#Repton School
jazzyrazzy157 · 2 months
•SH HS AU Headcanons: Families (The Main Cast)•
Arrow: Lightning Strike (Father (He dead)), Unknown Mother, Radarr (Pet Rabbit (Radarr became the thing he hatred))
Piper: Unknown Father and Mother and Peregrine (aka Perry)(Sister) (HC: Perry is homeschooled in this AU but she will appear here and there)
Finn: He have a Father and Mother that are yet to be named (They are trying their best?!)
Junko: Keeping his OG family (but humanized)
Stork: In the AU his parents are not once showed but Stork will mention them once in a while) (Mostly inspired by Smiling Friends with anytime Charlie mentioned his uncle but kinda less insane)
Ava (My Oc): Master Anarchis (Foster Grandmother (She died years before), Unknown Foster Mother and Father (Both also died), Lark (aka Master Cyclonis)(Foster Sister)
Starling: She have a Father and Mother (Have no HC for them yet)
Lark: Master Anarchis (Grandmother (She died years before), Unnamed (for now) Mother and Father (Both also died), Ava (Adopted Sister)
Ace: He a orphaned and he doesn’t know his biological parents and he kinda doesn’t care
Ravess and Snipe: Their parents are middle class people and Ravess kind of hate them because of that fact)
Repton and his brothers: They have a mom that they loved dearly well except for Repton (He want to stay tough and stuff)
Elpis (My Oc): Her life outside of school is basically a mystery???
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clarymeadowsalpacas · 2 years
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Beautiful day taking our boys to @reptonprep school to be part of their activity day . Thank you Edward for inviting us - it was a magical day. From all @clarymeadowsalpacas - - - - - - #alpaca #alpacavisit #alpacawalk #alpacameetandgreet #repton #foremarkhall #reptonprepschool #derbyshire #reptonderbyshire #alpacawalking #alpacameeting #learning #school #pleasuretomeetyou #wecanvisityou #alpacafarm #derbyshire (at Foremarke Hall, Repton Preparatory School) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpsUG8cMHIT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thesharkspajamas · 3 months
How much do folks know about the modern British upper class?
With shows like The Crown, Kingsman, Bridgerton, and The Gentlemen gaining popularity, I'd like to find out how much Tumblr knows about the British upper class and aristocracy.
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One point per question:
Do you know why people pay for private members' clubs in London?
What is Ascot?
What is a duke/duchess?
What is millinery?
Does a marchioness rank above a duke?
What is the House of Lords?
What is primogeniture?
Which career do graduates from Norland college pursue?
What is Harrods?
What is a Royal Warrant?
What type of clothing is associated with Savile Row?
What is Henley Royal Regatta?
When can a tiara be worn, and by whom?
What is finishing school?
An extra point for each of these schools if you've heard of them before: Cheltenham Ladies' College, Eton, Winchester, Harrow, Marlborough, Fettes, Uppingham, Repton, Wycombe Abbey
If anyone is even remotely interested in the answers, comment and I'll post them tomorrow.
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Are you still doing that viking time travel au?
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Part One: Bodies
One: You are Here.
Two: Here.
Author's Note: I am! So there's science I kind of completely bullshit because I just kind of stole the language from some studies I'm familiar with and probably a very shitty replica of how the British actually store archaeological material but I got so caught up in details I couldn't get it finished so it's thoroughly bullshit! The burial is based on the Repton Warrior, adjusted for fictional use ofc.
Archival Description of Burial A452 and A453 of Red Sail Hall Site
School of Archaeology - University of Oxford
Research Laboratory for Archaeology and the History of Art
Though further exploration into the site is certainly precluded by the sealing of the original site by the private owners, the four-month trial period of archaeological work on property associated with Red Sail Hall has proven themselves to be incredibly fruitful. Please review the following in-situ finds of particular significance. Of a group of 34 burials immediately south of the gardens of Red Sail Hall, the burial of an adolescent male, an extraordinary 187 centimeters is of special note. In an abutting grave was a second male inhumation, was found that of a child perhaps aged 12 standing at 134 centimeters.
The elder male was a person of obvious importance, apparently having met his end in battle or some other violent means. Likely incapacitated by a blow to the head as suggested by lacerations to the skull, the elder was then dispatched by sword cut. When measured, the damage to the vertebrae suggests the femoral artery would have most certainly been severed. The burial is in truly pagan fashion. On a silver ring around his neck was a silver Thor’s hammer between two red glass beads. A leather belt around the waist had been secured with a belt and bronze buckle with a fleece lined iron scabbard with an impressive tri-bloom pommel in classic Norse fashion. By the sword hilt there was a folding iron knife, a fixed knife with a wooden handle and halfway down the thigh was found three iron keys.
The skeleton in the abutting grave was tentatively Christian and of much poorer origin. A lead figure on a leather cord around the neck suggests Anglo-Saxon Christianity. An iron seax at the waist was of Cumbrian origin but the iron fittings of a leather quiver with bow and arrows inside found deposited at the left hand were of clearly Welsh origin. No other grave goods were found, but pollen deposites would suggest the presence of Michaelmas Daisies and Autumnal Crocus, suggesting a harvest-time burial.
Would recommend both graves for sampling and dental isotope analysis. Low-humidity storage recommended.
National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research
Oxygen Isotopes Conclusive Report of Paired Samples A452 and A453
Red Sail Hall Sample A452
Based on a framework of radiocarbon dates, the studied inhumation grave of Red Sail Hall Sample A452 upon analysis of radiocarbon determination and isotope ratio mass spectroscopy reveal an observed dietary variation of game protein intake with high amounts cereal grains primarily wheat. Noted markers of deprivation at aged 15-16 are seen. This finding is consistent with an origin of the Danish mainland of the 150-50 BCE.
Red Sail HAll Sample 453
Sample of nebulous value. Sample noted to be from a child with pre-adolescent degrading of sample in-situ. Whilst there is no clear pattern of isotopic offsets between skeletal elements, the sole first molar analyzed shows a high degree of isotopic enrichment for both δ13C and δ15N. As the first molar forms during infancy, a conclusion of high status, high protein diet can be drawn. The second sample however, suggests marked poverty and high cereal and plant based diet. This finding is consistent with an incongruous origin of the samples labeling suggesting instead the British Isles, most likely Cumbria, 1st Century CE
Conclusion signed and certified by Aroha Kaipo, National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Isometric Laboratory, New Zealand.
Red Sail Hall, 21st Century
“I’m not entertaining the possibility because it’s not possible.” Arthur snapped, pacing about the kitchen. Rhys dragged his hand down his face.
“How many times do we have to go over this? Zee did the results herself!”
“Once more, I bloody suppose because I am standing right here!”
“I’m not saying I know how, I’m just saying its you. And Magnus.”
“It’s horse shit!”
“Arthur!” Rhys pressed him into a chair by the shoulders. He was practically vibrating with agitation. His leg started bouncing.
“I am not a figment of my own imagination! I’m just here!”
“Yes, you are.”
“They can’t have drug up my corpse from the back garden when I am standing right here!”
“And yet they have.”
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guerrerense · 1 year
926 Repton . por Steven Barker Por Flickr: Preserved Schools class steam locomotive , 926 Repton , under going tests at the North Yorkshire Moors Railway at Goathland station.
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a-mag-a-day · 2 years
Why, hello, Maxwell, what are you doing in the mid-1800s? ;-)
"Eventually I was sent off to board at Repton School, up near Manchester. The Headmaster there, one John Heyrick Macaulay, was apparently an old friend of my father’s." Jonny doing his research again! Rev. John Heyrick Macaulay was indeed the headmaster at Repton School when George Denman would have attended, and that is the only information on him that I can find outside of genealogical websites! Not a Historically Significant Personage, just a small detail of historical accuracy.
Fun fact, Der Sandmann (Project Gutenberg: original German, English translation) was the inspiration for, among apparently a fair number of things, the ballet Coppélia! A different aspect of the story than the one focused on here, of course, and a wildly different tone from either.
Melanie just jumped straight to murder. Gotta appreciate her directness of approach.
So many details, thank you for sharing!
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msclaritea · 1 year
ENGLISH BOARDING SCHOOLS [and one French example]
"OXFORD - CAMBRIDGE HARROW – ETON – AND OTHERS Oxford and Cambridge are referred to together as Oxbridge, schools for the rich and aristocratic where the dons, following a Middle-Ages custom, were not married, but where an inexhaustible supply of highborn boys were at their disposal. Lads were trained academically and homosexually on courses of Greek and Latin classics, the first step of which were the prep schools of Repton, Harrow, Winchester and others.
Of disputed educational value in the past, today Oxbridge rank in the top 5 of the world’s universities, and many of the schools that prepare students for entrance into Oxbridge are often, intellectually, today, the crème de la crème. Oxbridge were ruled by dons, professors who lived in the upper-class world they created in their image, exclusive and privileged to an unbelievable extend because they could do as they pleased with university monies, live in lavish surroundings, kowtowed to like emperors by teachers and staff. One was Benjamin Jowett who ruled Balliol College, Oxford, from 1870 to 1893, about whom one wrote:
First am I; my name is Jowett.
There’s no knowledge but I know it.
I am Master of this college:
What I don’t know isn’t knowledge.
John Sparrow held sway over All Souls College, Oxford, in the 1950s and was a homosexual who cruised London. He was against the decriminalization of homosexuality because, as another don, Noel Annan wrote in his book The Dons: Mentors, Eccentrics, and Geniuses, Sparrow felt two things were necessary for homosexual pleasure, a sense of both guilt and danger. Margaret Thatcher ended their paradise in the 1980s by asking the question What-the-hell-are-they-doing with Britain’s money?, and, when she found out, she put a stop to it."
The information above is taken from a book, complete with sources, I'm pretty sure was written by a pedophile. He just happens to be one who loves his history enough to record it. I won't post his name publicly, but if anyone DMs and wants to know, I'll tell you.
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dry-valleys · 2 years
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"Just as moments spent inside the chamber of a Neolithic tomb seem to occur in a place adrift from the modern, so that crypt belongs to a world that is otherwise beyond our reach”.
Neil Oliver.
(This is the second in my two-part series; please see here for the first).
Repton Abbey was founded in the 7th century and was launched into the religion and politics of Anglo-Saxon Mercia, whose capital was at nearby Tamworth. Monks and nuns lived together in this abbey, whose earliest recorded abbess was Saint Werburgh, daughter of Wulfhere, King of Mercia.
The crypt was laid down soon afterwards, which John Betjeman called “holy air encased in stone”. Buried here are King Aethelbald of Mercia (d. 757), King Wiglaf of Mercia (d. 839) and Wiglaf’s grandson, Saint Wystan (d. 840).
Murdered by his cousin, Wystan became famed for the healing poer of his relics, though his protection did not stop the Great Heathen Army of Vikings sacking Repton in 873-4, billeting themselves here in the winter and destroying the abbey, except the crypt.
(Modern science has backed up the historians; a mass grave of mostly men is believed after radiocardbon testing to be Viking warriors and their followers, and the Repton Stone, found in 1979, is believed to be Aethelbald. I saw the Repton Stone at Derby Museum and it was one of the factors that mde me come here).
The Vikings drove King Burgred into exile in 874 and ruled this part of Mercia until 937, when Athelstan forged the first united state of England, joining Mercia with its neighbours (which it had fought against, tuled, been ruled by and lived in an uneasy peace with, before coming together in one English state) and beating the Vikings and their allies.
After this Repton became more obscure, far from political power and with the bishops based in Lichfield; after the Normans conquered England from the Anglo-Saxons in 1066, they recorded Repton in the Domesday Book of 1086, but not as a major town.
Although the Anglo-Saxons had rebuilt the abbey after 874, little remained by the 12th century, so Maud of Glouceser built Repton Priory in its stead in 1172  and a medieval town grew up around it and the church, dedicated to the martyred Wystan. Most of the church you see in this shoot, apart from the crypt which is earlier, is from that time.
The priory thrived quietly until 1536, when Henry VIII forcibly changed England’s religion from the Catholic faith, which it had followed since before Wystan, to the new Protestantism. The church became what it is now, an Anglican parish church, and on the site of the abbey Repton School, which also still exists, was founded on money left by John Port of Etwall on his death in 1557.
Repton did not become a major industrial town (please see my earlier post for more) and so became a quiet town focused on church, school, and gradually the suburbs of Derby.
Arthur Blomfield oversaw a restoration in 1885-86 in the Gothic Revival style; the goths were never happier than when finding a true medieval survival to work on, and what you now see is thanks to their respectful building on what they found.
In the graveyard are Repton men such as the headmaster Henry Robert Huckin (1841-82) and CB Fry, described as “ Cricketer, scholar, athlete, Author – The Ultimate All-rounder”.
The church and school spirit of service and self-sacrifice made itself known in good times and in bad, the worst being the two world wars we remember today (please see here for more); the war memorials tell of the 255 dead of World War 1 and the 188 of World War 2.
The crypt had been boarded and floored over for hundreds of years and, though found in 1779 was not fully appreciated until it was restored in 1998 and this has brought back to us what we see today.
Described by Nikolaus Pevsner as  "one of the most precious survivals of Anglo-Saxon architecture in England", this capped an otherwise boring drive home from my brother’s home in another Mercian town, Bedford, and it will be a fixture of my journeys from now on.
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tunglo · 2 years
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It’s spider season, and so it’s time to revisit the hideous spectre of my nightmares and the reason I - even as a grown ass adult - still have to check through all the blankets before I can sleep...
L.T. Meade was like the Queen of the Victorian girls’ school story - she published dozens of them, and edited a monthly girls’ paper called Atalanta which carried stories by all the big names. Anyway, in this instalment Betty, Sylvia and Hester Vivian are sent from Scotland to boarding school in London. To ease their homesickness they decide to take Dickie with them. Who’s Dickie? Well:
“He is a spider,” said Betty—“a great, enormous spider. We captured him when he was small, and we fed him—oh, not on little flies—that would be cruel—but on morsels of raw meat. Now he is very big, and he has wicked eyes. I would rather call him Demon than Dickie; but Sylvia named him Dickie when he was but a baby thing, so the name has stuck to him. We love him dearly.”
Mrs Haddo lets them keep him in the attic at school and feed him on bits of meat from the kitchen, though they occasionally bring him out for their friends. But then, one day, Dickie escapes from his cage:
“My eyes are red because Dickie’s lost.”
“Who’s Dickie?”
“He is the largest spider I ever saw, and he grows bigger and fatter every day. But he is lost. We brought him from Scotland. He’d sting any one who tried to hurt him; so if any of you see him in your bedrooms or hiding under your pillows you’d best shriek out, for he is a dangerous sort, and ought not to be interfered with.”
“How perfectly appalling!” said Fanny. “You really oughtn’t to keep horrid pets of that sort. And I loathe spiders.”
Fanny is supposed to be the villain of the story but, much as I love L.T. Meade, I will always be on Fanny’s side. Because when they find the evil little bastard, rather than return him to his cage they put Dickie in Fanny’s bed:
Before Fanny could find words the girls had vanished. But the look of hatred on Sylvia’s face, the look of defiance and horror on Hetty’s, Fanny was not likely to forget. They shut the door somewhat noisily behind them. Then, all of a sudden, Hetty opened it again, pushed in her small face, and said, “You had better be careful. His bite is dangerous!”
The next instant quick feet were heard running away from Miss Symes’s room, in the center of which Fanny stood stunned and really frightened. What had those awful children put into her bed? She had heard vague rumors of a pet of theirs called Dickie, but had never been interested enough even to inquire about him. Who was Dickie? What was Dickie? Why was his bite dangerous? Why was he put into her bed? Fanny, for all her careful training, for all her airs and graces, was by no means remarkable for physical courage. She approached the bed once or twice, and went back again. She was really afraid to pull down the bedclothes. 
At last, summoning up courage, she did so. To her horror, she saw an enormous spider, the largest she had ever beheld, in the center of the bed! This, then, was Dickie! He was curled up as though he were asleep. But as Fanny ventured to approach a step nearer it seemed to her that one wicked, protruding eye fastened itself on her face. The next instant Dickie began to run, and when Dickie ran he ran towards her. Fanny uttered a shriek. It was the culmination of all she had lived through during that miserable evening. One shriek followed another, and in a minute Susie Rushworth and Olive Repton ran into the room.
“Oh, save me! Save me!” said Fanny. “Those little horrors have done it! I don’t know where it is! Oh, it is such an odious, dangerous, awful kind of reptile! It’s the biggest spider I ever saw in all my life, and those horrible twins came and put it into my bed! Oh, girls, what I am suffering! Do have pity on me! Do help me to find it! Do help me to kill it!”
Nobody has any sympathy, of course:
“Don’t leave me, girls, please!” said Fanny. “I never was so utterly knocked to bits in my whole life!”
“Well, we must go to bed or we’ll be punished,” said Susie.
“Susie, you are not a bit afraid of reptiles; won’t you change rooms with me?” asked Fanny.
“I would, only it’s against the rules,” said Susie at once.
Olive also shook her head. “It’s against the rules, Fanny; and, really, if I were you I’d pull myself together, and on a night like this, when the whole house is in such a state of turmoil, I’d try to show a spark of courage and not be afraid of a poor little spider.”
“A little spider! You haven’t seen him,” said Fanny. “Why, he’s nearly as big as an egg! I tell you he is most dangerous.”
*shudder* ‘As big as an egg.’ 
(I took my kid to a birthday party the other week and they had a mobile petting zoo. When they got the tarantula out the woman was like, he’s as delicate as an egg, and if you dropped him he would break like an egg, so we must be very careful. I just sat there thinking about Dickie and hoping this was true. Dickie seems too hardy though. I’d have to stamp on him a few times to make sure...)
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vytelis · 19 days
Repton School Dubai
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moeenali5423 · 3 months
Navigating Excellence: A Guide to the Best Schools in Dubai
Dubai’s education landscape is a testament to its commitment to excellence, innovation, and inclusivity. The city offers a myriad of educational institutions, each designed to cater to the diverse needs of its multicultural population. This guide aims to provide an in-depth look at some of the best school in Dubai, highlighting their unique features, educational philosophies, and the opportunities they offer to students.
Diversity in Educational Curricula
One of the hallmarks of Dubai’s top schools is the variety of curricula they offer. Parents can choose from the British, American, International Baccalaureate (IB), Indian, and other national curricula, each with its own strengths and unique approaches to education.
British Curriculum
Schools following the British curriculum, such as Dubai College and Jumeirah English Speaking School (JESS), emphasize a structured academic approach with a strong focus on the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills. The curriculum culminates in the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) and A-Levels, widely recognized for university admissions worldwide.
American Curriculum
The American curriculum is prevalent in schools like Dubai American Academy and American School of Dubai. It is designed to provide a broad, well-rounded education with a focus on preparing students for higher education in the United States and beyond. The curriculum includes Advanced Placement (AP) courses, which can earn students college credit.
International Baccalaureate (IB)
Dubai International Academy and GEMS World Academy are prime examples of schools offering the IB curriculum, known for its rigorous academic and personal standards. The IB program encourages students to think independently and drive their own learning, while also developing a global mindset through its emphasis on intercultural understanding and respect.
Indian Curriculum
Schools such as The Indian High School and GEMS Modern Academy offer the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) and Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE) curricula. These schools are known for their strong emphasis on academic excellence, particularly in the fields of mathematics and science.
Emphasis on Technology and Innovation
Dubai’s top schools are at the forefront of educational technology, integrating the latest tools and resources to enhance learning. Smart classrooms, virtual labs, and innovative teaching methods are commonplace.
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Repton School Dubai is a pioneer in incorporating technology into the classroom. The school uses iPads and other digital tools to facilitate interactive learning, ensuring students are adept at using technology in their academic pursuits and beyond.
Personalized Learning
Recognizing that every child is unique, Dubai’s best schools focus on personalized learning approaches. Swiss International Scientific School offers a bilingual education with personalized learning plans tailored to each student’s strengths, interests, and academic needs.
Holistic Development and Well-being
Holistic education is a cornerstone of Dubai’s top schools, emphasizing the development of intellectual, emotional, social, and physical well-being. Nord Anglia International School integrates wellness programs into its curriculum, ensuring students are supported in all aspects of their growth.
Jumeirah College provides extensive extracurricular activities ranging from sports to arts, ensuring students can explore their interests and develop new skills outside the classroom.
Community Engagement and Global Citizenship
Dubai’s top schools are committed to fostering a sense of community and global citizenship. Uptown International School integrates service learning into its curriculum, encouraging students to participate in community service projects and global initiatives.
GEMS Wellington Academy emphasizes cultural understanding and global awareness through various programs and international exchange opportunities, preparing students to become responsible global citizens.
High School Education
The high school years are pivotal in shaping students' future paths. Dubai’s high schools focus on providing a rigorous academic environment coupled with support and guidance for college and career planning.
Academic Excellence
Dubai College, with its high academic standards and robust support systems, ensures that high school students are well-prepared for university education. The school offers a range of Advanced Placement (AP) courses and A-Level subjects, catering to students' diverse interests and academic goals.
Extracurricular Opportunities
High schools like Jumeirah English Speaking School (JESS) offer a variety of extracurricular activities, from sports teams to debate clubs, allowing students to develop their talents and leadership skills.
College and Career Readiness
American School of Dubai has a dedicated college counselling department that assists high school students in navigating the college application process, including preparing for standardized tests and exploring scholarship opportunities.
Addressing Challenges
While the opportunities are vast, there are challenges to be addressed in Dubai’s education sector. The high cost of private education is a significant concern for many families. Schools are increasingly offering scholarships and financial aid programs to make quality education accessible to a broader range of students.
Additionally, the rapidly changing educational environment necessitates continuous adaptation. Dubai’s schools are committed to professional development for teachers, ensuring they are equipped with the latest teaching strategies and knowledge to support student success.
The Future of Education in Dubai
As Dubai continues to evolve as a global hub of education and innovation, its schools remain at the forefront, shaping the future leaders and changemakers of tomorrow. The focus on excellence, diversity, and innovation ensures that students are well-prepared to meet the challenges and opportunities of the future.
For families seeking excellence in education, Dubai offers a world-class learning experience in a city that is at the cutting edge of global development. By choosing one of the top high school in Dubai, parents can ensure that their children receive a high-quality education that prepares them for the challenges and opportunities of the future. Dubai’s best high schools not only focus on academic excellence but also prioritize holistic development, technological integration, and community engagement. These high school in Dubai are dedicated to nurturing well-rounded individuals who are ready to thrive in a globalized world. Navigating the educational landscape in Dubai can be a complex task, but with the right information and understanding of what each high school in Dubai offers, parents can make informed decisions that will set their children on a path to success. Whether opting for the British, American, IB, or Indian curriculum, the choices are plentiful, and the commitment to providing quality education remains unwavering across the city’s top high school in Dubai.
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ramtracking · 5 months
It's Flewdini! Long-legged rhea bird escape artist that caused traffic chaos after breaking out of a farm is b [ School ]
It’s Flewdini! Long-legged rhea bird escape artist that caused traffic chaos after breaking out of a farm is b [Highlights] The flightless bird fled from a farmer’s field on the edge of Repton, Derbyshire, after a gate was left open. It was filmed running along… The large, flightless bird was spotted running down a street in the Derbyshire village of Repton. A rhea on the run left a driver in…
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havenhomesuae · 7 months
Levanto Residences at Jumeirah Village Circle
Choose Levanto Residences to fulfill your dream of living in a tranquil and distinctive community filled with fun. Developed by Oro24 Real Estate, the company offers a unique opportunity to experience a warm family lifestyle within an exceptional project. Enjoy monthly installment facilities as low as 1% and a guaranteed return on investment.
The project consists of elegant and luxurious apartments with diverse interiors. These residences incorporate artificial intelligence technology managing lighting and operations systems, embracing a European and global quality in construction and precision, in collaboration with leading design experts.
Levanto Residences provides all amenities and services, including swimming pools, elevators, specialized security teams, maintenance, and cleaning services. With various spaces accommodating different budgets and aspirations, seize the opportunity to own an apartment in Jumeirah Circle Village at competitive prices, with diverse installment options extending until 2029. Location of Levanto Residences The choice of Levanto Residences location was meticulously made by the developer. Its strategic position within Dubai makes it attractive to both clients and investors. The geographical location offers unique features, including proximity to vital social facilities, providing residents easy access to specified destinations.
The site is near diverse entertainment centers, upscale shopping malls, international schools, central parks, and distinguished coastal beaches. Thus, this project is a unique opportunity for privacy, excellence, and comfort, combining these elements perfectly.
Nearby Locations to Levanto Residences The distinctive strategic location of the project provides a source for a unique and convenient lifestyle. Easily access your favorite destinations in Dubai within a few minutes, including:
25 minutes from Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Road. 15 minutes from Bloom and World Academy. 15 minutes from Repton School.
#Levanto_Residences #UAE #United_Arab_Emirates #Dubai
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Anthony Gross, ctd.
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Anthony Gross was of Hungarian British descent, and was born in 1905 at Dulwich of London. He attended Repton School during his childhood and after thet he began his creative journey by studying at the Slade School of Fine Art. Further studies include the Central School of Art, Crafts at London and the Ecole des Beaux-arts at Paris, and at Academia de San Fernando, Madrid.
He married French fashion artist Marcell Florenty while he was in France and began creating animated films there.
During the World War he was appointed as an official War Artist and he painted in several regions - notably in regions such as India, the North of Africa and Burma. He also took part in the D-Day landing on Normandy and painted the beachscapes.
The reason I was attracted to this artist's work is because of his painting style. I greatly appreciate his use of watercolour and ink outlining of figures.
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sug1pi · 9 months
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johnporttraveluk · 1 year
Navigating Repton's Hidden Gems with Taxi Services
Nestled in the picturesque Derbyshire countryside, the village of Repton is a true hidden gem waiting to be explored. This quaint and historic village boasts a rich tapestry of history, stunning landscapes, and cultural treasures. While it may be small in size, Repton is big on charm. The best way to uncover its hidden gems and make the most of your visit is by relying on Repton's trusted taxi services.
Repton's Rich History
Repton is steeped in history, dating back to the Roman times. One of its notable attractions is the Repton School, which traces its origins to the 7th century and is one of the oldest schools in England. With a Airport taxi service in Derby and Repton at your disposal, you can explore the historic school and its beautiful architecture, including the stunning Repton Priory.
Riverside Retreats
The River Trent meanders gracefully near Repton, offering idyllic riverside spots perfect for relaxation. A taxi can take you to these hidden retreats, where you can enjoy a leisurely walk along the riverbank or have a peaceful picnic. The tranquillity of the river is a stark contrast to the bustling city life, making it an ideal escape for nature enthusiasts.
Architectural Marvels
Repton is adorned with charming period architecture, including picturesque cottages and grand residences. With the assistance of a taxi service, you can embark on an architectural tour to admire the stunning buildings and structures that tell the storey of Repton's past. The village's architecture provides a glimpse into its rich heritage and the lives of its residents through the ages.
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Local Art and Culture
Repton has a thriving artistic community, and there's no better way to explore it than with the help of a taxi. Visit local art galleries, studios, and craft shops to witness the creative spirit of the village. You might even have the opportunity to meet and engage with local artists, gaining insights into their work and inspiration.
Exploring Natural Beauty
The natural beauty of Repton and its surroundings is a treasure worth discovering. Taxi services can transport you to nearby parks, nature reserves, and scenic spots where you can immerse yourself in the tranquillity of the countryside. Whether you're a birdwatcher, hiker, or simply seeking a peaceful retreat, Repton offers it all.
The Convenience of Taxi Services
One of the significant advantages of using Repton Taxi Service is the convenience they offer. You can customise your itinerary to include the places you're most interested in exploring. The local taxi drivers are knowledgeable about the area's history and can provide valuable insights during your journey.
Moreover, Airport taxi Derby and Repton are a hassle-free mode of transportation. You won't need to worry about parking or navigating unfamiliar roads. This allows you to focus on enjoying your trip and making the most of your time in this charming village.
Booking Your Repton Taxi Service
Booking a taxi in Repton is a straightforward process. You can contact a local taxi service and discuss your itinerary and preferences. Whether you're travelling solo, with a group of friends, or as a family, taxi services can be tailored to suit your needs.
So, when you plan your visit to Repton, don't miss the opportunity to explore its hidden gems with the help of reliable Airport taxi Derby services. This charming village has so much to offer, from its rich history and stunning landscapes to its vibrant art community. With the convenience and expertise of taxi services, your Repton adventure promises to be an unforgettable experience filled with discoveries and cherished memories.
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