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Guys yall are gonna get so mad at me but i made an oc for The Lorax.
Yes. That Lorax.
She's only referred to as the Truffula Fairy to keep in line with the naming conventions in Dr. Seuss books. While the Lorax serves as a spiritual guide its the nymphs that have the real power. Now, her lore involves extensive rewrites of the movie because I don't like it that much and I felt it could've been better if it had kept the dark tone of the original story. Also be warned the Onceler does a lot of bad things because he is a villain, not an Uwu baby soft boi.
Truffula Fairy was a young nymph tending to the forest when the onceler arrives. She didnt know what to make of him at first. But he didn't seem like a threat. As much as she adored the animals it was nice to talk to someone her age for once. He completely won her over by offering her marshmallows.
The Onceler and Truffula quickly became friends. He would teach her about human life while she taught him about the truffula trees. To cut one down they have to grow another. The Lorax was skeptical about their relationship but Truffula Fairy begged him to let Onceler stay. She told him as long as he respected the balance he wasnt hurting anyone. When the Onceler's family came to visit she was very friendly to them but they were put off by this strange young woman. They called her a hippie.
While Onceler followed the rules at first, eventually he grew tired of having to wait for the trees to grow back. In the time between building his enterprise, their friendship blossomed a romance. Everything was going great. Onceler told his girlfriend she needed to fit in if she was to handle their nee lifestyle. He started dressing her in fancy outfits, got her to straighten her hair, and hired her as his secretary which alienated her from her duties. But not wanting to lose their relationship she complied. She still visited her animal friends from time to time, but her trips became rare due to the increased workload.
Things started going downhill when Onceler became more and more arrogant. He would cut trees left and right, regardless of how it hurt the animals. His workers slaved away long hours with more health issues than wages. He began making investments for artificial neighborhoods called Thneedvilles. Anything to make money and keep his parents happy. Truffula felt the affects of these changes. She was losing the ability to fly. She was barely able to speak to animals. Further strife followed when the company started to lose stocks due to lack of interest of Thneed. Her boyfriend took up drinking to cope. He didn't spend time with her anymore. All she had was parties and his awful family.
One fateful night, Truffula Fairy mustered enough courage to confront the Onceler. She gave him an ultimatum: either he stops the production and gets help or she leaves. In a drunken stupor The Onceler tries to persuade Truffula to sleep with him but she refuses. Enraged he grabs her by the arm to try to force her back into the house, but before he could do anything else to her The Lorax intervenes. He warns The Onceler that he has gone too far and just as he says that, they all see the last tree cut. Not wanting to accept his own faults, The Onceler blames Truffula for not warning him in time and boots her out. Heartbroken, Truffula leaves and takes the animals away to a safer place.
In the years that followed Truffula Fairy began to resne thumans for destroying her homeland. She had even cursed the Onceler's family to experience permanent bed bugs. She began to build an army of ferocious animals to take back their home by any means necessary. Worried about the potential war, the Lorax goes to the city and meets Ted and Audrey. He helps them get the seeds back from O'Hare but just as theyre leaving the city, Truffula's army arrives and begins to attack. In the chaos the wall breams down down revealing ti everyone about the state of the world. The Onceler steps out of his house for the first time in fifty years and reveals to Truffula that he never stopped thinking about her. Seeing the lengths Ted and his friends would go protect the seeds, she has a change of heart and drops her revenge. They reconcile, she turns O'Hare back into the wimpy nerd he once was and helps Ted replant the seed by using the last of her bad magic to dispel the smog allowing real sunlight to shine through. With her magic fully restored she decides stay and teach the humans about the trees.
Essentially Truffula and Onceler relationship is a darker reflection of Ted and Audrey's. Ted genuinely saw the importance and trees not just to get a girlfriend, but Onceler couldn't understand why the trees where so importsnt to Truffula Fairy until it was too late. Audrey genuinely likes ted quirks and all, while Onceler tried to force Truffula into being a perfect trophy wife.
#meiker.io#the lorax#oc#Im sorry for making the Onceler a drunk but i dont like how the fandom infantilizes him; the movie doesnt help#im trying to explore darker themes in my selfships yeah i know its a bit much for a kids movie especially a bad one#but kids movies always had dealt with dark themes and alcohol is something i dont see much off when its so common irl#as well as showing the effects of the environmental damage has on PEOPLE#the lorax oc#self insert#self shipping
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With all the Garashir hype going around right now, it’s probably not the best time to share my DS9 OC that I made specifically to bone Garak, but oh well.
More info under the cut. TW: kidnapping, SA, CSA, sex work
His name is Resn. He was born on Bajor and had very little education since he was born during the occupation. He worked in the mines with his mother and siblings from the age of ten until Cardassian men came through looking for attractive women to coerce into sex work. Being malnourished and having inherited his mother’s soft features, Resn passed for a girl in his later teen years, and offered to go in his older sister’s place.
As it turned out, the Cardassians who would use the “comfort women” had a very much “a hole’s a hole” attitude toward the pretty boy and treated him the same as the women. He grew to like the comfort, and put up with the occasional john taking things too far. However, he did understand why some of the women wanted out, and helped several escape the station. Because of his compliance with his captivity, he was never suspected of being the one who helped people flee, and even found himself privy to conversations he shouldn’t have been able to understand or comprehend.
He became fluent in both Bajoran and Cardassi, and picked up a bit of Standard. He fell in love with one of his johns, but after the man hadn’t shown up for over a year, he assumed the man had died and tried to move on.
Resn was in his early forties when the occupation ended, and opted to stay on the station instead of returning to Bajor. He had planned on continuing his sex work, until Starfleet offered him an independent contractor job for his knowledge of the workings of the station. He is not a commissioned officer, but was given his own quarters and replicator credits in exchange for his work. Resn has a handful of gold-pressed latinum saved up from selling the gifts from his former johns.
He isn’t very popular with other Bajorans, as a large portion view him as a traitor. If they know about those he helped escape, they don’t acknowledge it.
I had planned on having Resn and Garak having a rather toxic relationship at first, before Julian and Ezri talk some sense into them both, but I’m debating that these days.
All of this is still up in the air for the most part. I need to do more research before I start writing anything, as well as few episodes to rewatch.
Thanks for reading 😘
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hello nikolai. sobachka. prince perfect. resident dumbass (affectionate). puppy prince. moi tsarevich. korol resne. i would like to punch you (again)/j.
-☀ anon
You would like to punch me? I'm pretty sure there's a lot of people in line for this; how can they not when they're blended by my handsomeness and wit? I'd want to punch me too for being so damnable amazing. And punch me again... I'm glad to see you still have your fierceness, sunshine. I can still feel your last punch.
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Ministrstvo za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano dovoljuje odstrel brejih košut na podlagi enega samega telefonskega klica Slovenija je ena redkih evropskih držav, ki še vedno dovoljuje odstrel brejih košut (Cervus elaphus) zgolj na podlagi telefonskih zahtev lovskih družin. Ta praksa, ki je v večini Evrope prepovedana ali strogo omejena, ni le neetična, temveč ima tudi resne ekološke,…

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iesaukums armijaa, ir tikai tiinji un siikie armijaa. muzikas pasniedzejas viljumas deels. reali resns. visi araa Kjegumaa pie majas pagalmaa trenneejaas. met kulenjus. es gaisaa lidinos un taisu apjlveida ksutibas ar gurniem. Infrastrukturas departamenta SHults, kas mani solija iizrubiit liftaa, iskrienas un tiasa salto, nokriit uz sejas pret zzemi un vinjam parluuzt mugura, vinjsh locas uz zemes sakjeeris muguru. es saku, ka vareja dzirdet klikshkji. parejie piekriit. Pec tam ir kkadas ainas no barakaam, krutas Viljumas deels resnais saka ka te ir baiga birokraatija. ir kautkadas runas par eeshanu, ka katram jasavaac kko edamu lidzi. Atnaak to lji VIljuma vai kkada vecena, kas vada to musu armijas grupiu jauniesaucamos un prasa, ko k uram no veikala atnest, ko edisim vakara. visi tur vienojas par vistu. nekas ipash tads nenotika
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Se ti zdi, da te težave s sečnino ovirajo pri vsakodnevnem življenju? Nisi edini. Mnogi se borijo s tem in iščejo rešitve, ki delujejo. Confitrol je izdelek, ki obljublja, da bo spremenil tvoje izkušnje in prinesel olajšanje. Z njim lahko ponovno prevzameš nadzor nad svojim zdravjem in samozavestjo. Odkrijmo, kako ti confitrol lahko pomaga!
Confitrol: Ključ do Boljšega Zdravja Mehurja

Kdo si ne želi, da bi se počutil bolj samozavestno in udobno v svojem telesu?
Vsak od nas se je kdaj srečal s težavami, povezanimi z mehurjem.
Morda ste opazili pogostejše obiske stranišča ali pa vas skrbi nenadna potreba po uriniranju.
Te težave so lahko nadležne in vplivajo na vašo vsakodnevno rutino.
Zato je tukaj Confitrol24 – izdelek, ki obljublja izboljšanje zdravja mehurja.
Kako Deluje Confitrol?
Confitrol temelji na naravnih sestavinah, ki podpirajo normalno delovanje mehurja.
Njegova edinstvena formula vključuje:
Ekstrakt plodov brusnice: Pomaga ohranjati zdravo ravnovesje bakterij.
Ekstrakt listov regrata: Podpira funkcijo sečil.
Vitamin D: Pomaga pri ohranjanju zdravih mišic mehurja.
Ti elementi skupaj delujejo sinergično in prinašajo olajšanje tistim, ki se spopadajo s težavami z mehurjem.
Prednosti Uporabe Confitrola
Ko začnete uporabljati Confitrol, opazite številne prednosti:
Zmanjšana pogostnost uriniranja.
Večje zaupanje v vsakdanjih situacijah.
Boljši spanec brez prekinitev zaradi nujnega uriniranja.
Nekateri uporabniki so poročali o občutnem izboljšanju že po nekaj tednih redne uporabe.
Realne Izkušnje Uporabnikov
Poglejmo nekaj mnenj zadovoljnih uporabnikov:
"Imela sem resne težave z mehurjem in to mi je uničilo življenje. Po začetku jemanja Confitrola sem opazila ogromno razliko! Sedaj lahko mirno spim celo noč." — Maja, 42 let
"Končno imam nadzor nad svojim telesom! Confitrol mi je pomagal zmanjšati pogosto uriniranje." — Peter, 55 let
To so le nekateri izmed mnogih pozitivnih odzivov na ta izdelek.
Zakaj Izbrati Confitrol?
Obstaja veliko razlogov, zakaj bi morali izbrati prav Confitrol:
Naravne sestavine brez stranskih učinkov.
Enostavna uporaba – preprosto ga dodate v svojo dnevno rutino.
Klinično dokazano učinkovitost pri podpori zdravju mehurja.
V primerjavi z drugimi izdelki na trgu je Confitrol edinstven po svoji formulaciji in rezultatih, ki jih prinaša uporabnikom.
Kako Vključiti Confitrol v Svojo Rutino?
Uporaba Confitrola je enostavna:
Priporočena dnevna doza je ena kapsula.
Vzemite jo z zadostno količino vode.
Redna uporaba prinaša najboljše rezultate.
Ne pozabite tudi na zdravo prehrano in dovolj tekočine!
Kdaj Pričakovati Rezultate?
Vsak organizem reagira drugače.
Nekateri uporabniki začnejo opažati spremembe že po nekaj dneh, medtem ko drugi potrebujejo nekoliko več časa.
Pomembno je biti dosleden in potrpežljiv ter spremljati napredek skozi čas.
Če iščete rešitev za težave z mehurjem, ne iščite več!
Confitrol ponuja naravno in učinkovito rešitev za izboljšanje vašega zdravja mehurja.
S podporo naravnih sestavin boste hitro občutili razliko v svojem življenju.
Ne odlašajte! Pridružite se zadovoljnim uporabnikom še danes in si povrnite svobodo ter samozavest!
Kako Confitrol24 pomaga pri zdravju mehurja?
Confitrol24 je zasnovan za podporo zdravju mehurja. Vsebuje naravne sestavine, ki pomagajo krepiti mišice mehurja in zmanjšujejo neprijetnosti.
Kdaj lahko pričakujem prve rezultate po jemanju Confitrol24?
Večina uporabnikov opazi izboljšanje že v prvih dneh uporabe. Seveda pa so rezultati odvisni od posameznika, zato bodite potrpežljivi in redno jemljite izdelek.
Ali je Confitrol24 varen za dolgotrajno uporabo?
Da, Confitrol24 je izdelan iz naravnih sestavin in je varen za dolgotrajno uporabo. Vedno pa se posvetujte s svojim zdravnikom, če imate kakršnekoli pomisleke.
Kakšne so možne stranske učinke pri jemanju Confitrol24?
Stranski učinki so redki, saj gre za naravni izdelek. Včasih se lahko pojavijo blage prebavne motnje, a to hitro mine.
Koliko kapsul moram jemati na dan?
Priporočljivo je jemati dve kapsuli na dan. Zjutraj eno in zvečer eno, najbolje ob obroku za optimalne rezultate.
Kje lahko kupim Confitrol24?
Confitrol24 lahko naročite prek uradne spletne strani ali v nekaterih specializiranih trgovinah z zdravo prehrano.
Ali potrebujem recept za nakup Confitrol24?
Ne, Confitrol24 je prehranski dodatek in ga lahko kupite brez recepta.
Kako dolgo traja ena steklenička Confitrol24?
Ena steklenička vsebuje 60 kapsul, kar zadostuje za en mesec jemanja ob priporočeni dozi.
Ali lahko kombiniram Confitrol24 z drugimi dodatki ali zdravili?
Splošno velja, da je bolje biti previden pri kombiniranju dodatkov. Posvetujte se s svojim zdravnikom pred začetkom hkratnega jemanja več izdelkov.
Kakšna je politika vračila denarja za Confitrol24?
Večina prodajalcev ponuja garancijo zadovoljstva. Če niste zadovoljni z rezultati, preverite pogoje vračila denarja na spletni strani prodajalca.
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Resns ģīmis spiežas caur logu, Kā dēmons - tas nespēj radīt. Aizlienē Dievišķo roku, Sāk cilvēku likteņus vadīt.
Tie mostas kā Frankenšteini Un iesēj neprāta sēklu. Svin uzvaru zemiskās tieksmes, Eņģeļi sacelt grib brēku.
Demiurgs transā vāc ražu, Tad aiziet uzaustot gaismai. Nespējot Dieva likumus apiet, Atstāj visus velnišķā trauksmē.
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Kraja vozila je resen zločin, ki prizadene številne skupnosti po vsem svetu. Dejanje tatvine vozila je protipravni odvzem ali poskus odvzema motornega vozila brez soglasja lastnika. Organi kazenskega pregona namenjajo znatna sredstva boju proti kraja vozila , saj ima to lahko resne finančne in čustvene posledice za žrtve. Za zaščito pred krajo lastnikom avtomobilov svetujemo, da uporabljajo protivlomne naprave, parkirajo na dobro osvetljenih mestih in vozila nikoli ne puščajo vklopljenega brez nadzora.
Obišči nas : - https://easytracker.si/
#slovenia#gps sledilnik#sledilna naprava#sledenje vozil#gps sledilec#sledilne naprave#gps sledenje#nadzor vozil#kraja vozila#potni nalogi#stroški vozil
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Jävig åklagare - HD beviljar resning i ett brottmål
HD beviljar resning i ett brottmål. Detta på grund av en jävig åklagare. En åklagare som tidigare varit anställd på en advokatbyr�� som företrätt en av målsägandena i ett brottmål har ansetts vara jävig. Resning har därför beviljats i målet. En person dömdes av tingsrätten för en lång rad brott, bl.a. grov misshandel, olaga frihetsberövande och våldtäkt mot barn. Hovrätten dömde den åtalade för…
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Industry Mapping
I decided that the best way to create my design matrix, was to research some of the studios I had applied to, and ones who had lectured with us, and discover which ones would have been the best fit for me.
DDP Advertising
DDP Advertising is focused on Marketing, however they have done social change work such as 'Real Watergate'
They are generally traditional, although they are no stranger to experimentation such as there work with Samsung.
Hot Mustard
Hot Mustard has a lot of work on social change, and care a lot for their community. Their work is very traditional.
White Rabbit
White Rabbit has some social change but mostly marketing. They have a mix of modern and traditional work.
Milk has a fair few social change projects, and their design is very modern, bold and experimental.
The Web Guys
The Web Guys are generally quite experimental, however can be traditional when the time calls for it. From what i could find they have not done social change projects.
Studio Nine
Studio Nine are fairly experimental with their design concepts. While they haven't done much blatant social change, their focus mission of supporting small businesses grow is somewhat social change itself.
ResN is highly experimental and digital. They have one of the most unique websites I've seen and have worked on occasional social campaigns aswell.
Alt is the mega corp of NZ design studios. It has won a large amount of awards for it's often very experimental design. It has a mild level of social change.
Little Miss Designer
I did my Internship with Little Miss Designer. Their work is generally traditional, although modern. They do not have much work on social change, although enjoy supporting brands with good causes.
Watermark Creative
Watermark creatives work is very left field and unique, with a wide range of styles. they have a mild amount of social change.
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Kahraman-ı Hürriyet Resneli Niyazi Bey-1909 ÖZEL BÜRO GRUBU OLARAK 17 NİSAN’DA ŞEHİT EDİLEN VATAN FEDAİSİ KOLAĞASI RESNELİ NİYAZİ BEY’İN UÇMAĞA VARMASININ 110.YILDÖNÜMÜNDE SAYGI, SEVGİ VE ŞÜKRAN İLE ANIYORUZ. 17 Nisan 1913 günü Avlonya iskelesinde vapur beklerken üç kurşunla sırtından vurularak 40 yaşında şehit olur. Eğer Meşrutiyetler olmasa idi, Cumhuriyet olamazdı. Resneli Niyazi gibi…
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e-novice AAG: HRAST 10/2024
EU je zaradi globalnega protesta za eno leto odložila zakon proti krčenju gozdov Prejšnji mesec se je Brazilija pridružila vse večji skupini držav, ki so pozvale EU, naj odloži izvajanje svojega zelo spornega zakona proti krčenju gozdov, in opozorila, da bi to imelo resne … Nadaljujte z branjem Ponovni ogled ogljičnega udara Malo znani “forum”, ki Evropo zapira v prihodnost in temelji na…
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#AAG#Alpe Adria Green#Biotska raznovrstnost#C0#glifosat#Narava#Okolje#Okoljevarstvo#petletna agenda EU#Živali
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Week 4&5 - How to Analyze a Work of Design + Field Trip to National Museum of Singapore
During our class in week 4, we were asked to bring different objects to school and organize them into different categories such as materials, craftsmanship, and sentimental value. This activity allowed us to better understand what we learned during the lecture; the Design Analysis Framework. I found learning about design analysis framework to be intriguing, especially learning about processes, one of the five components of the framework.
Usually when looking at designs, I would rarely think about how and why it is processed this way, I mostly focus only on the material and the meaning behind it. Thinking more about the process would help me get into the designers' minds and understand their designs better. This reminded me of the importance of CPJ, why Lasalle encourages us to record down all our processes so they can better understand our designs and reasons for decisions made in our designs.
It was helpful to learn about this framework as well, so now I know where to start when analyzing designs.

We were able to put what we learned to use in the following week at the National Museum of Singapore. One of the exhibitions that caught my attention was the recycling exhibition, ‘Re-’.

The exhibition was made with the purpose of provoking and educating visitors about plastic because rather than ignoring the fact that plastic is a problem, we should learn about what we can do to help. This exhibition has lots of bright colors, which was what first caught my eye. This led me to think about the process of creating this exhibition. I realized other than the designers using bright colors to catch attention, they also decided to use familiar everyday household items to represent the plastics, making the exhibition relatable to visitors. There were also some missing objects in this exhibition that you have to find in other exhibitions, which made the exhibition more engaging for visitors and encouraged them to take a look at other exhibitions too.

(330 WORDS)
Domestika. “What Is Design Process and Why Is It Important?” Domestika, 21 Sept.2023,www.domestika.org/en/blog/9917-what-is-design-process-and-why-is-it-important.
Kavčič, Romina. “Design Documentation Process: Why Is It Important? - Design Strategy Guide.” Design Strategy Guide, 21 Feb. 2023, designstrategy.guide/design-management/design-documentation-process-why-is-it-important.
This Digital Exhibition Reveals the Process Behind Gehry’s Iconic Walt Disney Concert Hall. 28 Mar. 2024, www.itsnicethat.com/news/resn-sculpting-harmony-web-design-graphic-design-news-071223.
---. gehry.getty.edu. Frank Gehry and the Walt Disney Concert Hall | Sculpting Harmony (getty.edu)
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5 Notable Design and Photography Industries in NZ
The Bold
The Bold is a design firm based in Dunedin who have created notable brand identity's such as Cheeky Iced Tea, Central Otago Wine, and the Bike House. However, two months ago, the shut down.

ResN is a Wellington Based Design company that specialize in marketing campaigns and have worked with Les Mills, LionsGate Studio's and even Google. They also have the coolest website I've ever seen.
Nero Motion
Nero Motion is an Auckland-based web design corporation. They have designed Websites for notable companies such as Sunglass Style and Fortis.
Alphero is a app and web design company that has made the apps of many notable NZ companies, such as TVNZ and 2 Degrees.
Cerbo is a Graphic design studio that has made multiple ad campaigns and brand identities for companies such as Beef and Zendi furniture.

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