#Resolution and economic package to make India a guide to the world
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kisansatta · 5 years ago
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भारत को विश्व के दिशादर्शक के रुप में खड़ा करने का संकल्प और आर्थिक पैकेज
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  प्रधानमंत्री के संबोधन तथा पांच भागों में जारी आर्थिक पैकेज का अर्थ है कि भारत कोरोना कोविड 19 के संकट को अवसर के रुप में परिणत करने का कदम उदा लिया है। इसके पीछे एक व्यापक सोच है तथा उसे पूरा करने की संकल्पबद्धता। हमारे देश के विश्लेषकों एवं बुद्धिजीवियों के एक तबके की समस्या है कि वो बने.बनाए ढांचे.खांचे और सिद्धांतों से बाहर निकलने की कोशिश नहीं करते। उसके अंदर जब आप मूल्यांकन करते हैं तो बदलाव की धारा समझ नहीं आती। अपने संबोधन में प्रधानमंत्री ने 20 लाख करोड़ के आर्थिक पैकेज की घोषणा करते हुए कह दिया कि इसका विस्तृत विवरण वित्तमंत्री क्रमिक रुप से देश के सामने रखेंगी। बसए पूरा विश्लेषण इस पर आकर टिक गया है।
जब प्रधानमंत्री नरेन्द्र मोदी संबोधन देने आए तो किसी को कल्पना नहीं थी इस बीच सरकार ने एक राष्ट्र के रुप में भारत के अभ्युदय का न केवल सपना बुना है बल्कि उसे व्यावहारिक धरातल पर उतारने की रुपरेखा भी बना ली है। अपने संबोधन में उनहोंने बिना स्पष्ट बोले यह विश्वास पैदा करने की कोशिश की कि विश्व में सिरमौर व मार्गदर्शक के रुप में वैचारिक.सांस्कृतिक.सभ्यतागत और आर्थिक रुप से एक सशक्त भारत के आविर्भाव का मार्ग प्रशस्त हो रहा है।
पूरे पैकेज को सरसरी तौर पर देखें तो यह स्वीकार करना होगा कि प्रधानमंत्री के नेतृत्व में सरकार कोविड 19 आपदा से संघर्ष करते हुए इससे हो रही क्षति को रोकनेए जो हो चुकी उसकी भरपाई करनेए पूर्व से चली आ रही आर्थिक सुस्ती और कोविड की मार से उबारनेए अर्थव्यवस्था के सभी क्षेत्रों को गति देकर पटरी पर सरपट दौड़ानेए जिस वर्ग पर सबसे अधिक मार पड़ी है उसके कल्याण के लिए व्यावहारिक योजनाएं बनानेए उत्पन्न हो रहीं सामाजिक.आर्थिक समस्याओं का समाधान निकालनेए बड़े और साहसिक आर्थिक सुधार साथ अपनी वैश्विक भूमिका पर दिन.रात काम किया है।
ऐसा नहीं होता तो हर क्षेत्र को समाहित करते हुए इतना लंबा.चौड़ा पैकेज नहीं आता। वित्त मंत्री निर्मला सीतारमण एवं वित्त राज्य मंत्री अनुराग ठाकुर नेगकोज दिनों में कुल 53 घोषणाएं कीं। इसमें अर्थव्यवस्था के हर क्षेत्र की कठिनाइयों का गहराई से अध्ययन कर जितना संभव है उतना सहयोग करने की कोशिश की जा रही है ताकि वे सुस्ती या ठहराव से उठकर गतिमान हो सकें। उदाहरण के लिए 45 लाख एमएसएमई यानी लघुए सूक्षम एवं मध्यम ईकाइयों के लिए 3 लाख करोड़ रुपए के पैकेज का ऐलान किया गया। इससे उद्योगों के प्रमो��रों को बैंक से कर्ज मिलेगा।
इसके दायरे में ऐसे उद्योग आ��ंगेए जो नॉन परफॉर्मिंग असेट्स हो चुके हैं या संकट में चल रहे हैं।छोटे उद्योगों के लिए 50 हजार करोड़ रुपए का फंड बना है। एमएसएमई की परिभाषा बदली गई है। इससे ज्यादा उद्योग एमएसएमई के दायरे में आ जाएंगे। इसी तरहसंकट में चल रहे छोटे उद्योगों के लिए 20 हजार करोड़ रुपए की राहत। सरकार और सरकारी उद्यम अगले 45 दिन में एमएसएमई के सभी बकाया का भुगतान कर देंगे।
लौकडाउन की मार से त्रस्त एमएसएमई को उबारने तथा उसे गतिशील बनाने के लिए वर्तमान वित्तीय स्थिति में इससे ज्यादा नहीं किया जा सकता। कर्ज देने वाली कंपनियों के लिए 30 हजार करोड़ रुपए की स्पेशल लिक्विडिटी स्कीम की शुरुआत होगी।इससे नॉन बैंकिंग फाइनेंस कंपनियांए हाउसिंग फाइनेंस कंपनियां और माइक्रो फाइनेंस इंस्टिट्यूशंस को लाभ मिलेगा जिन्हें बाजार से पैसा जुटाने में दिक्कत होती है। कर्ज देने वाली कंपनियों के लिए 45 हजार करोड़ रुपए की आंशिक गारंटी स्कीम लाई गई है। कर्ज देने पर अगर नुकसान होता है तो उसका 20 प्रतिशत भार सरकार उठाएगी। तो वे बिना भय के उद्वमियों को कर्ज दे सकेंगे और अर्थव्यवस्था गति पकड़ेगी।
लौकडाउन में समाज के निचले तबके को सबसे ज्यादा मार पड़ी है। दूसरे राज्यों में रहने वाले बिना राशन कार्ड वाले 8 करोड़ मजदूरों को अगले दो महीने तक मुफ्त राशन के लिए3500 करोड़ रुपए जारी करनाए एक देश.एक राशन कार्ड की व्यवस्थाए श्रमिकों को कम किराए के मकान के लिए सरकार और निजी संयुक्त उद्यम में प्रधानमंत्री आवास योजना के तहत कम किराए के मकान की योजना आदि इनके तात्कालिक एवं दूरगामी कल्याण में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाएगा ऐसी उम्मीद की जा सकती है। मनरेगा का विस्तार कर राज्यों और केंद्र शासित प्रदेशों से बाहर से आए श्रमिकों को इस योजना के तहत काम देने को कहा गया है।
इनकी बेकारी मे सरकार के पास यही विकल्प था। इसी तरह शहरों के रेहड़ीए पटरी ठेले वालों को 10 हजार की कर्ज के लिए 5000 करोड़ की व्यवस्था है। इनकी चर्चा इसलिए की गईए क्योंकि गांवों से शहरों तक गरीबों की आबादी के सामाजिक दृ आर्थिक विकास का पूरा ध्यान रखा गया है। इसके बगैर भारत आत्मनिर्भर सक्षम देश होने की कल्पना नहीं कर सकता। वैसे पैकेज में व्यापारी उदायोगपति किसान सेवा क्षेत्र ऊर्जा रियल्टी पर्यटन सबके लिए प्रावधान और आवंटन है। वास्तव में केन्द्र सरकार के पैकेज में समग्रता है तथा सभी क्षेत्रों व समाज के सभी श्रेणी के लोगों को लाभ पहुंचाकर देश को गतिमान बनाने का लक्ष्य रखा ग���ा है।
प्रधानमंत्री के संबोधन और आ��्थिक पैकेज को एक साथ मिलाकर विचार करें तभी पूरी बात समझ में आ सकती है। प्रधानमंत्री ने भारत के वर्तमान और भविष्य कीए बदलती हुई दुनिया की तो संभावित तस्वीर पेश की हीए उसके साथ भारत की उसमें भूमिका और इसे विश्व का सिरमौर और प्रभावी देश बनाने में समाज के हर श्रेणी और हर व्यक्ति की भूमिका होगी यह भी साफ किया है। उन्होंने कहा कि संकट अभूतपूर्व है लेकिन थकनाए हारनाए टूटना बिखरना मानव को मंजूर नहीं है। सतर्क रहते हुए ऐसी जंग के सभी नियमों का पालन करते हुए अब हमें बचना भी है और आगे बढ़ना भी है।
किसी संकट में नेतृत्व को ही देशवासियों को दिशा देनी होती है। यह बात लंबे समय से सुनी जा रही है कि 21 वीं सदी एशिया की और उसमें भारत की सदी होगी।किंतु यह होगा कैसे प्रधानमंत्री ने कहा कि इसका मार्ग एक ही है आत्मनिर्भर भारत। अगर कोविड 19 आपदा संकट है तो इसमें अवसर भी निहित है।आत्मनिर्भरता के मायने क्याघ् आत्मनिर्भरता की जो अवधारणा चार दशक से पहले थी वो आज भूमंडलीकृत विश्व में प्रासंगिक नहीं है।
भूमंडलीकरण भी तीन दशक में बदला है। अर्थकेन्द्रित की जगह मानव केन्द्रित की बात हो रही है। इसमें देश अपने को सिमटने में लगे हैंए संरक्षणवाद की ओर बढ़ रहे हैं। प्रधानमंत्री ने यहीं पर स्पष्ट किया ही हमारी संस्कृति का जो संस्कार है उसमें आत्मनिर्भरता की आत्मा वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम है। हम आत्मकेन्द्रित नहीं हो सकते। यानी हमारी आत्मनिर्भरता विश्व के सभी मानवों से जुड़ी होंगी। हमारे यहां कोई संरक्षणवाद नहीं होगा।
जो लोग अभी स्वदेशी की बात करते हुए इसे सीमाओं के तहत बांध रहे हैं वह सही नही है। प्रधानमंत्री स्वयं मेक इन इंडिया की अपील कर चुके हैं। इसका अर्थ यही है कि कंपनियां हमारे यहां आकर उत्पादन करें जिनहें यहां बेचें और विश्व बाजार में भी। यह वर्तमान दौर की आत्मनिर्भरता का फलक है।
इसी तरह हमारे देश की कंपनियां भी अपना वैश्विक विस्तार कर सकतीं हैंए पर पहले वह देश के लिए वस्तुओं को निर्मित कर हमें आत्मनिर्भर बनाए। वे ऐसी सामग्री बनाएं जो विश्वस्तरीय हों।उन्होंने साफ कहा कि भारत की आत्मनिर्भरता में संसार के सुखए सहयोग और शांति की चिंता सामाहित है। दुनिया का कोई देश नहीं है जो अपने यहां हर प्रकार के पैदावार और उत्पादन की कोशिश नहीं करता।
आवश्यकताओं के लिए जितना हम दुनिया पर निर्भर रहेंगे उतना ही हम अपनी राष्ट्रीय.अंतरराष्ट्रीय भूमिका निभाने में दुर्बल होंगे। इसलिए आत्मनिर्भरता मूल मंत्र है उस भारत को फिर से सामने लाने के लिए जो था और सोने की चिड़ियां कहलाता था। हमारे मनीषियों ने स्वतंत्रता संघर्ष के दौरान ऐसे भारत का सपना देखा था जो अपनी आवश्यकताओं को लेकर आत्मनिर्भर होए जहां दुनिया के लिए सारी खिड़कियां दरवाजे बंद नहीं होए जिसे देखकर दुनिया सीखे कि एक राष्ट्र के रुप में किस तरह विश्व और प्रकृति हित से आबद्ध रहते हुए सशक्त हुआ जा सकता है। एक ऐसे भारत की कल्पना की गई थी जिसके पास ताकत हो लेकिन सारी दुनिया उससे प्रेम करेए उसका सम्मान करे डरे नहीं। एक ऐसा भारत जो दुनिया को रास्ता दिखाने का काम करे।
तो कुल मिलाकर प्रधानमंत्री के आत्मनिर्भर भारत का अर्थ व्यापक है। इसमें सभ्यतागत एवं सांस्कृतिक उत्थान व पहचान की व्यापकता है तो पुनर्जागरण का जयघोष भी। इसमें अपने ह्दय को भारतीय चिंतन के अनुरुप सम्पूर्ण सृष्टि के कल्याण का विस्तार देना है तो साहसी और संकल्पवान देश के रुप में सिर उठाकर खड़ा होने की प्रेरणा भी। आर्थिक सशक्तता तो जुड़ा है ही। ऐसा देश ही कोविड 19 उपरांत आकार लेती विश्वव्यवस्था को दिशा देकर सर्वस्वीकृत दिशा दर्शक की भूमिका में आ सकता है।
https://is.gd/4hz1TD #ResolutionAndEconomicPackageToMakeIndiaAGuideToTheWorld Resolution and economic package to make India a guide to the world In Focus, State, Top #InFocus, #State, #Top KISAN SATTA - सच का संकल्प
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lodelcar · 5 years ago
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picture: modern lace worker, Brussels
I have written this text to share it with my postgraduate students from the VUB. They start a year of International Trade and Investment full of courage from various nationalities and from various study backgrounds. They do this with a great deal of diligence and dedication but often find that they do not master the premises: the fact that the course deals with doing business, producing, trading, buying and selling. For many of them, who are at the start of a professional life, even the theoretical knowledge about this is lacking.
That is why I have decided, during an hour and a half, with many examples, to try and guide them in doing business.
1. Doing business
Doing business takes only three forms: it is either about producing something or about purchasing items and then reselling them, or about selling one’s own knowledge and skills to third parties. People sometimes need material for the latter, but they don't sell it. People only sell their workforce and intelligence. The latter are called services. Although they account for between 75% and 80% of the economic activities in most countries, in this article I will deliberately limit myself to agriculture and the manufacturing industry. Because in this presentation we want to end up at trading with foreign partners, and this is primarily about tangible products.
Two stories can support this:
The company F.E. T* 2011, 100 km from the Ukrainian capital Kiev has 2000 ha of land, which it owns partially and leases mostly (long lease 50 y). 80% of the farm’s turnover comes from traditional crops, such as wheat and corn. In order to make future oriented products, the farmer started to develop an entire line (30 items) of dairy products from goat milk, to yoghurt and kephir and even ice cream since 2016. Today the income of this activity line is good for 20% of the turnover. The farmer aims at reaching 50% over 5 years. The goats have been purchased in France and a breeding process started. They now have 1500 goats and intent to increase the amount to up to 3000 goats. They have a milk production capacity for up to 7000 l/day. They are at 2000 l/day. The equipment for milk treatment is Israeli, as well as the milk production supervisor. Cheese production equipment comes from France and Italy as well as their cheese making consultant. The ice cream consultant comes from Italy. The farmer goes yearly to a large goat fair Caprina in France where he learns about gear and equipment and meets potential consultants. This dairy line is a typical example of vertical integration. The production is entirely mastered by the farm from the breeding of goats, the collection and distillation of the milk, the production of the dairy products, the production of the bottles out of small plastic objects purchased in China, the bottling, the development of logo and packaging design, the packaging and the transportation to the retailers. Important is that the farm does and finances market research, developed its own brand Z*, as well as its own design with colour codes. They even intend to create in the future a second high-end brand. These steps enables them to grow organically and in a sustainable way. They declined until now to produce for private labels of retailers. Even with Auchan, with whom they negotiate now, they declined the private label production.
The company W* close to Chisinau in Moldova sells tractors and agricultural equipment from the brand C*, of which they have a dealership agreement during 3 years in Moldova. Before they had a dealership with the Italian M* G*.  They also sell equipment from the Swedish brand V*. The company recently built new premises as rep office for C*. They built a state of the art show room and offices with workshop for repairing. The company also sells fertilisers and pesticides as well as seeds for crops. They don’t sell liquids but solid boxes. Their suppliers are BASF, Bayer, Pioneer for the seeds. They produce also seeds themselves (sunflowers).
Services companies are often related to ICT development. Until five years ago, ICT focused primarily on processes and their management. Because of our increasingly complex society, which demands more transparency, which requires faster and more thorough reporting, and which is monitored more and more, large companies have to manage such large volumes of data that they can use help for this. Data is becoming very important, now even more for large, say, listed companies. But medium-sized companies will suffer the same fate in the future. The engineers at the -nowadays “unicorn”- company C* in Brussels are active in data governance and in data stewardship. In this way they do not address the IT departments within a company, but rather the business people themselves..  There are 20 potential customers in Belgium. That is why they had resolutely gone international from the start. They are mainly talking to banks, insurance companies, pharmaceutical companies, etc. But also large governments, large public companies, universities.
2. Import and export
Import and export are often activities that go together in the same company. A company often needs products that are not present in its own country or that are present at too high a price or of poor quality. The company needs these products both to make its own products and to sell them to other customers. He will therefore have to import them. A company is sometimes approached at a trade fair or thanks to its website via e-mail by foreign companies who are convinced that they can use the semi-finished products or raw materials that our company produces in their own production process. In other circumstances our company finds a foreign-interested company at a trade fair that is convinced that there is a market for our company's products in its country and that it wants to sell it there.
3. Producing and selling products.
A company from the manufacturing industry needs raw materials or semi-finished products to make its own products. Depending on the type of quality that they wish to deliver, they must determine where they will purchase their raw materials. Are these present in the country itself or do they have to import them? They also need machines to manufacture their products. Depending on the quality that they are trying to deliver, on their financing options and on the number of staff they have at their disposal, they will purchase their machines, either abroad or domestically but often from abroad.
The company O* in Obuchov,Ukraine has machinery for 2 types of products: polyamide and cotton for women and children socks. They are the second producer in Ukraine. The cotton comes from Turkey, the polyamide from Italy, the elastane from Korea through Poland, the yarn from Italy.
The company D* in Chisinau, Moldova produces fiberglass mesh for construction, especially walls and insolation. It produces 1,2 M m²/month. Thanks to a new machine of the K* from Chemnitz they will be able to double their production to 2.5 M m²/month. They export 90% of his product to Romania, Bulgaria, Germany, Spain and Italy. The company has 100 staff members and is looking this to extend by recruiting 40 new staff members. They have difficulties to find qualified staff. The raw material comes by 80 % from Bielarus, by 20% % from Germany, Switzerland, Latvia and Poland.
4. Buying and selling products
This activity is often performed by a permanent sales representative in a region or a country. This person or company can be established as self-employed in the country (agent, shop / webshop), or can be established as a subsidiary of the foreign company (sales office, shop / webshop) with its own legal status. A representative on the payroll of the foreign company may also be located in the country: he may sell the products but the deal is concluded by the main house abroad and the invoice also comes from the main house. The company W* described above, also houses the rep office of the company for whom they do the sales in the Chisinau region.
Why are companies entering and selling products from abroad? There can be several reasons for this. It is possible that a specific type of machine or product is not produced on the local market because the size of the country is too small for it. It may also be that the importer can deliver in a cheaper way than the products already on the market. It may also be that the new products are much more sophisticated and can therefore make them work much more productively. It may also be that products have built up such a reputation or became a brand that is in demand throughout the world. This last one is the case for many fancy clothing brands like Gucci, Dolce & Gabbana, Dior etc.
Which products do companies offer abroad? That can be anything: from raw materials such as seeds for agriculture, yarns for textiles or fiberglass for construction, to semi-finished products such as fabrics for clothing, goats for milk and cheese production to finished products such as luxury clothing, refrigerators but also cooling installations for cold storage.
The company V* – Groups Ltd  in Kiev, Ukraine is a trader. He buys cereals and looks for opportunities. He does business with Sri Lanka, Myanmar, India and many other countries. His warehouse capacity was insufficient and obsolete. He stocked on the ground floor. With a bank loan he has been able to construct 2 grain silos of 3,018 tons capacity each. The silos are erected close to a railway platform, thus avoiding logistical problems and damage to the goods. He found a new business opportunity with Sri Lanka for sale of split yellow peas and next requires an optical sorting machine.
5. The production or purchasing process and its financial aspects
A production company might purchase raw materials or semi-finished products from elsewhere. Before the production of their new product is finished, several weeks or months sometimes pass. And then the new product must still be put on the market, sold and the invoice must be paid. A company therefore needs a financial buffer: that is called working capital. Chocolate producers in Belgium and Switzerland who supply products for the Chinese New Year, which often takes place in February, start their production in September of the year before! Companies often purchase large quantities of raw materials at times when they are offered cheaply and stock them for later production. The same applies to a store: it purchases finished products to resell in the store. There is also a lead time of several days, weeks or months. Here, too, the store needs a buffer called working capital.
The company O* in Ukraine makes pavement tiles out of concrete with artistic top layers. They  produce 300 different types of pavement in 60 different shapes. They also produce stone levelling machines of the brand W*. They have offices in Lviv, Ukraine but have their production is set-up 80 km further, where they have 4 separate plants. During winter season, because of the cold, the production is stopped. They received a loan from the bank over 3 year for working capital, since January 2017. The additionality of this loan type for O* is the tenor: 3 years’ working capital enables a company to plan strategically: buy raw material when prices are low and stock it in order to produce through a longer period. And also have a 5-month buffer stock in times of scarcity through political crisis. They have large storage capacities (70.000 tons) for as well raw as finished material.
But those companies also need machines for their production, storage areas, large stores for their sales, trucks for their transport, tractors to work their land. They purchase them or build them with a bank loan. The cost of that loan must be passed on in the selling price. These loans, which are usually of a longer duration, are called investment capital. A company can also invest with its own resources.
The company K* , a wine production company in Georgia specialises in making wines for the lower and medium segment, priced at USD 5 to 8 /bottle. 75% of its production goes to the former CIS countries, of which 50% to Russia, where they have a distributor with the necessary connections, the remainder goes to Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia. The  final 25% goes to China, US and recently, the UK. In 2016 the company invested in new reservoir tanks, fermentation facilities, refrigerators, a steam generator and a filling & labelling line. The client received in total a loan from BoG. In 2017, the company reapplied for a second loan for land, construction, production facilities over 36 months. Additionally,  they invested in health and safety procedures for the workers, environmental protection (by reducing ozone depleting substances), low voltage machinery, electromagnetic compatibility and in measures for materials that come in contact with food. Thanks to the investments the company increased its production volume from 4,6 m litres in 2016 to 6 m litres in 2017, an impressive 35% increase. In labelling and bottling they were able to increase production by 50%.
6. Access to finance
All research reports around the world reveal that access to finance is the aspect that most often blocks the growth of SMEs. Working capital is usually requested for relatively short periods, such as three, six or twelve months. However, the amounts required are often important. The duration of the loan for capital goods is longer: this depends on the price and durability of the good: a computer is outdated after 4 years, a car or light truck starts to show signs of wear after 5 years, machines will certainly be operational during 10 to 20 years, industrial buildings as well. But do the banks have any loans with this duration for all those terms?
A bank's assignment is simple and difficult at the same time. A bank collects money from people who can spare the cash for a certain period of time and gives a fee for this. In Western Europe and North America, this allowance has been peanuts for several years. In Eastern Europe, Africa, large parts of Asia and Latin America, this allowance is quite substantial. Yet most of these “savers” are wary of leaving their money with the banks for too long: they want to buy things with it, or they do not trust the monetary policy of their country and are always afraid of a devaluation of their currency. With the money that banks collect from citizens and companies, they finance loans. They earn their profit through the spread between the interest rate they give for the savings and the interest rate they charge for the credits. But it is difficult for them to grant 10-year loans if they can only collect one-year savings. Moreover, there are few citizens who put away savings for 20 years. The only ones that do that are the pension funds. But what if there aren't any in a country? Which is the case in many countries. The international financial institutions such as African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, European Investment Bank and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development offer longer-term loans to local banks, that can then transfer them to their customers. Only: most of those loans are in dollars or euros. Again a problem. Because the citizens and companies of the country usually do not have repayment capacity in dollars or euros but in the local currency. And if that local currency is not stable and has a tendency to devalue frequently, local banks are not keen to withdraw long-term dollars or euro loans. Hedging is the only option that remains. Hedging is a type of contract that a bank concludes with a specialized institution to mitigate the risk of devaluation: the contract foresees the exchange rate of euro / dollar to the local currency at the time of repayment, even if the local currency has meanwhile been devalued. Hedging in this case can be considered as a type of insurance. And there are now some companies that also dare to hedge "exotic" currencies. The price ,for this insurance is important though: up to 7 % of the amount.
Banks also do not like to take risks. It is often the central bank of the country that obliges them to be very restrictive in giving loans. Because they have been confronted in the past with bad loans to large outdated government companies that were poorly managed and therefore worked with losses. Governments that have to bear such a burden then hit back with the blunt ax and prevent any loan that is not covered by collateral. Where all statistics indicate that lending to SMEs is much less risky!
Therefore: collateral. In many countries, the way collaterals can be offered to guarantee credit is limited to tangible assets: buildings, land, machines. Intangible assets like the company’s goodwill are  not accepted. The valuation of the tangible assets is by law done by the Association of property evaluators. These experts apply the principle of “market value coverage”. Based upon their valuation the size of collateral is put by the bank. It mostly comes to 140% of the loan. Once a credit is taken, the bank declares it to the central credit reporting system. Based upon the regularity of the reimbursement a company is classified class 1, 2, 3 or 4.  Class 1 is all payments are done on a regular basis. Class 2 is a company of which arrears were limited from  30 to 60 days. Companies with arrears of between 60 and 90 days are class 3. Companies with arrears of more than 90 days are sent to recovery as class 4. Recovery is compulsory and taken from the profit automatically and can therefore jeopardise the existence of the company. In certain cases the collateral will be sold without warning.
7. Difficulties to tackle
Managing a company goes further than ensuring that people and machines work, that stocks are replenished, that bills are paid and that sales run smoothly. There are constant obstacles that need to be overcome: the financial aspect, the transport aspect, the legal aspect and - once a company starts exporting - the political aspect.
7.1. The banking aspect
A company is practically obliged to work with a bank: it has to make payments and it often needs funds for working capital and for investments.
Payments go faster and smoother nowadays thanks to automation and now also thanks to fintech applications. There are payment cards and credit cards that allow customers to pay without cash and give the collecting company the assurance that the money will be in the account. There are international transaction systems such as SWIFT or the European IBAN that create uniformity between banks and countries and thereby make payment transactions run faster and more efficiently. The currency aspect remains a stumbling block. Although more and more currencies are freely exchangeable, there are still a lot of them that are not convertible. Contracts with companies from such countries are therefore often in USD, EUR or CNY. Banks that operate in those countries are not always considered reliable by the others and must therefore be patterned by an internationally respected confirming bank. There are even countries with which the US in particular are in conflict. They then oblige all banks in the world not to do transactions with banks from that country. Iran, Cuba and North Korea have been assigned such a fate. There are always solutions, but they are complicated and time-consuming.
We have already explained the credit aspect: the fact that in many countries long-term loans are far more the exception than the rule. The extravagant guarantees that are requested. The non-customer-oriented thinking of banks that only wait until a loan is repaid and have no eye for the growth of companies and the usefulness that these can have for the further development of a country. But also the positive role for SMEs that IFIs play such as African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, European Investment Bank.
Last but not least is the interest charged on loans. In many countries, the interest rate is a double digit, and companies think this is freakish. Where do those freak interest rates come from? The Central Bank of a country offers its banks short-term loans to banks that need them to clear a deficit for one or a few days ("overnight" or tomorrow-next day = “tom-next”). The Central Bank itself is able to provide with these loans because it borrows money on the international money market and pays interest for that. The interest rate the central has to pay for that depends on the country's rating, which is the appreciation of the economy and the way a country makes economic progress. That appreciation is indicated depending on the rating agency with numbers and letters and reflects on the local currency. The lower those ratings are, the more risk premium a central bank has to pay on the international money market. She therefore passes on the risk premium to the local banks, which naturally also pass it on to their customers. Hence countries where the banks demand a double digit interest, when they provide with loans in local currency.
7.2. The transport system
Goods must reach the customer from the workplace. That requires transport. Road transport and train transport are usually the first choice for domestic transport. River transport is still very limited in Europe, is much more present in Asia. When it comes to transport to foreign destinations for import or export, the nature of the product - its weight, its durability, the urgency of the customer - determines the choice between truck, train, ship or plane. All these means of transport have their own international documents, luckily. International rules have also been worked out that determine who becomes the owner of the goods and when. These rules are called the Incoterms, and there are so 11 containing 3 letters each. There are RULES FOR EVERY TYPE OF TRANSPORTATION and there are RULES FOR OVERSEAS AND INLAND TRANSPORTATION BY VESSEL.
Import and export is also about customs and import duties to be paid. It is important to realize the value of customs zones such as the EU and free trade zones such as NAFTA, Mercosur, ECOWAS or ASEAN. The service provider that is most approached by companies to steer this aspect of transport in the right direction is the freight forwarder.
Transporting also entails risks: goods can be damaged or stolen, incidents such as harbor strikes can occur, so that perishable goods do not reach the customer in time. There are insurance policies for these types of problems, but they obviously cost and there is not always room to pass them on to the end customer.
7.3. The legal aspect
Trading within the same country offers few surprises once one knows the legal framework in which one operates. Foreign managers are often surprised that things are not treated in the same way everywhere. Anglo-Saxon legislation is based on a completely different approach than the European continental one. A contract based upon Anglo-Saxon law contains minimum 30 pages, a continental European one can be limited to three-four pages because everything is in the law.  In the other continents, the laws were partly inspired by Americans and partly by Europeans. A treacherous aspect in the U.S. is, for example, the principle of litigation: one is going to provoke newcomers and then be able to sue them for not respecting the legislation.
A second aspect is the lack of certain pieces of legislation such as the law on bankruptcy, the law on pledging commercial goods, the law on claiming goods and objects, the mortgage legislation.
A third aspect is the independence of the courts. This is essential if the rule of law is to work objectively. But in many countries, judges are nationalistic, so a case brought to court by a foreign company, or where the foreign company needs to defend itself, is lost in advance.
7.4. The tax aspect
Taxes are the deepest expression of the deepest emotion of a country: there are hundreds and they take different aspects everywhere, even within a country. Brazil, the US and India are federal countries in which the states can collect taxes. And do so with pleasure. Informing yourself in advance is of the utmost importance because it can drastically influence the price worked out by consultants to the end consumer. And one must also know that the principle of VAT is not used all over the world, especially not in the US. Tax declarations are another aspect that one needs to check beforehand. In the US, certain spontaneous declarations are assumed, the consequences of a non-spontaneous declaration can be horrendous.
The last aspect that should be taken into account are the double taxation treaties. Thanks to this, a company only has to pay tax once, either in its home country or in the trading country. That is, for example, the reason why Belgian companies trade with China via Hong Kong.
7.5. The business development aspect
The Access to finance aspect has many consequences. Opportunities can pass because companies in a country have insufficient production capacity. This requires heavier and more efficient machines that cannot be purchased due to the lack of collateral.
The pharmaceutical production company I* in Cape Verde, Africa exported since 1995 to Angola and Mozambique. Those markets became too large and the company’s production capacity was unable to produce the required quantities based upon the governmental tenders they won. The quality is good, but the production capacity is not adapted to large markets.
The same goes for the printing sector in Rwanda, Africa who cannot fulfill orders to print packaging material on time because the local industry is unable to produce cardboard of the correct quality. All packaging cardboard has to be imported. And transportation over road in Africa is perilous and time consuming.
Another aspect that triggers problems is the cultural one. Our company I* in Cape Verde limits its export to Portuguese speaking countries, because otherwise they have to print several packaging types and product information, and they can’t stock it. Coca Cola has been active in China since 1995. That does not mean that the first years of the sales effort were a success. The Chinese were not used to drinking ice-cold drinks: their preference was for hot drinks. So it took Coca-Cola a lot of marketing effort to convince them that ice-cold drinks could quench their thirst. Eastern European wine producers from Romania, Bulgaria and Moldova have had to put a lot of effort into adapting their wines to Western European tastes. Eastern Europeans simply like semi-sweet wines and do not touch dry wines. In Western Europe, semi-sweet wines can only be sold to a very limited segment. It has therefore required a great deal of investment in new storage and maturing capacity (wooden or metal barrels) to produce specifically for Western Europe at a competitive price.
8. Geography and geopolitics
An International Trade and Investment student can be expected to find countries on a map. He can also be expected to realize that there are numerous free trade agreements between countries and groups of countries such as EU, NAFTA, Mercosur, ECOWAS, East-African Community, Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN countries).
While a customs union and a free trade area are similar in some ways, they are also different. A customs union represents a higher level of economic integration than a free trade area does. The key distinction between customs unions and free trade areas, however, involves their approach to non-treaty nations. While a customs union, by definition, requires all parties to the agreement to establish identical external tariffs with regard to trade with non-treaty nations (those nations that are not signatories to the agreement), members of a free trade area are free to establish whatever tariff rates with respect to foreign imports from non-signatory nations that they deem necessary or desirable. An example of a customs union is the Southern African Customs Union (SACU). An example of free trade area is the ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA). Members of the EU, the largest and most productive customs union in existence,, have agreed to, among other criteria for membership, maintain a common external tariff system with respect to outside nations. Free trade areas, like the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), are less cohesive to the extent that each of the three member nations, the United States, Canada and Mexico, are free to establish tariff policies distinct from each other.
But it is also important for him to grasp that some organizations and initiatives are not only created or organized inspired by goodwill. Certain organizations have been established for power reasons. Some have old-colonial some have also neo-colonial intentions. They exist, one has to work with them and sometimes for them, one can do business with them. One should not necessarily respond enthusiastically to them.
Students are invited to study the background, objectives and history of the following organizations: the Road and Belt initiative, Eurasian economic union, USAid, Eastern Partnership Agreement + DCFTA, Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), West African Economic and Monetary Union (UEMOA) , Organization international de la Francophonie (OIF), the Commonwealth of Nations.
Do you want to import products from non EU countries into the European Union?
If you want to import a product from a non European country into the European Union, you need to comply with import rules and taxes.
The Trade Helpdesk is specially designed for businesses based outside the EU or importing into the EU.
You’ll find all you need to know about exporting to the EU, including:
health, safety and technical standards you’ll need to meet
customs duties you’ll need to pay at the border
internal taxes in each of the 28 countries
the rules of origin that define where a product is from and whether it profits from preferential duty rates
forms to send with your shipments
Find your way on the Trade Helpdesk through the 6 easy steps for importing into Europe:
Open the search box.
Browse the classification tree or type a keyword.
Define your product, the exporting  country and the importing country.
Check ‘Requirements’: the health, safety or technical standards your product needs to meet
Check the ‘Internal taxes’: the VAT or excise duties for your product in the importing country.
the standard rate of EU import duty for your product
a possibly reduced rate if the exporting country has a trade agreement with the EU or benefits from a preferential scheme
any quota or antidumping duties
they indicate the minimum processing your product must undergo in your contry to be considered as ‘originating’ there
the origin depends also on where the inputs you use for your final product are from
the customs offices at EU borders will verify your origin certificate
find out how much other countries are already exporting to the EU of your kind of product
more on product codes
chambers of commerce and customs offices in  each EU country or
additional      information for your country
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mahenderkhandelwal · 3 years ago
Bhushan Power and Steel Insolvency Professionals Mahender Khandelwal
I am Mahender Khandelwal is a registered insolvency and Chartered Accountant professional. Senior management and financial professional with wide experience spanning over 30 years in entire continuum of structuring, financing through debt and equity instruments. Management and turnaround of Special situations and Insolvency across wide spectrum of industries. Led Restructuring and Resolution of a large corporates (100+) across various sectors viz. Iron and Steel, Stainless Steel and utensils, System Packaging, Forging Industry, Pharma, Hotels, NBFC, Rice and Food Processing, Fertilizers, Biodiesel, Edible Oils, Biomass, Solar Panels, Power and Infrastructure, Textile, Education, Auto Component, Polymers, Electric Appliances, Plywood, Construction and Real Estate. Started BRS practice in BDO & PWC as Leader & Partner successfully resolved 20 plus cases in Insolvency under my leadership ranging fromm 200 crores to 50,000 crores.
 Prior to that I was running my Boutique Consultancy firm in the name of Varrenyam Consultants Pvt Ltd.
Bhushan Power and Steel Limited.
Jul 2017 – Mar 2021
3 years
 BPSL is the among first dirty dozen cases referred by lenders to insolvency. The company have a borrowing of more than 47000 crores from over 35 lenders. There has been an all-round growth and complete turnaround in the operations of the company since the commencement of CIRP. When RP took control over BPSL, capacity utilization was meagre 47% with production level of 82,000 MT per month and EBITDA loss. Due to combination of proactive CoC and decisions taken by the RP for enhancement of capacity utilization. During CIRP period production had increased to 200,000 MT and the company generated EBITDA of more than 4000 crores. Moreover, the company under the leadership of the RP/MP was able to reduce the statutory and worker liabilities besides improving working capital levels. The RP/MP further ensured smooth operations while managing 15,000 employees across 9 locations and provided increments to the employees. Some of the incomplete projects were completed by incurring additional CAPEX with COC approval. On the date of implementation there was working capital of more than 7500 crores in cash balance of around 2500 crores. During CIRP Period RP have handled enquiries/investigations from Regulatory Authorities i.e. SFIO, CBI, ED and GST for pre CIRP period including closing of draft forensic audit conducted during pre CIRP period including closing of draft forensic audit report conducted during pre CIRP period. Due to turnaround and enhanced operations, Resolution applicants improved their bid amount from initial12,000 crores to 19,800 crores and JSW successfully implemented the resolution plan and taken over control of BPSL. The Financial creditors have recovered around 42 percent of their dues in BPSL resolution.
  Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process
Hyderabad Area, India, Power Plant at Bilaspur 3600MW
 KSK Mahanadi operates a coal-based power project with a nameplate capacity of 3600 MW. The company has 3 operational units and rest are under various stages of construction. After commencement of CIRP process, we are able to operate all 3 units generating highest load with 80% capacity utilization and PLF of about 76%. With existing operational and technical team, we have introduced various cost cutting programs to bring in efficiency in operations. In the ongoing COVID-19 lockdown, we were running the plant at full capacity and supplying power to distribution companies despite cash flow constraints. CIRP of KSK is substantially delayed as rail and water infrastructure of power plant are housed in separate subsidiary companies and lenders have filed a consolidated application in NCLT. Getting investors interest in standalone Power plant is a challenge due to unenviability of rail and water infrastructure.
 Resolution Professional
Prius Group of Entities
Apr 2019 – Present
New Delhi
 RP for 5 Commercial real estate companies of Ex Ranbaxy promoters namely Pawan Impex Pvt Ltd, SVIIT Software Pvt. Ltd, Payne Realtors Pvt Ltd, Prius Commercial Projects Pvt Ltd. and Sharan Hospitality Ltd.
  Financial  Creditors
  S. No.
Amount Admitted
Resolution  Amount
Percentage  Recovery
Resolution Applicant
 Stage of  Implementation
Prius  Commercial Projects Private Limited
Consortium  of Kotak Investment Advisors Limited, Minicon Insulated Wires LLP and Elita  Capital Advisors LLP
 implementation has been completed
Sharan  Hospitality Private Limited
Majestic Auto Limited
 Resolution Plan
implementation of plan
is still going on
Payne  Realtors Private Limited
City Gold Entertainment Ltd.
  implementation has
Pawan  Impex Private Limited
Consortium of DMI Alternative  Investment Fund - Special Opportunities Scheme, Fact Software Private Limited  and Yash Gupta
  Resolution Plan
implementation of plan
is still going on
SVIIT  Software Private Limited
Mr. Parmjit Gandhi
 Resolution Plan approved, implementation of plan
still going on
              Educomp Solutions Ltd.
May 2017 till date:
 Till date running the company as going concern and up to date in payment to employees, Statutory dues and operational expenses in spite of adverse situation due to covid 19. Resolution Plan of EBIX Singapore Pte. Ltd. was approved by the lenders and subsequently approved by NCLT. However, due to covid resolution applicant have filed application in NCLT/NCLAT for withdrawal which NCLAT not allowed. Resolution applicant filed in Supreme court, which is pending for final judgement.
   Partner and Leader Business Restructuring Services
PwC Professional Services LLP Full-time
Apr 2018 – Aug 2019
1 year
 Joined as Partner & Leader of Business Recovery Services (BRS) practice at PwC India. PwC is among the top consultancy firm in India and a world leader in BRS & stressed asset resolution practices. As a BRS Leader, I was leading a team of 70 dedicated professionals for the overall development and growth of the vertical. I have overseen and guided various CIRP assignments under various RP’s including Uttam Value Steels, Uttam Galva Metallics, Era Infra & Engineering, Parabolic Drugs, Diamond Power Infrastructure Ltd, Videocon group companies, KSK Mahanadi, Sukam Power Systemsand PRIUS group of companies. During this stint, I have developed strong and credible relationships with, stressed assets funds, international fund houses, ARCs and NBFC.
   Partner & Leader- Business Restructuring
BDO India LLP Full-time
May 2017 – Apr 2018
1 year
New Delhi Area, India
 BDO India LLP is the India member firm of BDO International. BDO India offers strategic, operational, accounting, tax & regulatory advisory and assistance for both domestic and international organizations across a range of industries. As the leader and partner of BRS division, I was instrumental in establishing insolvency practice for BDO. Through persistent market development efforts, BDO was successfully awarded 3 out of first dirty dozen insolvency cases. These cases were Jyoti Structures, ABG Shipyards and Bhushan Power and Steel Ltd. BDO also won 3 cases in mid-market segment. I also developed a team of insolvency professionals, execution team for claim verification, process advisory, operation and maintenance, sectorial compliances, Balance sheet and cash flow monitoring. My team was the first one to develop system, procedures and SOP’s for insolvency practice. In the very first year of operations, we won more than Rs. 100 crore business.
    Managing Director
Varrenyam Consultants Private LimitedSelf-employed
May 2004 – May 2017
13 years  and From April 2021 to till date
New Delhi Area, India
 A boutique financial advisory services firm specializes in the field of financial restructuring of distressed companies, settlement of debts, and resources mobilization. During this period, I have advised more than 100 corporates on financial restructuring and settlements ranging from 200 crores to 25000 crores. My firm was leading advisor in the Corporate Debt Restructuring process (CDR) and was instrumental in strategy formulation, scheme preparation, financial modelling, valuation and techno economic studies. We were also involved in finding strategic investor/buyers for some of the companies where post restructuring plan required change of management.
We also organised funding for distressed assets through ARC, special situation funds, NBFC’s.
Post implementation of CIRP assignments I have restarted my above Boutique firm.
    General Manager Finance
Apr 2000 – Apr 2004
4 years
Faridabad, Haryana and Delhi
 As finance head, my job profile included Treasury Management, funds control including collections and disbursements and supervision of banking transactions. I was directly reporting to the President, Executive Director and Board of Directors comprising top Professionals. I was instrumental in implementing Financial and Operational Restructuring. Financial restructuring involved Rephasement of repayments and lowering of interest rates in first phase, creating vehicle for Venture fund investment and saving the company from BIFR. As a member of Board presentation to board on various restructuring options, Strategy formation and approvals of board on various cost cutting and restructuring options including shutting down. I also involved in strategy formation and approvals of board on various cost cutting and restructuring options including shutting down of loss-making businesses. Redesigning of MIS Systems and assisting top management on various financial strategies. Consolidation and Centralization of Finance, Accounts and Purchase function. Business valuation, financial modeling, Audit Finalization – Statutory, Internal, Tax, Stock, Concurrent and due diligences.
   Senior Manager-Finance &Accouts
Modi Rubbers Ltd 
May 1997 – Mar 2000
2 yrs 11 months
Delhi Area, India
 Part of Modicorp (ultimate holding company of B. K. Modi group companies), I was responsible for managing funds, control, overall supervision of accounts department of 13 companies in layers of holding and subsidiary structure. I was also involved in Tax Planning, finalization of Accounts and interaction with Statutory, Internal, Tax Auditors and Auditors for valuation and Due Diligence. I also supported group financial controller for credit rating in respect of US$ 50 Million ECB. Liaison with banks, financial institutions and taxation authorities.
   Sr. Manager-Finance
Mar 1992 – Mar 1997
5 yrs 1 mo
Delhi, India
 As a part new project division, worked on project evaluation and viability study of various projects and participated in launching of new project from grass root level to concept paper for management, Joint Venture partners, and term lending institutions, venture capital funds, banks and state level institutions. I was also responsible for arrangement of export credit limits from banks and export documentation. Overall supervision of Accounts department, balance sheet finalization and other related activities.
0 notes
gurunidm · 3 years ago
Top 10 Digital promoting Trends in 2021: Latest Trends you want to understand
If you’re an Associate in Nursing aspiring digital merchant in creating or already one, you want to have positively researched the new digital promoting trends someday or the other!
Keeping up with the most recent digital promoting trends within the business may be a necessity for professionals. The World Health Organization needs a future in digital promotion.
With the pace of modification rising per annum, every digital merchant must perpetually invest time and energy to upskill and learn.
Having sound data of the workings of algorithms, new changes or options provides you the first-mover advantage and creates the foremost effective promoting campaigns for you and your company.
As the year begins, digital promoting enthusiasts all over have begun to search and appear around for the most recent trends discovered.
Earlier, voice search improvement and computing these ideas were formidable; however, these latest digital promoting trends are a unit among the prime issues for many business house owners.
We have written this weblog, discussing the highest twenty-five Digital promoting Trends to seem Forward To in 2021 & on the far side, with references and citations to any or all the analysis and articles we tend to browse to reverend this learning expertise.
Top 10 Digital promoting Trends: 1.AI in promoting The world has been abuzz regarding however the unreal Intelligence wave can take over each facet of your lives within the future. Very little will we understand, the modification has already begun. Hour of net users have already interacted with Associate in Nursing AI chatbot for resolution queries across multiple apps and websites.
Most of the content we consume on our thereforecial media platforms is fine-tuned by AIs to keep engaged for longer! This technology is so superb that it's projected to be a $190 billion business by 2025 and digital marketers have a tremendous chance to take advantage of this advanced tool. Digital promoting Trends
AI may be a complicated algorithmic program that teaches itself by staring at large numbers of information, a few sure fields or topics and learns the patterns that employment the most effective. The training capabilities of the AI give programmers the flexibility to introduce effective changes in outcomes by holding the AI to use the techniques it found works the most effectively.
There are multiple samples of AI already accomplishing né'er thought of activities like content writing for JP Morgan and Chase. They need to adopt an Associate in Nursing AI-powered content writing assistant known as Persuade.
AI will serve several functions Associate in the Nursing act as an extension to each digital merchant World Health Organization is aware of a way to use it. It's efficient, precise, and very effective. Having seen such a large number of large firms adopting these tools, each team should have a concept to include AI in their array of tools. 2. Augmented Reality By the definition of Wikipedia, increased Reality is Associate in Nursing interactive expertise of a real-world atmosphere wherever the objects that reside within the planet area unit are increased by computer-generated sensory activity info.
It consists of three basic options
A combination of real and virtual worlds real-time interaction accurate 3D registration of virtual and real objects While computer games make buzz and get everybody excited with grand sci-fi concepts, increased Reality is far more plausible from a promoting purpose of reading. Specialists foresee that AR can still beat out VR in terms of market share.
Digital promoting Trends
Brands area units increasingly mistreat this AR technology to elevate the patron expertise and increase sales.
One such example is IKEA, which has its own app that enables the users to click an image of their area on their smartphones (iOS eleven.0.1 for now) to check to drive IKEA’s piece of furniture in it. The users will move the {furniture|piece of furniture|article of furniture|furnishings} around to ascertain out however the furniture appearance completely different|completely different} from different angles.
Digital promoting Trends
Another example would be Gucci, which is that the latest luxury complete new adventitious Associate in Nursing increased Reality feature to its app to let users ‘try on’ sneakers’.
The user will opt to see nineteen totally different sneakers on their own by informing their smartphone camera downward. It enabled users to swipe left or right to vary to a different combination. The app conjointly lets users take photos, which may, later on, be shared on social media or in electronic communication apps.
Digital promoting Trends
With AR elevating over ever, we'll see a colossal uptake in brands finding helpful applications for the technology within the future. 3. Voice Search improvement According to an analysis by Review42 on voice search, they found that fifty-fifth of teenagers use voice search each day. This huge adoption by the whole generation shows however common voice search goes to induce within the future.
Digital promoting Trends
There are a few reasons why Voice Search, a feature we tend to all receive with our smartphones around 2014, is starting in an exceedingly massive approach this year. Firstly, the increasing adoption of sensible speakers. 2 hundredths of the households have bought a wise speaker like Amazon Alexa or Google Home. The adoption of devices that are absolutely voice search controlled may be a massive indicator however folks have begun to get acquainted with this new behavior.
Secondly, Google claims that they need to achieve ninety-fifth accuracy with their Voice Search. With higher preciseness of search, the benefit of use issues for voice search has jumped up. Currently, with higher accuracy to match what you provoke, and also the easy mistreatment of your voice to induce results makes the method customized and engaging.
Thirdly and most significantly, it's projected that by 2022, five-hundredths of all online looking is going to be conducted through voice results. This can be a humongous $40 billion chance for digital marketers to take advantage of. With such a large amount of growth factors indicating the increase of voice search, creating your website prepared for voice search is going to be terribly essential for the longer term. We found a guide by SEMRush throughout our analysis. This text can teach you ways to optimize your website for voice search in straightforward seven steps. 4. Programmatic Advertising Programmatic Ad shopping is the use of the package to get digital advertising. Whereas the standard methodology includes human negotiation, requests for proposals, and quotes, programmatic shopping makes use of algorithms and machines to shop for ads.
Programmatic Advertising is once AI is employed to modify so that advertisers will target a lot of specific audiences.
The automation is fast, economical and ultimately will increase conversions and lower the client acquisition price.
Real-time bidding may be a style of programmatic ad shopping for, it permits higher and quick targeting, qualifying ads to be bought and oversubscribed on a per-case basis, which implies guests World Health Organization area unit your targeted audience is going to be exposed to the ad.
Here are however Programmatic Advertising works:
Digital promoting Trends
Programmatic Advertising is speedily increasing per annum and is expected to be used for an enormous majority of show advertising within the next number of years.
According to the analysis of eMarketer, the show ads in 2021 within the U.S.A. area unit nearly half of one mile, that area unit forecasted to be secured programmatically.
One of the most effective examples for a similar would be ‘The Economist’, a digital and print publication, started a programmatic cause to persuade curious readers to undertake the publication.
The same campaign generated vi,50,000 new prospects, further come back on investment (ROI) of 10:1. Complete Awareness for “The Economist” conjointly elevated by sixty-fifth.
5. Chatbots area unit thought of as one in every of the highest digital promoting trends in 2021, the AI-based technology makes use of instant electronic communication to speak with customers, and with website guests. It's designed to speak with customers by matter or interception ways.
Businesses will leverage the employment of chatbots to interact with customers. Since there are many users visiting the website directly, it is advantageous to own a technology that answers many users directly. The advantages of getting chatbots area unit 24/7 client service, instant responses to inquiries, and answers to straightforward queries.
63% of individuals like electronic communication on chatbots to speak with businesses or brands. This virtual support provides glorious client services, this suggests a business gets to obviate repetitive tasks and may specialize in necessary work.
Digital promoting Trends
Starbucks has introduced a chatbot that operates via the Barista app wherever you'll order by interception message through Amazon Alexa or electronic communication.
Another superb example of chatbot systems is the recently launched project LAMDA by Google. It's attempting to revolutionize the approaching generations of chatbot systems. Here’s a bonus browse on everything you wish to grasp regarding Google’s LAMDA.
Besides permitting clients to stay within the comfort of their homes right up till their occasional is prepared the chatbot messages the customer once the order is prepared for pickup, the chatbot conjointly permits payment and tipping. 6. Personalization If you wish to beat out your competitors and wish to face the market, you want to specialize in personalizing content, products, emails, etc. Personalization is the next massive trend that may presently become Associate in Nursing business commonplace.
According to an analysis by Instance,
63% of customers are irritated with the fact that brands repeatedly keep blasting generic advertising messages. 80% of customers say they're a lot of possibilities to try and do business with an organization if it offers them customized experiences. 90% of customers claim that they notice personalization appealing. The best example to know the ability of personalization area unit Amazon and Netflix, they need customized suggested movies for every user. Here area unit another sample of brands that area unit increasingly mistreatment personalization at present:
Starbucks: Starbucks introduced a gamified mobile app that keeps track of the number of times a client visited, the acquisition history of the client, and their location. This customized app allowed customers to customize their drinks, and it enabled them to receive rewards. The feature ‘reward system’ on the app itself spiked the revenue to $2.56 billion.
7.Automated Email Marketing As the name implies, automated email marketing is sending emails to your customers automatically based on triggers or schedules you set.
Emails have always been the most reliable channel of digital marketing. Promotional emails are an amazing way to reach out to your customers and let them know what your organization has achieved or any sale you have coming up.
Yet due to over usage of mass email tactics, most people have stopped responding to promotional emails. Personalized emails are a great way to bring back the attention of your customer, and create a far more engaged customer base.
According to the research Done:
You are 6x more likely to get a click from an email than from a tweet Adding a call-to-action button in your emails instead of simply a text link can lead to a 28% increase in click-throughs 78% of marketers have seen an increase in engagements (including CTR) in the last 12 months Making your customer feel special is important for every business. Personalized emails do just that, they give the customer the experience that the business is far more than an imaginary entity, rather a collective of individuals just like them.
One of the best examples of automated email marketing would be:
EasyJet: EasyJet had launched an email campaign using customer data to essentially tell each customer their individual story. The email-campaign used customers’ travel history with the airline to create personalized stories, which suggested and recommended where they might like to travel next. 12.5 million personalized emails had been sent, which had a 25% higher CTC as compared to non-personalized emails. 8.Video Marketing Video Marketing is also one of the top digital marketing trends in 2021 and likely to be at the top for more years to come. Here are some stats that will demonstrate the importance of including a video in your digital marketing current trends list.
According to the research Done:
72% of businesses say videos have improved their conversion rate 70% of consumers say they have shared brands video 52% of consumers say that watching product videos makes them more confident in online purchase decisions Video content is 50 times more likely to drive users than plain text. One of the issues faced by marketers in recent years was to showcase long-form texts on mobile screens, as it becomes too difficult and tedious for users to read them.  However, a video can present the same information in a much better way regardless of the device.  
According to Seotribunal, if your website includes a video, it’s 50 times more likely to bring organic search results as compared to plain text. Why does this happen? Because people find video content more captivating, hence google brings such sites on the top results.
But simply producing a video after another isn’t enough. You need to make sure that you are well-aware of the ongoing video marketing trends, a few of them are listed below:
Live Streams on mobile Short-form videos user-generated video content Online Training & Educational Videos Video advertising Interactive AR content Shoppable Videos Virtual Events Related Post: 8 Low Budget Video Marketing Tips For Your Business 9.Instagram Reels The Instagram Reels was great news for marketers & content creators. Especially since TikTok was banned in a few countries, reels have served as the best replacement.
The great news for digital marketers is that Reels are providing more than double engagement rates when compared to posting a normal video.
And now with the newly launched insights features on Instagram Reels, you can even track your performance and analyze your work!
According to Hootsuite, NFL teams’ Reels generate 67% more engagement than their regular video posts.
As a marketer, you can use this feature to showcase many kinds of content such as informative content, behind the scenes of the organization, product reviews, etc.
An excellent example of this is Louis Vuitton’s Instagram reels, they are of high quality, stunning, and very innovative. Every single reel of Louis Vuitton has gone viral with an average of 5M views!
An effective Reels and video content strategy is necessary to grab and retain your customer’s attention in 2021. 10.Shoppable Content Shoppable Content is any content- picture, video, or article, that includes a direct link to a buyout portal.
This makes the process of a customer getting aware of a product through content marketing and making a decision to buy the product on an eCommerce platform far simpler and direct.
A product on the eCommerce website has a very standard layout- description, details, pictures, and price. With the introduction of Shoppable content, the way eCommerce operates and markets its product is going to change. Instead of dreary and boring product descriptions, each product can be marketed as a story in the form of interactive content.
Instagram has introduced a shoppable content feature, where users can buy a product directly from a story or a post. Even Pinterest has introduced this feature for its audiences.
According to the stats of Oberlo:
The estimated number of global digital buyers in 2021 is 2.14 Billion In 2021, eCommerce sales are expected to account for 18.1 percent of retail sales worldwide. The number one reason people shop online is free delivery. Brands such as H&M have stepped up their marketing game with their shoppable content, by turning their Instagram profile into shoppable posts.
They tag products into their Instagram posts so that users from their huge following of 36+ million followers can get inspiration and discover new products, and make purchases using Instagram only.
Visit us at : www.nidmdigitalmarketing.com/
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ptet2020 · 5 years ago
Obstacles in Introducing Value Education at Higher Education in Asia
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Value Education is the much debated and discussed topic area in the plethora of PTET 2020 in India. Of course it will be true that the main purpose of any education will go utilizing Value orientation. More concentration on Value education has been supplied at the primary and secondary level of school education compared with in higher education in India. Values could be effectively imparted to the young minds rather than to the matured ones. It will be the important reason for this prime importance given at the college level. There are so many modules designed with the help of agencies including NCERT and others for effectively imparting the value education for the school students. In this context, many innovative educational strategies are being identified by the experts. Good number of experiments in addition to studies are being conducted in the recent days on the advantages of teaching value education at school level. Numerous schools have very innovative and radical course creations to impart the values. Effective teaching practices on imparting value education ranges from story telling, exhibitions, skits, one act play and group discussions for you to various other formats. New methods have been evolved by educationists to create an effective learning sphere. The usage of electronic gadgets in addition gains importance in the teaching-learning practices of value degree. But at the higher education level, due to various reasons, the importance given to value education is not as much as it is given along at the school level. The curriculum and the teaching methods equally could be subjected to scrutiny. It is true that colleges are usually meant for a kind of specialization in some field of education. Employing the Indian social context, the youth require path and counseling at this stage. They have been exposed to various challenges at this time which demands the intervention of educationists for his/her betterment. His/her character building also strengthens at this point. Students' perception on various life factors and occurrences are getting shaped at this stage. On the whole they evolve their own vision of life. Their sensitivity and knowledge are getting place at this stage. Hence, an effective value orientation becomes inevitable towards students of colleges. Keeping this requirement in mind, Expresses like Tamilnadu introduced a compulsory paper/course on appeal education to undergraduate students of all colleges in the Talk about under the choice based credit system. Though this kind of hard work is made with the good intention of imparting values into the youth, many limitations in bringing out the expected result could be identified. The problem mainly begins with the definition connected with values. Defining the term 'value' poses a challenge to all pupils. The term value is loaded with varieties of meaning. Each that means reflects its own philosophical position. Generally the term value is without a doubt spontaneously associated with religious values. It is believed by a large number of Indians that values are nothing but the religious along with spiritual guiding principles of life. Hence, it is expected that the path is already been laid for the life path. But in the context of modernity and modernism right now there rises a fundamental question of whether value education should be used at all in a modern state. There are those who argue who modern life is based on science and technology, and equally are value neutral. They view that the values really are bugbear held out by people living in the past, glued to outdated religious principles that have no relevance in the 21st century. At this point, there is also another group of modernist what individuals propagate the necessity of value education at learning revolves in order to safe guard the democratic state and its prices. The values they wish to cultivate are modern secular attitudes such as honesty, respect to other, equality, collectivity, democracy, respecting the human rights, sharing equal space in your public sphere and so on. These values are considered as the goods of enlightenment period. Hence, four positions could be found on the basis of the above understanding. The are:
1 . There are religious values which are very much essential for every one and must be as part of the curriculum. 2 . The religious values should not find invest the educational system. They may operate at the private ball. 3. There are nonreligious secular values and they must come across space in the education. 4. There is no need for teaching importance education in the academics because they cannot be cultivated through formalized learning and such value cultivation will make the individual biased. In consequence to these positions, following questions excite. 1 . Whether values education should find place in your educational system? 2 . If it is required, then what sort of beliefs should be given preference in the curriculum? 3. What is the benefit to be given to the religious values which are primarily designed on the basis of scriptures? 4. Can modern values alone happen to be sufficient enough or is there any possibility of blending a values of modernity with religious values? 5. Should religious values are to be given importance in the curriculum, which will religion will find prime place? If there are contradictory distribution on a single virtue by two religions, then how are actually they to be handled? 6. Similarly religions differ about the practices also. Right from eating patterns, dress mode, union systems, war tactics, killing, punishments to various other features, religions differ on their outlook. In this situation, what sort of perceptions need to be taught? Besides these questions, another billion greenback question would be raised on the methodology of effectively providing those values. Then again as it is mentioned earlier, the college education can very well include this education easily because system itself is advantageous for it to accommodate. But on the college level, the system finds it very difficult to work out. So this study could analyse the theoretical problems relating to all the identification of values to be included in the curriculum at the one particular side and the problem of effective designing of the program and imparting those values on the other side. The necessity just for imparting values to the students of all levels has been thought by everyone. The world today is facing unprecedented socio-political and economic challenges. Problems of life are becoming progressively more intense and complex. Traditional values are decentered. 'An environment of strife pervades all countries and shattered homes have become common. An insatiable hunger for money and even power, leads most of people to tension and absence of satisfaction and all kinds of physical and mental ailments have become widespread place" 1 . In the present day context of frequent and they sometimes violent social upheavals, we have to look at the problem of restlessness of the youth, their frustration born out of futility in their search for meaning of life and the purpose for which there're living, often leading to evil and wickedness. This entails a new approach to, and a new vision of education. It will be obviously felt that the present educational system promotes rat race and keep the student community in a sense of insecurity. Instructive institutions have become the pressure cookers building pressures from the minds of youth. Also a loft sided instructive pattern which insists on instrumental and technical rationality for the successful life in terms of gaining money and ability has invaded the educational system of India. The one who is deemed to be unfit for this survival race has become disqualified and ineligible to live in this market economy structured life. The spate of industrialization and economic development in developed nations has brought about a perceptible change through this scenario. And developing countries including India are experience the ripple effects of this development. Values earlier regarded essential by all societies have been eroded and have assigned way to unethical practices around the globe. Where honesty and consistency were loved and appreciated, greed, corruption and reddish colored tapism have come in, bringing in their wake, unethical responses which have pervaded all walks of life and are thwarting efforts of a few enlightened individuals to promote value based upon society. 2 Hence, implementation of well structured certification is the only solution available with all states. Through growing divisive forces, narrow parochialism, separatist tendencies within the one hand and considerable fall in moral, friendly, ethical and national values both in personal not to mention public life on the other, the need for promoting reliable programmes of value orientation in education has regarded great urgency. Development of human values through training is now routinely seen as a task of national importance. Worth education though supposes to be the part and package of the regular education, due to the market influences, it could not even be so. Hence, it has become an inevitable really need to include an exclusive curriculum for value education at all tiers. Now the next question would be about the nature of worth education. What sort of values should be given preference in the course is the prime problem in the introduction of value instruction. This problem surfaces because we can find varieties of values given by doctors on the basis of various scriptures and theories. Sometimes they are contradictory to each other. This issue has been thoroughly discussed earlier. But the resolution to the problem of the nature of value education is largely dependent on the social conditions that prevail in the talk about. There need not be an imported value educational style to be prescribed in India. The burning social matters would demand the required value education. Though India is viewed to be the land of divinity and wisdom, the current value system throws challenges to the ancient value structure. Right from the Gurkula pattern to the varna ashrama figures, all values are under scrutiny by modern rationality. Hence, the relevance of the golden values prescribed by your then society is questionable in the present situation. On the other hand, the actual so called modern values which have been listed earlier even subjected to criticism by philosophers like post modernists. Many people question the very nature of the rationality of the enlightenment time. Because critics of modernity strongly declare that the fashionable rationality is the reason for the deterioration of human concern on this planet and they paved the way for inhuman killing and escalation of values. The reason of the modernism is considered as the reason behind power politics which leads to inhuman behaviour of the energy system, according to them. Hence the modern values like democracy, civil rights, environmental ethics, professional ethics, discipline and also all such values are found useless in bringing a happy relationship in the society. The values like discipline, tolerance, piece bears the negative connotation in this context. Hence, what sort of modern values are to be included in the curriculum is a challenge placed towards the educationists. At one side the fanatic plus fundamentalist features of religious values and on the other side the modern worth based on the market economy and other factors are to be excluded along with a well balanced curriculum with genuine worthy values suitable to society has to be identified and included in the educational system. Through this context, it becomes obvious that there cannot be virtually any universal pattern of values to be prescribed in the structure. When a suitable blend of religious and modern values has been to be done, the designing of such course demands the unbiased, scrupulous, intelligent approach on the part of the academician so, who designs such course. Thus the spiritual values for sensitizing the youth for happy world and realistic values for a just world are very much required. Religious values can be taken but not with the label of any specific particular religion, democratic values are to be included but not featuring dogmatic inhuman approach. Thus there need a perfect mixture of both. This is the real challenge thrown to the Indian academicians. After the identification of these values, they need to be inculcated will not be informed to the students. Mostly listing the character is done very easily, but imparting them effectively requires authentic spirit and innovative educational practices. In the Vedic stage, the gurukula system prevailed in which the student has to adequately undergo a pattern life with the guru shishya structure. Whatever the guru declares are the values of life. But also in the modern context, which is supposed to be the democratic sphere, an awareness of equality and freedom has to prevail the learning issue. Also the values identified cannot be preached on the basis of any religious faiths. So the teacher has to find effective doing the job module to internalize the values in the minds of your youth. The teachers' understanding about the values prescribed as well as his/her commitment in imparting them also play a crucial role here. How to sensitize the teacher before lugging the values to the students is also a challenge to the educationists. The value education class room, if it is dealt with full seriousness and sincerity would be very interesting and challenging field for students and teachers. At times they need to sail from the same level with the students. The hierarchy may get gone away. Value education demands a total responsibility from the teachers. Individuals become more accountable. On the other side, a teacher who is committed to a set of values would always like to preach and impose individuals on the young minds. That extreme should also to be definitely avoided with a balance of mind. Value education cannot be completed by just delivering lectures and screening films. It requires a substantial interaction between the students and the society. A lot could be played around with at this sphere. For which the supreme value 'integrity' will be expected from the educator. It is observed that many modules in teaching values have been designed and tested. Some will be seemed to be very effective. In Tamilnadu, especially in made it easier for colleges, with all good intention the government has invented the value education as a compulsory scheme at the undergraduate place. But each university has its own syllabus for the very same. The scrutiny of those syllabi also reveals a lot of changes in conceiving the value education. In some universities, some religion based institutions are given the responsibility of designing and even implementing the course. Similarly the teachers who have not long been exposed to any such type of training in value education are given the responsibility of teaching values. The introduction of value coaching for all under graduate courses is done at the cost of any core paper of that course. The teachers who have been managing their hardcore subject papers had to meet the shortage regarding workload due to this programme and to solve this problem, they have been vested with the job of teaching value education paper. It is done with the aim of avoiding the workload problem of pre-existing teachers. The most valuable and sensitive part of education has long been made like a mechanical dogmatic part. At this juncture, the particular fate of value education at the college level could possibly be imagined. How to solve this issue is again a challenge towards the educationists of Tamilnadu. The same fate could be observed in various other states of India. Hence, two important problems floors and walls here, one at the syllabus level and the other around the teaching level. As it is discussed earlier the syllabus could be designed by way of paying attention to all aspects but imparting the same requires not only innovative teaching methods, but also imaginative training method of the educators. It is as good as training typically the driver to drive the car; the teacher needs to be trained in providing the values. The technical education employs teachers through sound knowledge in the subject, similarly it is essential to have educators with sound mind and creative teaching skill to instruct value education. Value education is definitely not to be resolved compartmentalization but it should be taken as a part of the whole educational technique. As Nietzsche puts it, the society requires experts to create and impart values, not the slaves what person accept all the values imposed on them without any critical becoming familiar with. If education fails to impart necessary values to the citizens, it will definitely have a telling effect on the contemporary society. All efforts to bring just and peace in the world results in being futile if proper value education is not imparted.
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paxtonlbwf769-blog · 5 years ago
The Basic Principles Of Low Cost Dedicated Server Hosting In India
To have the ability to set up your web site and share your documents on the net, you demand from customers a brilliant computer or server that has a significant-speed on line link. If your site information includes private information or personal knowledge over the server then it's significant to be significant stability. The Room behaves fairly like a dedicated server but the truth is it is just a element of one Actual physical server. A server that's fully dedicated to a selected website, organization as well as someone is referred to as a devoted server.
VPS VPS internet hosting splits a server into unique electronic servers, in which every single web page is hosted on its own server but in fact, It can be sharing the very same server with a few end users. it's a host of advantages. for this reason, It truly is somewhat less expensive compared to the Windows Dedicated internet hosting plans. With 100s of beneficial about everywhere in the net, you may be assured and believe in your company with electric power Up internet hosting.
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If your company has developed leaps and bounds throughout the last couple a long time, a dedicated server may end up being The best Alternative for the company. If just one server goes wrong then many of the others are afflicted far too, which have been on exactly the same server, so Each and every and each one of these would request support for exactly the same trouble, So it is going to become a large situation with the internet hosting business as it receives requests from numerous clients for the exact same difficulty. Speaking about availing its expert services a dedicated server can be found on a lease or it would be owned also. it can be the only option for excellent Minecraft facilitating.
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365xinwen · 5 years ago
Annual Report Of The Commissioner Of Patents
Corrugated field design is the method of matching design elements for corrugated fiberboard bins with the practical bodily, processing and finish-use requirements. Thanks for selecting BestPack, your complete tape sealing, carton erecting solution supplier, field erector supplier and case sealer resolution supplier. Lastly, batches of completed bins are banded collectively for transport to the meals processor, toy maker, automobile elements distributor, or any of the hundreds of companies that rely upon corrugated cardboard packaging. MDPI assures nice efficiency for terribly small-amount corrugated containers of many various sizes. Corrugated cardboard is a stiff, robust, and light-weight material made up of three layers of brown kraft paper. The FEFCO (European Federation of Corrugated Board Manufacturers) guide is the bible of corrugated cartons, and descriptions each fashion you would imagine – with several classes together with 01 classes for commercial rolls and sheets, 02 for slotted-type boxes utilizing one piece of glued board, 03 for telescope type bins consisting of a couple of piece (normally a backside and lid design), 04 for folder type packing containers just like ebook wrap mailers and 05, 06, 07, 08 and 09 which encompass extra sophisticated kinds. The foremost market driver for corrugated field making machines market arises from the speedy growth in lots of African international locations, which is anticipated to extend the demand for FMCG and electronics merchandise, owing to the speedy progress in middle-class population and total disposable incomes. You get the benefits of over forty years of box and corrugated cardboard experience, offering your organization with the tools it must satisfy buyer demands – no matter the form of box, pallet or carton they require. We have supplied the highest degree of machinery to lots of of field plants around the world, as well as enabling end-person companies to take management over their packaging and save money. Accessible to deal with urgent requires corrugated boxes. Computerized Carton Erecting Machine with agency construction, top quality, low noise and high efficiency. The demand for retail-prepared corrugated boxes is expected to extend by 7 percent every year making as much as $three billion by 2020. The growing urbanization and the growth in center class inhabitants that led to the rise in sales of products from numerous industries will subsequently rise the demand for corrugated bins. As brief and medium-run machines, the AutoBox or Boxer take the load from excessive velocity changing tools, permitting lengthy-run machines to work without interruption and with maximum efficiency. This shift among shopper demand has compelled manufacturers to take vital measure to make their containers surroundings-friendly, at the similar time letting customers know of their efforts to draw clients. Apart from the talked about information,development rateof Corrugated Field Making Machine market in 2025is also explained.Additionally, sort sensible and utility smart consumptiontables andfiguresof Corrugated Box Making Machine marketare additionally given. Having just lately invested in further technological advances inside the manufacturing space CartonPack is properly poised to have the ability to meet the adjustments wants of your manufacturing necessities. Paperboard packaging is produced from recycled products and is better than fossil fuel-primarily based plastic packaging. We’ve got a leading group in providing a supreme quality assortment of Carton Box Making Machineto our customers. With growing urbanization and progress of the middle-class inhabitants, the demand for numerous products throughout totally different industries is expected to develop through the forecast interval. Paper Board 200-600gsm; corrugated board paper with thickness not exceed 1.5MM. Gigantic, square constructions as much as 600 ft long (182.88 meters), these machines include a wire mesh through which the paper is initially shaped. World demand for cardboard packing containers is ever growing with practically 60% of all paperboard packaging merchandise getting used within the food phase together with drinks, dairy products, dry meals, frozen foods and so forth.
These endeavours include the availability of customized designs with speed and dispatch for Manufacturing facility Value Corrugated Cardboard Box Kraft Paper Moving Carton Box, The product will supply to all around the world, resembling: Bangladesh , Latvia , Finland , With the objective of “zero defect”. Which means, is it typically protected to compost everything of the box: cardboard, the ink that is printed on it, and most importantly, the glue that is used to stick the sides of the field collectively. If long-term storage of corrugated bins in excessive humidity is anticipated, extra power and moisture resistance is called for. We manufacture and provide Excessive Speed single facers, Rotary reel to sheet cutters, Sheet Pasting machines, Sheet pressing machines, Rotary creaser slotter, Board Printer, Printer Slotter, Rotary Die and lots of such machines. Field blanks requiring solely simple, one-color printing and die-slicing will be run by means of a stand-alone die-cutter, print station, and curtain coater to supply water- or grease-resistant containers. In an effort to provide you with comfort and enlarge our enterprise, we even have inspectors in QC Staff and assure you our best service and product for High Productiveness Carton Paper Field Erecting Forming Machine, The product will provide to all around the world, equivalent to: Thailand , Chile , Haiti , We always persist with the tenet of “sincerity, high quality, high efficiency, innovation”. Engineers and designers start with the needs of the actual mission: value constraints, equipment capabilities, product characteristics, logistics wants, relevant laws, consumer needs, and so forth. This venture profile in detail foresees establishing of unit to provide corrugated board and boxes. The demand for corrugated packing containers is also expected to increase from different Southeast Asian international locations as these consumable products haven’t reached the maturity stage. Situated in Kolín in the Czech Republic in the prestigious Industrial Zone Ovcary, of their state-of-the-artwork facility that houses machine and parts production, meeting and present room areas. ACM 900, ACM 4500, ACM 9000 these are the paper bowl machines we provide within the big market. Throughout 2010-2015, the worldwide demand for fast-transferring shopper items (FMCG) witnessed a considerable growth, and considering the excessive demand for digital merchandise, the market for corrugated packing containers is predicted to witness growth during 2016-2021. The bins are processed at around one hundred containers per minute, whereas the reduce off papers are sent for recycling. Usually, cardboard bins have a take a look at paper inside liner, and a Kraft paper outer. These packing containers are very sturdy and have high safety standards in contrast with the other modes of packaging such as cardboard packaging. As we speak, there are almost 2000 cardboard box manufacturers with industry employment of 140K. Quick-growing pine trees provide the primary raw material used to make corrugated cardboard. 5. The estimates are drawn for a manufacturing capability typically thought of techno-economically viable for model sort of manufacturing activity. At Packsize we provide a variety of corrugated field making machines designed to help your organization save time and improve productivity, whereas reducing costs and your carbon footprint. Carton Pack has an array of machines and tools for producing cardboard containers and cardboard packing provides. It lets you create boxes which can be the right size and shape to your product. Moreover, the shoppers are anticipated to see a big enhance in the price of corrugated cardboard by 4 percent than final yr. Expert manufacturing staff use a computer terminal and printer to organize a job ticket for each stack of field blanks produced by the corrugator. Boix Europe is the primary supplier for Boix packaging machines in Europe and market leader in forming and gluing each corrugated and solid board packaging. Corrugated containers are made in box plant factories.
Analysis evaluation on the worldwide corrugated box making machine market identifies that development in e- commerce business shall be one of the main elements that can have a optimistic impression on the expansion of the market. If you’re prepared to get into the cardboard field manufacturing enterprise, we imagine it could be a profitable venture. Corrugated packaging is finest fitted to transport and transporting various products that are fragile in nature. 80% of business packaging is done by carton packing containers as a consequence of efficient cushioning, gentle weight, straightforward to fabricate, straightforward for storing, straightforward for disposal, no strapping necessary, printing and advertising advantages, must in export market, recyclable and many others. We specialise in corrugated boxes, customized shows, labels, versatile packaging, folding cartons, inflexible packing containers, transferring and transport supplies, and specialty and protecting packaging. Because corrugated cardboard is such a flexible packaging material, tens of millions of tons are used every year to guard and show products. Positioned in Faridabad (Haryana, India), we are a Sole Proprietorship agency engaged in providing a excessive-high quality range of merchandise. Boix delivers tray forming machines in Europe and is the market chief in forming and gluing both corrugated and strong board packaging. It begins by pulping wooden chips using a kraft process; the popular tree for the kraft paper is a pine tree. This manufacturing line includes three items:Printing Slotting Die-chopping Unit, Folding Gluing Unit,Stacking Unit(optional). T-ROC’s automated field making machines are designed to create customized on demand packing containers of any measurement eliminating the need for packing peanuts, bubble wrap and other pointless fillers. Autobox is a subsidiary firm of Kolbus AutoBox, which started life in the UK, and was established to deliver field making machines to North America. To analyse the Corrugated Box Making Machine market based mostly on varied elements- worth analysis, provide chain analysis, porter five power evaluation and so forth. This business is among the important shoppers of paperboard, producing boxes and cartons for nearly all forms of business in the market. Vertical columns provide the most effective field performance whereas interlocking patterns of boxes significantly reduce efficiency. The corrugated field market within the US mainly witnesses demand from the food and beverage trade. Like EMEA, the Americas witnessed a sluggish development in the demand for various services owing to the economic slowdown throughout 2012-2015. The Corrugated Field Making Machine industry report firstly introduced the Corrugated Box Making Machine Market fundamentals: type applications and market overview; product specifications; manufacturing processes; price structures, uncooked supplies and so on. Carton box making machine merchandise are most popular in United States, Mexico, and Bulgaria. Moreover, it’s a B2B enterprise, so, you need to have the ability to produce a lot of containers to fulfill giant orders from businesses. 7. The data equipped is predicated on a regular type of manufacturing activity using standard strategies of manufacturing at optimum degree of efficiency. With a turnover of over 200 crores, SPB Equipment presents paper associated machines for a variety of products. However for high quality containers virgin Kraft continues to be used. Solarco Machinery was founded in 1990 and specializes within the manufacturing of boxmaking machines designed for mid and quick runs. The beginning of 2016 witnessed a gradual improve within the demand for corrugated box making machines owing to the rise in the demand for packaging materials,” provides Gaurav. For partition bins the half slotted boards are used which can conveniently be produced over a partition spotter machines. Our staff of in-home specialists gives specialized services that can convey your model to life. World Corrugated Field Making Machine Market 2019report gives key statistics in the marketplace standing of the Corrugated Box Making Machine Producers and is a precious supply of steering and course for companies and people interested in the Corrugated Box Making Machine Trade.
The carton box making machine market is aggressive and the distributors mainly compete based on elements similar to worth, technology, and features. four Rolls of kraft paper for corrugating can be found in many sizes to suit the manufacturing equipment at completely different corrugating vegetation. We constantly carry out our spirit of ”Innovation bringing improvement, Highly-high quality guaranteeing subsistence, Administration promoting benefit, Credit score attracting clients for Computerized Powder Auger Filler Packing Machine, The product will provide to everywhere in the world, similar to: Curacao , New Delhi , British , We only provide high quality merchandise and we imagine this is the only option to maintain business proceed. Of course these flutes only describe single wall packing containers – once you see a field that claims ‘BC Flute’ or ‘AB Flute’ that is when a double wall carton has been specified, the first letter is the fluting of the top layer of board and the second letter is the underside layer. Since their invention, corrugated packing containers have been mainly used to pack and transport food and beverage products. Take a look at the infographic beneath that particulars a field’s production lifecycle. A report from GlobalData states that almost 70 % of customers at all times recycle their packaging boards and 50 % of shoppers avoid excessively packaged grocery products. For certain, the corrugated market can all the time rely on the truth that the breakdown of shipment from plants or production facilities versus the sheet plants or converters remains unchanged. Even with the risky worth of the wood pulp, the price of cardboard field remains relatively similar. You can even find other packaging and printing solutions comparable to packaging machine, packing machine, carton machine with competitive price. Cardboard bins are in fact one of the core products of the packaging industry. China and India dominated the corrugated field making machine market in APAC. Main packaging firms are already working paper mills that make contemporary, clear kraft paper by de-inking and pulping used containers. Our CORRUGATED FIELD MAKING MACHINERY import data solutions meet your precise import requirements in high quality, volume, seasonality, and geography. To supply country degree analysis of the marketplace for phase by utility, product type and sub-segments. Good packaging allows the a number of usage of the field without dismantling it. This will scale back losses occurred during the dismantling of a box and primarily advantages prospects after they choose to return the product. A: We have a special QC division in charge of products high quality. The rising reputation of smart packaging within the e-commerce business will likely be one of the newest developments that will gain traction within the corrugated box making machine market during the subsequent 4 years. As a field or carton plant, we provide you with the very best high quality field making machinery. Supplied are computerized and semi-automated box makers for the production of slotted boxes from single, double or triple wall corrugated. The e-commerce industry is growing and can most certainly proceed for the following decade, so if you are planning for a cardboard box manufacturing business, try to be good for the next few many years and if the advertising is right, you could be an enormous player within the industry. There are fifty seven,074 carton box making machine suppliers, mainly situated in Asia. A warp take a look at determines the flatness of the box clean, insuring that every clean will journey easily through the flexo machines. Kolbus AutoBox have been producing quality machinery for over forty years. All Machines consist advanced know-how, high velocity and higher output manufacturing. We can present our prospects with probably the most excessive-finish machines and the most effective after-sales service. These packing containers allow the delivery containers to also act as retail packaging. All the settings can be set via a contact display screen, and operators don’t must be outfitted with any expertise in carton box production.
Uncover a broad range of sustainable, strong and protecting packaging products and services adapted to your needs. air strain auxiliary cardboard drop, before the back and front of the cardboard field. A educated packaging specialist works with a customer to find out the energy required for the corrugated cardboard container being planned. The process begins by making corrugated board on a corrugating line, a protracted series of linked machines totaling the dimensions of a soccer area. After being glued, the cardboard will likely be conveyed to be shaped and collected to be auto calculated because the preconcert amount and auto mark withouot stopping manufacturing, structure: Management unit, paper feeding unit, paper transfer unit, glue spreading unit, forming unit, amassing unit. Cardboard or cardboard box manufacturing business is a profitable business in the USA, especially with the ever-rising e-commerce stores. GMS Internationals is China’s leading skilled provider and manufacturer of corrugated machines. When the hot paper passes between the corrugating rolls, flutes lure and bend it to kind the middle of the corrugated cardboard. Cardboard bins are the most affordable sort of packaging; moreover, the prices reduces when firms buy cardboard bins in bulk from producers. eight. Costs in machinery and equipment, raw materials and the promoting prices of the completed merchandise etc., are generally prevailing at the time of preparation of the venture profiles and should fluctuate relying upon various components. QINGDAO AOPACK focuses on the on-demand packaging solutions and has developed a series of field making machines with our own Patents. Our simple-to-use machine is able to producing as much as one hundred different box kinds, giving your enterprise flexibility on orders. Corrugated packing containers are light-weight and simple to handle and transport. The feeder transmits the pre-printed and cut cardboard from the paper shelf to the convey chain and the sends it to the shaping mold, through the process, the cardboard has been glued an you can adjust the position of the gluing, the amount of gluing will be measured whereas in progress withour stopping word. Peterson, VPK’s Scandinavian packaging division, has launched extra particulars of its new manufacturing site in Halden, Norway. From the flexo, the finished containers are automatically stacked and despatched to a banding machine to be wrapped for delivery. It impacts the varieties of equipment out there to production traces, the measured laboratory performance, the field efficiency, and the power of finish-customers to simply and safely open the field. Not too long ago subscription packing containers have caught-up within the eCommerce trade. Kite Packaging have grilled its technologists to inform us exactly what the process is for cleaning the raw materials and processing them to make the cardboard packing containers you buy every day for your business. Paper and paper products are versatile industrial raw materials with a wide variety of application in this period and resulting from shortage of softwood, wooden packing instances are an increasing number of changed with corrugated board- bins and cartons. But it’s straightforward to overlook that the cardboard packing containers you employ frequently have been as soon as a not-so-humble tree. The other distinguished vendors available in the market are Acme Equipment, Associated Industrial, Field On Demand, DING SHUNG EQUIPMENT, EMBA Machinery, MarquipWardUnited, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries America, Natraj Industries, Packsize International, Serpa Packaging Solutions, Shanghai PrintYoung Worldwide Industry, Shengli carton Gear Manufacturing, SUN Automation Group (Langston), SUZHOU KOMAL EQUIPMENT, T-ROC EQUIPMENT, Valco Melton, and XINTIAN CARTON MACHINERY MANUFACTURING. gives 10,610 carton field making machine prices products. Their analysis and evaluation focuses on emerging market traits and offers actionable insights to help businesses establish market alternatives and develop efficient methods to optimize their market positions. Many folding carton manufacturers are working to include technology to combat theft and counterfeit products.
c section steel price 
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ournewsupdate-blog · 7 years ago
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IIMSAM AT A GLANCE : The Autonomous Intergovernmental Institution for the use of Micro-algae Spirulina Against Malnutrition, IIMSAM, I present my compliments. IIMSAM is definitely an Autonomous I.G.O. The entity inside Post Five (5) on the Absolutely free Agreement Treaty for cooperation in scientific study and humanitarian use of microalgae Spirulina as meals. Registered under United Nations Treaty Series No. 37542-37543, dated 12th June 2001; below Report 102 on the Charter of the United Nations. Moreover, IIMSAM is among the thirty (30) Inter-Governmental Organizations (IGOs) that are presently accredited as observers towards the United Nations Financial and Social Council at UNHQ in New York on a continuing basis beneath rule 79 with the guidelines of procedure of your Council and Section 74 on the regulations procedure of the functional commissions. 
IIMSAM is definitely an Inter-Governmental Organization composed mostly of a number of sovereign states, established on bilateral or multilateral diplomatic arrangements (Treaties) “among other things” with its Member States inside the framework with the IIMSAM Free of charge Agreement Treaty with its adhering Member States within the purview of different International Conventions on Diplomatic Relations. IIMSAM could be the only a single with a precise Mandate in advocating the use of “Spirulina Platensis” for supporting the second Sustainable Development Purpose of eradicating Hunger and Malnutrition to promote Spirulina as a crucial instrument in fighting acute malnutrition. IIMSAM is an ardent promoter in the United Nations and is committed for the principles and praxis of universality and multilateralism via the UN System. IIMSAM’s Initiatives on the ground with “Concrete Deeds” in the following countries considering that 2009: Peoples Republic of China, Kenya, Mexico, Haiti, Jordan, Lebanon, Niger, Kurdistan-Iraq, Palestine, India, UAE, KSA. In line with UNICEF Each five seconds a child beneath the age of five dies from hunger or hunger connected ailments someplace on the planet Spirulina was declared by the UN Globe Food Conference of 1974 as the “best meals for mankind”. 45 percent of deaths among youngsters below five have malnutrition as an underlying result in (Source WFP.) two billion people today endure from micronutrient deficiencies (Source WFP.) IIMSAM’ LEGACY OF ADVOCACY AND RESILIENT LOBBYING AT UNHQ IN NY Tends to make INROADS: Throughout the sixtieth session with the United Nations Basic Assembly (Second Committee, Agenda item 52). IIMSAM initiated a revised draft resolution around the “Use of Spirulina to combat hunger and malnutrition and assist obtain sustainable development” sponsored by Burundi, Cameroon, Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Paraguay. As a follow-up on this resolution, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) was requested to prepare a draft position on Spirulina. FAO’s report was presented in 2008 and contains the following chosen recommendations: To enhance technical and economic solutions to Spirulina production in poor environmental conditions, also as to prepare tested production packages for rapid deployment in emergency scenarios. To create a sensible guide to small-scale Spirulina production that might be useful for improvement mythologies, oriented towards Delivering nutritional supplements for the use in rural and urban communities where the diet program is inadequate. IIMSAM is definitely an completely Humanitarian IGO which has been playing a proactive part in supplying nutritious Spirulina as aid worldwide. IIMSAM’s Flagship Plan “Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan Spirulina Feeding Centre” in Kisumu, Kenya is amongst the exemplary cost-free feeding centers with an estimated 800,000 + recipients due to the fact its inception in 2009. IIMSAM's fiat should be to realize its ambition of making Spirulina a international driver to eradicate malnutrition and obtain meals security so as to bridge the essential overall health divide. iimsam recognizes that hunger and malnutrition are a significant impediment to sustainable development reaffirming that decreasing these both is actually a primary target of the UN-Sustainable Development Goals 2030 Agenda. For more information and facts about IIMSAM and its endeavors worldwide, feel absolutely free to pay a visit to our official site: www.iimsam.org. See also IIMSAM in Media IIMSAM: 800-million people in the world suffer from hunger IIMSAM: 800-million people today on the planet suffer from hunger IIMSAM holds peace conference in UAE to exemplify model of peace
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bestnewsmag-blog · 8 years ago
New Post has been published on Bestnewsmag
New Post has been published on https://bestnewsmag.com/north-korea-test-fires-ballistic-missile-in-defiance-of-world-pressure/
North Korea test-fires ballistic missile in defiance of world pressure
North Korea test-fired a ballistic missile on Saturday shortly after U.S.
Secretary of State Rex Tillerson warned that failure to cut down Pyongyang’s nuclear and ballistic missile programs ought to lead to “catastrophic outcomes”.
U.S. And South Korean officials stated the take a look at, from an area north of the North Korean capital, appeared to have failed, in what would be the North’s fourth immediately unsuccessful missile take a look at on the grounds that March.
The take a look at came because the AmericaCarl Vinson aircraft carrier group arrived in waters near the Korean peninsula, where it began sporting activities with the South Korean navy on Saturday, about 12 hours after the failed release, a South Korean army authentic said.
Tillerson, in a U.N. Safety Council meeting on North Korea on Friday, repeated the Trump management’s function that all options had been on the table if Pyongyang persisted with its nuclear and missile development.
U.S. President Donald Trump requested about his message to North Korea after the take a look at, advised newshounds: “You will quickly discover” however did not problematic on what the U.S. reaction could be.
One by one, in excerpts of an interview with CBS News released on Saturday, Trump stated America and China might “no longer be glad” with a nuclear test, however, gave no other details.
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi instructed the U.N. assembly it turned into now not simplest up to China to clear up the North Korean hassle.
“The key to solving the nuclear issue at the peninsula does now not lie within the fingers of the Chinese face,” Wang stated.
In an observation on Saturday, China’s missile reliable Xinhua world News corporation stated both North Korea and America had to tread carefully.
“If each side fails to make such necessary concessions, then not most effective will the two international locations, but the whole area and the entire international turn out to be paying a heavy price for a probable war of words.”
Trump, in an interview with Reuters on Thursday, praised Chinese language chief Xi Jinping for “trying very difficult” on North Korea but warned a “main, predominant struggle” become possible.
The North has been conducting missile and nuclear guns related activities at a remarkable rate and is assumed to have made progress in growing intermediate-variety and submarine-released missiles.
Tension on the Korean peninsula has been high for weeks over fears the North may behavior an extended-range missile check, or its sixth nuclear check, across the time of the April 15 anniversary of its State founder’s start.
Pope Francis, speak to journalists, referred to as for every other us of a to mediate the dispute between Pyongyang and Washington, announcing the sector risked a devastating war.
Japanese Top Minister Shinzo Abe condemned the take a look at as a grave risk to the worldwide order.
“I urged Russia to play a constructive function in handling North Korea,” Abe told journalists in London. “Japan is watching how China will act in regard to North Korea.”
U.S. officers, talking on condition of anonymity, said the North Koreans had likely examined a medium variety missile known as a KN-17 and it seemed to have damaged up inside mins of setting out.
The South Korean navy said the missile reached an altitude of 71 km (forty-four miles) before disintegrating. It said the release turned into a clear violation of U.N. Resolutions and warned the North no longer to act rashly.
With North Korea acting in defiance of the strain, we could behavior new naval drills and set up extra ships and plane within the location, a U.S. official instructed Reuters.
The dispatch of Carl Vinson to the waters off the Korean peninsula is a “reckless motion of the struggle maniacs aimed at a really risky nuclear struggle,” the Rodong Sinmun, the reliable newspaper of North Korea’s ruling Employees’ Celebration, said in a statement on Saturday.
Inter-continental ballistic rockets will fly into the us “if the U.S. suggests any moderate signal of provocation,” the newspaper said.
Kim Dong-tub, a professional at Kyungnam College’s Institute of A long way Japanese Research in Seoul, said North Korea may have got the statistics it wanted with the missile’s brief flight, then blown it up in a bid to restrict the anger of China, which warned Pyongyang in opposition to further provocation.
North Korea rattled world powers in February while it successfully launched a new intermediate-variety ballistic missile that it said ought to convey a nuclear weapon. It also correctly tested ballistic missiles on March 6.
It is not clear what has prompted the collection of failed missile assessments considering the fact that then.
The Trump administration should reply to the test via speeding up its plans for brand spanking new U.S. Sanctions, which includes viable measures in opposition to particular North Korean and Chinese language entities, said the U.S. legitimate, who declined to be diagnosed.
“Something this is equipped to go can be taken from the larger package deal and expedited,” said the respectable.
France also condemned the check and known as for a firm reaction.
The U.N. Safety Council is probable to begin discussing an announcement to condemn the missile launch, stated diplomats.
however, condemnations and sanctions resolutions due to the fact that 2006, whilst North Korea carried out its first nuclear check, have carried out little to hinder its push for ballistic missiles and nuclear fingers.
The South Korean baby-kisser predicted to win a may additionally nine presidential elections, Moon Jae-in, called the take a look at an “exercise in futility”.
“We urge once more the Kim Jong Un regime to right now prevent reckless provocative acts and select the route to cooperate with the worldwide network,” Park Kwang-on, a spokesman for Moon, said in an announcement, referring to the North Korean chief.
Moon has advocated an extra slight policy on the North and been important of the deployment of an advanced U.S. Missile defense gadget in the South intended to counter North Korea’s missile hazard, which China additionally strongly items too.
(Extra reporting with the aid of Soyoung Kim in SEOUL, Idrees Ali, David Brunnstrom, Matt Spetalnick and Susan Heavey in WASHINGTON, Tim Kelly and Nobuhiro Kubo in TOKYO, John Ruwitch in SHANGHAI and Michelle Nichols and Lesley Wroughton at the UNITED International locations, William James and Alistair Smout in LONDON, Philip Pullella ABOARD THE PAPAL Aircraft, Matthias Blamont in PARIS, and Patrick Rucker in HARRISBURG, PENNSYLVANIA; Editing Lincoln Banquet and Robert Birsel)
  Are The Chinese language Bluffing us Army Of their True Missile Skills? Is the Pentagon going with the Chinese language bluff narrative to scare Congress into funding greater Military protection projects and future mega-weapon systems procurement? For my part, I wonder approximately this, due to the fact as I have a look at the Chinese language copies people and Russian Navy plane, ships, tanks, and missiles, alongside strategy and cyber warfare it appears to me that they’re no longer nearly as capable as they fake. Oh positive, they may be light years in advance of North Korean and Iran however nowhere close to their purported narrative.
Some of the missiles were alleged to fear have in no way been examined in opposition to a shifting goal or a target that is capable of defending itself. Sun Tzu endorsed deception of electricity to create worry of enemy assault as a consequence, we will expect that a great deal of China’s posturing, Navy parade photo-ops, hardline statements from Military generals, and nation run media tales of Military prowess is as embellished as their self-purported economic numbers and economic stability whilst inside the middle of one of the hugest debt bubble ratios of any financial system that length in world records.
Now then, don’t take my assessment simply because this newsletter is compelling, do your very own intelligence amassing. Certainly, I can advocate watching this YouTube Video on this topic: “8 Bells Lecture | Andrew Erickson: Chinese language Aerospace Power: Evolving Maritime Roles,” published; Sep 9, 2011 from the Naval War University. That is a good start, after which you can better recognize the Proper Capabilities of Chinese Navy offensive and shielding missile systems along with the:
HQ-26 HQ-19 HQ-nine DF-21D DF-26 ASBM DF-31
China would really like to disclaim The united states Army access to the South China Sea, get entry to waters inside 450 miles of Taiwan and save you us from defending our allies such as Japan, Vietnam, South Korea, and the plus-or-minus Philippines against any Chinese language Navy excursions towards the one’s nations. China might alternatively America Navy not guide India as there are disputed territories among the 2 international locations. If the united states are to stay a relevant Terrific Strength we have to be formidable and permit our allies to recognise we are able to return them, and China desires to understand we will return them to if a person attempts to assault them without valid provocation.
We need to also base or decisions, strategies, and strategy on statistics, ultra-modern statistics, now not the next days. China has a wanted listing, and cash backing Navy guns research or stolen Army technology facts right here at home – they’re robustly operating in the direction of their dreams but are still a protracted manner off. Their plane vendors and their operational naval competencies aren’t close. Harassing our US Navy ships with fishing boats, or our aircraft with antique cold Conflict jet fighter generation isn’t funny, however, actually, it is no contest both. China would not need a Battle with us, and we do not need a Battle with our favorite buying and selling associate (presently) either.
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mahenderkhandelwal · 3 years ago
About Mahender Kumar Khandelwal Insolvency Professional
I am Mahender Kumar Khandelwal is a professional registered insolvency and Chartered Accountant professional. Senior management and financial professional with wide experience spanning over 30 years in the entire continuum of structuring, financing through debt and equity instruments. Management and turnaround of Special situations and Insolvency across a wide spectrum of industries.
Led Restructuring and Resolution of large corporates (100+) across various sectors viz. Iron and Steel, Stainless Steel and utensils, System Packaging, Forging Industry, Pharma, Hotels, NBFC, Rice and Food Processing, Fertilizers, Biodiesel, Edible Oils, Biomass, Solar Panels, Power and Infrastructure, Textile, Education, Auto Component, Polymers, Electric Appliances, Plywood, Construction and Real Estate.
Started BRS practice in BDO & PWC as Leader & Partner successfully resolved 20 plus cases in Insolvency under my leadership ranging from 200 crores to 50,000 crores. Before that, I was running my Boutique Consultancy firm in the name of Varrenyam Consultants Pvt Ltd.
Bhushan Power and Steel Limited. Jul 2017 – Mar 2021 3 years
BPSL is the among first dirty dozen cases referred by lenders to insolvency. The company have a borrowing of more than 47000 crores from over 35 lenders. There has been an all-around growth and complete turnaround in the operations of the company since the commencement of CIRP.
When RP took control over BPSL, capacity utilization was meagre 47% with a production level of 82,000 MT per month and EBITDA loss. Due to a combination of proactive CoC and decisions taken by the RP for enhancement of capacity utilization.
During CIRP period production had increased to 200,000 MT and the company generated EBITDA of more than 4000 crores. Moreover, the company under the leadership of the RP/MP was able to reduce the statutory and worker liabilities besides improving working capital levels. The RP/MP further ensured smooth operations while managing 15,000 employees across 9 locations and provided increments to the employees. Some of the incomplete projects were completed by incurring additional CAPEX with COC approval. On the date of implementation, there was a working capital of more than 7500 crores in a cash balance of around 2500 crores.
During CIRP Period RP have handled enquiries/investigations from Regulatory Authorities i.e. SFIO, CBI, ED and GST for pre CIRP period including the closing of a draft forensic audit conducted during pre CIRP period including the closing of draft forensic audit report conducted during pre CIRP period.
Due to turnaround and enhanced operations, Resolution applicants improved their bid amount from initial12,000 crores to 19,800 crores and JSW successfully implemented the resolution plan and taken over control of BPSL. The Financial creditors have recovered around 42 percent of their dues in BPSL resolution.
Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process KSK MAHANADI POWER COMPANY LIMITED Oct 2019 – June 2020 Hyderabad Area, India, Power Plant at Bilaspur 3600MW
KSK Mahanadi operates a coal-based power project with a nameplate capacity of 3600 MW. The company has 3 operational units and the rest are under various stages of construction. After commencement of CIRP process, we can operate all 3 units generating the highest load with 80% capacity utilization and PLF of about 76%.
With the existing operational and technical team, we have introduced various cost-cutting programs to bring in efficiency in operations. In the ongoing COVID-19 lockdown, we were running the plant at full capacity and supplying power to distribution companies despite cash flow constraints.
CIRP of KSK is substantially delayed as rail and water infrastructure of the power plant are housed in separate subsidiary companies and lenders have filed a consolidated application in NCLT. Getting investors interest in standalone Power plants is a challenge due to the unenviability of rail and water infrastructure.
Educomp Solutions Ltd. September 2017 till date:
Till date running the company as going concerned and up to date in payment to employees, Statutory dues and operational expenses despite adverse situation due to covid 19. The Resolution Plan of EBIX Singapore was approved by the lenders and subsequently approved by NCLT. However, due to covid resolution applicants have filed an application in NCLT/NCLAT for withdrawal which NCLAT is not allowed. Resolution applicant filed in Supreme court, which is pending for final judgement.
Partner and Leader Business Restructuring Services PwC Professional Services LLP Full-time Apr 2018 – Aug 2019 1 year Gurgaon
Joined as Partner & Leader of Business Recovery Services (BRS) practise at PwC India. PwC is among the top consultancy firm in India and a world leader in BRS & stressed asset resolution practices.
As a BRS Leader, I was leading a team of 70 dedicated professionals for the overall development and growth of the vertical. I have overseen and guided various CIRP assignments under various RP’s including Uttam Value Steels, Uttam Galva Metallics, Era Infra & Engineering, Parabolic Drugs, Diamond Power Infrastructure Ltd, Videocon group companies, KSK Mahanadi, Sukam Power Systems and PRIUS group of companies.
During this stint, I have developed strong and credible relationships with, stressed assets funds, international fund houses, ARCs and NBFC.
Partner & Leader- Business Restructuring BDO India LLP Full-time May 2017 – Apr 2018 1 year New Delhi Area, India
BDO India LLP is the India member firm of BDO International. BDO India offers strategic, operational, accounting, tax & regulatory advisory and assistance for both domestic and international organizations across a range of industries.
As the leader and partner of BRS division, I was instrumental in establishing insolvency practice for BDO. Through persistent market development efforts, BDO was successfully awarded 3 out of the first dirty dozen insolvency cases. These cases were Jyoti Structures, ABG Shipyards and Bhushan Power and Steel Ltd. BDO also won 3 cases in the mid-market segment. I also developed a team of insolvency professionals, an execution team for claim verification, process advisory, operation and maintenance, sectorial compliances, Balance sheet and cash flow monitoring. My team was the first one to develop systems, procedures and SOP’s for insolvency practice. In the very first year of operations, we won more than Rs. 100 crore businesses.
Managing Director Varrenyam Consultants Private LimitedSelf-employed May 2004 – May 2017 13 years and From April 2021 to till date New Delhi Area, India
A boutique financial advisory services firm specializes in the field of financial restructuring of distressed companies, settlement of debts, and resources mobilization. During this period, I have advised more than 100 corporates on financial restructuring and settlements ranging from 200 crores to 25000 crores.
My firm was a leading advisor in the Corporate Debt Restructuring process (CDR) and was instrumental in strategy formulation, scheme preparation, financial modelling, valuation and techno-economic studies. We were also involved in finding strategic investors/buyers for some of the companies where the post-restructuring plan required a change of management. We also organised funding for distressed assets through ARC, special situation funds, NBFC’s. Post-implementation of CIRP assignments I have restarted my above Boutique firm.
General Manager Finance ROLLATAINERS LTD Apr 2000 – Apr 2004 4 years Faridabad, Haryana and Delhi
As finance head, my job profile included Treasury Management, funds control including collections and disbursements and supervision of banking transactions. I was directly reporting to the President, Executive Director and Board of Directors comprising top Professionals.
I was instrumental in implementing Financial and Operational Restructuring. The financial restructuring involved Rephasement of repayments and lowering of interest rates in the first phase, creating a vehicle for Venture fund investment and saving the company from BIFR. As a member of Board presentation to board on various restructuring options, Strategy formation and approvals of the board on various cost-cutting and restructuring options including shutting down.
I was also involved in strategy formation and approvals of the board on various cost-cutting and restructuring options including shutting down loss-making businesses. Redesigning of MIS Systems and assisting top management on various financial strategies. Consolidation and Centralization of Finance, Accounts and Purchase function. Business valuation, financial modelling, Audit Finalization – Statutory, Internal, Tax, Stock, Concurrent and due diligence.
Senior Manager-Finance & Accounts Modi Rubbers Ltd May 1997 – Mar 2000 2 yrs 11 months Delhi Area, India
Part of Modicorp (ultimate holding company of B. K. Modi group companies), I was responsible for managing funds, control, overall supervision of accounts department of 13 companies in layers of holding and subsidiary structure.
I was also involved in Tax Planning, finalization of Accounts and interaction with Statutory, Internal, Tax Auditors and Auditors for valuation and Due Diligence. I also supported the group financial controller for credit rating in respect of US$ 50 Million ECB. Liaison with banks, financial institutions and taxation authorities.
Sr. Manager-Finance SARDA PLYWOOD INDUSTRIES LTD Mar 1992 – Mar 1997 5 yrs 1 mo Delhi, India
As a part of new project division, worked on project evaluation and viability study of various projects and participated in the launching of a new project from grass root level to a concept paper for management, Joint Venture Partners, and term lending institutions, venture capital funds, banks and state-level institutions.
I was also responsible for the arrangement of export credit limits from banks and export documentation. Overall supervision of Accounts department, balance sheet finalization and other related activities.
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365xinwen · 5 years ago
Carton Box Packing Machine
c section purlins price 
How a cardboard field is made at Kite Packaging. Research analysis on the global corrugated field making machine market identifies that development in e- commerce industry shall be one of many main components that may have a optimistic impression on the growth of the market. In case you are keen to get into the cardboard field manufacturing enterprise, we imagine it might be a profitable enterprise. Corrugated packaging is finest suited for transport and transporting numerous products which are fragile in nature. eighty% of business packaging is done by carton packing containers because of efficient cushioning, gentle weight, simple to manufacture, simple for storing, straightforward for disposal, no strapping essential, printing and advertising advantages, must in export market, recyclable and so on. We specialize in corrugated packing containers, custom displays, labels, versatile packaging, folding cartons, rigid boxes, moving and transport supplies, and specialty and protective packaging. As a result of corrugated cardboard is such a flexible packaging materials, tens of millions of tons are used each year to protect and show merchandise. Positioned in Faridabad (Haryana, India), we are a Sole Proprietorship agency engaged in providing a excessive-quality range of merchandise. Boix delivers tray forming machines in Europe and is the market chief in forming and gluing both corrugated and stable board packaging. It starts by pulping wood chips using a kraft process; the popular tree for the kraft paper is a pine tree. This production line consists of three units:Printing Slotting Die-reducing Unit, Folding Gluing Unit,Stacking Unit(elective). T-ROC’s automated box making machines are designed to create customized on demand boxes of any measurement eliminating the necessity for packing peanuts, bubble wrap and different pointless fillers. Autobox is a subsidiary company of Kolbus AutoBox, which started life in the UK, and was established to carry field making machines to North America. To analyse the Corrugated Box Making Machine market based mostly on varied factors- price evaluation, supply chain evaluation, porter five power analysis etc. This trade is one of the vital shoppers of paperboard, producing containers and cartons for almost all types of business out there. Vertical columns present the perfect box efficiency whereas interlocking patterns of packing containers significantly reduce performance. The corrugated box market within the US primarily witnesses demand from the food and beverage business. Like EMEA, the Americas witnessed a gradual development in the demand for numerous services and products owing to the economic slowdown throughout 2012-2015. The Corrugated Field Making Machine business report firstly announced the Corrugated Field Making Machine Market fundamentals: type purposes and market overview; product specs; manufacturing processes; price constructions, uncooked materials and so on. Carton box making machine merchandise are most popular in United States, Mexico, and Bulgaria. Furthermore, it’s a B2B business, so, you must be capable to produce a lot of boxes to satisfy massive orders from companies. 7. The information supplied is based on a normal sort of producing exercise using conventional methods of manufacturing at optimum level of performance. With a turnover of over 200 crores, SPB Equipment presents paper related machines for a variety of merchandise. However for top quality packing containers virgin Kraft remains to be used. Solarco Machinery was founded in 1990 and specializes within the production of boxmaking machines designed for mid and short runs. The beginning of 2016 witnessed a gradual enhance within the demand for corrugated box making machines owing to the rise in the demand for packaging supplies,” adds Gaurav. For partition packing containers the half slotted boards are used which can conveniently be produced over a partition spotter machines. Our workforce of in-home consultants offers specialized services that may carry your model to life. International Corrugated Field Making Machine Market 2019report provides key statistics in the marketplace standing of the Corrugated Box Making Machine Manufacturers and is a useful source of steering and path for corporations and individuals involved in the Corrugated Field Making Machine Business.
Thanks for choosing BestPack, your total tape sealing, carton erecting solution supplier, field erector supplier and case sealer resolution supplier. Lastly, batches of finished containers are banded collectively for transport to the meals processor, toy maker, car parts distributor, or any of the hundreds of companies that rely upon corrugated cardboard packaging. MDPI assures great effectivity for very small-amount corrugated packing containers of many different sizes. Corrugated cardboard is a stiff, sturdy, and light-weight materials made up of three layers of brown kraft paper. The FEFCO (European Federation of Corrugated Board Producers) guide is the bible of corrugated cartons, and outlines every fashion you possibly can imagine – with a number of classes together with 01 categories for commercial rolls and sheets, 02 for slotted-kind bins using one piece of glued board, 03 for telescope fashion bins consisting of a couple of piece (often a bottom and lid design), 04 for folder sort packing containers similar to book wrap mailers and 05, 06, 07, 08 and 09 which consist of more sophisticated types. The main market driver for corrugated box making machines market arises from the rapid improvement in many African countries, which is predicted to increase the demand for FMCG and electronics merchandise, owing to the fast growth in middle-class inhabitants and total disposable incomes. You get the advantages of over forty years of field and corrugated cardboard experience, offering your organization with the tools it must fulfill customer calls for – irrespective of the sort of field, pallet or carton they require. We have supplied the best stage of machinery to tons of of field crops around the globe, as well as enabling finish-person businesses to take management over their packaging and get monetary savings. Out there to deal with pressing requires corrugated containers. Automated Carton Erecting Machine with agency construction, high quality, low noise and high effectivity. The demand for retail-prepared corrugated containers is expected to increase by 7 percent each year making up to $3 billion by 2020. The rising urbanization and the growth in center class population that led to the increase in gross sales of products from varied industries will subsequently rise the demand for corrugated bins. As brief and medium-run machines, the AutoBox or Boxer take the load from excessive speed changing tools, allowing lengthy-run machines to work without interruption and with maximum effectivity. This shift among shopper demand has pressured manufacturers to take significant measure to make their containers atmosphere-pleasant, at the same time letting customers know of their efforts to draw clients. Apart from the talked about info,progress rateof Corrugated Box Making Machine market in 2025is additionally explained.Additionally, type wise and utility smart consumptiontables andfiguresof Corrugated Box Making Machine marketare additionally given. Having just lately invested in further technological advances within the manufacturing area CartonPack is nicely poised to be able to meet the modifications wants of your production requirements. Paperboard packaging is constructed from recycled merchandise and is healthier than fossil gas-primarily based plastic packaging. Now we have a number one organization in offering a supreme quality assortment of Carton Field Making Machineto our prospects. With growing urbanization and progress of the middle-class inhabitants, the demand for various merchandise throughout completely different industries is predicted to grow throughout the forecast interval. Paper Board 200-600gsm; corrugated board paper with thickness not exceed 1.5MM. Gigantic, sq. structures up to 600 ft lengthy (182.88 meters), these machines comprise a wire mesh in which the paper is initially formed. Global demand for cardboard containers is ever increasing with nearly 60% of all paperboard packaging products getting used within the meals section together with drinks, dairy products, dry meals, frozen meals and many others.
These endeavours include the supply of customized designs with speed and dispatch for Manufacturing unit Price Corrugated Cardboard Field Kraft Paper Shifting Carton Box, The product will supply to all around the world, corresponding to: Bangladesh , Latvia , Finland , With the aim of “zero defect”. Meaning, is it usually protected to compost everything of the field: cardboard, the ink that’s printed on it, and most significantly, the glue that’s used to stick the sides of the field together. If long-term storage of corrugated containers in high humidity is predicted, extra power and moisture resistance known as for. We manufacture and provide High Velocity single facers, Rotary reel to sheet cutters, Sheet Pasting machines, Sheet urgent machines, Rotary creaser slotter, Board Printer, Printer Slotter, Rotary Die and many such machines. Box blanks requiring only easy, one-shade printing and die-chopping could be run by way of a stand-alone die-cutter, print station, and curtain coater to supply water- or grease-resistant containers. With a view to give you convenience and enlarge our business, we even have inspectors in QC Group and assure you our best service and product for High Productiveness Carton Paper Field Erecting Forming Machine, The product will provide to everywhere in the world, such as: Thailand , Chile , Haiti , We all the time stick to the tenet of “sincerity, high quality, excessive effectivity, innovation”. Engineers and designers start with the needs of the particular challenge: value constraints, machinery capabilities, product characteristics, logistics needs, relevant regulations, consumer wants, and so on. This project profile intimately foresees organising of unit to produce corrugated board and containers. The demand for corrugated containers can be expected to extend from different Southeast Asian international locations as these consumable products have not reached the maturity stage. Situated in Kolín within the Czech Republic within the prestigious Industrial Zone Ovcary, of their state-of-the-artwork facility that houses machine and elements manufacturing, assembly and present room areas. ACM 900, ACM 4500, ACM 9000 these are the paper bowl machines we provide in the huge market. Throughout 2010-2015, the worldwide demand for fast-moving shopper items (FMCG) witnessed a considerable development, and contemplating the excessive demand for electronic products, the market for corrugated containers is anticipated to witness development throughout 2016-2021. The bins are processed at around a hundred bins per minute, whereas the cut off papers are sent for recycling. Usually, cardboard boxes have a check paper inside liner, and a Kraft paper outer. These containers are very durable and have excessive security standards in contrast with the other modes of packaging such as cardboard packaging. At this time, there are nearly 2000 cardboard field manufacturers with industry employment of 140K. Fast-rising pine timber provide the first raw material used to make corrugated cardboard. 5. The estimates are drawn for a manufacturing capability typically thought of techno-economically viable for mannequin type of producing exercise. At Packsize we offer a wide range of corrugated field making machines designed to help your group save time and increase productivity, whereas reducing prices and your carbon footprint. Carton Pack has an array of machines and gear for producing cardboard packing containers and cardboard packing supplies. It allows you to create packing containers which can be the right measurement and form to your product. Moreover, the consumers are expected to see a significant improve in the cost of corrugated cardboard by 4 % than final year. Skilled production employees use a computer terminal and printer to prepare a job ticket for each stack of box blanks produced by the corrugator. Boix Europe is the main supplier for Boix packaging machines in Europe and market leader in forming and gluing each corrugated and stable board packaging. Corrugated boxes are made in field plant factories.
The post Carton Box Packing Machine appeared first on Diy Script.
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