hobgobbin · 10 months
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Now that my gay lil pinup calendar project has reached its end I can post the pieces I did for it💥💥💥
Got to draw my two greatest loves: Mens Boobs and Silly Monsters
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dates-with-the-void · 5 months
Dating the Void Gals
I wasn't expecting to post the gals today, but I did so here we are! Bel'Veth was a big wing for me, since she was more recent in comparison to the other Voidborns. So I had to read her wiki to get an idea exactly how she's like to throw some headcanons out there. Enjoy~
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You are perhaps the first person to exist to be fluent in Growls. Because that's a requirement in order to date her.
It's also a requirement you want to be a step-parent to her children, and said children have to like you. She was a mother first and foremost before a romantic partner, her children take priority.
At first it was a simple fancy for her, the legends about a massive beast underneath the sands, devouring anyone who crossed its territory was exciting and you wanted to uncover it.
Guaranteed your soul left your body several dozen times when she surfaced and chased you down.
It took you practically begging that you weren't going to hurt her and you weren't a threat, for her to settle down.
She's far more intelligent than most give her credit for, just because she doesn't speak any languages from the region. She understands English and Shuriman very well, just that if she did actually want to speak the language- she lacks the vocal cords to do it.
Just because she understands the languages, doesn't mean she can read or write. But you could teach her braille so she could communicate that way as well if you physically can't translate a word she said.
It took her a while before she trusted you around her children. Its easier to fake no harm to someone ten times your size, then to someone smaller and squishier than you.
When she did trust you around her children, it was then she basically fell hard for you. The children liked you, and you liked them. Doting on them like any parent would, all while being gentle with them, strict when needed to be (like when they tried to eat your arm, you kinda had to try and tell them no while prying them off without accidentally hurting them.)
*Series of growls* "Rek'Sai that's not how marriage wor- and I'm kidnapped now, okay."
She adores you, and she makes it obvious. So much so, you're certain no one would believe you the Void Burrower is an affectionate and loving worm.
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Respectfully, she is the "man" of the relationship and it is a blessing to be accepted into her life, rather than the other way around.
She radiates every toxic red flag you could imagine in a relationship, except the only real red flag she has is wanting to change the world into her own image- and overthrow her 'parents'.
She won't ever lie to you, in some cases you might wish she had but she never will. She will be upfront and brutally honest with you, to a fault. But that's because she has no use for lies or manipulation when its obvious you're going to be her mate- whether you know it or not.
It's mainly the accumulative human DNA she absorbed during her creation that caused her attraction towards you, and she knows it. But she's not opposed to having a significant other to share in the birth of her new world order.
It's both a benefit and self-indulgence, to see how she can mold the inhabitants into her image, and to satisfy her desire for a partner.
She wouldn't change much on you, in fact she is willing to compromise on how much you're willing to change for her. Because she wants you, not your body. If the changes do end up changing who you are, depending on how severe. She will end your body's existence in respect for you.
But that wouldn't happen because she's confident she will succeed in keeping your personality throughout your metamorphosis.
If it wasn't obvious enough, she was the one to go out of her way to pick you because she had seen you, and after she's studied you she's deemed you the perfect partner for her.
Only deal-breaker for her is if you flat out fight against her in her mission, but you won't :)
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saurianbutcher · 2 years
Before I go to sleep, please enjoy the latest edition of your favorite sand idiots the Shurima Pals™🐊
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iheardaping · 2 years
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The Void wishing you a very Merry Christmas! (by iheardaping / Miqra)
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teeto-peteto · 1 year
It turns out Samira made out with Fiddlesticks. Her whole thing is throwing herself into dangerous situations, and what’s more dangerous than PDA with an ancient fear demon?
Would you believe me if i said this was my second option? But then i thought that i see Samira as mean and iconic lesbian. And then i thought that Fiddlesticks doesnt really have/need a gender... Yes she would. They would. Consensuated act between an lovecraftnian horror and the danger lover mean butch.
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steel-and-fire · 1 year
//Gameplay trailer is out, and i want to take Naafiri seriously...
but she is a pack of dogs-
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shizzleytb · 1 year
WARDEN REK'SAI (Minecraft) - League of Legends Skin
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kindredzindred · 3 months
10, 22, 23
10 - Best odd combo? REKSAI AND VELKOZ BOTLANE THAT SHIT IS INSANE. I have no idea how we haven't lost a single game with that shit yet
22 - Favorite Skin? HMMMM... I think it would probably be either Ashen Lord Sol or EDG Aphelios, sum bout those skins scratch my brain (I disqualified Kindred bc I wouldn't be able to decide)
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snugglyporos · 7 months
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// I have to admit that with my canon of poros repelling void creatures, and thus would repel reksai, the idea that the sand poros are required for travelling caravans and have a deliberately important role in Shurima means that there has to be at least one Pharaoh poro
granted it's probably not like, doing much
unless of course this is a magic conch shell situation where a cult springs up and they just have the most amazing luck possible when they follow the Pharaoh Poro
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sheavoid · 2 years
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@snugglyporos​ asked: The poro chitters more! And wiggles its paws more! It has already said! Is a poro. Cannot imagine what else it would be besides a poro. Granted, her suit knows what a poro is, for poros are the enemy of voidkind everywhere! Are terrifying snuggly creatures filled with love and goodness and joy! Very bad for void creatures! Make even Chogath and Reksai shiver in fear! The poro of course, knows none of this. Gives more snuggles to her! Friend! Friend of poro. 
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While her suit continues to  SHUDDER IN FEAR,  Kai’sa tilted her head when she started to lower her defense ever so slightly  ——  forcing the voidling that has longed attached itself to her to peel her helm back, revealing  DELICATE FEATURES  to the world once more, however, her only audience was whatever creature that had buried itself against her side.  She’s starting to think her initial assumption was wrong, lifting her hand up cautiously before she slowly lowered it down to rest her hand on top of its head. Her suit shuddered  WITH DISGUST  but she found the creature to be quite soft and endearing the longer she looks. “Maybe you’re not a monster in disguise like I thought.”
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dykedalecooper · 6 months
what if you wanted an interesting league of legends game. but then tf vs reksai and rell vs xin zhao and corki vs azir. and senna nautilus
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joex92 · 8 months
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dates-with-the-void · 4 months
Void Gals During Shark Week
Void gals as promised for the shark week! Another AFAB focus post too.
Might be a bit before I make another headcanon post because I don't have much else for ideas right now. Been thinking over Odyssey Kha'Zix though but that might be it for now. Anyway enjoy the gals~
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She's the least prepared one, mainly for the fact that female Voidborns don't have that cycle.
While its an absolute blessing that she doesn't have to deal with the emotional aspects of it, or the pain and annoyances of it either. She didn't expect you to be dealing with it instead.
Saying she was concerned when she smelled blood from you was an understatement.
Some uninvolved village was about to have their entire history wiped if you didn't get her to stop and listen, because she assumed the absolute worse.
Honestly really bad timing that you went out into a nearby village for heating pads and sanitary items, because she was fully convinced they did something to you.
Hearing that its completely normal for your species to go through, and that it basically meant you're flushing unfertilized eggs from your body- she calmed down.
She had more questions about it, more or less the whys of it.
She came out of it slightly upset, because she wouldn't mind having more children with you- but both your biologies make it difficult. She can do it asexually and she doesn't have the equipment to fertilize you.
But she's happy to hear you're happy enough to be the parent of her children, and new ones she pops out.
Though from now on, she'll have her older children go out and grab what you need instead of you going to a village to get it. Because like hell she'd let something else do what she can't to you.
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Despite everything she's gathered in human history and DNA for her birth, she wasn't prepared for this either.
She noticed your behavior change slightly, things got you irritable faster and you got upset easier. She wanted to know what was the cause of it and she was going to get it one way or another.
When you couldn't give a satisfactory answer, she went in search of other means of figuring out what was causing this for you.
Though if you happen to know what she is referring too, and you tell her what it is she's glad its not something dire for you.
If not, it just takes her a bit to figure out and she's more or less annoyed she couldn't get the answer as fast as she wanted it, considering its time sensitive material.
If you were already prepared for the week, she would be less worried about your condition. You've got appliances and medicines to ease the pain, have products to use and food to satisfy your cravings.
If not, she will go out of her way to get those things for you. Its easier for her to get into human settlements due to her camouflage...for the most part.
She will question afterwards if that is an organ you don't need, because when she converts you for her new world she wasn't planning on leaving functional reproductive organs for you.
If you don't, that's fine she'll go as originally planned.
If you do, and even mention about future offspring. She will be a bit taken back, but rework her plans to suit your wishes.
Its not something she considered, but its not something she's against.
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saurianbutcher · 2 years
New Shurima Pals ™🐊! Now with two new pals! Hope you enjoy!
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notoriouslydevious · 2 years
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Sleepy Rek’Sai by lech3asada
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teeto-peteto · 11 months
Riot should make the prom shin line, make Syndra prom queen, and then the community can vote whether the night ends smoothly, or if a Carrie esque prank occurs. Side note, Rek’Sai should be there with Malzahar.
OMG I JUST REMEMBERED WHILE THINKING WHAT TO ANSWER anyone remembers when Nightbringer Yasuo and Dawnbringer Riven relased and you COULD VOTE for your fave to win the battle???? And there was like a little comic going on??? And i think Yasuo won (very surprising i know). WHY doesnt Riot do this anymore, this was fun back then and kept people talking and expecting things. That once concept would be perfect for your idea, letting people choose if they believe Syndra should be prom queen or if they want to trick her into believing she's prom queen and surprising them with a carrie-esque ending.
I've got another idea, a bracket fight. Every week you have to pick between 2 pairs from a big pool until you only have 2 pairs and you have to choose prom queens or kings. Like for example making them pick between GravesXTf and NidaleeXNeeko on the first week, then pick between Nami x her polycule and IllaoiXFortune, etc. And then you manage to get the final result with the whole community votes. I think it would be fun.
And you can slip a lot of good ships/fandom embraced ships you know? Anyone would love to have Leona and Diana as prom queens, Sett and Aphelios, Xayah and Rakan or Lucian and Senna. Make some rarepairs like Malzahar and Reksai. Make even more rarepairs with Rhaast and Alune. Or Zyra with Ivern cause it would be super super silly. They just have to say 'most of these ships arent canon, this is just a fun event, dont throw hands at each other' and expect the best.
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