#Regulus La Caille
bekkomi · 4 years
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A sketch dump of mostly concept and random stuff that I will provide no context for
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bekkomi · 7 years
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I’m gonna finish typing the tutorial and other commission stuff after my exam 8′D
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bekkomi · 7 years
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A bit busy with school but I did some face studies of my main characters for my comic with the help of @poteitoe!
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bekkomi · 7 years
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Day 20: Regulus La Caille
For some context on my ocs: [x]
Satellars are known to all have a fear of mortality, as they cannot regain mana, leaving them dead if they use all of it. This fear lead to Regulus taking up a sword powered by an external source of magic.
Regulus always have admire combat and love watching tournaments. His parents wishes that he didn’t have such interest and put all of his attention to the family business.
Regulus is also extremely fascinated by Novan technology and their culture of not relying on magic. He ended up becoming great friends with Jett from it.
He is trying to take the entrance exam for one of the knight schools on Verum against his family’s wishes. 
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bekkomi · 6 years
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I just noticed I could’ve worded things better but I don’t want to go back and fix it V_V
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