#Refrigerated enclosure)
wearedmnd · 1 year
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Racks - Modern Wine Cellar Example of a minimalist wine cellar design with storage racks
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lord-overlips · 8 months
Overlord had been busy. He'd put in a rather expensive custom order, converting a part of his private room into a... habitat of sorts. He still didn't trust Meredith so he'd installed a sturdy plasteel wall, fitted with a door he could enter from. Since Meredith's last escapades he'd also putted fine weave mesh wire over all of the vents in this room. The enclosure lay to one side of the large berthroom Overlord called his own, tucked away neatly.
Inside was what appeared by all rights to be a large dollhouse, albeit fitted out with running water and electricity, heated, even featuring a tiny working bath and refrigerator stocked with human food.
Attached was a small garden and greenhouse, lit from above with large LED grow lights and stocked with soil, seeds and all manner of tools.
The garden however was already laid out and planted, full grown trees encircling a small pond. Nearby was a bench, soft blanket rather thoughtfully settled over it.
The house iteself featured a few key rooms that were self contained and closed off from prying optics. The living areas were left open however, kitchen and lounge room, outdoor area. That way Overlord could watch his little pet with ease.
Overlord was so proud to show off his pet's new home to her. He was utterly giddy with excitement.
"Merry-kins!" He called in a sing song tone, near skipping towards the pitiful little plasteel cube that had served as her prison when Overlord was away. He'd kept the new addition to the room behind a curtain visibly bouncing with excitement as he leaned down and carefully plucked her from the cube.
"I have a surprise for youuuuu." He flung the curtain back, revealing the new installation, opening the plasteel door and carefully setting Meredith down just in front of the front balcony.
Overlord beamed at her, so excited.
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fatehbaz · 11 months
Fencing became a primary mode of seizure of public land and resources for the benefit of individual ranching enterprises in the West. [...] Estimates are that 100,000 bovine animals roamed Texas by 1830. Three decades later, on the eve of the Civil War, that number had increased to an estimated 3.5–5 million. [...] In the boom years of the 1870s and 1880s, the cattle barons enjoyed “near hegemony” over western public lands by declaring a simple right of sovereignty. [...] Thus, part and parcel of the American colonial project was this type of land acquisition – the process of turning the public domain into private property [...]. [E]ntrepreneurs in the new cow towns such as Abilene, Kansas, sought out Texas livestock trails [...]. The most-well-known of the western cattle trails ran from Texas northward to the state of Kansas [...]. From 1867 until 1871, the 1,000-mile-long Chisholm Trail was the main livestock trail from Texas, a trail that ran from San Antonio [...] through Oklahoma and ended at Abilene. [...] They collectively drove 600,000–700,000 [cows] north from Texas during 1871 alone, all eventually bound for abattoirs in St. Louis and Chicago. [...] [Cattle barons] [...] rounded them up, claimed them, branded them, and enclosed them. [...]
Infrastructural and technological developments at towns such as Abilene [...] at the termini of the cattle trails also represent a singularly important carceral phenomenon of the nineteenth-century United States Innovations in transportation, specifically, the “cattle car” (and by 1869, the refrigerated car that hauled dead animal carcasses) [...].
It was primarily British companies that played a major role in developing the transcontinental railroad in the 1870s and 1880s – the foreign “cattle barons” – and who eventually also shipped refrigerated cow carcasses to Britain in ocean steamers. [...] The first twenty-car shipment of cows from Abilene to Chicago was in September of 1867. [...] This north-south cattle complex expanded in the 1870s, as the demand for beef, tallow, and hides greatly expanded amid postwar [conditions].
Concomitantly, one of the most significant instruments [...] was the revolutionary invention of wire fencing, which facilitated the enclosure of public pasture land for private use. [...] Netz argues for the critical importance [...] [of] the case of barbed wire [in] the violent enclosure and control of bovine animals during colonization of the American West. Joseph Glidden patented barbed wire in 1874 and opened a small manufacturing plant in DeKalb, Illinois, for its production, with large-scale production and sale eventually located to [...] Massachusetts. More than 350 barbed wire patents were issued between 1875 and 1890, although it was the Glidden patent that came to monopolize the market (and indeed, is the fence still in use today). [...]
One rather infamous early adopter in the Texas Panhandle [...] fenced in over 3 million acres of public range with illegal fences while others followed suit [...]. Also in the Texas Panhandle, [a] Scottish-backed [...] ranch pursued its own 3 million acre fencing project, operating on a grant from the state with an estimated 6,000 miles of fence. [...] Such [...] activities led to what has been called the “Fence Cutting Wars” in the early 1880s [...]. Estimates are that up to 7.3 million acres of public land was fraudulently expropriated by cattle companies in this way in the 1870s and 1880s.
All text above by: Karen M. Morin. "Bovine Lives and the Making of a Nineteenth Century American Carceral Archipelago". A chapter in Carceral Logics: Human Incarceration and Animal Captivity edited by Lori Gruen and Justin Marceau. Online publication date April 2022. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me. Presented here for commentary, teaching, criticism purposes.]
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msmargaretmurry · 1 year
mcstrome and bogosort (like the compsci algorithm lol)
ok i read the wiki article for this and also several memes about it and i'm still not sure i understand it, because i am a humanities girlie whose brain makes dial-up noises when anything too math-y or science-y is introduced into my enclosure. so i'm sorry if i misunderstood the concept but i am going on vibes alone here. this would be a multiverse fic. a fic about connor mcdavid experiencing the multiverse.
so, at the start of this story, maybe connor and dylan aren't totally estranged, but they're not close like they used to be either. they've drifted apart. they text for, like, birthdays and major life events. connor's not sure whose fault that is, and it makes him kind of sad to think about, but honestly, he doesn't think about it too much. they just have their own lives now. connor is very busy trying to drag edmonton kicking and screaming into something resembling a success story; dylan has finally found a team that appreciates him in washington; they are living their lives, separately.
the oilers come to dc for their annual visit. connor and dylan don't get dinner — they stopped doing that a long time ago. sometimes, they'll chat in the hallway after a game, but sometimes the most they do is bump each other on the ice in that way that means hello, i'm aware that you're here. this feels like it's going to be one of those nights, where it's just the bump, the acknowledgement. it's whatever. not important. the oilers need the win. they've been having a rough roadtrip. they go up two early, then cough up three in a row in the second, and in the third, connor takes a big hit while he's crashing the net and whacks his head hard on the crossbar of the goal. everything explodes, and then everything goes black.
and then he wakes up. not on the ice, not in the hospital, not anywhere he recognizes — he's not in his own life. maybe this first one is the universe where buffalo won the mcdavid sweepstakes in 2015, and he's in a condo overlooking lake erie. maybe there's a recent picture of him and dylan on the refrigerator, which is weird, because they haven't taken a photo together in years. i am physically restraining myself from figuring out all of the universe-hopping stuff, but long story short, this keeps happening. every time he falls asleep, he wakes up in a new universe. sometimes he's an oiler, sometimes he's not. he's almost always a hockey player, but sometimes he's not. once, pretty early on, he wakes up to a familiar voice while someone shakes him gently awake on a couch.
"come on, davo, you know sleeping out here always gives you a crick in your neck," dylan is saying. connor, half-asleep, lets himself be tugged to a bedroom, arranged into being a little spoon. as he's drifting off, he wonders if he was on the couch because they fought, wonders what they could have fought about, wants desperately to know what lives they're living here in this world, but he's too far gone, and he wakes up alone in another new universe feeling so dumbstruck with sadness that he rolls over and goes back to sleep without even figuring out where or what he is.
most of the worlds are just a few steps away from his own reality, but some of them are weird and wild. dystopian worlds, worlds with incredible technological advancements, a world where he can see ghosts, a world where he can read minds. a world where he has dylan inked on the inside of his wrist, and he thinks it's a tattoo until he sees that everyone has a name on their wrist like that. he looks everywhere, convinced that because the name is there, dylan must be nearby, but he can't find him anywhere.
he doesn't know if any of this is real, if it even matters what he does in all of these worlds, and he doesn't know if he'll ever get back to his original reality, or if one day he'll wake up in a world and just be stuck there, so he does his best in each one, trying not to fuck things up. sometimes he's married to a woman. he never knows how to act in those universes. sometimes, he wakes up with guys who are clearly one-night stands. a couple of times, he has a boyfriend who's a secret. once, he has a boyfriend who's not. he doesn't know how to act with them, either. he doesn't know them.
then he wakes up with dylan again. or, he wakes up with with lips on his neck and a hand sliding into his pajama pants, a good morning murmured in his ear. they never did this in real life. or — in that life, connor's first life, the one that's starting to feel frighteningly far away. but connor doesn't think about that in this moment, because they never did this in real life, even when he wanted it, when he was a teenager with the most painful crush in the world and there were a moments when he thought it might be possible. they have slow, lazy sex. dylan touches him like every inch of him is familiar. afterward, when they're laying together all sated and pleased, connor thinks to himself, don't fall asleep don't fall asleep don't fall asleep, but he must doze off for even half a second, because he opens his eyes in a hotel room in atlanta. he's in a universe where the thrashers still exist.
and on it goes. worlds upon worlds, universes upon universes. it gets lonely; it gets boring. connor wants to go home. he wants to wake up with dylan again. if he woke up with dylan again, he wouldn't mind one more universe, but he's just about had it with the rest of them. he misses his real teammates, misses his stupid text thread with his brother, wants to call his mom. he starts waking up and, if it's not his real life and dylan's not there, he just goes back to sleep. if he can't fall back asleep — fuck every well-rested version of himself, seriously — he bullshits his way through until he can figure out where to buy some melatonin or whatever.
maybe he's dying. or maybe he's dead, and this is hell. or purgatory. he doesn't think his family believes in purgatory, but that doesn't mean it's not real.
the barrier between worlds starts getting thinner. now, if he just closes his eyes for too long, he's gone. new universe. he starts to be able to — hear isn't quite the right word, but it's the best one he has for the sensation, so — hear the next universe coming, if he closes his eyes and concentrates. it makes it easy. a new kind of tedium. flipping through worlds with barely a glance, because all he wants is—
he wakes up with dylan again. or, precisely, he wakes up to a giant, fluffy golden retriever licking his face, and dylan in the background, calling out with laughter and resignation, "buddy, no, let him sleep!"
too late, connor thinks. "too late," he says out loud. it's been dozens of universes since he spoke out loud.
"i swear he can sense the moment you start even thinking of waking up," dylan says. "come on, if you're up anyway, i'm making breakfast."
connor is wearing a ring on his left ring finger. his stomach growls. he goes to the kitchen, and dylan serves him eggs on a plate held be a hand with a matching ring on the left ring finger.
"please tell me you made coffee," he says, and of course dylan did. connor downs as much of it as he can stomach. he is not falling asleep today.
they're still hockey players. they're in — raleigh, connor figures out through context clues. it's their day off. they're supposed to go grocery shopping. they do go grocery shopping. they hold hands while grocery shopping. it feels like a dream. it's perfect. after they put the groceries again, dylan looks at him askance and asks, "is there something on my face? you keep staring at me today."
"uh," connor says. "i don't know, maybe i'm in love with you or something."
dylan rolls his eyes, but also beams, and crowds connor against the kitchen counter to kiss him. they kiss for a long time before they move to the bedroom. having sex again, connor wonders if it's real that dylan's body feels familiar. he's so careful to not close his eyes for more than a blink. he wouldn't be able to handle it if this got ripped away from him, too. there's still a lot of day left when they're done, and it's lazy and lovely and perfect. when they go to bed that night, connor lays awake for as long as he can, watching dylan sleep. at around three in the morning, he wakes dylan up just so he can kiss him a little bit more. dylan complains about the waking up, but not the kissing, and falls back asleep quickly once connor lets him. connor makes it to sunrise before he can't keep his eyes open anymore. he tries, he tries so hard, but he hears the next universe whooshing in, cold, a bloom of pain in his head—
he's on his back on the ice at capital one arena. everything is too bright, and he makes out the feeling of the hand squeezing his before he can actually see anything. "hey, connor, don't move, we're bringing out a board," someone is saying. connor shuts his eyes, hard. he doesn't go anywhere. another squeeze, too tight.
"davo," dylan says.
connor blinks him into focus. their eyes meet, and dylan exhales something like a relieved laugh.
"hey," he says, his hand warm around connor's. "there you are."
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Question do you gut everything for the birds at your facility?
I recently started interning at a place where they gut pretty much everything for their birds. Rats, pheasants, rabbits, fish, etc. It really threw me because the previous place I worked (an AZA zoo) didn’t do this. And it’s not just for rehab, education, and working birds, it’s also for birds which are in zoo-like enclosures.
I was told it had to do with bacteria build-up in the gut. But since all of the foods are from breeders and labs, and they’re in the freezer/refrigerator until they’re taken out to feed, I feel like that shouldn’t be an issue? Aren’t they missing out on fiber and other things wild birds would be eating?
Honestly usually facilities that do this have either had a bad experience and opt to just never risk it again, or just because most raptors don’t even eat the guts if given a choice.
Worth noting that deep freezing often kills most flora in the intestines, leaving very little nutritional benefit to them. That’s also why you see vitahawk and probiotic supplements pretty often in some facilities.
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scotianostra · 1 year
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15th April 1710 saw the birth of William Cullen, physician, chemist and metallurgist in Hamilton.
William Cullen was renowned in Glasgow and Edinburgh as a physician and professor of medicine. His beliefs that life was a function of nervous energy and that muscle was an extension of nerve were fundamental to his teachings.  
He was a distinguished man who has been described as the ‘Father of the Scottish Enlightenment’, now that’s a big “title” to be given. 
For a time he had a  practice in Hamilton that grew rapidly among the local people and  had the care of the Duke of Hamilton and his family and the estate workers. We can today get a glimpse of the nature of his practice, as there is in the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh library a ledger in which he recorded the drugs used for his various patients. The Duke spent more money on drugs for his horses and dogs than for his wife and children! 
He was appointed to the Chair of Medicine at the University of Glasgow in 1751 and  gave lectures for the University, on physiology, botany, medicine, and chemistry he was also joint Professor of Chemistry in the University of Edinburgh in 1756. With an unrivalled reputation as a lecturer, Cullen also gave classes in clinical medicine at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh.
Perhaps often overlooked it was Cullen who first recorded instance of artificial refrigeration  in the mid-18th century. He demonstrated his discovery at Glasgow University in 1748, although no proposal was made to commercialise the technique at the time. Cullen achieved the effect of refrigeration by boiling ethyl ether in a partial vacuum.
Cullen’s influence extended far beyond Edinburgh. His students were instrumental in the establishment of institutions such as the medical school in Philadelphia as well as holding various medical posts across the British Empire. Cullen was among the literati of the Edinburgh Enlightenment.
One source says his role in 18th century medicine was “monumental and intellectually, he was a giant among giants.”
William Cullen died on 5th February 1790 aged 79  and is buried  in Kirknewton cemetery the inscription above the entrance to the enclosure notes that it was erected in 1864 as a memorial to William by the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, it goes on to end with (he was)  “ an eminent judge, elegant scholar, and accomplished gentleman.”
Want to know more? Check the web page here https://www.jameslindlibrary.org/articles/william-cullen-1710-1790/
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lexiloulou24u · 1 year
hello. so early this month I got an hamster and I did the stupid thing and put her cage next to refrigerator and she hasn't moved at all in the next couple of days! I think maybe she blinked and showed signs of breathing a bit yesterday. also before this she seemed really weak (I thought maybe she was sick), ate a lot and hid herself under sawdust in one specific corner. right now she has been lying in one place for days and I'm not sure if she's hibernating or dead.
I'm not sure if you can help, but I appreciate you reading this a lot!! <3
Hi! I have actually never owned a hamster so i out sourced this question to my partner who has owned hamsters, rabbits, mice, rats, a bird and more! They and I both recommend getting her into see a vet. They said that hamsters usually only hibernate when their health is compromised and they are in rough shape. However, sometimes hamsters can just be sleepy lazy lil dudes and wont be super active. These animals are crepuscular, meaning they are active dusk and dawn when in the wild. and my partner currently has a hamster who likes to get up at 4 in the morning, eat, drink, run on the wheel for 2 hours and go back to sleep, so we don't really see him at all.
I don't think the refrigerator would really bother her health wise unless you live in a hot area and the refrigerator's heat from running is raising the temperature in the enclosure.
Thanks for reaching out, main advice is take her to see a vet that sees small animals. It took me a while to find a vet that would see my girls, and i found that asking your local small animal breeders where they take their pets is a great place to start.
I hope it's nothing serious and she feels better soon!
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mandajiu · 2 years
Send a photo to show you know nothing about 30 without saying it:
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I'm going to be a lil acidic today because I just saw someone on 抖音 try to imply that a certain someone's rice ball post with GOJI BERRIES and jujubes was love candy. The actress is telling 30 that she is eating well...
by cooking with something that pretty much terrifies him?
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30 has a fear of small round things like goji berries and in Hello Refrigerator in 2022 I even saw him get uncomfortable around ZYL's candied mayhaws.
This reminds me of a livestream when 88 talks about drinking boba milk tea WITHOUT tapioca balls. Either they both share the quirky fear of small, round things - which seems odd in a person who promotes pearls, loves cherries, and is famous for her love of little ball-shaped objects - or someone is very considerate of their friend. Either way....awwwh... that seems to be a real soft non-round candy for an Egg to chew on.
Speaking of fears; I feel like 30 is getting a bit better in that department if we look at the Spring Festival Gala jacket he wore complete with pearls. Hmm....I acknowledge this is hard candy, yes, but it's rather odd for a men's jacket to have that many pearls.
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Keep using those scissorhands 30. We think we know what you mean!
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A reminder that the blue bottle 88 promotes and her favorite pineapple buns appeared in a casual video by 30 last year, so it's not altogether strange to think the pearls could be deliberate.
I dislike being petty, but posts that show no awareness of one of the people in the CP really irk me because if you really are a CPFan you support both equally, you help hype their CP's if possible (unless you have to object on moral grounds as many Eggs did for xhcl and I get it), and you don't drive one through the muck while uplifting another without prefacing every post with a disclaimer: This is an imaginary couple of a CPFan; nothing is true unless a formal announcement is made. Keep the enclosure and chew responsibly. We have no clue; our couple might have signed a long-term business contract. Who knows. But we love their apparent friendship if nothing else. They always talk so respectfully about each other without any prompting.
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i-scavenger · 1 year
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Two refrigerators found in a dumpster enclosure.
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mearvindkumar-blog · 8 days
What types of applications are Mankoo Press machines suitable for?
Mankoo Presses manufactures a variety of power press machines suitable for numerous applications across different industries. Here are the primary applications for which Mankoo Press machines are utilized:
1.  Metal Forming
Power presses are extensively used for metal forming processes, including bending, curling, and deep drawing. These applications are crucial in producing components for industries such as automotive, aerospace, and general manufacturing. The deep drawing process, in particular, is essential for creating parts with complex geometries.
2. Stamping and Punching
Mankoo Press machines excel in stamping and punching operations. These processes involve cutting or shaping materials by applying pressure through a die. Applications include creating holes in metal sheets, forming intricate designs, and producing parts for various machinery and equipment.
3. Coining
Coining is another significant application of power presses, where metal is shaped and formed under high pressure. This method is often used for producing coins, medallions, and other decorative items, as well as precision parts in various industries.
4. Embossing
Embossing involves creating raised designs or patterns on a surface. Mankoo Press machines are utilized in this application to produce decorative metal products, as well as functional components that require specific textures or patterns.
5. Trimming
Trimming is the process of cutting excess material from a part to achieve the desired shape and size. Mankoo Press machines are commonly used for trimming operations in industries such as packaging, automotive, and appliance manufacturing.
6. Assembly
Power presses are also employed in assembly operations, where they join two or more components together. This can be achieved through methods such as press fitting, which ensures a tight fit between parts, enhancing the structural integrity of the final product.
7. Tool Making
In the tool and die industry, Mankoo Press machines are integral for producing molds, dies, and other tools used in manufacturing processes. Their precision and ability to handle high-strength materials make them ideal for creating durable and accurate tools.
8. Packaging
The packaging industry benefits from Mankoo Press machines for producing metal containers, caps, and other packaging components. The efficiency and consistency of these machines help meet the high demand for packaging solutions across various sectors.
9. Electrical and Electronics Manufacturing
Power presses are utilized in the production of electrical components, such as enclosures, connectors, and circuit board frames. Their ability to produce intricate and precise parts is essential for ensuring the functionality and reliability of electronic devices.
10. Furniture and Home Appliances
In the furniture and home appliance industries, Mankoo Press machines are used to manufacture metal parts for items like chairs, tables, washing machines, and refrigerators. The machines help create components with specific shapes and sizes, contributing to both the aesthetic and functional design of these products.
Mankoo Press machines are versatile and widely applicable across various industries. Their ability to perform multiple operations, such as forming, stamping, coining, and assembly, makes them an essential tool in modern manufacturing. 
With a focus on quality and innovation, Mankoo Presses continues to meet the evolving needs of industries worldwide. Looking for the trustworthy and top rated Indian power press machine suppliers, who can supply power press machine in Russia and Europian Power Press Machine Supplier, get in touch with Mankoopresses 
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bashaaustralia · 21 days
How Can Installing Hilux Bash Plates Make a Safe Off-road Drive?
When it comes to car, driver, and passenger safety during off-road driving, installing Hilux bash plates and composite battery trays is one of the most important safeguards. Expert manufacturers can develop different-shaped battery closers and bash plates to provide additional car safety features.
At the same time, many people ask for installing an auxiliary battery tray to maintain battery safety and avoid unknown accidents while driving in terrain. In addition, installing safety freeze trays is a convenient option for drivers to easily pull out the refrigerator and slide it along sliding tracks to make the contents more accessible.
Expert manufacturers utilise exclusive designs for bash plates, battery trays, and refrigerator slides that eliminate movement and maintain safety while driving.
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Advantages of Extensional Safety Accessories in Vehicles:
Using under-body protection plates to ensure driver and vehicle safety is a smart idea. It protects the chassis of used cars and ensures performance consistency.
It also extends the life and durability of autos while protecting the chassis. Well-known manufacturers use durable materials such as stainless steel, aluminium alloy, and other lightweight and flexible materials to make composite skid plates and protection plates.
Battery enclosures keep cars from rumbling, reduce noise and vibration, and provide passengers with a luxurious experience when driving. The safety enclosures prevent heat transfer and keep the battery's operating temperature stable.
Chassis protection is required for all vehicles to avoid dents and corrosion on the underbody plates. External protection plates and trays protect automobiles from the elements, prevent damage to exposed under plates, and provide owners and drivers with a robust defence against the elements of nature.
Meanwhile, car owners should find a recognised manufacturer to install safety trays and bash plats in addition to some other automotive parts including rock sliders, stump guards, engines, gearboxes, suspension, differentials, and fuel tank protective plates.
Find a renowned manufacturer through detailed market research on their product quality, services, transparency in communication, pricing, and customer support.
It is a must to check whether they are certified by authorities and read reviews from prior customers to know more about the quality of products and services they provide.
Finally, contact a reliable manufacturer to keep your automobile secure, by installing their protective gear at a reasonable cost.
Source: https://hiluxbashplates.blogspot.com/2024/09/how-can-installing-hilux-bash-plates.html
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homeappliances36 · 1 month
Whirlpool W11172791 Refrigerator Housing HnKParts
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Manufacturer Name: WHIRLPOOL Product Number: W11172791 OEM Part Number: W11172791 Product Description: Housing
The Whirlpool W11172791 Refrigerator Housing is a critical component that firmly holds numerous refrigerator components in place. This housing serves as a durable enclosure for components such as water filters, temperature sensors, and electronic controls, assuring their precise placement within the refrigerator unit.
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hnkparts034 · 1 month
Whirlpool W10862460 Refrigerator Water Filter Housing HnKParts
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Manufacturer Name: WHIRLPOOL Product Number: W10862460 OEM Part Number: W10862460 Product Description: Housing-Water Filter
The Whirlpool W10862460 is an indispensable part for your Whirlpool refrigerator's water filtration system. This enclosure serves as a secure storage device for the changeable water filter cartridge.Consider it a customized chamber that retains the filter in place. The housing is connected to the water line from your home's water source, as well as to the filtered water line that leads to your ice and drinking water dispenser. Water flows through the housing, passing through the filter cartridge located inside.
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noble-group · 2 months
Ready to move Flats at Noble Willasa, Sector 99, Wave Estate, Mohali 
Welcome to Noble Willasa, the epitome of luxury living nestled in the heart of Wave Estate, Sector 99, Mohali. This first-of-its-kind residential development features Stilt + 4 luxury independent floors, redefining opulence with its exquisite Italian furnishings and state-of-the-art construction technology. Embracing innovation, Noble Willasa is proud to introduce the first-time use of Mivan Construction for its 3 BHK towers, setting a new standard in modern living.
Unmatched Italian Elegance
Noble Willasa brings you the finest Italian elegance right to your home. Each floor is adorned with luxurious Italian marble, creating a sophisticated and timeless ambiance. The fully air-conditioned apartments offer unparalleled comfort, while the fully modular kitchens are designed to cater to your culinary aspirations. From designer Italian furnishings to high-grade aluminum windows with toughened glass, every detail at Noble Willasa speaks of refined luxury.
Prime Location Advantages
Living at Noble Willasa means enjoying the best of both worlds – a serene residential environment and easy access to key destinations in Mohali and Chandigarh. Here are some of the location advantages:
Chandigarh/Mohali International Airport: 13.2 KM
ISBT Mohali: 10.8 KM
IVY Hospital: 7.4 KM
Bestech Mall: 6.4 KM
Fortis Hospital: 6.5 KM
PCA Stadium, Phase-9: 5.8 KM
India School Of Business: 5.7 KM
Elante Mall: 13.3 KM
Exceptional Project Features
Noble Willasa is designed with an array of exceptional features that ensure a luxurious and convenient lifestyle for its residents. Here’s what you can expect:
Elegant Flooring: Italian marble flooring graces the kitchen, drawing, dining, and living areas, while the master bedroom features premium wooden flooring.
Modern Amenities: The apartments come with 8 passenger lifts, 2 car parking spaces with E.V/Non-E.V charging points, and provision for future expansion.
Fully Equipped Kitchens: Each kitchen is fully modular and equipped with branded R.O, chimney, geyser, HOB, microwave, OTG, and refrigerator. The false ceiling with ambient lighting and anti-skid tiles add to the modern appeal.
Luxurious Washrooms: Washrooms are fully equipped with branded CP and sanitary fittings, looking mirrors, one geyser each, glass shower enclosures, showers, false ceilings with ambient lighting, mosaic tiles, and exhaust fans.
High-Grade Windows: Enjoy panoramic views through high-grade aluminum windows with toughened glass and mesh doors.
Smart Home Package: Experience the future of living with home automation, making your life more convenient and secure.
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World-Class Amenities
Noble Willasa offers a host of amenities designed to elevate your lifestyle. Whether you seek relaxation, fitness, or entertainment, there’s something for everyone:
Wave Estate Club: A hub of leisure and recreation.
VIP Waiting Lounge: For an exclusive and comfortable waiting experience.
Cafeteria: Enjoy a variety of refreshments.
Gym: Stay fit and healthy with state-of-the-art equipment.
Card Room: A perfect place for socializing and enjoying card games.
Mini Theatre: Experience movies in a private and intimate setting.
Banquet Hall: Ideal for hosting events and gatherings.
Library: A quiet space for reading and study.
Swimming Pool: Take a refreshing dip or lounge by the poolside.
Restaurant & Private Dining Space: Enjoy exquisite dining experiences.
Outdoor Games: Engage in sports with facilities like the basketball and badminton courts.
Contact for Booking
Ready to experience luxury living at its finest? For booking and more information, contact us at 95054 96000. Our dedicated team is here to assist you every step of the way.
Noble Willasa in Sector 99, Wave Estate, Mohali, is more than just a residential project; it’s a lifestyle choice. With its innovative design, luxurious features, prime location, and world-class amenities, Noble Willasa offers an unparalleled living experience. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to make this prestigious address your home. Visit https://nobleventuresmohali.in/ today to learn more and embark on your journey to a life of luxury and comfort at Noble Willasa.
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The enrichment in my enclosure includes, but is not limited to, one hour in the refrigerator and twenty minutes in the freezer.
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epackpeb · 4 months
Exploring Warehouse Construction: Building Your Storage Space
Warehouse construction is a crucial aspect of logistics and supply chain management. It involves the design, planning, and building of structures specifically tailored to store and manage goods and materials. Whether it's for short-term storage or long-term warehousing needs, constructing a warehouse requires careful consideration of various factors to ensure efficiency, safety, and cost-effectiveness.
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Understanding Warehouse Construction
A warehouse serves as a hub for businesses to store their inventory before distribution to customers. The construction of a warehouse is a complex process that begins with meticulous planning. It involves determining the size, layout, and features required to meet the specific needs of the business.
Components of Warehouse Construction
A typical warehouse consists of various components designed to facilitate the storage and retrieval of goods:
Structural Framework: The structural framework forms the skeleton of the warehouse and provides support for the entire structure. It includes columns, beams, and other load-bearing elements that ensure the stability and strength of the building.
Roofing System: The roofing system plays a crucial role in protecting the warehouse and its contents from weather elements. Different roofing materials, such as metal, concrete, or composite panels, can be used based on factors like climate, budget, and durability requirements.
Walls and Enclosures: Walls and enclosures define the perimeter of the warehouse and provide security and insulation. They can be constructed using various materials, including concrete, steel, or prefabricated panels, depending on factors like structural requirements and aesthetic preferences.
Flooring: Warehouse flooring should be durable enough to withstand heavy loads and constant traffic from forklifts and other equipment. Concrete is a common choice for warehouse flooring due to its strength, durability, and ease of maintenance.
Storage Systems: The storage system is a critical component of warehouse construction, as it directly impacts the efficiency of inventory management. It includes shelving, racks, mezzanines, and other storage solutions designed to optimize space utilization and facilitate easy access to goods.
Different Types of Warehouse Construction
Warehouse construction can vary based on the specific needs and requirements of the business. Some common types of warehouse construction include:
Distribution Centers: Distribution centers are large-scale warehouses designed to receive, store, and distribute goods to various locations. They often feature high ceilings, wide aisles, and advanced material handling systems to accommodate the movement of large volumes of goods.
Cold Storage Warehouses: Cold storage warehouses are designed to store perishable goods, such as food and pharmaceuticals, at controlled temperatures. These warehouses feature specialized insulation, refrigeration, and temperature monitoring systems to maintain the required cold chain conditions.
Industrial Warehouses: Industrial warehouses are tailored to the specific needs of manufacturing and industrial businesses. They are designed to accommodate heavy machinery, raw materials, and finished products, with features such as high ceilings, wide doors, and reinforced flooring.
Retail Warehouses: Retail warehouses are typically located near urban centers and are designed to store goods for retail distribution. They often feature a combination of storage space and showroom areas to showcase products to customers.
Choosing the Right Warehouse Construction Company
When it comes to warehouse construction, selecting the right construction company is paramount. Warehouse Construction Company EPACK Prefab emerges as a top manufacturer and supplier in the field of warehouse construction. Their expertise and experience in designing and constructing prefabricated warehouses make them a reliable choice for businesses looking to build efficient and cost-effective storage facilities.
Warehouse construction is a multifaceted process that requires careful planning and execution to meet the diverse needs of businesses. Whether it's for storing raw materials, finished products, or perishable goods, a well-designed warehouse plays a critical role in optimizing supply chain operations and ensuring customer satisfaction. With the right construction company, such as EPACK Prefab, businesses can streamline their warehouse construction process and create a storage space that meets their specific requirements. Also Read: WHY PEB WAREHOUSE IS BETTER THAN CIVIL WAREHOUSE
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