#Relic Terminators
eric-coldfire · 1 year
Lycaon Squad is finished and ready to rend flesh and metal alike.
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I think painting five at a time might be my limit, I think for the next squad I'll try three at a time. Easier on my energy and my back.
But I'm super pleased with how these turned out, especially since Relic Terminators aren't street legal in 40k and there's no reference for them in Iron Snakes colors.
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wh40kgallery · 5 months
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Deathwatch: First Founding
by Michael Phillippi
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virgilcaius · 2 years
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gothamcityneedsme · 2 months
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hold the fucking phone. K already HAD a fridge?????
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“Operator, would it be alright if I- ANNIHILATE- speak with that other Cephalon? No, I’m not jealous. Why would you think that?"
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spectralpooch · 1 year
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(throws up)
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randomnameless · 10 months
"Yes, I put Lil' Timmy through the horrors of war, and got his parents killed through the forced conscription I allowed Thales to throw onto MY citizens, and made it to where he had no food to eat since I'm redirecting my country's food to my army, BUT!!! If he manages to survive all that he MIGHT be able to thrive in this neat school I built! You know, if he can work around the PTSD, the emaciation, and all of the noble kids who are almost certainly attending the same school as him, all while assuming he'll need no help with anything (because if he needs help then he's inherently less meritable than those that don't need help in a meritocratic society, meaning he physically could not get far in life). But I did Lil' Timmy a FAVOR by starting this war!!! He should be THANKFUL that I did this to for him!!"
Like how do they not realize that's how they sound like lmao
This sounds like FE5's Julius plan to raise new "citizens" :
Ishtar: “My father is hesitating because many important nobles are voicing their concern with the child hunting. My brother is also strongly against this act. Bishop Manfroy, please stop the child hunting. It is unbearable to separate young children from their parents. And sacrificing them to Lopto is not something that a humane person would do!” Yurius: “Ishtar, I think there’s a misunderstanding. I am not telling them to kill the children. I just want to educate them to be fitting citizens for my empire. Those who withstand the training will earn high posts and rule over the other inferior citizens. In other words, they will become new nobles, Ishtar. I’m giving them a chance to grasp their happiness.” Ishtar: “They only become nobles after surviving through harsh hatred between each other… That is not happiness.” Yurius: “…You’ll understand soon enough. Oh, Ishtar, did you know there was a beautiful flower garden in the yard? Let’s go take a look.”
Swap the "flower garden" by a teatime session, and this could be some sort of convo Supreme Leader could have with Billy in Tru Piss lol
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selfship-nyx · 1 month
Thinking about ☠️ angst, cause he’s the only s/i I have that I can use for angst because he’s closer to a canon character than a true s/i so angst with him doesn’t make me so sad I feel ill the way angst with other selfships does
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voiceoutofstars · 6 months
Fan narration of a Relic entry in HSR’s Data Bank. This is the story of all four pieces of the Eagle of Twilight Line set.
Music is "Beata" by OB-LIX.
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hazeldragonblossoms · 8 months
aita for trying to summon a god to resurrect my wife?
i (142m) recently lost my wife (139f) to terminal illness. we were married for nearly 127 years, and were survivors of a disaster that destroyed our home city and killed nearly everyone in it. she was my best friend, the love of my life, and the light of my world. i’ve spent months trying to move on, but the pain of losing her has only grown stronger since her death, with my grief eventually leading me to quit my job and travel in the hopes of finding something else to live for. i will be upfront in admitting that, in the process of quitting, i blew up the school i worked at (no one was hurt), almost killed my assistant (he’s fine), and released a bunch of monsters from the abandoned gated community i had contained them in a few decades prior (long story).
anyway, during my travels i came across a relic that contained immense necromantic power, but i quickly realized that i would be unable to utilize it for my purposes on my own, as my wife had been dead for several months by that time and was well past the point of resurrection by conventional means. long story short, i decided to harness the power of the same god that caused the disaster that destroyed my and my wife’s former home.
as it turns out, my former boss (????m) picked up a kid (13x) off the street around the same time this was happening, and tasked my brother (also 142m, we’re twins) with teaching them magic. i won’t bore you with the details, but this thirteen year old now keeps following me around and fucking up my plans to reunite with my true love, which i’m frankly tired of.
(side note: this kid also won a fighting competition that hasn’t been won by someone from our school since i attended. i need to remind you, they are thirteen. i’m not certain they’d ever used magic before my boss picked them up, so i have no idea how this possibly could have happened, or when they had the time to even attend the fights since they’ve seemingly dedicated the majority of their time to fucking me over for no good reason.)
my ex-boss seems to think that summoning this being is a “bad idea” and could “destroy the world,” but 1. i’m doing it in my already ruined hometown and 2. i think that the world is a small price to pay to have my wife back. it’s not like it’s worth much without her in it, anyway.
edit: shut up about the fucking giant tree it’s an unrelated current event. you can’t prove that i actually did anything to him, and it’s rude to accuse people baselessly
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amazingabellini · 8 months
Every Single Thing 621 is Called on Rubicon
Dog Augmented Human C4-621 You 621 Intruder Illegal Enemy AC Merc Corp AC Registration number Rb23 Raven Callsign: Raven Mercenary Corporate Merc Corporate Dog Interloper Military Force Hostile AC Shameless Coral scavenger Independent Mercenary Hunter Sharp A local An Independent A merc who only kills for credits A real merc G13 G13 Raven Kiddo Freelancer Maggot Fake Redgun Tagalong Sewing club member Not a total amateur Not a pro Corporate Vulture Mere pawn Scavenger Hound of Walter Competition Good for nothing Good for something Wretched vulture Unidentified AC Damn Hyena Rotten Money-grubber Corporate scum Enemy backup One of the infamous Walter's hounds Wallclimber War buddies Comrade Buddy Intruder Doser Shameless Corporate Dog Greedy Mercenary Greedy hound Daring A symbol of resolve Only Other Person That Can Keep Up With Me You Again Old Augmentation Recalcitrant Mutt Vermin Pest The Pest of Rubicon Code 15 Raven the Wallclimber Code 31C Solo Independent Mercenary Pitiful Dog Gen 4 Fine hound Another dead dog Older type of Augmented Human Tourist No ordinary tourist Smart Cookie No slouch A cut above the rest Not afraid of anything Belongs in a museum Freak My favorite little Tourist A certain someone New friend The Freelancer from the dam raid Target Walter's Hound Solo AC Independent Merc Trespasser to Rubicon Walking Advertisement Mascot AC of Unknown Affiliation Suspected Corporate Hire Single AC Code 5, Unknown AC Independent Mercenary Assembly That AC Hostile AC Priority Subject for Termination One helluva merc Hired Operative Intruding AC Grunt Famous Mercenary Fine Soldier One Loose End Corpse Quick on the uptake Not like those savages Cur Scoundrel Oathbreaker Just an AC Patchwork AC Better than the other ACs Like a bird in flight Killer Menace to Rubicon Target for Termination Unknown Intruder Intrusion Attempt Menace Volunteer The Objective Just a Gen 4 Strong Worthy of your name False Alarm Impostor Impressive Pilot Wormkiller Threat to Planetary Closure 20 Iguazus A Real Redgun Not so Special Too Dangerous to Keep Around Not Afraid to Die The Only G13 Who's Managed To Live This Long Strong A Threat Dangerous Another Threat to Rubicon Veteran The Mercenary Who Took Your Name Rat Fool The Big One Corporate pawn Rather Extraordinary Gen 4 Augmentation High Level Threat Strong Candidate One of Allmind's The One Rusty was talking about Head in the Clouds Old-Gen Alive Handler's Hound Old Colleague Subject Beast of burden Guest of Honor The Key Smartass Freelancer Wonderful People Demon Miserable Relic Trigger for the Change to come Dog without a shred of intelligence Not worthy of humanity Stray Dog Obstacle Faithful Hound Biggest Threat Legacy Augmentation The Greatest Obstacle The Liberator of Rubicon The only one The Spark of War The Fires that Haunt Rubicon The Monster who Burned the Stars One With Allmind Aberrations to The Plan Trigger for Coral Release Irregular The Old-Gen Who Could Do It All
The Freelancer Who Had It All
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eric-coldfire · 1 year
Finding out it's incredibly likely that Relic Terminators and the Contemptor Dreadnought are getting removed from the codex and added to Legends
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charmwitch · 1 month
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wrote something about Samantha (knight) and Nirinel (witch)
N, "Oh hey, you're awake."
The world was dark, but there was only a small pause before the voice continued.
N, "I was worried you were seriously hurt. I can't fix you up if that were the case."
She knew that voice.
S, "Ugh…" N, "Hey, how you feelin'?"
The light was blinding, or so she thought. It took her a few moments to adjust her vision before she looked over at the direction of the voice.
S, "Uhm… kind of bad." N, "Yeah, if you're not expecting it, it's not great. But we made it out in one piece." S, "Nirinel?" N, "Yeah?" S, "Where… how? We were in the cathedral when…" N, "Oh yeah." N, "I'll tell you in a bit. You should take a breather first. It does come with some motion sickness sometimes." S, "…'It'?"
Samantha looked around, her surroundings quite unfamiliar to her. They were sitting under a rock, shaded from the red sun. Samantha had heard of this occurrence before, but had never witnessed it herself until today. Areas thick with memories, battlefields often come to mind in these situations, often caused such a phenomena. There was such an occurrence near the border of Belacuna and St. Helena, from previous land disputes before the countries had stabilized.
She turned to look at Nirinel, who seemed bored- if tired.
S, "We're not in danger?" N, "Nah. … Not that I know of."
Nirinel looked up, shielding her vision with her hand. Her wide-brim hat was on the ground next to her, it had been charred slightly in the monstrous encounter they had only just narrowly avoided. How did they avoid it, Samantha was still unsure. Her eyes scanned the flats. There were high walls off in the distance. She recognized exactly where they were- after all, it was she who brought them here down to the decimal.
N, "Water levels are lower than normal, though. See that? You can see the mariners."
She pointed off into the distance, Samantha rubbed her eyes to get a better look, but was confused. The flats had pockets of water, some with strangely shaped rocks peering out from the mud. Strangely shaped was perhaps an understatement, they were long and cylindrical, but rough and dull looking from far.
S, "Are those… tubes?" N, "Mariners. They're relics from the forty-year war. They're underwater boats." S, "… Why are they here?" N, "This area's usually underwater. Well, most of it. I used to come here to train my magic when my teacher wasn't around. He was never around, so that was quite often. He's so busy, so I would take it out on some of the rocks in this area. Got pretty spooked the first time I saw one of them, but they're harmless. In fact, they're pretty immobile at this state. Look, see?" N, "Anyway, it's the dry season. Sometimes they appear from the mud."
Nirinel looked over at Samantha, scanning her face for her mood. Her thoughts. She seemed curious, but still a little frightened.
N, "I guess I should tell you. You'd find out anyway. They're graves." S, "What? Wait, really?" N, "Yeah. They're not supposed to be. But if they're here, that means their crews are still in there." S, "Uhm…" N, "I'll probably inform The Society after we get back. I'm not skilled enough for that. I think Auntie Clem can take care of it pretty easily though." S, "… W-we're in a battlefield…" N, "Yeah." S, "…" N, "… Sorry. I, I didn't know where else to go. I panicked." S, "You brought us here? How? We're no where near St. Helena, are we?" N, "No, sorry." N, "Ah… this is hard to explain. I teleported us… here?" S, "…You can do that?!" N, "Hmn? I'm not supposed to. It's not magic. That's why you're also here. I was worried we might die, so I…"
S, "It's… forbidden, right? I've heard… mom talk about it." N, "Yeah, no one knows how it actually works. But if you're able to calculate a location fast enough and can access a terminal, you can do an instant teleportation. It's a bit more complicated with two people, but I was able to successfully find a point under the adrenaline. Accessing a terminal takes a lot of magic, I don't think that's the intended form, but if I can hack it I can handle it somewhat."
S, "That's-" N, "Mn?" S, "That's amazing! You did all that by yourself? It's because you're a math wiz, right?" N, "Aah, I wouldn't- I wouldn't call myself that." N, "Hehe." N, "You need to give coordinates pretty quickly and accurately. If you mess up, you can just get yourself killed or who knows what happens. No one knows. I figured it'd be fine, we were probably going to die anyway."
She pauses and looks away.
N, "Sorry I didn't ask you first." Samantha takes her hand. S, "You're incredible! Thank you for keeping us alive." N, "Haah. you can't just say that so casually." S, "I-I mean it.. I'm… thank you…" N, "…" N, "Come on, we should head back. It'll take a few hours though." She looks up. N, "-by broom. I mean. If I teleport again, I could screw it up. It's always a risk. … Sorry."
Samantha nodded, smoothing out her dress as she stands up, her balance a little off.
S, "I mean it. You're really amazing! Thank you for taking care of me, Nirinel."
Nirinel could only look at her for a moment before smiling.
N, "Stop that. You can thank me when we get back to town." S, "Oh, um." N, "What is it?" S, "Should, should we offer a prayer…" N, "Ah, for the soldiers?" S, "Y-Yeah… I… don't feel right knowing… they're just there…" N, "Yeah alright. We shouldn't stay long, they'll keep you here. They're still working, after all." S, "Still working?" N, "It's a military notion- Oh, right. You're a foot soldier. I guess you wouldn't know. Those lost at sea are considered still on patrol. Still working. They'll always be working until they're found. I heard about it on the radio. I couldn't sleep for days afterwards. Ghosts aren't a big deal for us, but it's still spooky, right? Imagine that. Being lost at sea for hundreds of years? No thanks. I'd haunt everyone."
Samantha could only nod before offering a small prayer and following behind Nirinel.
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virgilcaius · 2 years
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spirit-tracks · 1 year
Okay SO. Theory Rush after finishing Tears of the Kingdom. Go.
The Zonai are said to have descended from the heavens to help found Hyrule. I can think of another race that descended from the heavens. Do you guys think the minish are native to the Zonai sky islands?
Does the Depths set look a little familiar to you? This along with Josha's theory that people once lived down there, I wonder if the interlopers were present in the Depths before being banished to the twilight realm.
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The architecture and robot designs from Skyward Sword have a distinct Zonai look to them! So that leads me to believe the Zonai were the race that created the Lanayru Mining Facility.
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It might even be that the Past from Skyward Sword is indeed the time period that Zelda was transported back to! Maybe the legacy of the kingdom of Hyrule goes back even further than the fight between Hylia and Demise: though I admit the early appearance of Demon King Ganondorf throws a wrench in this theory.
About secret stones and the amber relics in Skyward Sword: I want to say there's a connection between them, though amber relics don't seem to be as rare and important as secret stones, (we find them in abundance in Skyward Sword and they don't do much). Of course, i haven't played SS in a while so if they have any more significance it's escaping me at the moment. For the time being I'd like to think ancient hylians might have carried them around as good luck charms to emulate secret stones of their own.
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The Legend of the Great Sky Island mini quest in has the construct telling us that the island was supposed to be where a hero will one day awaken to defeat the Demon King. I know our Link wakes up on this island, but there's definitely something eating at my brain about the Great Sky Island being related to (or perhaps even IS) Skyloft, and that the awakening of the hero is referring to Skyward Sword Link. (This potentially supports the theory that the Past in TOTK predates the war between Hylia and Demise)
There's a pretty good chance that Rauru and Sonia's child could have been named Zelda, after the sweet time traveling girl they practically adopted :) the first princess of Hyrule named after the last princess of Hyrule.
There is a giant dragon skeleton in the Gerudo Desert Depths, big as or even bigger than Farosh, Dinraal and Naydra. It is my belief that this mystery dragon became a dragon ala Secret Stone alongside the three aboveland, but was killed at some point in the Depths. I don't know what four people decided to become dragons, but my strongest theory is that Dinraal, Farosh and Naydra are the draconified forms of the oracles of the Golden Goddesses, Din, Farore and Nayru. So who is this?
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Seeing as the Lightroots underground are activated via Zonai hand terminal and each Lightroot lies directly beneath a shrine on the surface, I think the Lightroots are extensions of these shrines, having grown straight downward to light up the underground. This is probably obvious but I just barely figured this out 😅
Since Rauru, sage of light, and a new Temple of Time are in this game, I want to think that this person and location are more than just Easter Eggs to Ocarina of Time. I think that the sage from Ocarina of Time was named after King Rauru, though I'm not sure whether him being the sage of light would have been a coincidence or a direct inspiration.
What I do think is that he indeed did put the triforce in that very same Temple of Time and all the sky islands went to the Sacred Realm until Tears of the Kingdom, when they came back to earth and appeared in the sky. That's just a theory but why else would the sky islands be reappearing as if from nowhere?
Speaking of which, there were floating masses in the sky in Minish Cap, namely great big stone temples and fortresses. Minish Cap takes place during the early days of Hyrule, which would be pretty much right after the Zonai descended. Perhaps the Zonai are the Wind Tribe mentioned, and the people we see in game are their descendants, who look much more hylian than Zonai due to being crossed with full hylian genetics over the generations?
Anyway I need to retouch up on my Zelda lore to make sure I'm getting the details right, (that, and i haven't yet 100% the game so i may be missing some totk context), but I HAD to post my thoughts and get them out there! I'll add on later if I think of any more, in the meantime feel free to brainstorm!
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dairy-farmer · 2 months
Ok so obviously we all love when lots of people love Tim, especially when it's a rivalry thing where they keep trying to steal Timmy for themselves. But! This is almost always between the Bats: Bruce vs Dick vs Jason vs Damian. But have we considered... Damian vs Ra's?
Damian may have started out not liking Tim much, almost exclusively because of the whole 'favored heir/protege/general succession crisis' thing and Damian's jealousy. But Tim is just such a magnetic person, drawing people to him easily (Damian remembers a rather funny incident where Tim laid into a villain about how their stupid plan hinged on Tim trying to solve everything by himself, and how Tim isn't Batman - he actually has friends! And isn't afraid to ask for help!) that Damian can't help but start to genuinely like him.
And then one day Damian either notices the little gifts and trinkets that seem to appear addressed to Tim from Ra's, or one of his old friends/acquaintances/spies in the league mentions how obsessed Ra's is with Tim (even joking about how it's unclear whether Ra's wants Tim to be his heir or birth his heirs.) and Damian is like 'Wait, that was an option?!?' mixed with a good dose of 'How dare Grandfather try to steal Timothy away from us!'.
So now Tim is being hunted courted targeted by two Al Ghuls. Suddenly, Ra's 'thoughtful' gifts of lingerie and only slightly poisoned/drugged chocolates are being intercepted, and his dear grandson had started making romantic overtures towards his Detective. And poor Tim is caught in the middle (although Damian throwing his hat into the ring isn't that bad; at least he isn't trying to drug him or excessively sexualizing/objectifying him 😑).
Ra's shows up in Gotham for a 'friendly' chat with Damian, and the whole thing is very uncomfortable and vaguely terrifying for everyone watching: just ice cold smiles, an incredibly charged staring contest, and pointed comments, very thinly veiled threats, and double and triple entendres aimed at Tim.
Ra's :"I am the leader of the most powerful assassins in the world, with incredible wealth and power!"
Damian : "As a Drake-Wayne, Timothy will be one of the most powerful people in the Americas, let alone the world, and without having to be connected with killers - people that anyone who truly cares about and values Timothy knows he does not wish to be associated with."
Ra's : "I doubt our dear Detective had much interest in an untested child."
Damian : "And you think he'd prefer an ancient relic such as yourself?"
Ra's : "... Listen here you little -!"
Damian : "Careful of your blood pressure... Boomer."
Tim: "Do I get a say in this or...?"
Dick makes a joke about Damian 'licking Tim to claim him as his own, like Tim's a doughnut or something' and Jason goes straight for the 'at least neither of them has pissed on you yet to mark their territory'.
This goes on for a couple years, with Damian and Ra's constantly trying to one up each other. Damian will get Tim tickets to a concert he's been dying to see as well as offering to cover his patrol routes so he doesn't need to feel guilty about going, and Ra's will retaliate by delivering some evidence that Tim needs to break up two international trafficking rings. Ra's will send Tim proof that Captain Boomerang had been... dealt with, and Damian will orchestra the very public humiliation of Lex Luthor (Tim had recently complained that Lex had upset his best friend Kon, so he was ecstatic. [The only reason Damian isn't suspicious of Kon and Tim's relationship is that he is aware that Kon is 'terminally straight' and the one time someone suggested they were together they both pretended to throw up.]). And on and on.
One day, sometime in the future, Ra's gets a text with a picture and short messages. The image is a tasteful selfie showing Damian -shirtless and a bit sweaty- propped up in bed with a sleeping Tim laying on his chest -hair mussed and with some very obvious hickies. The message simply says "I win".
😭😭😭😭 damian being petty enough to send a selfie after he fucked tim
it has so much palable energy and im able to picture it so clearly because it reminds me so much of this !!!!
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