#Retainers in Prairie Village
toombsorthodontics · 8 months
Say goodbye to retainer woes with our retainers in Prairie Village! Designed to provide quick solutions for common retainer issues, our comprehensive guide will teach you how to fix discomfort, breakage, and misplacement with ease. Keep your smile on track and ensure your retainer stays in top shape. Contact us now and let us help you achieve a beautiful smile!
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codyduncan01-blog · 4 years
Best Kansas City Landscapers, French Drains & Retaining Walls
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At Premium Landscape Solutions, we offer landscaping services, build beautiful Retaining Walls, and install French Drains in the Kansas City metro with 10 and 20-year warranties. We also do Aeration and Overseeding at a fraction of the price of our local competitors in the KC area. We offer an array of other local Kansas City landscaping services, which include basic grading and sodding, rock and materials delivery, demolitions, detailed schematics, and advice! Based in Olathe, KS, we proudly service Kansas City, Overland Park, Lenexa, Shawnee, Leawood, Prairie Village, De Soto, Merriam, Lawrence, KS, and the KC metro. Get a free quote on a local Kansas City french drain, retaining wall, or landscaping project today!
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Premium Landscape Solutions
Address: 1501 S Hamilton Cir Suite 122, Olathe, KS 66061, USA
Phone: (816) 812-8215
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jewishtraces · 5 years
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Shuls on the move!
How strange it is to see a synagogue drive down the street!
Back in January 2019, I was thrilled to witness as the original home of DC’s Adas Israel Congregation was driven a block and a half to its new home where it will become part of the forthcoming Capital Jewish Museum. This was actually the third time the building had moved. Dedicated in 1876 with President Ulysses S. Grant in attendance, it was sold in 1908 when the growing congregation moved to their new home at Sixth and I Streets. It was home to a succession of churches over the next few decades, and later housed a bicycle shop and a grocery store, among other retail businesses. When construction of the Metro headquarters would have led to it being demolished, the Jewish Historical Society of Greater Washington saved the building and moved it three city blocks to 3rd and G Streets where it became the Lillian & Albert Small Jewish Museum. It was moved again in 2016, this time just 60 ft. At the ceremony for the 2019 move, Representative Eleanor Holmes Norton joked she hoped this would be the last move. Here’s a video about the building made for the 2016 move.
This idea of saving a building by moving it is an interesting angle to Jewish traces. Occasionally a community will move their building when it makes sense, like First Hebrew Congregation of Oakland did way back in 1896. (An unfortunate example is Congregation Ahavath Achim in Portland, Oregon, which was damaged during its move in 1962.) B’nai Moshe in Los Angeles even moved in 1957 to prevent the building from becoming a church. But what makes a physical building that is no longer in use so valuable as to justify the expense of bringing it somewhere else? What does that say about how we celebrate the past?
Also moved to be a museum, the Montefiore Institute was built in 1913 or 1916 in Sibbald, Alberta, just west of the Alberta-Saskatchewan border. It served the Montefiore colony of Jewish immigrants who had settled in Alberta in 1910, one a number of pioneer colonies in the US and Canada. Severe drought led to the community disbanding in the 1920s and the building was sold and moved to Hanna, Alberta in the 1940 where it was a private home into the 2000s. It was tracked down, restored, and moved to the Heritage Park Historical Village in Calgary at a cost of over a million dollars in 2008, where it is now known as “The Little Synagogue on the Prairie,” where its mission is “the education and enjoyment of the park’s visitors, in order to build bridges of understanding among people of all cultures and religions.” 
Sometimes the building retains its original function. Possibly the first move of this kind for a synagogue was the San Leandro Hebrew Congregation in the Bay Area south of Oakland, also known as the Little Shul. The congregation was organized in 1881 and built the building in 1889, but by 1947 the renamed Temple Beth Sholom had outgrown it and built a new building. It was purchased by First Baptist Church in 1952, and then sold to the Judah Magnes Museum of Berkeley, who rented it out for church services. In 1970, Temple Beth Sholom purchased the building back and moved it to behind their new building, where it is again used for services and other functions. It may be the oldest standing synagogue building in the East Bay.
With a similar name and a similar story, we go to Texas. Built in 1883, repaired after a fire in 1893, the B’nai Abraham Synagogue served the community of Brenham, Texas and was the oldest synagogue in continuous use in the state. As its membership dwindled, as was true in many small towns in the South, regular services were last held in the 1960s. Leon Toubin, then 87, and his wife Mimi were the buildings only remaining caretakers in 2015. Meanwhile the Jewish community in Austin was growing. And so, in August 2015, the building was divided into thirds and driven 90 miles to Austin’s Dell Jewish Community Campus, where it now serves as the sanctuary for Congregation Tiferet Israel.
Madison, Wisconsin’s first synagogue, Gates of Heaven, was dedicated in 1863. The active congregation shrank quickly in the 1870s as families left the area, and by 1879 was renting the building to the Unitarian Society. They continued to rent the building to churches and other groups before selling it in 1916, after which it was a funeral home, a tearoom, a wartime storage facility during World War II, a church, a dental office, and ultimately the office of then Congressman Robert Kastenmeier. In 1970 plans were drafted by new owners Fiore Coal and Oil Company to sell it for commercial development, which would have had it replaced with an office building. Members of nearby Beth El Temple started the Gates of Heaven Synagogue Preservation Fund to buy, move, and restore the building. In 1971, the building was driven across the isthmus to James Madison Park, where it is now owned by the Madison Parks Department and is rented out for special events and weddings. Beth El Temple holds High Holiday services there as well.
The first Jewsh congregation in San Diego, Adath Yeshurun, formally incorporated as Beth Israel in 1887. They built a redwood building in 1889 at at Second Avenue and Beech Street. By 1923 they had outgrown the building and built a new one at 3rd Avenue and Laurel Street in Bankers Hill. The old building was sold and used as a bank and for other purposes before the Fraternal Spiritualist Church bought it in 1938. With downtown growing up around it by the 1970s, it was scheduled for demolition. A historic designation in 1973 delayed demolition, and Beth Israel's Rabbi Joel Goor and Beth Israel president Jim Milch, among others in the congregation, worked to purchase the building for $10,000 and preserve it. Beth Israel gave the building to San Diego County as an example of 19th-century religious architecture, with the condition that the county would move it to Heritage Park and restore the exterior. The structure was cut in half, moved, and reassembled. After a $450,000 restoration, it was rededicated in 1989 for its 100th anniversary. The County Department of Parks and Recreation rents the building for weddings, bar mitzvahs, and other events. (After moving to a third building in 2001, Beth Israel's second building was also saved from development by historic designation and was sold to another congregation, Ohr Shalom.)
Info and images (and for more info and images): 
Adas Israel: WAMU 2016 and 2019, Curbed (2016 move), DCist (2016) Reuters (2019-spot me in the background of some of the photos), WTOP (2019), Washingtonian. First photo is mine.
San Leandro: Patch
Little Synagogue: Jewish Calgary, Calgary Herald and, Calgary Sun, Little Synagogue
B’nai Abraham: Banner-Press, JNS, Shalom Austin (with a few videos about the building and the move), KWHI, Tiferet Israel
Gates of Heaven: Madison 365, Madison.com, Wisconsin State Journal
Beth Israel: SOHO, Samuel Gruber, Beth Israel, San Diego Parks and Recreation
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rjzimmerman · 6 years
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Villagers in Canchayllo stand by a reconstructed canal. Carlos Díaz Huerta (Tres Mitades)/UNDP
Excerpt from this NPR story:
Climate change, vanishing ice and erratic rain patterns are causing the wetlands in two Andean communities to shrink — and that's a big problem for the communities of Miraflores and Canchayllo. The villagers depend on the puna, a set of alpine ecosystems above 13,000 feet that include grasslands and wetlands to graze sheep, cows, alpacas, llamas and vicuñas — animals that provide them with their livelihoods.
Instead of looking for modern solutions to improve access to water, the villagers turned to an old one: centuries-old hydraulic systems that dot the Nor Yauyos Cochas Landscape Reserve, a state-protected natural area seven hours east of Lima. These ancient systems have been used to help irrigate the reserve's pastures and provide nutrient-rich soil for hundreds of years.
So in 2013, the communities teamed up with scientists from U.S. nonprofit The Mountain Institute (TMI) and reserve authorities to devise plans to revive their historic waterways, including canals, lakes and reservoirs. In addition to providing water, the project also would help mitigate the effects of climate change on the landscape, which has been degraded by grazing, melting glaciers and erratic rainfall.
Andean communities — often marginalized and impoverished — are struggling to adapt to climate change, says Bryan Mark, a glaciologist with Ohio State University. Since the 1970s, Peru has lost more than 40 percent of its ice surfaces, a critical water source for the capital city of Lima and the rest of the semi-arid coast. This loss caused the wetlands to shrink, leading herders to overgraze what pastures were left. Some villagers are diversifying their livelihood with activities in fields such as tourism, while others have moved to nearby towns and cities.
The traditional practices that created and maintained the wetlands were disappearing, says Fernando Quiroz, the biologist in charge of the Nor Yauyos Cochas Landscape Reserve. "People have been here since pre-Incan times and they have always rotated grazing areas and organized traditional festivities to clean up ditches." If the ditches are not cleaned regularly, they tend to clog.
The ancient water systems the villagers wanted to revive once kept the wetlands verdant in the puna, an otherwise dry region sometimes described as an Andean tundra. When these systems functioned they created bofedales, prairies engineered by ancient Peruvians to retain meltwater and rainfall.
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pamphletstoinspire · 6 years
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Novena to Saint Kateri Tekakwitha (Lily of the Mohawks) - Flower of the Algonquin's
Recited from: July 5 through July 13 (USA) Feast Day July 14 Recited from: April 8 though 16 (Canada) Feast Day April 17​
The word Novena derives it name from the Latin word “novem” meaning “nine.” A novena can be either a private or public devotion in the Catholic Church to obtain special graces.
Novena to Saint Kateri Tekakwitha (Lily of the Mohawks)
Novena Thoughts
I Day - Prayer - Union with God
"The Prayer" was the Mohawk name for religion; "praying Indian" the name for a Christian Indian. All was open in an Indian Village, and the priests had to pray publicly. Their converts assembled in the chapel for prayer. Prayer is union with God, and what else is religion ?
When Tekakwitha saw the missionaries at prayer in her uncle's cabin, the sight irresistibly attracted her. It helped to unite her with God, until her life became an act of prayer, of union with God.
(Mention your request here).
Our Father… [Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.],
Hail Mary… [Hail Mary, Full of Grace, The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.]
Glory Be... [Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.].
Saint Kateri, as you were drawn to God by the prayers of the black robes who came to your village, now help us to draw close to God through prayer as well.
You filled your day with prayer amidst many trials – help us also to see that prayer is our refuge for every difficulty that we face.
Prayer filled you with joy and peace, help us that we may find this same joy, this same peace, in our prayers as well. Amen.​
II Day - Grace - A Child of God
Grace is the thought that comes with mention of Tekakwitha. Unbaptized until her twentieth year, through no fault of her parents or her own, she still was a child of grace, which means that she grew up in God's favor. She did all the good she could to retain God's favor. Kateri was a child of grace. May we, like Our Lord, grow in wisdom, age and grace!
(Mention your request here).
Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be... (As above)
Saint Kateri, your heart was opened to God’s message, your spirit was receptive to God’s voice, help us now to find this quiet space in our paths, for listening… to wait for direction in patience and to follow through with courage and firmness when the time is right. Amen.
III Day - Holiness - Heroic Virtues
Holy are those whose faith, hope and charity are extraordinary, who cultivate the virtues: prudence, justice, temperance, fortitude, and the good habits which grow out of these: prayer, humility, obedience, patience, resignation, penance. In all these Tekakwitha excelled .
(Mention your request here).
Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be... (As above)
Saint Kateri, you placed the practice of your faith above all other joys. Although the price was heavy, your heart was not sad for you held the joy of God within you. Strengthen our faith, deepen our convictions and pray that we too might act with boldness in following in the footsteps of Christ. Amen.​
IV Day - Names of Kateri
All her names inspire admiration and affection.
Kateri, Iroquois form of Catherine, her baptismal name, means pure, and she was purity itself.
"Lily of the Mohawks." Lily is the emblem of purity.
She is known as "The Good Catherine", because so many have received favors by invoking her.
St. Genevieve had saved Paris of Old France; Kateri was named Genevieve of New France after she had saved the mission and the missionaries.
Tekakwitha means "putting things in order", or "moving before her".
She put order among her people, and moves all by answers to prayer.
This flower of our American wildwood is now a canonized Saint of the Church!
(Mention your request here).
Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be... (As above)
Saint Kateri, you made the decision to move from one village to another in order to strengthen your desire to serve God. Help us to follow through with decisions we too need to make in our lives to serve God. Give us the courage to act boldly –the strength to do it, and the persistence to follow through each and every day. Amen.
V Day - Innocence
One who is innocent will harm nobody, nor see evil in others; will not shock, scandalize or grieve them, but give them edification, pleasure, and win their admiration and affection.
She remained innocent: thought no evil, harbored no suspicion, entertained no ill-will, as if she were not of this world.
(Mention your request here).
Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be... (As above)
Saint Kateri, so many times we have wonderful ideas on how we can offer ourselves to God, but many times, God’s ways are not our ways. You gave yourself totally to God, you embraced the cross in whatever form it presented itself each day. Pray for us, that we might too say “yes” each day to the crosses placed before us. Amen.
VI Day - The Blessed Sacrament
Out from her Caughnawaga cabin at dawn and straight-way to the chapel to adore the Blessed Sacrament, hear every Mass; back again during the day to hear instruction, and at night for a last prayer or Benediction. Her neighbors sought to be near her when she received Holy Communion, as her manner excited devotion.
(Mention your request here).
Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be... (As above)
Saint Kateri, help us to live with a thankful heart. Help us to embrace our greatest weaknesses with confidence – knowing all can work for our salvation. Amen.​
VII Day - The Cross
Tekakwitha loved the image of the Cross. During the hunt she made an oratory in the woods by cutting a cross in the bark of a tree. The first picture of her, the only portrait of an Indian of that long ago, represents her venerating a small cross. It moved her to do penance in order to imitate Our Lord in His Passion.
(Mention your request here).
Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be... (As above)
O Blessed Saint Kateri, we need your patience and strength to continue to face the crosses we meet each day in our lives. Help us in times of spiritual dryness to know that God is preparing us for better times ahead. Amen.
VIII Day - The Blessed Virgin
The faithful Indian convert women of your village, would tell you about your affectionate heavenly mother. This helped you to grow closer to the Mother of Christ. The rosary and the Litany of Loreto were your favorite prayers to our Blessed Mother. More than once you walked or canoed ten miles from your Mohawk village in Caughnawaga to Tionontoguen, where a statue of Our Lady was venerated under the title, Virgin Most Faithful.
(Mention your request here).
Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be... (As above)
O Blessed Saint Kateri, help us to trust as you trusted. Help us to see light even in our present difficulties. Help us to know that God has not abandoned or moved away from us. Help us to know and to believe that God is with us. Amen.​
IX Day - Invocation
O Saint Tekakwitha, I admire the virtues which adorned your soul: love of God and neighbor, humility, obedience, patience, purity and the spirit of sacrifice. Help me to imitate your example in my state of life. Through the goodness and mercy of God, Who has blessed you with so many graces which led you to the true faith and to a high degree of holiness, pray to God for me and help me.
(Mention your request here).
Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be... (As above)
O Blessed Saint Kateri, you now know with great joy the happiness of heaven. Teach us how to open our hearts to be free to serve God and our neighbor. In our moments of weaknesses, fears and trials, help us to trust in the goodness and kindness of God. Amen.​
Brief Biography​
Born in 1656 in Ossernenon NY
Baptized April 18, 1676 St. Peter's Mission in Caughnawaga NY
Received Her First Communion on Christmas Day 1677 - St. Francis Mission in La Prairie Canada
Died Wednesday of Holy Week, April 17, 1680 in Kahnawaké Canada
Declared Venerable by Pope Pius XII on January 3, 1943
Declared Blessed by Pope John Paul II on June 22, 1980
Canonized by Pope Benedict XVI on October 21, 2012
The Native Americans needed a patron saint.
Saint Kateri Tekakwitha is that person.
She was born of a Catholic Algonquin mother and a Mohawk father.
She was influenced by the fervent Christianity of her mother and of the Black Robes to live a life of remarkable virtue, at the heart of not only a Christian - "a praying Indian" - but also as Christian virgin.
She attained the most perfect union with her Creator in prayer.
Her extraordinary sanctity impressed not only her own people but the French and the Jesuit missionaries.​
Click below for:​
Novena Pamphlet to St. Kateri Tekawitha​
All Novena Pamphlets
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tipsycad147 · 3 years
Back to Nature? Not likely. Thoughts on a sensible modern Paganism
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by Michelle Gruben
What does an Earth-based religion look like in the 21st century? If you ask my Pinterest feed, a certain brand of rustic fantasy emerges. There is a lot of bark. There is a lot of artfully arrayed moss. There are corsets and loincloths and tools of antler and clay. You can only deduce that Paganism is something one does outdoors, away from modern conveniences, and preferably while looking fabulously disheveled.
Campfires, misty groves, stones and bones--these images speak to us and inspire us. A yearning for natural surroundings (and for the distant past) is one of the common threads that connect diverse Pagan paths. When witches and Pagans gather outdoors, there is a palpable sense of joy. Indeed, some of them say it’s the only time they feel like they can really be themselves.
I approach these “back to Nature” moments with mixed feelings. Like most Pagans, I also experience a deep longing for the natural world and for Other worlds. Sometimes it feels strange to live in a modern city with millions of humans. Sometimes it even feels like an exile.
And yet, I choose to live in a big city, and marvel at the diversity and creativity it sustains. It makes me happy, as I approach my 30th birthday, that I still have all my teeth and don’t have to forage or fight for dinner. I understand that my current “where” and “when” allows me more wealth and opportunity than would have been possible at any other point in history.
Also, while I love Nature, I really don’t care much for the outdoors. Mosquito bites practically cripple me, and I’ve never yet been moved to tears by the sight of the Texas scrub prairie. Visiting with friends around a revel fire, I once ventured that we hold next year’s Samhain gathering at the Marriott Courtyard—a suggestion that was immediately met with playful boos and jeers.
All joking aside, the sentimental idea of a return to Nature hurts modern Paganism. It’s naïve, historically inaccurate, spiritually and socially regressive—not to mention impossible.
Misty-eyed Pagans love to spin yarns of a bygone society, usually matriarchal, that was egalitarian and Nature-based. Too bad historical anthropology doesn’t corroborate any of these ideas. The archaeological evidence we do have indicates that prehistoric people were massive poachers and litterbugs, far more concerned with their own immediate survival than the long-term health of Earth and Her creatures.
Even if such a Pagan paradise did exist in the past, it’s too late to reconstruct it. The time has long gone when Earth’s population can “live off the land” in hunter-gatherer fashion—abolishing mass agriculture would result in the starvation of the vast majority of human beings. Our communities are too large and complex to be led by a seer or shaman (the way us “seer/shaman” types might wish for). We are riding in a time machine, and it only moves forward.
I’m not suggesting that any Pagan diminish their affection for Nature. Earth is our home and our source of life. Without Her, we have neither. The point is to expand our understanding of what Nature encompasses—including our amazing ingenuity in making our homes on this little blue ball.
Even urban Pagans can retain a deep reverence for the movements of the Sun and Moon, the Earth’s seasons, and the four directions. Though they’re ironically associated with wishy-washy, airy-fairy beliefs, these phenomena are about the closest thing to objective reality. Gaia’s beautiful habits are a worthy lodestar on which to center one’s faith. In bumper sticker terms: “I worship Nature. Don’t laugh—I can prove it exists.”
Industrialism, militarism, and all their associated evils have scarred so many lives and done such dire harm to the planet that it’s no wonder that people wish to retreat—literally or metaphorically—into a cozy primeval cave. Given the terrifying realities of modern life, it’s certainly not wrong to indulge in a little backwards-thinking fantasy now and then. The myth of a lost green utopia stirs something in us, and these feelings ought to be recognized--but it’s not a model for a Pagan practice moving forward.
Don’t get me wrong—I’m happy so many Pagans are challenging the destruction and exploitation of natural environments. I love to see people teaching, exploring, and worshiping outdoors. Preserving and enjoying the Earth is one of our roles as Pagan souls, but I think that more is possible—required, actually.
Simply put, I believe that our Gods, ancestors, Fae—whoever you feel cares about the fate of our planet and species—have a very special and very difficult mission for us. We are being asked to co-create a Nature-based spiritual awareness--one that is compatible with our ever-advancing global populations and technology. We must integrate these changes, because reversing them isn’t feasible and denying them is folly.
Many Pagans alive today are old souls, but we can spin that trait into an asset rather than a liability. I don’t think we need to resign ourselves to being Luddites, village eccentrics, or hopeless nostalgics. But we need to have the courage to face facts, and to work for change outside of our comfortable, insular communities. The experiences we have around the bonfire matter, but it’s what we do when we return to civilization that will define our future.
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morganbelarus · 5 years
How local ‘fake news’ websites spread ‘conservative propaganda’ in the US
Locality Labs, a company operating scores of sites that purports to be a local news organization, is facing criticism it is part of a rightwing lobbying effort
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In March this year, the small Illinois town of Hinsdale, in the western Chicago suburbs, was facing a crisis.
The villages district had a funding shortfall, and a referendum was scheduled to determine whether $140m could be pumped into Hinsdales schools.
The referendum was hotly contested an organized, enthused Vote Yes campaign was pushing hard for people to back the vote. It looked like the referendum might deliver a yes verdict.
Enter Locality Labs, a shadowy, controversial company that purports to be a local news organization, but is facing increasing criticism as being part of a nationwide rightwing lobbying effort masquerading as journalism.
The company, with two other linked organizations, was responsible for the Hinsdale School News, a print newspaper that was distributed around Hinsdale voters. The paper had the Hinsdale high school district logo, and the look of a journalistic organization. But, as the Hinsdalean reported, the newspaper was stuffed full of articles, mostly byline-free, which had a distinct anti-referendum skew.
The depths of what they went to were pretty egregious, said Joan Brandeis, who was part of the Vote Yes Campaign.
This was purposely done to mislead people into thinking that was a publication from the district.
The unusual effort in Hinsdale which ultimately failed when Hinsdale voted yes to the $140m funding, was one of the more strident examples of what appears to be a sweeping effort to populate the country with local, rightwing-skewed news sites.
Locality Labs operates scores of sites across Illinois, Michigan, Maryland and Wisconsin, often sharing content. In Michigan alone, the Lansing State Journal reported, almost 40 sites opened in one fell swoop this fall.
It is always a bit troubling in the current environment when websites dont really indicate what theyre all about, and sort of hide who is behind them, and I think thats clearly the case here, said Matt Gertz, a senior fellow at the not-for-profit press watchdog Media Matters.
In the fractured media environment that were operating in now, if youre just scrolling through your Facebook feed or your Twitter feed and you see an article, you click on it and you might take in the information from there without really ever wondering what the source actually is.
The CEO of Locality Labs is Brian Timpone, an ex-journalist with a track record of operating dubious news organizations. Timpones predecessor to Locality Labs was a company called Journatic, which saw a licensing contract with the Chicago Tribune torn up after it published plagiarized articles and made up quotes and fake names for its writers. Locality Labs did not respond to a request for comment.
Locality Labs sites are almost identical in layout. The Great Lakes Wire is similar to the Ann Arbor Times, which bears a striking resemblance to the DuPage Policy Journal and the Prairie State Wire.
Each has the look of a local news organization, with information on gas prices and local businesses.
Some of the sites in a slightly difficult to find About section say they are a product of Local Government Information Services, and state that they are funded by advocacy groups who believe in limited government.
But others the Prairie State Wire, for example either do not, or they claim to be an objective product of a Locality Labs-linked company called Metrics Media, despite retaining their rightwing tone.
What the sites all have in common is praising Republican politicians, and denigrating Democratic ones.
Last week Illinois sites including the West Cook News, Grundy Reporter, South Central Reporter and Illinois Valley Times each ran a story about a thinktank criticizing JB Pritzker, the states Democratic governor.
The stories were all written by Glenn Minnis whose byline was also listed in the Hinsdale School News. None of the articles mentioned that the thinktank in question was a rightwing, anti-tax lobbying organization.
Other articles written by Minnis include a slew of stories in support of Jeanne Ives, a Republican candidate for Congress.
Ives Federal Election Commission filings show that she paid $2,000 to a company called Franklin Archer this year. The CEO of Franklin Archer is Michael Timpone, who a former Franklin Archer employee confirmed to the Guardian is the brother of Locality Labs Timpone.
Franklin Archer says it specializes in public relations and social promotion, and owns 200 local news sites, according to its website, which are operated by Locality Labs.
Theres this understanding that local news is in shambles now
Ives made the $2,000 payment to Franklin Archer in August, around the same time Locality Labs-operated news sites began writing articles praising her and her campaign. Franklin Archer did not respond to a request for comment.
Opinion as news is nothing new. But the appearance of the rightwing-skewed Locality Labs sites, presented as merely local news, has been aided by the demise of the local news industry in America as real local newspapers have shut down in droves, sometimes leading to news deserts.
About 1,800 newspapers closed between 2004 and 2018, while a University of North Carolina study last year found that 1,300 US communities have completely lost news coverage.
Theres this understanding that local news is in shambles right now, that newspapers across the country are failing and that there is a lack of local coverage, Gertz said. Despite that crisis, Gertz said people still tend to have more faith in local news than in national outlets.
And so theres an idea here that you can move in and take advantage of that, of both the lack of local news options and the fact that people are inclined to trust local news by creating these hyperlocal news sites and provide no little bit of conservative propaganda.
The trend has already been documented in television news. The conservative-friendly media firm Sinclair Media Group has spent the last few years buying up local television stations it currently owns almost 200 across the country.
A 2018 study into Sinclair, by the Emory University political scientists Gregory Martin and Josh McCrain, found that once Sinclair absorbed a new channel, the stations output quickly changed tone. The newly acquired stations reduce coverage of local news, Martin and McCrain wrote, and move the ideological tone of coverage in a conservative direction.
Something like Sinclair is more concerning simply because they have the built-in audience. Theyre moving into metropolises by buying local stations, Gertz said.
Theres a clear model for actually having political influence.
The model for Locality Labs is less tried and tested. But with the decline of local news unlikely to be reversed anytime soon, it seems the opportunities for further murkiness will only get larger.
Original Article : HERE ;
How local ‘fake news’ websites spread ‘conservative propaganda’ in the US was originally posted by MetNews
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toombsorthodontics · 1 year
Keep your smile looking its best with Toombs Orthodontics! Our team of experienced orthodontists will help you find the perfect retainer to fit your individual needs and provide you with all the necessary tips and tricks for proper retainer maintenance. With our top-of-the-line retainers, you can ensure your teeth stay perfectly aligned and healthy for years to come. Contact us now to know more.
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oblivionspeakk · 5 years
On a incredibly hot summertime's day patio home furnishings can be a real godsend, an oasis of relaxation and bliss which is absolutely nothing quick of heaven. The Johannesburg Social Housing Company (Joshco), given the process of building the Sol Plaatje settlement, contracted Motheo Construction Group to refurbish the existing one-storey mining hostels and convert them into double-storey blocks of flats, to establish RDP units and clean flats and to lay drinking water and sewage pipes.
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How To Pick The Best Garage Door
If you want to maximize the value of your home, you'll find garage doors are an easy and affordable method to increase your home's curb appeal. A good garage door will distinguish it from the rest of the neighborhood. For something extra special, custom made garage doors can be designed to your specifications. The most common types of garage doors are: Retractable, Canopy Side, and Hinged Sectional Retractable. Where limited space in your driveway is an issue, sectional garage doors are the right choice. They open and shut vertically, allowing cars to park very close to the door without keeping it from opening. Among the wide variety of designs, the most popular garage doors are sectional, upward acting, and self storing. The Types of Garage Doors Gone are the old manual doors. Today you'll find that remote controlled and motorized garage doors have produced a more usable garage. The most popular style is the overhead garage door. The primary concern in planning your garage door is the material used. Selecting the best garage door materials for your needs will depend on a few things like the style of your home, and how warm you want your garage to be. There are 3 main materials for garage door construction: Wood, Steel and Fiberglass (GRP). When you're planning to install a garage door, you must consider door type and materials. You can also incorporate into your plan such things as heated garages or unique window options. The Most Popular Style is the Overhead Garage Door Overhead garage doors are by far the most popular type of garage door available to homeowners. With automatic stop and begin features, people find overhead garage doors easy to use, with wonderful options and safety features. Overhead garage doors work with a rolling system. The door rolls up and stores along the roof of the garage. Overhead door features to look for are that they are smooth, quiet and compact. Installing an overhead garage door is simple; do it yourself, or get help from the manufacturer. Popular garage door manufacturers include Garaga, Liftmaster, Raynor or DBCI. The Appeal of Wood Wood garage doors are preferred more for their appearance and affordability than for their durability. You can select wood types like solid cedar for a durable garage door, which will last for years and look wonderful. Sections of roll-up wood doors may have either panel or flush construction. For panel doors, manufacturers fit several separate, rectangular panels into a wooden frame. Flush sections are made by fastening a plywood panel on top of a wooden frame. The main disadvantage to a wooden garage door is that wood expands and contracts and can warp or crack as it weathers. It demands re-painting or refinishing every couple of years to keep it looking good and in top condition. Steel Garage Doors Have Many Advantages The main advantage to steel garage doors is that they won't warp, crack, or fall apart because of weather. With no painting or refinishing requirements, steel doors are a low maintenance possibility that will keep your home looking stylish. Nowadays most steel garage doors are made of hot-dipped galvanized steel that is vinyl clad or given a baked on polyester finish. They will not rust or require repainting like wooden doors. Another important advantage of steel garage doors is that they achieve the look of wood without the maintenance. Some have grained steel skins that can be stained to look just like wood. A design mimicking carriage house doors has become quite popular for nearly a decade. Some manufacturers use composite or vinyl boards on the exterior of a steel door to make it look like an outward swinging door. The only disadvantage to steel doors is that they dent and can be difficult to repair. A premium door is often 2 inches thick, filled with insulation, and clad in 24-gauge steel. Less-expensive doors are usually thinner and made of 28 gauge steel. So steel offers real benefits over wood; it costs less and it needs much less maintenance and with can look just like wood. The Assets of Fiberglass Fiberglass, sometimes called GRP, garage doors are chosen for locations where light is important or in salty ocean climates. GRP garage doors need only mild exterior cleaning to retain their quality finish. They generally they do not need to be stained or finished. The most popular style for a GRP garage door is the retractable garage door. Fiberglass is a tough and durable material which will keep looking good for years. Conclusions Each of garage door material has its own benefits: Steel up and over doors are sturdy and give great value for money; wood doors are insulated and have an appealing look, and fiberglass up and over garage doors are extremely low maintenance offering a timber effect without the maintenance of real wood. Which ever you pick you'll be sure that it will elevate the curb appeal and the value of your home, and increase your feeling of security.
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Lakewood is a neighborhood in East Dallas, Texas (USA). It is adjacent to White Rock Lake and Northeast of Downtown Dallas. Lakewood is directly east of the West Village and Highland Park neighborhoods in Dallas. Skillman St. and Abrams Rd run South to North through Lakewood.
Lakewood has the historic Lakewood Theater, which used to show classic films and host contemporary musical and comedy events. It has been renovated to house a bowling alley and gaming business, but retains the original exterior look and many interior elements. The Lakewood shopping area is an entire neighborhood of diverse restaurants and shopping venues. Nearby the popular Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Gardens has an extensive children's adventure garden housed within its 66 acres. Both overlook the beautiful White Rock Lake.
One of the year's highlights is the charming Lakewood Fourth of July Parade and Celebration. It reflects the small-time feel in the middle of the city that Lakewood is so well known for. The 2016 theme is Lakewood Dreams Big: in Red, White and Blue.
Each fall, the Lakewood Early Childhood PTA raises hundreds of thousands of dollars for Lakewood Elementary with its Fall Home Festival and Tour. Lakewood Elementary is highly rated and is one of the major attractions of the neighborhood for residents.
Lakewood is also home to Lakewood Country Club. Built in 1912, Lakewood Country Club’s three-story clubhouse overlooked a woodland that rolled and tumbled pleasantly over this fast growing East Dallas neighborhood. The Club’s founding fathers knew that the land at the corner of Gaston and Abrams would be a perfect spot for Dallas’ second 18-hole golf course.
Lakewood proper is surrounded by a collection of other historically significant neighborhoods, generally developed from the early 20th century to the 1950s, including Lakewood Heights, Junius Heights Historic District (Bungalow Heaven), Parks Estates, North Stonewall Terrace, Caruth Terrace, Wilshire Heights, Mockingbird Heights, Mockingbird Meadows, The Gated Cloisters, Hillside, Lakewood Hills (formerly Gastonwood-Coronado Hills), Hollywood Heights, and Belmont; among others. Commonly, people outside these neighborhoods group them together under the heading of Lakewood, The M-Streets, or Old East Dallas - which are overlapping regions in the near-eastern part of the city. Historic Swiss Avenue (Mansion Row) anchors the area towards Downtown.
Currently, there are a large number of Historic and Conservation Districts reflecting prodigious numbers of Craftsman, Prairie-Four Squares, Tudors, Spanish and Mediterranean Eclectic and Early Ranch homes, many of native Austin stone. Conservation Districts are zoning tools used by the city of Dallas regulate various architectural aspects of a home's construction. The homes range from two-bedroom bungalows to massive estates on acreage. There are also duplexes, four-plexes and very small apartment complexes.
Some of the older, smaller homes are being torn down in favor of much larger, more expensive homes. -wikipedia
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sarissophori · 5 years
Hither Yonder, Chapter 1
Home Aflame
When twelve-year-old Halli ran to the barn she and her younger sister lived and worked, it was already on fire from torches thrown into the hay lofts, and left to burn. The home of their caretakers was also in flames, having been plundered first. Men on horses were riding through the fields and along the roads, burning more homes and rounding up whoever they caught, wheeling about like predators to tighten the noose around their prey. Those who fought or ran were cut down, but wonton slaughter was not the objective; their lord wanted as many slaves as could be found, unharmed if it could be helped. A wounded servant would be of little use for labor, a dead one much less.
    Bright tongues lashed the darkening sky in dancing columns, gorged on timber frames. Roosters and hens fluttered aimlessly, shrill and frightened. Livestock charged the fields in panic, trampling crops, and a lone pony kicked at the air with steaming hooves.
        Halli went unnoticed in the chaos and crawled into her barn, already buckling under its own weight. The heat drenched her backside and singed the fine hairs on her arms.
        “Yuta, Yuta!”
        She waited for her sister to answer, then called louder: “Yuta, Yuta!”
        A small hand waved in the smoke. “I’m here, here!”
        Halli crawled through the stables, dragging her elbows across smoldering straw and ash to find Yuta curled in a ball, having wedged herself between the side gate and a trough. A wool blanket was drawn over her body, first to hide, then to protect from the falling embers. Halli threw the blanket aside.
        “We have to go, come on!”
        Halli grabbed her by the arm, but when they stood Yuta cried out and knelt, putting a hand on her right leg.
        “What is it?”
        “My leg, my leg!”
        Along her calf was a jagged cut and a deep black bruise. “One of the beams fell on me when I tried to hide –it hurts, Halli!”
        Halli wanted the luxury of being frustrated, but was too driven in her fear. She draped Yuta’s arm over her shoulder and hobbled her out, almost dragging her. Yuta clenched her teeth to keep from crying, though tears were on her face. The roof’s center beam collapsed as they escaped the inferno, leveling the barn, sending embers flying. The village was similarly ruined, with horsemen still searching for anyone missed in the confusion.
        Halli and Yuta staggered away from the devastation, to a grove that hugged the bank of a shallow creek nearby. They huddled close to the water’s edge and listened as the soldiers shouted at their captives to arrange in files. Horses trotted by the tree line, whinnying in the dark as their riders spoke softly, grazing the shrubs and branches with their spear tips. Halli and Yuta sat motionless, hand over mouth, until the men went further downstream. Only now did Halli risk tending her sister’s injury.
        She felt from knee to ankle, making Yuta wince.
        “The bone might be broken.”
        Halli washed the open wound in the creek, then tore off a strip of cloth from her sleeve. She placed a branch beside the leg and wrapped it firmly, tying it taut. Yuta breathed sharply. Halli forced herself to smile. “See? Good as new.”
        Yuta didn’t smile, hating to be so crippled, to slow them down when speed was most needed. She knew she would be a burden from here on, maybe even permanently lamed, if they lived long enough for it to matter.
        “Halli, if you have to, leave me behind. I don’t want to be the reason we’re both caught.”
        “I’m not leaving you” Halli said. “I promised I would look after you, and that’s what I’m going to do, fates willing.”
        “Fate seems awfully cruel to us this night.”
        “Only if we are found, now come.”
        Halli again balanced Yuta on her shoulder, encouraging her to limp through the pain. They followed the creek where it fed into a small river that curved by the village, where a bridge crossed over; the best chance of evasion. Halli helped Yuta with the uneven ground, being both careful and quick. The trees were lit in a wavering red glow from the burning homes, through which flitted the silhouettes of the riders. They called out in a language none in the plain-lands spoke, but their ancestors had heard before; the tongue of Tarmaril of old, before it was mingled with more rustic speech, fluid yet stern, beautiful yet harsh, uttered by a people who retained the cruelest manners of a greater lineage.
        Halli and Yuta came to the bridge, hiding under the arch. The road, in the twilight, looked clear. They hobbled up and crossed while crouching, a difficult thing for Yuta in her splint, but necessitated by caution. Halli whispered encouragement to keep her spirits up. When they neared the other side, with hope at its highest, they heard the beat of hooves behind them. They turned and saw the galloping vanguard of the main host, going on ahead as scouts. The lead rider spotted them and shouted.
        Yuta clutched at Halli’s tunic.
        “What now, what now?”
        Halli froze. She didn’t know.
        In speed the rider was upon them, his horse skidding to a halt and snorting, stamping hoof on cobblestone. Halli raised a hand. “Back away, don’t hurt my sister!”
        The rider pulled his reins, then flipped his spear about. He swung it at Halli, striking her on the side of her head, and both girls fell hard. Halli was stunned out of her senses, feeling numb and tasting copper. Yuta screamed and cried. Halli lay unmoving, suddenly forgetting where she was, or what was happening.
Halli couldn’t remember if she lost consciousness or not, drifting between fogs of dark and waking. All she knew was that in the clarity of her regained thoughts was a night of terror, and a pale morning with a gentle wind. She stirred, feeling a bed of hay underneath her –it was moving, rocking like a wagon; then she heard the sound of creaking wheels, and smelled the stench of horses.
        She opened her eyes and looked around. She was part of a wagon train, locked up with many others from her village and escorted by cavalry. There were irons on her wrists, and a collar around her neck. Yuta was beside her, sitting and staring out listlessly through the bars. For all their harshness, their captors at least left her splint intact.
        Halli lay still, letting the wagon rock her. Her head continued to throb, the temple in particular, and trying to move only made it worse. How badly she wished this to be a waking nightmare; that she was really in her cot in the barn, safe and sound, waiting for the rooster’s crow and the dawn’s chores. The hens would already be up and grazing, the ponies itching to leave their stables for a morning trot. Yuta would be by the well to refill the outside troughs, the fowl clucking at her heels. There would be field and plough-work until noon, when the heat of the day had them in the orchards by the village, plucking bushels. By evening supper would be prepared and served, then it would be back to the barn for a well-deserved rest, till the next dawn.
        This wasn’t how a day was supposed to be. Not for them. The gods in their infinite mercy wouldn’t allow it so, be they more than fables and bedtime stories. And yet here she was, sister in tow, newly collected slaves for the one kingdom in the Hinterlands that still honored the practice.
        The wagon train went east, traveling through Hanan’s vast prairie-like expanse to its easternmost marches, where scattered woodlands hugged and crowned the far hills. The train stopped to refresh their horses along a trail of manmade watering holes dug out by the engineers and soldiers of Tarmaril while her Imperium lasted, when Hanan was a vassal-province. The trail ended at a large lake just beyond Hanan’s furthest border, called Tirgon, where sat an ancient fortress also built in those former days. The garrison welcomed their cavalry’s return and restocked them, taking inventory of their spoils before letting them move on. 
        Halli and Yuta were made to stand in line with the villagers as officials with scrolls scrutinized them, recording the numbers of men, women and children, old and young, healthy and ill.
        “Where take you us?” Halli asked them.
        “To Dumbria yonder” they said, adding her and Yuta to their lists. “Past the fortress. It is the destination of all slaves.”
        Thus counted, the train resumed course through a gap in the hills, leaving Hanan behind.
The kingdom of Dumbria was once the outermost territory of the Tarmaril Imperium, founded on the peninsula of a great continental sea, the Sea of Ahn. With Tarmaril’s fall, Dumbria became independent and diminished, wielding a tithe of her former power, but it was enough to subjugate the surrounding lands and take what the Dumbrians desired, neglecting their founding purpose: to secure the easternmost frontier against the empire of Ahn, Tarmaril’s bitterest enemy in war, her equal in might and splendor, and her survivor of the ages.
        After five day’s travel from Fortress Tirgon, seven in all, the train came to Thargorod in the early morning, Dumbria’s chief and greatest city, harbor to her merchant and military fleets. By the stone walls of the inner keep was a sprawling marketplace, where the Hananin were offloaded and herded into slave’s quarters to be evaluated, before being sent to the forum for auctioning. Marketers and businessmen read the lists, separating them accordingly: husbands from wives, brothers from sisters, children from their mothers. When they saw Halli and Yuta they frowned, for Yuta was injured, and would not be as desirable as the other slaves.
        “What be this?” a handler said. “Look at her! She is unfit for purchase. No one will pay for damaged goods.”
        “Is there a better choice?” another said. “We have so few to sell this season. Hanan is not well populated, not like Ipsaria or Doria. We may as well try. Money is money, after all.”
        With that, the Hananin were stripped, washed, and dressed in plain tunics. By afternoon that day they were paraded before throngs of eager buyers upon a podium under the shadow of the keep. The city’s nobility, who held vast estates in the country surrounding the city, were foremost in the crowd to ensure prime choices for their labor. Courtiers came also from Ahn, being on more or less friendly terms with Dumbria in these later years, purchasing slaves for the kings of the east. The strong men and pretty women sold quickly. Halli and Yuta watched with misty eyes as villagers they knew their entire lives were unshackled from the podium and led to their new owners, who regarded them with the same affection as an object, or an instrument.     Most of the children were crying, threatening the mood of the auction. They were shushed, smacked, then finally marched back to the slave’s quarters, for the buyers did not wish to be reminded of the humanity of their assets. There the children stayed for the rest of the day, and the next, until their open sadness was numbed into a forlorn indifference, assuring better handling and cooperation.
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acdbengal · 6 years
FL: Study for New Gainesville, Ocala Airport Takes Off
Nov. 17–Heading into one of the year’s busiest weeks for travel, the chief benefit of flying out of Gainesville Regional Airport is clear — no lines, no waiting — while the biggest drawback is also obvious — few options for cheap flights.
Despite millions spent to improve parking and expand the terminal and the addition of twice-daily American Airlines routes to Dallas that begin in March, Gainesville Regional’s scanty schedule is seen by some business leaders as a threat to attracting and retaining high-tech companies and a talented workforce.
Greg Schultz, general manger of Mindtree, a national information technology company with a base in Innovation Square, said Gainesville’s lack of direct flights and carrier choices and high airfares presents a "huge problem" for the company that ushers in clients in banking and insurance services from around the nation.
"Those are the there biggest challenges I see with Gainesville’s current airport. About 70 percent of our clients come to us from outside of Gainesville, and it becomes very problematic because a lot of the flights are booked two-to-three weeks out. Finding a flight to Gainesville at that point means tickets are $700 to $900 a pop. It becomes very expensive. And so often, flights are booked to Jacksonville, Tampa, or Orlando.
"But then, it takes an hour and half drive to come to our Gainesville offices. You lose a lot of time traveling. Time is money and everyone wants to make their trips as short as possible. Logistically, it just becomes a nightmare," Schultz said.
A group of community and business leaders, including Schultz, have started a task force to explore feasibility for a new commerical airport closer to the Alachua-Marion county line.
The idea to move the Gainesville Regional Airport south isn’t a new idea. It was brought up in the 1990s, studied and then shot down.
Mitch Glaeser, CEO of Gainesville-based Emory Group of Companies, is spearheading the new initiative and directing the task force. Glaeser believes now is a better time than ever to take the potential move seriously.
The task force, which is not sanctioned by any government body but whose members were appointed by local chambers of commerce, is lobbying for support of a new airport. They have commissioned a $65,000 data study from aviation consulting company Alieveon Pacific to identify how many new passengers might be attracted by an airport between Gainesville and Ocala.
A new location for a combined Ocala-Gainesville airport has not been selected by the group, but the general idea is it would be closer to the Alachua and Marion County line to draw more travelers from the southern portion of Marion County, where sprawling retirement communities hold the majority of the county’s population. But the land between Gainesville and Ocala is also known high-value horse farms and ecologically fragile prairies.
Alachua County’s members on the task force, along with Glaeser and Schultz, include Charlie Lane, University of Florida senior vice president and chief operating officer; Bob Page, a local CenterState bank executive; and real estate agent Diyonne McGraw, the chair of the African American Accountability Alliance (4As) political action committee. They were appointed by the Gainesville Area Chamber of Commerce.
In Marion County, task for members include Navroz Saju, president and CEO for HDG Hotels; Lynette Vermillion, a member of the Chamber & Economic Partnership; Thad Boyd, of Boyd Real Estate Group; Dan Peters, CEO of REV Fire Group; and Joe Donnelly, general manager of Golden Ocala Golf and and Equestrian Group. They were appointed by the Ocala-Marion CEP.
"Every business looks at their customer base, and airports are no different … We wanted to see if we looked at a regional partnership and collectively worked together on a combined airport, what would (the catchment area) model out to be?" Glaeser said. "From the study, we’re going to take those data points and make some decisions that way."
A decision to move the airport would not come from task force. It wouldn’t have authority to make one. It would require approval from the Federal Aviation Administration, Florida Division of Aeronautics, and the Gainesville/Alachua County Airport Authority Board.
And then there’s the hundreds of millions of dollars in infrastructure funding required.
It’d take years of work, Glaeser said, but he believes it’s necessary.
Proponents say a new airport is needed to keep a local airport and business community thriving, while making air travel in the area more friendly and cheaper for families with children. The airport is losing or "leaking" too many customers to more bustling airports in south Florida, Glaeser said, which offer more direct and cheaper flights to travelers in tourism-driven areas like Orlando.
Gainesville’s airport ranks 19th out of 20 Florida airports for yearly air passenger traffic, according to statistics from 2017.
Allan Penksa, who has been CEO of the Gainesville Regional Airport for more than a decade, said comparing Gainesville’s airport to other airports is like comparing apples to oranges. And it’s naive to compare Gainesville’s airport to other Florida cities with an airport, he said.
Gainesville clearly does not have the tourism market found in other Florida cities like Orlando, Miami, Tampa, Pensacola, Daytona, or even the similarly-sized Tallahassee, which has air traffic from politicians traveling in and out of the city and more state capital-related tourism, Penksa said. Tallahassee’s airport is ranked 15th out of 20 Florida airports in air passenger traffic.
And though not generally seen as a family-fun tourist attraction, Tallahassee’s airport still had 100,000 more people who flew out of the state capital than Gainesville in 2017.
"I’m not against (moving) it. There’s pros and cons to this," he said. "But it’s most important to remember if you look at one community, you’re looking at one community."
Penksa said additionally, carriers that offer cheap flights, like Allegiant and Spirit, don’t come into markets like Gainesville because it doesn’t fit their business model. Penksa said they offer flights from colder cities to tourist cities, like Orlando. But the tourism industry in Gainesville, even combined with Ocala, isn’t big enough to draw those carriers to north central Florida.
Southwest Airlines, a major U.S. carrier, won’t enter markets with a metropolitan statistical area with a population less than 1 million people, Penksa said.
Ocala International Airport does not have passenger service but gets its global bragging rights because chartered aircraft carry thoroughbreds and other high-priced horses from auctions and training facilities. The airport was served by Eastern Airlines for about 25 years before the airline shifted its flights to Gainesville. Work recently began on a new $6 million terminal for general aviation.
Even if Marion and Alachua County combined airports, Penksa doubts it would lure Southwest, which already serves eight Florida cities including Jacksonville, Orlando and Tampa.
Despite the lack of tourism or a huge population, a new airport located near the Marion and Alachua County line, Glaeser said, could attract travelers from areas like The Villages who don’t want to deal with the traffic around Tampa and Orlando.
And this region is expected to grow. The area within a 75-mile radius of where a new airport might be located is expected to be home to 1.2 million people by 2020, according to NASA’s Earth Data project.
"We need more direct flights," Glaeser said. "We need to focus on our customer service, businesses and families."
Kevin Sheilley, president and CEO of the Ocala CEP, said he first heard of the idea of a Ocala-Gainesville airport from former Gainesville Chamber President and CEO Susan Davenport, who proposed the idea to him in the summer of 2017. He said he thought it was a good idea.
"This can make sense," Sheilley thought.
Sheilley said he views the new airport as an economic opportunity to grow the Marion County’s footprint for office space and corporate headquarters.
"There would be a lot more air travel if it was more convenient," he said. "I think knowing that when you get off a plane that you’d only have 25 minutes to get to your home instead of an hour and a half drive would be an advantage and open up opportunities."
Sheilley said he’s excited to study the data and then worry about cost.
"The cost is something you definitely have to look at but we have to take this one step a time," he said. "We see what the data (from the catchment study) tells us and then take the next step."
Though a major challenge, Glaeser said studying the data, looking for funding, gathering support and moving forward with the new-airport initiative is imperative to Gainesville and the business community, which he believes has been hurt about the airport’s lack of direct flights around the country.
Schultz, at Mindtree, said he believes a new airport would help solve a problem that’s holding back his job, which is to grow Mindtree in Gainesville. He said he doesn’t think Gainesville’s airport could get enough direct flights to solve the problems at hand.
"The airport is tucked away in this northeastern corner of town," he said. "It’s just not accessible enough to stand up to more carrier choice, given its location."
Schultz was hesitant to say definitively if Mindtree would move away from Gainesville if airport service wasn’t improved.
Joshua Javaheri, art director at Gainesville gaming company Trendy Entertainment, said not flights to say, New York, creates problems when setting up meetings with venture capitalists interested in investing in the company.
"A flight to New York would be incredible. It’s more of a convenience thing. I’d like to be able to fly to New York at 8 a.m. and be back by 4 p.m.," Javaheri said. "Now, it’s sometimes a two-day trip."
Javaheri said he believes Gainesville leaders need to incentivize technology companies to stay in Gainesville. Improved air service would be a good start, he said.
"I don’t believe the city or chamber focuses enough on retaining talent they cultivate here," he said.
Though the airport authority board and its leadership haven’t taken a stance on the potential airport move, Penksa said he sees the benefits. But the main issues with building the new airport, which he said would be hard to get past, are costs and timing.
"It’s going to take at least two professional air industry consultants to take a real hard look at this, taking a look at the demographics and the population to see if it’s worth the cost and when is the best time to do this," Penksa said.
"At what point and what cost? Is the potential increase in enplanements worth the cost? They’re looking to do what’s best by the community but does it add value to the commuter experience? These are all things that need to be looked at."
Even if the money was there, Penksa said, moving the airport isn’t so simple. It would be a major challenge with several moving parts.
Land vast enough for an airport in rural Alachua or Marion County would be a tough find, he said. Penksa reckoned current residents in the area enjoyed simple living and not hearing jet engines at their dinner tables or while trying to sleep.
County Commissioner Mike Byerly said he hasn’t been contacted by the task force as of Tuesday, but what he’s heard so far about the idea to move the airport south hasn’t impressed him. The plan, as it sits, he said, could create more problems than it solves.
"I say the (proposed) location, along the southern edge of Alachua and the northern of Marion, could have catastrophic effects on the quality of life of the community that lives there," Byerly said. "I’m hard-pressed to make sense of it. These are not nothing areas. They’re rural, but they’re not unpopulated.
"Who wants to live near a runway at a presumably larger airport?"
Byerly, whose District 1 runs through, southern Alachua County, said he didn’t know if he was qualified to make a judgment on whether the current airport satisfies county residents’ needs.
"All I know is that sometimes I fly out of Gainesville, sometimes I fly out of Jacksonville, and sometimes I fly out of Orlando," he said.
Potentially the biggest issue, Penksa said, would be funding for the airport. The cost, based on comparable projects, could be between $400 and $500 million.
Even if the airport sold its property off Waldo Road to a developer — something Glaeser has mentioned as possibility to offset the cost of a new airport, while also helping to revitalize a new-development-neglected east Gainesville — Penksa said the money earned from the sale wouldn’t even cut the cost of a new airport in half.
In other cities, like Denver and Austin, Texas, Glaeser said, developers have turned former airport sites into mixed-use, retail and and housing development projects, providing economic activity and jobs.
Penksa isn’t convinced that’s a possibility with the Gainesville airport site.
"There isn’t anyone who is going to pay over $100 million for this property," he said.
A statement issued by the FAA says that airport officials have not notified the administration of any proposal to move the Gainesville Regional Airport.
The statement said relocating an airport requires years of planning and coordination with the state and local governments and the FAA. The FAA needs to be notified early on in the process, according to the statement, especially if a project would require federal funding assistance.
The FAA would require the need to move the airport be justified with data. Additionally, it’d require an FAA airspace study to determine the effects of existing airport facilities and flights.
Another potential issue, the FAA said, is the airport’s current grant obligations.
The airport has made millions of dollars’ worth of renovations over the last several years funded by city-co-sponsored grants from the Federal Aviation Administration. If the airport closes, those grants would have to be paid back, adding to the cost of moving the airport, Penksa said.
"(The idea of moving the airport) is a real distraction from making improvements here," he said.
Glaeser said over the next few months, the task force will continue working to gain support for the new airport.
It will look at the data once the study is completed in a few months to see if a new airport would be worth the cost.
He said he hopes, despite opposition or skeptics, people can see the benefits of a new airport.
"This is an opportunity in time that if we don’t have a real serious, meaningful and deliberative look at quality air service for our region, we probably will not have this opportunity again for a long time and maybe ever," he said. "Probably not ever."
___ (c)2018 The Gainesville Sun, Fla. Visit The Gainesville Sun, Fla. at www.gainesville.com Distributed by Tribune Content Agency, LLC.
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The post FL: Study for New Gainesville, Ocala Airport Takes Off appeared first on Acdbengal.
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pamphletstoinspire · 6 years
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Novena to Saint Kateri Tekakwitha (Lily of the Mohawks) - Flower of the Algonquin's ________
Recited from: July 5 through July 13 (USA) Feast Day July 14 April 8 though 16 (Canada) Feast Day April 17 ________
The word Novena derives it name from the Latin word “novem” meaning “nine.” A novena can be either a private or public devotion in the Catholic Church to obtain special graces. ________
Novena to Saint Kateri Tekakwitha - (Lily of the Mohawks)
Novena Thoughts
I Day - Prayer - Union with God
"The Prayer" was the Mohawk name for religion; "praying Indian" the name for a Christian Indian. All was open in an Indian Village, and the priests had to pray publicly. Their converts assembled in the chapel for prayer. Prayer is union with God, and what else is religion? When Tekakwitha saw the missionaries at prayer in her uncle's cabin, the sight irresistibly attracted her. It helped to unite her with God, until her life became an act of prayer, of union with God.
(Mention your request here).
Our Father… - [Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.]
Hail Mary… - [Hail Mary, Full of Grace, The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.]
Glory Be... - [Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.]
Saint Kateri, as you were drawn to God by the prayers of the black robes who came to your village, now help us to draw close to God through prayer as well.
You filled your day with prayer amidst many trials – help us also to see that prayer is our refuge for every difficulty that we face.
Prayer filled you with joy and peace, help us that we may find this same joy, this same peace, in our prayers as well. Amen.
II Day - Grace - A Child of God
Grace is the thought that comes with mention of Tekakwitha. Unbaptized until her twentieth year, through no fault of her parents or her own, she still was a child of grace, which means that she grew up in God's favor. She did all the good she could to retain God's favor. Kateri was a child of grace. May we, like Our Lord, grow in wisdom, age and grace!
(Mention your request here).
Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be... (As above)
Saint Kateri, your heart was opened to God’s message, your spirit was receptive to God’s voice, help us now to find this quiet space in our paths, for listening… to wait for direction in patience and to follow through with courage and firmness when the time is right. Amen.
III Day - Holiness - Heroic Virtues
Holy are those whose faith, hope and charity are extraordinary, who cultivate the virtues: prudence, justice, temperance, fortitude, and the good habits which grow out of these: prayer, humility, obedience, patience, resignation, penance. In all these Tekakwitha excelled .
(Mention your request here).
Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be... (As above)
Saint Kateri, you placed the practice of your faith above all other joys. Although the price was heavy, your heart was not sad for you held the joy of God within you. Strengthen our faith, deepen our convictions and pray that we too might act with boldness in following in the footsteps of Christ. Amen.
IV Day - Names of Kateri
All her names inspire admiration and affection.
Kateri, Iroquois form of Catherine, her baptismal name, means pure, and she was purity itself.
"Lily of the Mohawks." Lily is the emblem of purity.
She is known as "The Good Catherine", because so many have received favors by invoking her.
St. Genevieve had saved Paris of Old France; Kateri was named Genevieve of New France after she had saved the mission and the missionaries.
Tekakwitha means "putting things in order", or "moving before her". She put order among her people, and moves all by answers to prayer. This flower of our American wildwood is now a canonized Saint of the Church!
(Mention your request here).
Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be ... (As above)
Saint Kateri, you made the decision to move from one village to another in order to strengthen your desire to serve God. Help us to follow through with decisions we too need to make in our lives to serve God. Give us the courage to act boldly –the strength to do it, and the persistence to follow through each and every day. Amen.
V Day - Innocence
One who is innocent will harm nobody, nor see evil in others; will not shock, scandalize or grieve them, but give them edification, pleasure, and win their admiration and affection.
She remained innocent: thought no evil, harbored no suspicion, entertained no ill-will, as if she were not of this world.
(Mention your request here).
Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be... (As above)
Saint Kateri, so many times we have wonderful ideas on how we can offer ourselves to God, but many times, God’s ways are not our ways. You gave yourself totally to God, you embraced the cross in whatever form it presented itself each day. Pray for us, that we might too say “yes” each day to the crosses placed before us. Amen.
VI Day - The Blessed Sacrament
Out from her Caughnawaga cabin at dawn and straight-way to the chapel to adore the Blessed Sacrament, hear every Mass; back again during the day to hear instruction, and at night for a last prayer or Benediction. Her neighbors sought to be near her when she received Holy Communion, as her manner excited devotion.
(Mention your request here).
Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be... (As above)
Saint Kateri, help us to live with a thankful heart. Help us to embrace our greatest weaknesses with confidence – knowing all can work for our salvation. Amen.
VII Day - The Cross
Tekakwitha loved the image of the Cross. During the hunt she made an oratory in the woods by cutting a cross in the bark of a tree. The first picture of her, the only portrait of an Indian of that long ago, represents her venerating a small cross. It moved her to do penance in order to imitate Our Lord in His Passion.
(Mention your request here).
Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be... (As above)
O Blessed Saint Kateri, we need your patience and strength to continue to face the crosses we meet each day in our lives. Help us in times of spiritual dryness to know that God is preparing us for better times ahead. Amen.
VIII Day - The Blessed Virgin
The faithful Indian convert women of your village, would tell you about your affectionate heavenly mother. This helped you to grow closer to the Mother of Christ. The rosary and the Litany of Loreto were your favorite prayers to our Blessed Mother. More than once you walked or canoed ten miles from your Mohawk village in Caughnawaga to Tionontoguen, where a statue of Our Lady was venerated under the title, Virgin Most Faithful.
(Mention your request here).
Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be... (As above)
O Blessed Saint Kateri, help us to trust as you trusted. Help us to see light even in our present difficulties. Help us to know that God has not abandoned or moved away from us. Help us to know and to believe that God is with us. Amen.
IX Day - Invocation
O Saint Tekakwitha, I admire the virtues which adorned your soul: love of God and neighbor, humility, obedience, patience, purity and the spirit of sacrifice. Help me to imitate your example in my state of life. Through the goodness and mercy of God, Who has blessed you with so many graces which led you to the true faith and to a high degree of holiness, pray to God for me and help me.
(Mention your request here).
Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory Be... (As above)
O Blessed Saint Kateri, you now know with great joy the happiness of heaven. Teach us how to open our hearts to be free to serve God and our neighbor. In our moments of weaknesses, fears and trials, help us to trust in the goodness and kindness of God. Amen. ________
Born in 1656 in Ossernenon NY
Baptized April 18, 1676 St. Peter's Mission in Caughnawaga NY
Received Her First Communion on Christmas Day 1677 St. Francis Mission in La Prairie Canada
Died Wednesday of Holy Week, April 17, 1680 in Kahnawaké Canada
Declared Venerable by Pope Pius XII on January 3, 1943
Declared Blessed by Pope John Paul II on June 22, 1980
Canonized by Pope Benedict XVI on October 21, 2012
The Native Americans need a patron saint.
Saint Kateri Tekakwitha is that person.
She was born of a Catholic Algonquin mother and a Mohawk father.
She was influenced by the fervent Christianity of her mother and of the Black Robes to live a life of remarkable virtue, at heart not only a Christian - "a praying Indian" - but a Christian virgin.
She attained the most perfect union with her Creator in prayer.
Her extraordinary sanctity impressed not only her own people but the French and the Jesuit missionaries. ________ Click below for:
Novena Pamphlet to Saint Kateri Tekakwitha
All Novena Pamphlets
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Safety tips and information as lake season kicks off
It’s not officially summer — but it sure feels like it outside! There are some things to keep in mind when you’re visiting a lake this summer.
“We are playing in the lake for the first day of summer. Our kids are so excited to be out here. This is one of our kids’ favorite spots to come,” said one parent, Jeanie Call.
Lake season is finally here, and kids are counting down the hours until they can dive into the water.
“They’re just ready to move and play and be outside and get done with school,” Call added.
Families who look forward to time at the lake say safety comes first.
“We always try to stand out in the water with the kids,” said Laurie Elmore, another parent. “We don’t come out for long periods of time because they get really tired, so we just come out for a couple hours.”
Smithville Lake is open all year round, but the busiest time of year starts now.
“All staff on duty, have all shifts covered, all equipment running. We’re prepared,” said John Davis, the Chief Park Ranger for Clay County, Mo.
Davis warns lake levels are low, so be extra cautious if you’re taking out a boat this weekend.
“There could be a few rock obstructions that are there now that weren’t there before, so you’ve just got to pay attention,” Davis explained.
You won’t have the low water issue at Longview or Blue Springs lakes thanks to the recent rain.
“Make sure you have all your safety equipment, enough life jackets for everybody on the boat. Everybody under 7 years of age has to wear a life jacket,” Davis said.
Besides the usual “wear sunscreen and drink plenty of water” warnings, Davis said it never hurts to remind your loved ones to be safe.
“People are inside all winter and get too excited, and forget to be responsible and take precautions,” Davis said. “Be safe, be respectful of others, be prepared, let people know where you’re going.”
If you’re planning to head to an area lake this holiday weekend, we’re here to help.
For more information from Jackson County Parks and Rec:
All of the beach rules and regulations are the same.  Hours of operation are 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. seven days a week.  The prices for the beaches are $6 for Adults 16 and older, $4 for kids 3-15 and $4 for seniors 62+.  Season passes are available.
We do have a new attraction this year, Rowdy Ribbits, an inflatable water park at Longview Lake Beach. I sent a press release about that this week. Hopefully you all will be able to attend the grand opening celebration on June 2.
Silverscreen on the Sand sponsored by 99.7 the Point will be shown on the following evenings.  Gates open at 7:30 p.m. and the movie time is 9:15 p.m. Cost per car load is $5. Concession are available for purchase. No outside food or drink allowed inside of the beach. Bring chairs and blankets to enjoy the movie on the beach.
June 15: Disney’s Moana
July 13: Disney Pixar’s Coco
August 10: Wonder
The water levels at Longview Lake and Blue Springs Lake are above pool level, thanks to the recent rain, so there will be no issues for boaters. Nothing has changed regarding boat and rental policies and as of last check, there were only a few pontoon boats available for rent on Saturday, with more available on Sunday and Monday. However, that could change. Folks are advised to call the Marinas. Marina hours are 7 a.m. – 8 p.m. seven days a week.
A ribbon cutting event on Saturday, May 26, will open the new beach house at Shawnee Mission Park and start the summer season with a free admission day, and more. The event, which will include comments from public officials, a DJ, and giveaways, will begin at noon. In addition, a free lunch of hot dogs, chips, water, and cookies, will be provided.
“When arriving to the new Shawnee Mission Beach House, the bright blue building with the wave form roof and fresh landscape is a very inviting place to come and spend some time in the sun, sand, and lake,” said Aquatics Manager Marshall McKinney. “The new facility has brand new bathrooms, concession area, shaded seating, and a new beach volleyball court. Whether you’re playing in the sand, soaking in the sun, splashing in the water, or playing a game of sand volleyball, this new facility has something for everyone.”
The Shawnee Mission Park Beach was closed for the 2017 season for construction of the new beach house. The structure features a design called “Tidal” because it features a large, upward sloping roof which provides shade over the building and the adjacent patio area. In November, that design was recognized with an award from the American Institute of Architects for Design Excellence.
The new facility also has: 1,344 square feet of space including restrooms, concessions, check-in area, and office space, a “rich blue” glazed block exterior, an outdoor shower with feet and body sprayers surrounded by a low retaining wall, stairs, and an ADA compliant walkway down to the beach.
Regular hours at the beach, which will be open daily through Aug. 12, are noon to 5 p.m. on Tuesdays, and noon to 6 p.m. all other days of the weeks. Open water swim training opportunities are offered from 5:30 to 7:30 on Tuesdays.   Beach admission is $4 for Johnson County residents, or $4.50 for nonresidents for ages 12 and under; $6 for residents or $6.50 for nonresidents for ages 13 to 59; and $4 for residents or $4.50 for nonresidents for ages 60 and older. Admission for the Tuesday open water sessions is $5 for residents or $5.50 for nonresidents.
Free admission to the beach will also be offered on the following Saturday, June 2, as part of JCPRD’s annual A Day in the Park special event.
JCPRD’s other beach at Kill Creek Park also opens for the summer season on May 26. Beach hours there are noon to 3 p.m. Tuesday through Friday, noon to 6 p.m. on Saturday, and noon to 5 p.m. on Sunday. The KCP beach is closed on Monday, and open water swim training is offered there from 5:30 to 7 p.m. on Thursdays.  Admission rates are the same as at SMP, and the Kill Creek Park Beach will also offer free admission as part of the A Day in the Park event on June 2.
Shawnee Mission Park is located at 7900 Renner Road in Shawnee and Lenexa. Kill Creek Park is located at 11670 Homestead Lane, Olathe. Both beaches will operate through Aug. 12.
Roeland Park Aquatic Center reopens May 26, for open swims, lessons, and events.
Staff at the Roeland Park Aquatic Center look forward to reopening the facility for the summer season, and to seeing participants they haven’t been able to serve for about eight months.
“RPAC has been closed since early October 2017 when we attempted to put the dome up,” explained Aquatics Manager Marshall McKinney. “This winter has been a tough time for the Roeland Park Aquatic Center as JCPRD (Johnson County Park & Recreation District) and the city of Roeland Park worked through the damage to the dome structure sustained during a storm in October 2017. The closure has been hard on patrons, program participants, and staff. When we open this summer we are excited to see patrons of the pool we have known, as well as meet new patrons that utilize the facility.”
The RPAC will reopen on Saturday, May 26, and will operate daily through Aug. 12 with hours of noon to 7 p.m. all days of the week except Sunday, and Sunday hours of noon to 6 p.m. Exceptions to these hours are anticipated on June 14 and 28, and July 5, when the RPAC will close at 3 p.m., and on July 4 and Aug. 12, when the facility will close at 4 p.m.
Open swim admission rates for ages three through 59 are: $6 for Roeland Park residents, $7 for Johnson County residents, and $8 for nonresidents. For ages 60 and older, the rates are: $5.50 for Roeland Park residents, $6.50 for Johnson County residents, and $7.50 for nonresidents. Admission for age two and under is free, regardless of residency.
Also available are seasonal membership passes to RPAC, and a “Super Pass,” which lets residents of Roeland Park, Fairway, Leawood, Merriam, Mission, or Prairie Village who purchase a resident pass to their respective city’s pool also purchase the Super Pass, which permits entry to pools in the other five cities.
In addition to the main pool, other RPAC facilities which will operate during the summer months include: a 120-foot corkscrew water slide, a family slide, a separate youth pool, “lemon drop” sprayers, and a vortex pool with a volcano water feature.
Preschool and youth swim lessons offered by JCPRD get under way in early June at both JCPRD and at the Prairie Village Pool. Lessons offer a progression of instructional courses which can take a swimmer from basic level skills to pre-swim team skills.
Preschool offerings include a Parent & Tot class for ages six months to two and one-half years with a parent, and an Aqua Tot Class for ages two and one-half to five. Youth classes for ages five and older are generally skill-based and are not age specific. Levels include Novice, Advance Novice, and Intermediate. All of these programs have classes beginning June 2, 4 and 18.
Swim lessons for preschool and youth involve eight 30-minute lessons for $60 for Johnson County residents or $66 for nonresidents.
The Roeland Park Aquatic Center is located at 4843 Rosewood Dr., Roeland Park, and the Prairie Village Pool is located at 7710 Delmar, Prairie Village.
The Shawnee Mission Park Marina opens daily for the summer season beginning May 26 and continuing through Aug. 12.
Hours at the Shawnee Mission Park Marina are 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., with the last rentals each day at 6 p.m. The marina offers boat rentals, including canoes, pedal boats, kayaks, and paddleboards. Fishing permits are also available at the marina. The Shawnee Mission Park Marina accepts credit cards, but not checks.
After May 26, Kill Creek Park Marina will be open from noon to 3 p.m. Tuesday through Friday, noon to 6 p.m. on Saturdays, and noon to 5 p.m. on Sundays, also through Aug. 12. The Kill Creek Park Marina rents the same watercraft listed above, and accepts cash only.
Shawnee Mission Park is located at 7900 Renner Road in Shawnee and Lenexa. Kill Creek Park is located at 11670 Homestead Lane, Olathe.
For more information about JCPRD aquatics facilities, which are also available for rental, call (913) 831-3359. During operating hours after May 26, call (913) 888-1990 for the Shawnee Mission Park Marina, or (913) 585-3652 for the Kill Creek Park Beach or Marina.
from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports http://fox4kc.com/2018/05/24/safety-tips-and-information-as-lake-season-kicks-off/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2018/05/24/safety-tips-and-information-as-lake-season-kicks-off/
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armorroofing · 7 years
Wow! Armor Roofing - Prairie Village KS Roofers
The article Wow! Armor Roofing - Prairie Village KS Roofers originally appeared on Armor Roofing Kansas City.
Healthy roofing repairs are critical. Owning a pleasant and secure household is definitely the aspiration of everybody with kids. A cozy house provides you the setting required to establish a life with your family. Then it follows that you should make it pleasant environs for you and your family members. You ought to confirm your residential home is definitely well maintained and, there will not really be some unfortunate circumstance there that would cause everyone become miserable. Subsequently, it is pretty important that you properly maintain your roofing.
A roof is the most important portion of your house arguably, as, without healthy roofing material, your personal belongings could be exposed to the weather which sort of makes owning a home inconsequential. If you are living in Prairie Village and you know that you might just have damage to your roofing, now could possibly be a perfect moment to speak to us for a comprehensive inspection.
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Raining weather conditions can be the undoing of your rooftop if you refuse to take into account the natural measures to always make sure it is inspected on a usual basis and reconditioned at the earliest sign of wreckage. An extensive rooftop replacement can be particularly very high priced, however, not ensuring it is dealt with as quickly as possible is not even prudent. The explanation for why is clear-cut. You want to correct the rooftop as early as you can or else you risk needing pay out a lot of funds to remedy severe water wear and tear to your family home and furniture pieces. As everyone may likely foresee, year after year the roof covering will eventually come to a point when it needs to be serviced or swapped out.
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Is the rooftop sarking ruined? Roof sarking is, in fact, the cover under the roof covering that may serve as reinforcement, some insulation, and a pretty important water barrier. Damaged sarking possibly can be a catalyst for water leakage, especially via tile and metallic roofing systems which actually rely upon the complementary rainwater protection. In order to protect the family house from destruction, you have got to undertake speedy action to get your house fixed.
Are a number rooftop tiles broke? Yes, definitely, now is the moment to sign up a professional. A repair service is completely appropriate. In cases where the wreckage is serious, you will likely need to have the total roof swapped out.
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For those who do spot devastation, you should do a mild repair or maybe even a full substitution, each one with its own rewards and negative aspects. Naturally, this will ultimately be finished by first of all speaking to a roofing service in close proximity to Prairie Village. Just before you start out to have a look for the roof trouble evidence referred to before in this piece, you have got to ponder obtaining a professional to run the really tough and threatening replacement for you. At our roofing service, we deliver for free of charge inspections in the Prairie Village vicinity.
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Speak to us by dialing (816) 331-7663 to receive your zero cost complementary rooftop exam. You will find no risk! Whilst you obtain a roofer to study your roof covering, ask after the degree of the problems and if perhaps a restoration or re-roof is desired. The actual event that the roofing expert recommends an entire replacement, you need to understand several tips first of all ahead of determining on whether to do so.
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Suppose you want to be selling your family house in the foreseeable future, a brand-new rooftop is definitely a first-rate strategy. A strong roof covering may boost a dwelling's price reasonably significantly.
Top reasons To Refuse A Brand new Roof Top Construction in Prairie Village
Your time frame entailed in the spanking new roof covering mount shall be more in comparison with a basic service. It truly is a single rationale you truly want to utilize a qualified roofer which has more than enough individuals to conduct the new roof way. An all-encompassing very new roof mounting probably will as a rule run about $6,000 to $9,000 according to how huge the place is and which sort of roofing materials you are employing on it. A sizable palace or higher quality shingle material may very well be far more extravagant whilst compact homes could sneak in under this spectrum. Considering that your insurance corporation can be accountable the cost, this is a fee you ought to only just be anxious about as to be sure the work is completed effectively so you ensuring that they disburse the money. We have been working in Prairie Village for quite a while and are comfortable with virtually all of the neighborhood adjusters and the paperwork absolutely essential to get the request dealt with.
Armor Roofing will be able to serve you provided that you realize your rooftop may very well be requiring some restoring. Featuring our qualified workers that happen to have been in the roofing industry for longer than three decades, we warrant that our roof repairs service is going to be top-notch and really good. Connect with Armor Roofing Services at this time!
Call Us Today!Call Us Today! (816) 331-7663
Armor Roofing LLC - Kansas City 6600 NW Tower Dr #104 Kansas City, MO 64151 (816) 935-9312 http://kansascity.roofsareus.com
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