#Reiju is the rightful heir to the throne
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ulysses000 · 5 months ago
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beanghostprincess · 4 months ago
Actually thinking more about Reiju's only sin being a woman and... Going into more depth, I know that logically/canonically she's smart and empathetic enough to not want to be in her brothers' place. She doesn't want to be an heir/ successor or follow the family's footsteps at all. She knows they're bad. She sees herself as such, too, unable to change/be different like Sanji was. She doesn't think she can bring her mother's kindness to this world the way Sanji does, so she sticks to what she knows, whether it is to protect Sanji too or to accept her fate.
BUT (and bear with me for a second here, I know I have been watching too much Succession lately) we also do know that during her childhood she didn't do anything to help Sanji from the abuse. She watched it happen because that was the way things went there and because she knew what would happen to her if she did. Of course, she ends up helping him escape and taking care of him but-- I'm just thinking, for a tiny little moment, about how she's actually the oldest.
She should be the heir. She should be the person everybody views Ichiji as. She should be considered the most responsible. The smartest. The strongest one. The one who should take the throne. And she doesn't even want it now, but what about back then? What about when she did have some little, tiny faith/hopes for her family and what they did? She sought approval and naively thought "my father is going to offer me the place I rightfully deserve, right?" blindly seeking acceptance like all of them did.
But no, because she might be the oldest but Ichiji is a man. She might be the strongest, the smartest, the most reliable... But she is not a man. And I believe there must have been a time when she expected her destiny to be something more, and once she realized she was just a woman in their eyes... Well, we know what happened.
I just keep finding similarities between The Vinsmokes (OP) and The Roys (Succession) and perhaps my headcanon of Reiju being similar to Shiv has gone a bit too far. But the scene where Shiv is like "This is real?" when Logan promises she'll be the CEO and he goes "This is real. Remember this. The slant of light" for it to be a lie later is something I fear could have happened with Reiju and Judge if Oda had given us more content,,,,
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foxydivaxx · 1 year ago
Zosan: Look What You Made Me Do Chapter 6
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Sanji POV
I began to observe something about myself, something that I had been denying for years. I am not so different from Nami. I want the finer things in life. I want to be loved,I want to be free. That was why I became a Strawhat in the first place. But my approach to life is different. 
Nami is Miss Independent, driven by a traumatic experience no thanks to a certain smelly fishhead. I on the other hand am driven by grief, neglect and sorrow. I lost the only support I had who happened to be my mother. Sure, I had Reiju but she could barely do much. I still love her though.
I was bullied, tortured and ridiculed for years. I was brought down to nothing for showing my emotions, for displaying what was seen as a weakness in the eyes of my brothers and fathers. As far as they were concerned, I was never a real man. I was a mistake.
All that time I spent all alone in that dungeon wearing that mask,I was begging for death. I never gave myself the chance to be selfish. I was always acting in service to others but ignored myself because as far as I was concerned, someone as messy as I was deserved none of that good shit.
So imagine my surprise when the others came to rescue me from the wedding plot. Like Luffy has saved everyone else so why me? I am just a mere cook. Well according to Luffy, no food equals no life. 
No one has ever given me respect for jackshit or love. At times I wish I did become evil and destroyed the world and everyone else around me. Maybe that is why Zoro is with me now. Could be that the others have been sensing whatever dark energy that lay dormant within me and may be trying to distract and protect me from myself?
But why bother? I can barely keep myself together. One minute I am as sweet as sugar and the next I snap like a fucking fire breathing dragon. I act as though there are two people with me. No one knows what that’s about just yet. But there is a part of me that fears that whatever evil demon that is inside me is about to go on a rampage. 
I have days when I am fine but there are days I lose my mind. Like I would wake up in the middle of the night and just start screaming. My heart begins to pound as I pant heavily. I look around and realize that I was back on the ship. Meaning that we have left that island a long time ago. A sharp pain hits me in the chest and then I remembered why we had to leave.
A couple hours ago, we were attacked on Greenville Island by none other than my father and the Germa army. Turns out Akuma placed a tracker on me during one of our sexual rendez-vous. Hmm…well played.  Either way, Zoro destroyed that tracker once he found out and went feral almost immediately.
Either way, they attacked us and I immediately jumped into action and went to fight my father head on despite Marimo warning me not to do so. Perhaps I should have listened because once again, I was up short. I could not stand a chance against that bastard. Oh and he proceeded to stab me and slash my chest with that stupid sword of his, leading to me losing a lot of blood. How cute. Definite winner of the Father of the Year Grand prize. Pfft…yeah right. 
I lost consciousness after that and we all fled the island. It seems my stunt with Akuma rattled the old fool and so now he is after us and wants us dead. Well, me more so than the others because I was the one that killed that old oaf’s guy. 
I find it hilarious that the motherfucker would care about Akuma like that. Like Akuma was meant to be a means to an end. So why care about him? Unless my little theory about their relationship is true. 
Now, I never met Akuma prior to our sexual relationship. But I also cannot help but suspect that father dearest might have been a closeted bisexual and only married mum because he needed heirs to his now tainted throne.
Germa has a very bloody history that spawns 300 years of bloodshed, slavery and racism which was why I stopped referring to myself as a Vinsmoke even though the world refers to me as such. 
I guess Marimo is on watch duty today because he is nowhere to be seen in this room. I try to get up but thanks to the sharp pain, I decide to lay back down. All this time I have been trying to run away from my past, to discard parts of me that I thought never made sense because the world I found myself in never supported or accepted certain aspects of my personality.
Like me showing kindness to others for instance. Or my love for cooking. Or even me being attracted to guys. My deep internal turmoil is so great that I literally cry myself to sleep almost everyday because who would understand my pain?
“You okay Sanji?”
I look up to see my beloved captain Luffy sitting next to him, a caring smile on his face. I still cannot believe that this guy right here still cares for me and was willing to protect me back there. Him and the entire crew. I cannot believe that some people actually love me and are willing to help me regardless of my flaws.
“I…” I could not put m feelings into words because how could I? I just started sobbing. For the first time in a while, I felt like the little boy that was trapped in that dungeon. The kid Judge disowned and pronounced dead to the world because I was not good enough for him.
Luffy just pulls me into a gentle hug and does not say a word. It is almost as though he understands my pain. It was then that I feel another soul outside feeling worried about me. Marimo. Marimo and I have always had this strange emotional link with each other. Whenever one was endangered or was feeling blue, the other would know and would try and send as much caring energy to the other.
Marimo listened to my heart and understood my fears and worries and was trying to reassure me in his own way. Luffy probably felt it from wherever he was and came down here just to check on me.
“It’s okay Sanji. You are gonna be fine. You’ve got us.” says Luffy. I just nod and sob and pout. I do not have enough strength to face the old man now. But I will need to gather strength as soon as possible. 
“That reminds me. Nami got in contact with Law. He said that we should go to the next neighbouring island and stop there. I believe there is something that could help you there. Who knows?”
I hope so because I need a lot of power to take down that old bastard and destroy him for good. I am sick of being hunted down by that bastard. I want him wiped off the face of this Earth. After spending Lord knows how many hours in tears, I eventually sleep off in Luffy’s arms.
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lemons3ason · 4 years ago
How the Germa 66 Boys React to You Wanting To Leave the Kingdom
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Ichiji Vinsmoke
Saying his heart sank when he saw the flames and smoke coming out of the main Germa Ship where you and Asami were held was an understatement, this man was hysterical. He had just returned from a mission and just wanted to hold you and Asami in his arms but he wasn’t expecting to see the castle on fire, with his raid suit still activated he quickly flew towards the castle flying into the heart of the fire to save you if need be but it was his (Y/n) who started the fire. You were fighting Judge, holding onto your infant daughter for dear life with a look of terror in your eyes.
“(Y/n)!”, Ichiji screamed snapping you out of your power driven trance.
Your Phoenix fire quickly died out as he rushed to your side holding you tightly in his arms. Asami smiled and babbled up at her father who quickly smiled and pressed a soft pet to her head before turning his attention back to you.
“(Y/n), my love, what happened? What’s wrong?”, he asked calmly brushing your hair out of your face so you could look at him.
“I-I...he...he was going to experiment on Asami. I-I couldn’t let that happen I just...I just couldn’t! I’m sorry, s-so sorry.”, you stuttered out clinging to his shirt for dear life.
Ichiji softly hushed you and held you close before glaring up at his father who now loomed over him, “How dare you attempt to hurt my daughter.”
“The runt isn’t going to be of any use if she’s normal.”, Judge spat.
Ichiji scoffed at his father and picked you up in his arms carrying you away from the scorched laboratory. He tried to calm your nerves but his words barely reached you, he sat you on the bed once you had all reached the bedroom and called your name. You gasped quietly and took in his worried expression, you nervously pressed a kiss to his lips to try and hide your fear but he knew that something was bothering you.
“(Y/n) talk to me. I know there’s something else on your mind, what is it?”, he asked pressing his forehead against your shoulder.
A sigh of defeat pushed past your lips, you put Asami down and pulled out a letter from under your pillow and showed it to him. The symbol of your family crest detailed over the envelope, “My parents want me to go back home for my coronation and take over the kingdom.”, you explained quietly. Ichiji didn’t see anything wrong with that, at least until he pieced one and one together.
“But that means leaving Germa forever.”, he finished your thought and you simply nodded.
You were so afraid of what he’d say, what if he told you no? You didn’t want to separate from him over this, you didn’t want him to leave you or Asami!
“Then I’ll go with you.”, he admitted much to your shock.
You tried to stutter out a rebuttal for his decision but he quickly shut you up with a kiss, “You aren’t happy here. I don’t feel safe leaving you here anymore knowing that my father wants to take away Asami’s humanity, it’s okay. Let’s leave, I’m tired of this shit anyways, I just want to live out my life with you and Asami. We’re safer with your kingdom so let’s just leave Germa behind.”
“Are you sure? Ichiji you’re the first born son of Germa, you’re supposed to take over the kingdom.”, you sighed feeling like you were going to start a war between the two families.
“My first priority will always be my wife and my daughter, if you’re not happy here then let’s leave Germa.”, Ichiji smiled at your softly kissing your lips to reassure of your decision. You smiled and kissed him back as you both planned the preparations to leave the kingdom. Within four days you had arrived at your kingdom with family and your coronation would be held just days later. Reiju was the one to inform Judge of Ichiji’s decision and she couldn’t be happier.
“Father from this day forward I will the heir to the throne and when I become Queen of Germa I will tear down everything you worked so hard to build and make this a kingdom my mother would’ve been proud of. Ichiji is never coming back and I’d advise you to leave him alone unless you actually want to lose to (Y/n).”, the pink haired woman grinned as she returned to her quarters.
You were happier now, especially Ichiji, he no longer had to play the monster. Now he could just be happy ruling your kingdom by your side.
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Niji Vinsmoke
Niji had married you, much to his father’s irritation, you were now a Vinsmoke by marriage. You were happy of course now you were bonded to him for life but while you were treated more like royalty amongst the guards Judge’s cruelty was now moved onto Cosette. You hated it, she was your only friend on this ship but still they treated her like trash so you decided to do something about it. One night in her chambers you went to speak with her and asked her to run away with you, you weren’t running from Niji you just wanted to get her away from Germa so she could live a happier life. She sobbed in your arms agreeing almost instantly, at night you’d run away on one of the life boats that Germa had hidden under the main ship. Cosette tried to be as quiet as she could as you both snuck past the heavily guarded halls of the ship. You were able to get her there safely but just as you were about to release the ship you felt a familiar tingle run up your spine.
“(Y/n) what the hell are you doing?”
You finished unhooking the ship and let it go allowing Cosette to escape into the water as you turned towards your angry husband. You sighed unsure of what to say since this whole situation made you look guilty.
“What the hell were you doing?”, Niji asked again.
“I was going to let Cosette run away to my family island. She’s not happy here, neither am I but unlike me Cosette doesn’t have anybody to live for. I’m tired of seeing her constantly abused or degraded because that’s how it was for me before you and I fell in love with each other. I wasn’t running away from you I-I just don’t want to be part of Germa anymore.”, you admitted hanging your head in shame.
“Oh really?”, he growled.
You expected to get scolded, you really did, but when you felt Niji wrap his arms around you and leaning forward towards the water you realized that your husband felt the same as you.
“If you wanted to leave then you should’ve just said something you idiot. I don’t want to be anywhere you aren’t.”, Niji admitted in your ear making your heart skip a beat.
He transformed into his raid suit mid fall and landed back on the small ship where Cosette was waiting. She quietly cheered hugging you tight, Niji began to steer the small ship and readjust the sails so the winds would guide you all home faster.
“N-Niji-sama, w-why are you helping us?”, Cosette dared to ask.
Niji didn’t bother turning towards you two but you could tell he was sincere with his words, “I gave up on Germa when they took (Y/n) away from me. If she’s unhappy there then I’ll gladly run away with her, and...and nobody’s food would be as good as yours if you were to leave so I guess I don’t really have a choice but to get you two dorks there safely.”, he mumbled the last part since he started getting shy but you heard what he said.
You stood up and walked to his side pressing a huge kiss against his cheek until your lip gloss stained his cheek. He tried to complain but you noticed his face turning red, “I really am lucky to have such a wonderful loving husband.”, you giggled turning his head towards you to kiss his lips.
Life would be better now, your grandfather would be waiting for your arrival and you don’t think he’d mind a few extra guests. At least one of them would be a great addition to his restaurant back home.
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Yonji Vinsmoke
Terror, was that the word that would describe your mood right now? No, petrified maybe? Regardless of what word described how you felt you knew this one stupid test in your hands would change your whole life. Yonji had noticed you had suddenly gotten morning sickness, and although he was a childish idiot he knew what he had done with you one more then one occasion so he suggested that you’d take the pregnancy test but now...now that the result was positive you were shaking.
“(Y/n), honeybun, are you okay in there?”, he called from the other side of the door turning the knob to see if he could get in.
You quickly unlocked the door and let him in collapsing against his chest due to the stress of the situation, what would you do? Judge would take your baby and make it a monster soldier just like Yonji and the others you couldn’t let that happen.
“(Y/n) what’s wrong?”
“Y-Yonji...please...please don’t let Judge take my baby. Please. I-I don’t want them to take m-my baby please.”, you broke down clinging to his ruffled shirt desperately as your fear coursed through your blood.
Yonji realized that his speculation was correct, you were pregnant with his baby. Although you were worried he knew what he had to do, “Baby, hush, listen to me. Pack all of your things, we’re gonna run away from this place.”
You stopped panicking and tuned in to what Yonji was saying, runaway from Germa?
“We’re gonna run away. I have more then enough funds to have us live off of for the next 200 years, let’s start a family and a whole new life away from Germa.”, Yonji smiled the more he explained his idea.
He wiped away your tears and kissed your lips sweetly, “I’m so happy right now, I couldn’t think of a better reason to leave this stupid place. You’re gonna have our baby, I hope they come out with your beautiful eyes and your cute smile.”, he chuckled. You smiled at him and nodded, you were unsure of how far along you were but if Yonji was willing to throw away everything he was for you then who were you to turn down such a delicious offer. As you packed a certain pink haired sibling entered the room to see you both clearing out both of your belongings she became curious immediately but the simple fact that she would be an aunt soon was enough to keep her quiet and join in the plan. Yonji contacted a landowner in the East Blue for his own property, this way he could stay as far away from Germa and stay with you peacefully. Everything was set at nightfall you’d leave this terrifying family behind to start your own.
“They’re running late I hope they’re okay.”, you sighed unconsciously rubbing your stomach.
You heard your name and quickly turned to your green haired lover who scooped you up and kissed you passionately.
“Get on the ship love. It’s time to leave this shit hole forever.”, he chuckled grinning like a fool. It was time. Reiju was running away with you and both siblings had left a little surprise for their father. Once the sun rose over the Germa Fleet Judge awoke to see two cans sitting on his desk, a red ‘X’ drawn over the numbers of the child that once owned them. He growled under his breath and crushed both cans in his hands completely destroying the suits, if that’s how it would be then fine he didn’t need weak fools in his army.
These two fools were now happy, in just a few months they would get to greet their first addition to the family and they couldn’t wait. You were happy throughout your whole pregnancy because not only were you free from Germa’s experimentation but you’d soon get to birth a normal healthy baby.
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