#Reneeia Belloq
mythriteshah · 2 years
Pg. 4 - Gelmorrian Nights
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“A Thousand and One Gelmorrian Nights, or simply 'Gelmorrian Nights' for short - an alluring play on Gelmorra and Thavnair, and a testament to the hidden beauty of Duskwight aesthetic.”  -Telphie Higuri
Duskwight fashion has been wanting for quite some time now.  The Bandee Pakshee’s HR Lead has something to say about that!  Reneeia Belloq brings forth a spicy addition to the PiB Catalogue that will surely rival certain other items (regulars will know which ones)!
 The “Gown of Gelmorrian Nights” takes a stroll down the risqué, presenting a sleek dress with great décolleté made from a dark black leather made, patterned to resemble snake scales.  The top portion of this piece is trimmed with the softest of furs and studded with white gems for a sparkling finish, adding style and comfort.
 The violet sash of silver bells is a personal touch of Reneeia’s – a small accoutrement that was her own personal means of showing her clients’ affection; were someone to gain her favor, she would detach one of the bells and bestow it upon them.  On the contrary, should they earn her ire… you will have to find out for yourself.
 Thavnair and Gelmorra.  Two city-states blend as one with the creation of this moss seductive dress.  Surely to be a hot ticket for the women, the Gown of Gelmorrian Nights stands out in the fashion realm with its dark allure. 
Notable Owners:
Goddess Lyris Nightsong
Reneeia Belloq
Alexois Delacroix
Ruriri Ruri
Makoto Mifune
Deila Stormsong
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