#Relacto diet meals
relacto · 1 month
Traditional vs. Modern Lactation Foods: Which is Better for Singaporean Mothers? | Relacto
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Proper nutrition during lactation is crucial for both mothers and their babies. It ensures that mothers can maintain their health and produce quality milk for their infants. In Singapore, there’s an ongoing discussion between traditional and modern lactation foods.
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relacto · 2 months
Dietitian Shares How to Spot and Limit Refined Sugars in Singapore | Relacto
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That being said, many people are often confused between sugars and sugar. “Sugars” actually refer to the natural occurring sugars in foods, whereas “sugar” refers to refined sugars found in processed foods.
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relacto · 3 months
What Does A Healthy Diet Look Like For A Breastfeeding Mother? | Relacto
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The Singapore Health Promotion Board recommends breastfeeding mothers to have a nutritious diet that provides high protein and iron-rich foods, oily fish, dairy foods and whole grains.
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relacto · 4 months
3 Practical Breastfeeding and Pumping Tips for Working Mums | Relacto
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Breastfeeding and Pumping Tips, the life of a working mum — where you are juggling deadlines and diapers, boardrooms and breastfeeding. It is like being a superhero, but instead of a cape, you have a breast pump slung over your shoulder.
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relacto · 4 months
Dietitian Shares Introducing Fish to Your Baby: A Starter Guide | Relacto
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Introducing fish to your babies is essential once they are in the weaning stage (6 months and older). Not only are fish one of the nine main allergenic foods, but they are also the primary source of Omega 3-DHA.
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relacto · 4 months
Simple and Wholesome Breastfeeding Meals That Require Minimal Prep | Relacto
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Have you ever started breastfeeding and suddenly realised you are incredibly hungry? This is a common experience among breastfeeding mothers, who may need up to 500 extra calories daily, depending on their activity level and nursing demands.
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relacto · 4 years
Meals Designed for Mothers Who Breastfeed
Lactation meals or lactation friendly meals are important for breastfeeding mothers. It helps increase your breast milk supply and reduce certain medical conditions in your golden years. Plus, breastfeeding does not only promote a healthier growth for your child but it also helps you with postpartum weight loss. However, keeping yourself nourished might be challenging as you juggle between postpartum recovery, housework and child care. Therefore, it is understandable if you might have overlooked the importance of practicing a balanced diet or having a lactation diet chart.
Source: Relacto
Click here to know more: https://relacto.com.sg/lactation
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relacto · 4 years
Fuel Your Body With The Right Foods to Recover
A speedy recovery from childbirth is a dream for every mommy. The prospect of recovery does excite you because that would mean a faster return to your pre-pregnancy routines and normal lifestyle. How can you achieve this objective if you might wonder? This might sound like a no-brainer but your recovery depends on your diet and the amount of rest your body can get! Moreover, you would also need to take into consideration that your little darling is still breastfeeding so you will need to incorporate a healthy breastfeeding meal plan into your daily routine as well.
Source: Relacto
Click here to know more: https://relacto.com.sg/recovery
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