#Repost because I realised I posted at a time where loads of people were asleep LMAO
m0thlegs · 20 days
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You can’t devour the souls of orphaned victorian children anymore. Because of woke.
(HEADCANONS UNDER CUT!! + sebaciel/proship DNI)
-Sebastian’s form isn’t always consistent. I recall someone saying that the black butler art style tends to slightly change with each new story arc and I thought it would be cool if this applied to Sebastian too. As if his form is completely unable to capture or recall in memory by any normal person, like if you met him in person and were suddenly asked to describe him - you wouldn’t be able to remember; and by the time you did, he would’ve already tweaked his appearance once more.
-In his true form, he doesn’t have any need for anatomical correctness since he can move regardless of anatomical logic. Instead of a normal human skeleton, he’s just a warped abundance of replicated bones clipping and weaving into one another, yet still moving smoothly. Sort of like an AI generated skeleton that only mimics the intricacy of detail without truly caring to pay attention to the vital information.
-Going back to the AI generated sort of shapeshifting, while his human form is still normal I imagine it would also have a sort of AI-generated feel to it. Like his face might be abnormally symmetrical or something, like he’s so INCREDIBLY close to human form but there’s something deeply wrong with him that you can’t quite put your finger on, like an AI generated human vessel or a hyperrealistic 3D model. His form walks a very fine tightrope between regular human form and the uncanny valley.
-goat eyes surround his true form to represent all the souls sacrificed for him and devoured by him
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pastanest · 2 years
if you’re wondering why I’m having to repost this, or why you were perhaps previously following me but no longer are, please refer to this post. I was able to retrieve this thanks to @iamburdened - thanks so much!! ♡
Daryl Dixon x gender neutral!reader
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The moment you saw Daryl jogging up your porch steps with a bottle of wine, you knew what was coming. You opened your door with a smirk, and he offered you a half smile as he held out the bottle of wine to you, which you gladly accepted before dragging him inside your house.
And that is how you ended up here: the two of you sitting dangerously close together on the couch, with enough space on either side of you to distance yourselves if you wanted to, but you both knew you didnt. By now, the bottle of wine is only half full, and you and Daryl are laughing so hard you’re sweating.
“Im serious! Raisin cookies are a fucking scam! Give me chocolate or dont bother!” You repeat, and Daryl laughs harder, more amused than sober him ever would be by your dramatic anger towards raisin cookies.
“Still a damn cookie!” Daryl manages to choke out, wiping the blissful tears that had started escaping his eyes.
“Barely!” You retort incredulously, and that sets you both off again, throwing your heads back and howling.
Wheezing so hard your chests heave, one of his arms slung loosely round your shoulder and one of your palms pressed to his chest as you double over on the couch, ending up with your head on his lap and Daryl’s fingers playing with your hair.
The room sways, your brain delaying your vision whenever your eyes move, making things appear blurry, almost in slow motion. Despite being completely still, you feel like you’re dancing.
For several minutes, you and Daryl stay that way, silent and buzzing with a carefree joy that only alcohol can really bring about, especially in this world.
“Hey, Daryl?” You call out, keeping your eyes fixed on the blurring painting on the wall opposite you, rather than looking up at him.
“Yeah?” He answers, his voice gruffer than usual, quieter, making you think he might’ve been falling asleep just now.
You fall silent, realising that you lost the train of thought you were riding on because you blinked and the painting looked just a little different.
Daryl nudges you. “Hey, wha’d ya want?”
You frown for a second, re-tracing your mental steps at snail speed to figure out where you’d been heading, then your eyes light up. Only for a second, then they settle back to relaxed, lidded and heavy.
“Daryl, do you believe in soulmates?”
Silence falls again, but it’s different this time. Curious, careful, Daryl calculating his answer at a much slower pace as a consequence of the alcohol on his system. He hadnt expected you to ask him a question as loaded as that, he hasnt ever really thought about it before, but then again, drunk words are often profound.
“Dunno.” Daryl answers eventually, and you hum thoughtfully. “D’ you?” He passes the question back.
You roll over onto your back, giggling at the way the motion effects your vision, but once you’re clear again you stare up at Daryl and his stubble.
“I think so, yeah.” You say, and Daryl frowns at you curiously, silently requesting you to continue. “I think...there are different kinds of soulmates, not just one. I think you can find friends who you click with on such an insane level that you’re bound for life, and you can meet a whole bunch of those. When it comes to the romantic soulmates, I think you can have multiple of those, too. As a person, you change a lot, you become a lot of different people, so I think you can find a soulmate for each of those people you become, and if you’re lucky you’ll eventually find someone who changes with you; changes in a way that doesnt make you fall out of love with them, y’know?”
Daryl stares down at you in wonder, his face unable to convey the extent of his shock in response to your words. Was this something you’d thought about a lot? If you had, why didnt you bring it up with him before? Maybe because you didnt expect him to be all that interested, since he never brought it up either.
Weighted silence spreads across you like an animal after an intense nap, and your eyes leave his, settling on the plain ceiling above him. Daryl continues to stare at you, drunk-you not able to properly register his eyes on you and drunk-him feeling less embarrassed to stare as a result. After a few seconds, you sigh and sit up, grabbing the bottle of wine from the floor and swaying your way into the kitchen.
“I think that’s enough wine for tonight!” You say, your voice still carrying the lighthearted bounce of alcohol, but your tone sounding a little...insecure?
Daryl pushes himself up off the couch and follows you into the kitchen, finding you pouring out two glasses of water before you turn to pass one to him. The two of you stand and drink, the only sounds being your breaths between gulps, until you set your glasses down on the counter.
“Which kin’ are we?” Daryl asks suddenly, and you frown at him in confusion.
Daryl stares down at his shoes awkwardly. “Y’know, are we the friend kinda...soulmate, or...the other one ya said?”
You blink rapidly, it takes several seconds for you to catch up to everything Daryl just said, and when you do, you smile. “That depends.”
Daryl meets your eyes, scowling, thinking you’re going to make fun of him. “On what?”
Your smile widens into a grin as you sway over to him, placing both hands on his chest as you beam up at him.
“On which kinda you want us to be.”
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wonderlandhatter · 3 years
Reminds me you’re there.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x SSAReader (I'm pretty sure it can be read as GN)
Summary: You've always done it , and at this point you've kind of forgotten about it, until Spencer points it out after a case and you get embarrassed, so he comforts and reassures you.
Word count: 1054
Warnings: I don't think there are any, high school kids being mean but it is very brief and not detailed. just a load of fluff because what else e do I write lol. Spencer calls you cute which isn't a warning but it should be because if he ever me cute I will have a heart attack.
A/N: AHSMVHL OK so this was my first request which I was so excited to get, I posted asking for requests and then deleted the post because I got scared of getting requests which is dumb i know  but I'm really happy I got this one. I'm really sorry it took me so long to complete this I have a lot of school work atm. i hope this is ok I'm sorry if it isn't what you were looking for feel free to message me if you would like a different request. Hope you enjoy.
A/N2: My old account got deleted so I'm just reposting my fics I would appreciate if you could bust this so i could get back to where my account was thank you for your time.
Tagged: @pinkdiamond1016​
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It was just something you’ve always done, as you grew up it happened less and since you’ve done it for so long you don’t even notice it anymore. Now that doesn’t mean other people don’t.
Highschool had been the worst for it, kids can really be mean for no reasons. Teachers would also get really annoyed with you for whistling during their lessons thinking you were taking the piss, you didn’t mean to, it just kind of happened and when you were nervous it seemed to happen more, it was just vicious cycle.
Now that you were older it didn’t really bother you, it didn’t happen often and when it did, no one made a big deal out of it, because as shocking as it may be to some, people can be respectful grown-ups and not make fun of people for the littlest things, amazing I know. Besides, you were good at hiding it and if they did notice it happening nobody in the team mentioned it. So, it was fine.
Right now, you were all working a case in Texas, it was a tough one, you weren’t getting any breaks and you were all frustrated, also it is so freaking hot. You are sweaty and stressed, not a good combination.
You were staring at the conference board, desperately trying to find a connection between the victims while Spencer was working on a geographical profile. You were doing the whistling thing it wasn’t frequent, but Spencer had counted 5 in the past 2 hours, it wasn’t bothering him, he liked it,  it reminded him of your presence there which he found comforting.
You two had been dating for the past year, and boy was it a wonderful year, you both loved each other so much, which was a word you had only recently allowed yourselves to utter to each other, and it felt so good. You never stopped saying those words to each other that night (and moaning them).
That’s 6 Spencer smiled to himself as you whistled again, he was broken out of his peaceful state as you quite loudly and dramatically gasped. “oh my god I found it”.
After that the case was still tough, all cases are but you caught the guys, it turned out to have been partners, one was shot during take down, he didn’t die only injured, you weren’t too torn up about it to be honest he did horrible things to those women and threw you a punch which left you with a bruised eye, prick.
Now you were in the jet doing what you always did on the jet after a case, sharing the couch with Spencer. He was sitting across it with his back to the wall and you were between his legs with your back to his chest. He was holding a book with his left hand and you were holding onto his right absentmindedly playing with his fingers.
Everyone else was asleep apart from Hotch who never seemed to sleep, maybe he’s a vampire you thought, and giggled at the absurdity of it.
You were nearly asleep and totally blissed out, when Spencer piped up quietly. “that was 8, you’ve never done it this many times in this amount of time”, you scrunched up your brows in confusion and tilted your head slightly so you could see his face, “what?”, “whistling, you’ve done it 8 times this case, and that’s more than you normally do”, he stated simply.
Your felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment, you hadn’t even realised you just did it never mind so many times. Spencer didn’t seem to notice your reaction and kept going still quietly as to not wake anybody up. “Since I’ve known you, you do it on average once a week, when we don’t have cases or when they are fairly easy ones and about 3 to 4 times on harder cases or when you are very stressed but never this many times”.
This time after he was done he noticed how you were hiding your face in his chest and how the visible part of it was completely red, this saddened him somewhat he never meant to upset you, he knew you didn’t always notice the whistling and that it wasn’t voluntary but he didn’t think it bothered you.
He started playing with your hair because he knew it calmed you and made you feel better when you were upset, “I didn’t mean to upset you bug, I’m sorry”, “its ok I’m not upset just really embarrassed” you replied with your face still in his chest, “you don’t need to be, there’s nothing embarrassing about it,”, you looked up at him and deadpanned at his  statement, “yes there is, it’s annoying and weird and “, “and incredibly cute” Spencer interrupted, you just looked at him really confused, “no it isn’t Spencer, you don’t have to lie”, “I’m not lying” he answered immediately “I find it endearing, and cute, and I absolutely love it,” you tried to bury your face in his chest again but he used one hand and placed it on your cheek so you would keep eye contact.
“This is something that makes you special bug, and not something you should be embarrassed or ashamed over, you shouldn’t worry over something like this”. He rubbed your cheek with his thumb and almost as a reflex your eyes closed as you leaned further into his hand. Now with a sheepish tone he added “and as I’ve already mentioned I find it incredibly cute and adorable”, you couldn’t supress your smile at this statement as your cheeks tinted pink.
“Thank you Spence”, he smiled at you and replied “you don’t need to thank me bug” with that he leaned down and kissed your temple and as he pulled back whispered an I love you which you returned without hesitation.
With that you got comfortable oh his chest again and took his hand once again to play with it until you fell asleep, while Spencer didn’t return to his reading instead he played with your hair with his other hand and admired the woman he loved and who he had the privilege to have lie with him.
Boy did he love you, every part of you, even the ones you didn’t appreciate quite as much.
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Bluebellshipping drabbles #1 Abel is tired and Blue suddenly ticks
So this is something a little different than my usual fanfic posts as I’m usually obsessed with Lacewood, but I’ve been attached to two of @Kinomitaka babes recently and finally they get some much needed fandom love with a Drabble and more to
I plan to write a bit more of these, but it’s nice to take a break from lacewood for a little while to refresh my mind then go back to writing me some Augustine love, and I have taken people’s requests into account ;) Anyway I enjoyed doing this and it’s my first time writing about the two, I hope it doesn’t disappoint, it’s nothing fancy, just fluff this time for now whilst I wrote this as a chance to practice to get into their characters, I hope you all like it!
(Took me so long posting then reposting because I’m doing it from my phone and the options are so tedious especially linking, sorry guys!) ————-
Abel Ruby was exhausted, the 10th or 11th exorcism this week, tired as he was, there was no doubt he was the best, so naturally in a pros and cons kind of way, he dealt the situation without the Agro. Abel was a kind man at heart, knew his place in the world and did things without the fuss, he was certainly admired; very welcomed and above all charming in a heart stopping kind of way to most.
Innocent as he was, he had his more relaxed side, where he could be exactly human, he had his habits even though as he may be part of the church community, people are allowed to be who they are the way they want and still serve a purpose. Within reason
When he unlocked the door to his house he breathed a sigh of relief upon hearing the little Knack the door made as the key turned. He was already welcomed by the heat and familiar smell that was his humble home, all ready for him to relax to himself alone…
But of course
He was never truly alone from the ghosts and demons he always dealt with.
“Ah your home! There’s me thinking you left the whole place to me for my entire life time!” Blue stated sarcastically as if he had said this every time Abel walked through the door.
Abel rolled his eyes, would he dare try for any sleep at all tonight?
Abel looked at the direction of the voice where blue sat ghost formed on his couch examining his copy of the bible upside down as if to say he was up to something prior before Abel got through the door.
“Evening Blue.”
Today was a different day, he would normally greet Blue valentine a little more heartwarmingly except today was not the day, it had been a long one at that and he wasn’t prepared to deal with another entity right now as uncharacteristic it was for Abel to be. It was true he let Blue stay, they had agreed upon it, strange no doubt; however what lead them to it, blue never truly wanted to leave, and they both had some sort of connection which lead them to the organisation. I mean he wasn’t that much annoying as Abel would admit occasionally, but his presence somewhat made it less lonely at home or in his life dealing with the same old, he was different.
So after all the kicked up fuss, he stayed, but on certain conditions of course. Blue would never admit to the fact he had a soft spot For Abel but the invisible connection was there for those who would choose to see it.
How symbolic the two were at times.
Blue raised an eyebrow and turns his head to see that Abel was already traipsing himself to his room, not bothering with eye contact, usually Abel would be giving him a lot more attention as he made his way in from a hard day’s work when needed, not that blue was attention seeking.
He so totally was.
He put the book down on the coffee table and floated his way towards where Abel lead. He was silent as he floated through the halls, and as he reached his room, he already found Abel thrown onto his bed and looking very drained.
Blue pulled a different expression on his face, sure he’s seen Abel before wearing all different kinds of expressions, however seeing him so vulnerable as he was today made Blue think twice about acting anymore sarcastic or loudly make any unnecessary comments or tricks in his laid back but overly energetic personality. Especially for someone who appears to be a ghost of some kind and is quite technically supposed to be dead.
Blue put his cobalt ghostly hand on the door frame and held a relaxed but curious expression as he laid eyes on Abel who was quite uncomfortably falling asleep and snoring softly fully clothed atop the sheets.
It was like something in Blues mind told him to stop the nagging and hush his mouth for one moment upon realising that Abel was fully tired and clearly needed a moment. He was so serene, and blue somewhat found it endearing to watch Abel so peaceful and yet so very much alive; made blue pinch his eyebrows together in wonder. Letting go of the door he lifted himself across the room and brought his ghostly body barely floating on the side of his bed as Abel was strewn in the middle of the double bed.
He sat on the edge and looked closely at him just as a doctor would examine a patient, he sighed and looked at the clock nearing midnight. Abel slowly stirred and nudged into Blue lightly without thought which alerted Blue’s attention to Abel’s tired fluttering eyelids that quickly shut tight together with furrowed eyebrows of his own; hands reaching to cradle his head indicating a headache.
“Hey hey you don’ look so good.” Blue lightly said.
“Ivehadit.” He has muffled his words through whispers.
“I don’t quite follow?” Blue looked at him, Abel’s browny green eyes had a wet sheen across them.
“I’m so tired, I can’t deal with the work load, it’s not you it’s just-! I don’t even know what to do with myself- I-I’ve had a bad day…” Abel spluttered out his words fast and panicked and so easily described as exhausted.
Abel who was laid on his side, then sat up so he was eye level with Blue, there was some gap between them, but not enough to call it intimate. Blue looked down and twiddled his thumbs and listened to Abel rant about how he hadn’t had the best of sleep recently and the trouble he had been dealing with, work and the balance of things, he could understand it all. All Blue could think about was calming the man down maybe let him get it all out first, he’s seen him stressed before but this was different; comfort him, hug him do something.
Why was he thinking this, why was Blue thinking about such things, this was Abel, and he was usually so full of himself to do as he pleased, he never felt like this to someone for a very long time, he couldn’t remember the last time…
But there it was, that connection, something drew Blue towards Abel like a magnet weather it was just the lust of closeness or even just the company, there was something going on here. The more Abel ranted on, the more he was willing to just sit there and take it all in which was so uncharacteristic for Blue himself. Why couldn’t he make the snide joke or say something like he didn’t care, but he couldn’t, something inside his cold body made him stop and just shut up for a minute, this atmosphere was serious and it flashed at Blue like a red light and the tightening feeling inside. Ghost or not, was such feelings even real to feel inside a body that’s already dead? Though it sure felt familiar.
He looked at Abel who took a deep breath keeping the outburst at bay.
“I understand…tomorrow will be better right?” Abel looked at him in awe.
“Wait what?”
Blue scratched the back of his neck.
“You know…it’ll be better.” He repeated.
Abel was looking at him like he was stupid, and couldn’t quite process what he was hearing, was he truly listening to Blue who was usually so full of himself with the cockiest attitude he had ever seen a ghost have, just tell him in a genuine tone of voice that ‘everything will be okay’?? He must be dreaming, it was Abel’s turn to take a good look at Blue for a moment, he had now seen how innocent he looked, not masked behind a cocky grin or an unimpressed look, just wide eyed and thoughtful for once.
Blue moved a little closer to him and put his almost translucent hand onto his, Abel felt his cheeks heat up a little from the gesture, it felt normal but quite odd as the situation was which I think he knew Blue could feel too; but apparently it felt needed at the moment, his breakdown was what initiated it.
“Could you just- wait a sec.” blue stumbled over his words.
Wow was Blue actually jumbling over his words?
“Are you okay?” Abel asked momentarily.
Blue sighed in defeat and decided upon something in his head. “Don’t say a word.” He said serious.
“I don’t follo-uhm!”
What shut off Abel’s sentence was the electric that was cold lips meeting his warm ones. It gave a shiver to the white collared man, who blushed furiously at the surprise as well as the utter shock of what was happening, somehow Blue’s lips were becoming warmer and it became more of a delight than a chill.
They lingered together for a moment before Blue Valentine broke apart brisk to turn his ghostly blushing face away in a huff; hiding what could only be mocked from Abel.
Abel took a moment to process it all, not a word was said for a few minutes until Abel cleared his throat to save any more awkwardness.
“Um… I didn’t know you felt that way.” Abel finally spoke, Blue turned to face him with a uncharacteristic shy look on his face but still looking very sour about the subject trying very hard to hide his emotions.
“I didn’t think either, I just-” Blue rolled his eyes to the side and and was trying so desperately to die inside and escape the questions. “And don’t look at me like that, I like having you around okay?!”
Blue huffed and Abel was suddenly distracted, forgetting why he was so exhausted and he reached out for blue again, silencing everything. Eternal then. He kissed him again and being Blue was shocked but he fell into the kiss, he welcomed it, and they held each other. Abel could very much feel Blue, his being was a strange feeling of real to nothing, he felt like a normal person to touch and it felt right, despite he fact that Blue was a ghost and it baffled him how much Blue was connected to the living world at times and his well being, though I suppose Abel had a gift that very much helped with that.
Blue moved his lips in sync with Abel’s soft ones, it was electric, it was strange, so foreign, what was happening? Why was this happening the way it did? Blue didn’t care and neither did Abel by the way they carried on, Blue pushed Abel back with a moan and he bit and kissed his lips, Abel held back a moan of pleasure just with the ghost form of Blue touching and sending volts over his skin, he felt like a pylon receiving Blue along the veins of a grid.
They kissed for some time, Abel gasped as Blue parted his lips, a string of salvia attached that then broke. Blue looked into his eyes, and they both left a tiny smile gracing their lips before their lips continued the dance.
The moon was hung in the sky and they both let the fantasies take over them; Blue was pushed back in the pillows, a tired but very pleased Abel all too forgetting his bad day, was laid back on Blues chest where his light arms crossed over Abel’s abdomen. Abel was tired and relaxed now, Blue even though had some attitude, he couldn’t help but smile at the man he held that let his half self be allowed into this life.
And it seemed all Abel needed was a bit of comfort from a certain someone after all.
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