#Restaurants in Lagos
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milkywayrollercoaster · 1 year ago
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If you drive, don't drink!
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If you drink, don' t drive
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aalawsng · 4 months ago
Regulatory Requirements For Operating a Restaurant and Hotels in Nigeria
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RestaurantsA restaurant is a dining establishment where people go to enjoy meals prepared and served on the premises. These businesses play a vital role in providing nourishment, comfort, and a social environment for patrons. Whether offering local delicacies, international cuisine, or specialized dietary options, restaurants cater to diverse tastes and preferences. Beyond just serving food, they provide an experience that can range from casual and quick-service settings to fine dining with elaborate menus and ambiance.
HotelsHotels, on the other hand, are establishments that offer lodging, meals, and various other services to travelers and guests. The essence of a hotel is to provide a "home away from home," ensuring comfort, convenience, and a sense of security for guests. Hotels range from budget accommodations to luxury resorts, each designed to cater to different types of travelers, including business professionals, tourists, and families. The aim is to create a holistic experience that meets the diverse needs of guests, ensuring their stay is enjoyable and memorable.
Regulatory Requirements
Operating a restaurant or hotel in Nigeria indeed requires compliance with several regulations designed to ensure public health, safety, and consumer protection. Here are some key areas of compliance:
Regulatory Authorities
The following regulatory authorities have significant roles to play in the regulation of hotels and restaurants:
Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC): Before any business can operate in Nigeria, it must be registered with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC).
Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation: Section 20 of the Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation Act gives the Minister of Culture and Tourism (“The Minister”) the power to make regulations for restaurants and hotels. The Act states as follows:
(a) providing for the registration by the Corporation of any class of hotels and other similar establishments in Nigeria at which sleeping accommodation is provided by way of trade or business;
(b) requiring the classification or grading of hotels, restaurants, and nightclubs and prescribing standards for their upkeep;
(c) requiring hotels and other similar establishments to display information with respect to prices charged.
National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC): Restaurants and hotel restaurants must comply with NAFDAC regulations regarding food safety, handling, and preparation. This includes obtaining necessary certifications and ensuring that food products meet safety standards.
Federal Ministry of Health: Compliance with health regulations is mandatory, including regular inspections and obtaining health permits. Restaurants and hotels must pass regular inspections and ensure that business premises are kept neat and sanitary.
National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency (NESREA): Businesses must adhere to environmental regulations, including waste disposal and pollution control measures.
State Environmental Protection Agencies: Local environmental protection agencies may have additional regulations, such as waste management and sanitation requirements.
Federal Fire Service: Restaurants and hotels must comply with fire safety regulations, including installing fire extinguishers, smoke detectors, and having clear evacuation plans.
National Industrial Court of Nigeria: Compliance with labor laws is crucial, including fair wages, employee contracts, and workplace safety regulations.
Employee Compensation Act: Employers must provide insurance for their employees in case of workplace accidents or injuries.
Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (FCCPC): Compliance with consumer protection laws is essential. This includes transparent pricing, accurate product information, and the handling of customer complaints.
State Inland Revenue Services: Payment of state taxes, such as business premises levies, is also required.
Licensing and Permits
Local Government Authorities: Businesses must obtain the necessary operating licenses from local government authorities. This might include a food service permit, liquor license, or hotel operation license.
Tourism Licensing: Hotels may need to obtain licenses from the Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation (NTDC) or relevant state tourism boards.
Food Permit: Restaurant operators in Nigeria must secure a food permit and licenses from the local government of the state where the establishment is situated prior to starting operations. The National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC), established by the 1993 Act, oversees the regulation of food and drug production and mandates commercial food sellers to acquire a Good Hygiene Practice (GHP) License from NAFDAC before beginning business activities. A GHP license is granted once it is confirmed that the food processor's equipment adheres to specified standards and the food handlers have the necessary certification.
Alcohol License: Entities wishing to produce or sell alcohol in Nigeria must acquire an alcohol/liquor license. The process for obtaining this license is governed by the Liquor (Licensing) Regulation of various states. For instance, in Lagos State, the Liquor (Licensing) Law regulates the sale of alcoholic beverages. Restaurant owners intending to sell alcohol must obtain a license from the licensing tribunal of the local government area.
Signage Permit: Signage plays a crucial role in branding. Restaurants typically display signage outside their premises for advertising. State laws may regulate the use of signage and require a permit for such displays. Lagos State, for example, has the Lagos State Signage and Advertisement Agency, established by the Lagos State Structures for Signage and Advertisement Agency Law, 2006.
Tax Implications for Hotels and Restaurants in Nigeria
The hospitality industry, encompassing hotels and restaurants, is subject to a complex tax regime in Nigeria. The following are the key tax obligations for hotels and restaurants in Nigeria:
Corporate Income Tax (CIT): Applicable to companies in the hospitality sector, this is a tax on the company's profits. Restaurants operating as companies are required to pay CIT on their taxable profits. The specific tax rate depends on the company's annual turnover.
Value Added Tax (VAT): A consumption tax levied on goods and services, including accommodation, food, and beverages. Restaurants are obligated to register for VAT and charge it on their services. The standard VAT rate in Nigeria is 7.5%.
Withholding Tax: Hotels and restaurants are required to withhold taxes on payments to contractors, suppliers, and employees.
Pay-As-You-Earn (PAYE): Employers in the hospitality industry must deduct PAYE from employees' salaries and remit it to the tax authorities.
Land Use Charge: Hotels and restaurants are subject to land use charges levied by state governments.
Hotel Occupancy and Restaurant Consumption Tax (HORCT): In states like Lagos, an additional tax is imposed on hotel accommodation and restaurant consumption. Also, in Lagos, restaurants are subject to an additional 5% consumption tax, collected on behalf of the state government.
Building and Zoning Regulations
Certificate of Occupancy (C of O): The business premises must have a valid C of O, issued by the state government, indicating that the property is used in accordance with zoning laws.
Building Permits: Any construction or renovation must comply with local building codes and require appropriate permits.
Security Compliance
Local Law Enforcement: Hotels, in particular, must comply with security regulations, including maintaining guest records and cooperating with local law enforcement.
Adherence to these regulations is crucial for the smooth operation of a restaurant or hotel in Nigeria. Noncompliance can result in fines, business closures, or legal action.
Companies Income Tax Act, 2020
Hotel Operators Waivers on Land Use Offered by Ogun State Government – Redan Web
https://pavestoneslegal.com/doing-business-simplified-regulatory-requirements-for-operating-a-restaurant-in-nigeria/ accessed 15th January 2022
Interrogating Consumption Tax As VAT Crisis Deepens - The Guardian Nigeria News
Nigerian Tourism Development Corporation Act, Cap N137, LFN, 2004
PAYE Tax Nigeria - Guide to Taxation of Employees - Bomes Resources Consulting (BRC)
Taxes | Jara Beach Resort
Tourism and Hospitality Licencing and Regulation Law, 2020
Value Added Tax Act Cap V1, LFN 2004 (As Amended)
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portugalconfidential · 7 months ago
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banexmall · 8 months ago
The Magic of Cinemas in Lekki
Experience top-tier entertainment at the Banex Mall cinemas in Lekki, Nigeria. With state-of-the-art facilities, comfortable seating, and a diverse selection of movies, our cinemas offer a captivating and enjoyable experience for movie enthusiasts of all ages. From the latest blockbusters to timeless classics, our cinemas provide a clean, safe, and convenient environment for a memorable movie-going experience. Join us at Banex Mall cinemas in Lekki for an unforgettable outing with family and friends.
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eseomo · 1 year ago
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bigbeardestination · 1 year ago
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tastatast · 2 years ago
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Lido 84
Situat al petit poble de Gardone Riviera, a la província de Brescia (Lombardia), ben bé a sobre del Lago di Garda, el Lido 84 té unes vistes imponents al llac. Un llac del nord d’Itàlia que molts dies es desperta emboirat però que, segons el dia i amb els seus famosos llimoners i oliveres, també podria semblar el Mediterrani, un Mediterrani del nord.
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Obert el març del 2014, el Lido 84 era una antiga braseria del 1984, d’aquí el 84, que només obria a l’estiu i que tenia una piscina a l’aire lliure. Avui, el restaurant, decorat pels mateixos germans Giancarlo i Riccardo Camanini, és un espai únic amb mobles d’estil Art Déco cridaner barrejats amb una clara admiració per l’escola de la Bauhaus i amb quadres d’art contemporani de pintors com Francesco Pegurri. Enmig del menjador, un piano de mitja cua blanc, el torchio de plata per fer els seus famosos Rognone Apicius à la presse i tota una façana de vidre per contemplar el Lago di Garda.
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Un restaurant obert tot l’any, fet que necessita coratge, avui en dia, en un restaurant d’aquestes característiques. De fet, a l’estiu, fan tot el servei, tant el del migdia com el de la nit, a la terrassa i es reserven l’interior per a poder entrar en cas de pluja.
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Nascut l’any 1973 a Sovere, a l’Altopiano de Bossico, al Lago d’Iseo (a la província de Bérgamo, Lombardia), i tot i haver estudiat a l’escola de cuina per manca de millors opcions, el bagatge de Riccardo Camanini com a cuiner és considerable, passant per grans cases com l’Albereta di Erbusco amb Gualtiero Marchesi (el pare de la nova cuina italiana), Le Manoir aux Quat Saison d’Oxford (UK) amb Raymond Blanc, La Grande Cascade al Bois de Boulogne de París amb Jean-Louis Nomicos (que és com dir Alain Ducasse) i, finalment, a la magnífica Villa Fiordaliso a Gardone Riviera mateix (a 700 m del Lido84) on va ser cap de cuina durant 15 anys i amb qui resulta que ja devia coincidir quan hi vaig menjar l’any 2000. Una d’aquelles casualitats que m’apropen i em connecten encara més amb Camanini. En distàncies curtes, en Riccardo sembla una persona sensible, introvertida, reflexiva, culta, propera, amb passió i interès per la història (de vegades sembla antropòleg i tot), per la feina artesana, els oficis, els detalls, l’arquitectura, la lectura, l’art… De la mateixa manera que ho és el seu germà Giancarlo, que rep els comensals i s’ocupa de la sala durant el servei. Dos germans, aparentment molt ben avinguts, que traspuen sensibilitat i delicadesa en les maneres i en la mirada.
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Un restaurant relativament jove (de tant sols 9 anys) i que de seguida va cridar l’atenció de la crítica gastronòmica a nivell internacional. 
La cuina del Lido84 és una cuina eclèctica: no és clàssica però beu del receptari tradicional; no és totalment moderna però beu de l’experimentació. Una cuina intel·lectual i de plaer a la vegada, tècnica i artesanal al mateix moment. Una cuina amb una vena de creativitat que mai no està exagerada, d’una increïble lleugeresa i amb una sorprenent personalitat.
Tot són plats aparentment fàcils i coneguts (al final no deixen de ser espaguetis, macarrons, un arròs, unes verdures, sépia, ostra, llengua, lletó, vedella…) però tots, sobretot la part salada, tenen alguna cosa que crida l’atenció, que et desperta i que t’engresca però que encara no sabria dir què és. Algun ingredient que no indiquen? Algun procés en l’elaboració? Alguna tècnica de cocció? No és només la preciosa vaixella Ginori i l’estètica dels plats i els emplatats. Hi ha alguna cosa intangible, una sensació que em fa recordar l’àpat com algo molt avantguardista però que, quan miro els plats, em semblen d’allò més normals, alguns com el lletó o la llengua, propis de la cuina popular, d’un bistró i tot. Potser li falta alguna dimensió extra o algun plat memorable perquè em sembli una cuina clarament extraordinària? En definitiva, una cuina que no és gens òbvia, sinó enigmàtica, que em descol·loca i que no acabo d’entendre ni de conèixer.
Una cuina amb gustos forts però perfectament equilibrats, amb tots els ingredients dosificats amb precisió. És una cuina equilibrada, fina i refinada, passa amb facilitat del greix a l’acidesa però sempre de manera amable, sense contrastos estridents (però sí sorprenents). Una cuina amb alguns plats que tendeixen a la dolçor (fruites passificades, mel…) pel fet de basar-se en receptari antic però una dolçor que acaba sent equilibrada per altres ingredients. Una cuina amb freqüents explosions d'aromes i umami però sense travessar mai la fina línia que separa un enfocament sòlid de la cuina dels perillosos jocs d'estil sense convicció ni substància culinària.
Amb força plats fets a la brasa però una brasa molt subtil (Josper, per cert), demostrant molt de domini en aquesta tècnica de cocció. Una cuina neta, sense ús d’espessidors “químics” ni coccions al buit però tampoc clarament de Maillard ni de reduccions excessives. Podríem dir que és clarament italiana; però en alguns moments també recorre a referències orientals (com a l’inoblidable fals nigiri de sépia d’aperitiu) però més en un sentit de sensacions (que es troben a la cuina japonesa, per exemple) i més en un sentit de textures que no pas de perfil gustatiu pròpiament dit.
La cuina del Lido84 és pura avantguarda que revoluciona sense fer soroll i des del coneixement. I sense oblidar en cap moment que la cuina és artesania.
Amb una presència majoritàriament de productes del Lago i de la província, tampoc descarta utilitzar ingredients d’altres regions del país. Tampoc té un relat especialment vegetarià (cuina de meravella tant verdures com carns, peixos i postres) ni de sostenibilitat, ni d’aprofitament ni de fermentacions. Tot i així, la seva cuina es basa en la recerca i en la investigació en camps molt diversos: des del receptari d’Apicius; passant per les tècniques de conserva en mel o l’estudi dels pigments naturals (com els derivats de les llegums amb els que fa el seu famós plat pasta e faglioli); fins a l’art contemporani de Berlín o les passejades pel camp que fa observant el seu entorn. Tot plegat, mantenint sempre la recerca de la bellesa estètica i gustativa ben presents.
Una mostra més de la seva sensibilitat són les precioses cartes que ofereixen, tant la del menú com la de vins. Unes cartes fetes amb un paper de cotó per Toscolano Paper, un molí de paper situat a Toscolano Maderno (al mateix Lago di Garda) des del 1381 i que el 2013 Filippo Cantoni va recuperar. A més, estan relligades a mà i compten amb il·lustracions i aquarel·les de Mersì Gift Designers. Bellíssimes.
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Pel que fa a la carta de vins, no és gaire extensa però les seves referències són adequades a l’estil de cuina. És una carta fàcil de manejar i que no t’atabala; amb cellers tant nacionals com de la resta del món i amb perfils d’elaboració molt diversos. Vam beure una ampolla de Harmoge Bianco 2019 de Primaterra (Cinque Terre, Liguria), de Walter De Battè de les varietats Bosco, Vermentino i Albarola. Una maceració pel·licular de 5 dies, aromàtica però no tant intensa com ens agrada. 
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Vam fer el MENÚ OSCILLAZIONI, un menú format per 9 plats i al que se li poden afegir clàssics de la casa com els rigatoni cacio e pepe in vescica, els famosos spaghettone al burro e lievito di birra o el risotto al aglio nero fermentato e frutti rossi di bosco. Els vam afegir tots tres i també vam demanar provar el Kouign-Amann per postres.
Un brou fet a base d’ametlla, meló blanc, gingebre i oli de sèsam.
Focaccina cotta a la brace i aromatitzada amb orenga, molt bona. 
Una mena de nyàmera fregida.
Cruixent d’amaranto, crema d’anguila fumada i pols de col negra.
Molt tou i sucós a l’interior i cruixent per fora. Boníssim.
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Servei de pa:
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Una fogassa de massa mare i farina perciasacchi, una varietat antiga blat de Sicília. Un pa àcid, cruixent i tou; lleuger, amb un índex baixíssim de gluten que el fa molt digerible.
Grissini amb oli d’oliva.
Sépia marinada en sal i sucre, en nevera 24 hores i tallada finíssima com si es tractés de l’arròs del sushi. Per sobre, una mantega d’anguila fumada i una crema de nyàmera que li aportaven una textura encara més sedosa que ens va fer pensar en els “glassejats/maionesa”? del Bagà. Captivador.
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Ostrica-Pane. Una Ostra Gillardeau (Normandia) cuita ràpidament a la brasa a 400ºC. A sota, una molla de pa torrat a la brasa i remullat amb oli de llorer i vinagre de pino mugo.  
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Una ostra gegant, deliciosa, pràcticament crua, carnosa, fresca i fina (de gust), amb un lleuger gust final de brasa. Potser massa gros per a fer-ne una única mossegada.
Spaghettone al burro e lievito di birra.
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Un plat que va ser exposat al MOMA de San Francisco. 
Uns espaguetis no pas gaire al dente amb llevat de cervesa cuit al forn durant una hora per tornar-lo cruixent com una merenga i amb una aroma més estranya que el gust, que recordava lleugerament les avellanes i, finalment, la cremositat de la mantega per arrodonir el plat.
Risotto al aglio nero fermentato e frutti rossi di bosco.
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Un plat dedicat a l’escultor brescià Stefano Bombardieri, que sempre vesteix de negre i de qui es poden veure algunes obres al mateix menjador. All negre i fruits vermells, dos ingredients a les antípodes però, tal com passa amb els pols oposats, s’atreuen. S’atrauen per l’acidesa dels fruits vermells contrastada amb la nota de sotabosc de l’all negre. Tot i l’instant d’storytelling que incorpora el plat i l’emplatat amb l’arròs dispersat com si fos una pintura, és un risotto ben bo i diferent.
Capù vegetarià.
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El capù (cappone en dialecte bergamasco, és a dir, capó) és una recepta manllevada de la tradició bergamasca que consisteix a farcir una bleda amb carn picada (o amb verdures en la versió pobre, però que sempre es feia amb les sobres) i coure-ho en un suquet de tomàquet.
En aquest cas, una bleda farcida amb daus de patata, daikon i bròcoli. Un farcellet calentó, picantet pel gingebre fresc, cítric (la combinació gingebre-cítric li donava un toc oriental), cruixent pels cubs de patata i cremós per una salsa de curri verd deliciosa.
Animella di vitello.
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Lletó de vedella (del cor) rostit, acompanyat amb una base de mel de milflors d’Eslovènia que torren lleugerament, mostassa a l’antiga i unes gotes de llimona i amb una fulla de ruta a sobre. La ruta és amarga, s’utilitza per fer grapa i, tot i que no creix ben bé arran del llac, és de la zona. Diuen que recorda l’olor de benzina, per sort o per desgràcia no la vam notar. Normalment, utilitzen vedella de Varvara (Altamura, Bari, Puglia) o Moncucco (Montenero, Piamonte). Una bomba de sabors i molt aromàtic. Domina la dolçor però no es fa gens pesat gràcies a la textura crocant i tova i a l’acidesa de la mostassa i la llimona.
Lingua di vitellone.
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Una llengua de vedella salmistrata i fregida a la planxa. Per sobre, una reducció de fonoll i taronja de consistència semblant a una mel lleugera. Decorat amb oli a la taronja, fulles de tàperes i una fulla de col lleugerament escaldada.
Salmistrar vol dir fregar la carn amb sal (clorur de sodi) i salnitre (nitrat de potassi) i deixar-la alguns dies en salmorra (aigua amb sal (clorur de sodi)) i espècies per tal de servir-la, ja sigui freda o calenta, com un affettato (una carn freda i normalment crua, servida a rodanxes; un fiambre, embotits, salumi crudo).
Quina llengua, quin color més excepcional, sembla sobrassada! Una llengua gens fibrosa, tova, sucosa, la taronja ens va recordar un panettone. Una combinació que també ens va fer pensar en plats de cuina catalana tradicionals com el capó amb orellanes o les panses i pinyons dels espinacs. 
Rigatoni cacio e pepe in vescica
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Un dels plats més comentats d’Itàlia durant els últims anys.
Uns rigatoni (pasta seca del famós Monograno Felicetti de Trentino que ja coneixíem del St. Hubertus i altres restaurants) cuinats a dins d’una bufeta de porc, juntament amb pecorino romano buccia nera (salat a mà i d’uns 20 mesos), sal i pebre negre. I una mica de res d’aigua calenta.
Tot els elements de dins la bufeta estan CRUS. La bufeta se submergeix en aigua bullint durant mitja hora i s’infla com un globus. Només és durant els últims 2 o 3 minuts, quan es porta a davant del comensal, que es sacseja per afavorir la mantecatura i emulsionar els ingredients que hi ha a dins amb els sucs que ha anat desprenent la pròpia bufeta i que aporten una textura molt tendra i un sabor intens a la pasta. Per tant, són uns rigatoni cuits AL VAPOR, en una mena de papillote, que van resultar menys al dente del que m’imaginava (ells diuen que està quasi al chiodo, els paccheri del Da Vittorio sí que eren crus!).
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Tot seguit, mentres expliquen el plat, obren la bufeta, serveixen els rigatoni i en descarten dos, que s’emporten a la cuina perquè el cuiner pugui confirmar que estan ben cuits. Suposem que ho estaven perquè no ens van dir res més i ja ens els vam menjar. 
Es tracta d’un plat que està en constant canvi. Un plat “imperfecte” però que tampoc sembla que aspiri a ser perfecte com molts altres plats emblemàtics d’altres cuiners. Un plat “imprevisible” perquè es cuina “a cegues”:
Tot s’ha d’haver calculat prèviament perquè no es pot obrir la bufeta i comprovar si els rigatoni ja estan al punt.
El pecorino cada dia és diferent, sobretot entre diferents èpoques de l’any.
La bufeta no sempre té el mateix gruix i, per tant, la cambra de cocció no és com una cassola que sempre és igual. Per tant, els rigatoni sempre s’han de cuinar de manera lleugerament diferent.
Però trobo que així també és com s’aconsegueix un major diàleg amb el producte. La gastronomia d’avui en dia hauria de ser així, haurien de ser aquest tipus d’experiències. La cuina és artesania i no hem d’oblidar que, en artesania, es treballa amb materials i productes que sempre canvien. I justament això hauria de ser el que permetés a cada cuiner expressar-se amb més tranquilitat.
Informació sobre la bufeta:
Porc italià.
Porcs adults, ni joves ni vells.
Sempre de femella perquè té la bufèta més elàstica que la del mascle.
D’uns 150 kg per una bufeta d’uns 20 cm, que és la mida que utilitzen per a una ració per a 2 persones.
La tenen amb aigua uns dies fins que troben que està al punt (diuen que és per això el que li transmet l’olor de porc als rigatoni).
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Un plat INSPIRAT en:
Un receptari d’Apicius (del s.I d.C.) on explica que les bufetes dels porcs s’utilitzaven per a conservar o transportar ingredients a les colònies romanes. 
La poularde en vessie del receptari lionès, fonamentada en les bases establertes per Auguste Escoffier i Fernand Point, on la mère Filloux dóna forma, i la mère Brazier i en Paul Bocuse popularitzen. D’ells en Camanini en va aprendre com utilitzaven aquest mètode de cocció i el va aplicar a una recepta tant italiana com el cacio e pepe que, a més, va tornar al terreny romà (Apicius) afegint-hi un formatge de Roma com el pecorino romano.
Per tant, es pot ben dir que és un plat on es menja poesia i història i on es veu la clara passió d’en Riccardo per la pasta seca, la història i l’estètica.
Un SERVEI davant del comensal perfectament coreografiat en un estil teatral molt vistós, tot un ritual extremadament refinat. Un d’aquests moments gastronòmics que recordarem sempre.
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Quina olor i gust de porc! Amb el pebre, sembla fuet, un fuet d’aquests que tenen la carn força crua. Cremositat i intensitat. Deliciós, original i estètic. 
Ara seria interessant comparar els rigatoni fets amb bufetes de diferents mides (per tant, per a 2 i 6 persones, per exemple) i de diferents grossors (més primes o més gruixudes).
Bavette di vitellone a la brasa, grasso d’anatra, sangue di allascio, lardo e bucce di Nebbiolo affinato nel Testun di pecora.
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Una bavette de vedella feta a la brasa (amb fusta d’olivera, al Josper i deixada al forn perquè s’estovi) i enriquida amb una salsa amb sang de la mateixa carn, greix d’ànega, un tall finíssim de llard de porc i una llesca finíssima del formatge piamontès Testun amb pells de Nebbiolo.
Molt bona però no es notava ni el formatge ni el Nebbiolo. Em va recordar un xai (i no vedella) a la brasa. Sembla mentida com una part relativament magra com la bavette s’hagi infiltrat tant bé amb els diferents greixos que li aporta Camanini.
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Acompanyat d’un puré fet amb 1 kg de patata per 1 kg de burro però que tampoc va resultar gens farragós.
Tota la recerca i experimentació que hi ha a la part salada, deixa pas a la més pura tradició quan passem a les postres.
Torta di rose cotta al momento acompanyada amb una cassoleta de coure amb Zabaione al Vov e buccia di limone del Garda.
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Unes postres típiques de Mantova i Brescia. A mig camí entre un brioix i un pa de pessic lleuger i amb una forma que recorda una rosa. Està cuit al moment i arriba a taula ben calent, quan encara fumeja, sobretot quan l’obres per començar a menjar-lo amb les mans. Ben esponjós, s’ha de menjar de pressa si no vols que s’endureixi. 
Va acompanyat d’una cassoleta de coure amb Zabaione al Vov (Vov és un licor de zabaione que pren el nom d’un mot en dialecte del Veneto “vovi”, que vol dir “ou”). Un zabaione amb poc gust d’alchol (ni de Marsala ni de cap mena) i amb un perfil més de crema, tampoc és que es notés gaire la ratlladura de llimona que duia per sobre. Recomanen sucar la Torta di rose al zabaione però també són molt disfrutables les dues elaboracions per separat.
Kouign-Amann alle mele caramellate e fava tonka.
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Un pastís de la Bretagne (França) de pasta de full, que en el seu dialecte significa “pa i mantega”. Una mena de croissant rodó amb mantega i, a sobre, una rodanxa de poma caramel·litzada que s’enganxava als queixals.
Una gelatina feta amb llimones del Lago di Garda. Simple i refrescant.
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Arrel d’scorzonera (una planta) marinada en Nocino (un licor de nous verdes, de color marró fosc, d’Emília-Romanya), assecada al forn i amb alga spirulina espolvorejada amb dextrosa per sobre.
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Ja comptem els dies per tornar-hi i seguir coneixent la proposta dels germans Camanini.
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watchmegetobsessed · 2 years ago
A/N: italyrry is back in action and so am i.
WARNING: sexual content
SUMMARY: A business trip to Italy brings more than just professional success. One hot afternoon, deliciously cold water and a series of unfortunate events bring out the illicit temptation you both have been fighting.
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Harry Styles will take any opportunity to travel to Italy. Vacation, just a layover, family gathering, he is always open to visit the country he almost considers his second home.
This time, he is on an active quest to expand his business, he’s been negotiating with some possible Italian partners for months now and they seem to be heading towards the finish line. To officiate the deal Harry has headed over to Bolsena, a wonderful town that resides on the coast of Lago di Bolsena, a lake of volcanic origin. And though he usually travels alone when it comes to business, this time he is accompanied by you.
The trip is set to last four days, most of it spent with the Trevisani brothers who are looking forward to do business with Harry in the future. The first two days have been hectic, brunch with Fabio and Vittore, meetings, lunch at some luxury restaurant’s terrace, even more meetings, then business dinner and it all started again the next day.
But today is finally the first day you get to have some free time. Though the first half of the day was still filled with business, now it’s after lunch time and you finally get to go to the beach you’ve been eyeing from your hotel room’s balcony since you’ve arrived.
You agreed with Harry to meet down there, because he had to take a quick call, so you’re the first one to reach the sandy beach with your beach towel under your arm and the bikini you bought especially for this trip under your sundress. In your left there’s a rockier section and it appears to be less crowded so you opt to occupy a spot there. You put down your towel and then take off your dress, enjoying the warm breeze on your skin as you get rid of your slippers and head over to the water.
It’s so refreshing, your muscles relax the moment you sink into the water so it’s up to your chin and then you dip under the surface fully. You wish you could just float around here for the rest of the trip.
A few feet away from where you left your things there’s a rock that reaches over the water, like a natural jumping board. A group of teenagers are jumping into the water, doing flips in the air, the glistening water splashing everywhere once they fall into the lake.
You’re not that big of an adrenaline junkie, but it seems like a lot of fun, so you decide to give it a try and go for a jump. Swimming over you get out of the water and follow their route over a rocky part to arrive to the jumping spot. For a while, you stop at the back, just watching them jump in one after the other before moving closer to the edge, but there’s still enough place that they can keep jumping in while you stand there, collecting your courage.
Right before you’re about to finally take the leap you look around, as if your sixth sense had been activated and when you glance over to your towel you spot Harry.
And it all goes downhill from there.
Harry looks mouthwateringly good on an average day in the office when his body is covered from neck to toe. It’s hard even then to keep your thoughts at check, but what you’re seeing right now can only be described as a violent act against females.
Add the salty air of Italy to the equation, a slight, delicious tan over his inked body that’s usually covered by his designer clothes, a chunky, luxurious pair of sunglasses and… the absolute shortest swimming trunks you’ve ever laid your eyes on, but it’s so low on his hips as he is adjusting the waistband that his V-line could be seen from even across the lake, it’s so delicious, any sane woman would lose their mind over it, then there are those chiseled abs, his bulging pecks and the unruly curls on top of his head…
It makes you lose more than just your mind. Literally.
Because when Harry looks up and he smiles your way you lose your balance and fall right into the water in a way that’s most likely anything but gracious or sexy.
The water closes above you and there’s a moment of shock, but you recover quickly, swimming upwards until your head is above the surface again.
“Fuck,” you cough, kicking underneath the water to keep you floating and you squint your eyes before opening them, but maybe you should have just kept them closed, because the next thing you see is Harry swimming towards you.
“Hey, you alright?” he reaches you and you feel his hand wrap around your upper arm to help you keep you up and his touch sends a wave of shock down your spine instantly.
“Y-yeah,” you breathe out and then you make another mistake.
It’s hard to keep yourself floating when your heart is hammering in your chest and your nervous system is all messed up from the sight you just saw moments ago. Your hands move before you could even think twice and you find yourself holding onto his broad shoulders.
The feeling of his soft, warm skin under your touch and the hard muscles underneath waves goodbye to the last bit of your sanity.
“S-sorry,” you gasp, pulling your hands back fast, but it makes you dip under the water again, so Harry reaches for you and pulls you up, curling an arm around your waist and your body goes into full shock when you feel yourself pushed up against you in the cold water, your hands coming to rest on the base of his neck as he keeps you both up.
“Please don’t drown on a business trip, that wouldn’t look too good,” he jokes and you manage to get a laugh out, but it sounds suffocated, because it feels impossible to fill your lungs when your smoking hot boss’ body is melted against yours in the water.
“Okay,” you breathe out, looking into his eyes that are covered by his sunglasses, so you can’t tell where he is looking.
That’s his luck. Because right in this moment, Harry can’t decide if he wants to stare at your wet lips, your tits pressed against his chest or your widened eyes, framed with long eyelashes glued together because of the water dripping from them.
So his gaze keeps moving between these three things behind the cover of his shades.
“Let’s move to a more shallow part,” he suggests, but he has ulterior motives.
It’s not that he wants to let go of you, hell no! He would do anything to keep you pressed up against him for hours and he even thinks about having your legs wrapped around his waist and that’s exactly that causes the problem, because he can feel himself getting hard and the last thing he needs is for you to discover his erection.
You nod and let go of him, putting some safe distance between the two of you and Harry lets you swim ahead towards the shore. He is raking his head for anything that could help him regain control over his rather hard situation. Slowly, but he finally succeeds and he can feel himself calming down just as you reach a more shallow part. You both stand and emerge from the water and Harry catches a glimpse of your bikini clad body, the crystal clear water is dripping from your curves and in a split second, he is hardening again.
He is just about to drop back into the water to hide his erection when you step on a rock and lose your balance, falling backwards, straight into Harry’s arm.
You gasp as his arms lock around your waist, keeping you from falling into the water ant potentially hurting yourself, but this also means that your ass is now pressed against his crotch… which means that his hard cock is now wedged comfortable between your ass cheeks.
For a moment Harry is sure whoever is up above, they are playing a cruel game with him. Because seeing you in a bikini was already a burning temptation, then having you in his arms in the water and those illicit thoughts invading his mind about how it would feel to have your legs around his waist was pure torture, but this… this is something he will surely think about in the evening when he’s alone in his hotel room, his hand wrapped around his leaking cock…
He considers the chances of you not realizing his dick is pressed against your ass, but judging from the way your body has stiffened, there’s no way you didn’t notice.
You definitely did. You feel every inch of him, you feel how thick and rock hard he is and you think about how it would feel like if he was inside you right now.
Harry clears his throat behind you, his arms still around your waist.
“Are you alright?” he asks and his mouth is right next to your ear, his hot breath is tickling your neck and goosebumps cover your skin from head to toe.
Your voice is gone, all you can do is nod, but you’re still not moving.
“Y/N?” he speaks up again.
“I’m gonna let you go now.”
And let’s not talk about how my cock just sat between your ask cheeks for a whole minute, he adds mentally.
You nod and put your weight back onto your feet as you pull away from Harry, his arms fall from around you and he moves back quickly a few feet so the water reaches above his hip, covering the bulge in his shorts.
“I-I think I’m gonna… head back to my room,” you stutter, only daring to look at him for a split second.
“I’m gonna take a nap,” you add and Harry nods.
“See you before dinner. Fabio wants to take us out for drinks after,” he reminds you.
“Great. S-see you later,” you clear your throat and rush out of the water as fast as you can without tripping again.
You gather your stuff and head to the stairs that lead up to the hotel, but allow yourself one last glance back. In the water, you spot Harry swimming further in the lake and the feeling of his erection pressed up against you invades your mind again, making you run up the stairs, taking two steps at once and you don’t stop until you’re locked up in your hotel room. Your bikini is still dripping wet, but between your legs it’s not just because of the swimming.
You strip and then stand under the massive walk-in shower, cold water running down you as you lean against the tiled wall, trying to wrap your mind around what just happened, but it’s impossible and the next thing you know is that you have two fingers buried inside your pussy and you’re chanting Harry’s name as you chase your release.
Fuck, you think when you’ve come, tonight will be your personal Hell.
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog if you enjoyed and buy me a coffee if you want to support me!
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thehalfwaypost · 1 year ago
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nabisero · 7 months ago
Cannobio Ferienwohnung Is Truly An Amazing Service Provider
Cannobio has charming apartments for holiday stays with all the conveniences and amenities for visitors. The apartments come with private washing facilities and kitchen for an affordable alternative to hotel bookings. Ferienwohnungen for families give guests all the space they need to unwind without being confined by the constraints of restaurant dining periods. A lot of self-contained houses are fitted with fully equipped kitchens so guests can save money by cooking food on their own. After visiting the site , the user can gain insight into Lago Maggiore holiday apartment in a shorter time.
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shallowseeker · 1 year ago
The destruction of the family diner in SPN's 14x13 Lebanon:
So many family & Dean symbols
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Zachariah appears in front of a GARAGE (Al's Automobile Garage - Automobile Repairing). The light spotlights closed wooden doors, a callback to Castiel's arrival.
Papers and wrappers blow in the wind. There's a shopping cart with a big tire in it. Shopping is another family motif.
Cas joins him from the side of the shopping cart. (Combat isn't Zach's strong suit, I'm guessing, so he needs a specialist with him at all times.)
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The next shot includes more CHECKERBOARDED patterned papers, a call-forward to the family unit/family diner. They're restaurant wrappers, strewn about like garbage, the specter of the trampling of the family diner.
Zachariah is disgusted by it, shaking his foot like it's dog poop.
"Earth. You're always stepping in something."
Dean's family diner
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Zachariah and Cas enter the diner. The triangular neon sign "PSYCHIC" is lit up behind them, its eye peering at the audience. (I think it's a callback to Pamela, anther one of Dean's first contacts with Cas.)
This family diner is a pizza parlor called Big Little B&E Palace Pizza & Pasta. (Or something like that; probably just B&E.) To quote Shaggy from Scoobynatural, it's "like, a great Italian pizza place."
Also B&E -> like "breaking and entering."
The menu's got something for everyone:
The Classic Italian, The Greek, the Bacon Double Cheeseburger (Dean), Deluxe Hawaiian (Jack), Garden Veggie (Sam), Super Supreme.
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Next to the menu, there's a bronze Roman warrior bust.
On the wall, two coats hang among the mass of coats, touching -- a gray one reminiscent of Dean's dead guy robe and something khaki-tan like Cas's.
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Cut to Cas, directly positioned in front of the menu and next to the warrior bust. Cas will be shot in view of this threatening bust for much of this scene.
Zach orders Cas to get ready to murder everyone. The lights above the cashier counter burst. We get a shot of Cas powering up that bears some resemblance to the shot of Godstiel at the end of season 6.
When he powers up the windows of the family pizza diner light up, garnering the attention of Sam and Dean, who happen to be RIGHT OUTSIDE 528 B & E.
Shot of Cas powered up and ready to kill. The Roman soldier bust remains in the shot.
Enter Sam and Dean.
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When Dean calls for Cas, the bust drops from the shot, but only for a second. Instead, we see more of the family diner menu. However, when Dean pleads, "Cas, you know us!" Cas hardens.
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"I don't know you." And suddenly, the bust is back in the shot.
Dean's expression is like whiplash. Ow.
"Kill them."
Warrior--pizza--Cas. It's a mockery of Dean's family.
The fight & destruction of Dean's family diner
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Cas attacks Dean first--throws him into two silver serving trays.
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Cut to Zachariah choking Sam...in front of sailboats from Italy, Lago di Garda. (Famously, Lake Garda has something for everyone with its colorful towns, majestic castles, ancient Roman ruins, sun-kissed beaches, vineyards, amusement parks, and historical sites.)
These paired sails bring to mind Mary & John. Or Dean & Cas.
Side note: Absolutely hilarious that Zach blames Sam for the disturbance. Dean is the one who made the wish.
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Dean is on the defense, but whacking Cas with a silver platter is pretty much like hammering an unmovable wall. Cas just keeps coming. He backhands Dean face-first into a brick wall.
Side sidenote: I'm glad the boys' angel blades hadn't disappeared yet. A few minutes later and the timeline might've eaten them, leaving the boys defenseless.
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Side side sidenote: Although Dean favors Cas with the blunt end of the angel blade, quickly getting disarmed in the process, Sam's not that nice. After dispatching Zach, he attacks Cas with the pointy end.
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Cas punches Sam in the face...and then backhands Dean again. Sam comes for more, gets the vector of his blade blocked, and gets choked again.
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Cas throws Sam into one of the family diner table, spilling the meal the three Lebanon friends had been enjoying. The destruction of the family meal. The tablecloth is the same checkerboard pattern than Zach trampled earlier.
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Elbow to Dean's face. Dean gets thrown into the shelf of dishes. The glasses on the top shelf shatter. Both white mugs fall, too. Everything shatters, and Dean falls into the glass. The destruction of the metaphorical kitchen, the domestic space with coffee cups.
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bigtickhk · 24 days ago
Truth Telling Trump Tariffs
Whether he is eating in a restaurant, Mar-E-Lago or on Trump Force One, Truth Telling Trump is a master at getting someone else to pay the tariff.
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portugalconfidential · 1 year ago
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banexmall · 11 months ago
Explore Banex Malls in Lekki
If you are living in Lekki and looking for best luxury malls in Lekki then you should search about Banex mall,
Banex Mall is a group headquartered in Lagos and is regarded as the largest mall in Nigeria. The mall consists of about 140 spaces with retailers doing business with popular quality brands. It ranges from medical, clothing, house provisions, and many more. The Malls in Lekki offer variety to the people as they come for shopping.
A lot of people are coming to the mall and so there is a provision for parking areas. The person can keep his vehicle in the parking zone. The parking space makes shopping interesting. No need to worry about parking your vehicles.
Banex Mall offers accessibility and it includes commuting methods, appropriate parking space, public transport facilities, and much more.
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posttexasstressdisorder · 4 months ago
Listen to Jeffrey Epstein Spill Intel on Donald Trump’s White House
A new recording captures Epstein dishing on Trump.
Harry Lambert 
Special Correspondent
Updated Nov. 1 2024 3:54AM EDT / Published Oct. 31 2024 6:00PM EDT 
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Michael Wolff, the explosive chronicler of Donald Trump’s four years in the White House, has released what he says is a recording of Jeffrey Epstein, who died in 2019, discussing Trump’s then-White House team in detail.
Wolff released the tape on his podcast, Fire and Fury. He says it was made in a restaurant in 2017, most probably in the SoHo branch of Ladurée, a patisserie in Manhattan. Epstein can be heard speaking over the din of diners.
“His people fight each other,” Epstein tells Wolff on the recording, “and then he [Trump] poisons the well outside.”
“He will tell ten people ‘Bannon’s a scumbag’ and ‘Priebus is not doing a good job’ and ‘Kellyanne has a big mouth’—what do you think? Jamie Dimon [CEO of JPMorgan Chase] says that you’re a problem and I shouldn’t keep you. And I spoke to [financier] Carl Icahn. And Carl thinks I need a new spokesperson.”
He continues: “So Kelly[anne]—even though I hired Kellyanne’s husband—Kellyanne is just too much of a wildcard. And then he tells Bannon, you know I really want to keep you but Kellyanne hates you.”
Epstein Showed Pics of Trump with Topless Young Women: WolffOCTOBER SURPRISE?
Hugh Dougherty
Epstein is referring to former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon, former White House chief of staff Reince Priebus and former White House senior counselor Kellyanne Conway, whose then-husband, George Conway, was briefly considered for positions in Trump’s Department of Justice.
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Wolff—whose journalistic accuracy has previously been challenged by critics—said he had around “100 hours of Epstein talking about the inner workings of the Trump White House and about his long standing, deep relationship with Donald Trump.” Wolff has not provided anything more than this snippet of Epstein speaking in 2017.
Epstein had wanted Wolff to write his biography. (He also wanted the New York Times reporter James B. Stewart, the author of DisneyWar, to do so.)
Karoline Leavitt, the national press secretary for Trump’s 2024 election campaign, responded to Wolff’s claims, and the recording, in a statement to the Daily Beast:
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Epstein has not previously been identified by Wolff as a source of his for Fire and Fury, the 2018 book on the Trump presidency, which is estimated to have made him more than $13m.
Wolff followed the book with two more—Siege: Trump under Fire (2019) and Landslide: The Final Days of the Trump Presidency (2021)—which proved less successful. The Daily Mail recently signed him up to cover Trump as a columnist, and he launched his podcast in June.
Trump and Epstein were filmed laughing together in a clip captured at Mar-a-Lago in 1992 by NBC. They were also photographed smiling beside each other at Trump’s Palm Beach estate in 1997 and 2000.
“Here are these two guys both driven by a need to do anything they wanted with women: dominance and submission and entertainment,” Wolff says of the duo on his podcast. “And one of them ends up in the darkest prison in the country and the other in the White House.”
A Trump campaign source claimed to the Beast that is it “widely known” that Trump severed ties with Epstein after allegations of sex trafficking were levied against his once-close friend.
Harry Lambert
Special Correspondent
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karisomk · 2 years ago
He's just a friend, I swear! Pt. 1 Attuma x Okoye Office AU
Song: https://youtu.be/E-uwulZWpak Pairings: Attuma x Okoye Tags: Romance, approaching smut in p2. ,humor with denial of feelings. Summary:
Sometimes secrets don't stay secrets! W'Kabi breaks up with Okoye and with the combination of the stress of her office job. She decides to take a long two-week vacation in Yucatan where she meets a certain man. Both walk into their relationship as being strictly friends with benefits. Any lingering feels were dropped once her vacation was over. That was until Attuma happens to be the new transfer to her department at her office. Things tried to remain a civil level but Attuma has had enough of that. Translation: Chaak Lool = Red Flower
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She was surprised to not see Attuma today, considering the other made it his mission to eat with her every afternoon when they worked together.  The last time they had spoken, she knew he wanted to go out to a restaurant during their lunch break.  And the two spoke about their favorite dishes and favorite restaurants. Raving about Lagos' Chicken Curry, which was her favorite dish, she knew Attuma wanted to try the restaurant with her. This was the most civil conversation they have had so far alone. Finally, Attuma understood that she was in fact a different person at work than on vacation. Or so she thought.  The two abruptly stopped speaking to one another once her vacation was officially over and she flew back home.  She sat with her feelings of not seeing him again, after all both agreed that this was just sex. A point for them to enjoy themselves and to say fuck her ex-boyfriend W’Kabi. That was until Attuma happened to be the new transfer to her department.
Okoye lifted a brow at the sight of the small black to-go containers with a white foam cup that was sealed with a straw on her desk. 
A yellow sticky note was placed beside it that read, "Caught in a meeting but I ordered for you since I wasn't able to ask you to join me for lunch today. Enjoy!"  Attuma signed the bottom of it even leaving a little smiley face next to his name.  Okoye picked up the sticky note, admiring his cursive penmanship before placing it down.  Opening the first large plate container, Okoye perked up at the scent of spices from the Chicken Curry and rice. Opening the second container, she smiled softly recognizing the Malva Pudding. By the time she searched her cabinets for utensils and extra napkins, her stomach growled. Keeping the lights off in her office, she only opened one of her blinds to let the sun in. Enjoying the silence for the hour in a half that was supposed to be her lunch time.
Aneka peaked in while knocking on her doorframe, "It smells good in here. I was going to ask you what you were going to eat for lunch, but I see you already got it. What did you get?"
"Attuma treated me to lunch today and it's Chicken Curry with Malva Pudding," Okoye said moving to grab her drink container.  Tilting it slightly to look at the dark hue liquid threw the plastic lid, "Looks like Kirkrade."
Aneka sucked her teeth before rubbing her stomach, " I swear he's always trying to spoil you! Can I have some?!"
"Now you know you are just making things up; yes sure we will eat lunch together" Okoye started to say.
"Well, he decided to join me and kept on eating lunch with me" Okoye snorted while looking for more utensils and a small plate.
"Okoye… He likes to get you tea in the morning, and you said it yourself it is made just the way you like it. "
"Yes, so? That is very considerate of him to do so" Okoye retorted quickly. But in reality, Attuma knew something about her due to spending two weeks in Yucatan together.
"SO! He is determined to spoil you with food and spend time with you. Your little work husband" Aneka flashed a grin and even laughed when Okoye sucked her teeth at her. Though her heart fluttered, she could never tell her that what she had with Attuma was just a fling. Even if she did like him, their understanding of one another in Yucatan was that they would never see one another again.
And yet, Attuma was now her new coworker that transferred in.
Spreading some of the chicken curry and rice on a plate, Okoye even shared some of the pudding with Aneka.  Aneka was practically humming after the second bite, Okoye chewed slowly savoring the flavors.
"It tastes like it came from Lagos.  Not that many places over here know how to make Chicken Curry correctly."
"Isn't that like your favorite place to go, yeah?"
"Mm, it is. He did mention that he wanted to try it with me one day during our lunch breaks."
"Ah, Okoye. I'm telling you right now to go out on a date with that man." Aneka said in a hushed tone.
"We are just friends; you could be reading too much besides Attuma could be seeing someone. " Okoye countered. Not that she cared or anything, though she ignored the way her chest tightened at the thought.
"I see women attempting to flirt with him, but he's always brief with them but that's not the case with you" Aneka pointed out.
Okoye grew quiet about that, deciding to just eat more of her food, though her mind betrayed her. 
Blankets and towels were neatly spread across the white sand, a picnic basket half empty while clothing from both of them was scattered around them. Large hands that firmly squeezed her buttocks while she rode him slowly, their moans muffled by bright blue waves crashing onto the beach.  "Stay with me Okoye, it is beautiful here and-" he trailed, rolling his hips upwards in emphasis, erupting a moan from Okoye in response. "And we won't be far from one another either."  Attuma gave that crooked smile, his full cheeks showing off his dimples when Okoye swatted at his arms.
"Hey, Okoye. Oi, earth to Okoye" Aneka chimed, waving slightly to get her attention.
Okoye blinked away at one of the many memories she had with Attuma in Yucatan. 
"You, okay?"
"Mm, just a little tired" Okoye lied softly, but luckily Aneka didn't press the issue.  Aneka glanced at her phone, "Hey, I'll catch up with you later. I know Ayo wanted to meet up before lunchtime is over."
“Tell your husband, I said thank you for the food too!"
Okoye parted her lips to deny that title once more, but Aneka scurried out of her office before she could say anything.
Finally finishing her food in peace until she heard another knock on her door, this time Attuma stood in her doorway with a coffee cup and a small box of food in his hand.
“Hey, how was it?” Attuma closed the door behind him, taking up Aneka’s seat near Okoye’s desk with a sigh. Worry showed on his temple and yet he smiled softly at her.
“It was wonderful, thank you for treating me.”
“You’re very welcome, chaak lool”
“What did I tell you about calling me that here?”
“But it is just us right now in your office, alone.” Attuma placed his container on his desk leaning back into the chair.
‘Unless, you are worried about your ex-boyfriend wondering why I call you that.  Does he still bother you like he did when you were with me?” Attuma flashed a teasing grin even as Okoye rolled her eyes.
“That’s none of your business.” Okoye stood up, gathering her empty containers from her desk to toss in her wastebin by her door.
“But it was my business when you wanted me to answer your phone while we were fucking each other. How much you wanted W’Kabi to know that you were no longer interested in him after the stunt he pulled with you. ” Attuma quipped back.
“KEEP your voice down,” Okoye hissed.
Attuma stood up placing his cup on her desk moving close to Okoye, “If someone is listening that would be their fault.”
Okoye placed her hand on her door handle, tempted to just leave him in her office but Attuma placed a hand on the door while he looked down at Okoye.
Closing the space slightly between them, “Chaak Lool. Are you done playing like you don't miss me like I miss you?”
“I don’t miss you, we were just-” Okoye trailed off when she was pulled closer to him, being trapped between the door and Attuma.
She avoided those warm eyes she had come to know well, until she felt one of those large hands grasp her chin to make her look up at him. Her grip still on the door handle only tightened, inhaling his lovely earthy cologne.
“And so, what.  If we were just fucking, that’s our business like before,” Attuma injected quietly, letting his thumb brush against her bottom lip.
Okoye’s lips parted when Attuma moved closer, her legs pressed tightly to cease the throbbing in her sex. She did miss him, so terribly. Touching herself wasn’t the same nor was the few times she did sleep with W’Kabi.
So much for being civil with one another.
Okoye's faint moan was muffled by Attuma crushing his lips against hers, their tongues brushing against one another while she reached to wrap her arms around his neck. Attuma let his hands roam over Okoye, tracing every curve with familiarity and need. Light squeezes to her breast that made her moan slightly against his lips. His hands gripping her skirt, pulling and hiking it up to touch more of her thighs.
Okoye’s desk phone rang loudly, yanking both from their steamy moment with one another. Attuma hadn’t exactly moved but merely pressed a kiss to Okoye’s neck in hope she would just let it ring. But when she pushed past him, he made no effort to stop her but instead sighed to himself.
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