#Rest time between supersets
transportlong · 2 years
Rest time between supersets
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#Rest time between supersets professional
Results, as always, will vary from individual to individual for these reasons and you are responsible for understanding that atypical outcomes may not reflect your experience. Your chest and back muscles needs 5 minutes of rest between each set, and you might need a good couple of minutes between exercises for your heart rate to settle back down. Supersets can be also used for the same muscle group or complimentary muscle groups. Many people think that supersets are for opposing muscle groups only, but that’s not the case. That said, as with all fitness programs, the best results are not uncommonly correlated with the best efforts, discipline, diligence, and so on, and therefore the results depicted and featured cannot be construed as common, typical, expected, normal, or associated with the average user’s experience. A superset is where you perform two different exercises in succession (with minimal rest during the transition). There are two main criteria for a superset: it must include two (or sometimes more) exercises and there must be no rest time between those exercises. Coach Jeff Cavaliere (the owner of ATHLEAN-X™ and Sports Performance Factory LLC) and staff have conducted all steps possible to verify the testimonials and reviews that appear on this site. Supersets are a great way to maximise your time in the gym. When doing 2 exercises for the same muscle, you will need regular rest between sets. Just take enough time so that you're not out of breath. This effectively doubles the amount of work you are doing, whilst keeping the recovery periods the same as they are when you complete individual exercises. Well then for arm day, you really won't need rest between supersets, as one muscle rests while the other works. We here at are committed to providing you our visitor/user with a safe and reliable website experience. While supersets done with little or no rest between exercises might potentially hurt your performance, supersets that lead to you taking longer time between sets of the same exercise could actually help your performance: In one study, participants trained bench press and seated row. The concept of a superset is to perform 2 exercises back to back, followed by a short rest (but not always).
#Rest time between supersets professional
06881 (888)4-ATHLEANX (88)The materials and content contained in this website, products, emails, messages, or consulting are for general health information only and are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. What does it mean for you Taking a self-selected rest approach between sets where you rest as long as needed until you feel ready, could reduce training time. A Sports Performance Factory LLC Production – Copyright ©MMXVIII Sports Performance Factory LLC P.O. The ATHLEAN-X Training System™ and the ATHLEAN-RX™ are registered trademarks and may not be copied or used for any purpose without express written consent.
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gym-x-plus · 6 months
🏋️‍♀️ Ready to take your training to the next level?
It’s time to supercharge your workouts with supersets!
1️⃣ How to Organize Your Supersets:
Choose two exercises that target different muscle groups.
Pair exercises that allow one muscle group to rest while the other works.
Aim for balance and efficiency in your pairings.
2️⃣ Benefits of Supersetting:
Maximizes time efficiency by reducing rest periods between sets.
Increases training intensity and calorie burn for a more effective workout.
Enhances muscular endurance and promotes muscle growth through metabolic stress.
3️⃣ Tips for Proper Supersetting:
Focus on quality over quantity, maintaining proper form throughout each set.
Start with compound movements before moving to isolation exercises.
Stay hydrated and listen to your body’s cues to prevent overtraining.
💪 Ready to experience the power of supersets? Try incorporating them into your next workout routine and feel the burn! 🔥 Let’s crush those fitness goals together! 💪💥
💥 Maximisez vos séances avec les supersets ! 💥
1️⃣ Choisissez deux exercices pour cibler différents groupes musculaires.
2️⃣ Réduisez les temps de repos pour une séance plus intense et efficace.
3️⃣ Priorisez la forme et l’hydratation pour des résultats optimaux.
Prêt(e) à ressentir la puissance des supersets ? Essayez-les dès aujourd’hui ! 💪🔥
©️Credit ig @bootybydesign
 #Supersets #EntraînementEfficace
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qrfit · 2 months
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Day 4 of 5 day workout week:
It was a beautiful summer Thursday! I felt the need to get back to the gym after an impromptu off day on Wednesday. But, it was for an excellent reason!
After dragging myself through it for a year, I FINALLY finished my Functional Training Specialist program with American Council on Exercise! Adding this to my Group Fitness and Personal Training certs has been a long time goal. It feels awesome to have it done! I took my final quiz yesterday (a 96%!) and was just mentally and physically exhausted. Mostly, it felt great to be DONE. Also, it felt great to get back to moving today!
-I started with total body strength training with dumbbells! Today, I tweaked the training a bit with a step down on the weights (8-12lbs) and a step up on the reps (generally 3 x 8 + 8), with some supersets. Rest time between sets was around 15-20 seconds to keep the HR going!
-Then I did cardio kickboxing with weighted gloves (14 ounces)! | designed a bunch of new kicking and punching combos and added my bonus weighted jump-rope intervals.
Total calorie burn = 484 kcals
I gotta say! I'm feeling pretty accomplished over these past few days. One more cardio day for the week and then I get some more REST! 🫶🏽
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owlsandwich · 11 months
Alphabet Superset
F - Fine
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I finally managed to write my story for F! So long burnout - I'm on 5% power now! You can't stop me!
Anyway, this one is an Eira story. I'm excited because she's having some character art done of her, so I'll likely re-post at some point with that attached. She deserves some love.
The mouse placed a front paw delicately on the chipped wood of the kitchen table. Its ears flicked forward. Whiskers flared around the twitching nose, soft grey fur shining in the milky winter sunlight that streamed through the half-shuttered window. Even the shadow it cast was perfect.
Carefully, the mouse lifted a second paw. As it did so, the grey fur blurred. Pink tail faded to a simple smudge of colour that vaguely glowed as Eira’s focus slipped. She bit her lip, trying to ignore the stiffness in her back from her hunched position. But as she tried to claw the image back, the mouse’s head flickered. For a moment, it froze in place, photographic detail changing to something more akin to a child’s cartoon, before the illusion dispersed completely.
Eira let out a breath. Then her face split into a grin.
"It moved! Did you see that! Even the fur." She flicked her dark blonde hair over her shoulder as she stretched back in the chair. "You know, no-one else in class is even trying fur. They said if we wanted a challenge, we could go organic, but just something static, like an apple. It’s the light you see-"
She cut off as she saw her mother. Her back was to the table, mug of tea in one hand and eyes passing over the colourful art magazine that lay in what little space was left between the piles of stacked dishes on the worksurface.
Eira’s smile faded.
"We’re you… We’re you even watching?"
The barest hum of acknowledgement answered her question. Paper crumpled as a page turned, and Eira swallowed.
Her mother raised her head. A strand of blonde hair had worked its way free from her bun, and she flicked it back, much like Eira had done moments before.
"Hmmm?" She glanced down at the empty kitchen table. "Oh. Of course I was watching! It all looked fine to me."
An empty hollow settled in Eira’s stomach. Weeks of practice. Endless studies of photos and recordings. Different rooms. Different times of day. The exhaustion and joy of seeing her mind take form into a vision she could share. The warming memory of her best friend’s excitement at the mouse’s first steps now seemed to fade to grey.
"I know a moving illusion isn’t that hard if you aren’t going for realism, but the teacher wants us to try and make something convincing. Pretty much eveyone still struggles with things glowing when they try to do movement. That’s why Charon said we should should start static." The explanation seemed to tumble out before she could stop herself. "She says a great illusionist doesn’t even need much magic-"
Eira stopped as her mother’s lips pressed into a thin line.
"Well, you won’t have any trouble there," she replied. "The way you’re going, you’re bound to end up with as much as your father. You won’t need to waste your time on practice like the rest of us rabble."
Her mother put her mug down with a clunk that made Eira flinch. When she spoke again, her voice sounded small. "I just meant-"
"It’s fine, Eira. I’m sure they’ll be very pleased with you."
Eira watched in silence as her mother picked up the magazine and rolled it up. She tucked it under her arm and added the empty mug to the stack. When she looked back, the frown had vanished from her face.
"Oh, cheer up! Life’s not that bad." She ruffled Eira’s hair as she moved towards the door, calling back as she left. "I’m just off out. Be a dear and sort the dishes while I’m gone, will you?"
A cloud shadowed the stream of weak sunlight as the door snapped shut.
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soysaucevictim · 7 months
Oh dear gawd, was today's WO sesh p damn miserable thanks to GI issues (especially upper, bleh).
But got it done anyways.
Today's DD was 30 climber taps. Shoulda worn something with shorter sleeves - 'cause they bunched up under my palms a few times making floor grip dodgy a few times. On top of phantoms of heartburn...
Day 25 of the BP was done at Level 3, no superset today, rested 30" in between each of the sets. Boy did I need it. Calves felt a bit stiff going into the calf raises - but was generally pretty okay in all the balance work. The part that made things so much more unpleasant were the squat holds. Mostly, the strain just kinda made everything all angry with me.
But I finished it, albeit nauseous enough to feel need to put wet towel around neck to simmer down.
Mountain Dew, coffee milk, pizza, and a few slices of sourdough just was a baaad combo going into this mess... orz
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dumaguing18 · 9 months
As a HUMSS student, physical fitness can be upheld in influencing the future by improving academic achievement, mental wellbeing, and overall health. Studies have shown a positive association between physical fitness and academic achievement in adolescents. Physical activity can also improve mental wellbeing by reducing stress and anxiety. HUMSS students can engage in aerobic exercises, such as running, walking, or yoga, to improve physical fitness. Classroom-based physical activity interventions have been found to have a positive impact on academic-related outcomes. Eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, and avoiding junk food are also important for overall health. When engaging in physical activity, safety measures should be taken to minimize potential risks. Time-efficient training programs, such as drop-sets, rest-pause training, and supersets, can be used to save time while still achieving strength and hypertrophy goals.
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workoutinspiration · 10 months
Unlock the secrets to a powerful upper body with this straightforward, results-driven workout for beginners. Embrace simplicity and consistency to see real results. Let's dive into a workout that's all about building strength efficiently and sustainably! 🚀🏋️‍♂️
Focus on Fundamentals: Master basic exercises for maximum effectiveness.
Consistent Effort: Regular, steady workouts are more effective than sporadic, intense ones.
Gradual Progression: Increase weights or reps over time to challenge your muscles.
Mind-Muscle Connection: Ensure proper form and focus on the muscles you're working.
🏋️‍♂️ WORKOUT PLAN: 1️⃣ Superset 1: Chest & Back
Bench Press or Push-Ups: 3 sets x 8-12 reps
Bent-Over Dumbbell Rows: 3 sets x 8-12 reps
2️⃣ Superset 2: Shoulders & Upper Back
Dumbbell Overhead Press: 3 sets x 8-12 reps
Assisted Pull-Ups or Lat Pulldowns: 3 sets x 8-12 reps
3️⃣ Superset 3: Biceps & Triceps
Dumbbell Bicep Curls: 3 sets x 10-15 reps
Bench Dips: 3 sets x 10-15 reps
4️⃣ Superset 4: Shoulders & Core
Dumbbell Front Raises: 3 sets x 12-15 reps
Cable Crunches: 3 sets x 15-20 reps
Balanced Diet: Incorporate a variety of nutrients with a focus on protein.
Stay Hydrated: Drink water throughout your day.
Adequate Rest: Ensure sufficient sleep and recovery time between workouts.
👊 Step into the gym with this plan, focus on your goals, and remember: your fitness journey is about gradual improvement and consistency. Let's begin this transformative journey together! 💥
#BeginnersUpperBody #StrengthTraining #SimpleEffectiveWorkout #ConsistentGains #BuildMuscle #WorkoutPlan #GymRoutine #StayFit #HealthyLifestyle #FitnessMotivation #TrainingTips #WellnessJourney
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groundfault · 2 years
I've returned from my short hiatus away from the XA Discord, and it's given me a chance to change my perspective on how I conduct myself and approach my music.
I went through some older projects last night, and I was reminded of how beautiful 24edo can be. As much as I wanted to avoid 12edo's diatonic scale, it can often be unbeatable. I tried retuning the relevant passages any way I new how, even resurrecting my knowledge of 39edo for the sound intermediate between 12 and 27edo. But nothing surpassed 12edo's perfect stability in those cases, borne from a pure unaltered diatonic scale with a near-just 3/2, and the thirds being a mix of meantone concordance and neogothic darkness, the latter of which produces a melodically favorable scale. At that point, I decided that I'm done experimenting with retuning for some time. The quasi-aeolian pental lattice with septimal modifications is my main framework, and I already have most of what I need in my five most tested diatonic edos. It's time to perfect my praxis.
27edo: Darkness with an unmistakable glint. Chord progressions sound remarkably natural here, and the 89-cent 16/15 is uniquely practical. Pental blackdye is conveniently a subset of superpyth[12] and 5:6:7 is very well approximated.
29edo: A neogothic diatonic that can be considered microtempered for my purposes, close enough to Pythagorean tuning to truly bring out the beauty of the pipe organ. Primes from 5 to 13 have large but bizarrely similar errors, which cancel out in ratios due to all being in the same direction. The furthest from a full septimal tuning system that I will use for diatonic-based music.
24edo: The middle of everything, and the safest bet for transcribing the melodies in my head. The 11/8 is very aesthetically fitting for its diatonic scale, and the septimal intervals becoming interseptimal is unexpectedly appropriate as well. It's a sound I didn't know I missed. 12edo diatonic is the mediant between 27 and 33, or 29 and 31, and its superset of 24 is the only edo on this list to break the 27 + 2n pattern. I could have chosen 36 as my multiple of 12, but I simply have no interest; in some ways, 24edo feels like the perfect tuning. Quarter tones cannot be done better, and I believe that this is what semiquartal is meant to sound like. Before I started xen composition in earnest three years ago, I decided that 24edo was my favorite tuning. It may be a coincidence, or perhaps I haven't given enough credit to knowledge without wisdom. 9:12:16:19 and 16:19:22 are very well approximated.
31edo: I haven't been using this one nearly as much as I used to. It's capable of some remarkable sweetness with the right instrumentation due to the excellence of septimal meantone; like 29edo, it currently has a precise use case for me. It does septimal diasem in a very practical and straightforward way, and its 8/7 is a useful theoretical generator.
33edo: An old interest turned anew. Similarly to 32edo, its unusual tempering of the pental lattice requires use of the second best prime 3 for full expression, but this time replacing the focus on the grave fifth with the grave fourth, which is a good generator for 33edo's theoretical framework as 33 is the first edo to really approach 53edo's buzzard temperament. Capable of profound darkness with the 13/11 and flat 3/2, much like pentagoth temperament, as well as the 14/9. Unfortunately lacking such strong consonance as the other tunings on this list. 5:3:1 diasem and 5:2:1 diamech are the best scales to begin understanding this tuning, but varying adjustments should be made and mastery requires a level of intuition that I don't yet possess.
I should now be able to think of a melody, decide which tuning is most appropriate, and leave it be as I move on to writing the rest of the song. The better and more fully that a passage is written, the harder it is to retune, and the less I have to gain from doing so. I have bigger plans for my music now and I need to be more efficient.
Ramadan starts tonight. It only makes sense to stop indulging my monomaniacal obsession with finding the perfect way to tune my lattice. My tuning experimentation should be limited to xenofifth edos, far enough abstracted from this to be considered a different category, and still lacking in appropriate musical representation.
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thestrongbear · 2 years
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Arm Day Formula 2 triceps exercises + 2 biceps exercises + 1 brachioradialis or brachialis exercise You can do up to 3 exercises each for triceps and biceps. I’d recommend going back and fourth between triceps and biceps exercises most of the time. Make every exercises for each muscle group a different grip and angle. 3 to 5 sets of 10 to 15 reps Use intensity techniques like AMRAPS, supersets, drop sets, rest pause sets, and slow tempo. 45 to 90 secs rest periods (at Gravity Fitness) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp86mC-NPcE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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suatatan · 3 days
"While there is good evidence that resting one to three minutes between sets of exercise is ideal for building muscle, that adds up to a lot of extra minutes, and eventually hours, in the gym.
With supersets, you combine complementary exercises without taking a break in between. A recent preprint study found this method to be extremely effective for building muscle."
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marcomarconii · 1 month
The Smartest Workout Guide: 🦉 Transform Your Fitness 👊🏽
📌 Are you working out in the gym but not getting the results you want? It’s time to rethink your approach. Stop wasting time and start working out smarter, not harder.
Many people hit the gym with enthusiasm but soon hit plateaus, injuries, or burnout. This happens when workouts lack structure, focus, or strategy. You end up going around in circles instead of making progress.
The secret to breakthrough results is combining strategies with consistency and focus. Here’s how you can level up your workouts to get more gains and less waste:
1️⃣ Compound Movements: Focus on exercises that work multiple muscle groups, such as squats, deadlifts, and bench presses. These are the foundations of any strength training program. They build more muscle and burn more calories in less time.
2️⃣ Progressive Overload: Your muscles need to be constantly challenged to grow. Gradually increase the weight, reps, or intensity of your workouts to ensure your muscles are always adapting and growing.
3️⃣ Periodization: Split your training into cycles, each with a different focus—strength, hypertrophy, endurance. Periodization prevents plateaus and keeps your body guessing, so you get continuous improvement.
4️⃣ Don’t Neglect Recovery: Muscles grow during rest, not during workouts. Prioritize sleep, hydration, and proper nutrition. Incorporate active recovery like stretching and foam rolling to keep your muscles flexible and ready for the next session.
5️⃣ Use Advanced Techniques Wisely: Use techniques like supersets, drop sets, and time under tension to intensify your workouts. These methods push your muscles to their limits and drive growth. But remember, technique always comes first—never sacrifice form for intensity.
6️⃣ Mind-Muscle Connection: Focus on the muscle you’re working on during each exercise. Visualizing the muscle contracting can make a huge difference in muscle activation and growth. This mind-muscle connection is often the difference between average results and amazing progress.
➡️ Ready to transform your fitness? Try these out and watch your results explode! Consistency, focus, and smart training will get you there. 🔥
📌 P.S. For more expert advice and workout plans, join my newsletter. Every week, I share insider tips to help you get to your fitness goals faster. 📬 https://marcomarconii.ck.page/eac0f41c6a
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short-factoz · 2 months
Kickstart Your Journey with Angular 18 and ASP.NET 8.0 Free Coupon
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The ever-evolving world of web development demands continuous learning and adaptation. If you're looking to build modern, dynamic web applications, mastering a powerful front-end framework like Angular 18 in tandem with a robust back-end solution like ASP.NET 8.0 is a strategic move. This combination equips you with the tools to create seamless user experiences and high-performing applications.  
Web Development Careers: Unveiling the Path to Success
This article serves as your comprehensive guide to kickstarting your journey with Angular 18 and ASP.NET 8.0. We'll delve into these technologies, explore their valuable features, and guide you through the learning process with a special bonus - a free coupon for a comprehensive Udemy course!
Why Angular 18 and ASP.NET 8.0?
Angular 18:
Modern Framework: Built with TypeScript for strong typing and improved developer experience.  
Angular 18 New Features: A complete guide for developers - Kellton
Improved Performance: Ivy compiler optimizations for faster build times and smoother app performance.
Enhanced Forms Module: Streamlined form handling and validation for better user interaction.  
Strict Mode by Default: Catches potential errors at compile time, promoting cleaner code.  
Rich Ecosystem: Extensive library support and a vibrant developer community.
ASP.NET 8.0:
Cross-Platform Development: Build applications for Windows, Linux, and macOS with minimal code changes.
Improved Web API: Enhanced developer experience for creating RESTful APIs.
Enhanced Security: Robust built-in security features to protect your applications.
Cloud-Native Development: Seamless integration with cloud platforms like Azure.
Modern Development Tools: Visual Studio support provides a powerful IDE for development.
Together, Angular 18 and ASP.NET 8.0 offer a compelling combination for building full-fledged web applications.
Learning Path
1. Building a Strong Foundation:
HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: Mastering these fundamentals is crucial for understanding the building blocks of web applications.  
TypeScript: Learn this superset of JavaScript for improved code type safety and maintainability.
2. Delving into Angular 18:
Understanding Components: Grasp the core building blocks of Angular applications.
Data Binding and Services: Utilize these techniques to manage data flow efficiently.
Routing and Navigation: Create seamless navigation experiences within your application.
Forms and Validation: Build user-friendly forms with robust validation.
Dependency Injection: Understand this design pattern for cleaner and more maintainable code.
3. Exploring ASP.NET 8.0:
Setting Up the Development Environment: Install the .NET SDK and learn to navigate Visual Studio.
Building Web APIs: Create RESTful APIs using ASP.NET Core MVC for communication between front-end and back-end.
Database Integration: Learn to connect your web APIs to databases for data persistence.
Security Best Practices: Implement authentication and authorization measures to secure your applications.
4. Building an Angular 18 and ASP.NET 8.0 Application:
Project Setup: Create separate projects for the Angular front-end and the ASP.NET back-end.
API Integration: Establish communication between the Angular app and the ASP.NET Web API.
Data Fetching and Display: Fetch data from the API endpoints and display it in the Angular application.
User Management: (Optional) Implement user login and registration functionalities through the API.
Resources and Learning Tools:
Udemy Courses (Free Coupon Included!): Explore a comprehensive Udemy course with video lectures, quizzes, and practical exercises. This article includes a special free coupon to unlock this valuable resource! (Details below)
Official Documentation: Both Angular and ASP.NET provide detailed documentation to guide your learning journey.
Online Tutorials and Blogs: Leverage the vast amount of online resources available for Angular and ASP.NET.
Community Forums: Engage with other developers on forums and communities to ask questions and share knowledge.
Free Udemy Course Coupon!
Get a head start on your Angular 18 and ASP.NET 8.0 journey with a free coupon for a Udemy course! This comprehensive course will equip you with the essential skills to build dynamic web applications.
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braininventoryusa · 3 months
The Definitive Handbook to TypeScript: Unleash the Full Potential of Your Code
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Quick Summary: There are a number of popular languages which serve different purposes, but when it comes to producing error-free, robust code–Typescript is the most loved among developers. According to a survey by Stack Overflow (Source)  in 2021, “Typescript is the seventh most popular technology and third most loved.” This popularity reflects the growing demand for Typescript development services, as developers appreciate its ability to produce premium quality codes with minimal errors. 
What is Typescript? 
As they define it, “Typescript is a JavaScript with syntax for types”. People often refer to it as the superset of JavaScript. It is used in combination with other tools like Node.js and Angular to develop web apps and JS. Just like any basic framework, it contains JS code along with keywords and constructs. The code gets translated to JS through compilation, which means any browser supporting JS can effectively use it. 
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The basic terminologies of Typescript 
Types- One of the significant features that Typescript offers is Types, which represent the functions or features of a specific value. There are two categories of types- primitive and object. Primitive types have string, number, null, boolean and undefined while object types have classes, arrays and functions. The main function of types is to detect errors in the compilation and allow a developer to understand the interrelation between values and variables. 
Classes- Typescript classes are exclusive functions that mimic the class keyword. Classes help to create new objects and are present in JS. Some of them have type designations to members and parameters of methods. You can use object oriented techniques like encapsulation and abstraction. It is great to work with classes when you already know you will require to change the state of an object over time. 
Interfaces- Interfaces work to make the code easier and readable by rightly defining the properties and types that any object could have. 
Generics- Typescript generics allows you to create reusable components that can work well with various data types. This ensures flexibility and scalability. These generics are similar to C# or Java, which allows you to make classes, functions and interfaces. 
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Most popular Typescript frameworks 
Nest- Nest.js, while being one of the most popular frameworks, is also the fastest growing framework in the website development world. It allows you to build scalable and high-performing Node.js web applications. It is an extensible, and progressive framework which includes documentation and application structures supported by Angular.
Feathers- Feathers.js was released in 2014 to create real-time apps. It has special features which eases out the modern web and app development. It is a lightweight framework which had a record of 55k weekly downloads in 2023, and it also supports Typescript as a first class citizen with nearly 95.9% Typescript codes in its database.
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Loopback- Loopback is an open source, with a new and improved programming model, including concepts such as Mixins, or Components, which makes it a highly extensible Typescript framework for building APIs and microservices. It has a record of 38k weekly downloads in 2023. It also uses OpenAPI to GraphQL which lets you create a GraphQL interface for any REST API and vice versa.
Popular libraries of Typescript 
jQuery- It is an open source, fast, JS library which is rich in features. It aids in HTML document traversal and manipulation, animation, Ajax, and event handling. Over 75% of websites take advantage of this library because of its lightweight nature, versatility and minimalistic API. 
D3.js- This library’s primary usage is manipulating data based documents, it illustrates graphs on .svg elements and creates powerful data visualizations. These special elements are termed as data driven documents. 
TS toolbelt- One of the most extensive libraries with over 200+ utilities, TS toolbelt is the most tested library available out there. It has a programmatic API and has revolutionized the way developers write JS, by offering some of the best mapped types, conditional types and recursive types. 
Anime.js- Anime.js is a lightweight animation library, which comes with a simple yet powerful API. It has a built-in staggering system to make the complex follow through and overlapping animations an easy task. While it can be used in both properties and timings, it also works well with most of the browsers like Safari, Chrome, Mozilla, and Opera. Also, with anime.js, you need a single element,  which can animate multiple CSS transforms properties with varied timings simultaneously. 
Go.js- Go.js helps to build diagrams on the web with both JS and Typescript. It can create graph editors, data visualizations, and drawing tools. It also offers automatic layouts, extensive tools and tool tips.
Reasons to use Typescript 
Simplified Javascript- Codes are easier to read and debug. 
Runs everywhere- Since it has a JS background, it can run almost anywhere where JS does. 
Large and active community support- Typescript has a large and active community support, where the members provide easy access to tools and resources for developers. It is relatively quick to find a solution for a problem, when thousands of professionals are sitting ready to help. On top of it, giants like Google, Microsoft and Asana share their experiences and work with the community to take inspiration. 
Compatibility- Typescript is compatible with almost every third party library. 
Supports static typing- Typescript supports static typing because of its benefits like IDE assistance, runtime errors and performance optimization. 
Object oriented programming concepts- Keeping your code clean and robust, object oriented programming helps to deliver quality coding to a client. 
Minimal errors- While it is impossible to create an error-free code, Typescript’s type feature prevents a lot of errors which saves a lot of time that may go in identifying and fixing them later on. You may still hire a Typescript expert to go error-free. 
Typescript is a developer’s favorite, and it is more than just a superset of Javascript, because of its powerful features such as static typing, compatibility, advanced tooling and extensive libraries. By embracing its powerful tools, you can possess the secret to writing cleaner codes. Remember, Typescript is a language that will continue to grow, it is here to stay, and it will offer more exciting features. So keep exploring, keep experimenting with it. You can also hire Typescript developer to get the best out of Typescript’s capabilities and succeed with your project!
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soysaucevictim · 7 months
Exercise docket = done.
Going to count in walking to a Mex restaurant and, on way back, grabbing a jug of milk toward this. (Playing Very Cold Potato with that last part between handholds... pffft. It was already on the chilly side out, too.)
After a bit of time to game and chill out...
Today's DD was 40 lunge punches. Pretty damn aerobic but doable. Still like the punching part more than the lunging part. :,D
Day 19 of the BP was done at Level 3, in one superset. I was entertaining clustering a few sets and resting - mostly because of the standing w-extensions bit. But I just wound up keeping the train rolling, so I'm not complaining. :,D
Should probably handle dishes while I'm still riding on the Good Brain Day vibes, in a tick.
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littleharpethcrossfit · 6 months
Saturday, 6 April, 2024
Sessions at 0730 & 0930. The weather was sunny but nearly freezing cold at dawn.
Armando led us thru some dynamic and static stretches.
Jog in place to the song
Burpees when they sing "Roxanne" (25)
Surprisingly, this irksome warmup was enjoyed by nearly all. Not surprisingly, Robert was the only one that objected. Ed arrived too late, but I heard he did it afterwards.
Deadlifts: 10/10/10/10 (50 to 60% 1 Rep Max)
Ring Rows Superset: 5/5/5/5
Warren A=228 Lew=227 Ed/Patrick/Armando/Robert/Chase=225 Herb=175 Paul/Dana/Dyer=165 Rodney/Tim=135 Linda=115 Kayla=105 Sue/Cheri=85 S.C./Sabrina/Alicia=did it Coach=back recovering
A CrossFit Benchmark Revised
10 Rounds For Time
10 Pullups
15 Pushups
20 Situps
25 Squats
Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds
Lew=26:07 Warren A=26:10 Sue=26:53 Kayla=27 Dana=28:08 Robert=29:15 Herb=29:46 Armando=30:44 Tim=31:53 Ed=34:54 Chase=35:01 S.C.=36 Rodney=37:12 Cheri=37:25 Patrick=20:40 (6 rounds) Paul=26:01 (6 rounds) Dyer=17:10 (5 rounds) Coach/Linda/Alicia/Sabrina=did it
Run / Jog / Walk Arboretum Loop
Some did it.
The early workout was nearly freezing, but it warmed quickly.
Sunday at 0730, and again at 1 PM. The 0730 will be chilly again. Dogwood Winter.
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shebuislam · 7 months
"Build Stronger and Defined Arms with This Effective Biceps and Triceps Superset Workout Routine!"
In this workout routine, we will be focusing on a series of supersets that target the biceps and triceps muscles. Supersets are a form of strength training where you perform two exercises back-to-back with little to no rest in between. This not only helps in saving time during your workout but also keeps the intensity high, leading to increased muscle activation and growth. To learn more about arnold arms workout.
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Superset 1 includes the Incline Dumbbell Curl and Triceps Pushdown. The Incline Dumbbell Curl is a great exercise for targeting the biceps as it allows for a full range of motion and helps in isolating the muscle. On the other hand, the Triceps Pushdown is an effective exercise for the triceps that helps in building strength and definition in the back of the arms.
Superset 2, we have the Standing Alternate Dumbbell Curl and One-Arm Overhead Extension. The Standing Alternate Dumbbell Curl is a classic bicep exercise that helps in building size and strength in the arms. Pairing this with the One-Arm Overhead Extension, which targets the long head of the triceps, creates a balanced superset that works both the biceps and triceps.
Superset 3 consists of the Preacher Curl and Lying French Press. The Preacher Curl is a great exercise for isolating the biceps and focusing on the peak of the muscle. When paired with the Lying French Press, which targets the triceps and helps in building strength in the back of the arms, this superset provides a comprehensive arm workout.
Superset 4 includes the Concentration Curl and Close Triceps Pushup. The Concentration Curl is an excellent exercise for targeting the biceps and improving muscle definition. Pairing this with the Close Triceps Pushup, which engages the triceps and chest muscles, creates a challenging superset that works multiple muscle groups simultaneously.
Superset 5 consists of the Reverse Preacher Curl and Barbell Wrist Curl. The Reverse Preacher Curl targets the brachialis muscle in the arms, helping in building overall arm size and strength. Pairing this with the Barbell Wrist Curl, which focuses on the forearm muscles, creates a well-rounded superset that targets various muscles in the arms.
In conclusion, the arm workout routine outlined above offers a strategic and efficient way to target and strengthen the biceps and triceps muscles. By incorporating supersets that combine various exercises targeting different muscle groups within the arms, you can maximize your workout efficiency and see significant improvements in muscle definition and strength over time.
Consistency, proper form, and progressive overload are key factors in achieving optimal results with this workout routine. It is important to challenge yourself with appropriate weights, focus on maintaining good technique, and ensure that you are progressively increasing the intensity of your workouts to continue seeing progress.
Remember that individual results may vary, and it is essential to listen to your body, rest when needed, and fuel your workouts with proper nutrition. By incorporating this arm workout routine into your fitness regimen and staying dedicated to your goals, you can work towards building stronger, more defined arms and achieving the results you desire. Stay committed, stay focused, and watch as your arms transform with dedication and hard work.
Arnold Schwarzenegger's Arm Workout Routine for Iconic Guns
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