall and displays above-average muscular development, especially in the forearms (which have a circumference of approximately 50 cm) and chest.
ANM-350 possesses several anomalous properties, the most notable being its ability to significantly increase its physical strength and endurance upon consuming spinach. When ANM-350 ingests spinach, its muscles visibly swell, and it gains a significant boost in physical strength, allowing it to perform feats far beyond the capabilities of a normal human.
In addition, ANM-350 has demonstrated accelerated healing abilities, allowing it to recover from injuries at a much faster rate than a typical human. This healing factor appears to be further enhanced when the individual consumes spinach. He is highly resistant to conventional weapons and has shown great tolerance to pain. However, he is not invulnerable, and extreme measures may be necessary to contain him if containment is breached.
ANM-350 exhibits a mild form of anomalous cognition, demonstrating awareness of its fictional origins and occasionally making references to its fictional adventures. However, ANM-350’s cognitive abilities are otherwise consistent with those of a normal human.
The individual generally cooperates with Foundation personnel but may become agitated if denied access to spinach for an extended period. In such cases, ANM-350 may attempt to cause a containment breach in search of spinach, posing a significant security risk.
Addendum 350-A: Incident Report 350-1
On ██/██/20██, ANM-350 caused a containment breach after its spinach supply was delayed due to logistical issues. Despite efforts to contain it, ANM-350 displayed increased strength and endurance, causing significant damage to the containment cell and injuring several staff members.
ANM-350 was eventually subdued with tranquilizers and returned to containment, but not before causing extensive damage to D-04. Following this incident, containment procedures were revised to ensure a constant and reliable supply of spinach for ANM-350.
Addendum 350-B: Experiment Log 350-1
Experiment 350-1: Subject: ANM-350
Procedure: ANM-350 is given a standard caliber handgun and instructed to fire it at a reinforced steel door.
Results: ANM-350 fires the gun, causing minimal damage to the steel door.
Note: ANM-350 expresses disappointment with the weapon's effectiveness and requests access to spinach to "finish the job."
Experiment 350-2: Subject: ANM-350
Procedure: ANM-350 is given a can of spinach and instructed to consume it before firing the handgun at the same reinforced steel door.
Results: After consuming the spinach, ANM-350 fires the gun, causing significant damage to the steel door, eventually breaking through it.
Note: ANM-350 exhibits increased physical strength and precision after consuming spinach, demonstrating its enhanced abilities.
In several events or tests, after consuming spinach, ANM-350 demonstrated the following feats:
1. ANM-350 effortlessly lifted a 10-ton containment box, spinning it overhead before throwing it across the containment chamber with pinpoint accuracy.
2. ANM-350 punched through a reinforced concrete wall with a single blow, creating a hole large enough for personnel to pass through.
3. ANM-350 broke the skull, three ribs, the rib cage, and a leg of a prisoner who tried to fight him. He requested spinach to "finish the job."
4. ANM-350 walked through the entire MOTHRA facility at speeds exceeding 100 kilometers per hour, leaving a blur in its wake.
5. ANM-350 performed acrobatic feats like somersaults and flips with grace and precision, defying gravity and human physiological limitations.
6. ANM-350 withstood exposure to extreme temperatures, including intense heat and freezing cold, with no adverse effects, ignoring environmental hazards as minor inconveniences.
7. ANM-350 rapidly regenerated from injuries, including deep lacerations and broken bones, seconds after sustaining them, showing remarkable resistance to physical damage.
8. ANM-350 effortlessly deflected bullets, projectiles, and energy blasts with bare hands, demonstrating reflexes bordering on precognition.
9. ANM-350 inadvertently created localized weather phenomena like storms and whirlwinds simply by flexing his muscles and exuding an aura of raw power.
10. ANM-350 appeared to move in slow motion relative to its surroundings, giving the impression of time dilation while executing complex maneuvers and reacting to stimuli with extremely fast reflexes.
11. ANM-350 tore rifts in the fabric of reality, causing spatial distortions and anomalous phenomena to manifest in its vicinity, leading to unpredictable and potentially dangerous consequences.
These absurd feats demonstrate the extent of ANM-350's enhanced abilities after consuming spinach, highlighting its status as a formidable and unpredictable anomaly with the potential to cause widespread destruction if not controlled.
Interview Log 350-A: Interview with ANM-350
Interviewer: Dr. ██████
Preface: The following interview was conducted with ANM-350 to better understand its behavior, cognition, and anomalous properties.
Dr. ██████: Good afternoon, Popeye. How are you feeling today?
ANM-350: Ahoy, sailor! I'm feeling great, thanks for asking. Just waiting for my weekly dose of spinach, y'know?
Dr. ██████: Of course. We'll talk about that in a moment. First, I'd like to discuss your awareness of your fictional origins. How do you perceive your existence as a fictional character?
ANM-350: It's kinda peculiar, ain't it, doc? I guess I ain't so ordinary, bein' pulled out of some old comic and all. But hey, it makes life a little more interestin', don't it?
Dr. ██████: Indeed. Now, let's talk about your anomalous abilities. Your enhanced strength and durability are directly tied to consuming spinach. Can you describe how you feel this enhancement?
ANM-350: It's like a surge of energy runnin' through my veins, doc! I feel my muscles swellin', and suddenly, I'm strong as a bull. It's a thrill, I tell ya.
Dr. ██████: Fascinating. Have you ever experienced any adverse effects from consuming spinach?
ANM-350: Nope, never, sailor! Spinach is my secret weapon, my fuel for any adventure. Can't get enough of that stuff!
Dr. ██████: I see. Now... about that incident where you escaped due to a delayed spinach supply, how did you feel during that time?
ANM-350: Oh, I was in a bad state, doc. My belly was growlin', and I was cravin' my veggies. Had to break outta that cell to get my fix, y'know how it is. Best none of you greenhorns stand in my way when I'm like that.
Dr. ██████: Yes, I can imagine. Finally, Popeye, do you have any requests or preferences regarding your confinement or interactions with MOTHRA personnel?
ANM-350: Yeah, just keep the spinach comin', and we'll get along fine, sailor! Oh, and maybe throw in some canned spinach for variety. You can't go wrong with that!
Dr. ██████: Noted. Thank you for your cooperation, ANM-350. That will be all for now.
ANM-350: Always at your service, sailor! Just remember, with great spinach comes great responsibility!
Closing Statement: ANM-350 remains cooperative and friendly, and no further bones were broken since the interview.
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lostinlewis · 1 year
In Another Life...
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Rating: Soft, Angst
Words: 2350
It was hard to describe the emotions that ran through you, a lifetime of work finally being honoured by the very best in the industry, and fans that appreciated you so loudly, ones that you had acquired with little exchanges of soul crushing angst, along the way too.
The exhibit of your work was nearing its final few hours now as you felt the weight of the weekend finally begin to lift from your shoulders. Clutching a glass of wine you had taken from the waiter in the corner before he left the room, you allowed yourself a few moments to take in all that you had achieved.
The exhibition room was the largest the museum had, white walls that held framed displays of your words. Some long paragraphs that had resonated with the audience from the jump, other more unique sentences, sentences that you had written behind the mist of tears that flowed in abundance, sentences that told the world of your pain whilst your face told them of nothing but bravery.
It was as you stood in front of a line you favoured the most, a line that came from deep within your soul during one of the darkest periods of your life, a line you can still picture the scene of you writing, 3am in a London hotel drunk on room service champagne and day old mascara decorating your cheeks, you felt the cool room get warmer.
It was as you stood reading the sentence over and over again, mouthing the words as if you were revising them for a test you had later, that you felt a presence beside you, someone joining you to view the display, someone who had warmed the ice of an empty room within seconds of being inside of it.
“Maybe, just maybe, in another universe there is a version of us that made it.”
You could have been mistaken for it being the emotions of the weekend mixed in with the emotions of the text you read that made you confuse the voice that read the words out loud for the very person it was written about. 
It couldn’t be, could it? After all these years, what were the chances it was him?
“Do you think there is?” 
It was him. There was no mistaking that tone of voice, that unique tone, the unicorn of a British accent that was mixed with an American twang, it was him, after all these years, it was really him. 
“What are you…why?”
It was as you looked at him that you felt the room begin to spin. He barely resembled the man you had fallen for all those years ago, he had a beard now, and longer hair to match too, but it was definitely him, the baby cow eyes with eyelashes you always envied confirmed to you that it was really him. 
“I read an article about you this morning, it said you were in the city…I couldn’t not come, I tried but I couldn’t stay away.”
The honesty in his words was unexpected, he was never a liar when you knew him but he was also never a man who was quite so free with his thoughts. The years had changed him, the many years in which you had missed, had shaped him into a man that you always saw deep within him.
“This is…this is so…”
“Weird? I know, it’s weird for me too. It’s been a long time, a hell of a long time, but look at you…”
Lewis’ eyes drew down your body in a way that made you immediately shy. You thought to yourself of all the many outfits you would have chosen to wear had you had some warning of his arrival, a million different looks you would have gone for to impress him, but you knew you were being foolish, he was the past, there was no reason to satisfy the gaze of the past. 
“You look great too. I heard you’ve been quite successful at that racing thing you always loved?”
For the first time in fifteen years you both shared a breathy laugh at the understatement of the century; success didn’t quite do his achievements justice, really. 
“You could say that, but so have you. Best selling novelist? You always did love to write yet you always told me you lacked inspiration. I’m so glad you found it, eventually.”
The smile hadn’t quite lifted from your face, you tried to shield it a few times as you let the glass hover over your lips, sips of wine that was now too warm for you to enjoy, allowed you a little shy retreat from pouring your heart out in just a smile. 
“I guess I should thank you for that really, it all started in the aftermath…in the aftermath, well in the aftermath of you.”
Lewis’ smile dropped and you knew what that meant, no matter the turbulence that your relationship had, and it had lots, he never wanted to hurt you, so to hear he had done that so perfectly it had inspired multiple stories, made him feel awful. 
“I’m sorry for what happened, for letting you go…”
An apology he owed you, one that you also owed him, the breakdown of your relationship was equal parts your fault as it was his, yet you couldn’t quite bring yourself to return the courtesy, pride wouldn’t let you.  
“...the truth is that losing you is still my biggest regret.”
“We were kids, Lewis. We both made mistakes, we both had no idea of what we actually wanted. It was a long time ago, a lot has happened since then…”
His smile was back, a half smile that resembled relief more than it did happiness as he made eye contact with you once more. 
“That’s the tragedy of it really, so much time has passed. I've been to so many countries, I’ve been in so many rooms full of people, but not a single one of them could make my heart race the same way you did…”
Your eyes grew wide at his admission, sure he was the easiest man in the world to find out about had you wanted to, but you had known better than to ever seek that information out. Long gone were the days in which you chose to break your own heart, ignorance had remained quite a blissful existence. 
“You never settled down? You never married?”
There was a look of shame in his eyes as he thought of his answer, a look of familiarity of questions he had been battling from the media - and his mother - his whole adult life. 
“The truth is…well, you are still the first person I want to call when I am happy, and when I am sad. I couldn’t do that to another, I couldn’t give them a part of me knowing I would never be able to give them the whole of me.”
“Lewis, that’s silly…it was…we were so long ago now.”
The way in which he shook his head in disagreement was almost heartbreaking, you felt an urge to wrap your arms around him, to comfort him, to tell him that he was free now to find another to love him, but you couldn’t.
You couldn’t do that for him because the close contact would have been unbearable for you but mostly you couldn’t do that because you were selfish, despite how you insisted and portrayed a woman who would give someone everything she had if they needed it, with Lewis you were selfish, you always had been.
The thought of him loving another, the thought of another woman waking with those arms you had found so much comfort in, wrapped around her, another woman finding peace in a man who had once been your own, tortured you more than any other thought. 
Lewis made you the woman you were today in many ways, he taught you strength, he taught you self love, he taught you courage to chase dreams you had held secret forever, but he also taught you selfishness and greed. You had never quite had your fill of Lewis, and forever you would feel hard done by in that regard.
“Mummy, mummy!”
The little girl's voice startled you both as she appeared like a whippet in the room, running over to where your numb with shock body stood next to the man she never even knew existed, yet he was the man who was the biggest part of your life before her. 
“Hey sweetie.”
Your daughter wrapped her arms around your legs, it was about as high as she could reach. She was too young to realise what this moment was but as she stared at the stranger who was causing the tension she could feel in the room, she could sense his importance somehow.  
“Daddy said he’s going to take us all for ice cream, are you almost finished?”
You had never regretted your children, you loved both of them more than you ever thought possible, but selfishly in that moment you wished your daughter would leave, you wished that she would grant you an extra five minutes with your past, you hoped she would find her way back to your husband, to your son, to the world that was now your present and your future, and just wait for you to finish with your past.  
They had you all the time and they would have you in the future, surely they could spare a few minutes for the past?
“Go be with your family.”
You could hear the pain in his voice as Lewis stared down at the little girl that resembled the greatest love of his lifetime, so much so it shook him to his core. 
He was right, you knew it. What you were doing right now was only opening old wounds that had long scarred over with tissue that was just strong enough to hold you together, whilst also being so fragile that the littlest thing could tear you apart once more. 
“I’ll be right along, sweetie. Go tell Daddy to find the best ice cream shop in town, we are celebrating after all.”
The little girl ran back through the door in which she appeared, leaving you alone in a room so large that even a whisper created an echo, with a man whose presence made you want to scream a thousand sentences of heartbreak he had inspired. 
“Thank you for coming, Lewis…”
Never before him and never after him had you met a man whose face told of his emotions with ease, he could never really lie, his eyes would tell you all you needed to know in the wrinkles that decorated them. 
You could see it in the way his smile, although wide, was not quite wide enough to make it believable as it didn’t reach anywhere near his eyes. He didn’t want you to leave, he wasn’t happy to send you back to your family, but you could also see the pride of the young man you fell in love with all of those years ago, being matured into the man he stood before you now, a man who put everyone before himself, a man who loved even when he knew it was fruitless, and with you it was exactly that. 
He took your hand and you jumped in your spot a little, it had been fifteen years since you were held by him, it was long enough for him to feel like a stranger now yet he didn’t, you knew him, your body knew him, and as he brought your hand up to his lips to kiss it, you closed your eyes to wish him to never ever stop. 
“In another life, beautiful. In another life I would be waiting in the car for you. In another life I would have never let you leave.”
It was hard enough walking away from Lewis the first time you did it but this time was ten times harder. The first time you had hope still that it was temporary, that somehow fate and the gods you prayed to would guide you back to him, but this time you weren’t so foolish. 
As you walked away from the man you had never quite gotten over, you turned back to look at him for one last time. 
You called out to him as he faced the words you had written about him so many years ago, asking him to look at you for the final time. 
“...what you said about another universe, I know that it’s true, I know that I will love you in this life, in the next and the one after that too.”
You didn’t linger to see if his smile reached his eyes this time, you couldn’t face him any longer and as you made your way out of the room, through the now empty building, and headed towards the car that carried your life now, a single tear rolled down your cheek, a tear that symbolised the remnants of the feelings you had for the man, the feelings that quickly held at your jaw before falling to the floor of the museum. 
It was quite fitting actually, that not only were you leaving Lewis behind as you walked through the huge glass doors that evening, that you were also leaving the feelings that you had harboured for him there too. 
It was time to move on, it was time to recover and it was time for you to accept that not all love stories end in a happy ever after, some love stories are chapters rather than novels, and whilst your Lewis chapter would certainly be one of your favourites in this lifetime, it wouldn’t be your best selling novel, that was an honour held for the man who had taught you how to love again and the children that had shown you a love that was unconditional.
And besides, Lewis always had your next lifetime to try and make your story last longer than a few lines.
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piratesexmachine420 · 16 days
Okay I actually have one more thing to say about Minecraft and the Minecraft Movie. (Sorry, A Minecraft Movie.) I’m seeing a lot of people make the claim that “they whitewashed Steve” and while I absolutely see where they’re coming from, I disagree semantically. “Whitewashing”, to me anyway, implies that Steve was at one point intended to be nonwhite before then Mojang changed their minds. This is not the case. Notch intended Steve to be white.
Should he have been intended to be white? I’m not gonna interrogate that. Take it up with a sociology professor. Should we care if was intended to be white? Probably not, for most intents and purposes. In vacuo it’s very easy to read Steve as racially ambiguous, and that reading is all that really matters for most players. But that’s not been the case behind the curtain.
(Warning: long post, slightly messy post ahead. I could revise it further but I’ve spent way to much time on this. Maybe if I was arguing something a little less easy to take as racism. Sorry about that, BTW.)
Exhibit 1 (↓) : The current Steve skin.
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This hasn’t always been the default player model. Obviously, right? Look at those rolled-up sleeves, those haven’t always been there!
This (↓) is the original.
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It’s May, 2009; and this new game–not yet called Minecraft–is still a very pliable thing. No “Minecraft Bible”, no brand identity to uphold, no vision for the future. There are almost no features here–it’ll be another 9 months before the game’s trademark–infinite terrain–gets added on a whim.
Note the differences between this first model and the current one: the slightly lighter skin shades, the weird harsh edges on the detailing, the jarring lack of detailing on the pants, etc. etc. This is a placeholder: it’s been copied from another abandoned game prototype, where it had been copied from a second, unrelated, abandoned game prototype. Like so much of Minecraft’s early development, it’s been thrown together just to see if it’d work. It’s haphazard.
What would Steve look like if he’d been, well, designed? Created with intent? We actually don’t have to wonder. For a brief period of time between December 2009 and February 2010, Mojang had an artist: Hayden ’Dock’ Scott-Baron. Not just a programmer who happened to be making textures. And this (↓) is the design they came up with:
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That’s a white guy. Notch got the chance to redesign Steve, to clarify what he intended, and he went with making Steve a white guy.
Well, to be fair, they also made “Black Steve”. (↓)
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Yikes. “Black Steve”. I don’t know about you, but the fact that white Steve is just “Steve” and black Steve is “Black Steve” implies to me that this was a Mojang who thought of white as the default. Or at least that Notch thought of white as the default.
Dock would soon leave Mojang, and the game would never really get around to implementing any of his work. They stuck with Notch’s placeholder. And as the game got bigger and bigger, that placeholder became brand identity. By 2011 or 2012, Steve was too famous for them to go back and “correct” (and I mean that pejoratively) to white. (Not unlike creepers, but that’s another story)
And they’ve chafed under that ever since. Every depiction of Steve outside of the game itself has been obviously white, be it in promotional art, LEGO sets, the upcoming “film”, Super Smash Bros.–you name it, he’s white there. Mojang either hasn’t noticed or is unwilling to accept that anyone sees Steve any other way.
What should they do about this? Well, updating Steve to be unambiguously white in game would be pretty bad for what I hope are obvious reasons: bad optics, bad for their brand recognition, and really, really rude to anyone who didn’t think of him as white. They could also start depicting him accurate to his texture, but that might piss off racists. Pissing off racists is based, but you have to appeal to racists at least a little if you want to be the richest corporation in your market segment. They won’t go for that.
So what will they do? Nothing. Steve will continue to be an unambiguous white guy everywhere except Minecraft, where he’ll be treated like a white guy despite not exactly looking it. Is that whitewashing? I don’t think so. Whitewashing is deliberate, and this is a situation that’s evolved out of inertia more than anything else. But it isn’t much better than whitewashing.
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muspeccoll · 2 years
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Our series on Black artists continues with the front and back covers of The Picture-Poetry Book by Gertrude Parthenia Brown, with illustrations by Lois Mailou Jones (1905-1998). Jones had a long career as an artist and educator, and her work celebrates African and Caribbean cultural influences. She taught watercolor and design at Howard University from 1930 to 1977, influencing generations of artists. She also served as a cultural ambassador from the U.S. to eleven African nations. Her work is exhibited and held in art museums throughout the world.
Although the revised edition of this book was published in 1968, it was originally written and illustrated in 1935. Jones worked occasionally with poet Gertrude Parthenia McBrown and illustrated her works for children and adults; both women were associated with the Harlem Renaissance movement during this period.
(via The picture-poetry book / illustrated by Lois Mailou Jones.by McBrown, Gertrude Parthenia. Washington : Associated Publishers, 1968 · Special Collections and Archives)
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quodnonnecatemunit · 1 year
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Palazzo Massimo - Rome Inspired by the magnificent palaces of the 16th century, Palazzo Massimo was built between 1883 and 1887 by the Jesuit priest Massimiliano Massimo, based on a design by Camillo Pistrucci, to house the new Jesuit school. In 1981, the Palazzo was acquired by the Italian Government to become one of the new sites for the National Roman Museum. A radical renovation of the building was entrusted to Costantino Dardi and the Palazzo opened to the public in 1998. Since then, the original installation has been revised and adjusted on a number of occasions, interweaving the various threads of the exhibition using a design based on chronology and theme. By referring to the contexts in which the artefacts were found, this creates the suggestion that different works are jumbled together as in the bustling collections of the 16th century. Now, moving through the rooms of the Palazzo Massimo is like leafing through the pages of a wonderful book. Its four floors contain some of the greatest masterpieces of the entire artistic output of the Roman world: sculptures, reliefs, frescos, mosaics, stuccoes and sarcophagi, originating, like all of the treasures of the National Roman Museum, from excavations undertaken in Rome and the surrounding region from 1870 onwards. The route of the visit begins with the theme of the portrait and its evolution, from exclusive use by the most illustrious citizens in the Archaic Period to the widespread use of portraits among freedmen, from portraits of Greek origin, such as those of Alexander the Great, to those of simple Roman citizens eager for self-celebration at the end of the Republic, like the Tivoli General, and new forms of portraiture linked to the birth of the Empire, such as Augustus dressed as the Pontifex Maximus. Greek originals in marble, such as the Niobid from the Horti Sallustiani (Gardens of Sallust), and in bronze, including the Boxer at Rest and the Hellenistic Prince from the Baths of Constantine, are typical examples of the models of Greek art that came to Rome with the wars of conquest. Continuing the history of portraits in the Imperial Age, the first floor displays the Roman taste for reworkings and copies of ideal sculptures, like the Discobolus of Myron, presented in two well-known reproductions – the Lancellotti Discobolus and the Discobolus of Castel Porziano -, the Sleeping Hermaphroditus, the Aphrodite of Menophantos, and innumerable works depicting gods and mythological figures. However, sculpture also became a means of expression for celebrating victories at the borders of the Empire, such as the monumental Portonaccio sarcophagus, and a method for paying tribute to the greatness of well-known figures in the society of the late Roman Empire, as can be seen from the Acilia and Annona Sarcophagi. The second floor of the Palazzo is dedicated entirely to frescos, stuccoes and mosaics. One element that is fundamental in fully grasping the taste and aesthetic sense of the Roman aristocracy is the superb wall decorations of major archaeological complexes, such as the Villa di Livia in Prima Porta, the Villa Farnesina in Trastevere and the Villa di Termini. The basement level offers a selection from the collections from the National Roman Museum’s Coin and Medal Collection and is dedicated to the economy and the use of money, interpreted through an exhibition of coins, jewellery, precious ornaments and documents relating to the daily cost of life.
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hplovecraftmuseum · 1 year
In stories like AT THE MOUNTAINS OF MADNESS and THE MOUND - a ghost written "revision" HPL created for one of his clients - the idea was that even the alien pre-human lifeforms which came to earth from outer space went through an era of 'machine culture' which they eventually found less than satisfying. Dispite retreating from this period of higher technology they degenerated as a species anyway. All civilizations, species, and even forms of reality have a birth, heyday and eventual death in Lovecraft's fiction. THE evolution from life to death and non- being is unavoidable! There is NO HOPE. (Exhibit 334)
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kukies-capabilities · 2 years
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I posted 131 times in 2022
That's 13 more posts than 2021!
82 posts created (63%)
49 posts reblogged (37%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 85 of my posts in 2022
Only 35% of my posts had no tags
#study blog - 77 posts
#studyblr - 77 posts
#sixth form - 76 posts
#a levels - 75 posts
#study space - 75 posts
#studywithme - 72 posts
#a level physics - 70 posts
#a level maths - 54 posts
#year 12 - 52 posts
#a level further maths - 50 posts
Longest Tag: 104 characters
#i’ll probably lose but i don’t know what to do with myself and this seems like the best option right now
My Top Posts in 2022:
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On Thursday I woke up with a migraine and made myself go to school cause there was a show I didn’t want to miss and I had both of my maths teachers that day. I did this with the plan on not going in on Friday. Come Friday I still feel horrible, my skin feels sensitive, my eyes hurt when I move them. I’m suffering. I eventuality take a covid test and it comeback positive.
I wrote off my original symptoms as a combination of me over working myself and stress. This so my first time testing positive since the start of the pandemic. I’m not as invincible as I though. 😪
Day 24: What's your favourite beverage?
Nigerian Fanta. It’s sold in a glass bottle and it so much better than what the one that they sell herein the UK.
Day 25: What does your ideal breakfast look like?
A breakfast wrap/sandwich that contains eggs and sausage (beef of course)
Fruit and yogurt parfait on the side
Day 26: What's the cosiest place in your mind right now?
My bedroom. Just me, my bed and Aristotle and Dante
And the public library I go to. Me and all those books.
26 notes - Posted February 26, 2022
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I think I am starting to enjoy revising/studying (would enjoy it much more if my maths exam wasn’t so close but you win some you lose some). I think have a routine that works for me for now.
Ramadan is less than 20 days away and I need to come up with some sort of timetable to ensure I get enough sleep, and can still revise. I wish I was the type of person wi could fall asleep where ever quickly. If I was I wouldn’t Bebe bother changing my routine much. I would just take naps everywhere.
15th March: How do you deal with academic/work stress? Do you have a coping system/mechanism?
I feel like I’m in a constant state of panic so at this point I don’t get affected much.
However every once in a while I do stress more than usual so much so that my appetite is usually affected. In those scenarios I make sure to write down everything I need to do and spread it out over a period of time.
I have learnt that when I have a lot of something to do, that me trying to do it all in one day doesn’t work for me. I get bored and ended up working img slowly. Or I get stressed by how much I have left to do, and end up freezing.
29 notes - Posted March 15, 2022
First week back at school done. It was tiring, and I took today (Sunday) to complete relax and do no work. I know this is gonna be my last peaceful/stress-less day for a while so I savoured it.
I started listening to a true crime podcast called “female criminals” and a history podcast called “history’s b side” both are quite interesting. Would recommend both of them.
I went to my first bookclub meeting. I joined the club a couple months back but never I never went to the meetings cause didn’t have time to read the books. But I managed to this month and it was fun talking to other about books.
Quantum fact: The uncertainty principle tells us that the more we know about one property of a wave the less we know about another. Pairs include Wavelength and location as well as energy and time. For example, the easier it is to pinpoint the location of a wave, the harder it is to find its wavelength.
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31 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
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I went exploring over the weekend!!!!
Saturday 19th March
I went to the Future Robots: Material Futures X DeepMind exhibition in London with a friend. It was cool and interesting. My favourite part was the synesthesia translator
We then went to a cafe in bookstore and worked for a bit. I felt so ✨aesthetic✨
Sunday 20th March
Went to the British library with my friend. It was so huge but a nice change of scenery
Took my younger sister with me and I don’t think I’ll be doing that again. Her being there made it more stressful and harder for me to concentrate as I had to ensure that she was safe
51 notes - Posted March 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Day 1: What’s your favourite podcast?
The Magnus archives. Such a good podcast. I have season 5 left and then it’s over 🥲
I did just finish “Fearie” today and that is definitely a good one
85 notes - Posted February 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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counttwinkula · 2 years
Long ago I learned never to trust a mortal their tunnel-visioned interpretations devouring the dead their endless revisions … from Aeschylus to Christa Wolf … how dare you teach Dodie that the text is my body! It's taken me five years to ram it into her starstruck skull THE TEXT IS NOT MY BODY as if emotions weren't visceral as if I Mina Harker the debutante of the (un)dead could be concrete in such a flat way, page number typed in my upper right corner WHERE ARE MY ARMS MY LEGS WHY CAN'T I MOVE ABOUT—THE TEXT IS NOT A BODY it's a coffin … or a space alien's cranium … to study that ever elusive creature the human being the intergalactic lifeform projects a Victorian mirage and peoples it with actors in period costumes … for decades the characters wander through this desperate Shangri-la still young though never alive … conscious of their own illusion they play canasta listless and bored … the alien holds all the cards … then a young man exhibits "hope" and the mansion dissolves into a giant palpitating cerebrum surrounded by trees THE TEXT is my nimble-footed footprints as I race from thought to thought.
—Dodie Bellamy, The Letters of Mina Harker (formatting all Bellamy's)
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rohitpalan · 2 months
Data Centre UPS Market Forecasts Strong Expansion, Envisioning US$ 10,571.6 Million by 2033
The global data centre UPS market is expected to secure a market value of US$ 5,407.8 million. With a CAGR of 6.9%, it is anticipated to exhibit a market value of US$ 10,571.6 million, at the end of the forecast period, in 2033.
The global data center UPS market faces challenges due to the considerable costs linked to raw materials and the scarcity of skilled personnel, potentially hindering market expansion. Nevertheless, promising drivers are poised to drive market growth during the forecast period. Untapped opportunities in regions like the Middle East and Africa, coupled with the burgeoning number of data centers in South America, are anticipated to offset the hindrances and foster market expansion.
The rising demand for data centers in emerging economies, driven by digital transformation initiatives and the surge in data-driven services, is projected to bolster the adoption of UPS solutions. Moreover, the escalating need for uninterrupted data access and the growing awareness regarding data security and business continuity are compelling data center operators worldwide to invest in advanced UPS technologies.
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Government initiatives promoting data center development and energy-efficient UPS solutions are providing a conducive environment for market growth. These factors, along with ongoing technological advancements and a focus on eco-friendly UPS systems, are expected to drive the global data center UPS market forward during the forecast period.
Competitive Landscape:
Recent Developments in Schneider Electric SA: Schneider implemented ‘The Zero Carbon Project’ in April 2021, demonstrating its dedication to reducing ‘operational carbon emissions’ by 2025.
In January 2023, Schneider Electric successfully concluded its acquisition of Aveva.
Recent Developments in Toshiba Corp.: On November 12, 2021, Toshiba made public its intention to divide into three distinct entities. The first two companies will concentrate on infrastructure and electronic devices, respectively, while the third, retaining the Toshiba name, will oversee the 40.6% stake in Kioxia and all other remaining assets. The company aims to finalize the restructuring plan by March 2024. In February 2022, Toshiba revised its plans and opted to split into two companies instead, following disapproval from shareholders regarding the initial proposal.
Leading Key Players: Schneider Electric SA, Eaton Corp., Toshiba Corp., Emerson Network Power Inc., Clary Corp., Intellipower Inc., General Electric Electrical Systems, Belkin International Inc., Power Innovations International Inc., Barri, ABB Ltd., Huawei Technologies, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Vertiv Group
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Key Segments Profiled in The Global Data Centre UPS Market
By Product:
By Application:
Cloud Storage
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System
Data Warehouse
File Servers
Application Servers
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Systems
By Technology:
Line Interactive
Double Conversion
By Region:
North American
Latin American
Asia Pacific
Middle East and African
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culturalblog · 3 months
 a cultural area, cultural region, cultural sphere, or culture area refers to a geography with one relatively homogeneous human activity or complex of activities (culture). Such activities are often associated with an ethnolinguistic group and with the territory it inhabits. Specific cultures often do not limit their geographic coverage to the borders of a nation state, or to smaller subdivisions of a state.[
A culture area is a concept in cultural anthropology in which a geographic region and time sequence (age area) is characterized by shared elements of environment and culture.[3]
A precursor to the concept of culture areas originated with museum curators and ethnologists during the late 1800s as means of arranging exhibits, combined with the work of taxonomy. The American anthropologists Clark Wissler and Alfred Kroeber further developed this version of the concept on the premise that cultural areas represent longstanding cultural divisions.[4][5][6] This iteration of the concept is sometimes criticized as arbitrary, but the organization of human communities into cultural areas remains a common practice throughout the social sciences.[3]
Cultural geography also utilizes the concept of culture areas. Cultural geography originated within the Berkeley School, and is primarily associated with Carl O. Sauer and his colleagues. Sauer viewed culture as "an agent within a natural area that was a medium to be cultivated to produce the cultural landscape."[7] Sauer's concept was later criticized as deterministic, and geographer Yi-Fu Tuan and others proposed versions that enabled scholars to account for phenomenological experience as well. This revision became known as humanistic geography. The period within which humanistic geography is now known as the "cultural turn."[7][8]
The definition of culture areas is enjoying a re
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vipinmishra · 4 months
Pesticide Residue Testing Market: Rising Popularity of Organic Products Drives Growth
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Rising popularity of organic products and high consumption rates of fruits & vegetables is expected to drive the Global Pesticide Residue Testing Market growth in the forecast period, 2025-2029
According to TechSci Research report, “Pesticide Residue Testing Market – Global Industry Size, Share, Trends, Competition Forecast & Opportunities, 2029”, the Global Pesticide Residue Testing Market stood at USD 1.21 Billion in 2023 and is anticipated to grow with a CAGR of 6.75% in the forecast period, 2025-2029. Several key drivers are propelling the growth of the global pesticide residue testing market. Foremost among these is the increasing global demand for organic foods, which necessitates rigorous pesticide residue testing to ensure compliance with organic certification standards.
In addition, regulatory bodies worldwide are tightening food safety standards and increasing their scrutiny of food products for pesticide residues, further driving the demand for testing. Technological advancements in testing methods and equipment are also making these tests more accurate and efficient, contributing to the market's growth. Rising consumer awareness about food safety and the potential health impacts of pesticide residues is prompting food producers and processors to invest more heavily in pesticide residue testing, to maintain consumer trust and brand reputation.
The global pesticide residue testing market is characterized as a dynamic and rapidly evolving industry. It is driven by increasing concerns regarding food safety, stringent regulations, and growing consumer awareness about the detrimental effects of pesticide residues. As a result, the market exhibits robust growth potential. Advancements in testing technologies and the implementation of rigorous food safety standards worldwide further amplify this expansion.
The market's growth is primarily propelled by the escalating need for food safety worldwide. With an increasing focus on health consciousness, fresh food and vegetables have observed a continuous rise in market share. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), access to sufficient quantities of safe and nourishing food is crucial for sustaining life and promoting good health. Contaminated food containing harmful bacteria, viruses, parasites, or chemical chemicals can lead to over 200 different diseases, ranging from diarrhea to malignancies. Unsafe food contributes to a vicious cycle of sickness and hunger, disproportionately affecting young children, the elderly, the sick, and infants. Consequently, the demand for the market has emerged. Additionally, government monitoring initiatives and increased pesticide and herbicide application further stimulate market growth.
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Furthermore, the market's expansion is bolstered by favorable support provided by government and regulatory authorities to promote the testing of hazardous chemicals in food products. The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) serves as the regulatory authority responsible for assessing consumer safety based on pesticide toxicity. The EFSA establishes legislation that encompasses pesticides currently or previously used in agriculture within or outside the European Union. On July 22, 2022, the EU revised its regulations pertaining to the highest acceptable levels of pesticide residues in certain foods. Regulation (EU)2022/1290 specifically addressed changes in the Maximum Residue Limit (MRL) for active substances such as nicotine, profenofos, chlormequat, dodine, and ametoctradine, as well as Spodoptera exigua multicapsid nucleopolyhedrovirus (SeMNPV) isolate BV-0004 in food. The market is anticipated to witness substantial growth in the coming years due to ongoing technological advancements.
For instance, in June 2022, researchers from Sweden's Karolinska Institute developed a sensor capable of rapidly identifying pesticides on fruit. Companies are utilizing new technologies such as sensors to ensure accurate pesticide testing. Inadequate food control infrastructure and resources in developing countries serve as the primary hindrances to market growth. However, challenges such as inadequate infrastructure in developing nations and the high cost of testing procedures pose obstacles to market development. Nevertheless, the market is expected to progress due to escalating investments in research and development and the rising export of food products from developing countries.
The Global Pesticide Residue Testing Market is segmented into type, technology, class, food tested, regional distribution, and company
Based on technology, High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) has emerged as the dominant technique in the Global Pesticide Residue Testing Market. With its exceptional capability to effectively separate, accurately identify, and precisely quantitate dissolved compounds, HPLC has become the highly preferred method for pesticide residue testing. The unparalleled precision and efficacy of HPLC, coupled with its versatile application range spanning across various industries, have contributed significantly to its unrivaled dominance in the market. Researchers and analysts alike rely on HPLC to obtain comprehensive and in-depth insights into pesticide residues, ensuring the safety and quality of agricultural products and environmental samples.
Based on region, North America is leading the Global Pesticide Residue Testing Market, primarily due to its strict adherence to stringent safety standards and regulations set by governments and health organizations. These standards demand comprehensive and thorough screening for pesticide residues in food products, ensuring utmost consumer safety. Moreover, the region's continuous advancements in testing technologies have greatly contributed to more precise and efficient testing procedures. With a well-established agricultural sector, North America has been able to leverage its infrastructure and expertise to implement robust testing protocols.
In addition, heightened consumer awareness about food safety in the region has played a pivotal role in market growth. As consumers become more conscious about the quality and safety of the products they consume, producers are driven to meet these expectations by ensuring high-quality, contaminant-free food offerings. The combination of stringent regulations, technological advancements, a well-established agricultural sector, and increasing consumer awareness has positioned North America at the forefront of the Global Pesticide Residue Testing Market, setting a benchmark for other regions to follow.
Major companies operating in Global Pesticide Residue Testing Market are:
Eurofins Scientific SE
Bureau Veritas S.A.
Mettler Toledo
Intertek Group PLC,
Silliker, Inc.
ALS Limited
Asurequality Ltd.
SCS Global Services
Microbac Laboratories Inc.
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“The future of the Global Pesticide Residue Testing Market appears promising, with expectations of significant growth. As consumers worldwide become progressively more conscious of food safety and the potential risks associated with pesticide residues, the demand for thorough and reliable testing is likely to surge. This increased demand is further compounded by the implementation of stringent regulations enacted by governments to ensure the safety and quality of food products.
Furthermore, advancements in technology and analytical methods will enable quicker and more efficient testing, allowing for a more comprehensive assessment of pesticide residues in various food commodities. These developments not only address the concerns of consumers but also assist regulators and industry stakeholders in making informed decisions and implementing appropriate risk management strategies. As a result, the Global Pesticide Residue Testing Market is expected to witness sustained growth and contribute significantly to ensuring the safety and integrity of the global food supply chain.,” said Mr. Karan Chechi, Research Director with TechSci Research, a research-based management consulting firm.
“Pesticide Residue Testing Market - Global Industry Size, Share, Trends, Opportunity, and Forecast, 2019-2029 Segmented By Type (Herbicides, Insecticides, Fungicides & Others), By Technology (Single Residue Method, Multiple Residue Method, LC-MS/GC-MS, High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), Gas Chromatography and Others), By Class (Organochlorines, Oganophosphates, Organonitrogens, Carbamates and Others), By Food Tested (Meat & Poultry, Dairy Products, Processed Food, Fruits & Vegetables, Cereals, Grains & Pulses and Others), By Region and Competition”, has evaluated the future growth potential of Global Pesticide Residue Testing Market and provides statistics & information on market size, structure and future market growth. The report intends to provide cutting-edge market intelligence and help decision makers take sound investment decisions. Besides, the report also identifies and analyzes the emerging trends along with essential drivers, challenges, and opportunities in Global Pesticide Residue Testing Market.
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aangussca · 5 months
Art Studio 1 Lectures (19.4.24)
Lecture: My experiences in artistic research and practice (by Jacky Redgate)
Art school years (1977-1981):
1977-1979: "Combined realist and conceptual female experiences..."
Her works mainly "incorporat[ed] themes of emigration, motherhood, marriage, family and illness through [her] use of autobiography and dream[s]..."
Main techniques: photography, analogue film, performance installation and body casting/sculpture.
"Looking back now at my art school work at this time [1977-1979], I can see that art history, dreams and memory were more important to me than to many of my peers."
During the early years of the feminist art movement, she was involved in the Women's Art Movement, the Women's Art Group, the Feminist Art Theory, and in performance/screening events at the Media Resource Centre and the Experimental .
Artwork examples from the lecture:
Her Work to Rule series (original photographs - 1986-1987, negatives - 2018), Photographs March 1959 (reproduced in 2015) and Light Throw (Mirrors) Fold 1–10 (2014-2015) are among the many works drawn from Redgate's fascination with mirrors.
This fascination is with regards to how they interact with time, light and space, as well as their relationship to dreams ('hypnogogia' = the dream-like state between wakefulness and sleep, which accompanied by sensory hallucinations) and the self (she stated that she has been self-conscious about her own image in mirrors and photographs).
Like Photographs March 1959 (reproduced in 2015), the Untitled Day series (1999-2000) was influenced by the concepts of mirroring and the doppelgänger (since she has a non-identical twin sister).
The exhibition Hypnogogia with Mirrors, Old and New Works (1977-2023) explores the ideas of archives, memories, and reflecting upon personal traumas. In Redgate's case, her traumas about her immigration to Australia (when she was 11) were documented through her childhood diary.
These themes continue in her short film Mother England (1980), which focuses on the history between Australia and England, and her own experiences with immigration and with growing up in both countries.
In Wedding Wishes (1977) and the Untitled (Rosebud) series (1979), dolls and other childhood ephemera act as manifestations of personal memories, comforts and traumas, as well as the transitional period between childhood and adulthood.
There are plenty of other resources for these works, but I've provided a link to the webpage for the works included in Hypnogogia with Mirrors, Old and New Works (1977-2023), with a downloadable copy of the exhibition catalogue:
Practice-based research (group discussion notes from Oliver Smith)
Framing the learning/discovery/understanding generated in the studio:
Learning new processes - such iterative engagement is where their potential can be observed.
Consider the materials and/or materiality of your work.
Possible line of thinking with executing the idea: Commit to the idea -> Experiment and decide -> Refine
Interplay between the technical and the conceptual aspects of the work.
It is important to visualise the work, both in the specifics of the materials AND in the specific details of how you envision the work within a space.
Important to test potential directions for the work, which may open up new methodologies and resolutions.
Experiments/WIPs for my project (discussions with Oliver Smith and Jacky Redgate)
What I've done so far (some of my posts from previous weeks):
Recording the primary sounds (terrestrial biophony/geophony)
Making the secondary digital musical soundtracks in Ableton
Creating visual studies for my animated segments
Developing an animation test for how these segments may look
What I plan to do until I need to show my WIP presentation:
Continuing recording the primary sounds (aquatic biophony/geophony and biological anthropophony)
Testing the projection with the different fabric samples
Perhaps revise the installation concept (sketch)?
Creating a couple of test soundscapes
Perhaps creating another animation test???
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sida-wang · 6 months
Date: April 4, 2024  
Time: 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM  
Location: Coomber Street Studios, 5 Coomber Street, Paddington, New South Wales 2021  
Participants: Francis, Zinnia, Sida  
Today was primarily focused on learning Adobe Aero and designing the layout for a new photobook, laying the groundwork for broader artistic endeavors in the future.
Chronological Record:
- 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM: News Release Editing
  - Revised the exhibition news release drafted by Zinnia, including image formatting, detailed revisions, and final review.
  - Researched advertising platforms and methods, such as USYD alumni groups, Little Red Book, etc.
- 12:30 PM - 2:30 PM: Adobe Aero Exploration
  - Explored Adobe Aero to create interactive AR projects based on existing images.
- 2:30 PM - 3:00 PM: Break
  - Discussed recent experiences with mid-journey ai generation.
- 3:30 PM - 4:00 PM: Indesign AVALON Layout Design Version 3
  - Finalized spine, page numbers, and colophon for print version, and exported printable versions.
- 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM: Indesign LAND OF AMBITION Layout Design
  - Preliminary layout design for Francis' new photo collection based on the previous template.
Skills Learned and Application:
During today's internship, I mainly explored using Adobe Aero to create AR experiences. Through practice, I learned the distinctions between using horizontal, vertical, and image anchors to trigger AR objects. Despite initial challenges with behavior setup, such as objects not popping up as intended, collaboration with Zinnia led to a successful resolution. Additionally, the given pop-up object is a 2D image, and the spheres in Adobe Aero assets cannot have their colors altered, I attempted to convert the pop-up object to 3D. I experimented with converting 2D to 3D in both Photoshop and Blender. Eventually, in Blender, I created the desired black sphere by the customizing sphere texture. Self-learning via Google searches and YouTube tutorials proved effective. I reinforced the idea that effective storytelling and motion convey surpassed technical proficiency.
Analysis of Interviews and Events:
Talking with Francis about mid-journey image generation was inspiring. I was amazed by the vast collection of AI-generated artworks Francis has accumulated. It made me realize that I don't need to be a perfect photographer or a Photoshop expert, nor do I require expensive equipment. The most important factors are having the courage to innovate, a broad knowledge base, and a good sense of aesthetics. Francis' new portfolio also inspired me; seemingly unrelated images, devoid of text, can convey a complete narrative solely through careful arrangement.
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Reflections on Experiences:
Overall, today highlighted enhanced efficiency through familiarity. Especially when working on the second photobook, everything from determining image dimensions to establishing master page formats, font selection, and adding a copyright declaration on the final page was accomplished swiftly within a short period. This efficiency stemmed from familiarity with the initial format and two rounds of collaboration. For instance, when Francis was considering the narrative logic, I would scroll up and down the page to help establish connections between images quickly. When Francis was searching for images, I promptly opened the import page, and followed his actions to locate the images together, reducing the time spent searching. Similarly, Francis ensured that instructions were clear and double-checked each time, rather than simply urging me to catch up on progress. I believe that every collaboration involves a period of adjustment, and it's not just about one side compromising; it requires mutual effort. This is particularly crucial in situations where one party is responsible for providing ideas while the other handles operations. Clear and precise instructions are essential for improving efficiency. 
Next week, I aim to create complex animation effects in Adobe Aero. Additionally, I plan to generate finer sphere details in Blender through custom texture creation based on images.
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immixintegrated · 7 months
A Comprehensive Guide: How Often Do Scrap Metal Prices Change?
Are you interested in understanding the dynamics of scrap metal prices Melbourne market? Whether you're a seasoned trader or just starting to explore the potential of this industry, it's crucial to comprehend the factors that influence the ever-changing scrap metal prices. 
In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the intricacies of scrap metal price fluctuations, providing you with all the information you need to navigate this dynamic sector with confidence.
Understanding the Nature of Scrap Metal Prices
Scrap metal prices are inherently volatile, continually influenced by a multitude of factors that can cause significant fluctuations. These prices are predominantly determined by supply and demand dynamics, global economic conditions, geopolitical events, and industry-specific factors. 
Whether it's aluminium, copper, steel, or other metals, each possesses its unique set of influences that can impact pricing.
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Frequency of Scrap Metal Price Changes
The frequency of scrap metal price changes can vary significantly, and understanding this periodicity is essential for anyone involved in the industry. Traditionally, scrap metal prices Melbourne have been subject to weekly, monthly, or even daily adjustments depending on the specific type of metal and prevailing market conditions. 
It's important to note that certain metals may experience more frequent price revisions due to their sensitivity to immediate supply and demand changes.
Factors Influencing Scrap Metal Price Changes
Supply and Demand Dynamics
The fundamental principle of supply and demand exerts a profound influence on scrap metal prices. Fluctuations in the availability of scrap metal, combined with shifts in demand from industrial sectors such as construction, automotive, and manufacturing, can swiftly lead to price adjustments.
Global Economic Conditions
The macroeconomic environment plays a crucial role in shaping scrap metal prices. Economic indicators like GDP growth, inflation rates, and employment levels directly impact demand for raw materials, consequently affecting the pricing of scrap metal.
Geopolitical Events
Geopolitical events, such as trade policies, tariffs, or sanctions, can swiftly disrupt the scrap metal prices landscape. Any developments on the international stage have the potential to introduce sudden and significant changes in the cost of scrap metal.
Industry-Specific Factors
Each metal category is influenced by industry-specific factors. For instance, steel scrap metal prices can be impacted by construction activity, while copper prices may be sensitive to developments in the electronics and electrical industries.
Market Reporting and Updates
Staying abreast of scrap metal price movements is crucial for informed decision-making. Various industry platforms, websites, and publications offer real-time updates on scrap metal prices. Leveraging these sources for comprehensive market reporting and analysis can provide invaluable insights into the ever-changing landscape of scrap metal prices.
Adaptability and Strategic Planning
Given the inherent volatility in scrap metal prices, it's imperative for industry participants to remain adaptable and devise strategic plans that account for potential price fluctuations. Developing contingency measures and risk management strategies can bolster resilience in the face of price volatility, ensuring sustainable operations even amidst market uncertainties.
In conclusion, scrap metal prices exhibit a dynamic nature that is shaped by various macro and microeconomic factors. Understanding the frequency and drivers of scrap metal prices Melbourne changes is pivotal for industry stakeholders to navigate this market effectively. 
By remaining vigilant, staying informed about market updates, and strategically planning for price fluctuations, individuals and businesses can mitigate the impact of scrap metal price changes and capitalise on opportunities within this vibrant sector.
Whether you are a trader, manufacturer, or investor, comprehending the nuances of scrap metal prices is an essential aspect of engaging with the metal recycling industry. 
Embracing the ever-changing nature of scrap prices and leveraging informed decision-making, individuals and organisations can thrive in this dynamic marketplace.
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