#Refill Gel Kit
baeddel · 1 month
my 1st year of hrt
i don't post here much now, but as i have shared so much of my journey with you, for so much of which i wasn't able to transition at all, i wanted to make a post about my first year on hormones.
this post will be nsfw because of frank discussion about genitals, sexual functions and sexuality. it's also long, sorry.
i have the entire time merely done what the diy wiki told me. between the time that i first looked into it, with the sort of long and helpful advices i received from friends, up to now, the whole thing has become much more well-understood and by that measure much easier to transmit and there are more plentiful resources. so it is really easy to diy. it's also much easier to get hormones and blockers and many more kinds are available.
i started off on 50mg bica and 6mg oral estradiol. i knew i wanted to use bica becuase it's supposed to keep your horny. a major hesitation for me was losing my libido, since being an extremely high libido person has been such a core part of my identity for pretty much my entire life. it turns out i had no reason to be afriad for reasons i'll explain later, but in the end i'm not sure how much of a role the bica played in that.
the chepaest place was actually from Lillian at the time we bought it. this regimen worked out to an amount per year that i don't really have and my first year was paid for entirely by my incredible and wonderful and amazing girlfriend @shimakaze-revivalism which i am so thankful for. it worked out the best to go for oral at that time but i had no preference for it over injections; gel seemed annoying to me.
to be honest i don't really recommend all that because it's basically ten times as expensive as monotherapy with injections. good golly! i didn't realize injections were so cheap until another girlfriend pointed it out to me around the time that i was due to refill. plus, not only am i used to injecting because of diabetes, but i like needles. since starting i have fallen in love with this method; i look forward to injection day and delight and savour in the entire process. i inject intramuscularly in my thighs with a 1" needle. the needle presses my skin into a deep valley before finally piercing through at which point my thigh snaps level and swallows the needle. i salivate a little bit when i do it. it hurts for a few days wherever the needle went, sweetly. if i'm too rough it bruises. my girlfriend is frightened of neeldes and i make her watch. i take 0.1ml at 10ml/400mg which according to Transfem Science (click) is equivalent to 8mg per day of estradiol orally, a little more than i took before. i stopped taking bica so i am on estradiol monotherapy.
because Lillian had issues right around the time of my order it was delayed by a bit and i went without hormones for a little while. this was utterly miserable and felt physically awful. i'll talk about it a bit more later. then my wonderful girlfriend lent me hers after we worked some things out so that she wouldn't also be left short. so for about a week or two i was taking 4mg estradiol and some amount of finasteride; this regimen felt bad and i struggled to stay hard or cum until i changed to something else. the phenomenally sweet and kind @hypnosister was bringing some estradiol gel for me to tide me over the rest of the way (—the second time she has given me hormones to cover for my errors), but my estradiol miraculously arrived the exact same day she did, so i never used any gel.
as you can tell, the principle ingredient in my hrt regimen has been the milk of human kindness. i owe an unpayable debt of gratitude. hopefully i can be more competent and independent in the future.
my plan was to get tested every 4~ months and monitor my blood.
there is a private blood test service you can get here in NI. they send out a little kit and you make a sample and send it back. supposedly. so far i have not known anyone to succeed. strangely, they don't allow refunds until you've tried it three times. for me i quickly realized my problem was that i have to use a lancet to draw blood several times a day to monitor my blood sugars, which means my fingers are scarred and calloused around there already and i'd never be able to draw enough blood as the test wanted. the last test i simply sent back undisturbed; they gave me my refund.
you can instead book an appointment with private clinics they work with and they will draw blood intravenously. however, at the time, agoraphobia would have made this a profoundly difficult journey, and i started off transitioning in secret and couldn't ask anyone for help getting there. so in the end i haven't been getting blood tested at all and don't really know what my hormones are and don't know how my liver is doing. this isn't ideal, but things are starting to change for me; i am now out at home, and what's more, i have started to beat my agoraphobia (!) and can get about now on public transport on my own. so i will go in a few months to monitor how my injections are doing.
when i first started i was extremely nauseous. this went away after a month or so. after that there were simply no negative side-effects.
going off of hormones felt bad, but it was as bad as i felt before going on hormones. being on hormones simply feels much better; i'll talk more about that later.
as i mentioned this was my biggest hesitation before starting. my libido had always been so high as to be debilitatingly intense. i would masturbate several times a day. if i hadn't masturbated recently i would be unable to concentrate; i would be so horny i'd get dizzy, feel faint... something in me had to be ceaselessly arrested, cooled, soothed and put away, shortly to lift its hatch and claw at me again. in a lot of ways it was really a big problem in my life and looking back it wasn't a good thing. but it was who i was and i was scared of losing it. it also seemed like an important component of maintaining a lot of sexual relationships. or was it the special solvent that held all my work together? a manic energy. without which i would become slovely and pointless.
erections are also of course an important part of performing in the way i was used to; and i could cum a lot. like, a lot. thick, goopy, white cum. which girls like. because i am not attractive in any other measure, giving up this source of puissance felt like giving up everything. so it was really frightening to me to be honest. these are all ways that the idea of a loss of libido or sexual function felt like the end of myself as a person.
this is i understand probably a distorted source of self-worth, but, in any case, hormones did not in fact oblige me to give it up, and i worried for nothing. hormones drastically improved my sexuality in every single respect. first of all, it did hurt my libido, but only so much as to take the edge off. it let me master it; and having mastered it, i was able to do things i could never do before in my life, like chastity games, and everyday life wasn't so painful, and i had more freedom about how i spent my time, since i didn't have to masturbate before anything that took concentration. but i'm still a very high libido person; what's more it made me much more engaged with sex with partners rather than masturbating.
there was a brief period of time close to the beginning where it did affect my erections, i believe, but this passed and i now have erections like normal. neither my penis or scrotum changed size or appearance. and thankfully my loads did not diminish at all; though on bica it was a little more translucent and less goopy white, it seems to be back to normal on monotherapy. it takes several minutes to clean up after.
but here's the thing; on hrt, my sexuality improved in ways i didn't even anticipate. these are: 1. every sensation feels so much better, to such an extent that sensations seem to take on a profound meaning. it is especially lovely to use the soft parts of a girl's thighs. 2. orgasms are completely different. not just a quantitative but a qualitative difference. they make me shiver, they last forever, my toes curl as i gasp and perspire. afterwards i am submerged in bliss; wheezing asthmatically, sticky or soaking wet. 3. when not having sex, i mostly cum handsfree, neither using my hands nor any implement, or any special technique but to look at something or think of something or talk to someone. either naked or under my clothes. i could do this before but it took more effort. 4. when having sex, i cum much, much faster, which is a really good change for me, because performing was always a source of anxiety, and now i have no problem with that, unless i'm having blood sugar problems which can't be helped.
i understand that most people don't have my experiences when they start hrt. although for most people sex feels better and orgasms feel better, most people cum less and have more problems performing after hrt rather than the opposite.
in the few weeks that i went off hrt i went pretty much back to normal, and it felt awful. i went back to masturbating several times a day, became less interested in having sex, and derived much less enjoyment from masturbation which was little more than habitual. i could still cum handsfree but mostly i didn't. by comparison it all simply felt bad. at this point i would take estrogen merely as an aphrodisiac.
i have little boobs. if it really is accurate to talk about transfem bodies this way, then i think i am in Tanner Stage 3. i don't really care about having boobs so i don't really think about it. mainly i felt A LOT BETTER about my body after i started removing my chest hair, no matter what my chest looks like.
early on in transition i asked you all if my boobs would stop being sore. some of you said no. well listen up fuckers, you were dead wrong! after three or four months they stopped hurting entirely. but then afer i started injections they began to hurt again, and now they still hurt. maybe they'll just hurt every August, no matter what i do.
i literally weigh 50 pounds more than at the start of 2023. however, 30 of those pounds i put on before even starting hrt. so i think it's a coincidence; regression to the mean. in the past i constnatly lost weight mysteriously, now i am quickly gaining it. i'm a little worried about it really, but i feel a little better about myself with chubbier cheeks as well.
i have definitely gained more of an hourglass shape now that i didn't have before. but i still think my body is very ugly and i'm ashamed of it. looking more feminine doesn't mean looking or feeling any more attractive necessarily and you have more body image issues than gender dysphoria. it's necessary to consider them a little separately. to be honest, i have no idea what i wanted hrt to do to my body. no matter what outward physical change i consider i will say 'that's some accidental change and is not the reason i'm on hormones, so i don't really care about it.' then why transition?
this is to me the most fascinating change and the one i could anticipate the least; hrt completely changes my fundmanetal first-person experience of reality. i have no idea how to describe it; surely any words are inaccurate metaphors which cannot possibly denote anything to you if you haven't felt it. i simply feel that, before hrt, i was out of alignment, and that when i am on hrt, my alignment has been restored, and i have achieved some kind of invisible perfection. every waking moment feels so much better, and stopping hrt made me feel awful for that reason only. i knew what it was like to be on it. Tiresias.
this is the biggest thing for me; even if hrt did absolutely nothing else i would take it for this reason alone. not only that, but i would still regard it as deeply important, fulfilling some deep need. i would pay a high price for it.
do you know what i mean? what is this?
oh god... have you felt this? it's rather... rapturous... ah haha...
it means that i'm chosen...
maybe i have eyes on the inside. if you kill me you'll get a Caryll Rune: Clockwise Metamorphosis.
when i think about other things to add to my transition progress, such as progesterone, this is the primary lens that i look at it through. how would this change my inner experience? what effect would it have on me at the level of pure feeling? i don't really care what it would do to my body. what new chamber of the soul is unlocked thereby?
i was promised that i would get periods when i started hrt. this seems to have been a myth. if i want periods i suppose i would have to actually vary my own hormones throughout the month. in the past i actually had a pretty intense dysphoria about not getting periods, and the idea that i'd get them one day was very relieving to me. thankfully i don't really care about that anymore; all of my desires orient themselves with reference to transfems, so not having periods doesn't create any kind of distance between myself and my peers.
anyway, transition is going extremely well in my estimation. there are other aspects of transition than just hrt; gender-affirming clothes, laser (cheap here), optionally voice training and such. i think for some people a year is kind of a long time, but i tend to have a long-term view. it's something healthy but it also makes me slow to act. in any case i still see myself as just starting, and i will get to other things soon enough. i like changing. i like doing things that change me. you have to resist the temptation to see every possible avenue of transition as a form of assimilation to cisnormativity. we have a culture; we do certain things that change us, sometimes forever and sometimes for now.
thanks for reading.
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hillbillyoracle · 1 year
My Care Kit
I've hesitated posting about this because I know it's not hard for this to get to the wrong side of the site - because even though there's been an awesome shift in the conversation about how care can look at different levels of functioning, we're still not really there yet. So if you're rude in the comments, tags, or reblogs, expect to blocked. Cause I just don't have it in me.
With that out of the way, I wanted to talk about what's been allowing me to be infinitely more regular with skincare, grooming, and to a lesser degree dental routines - my care kit.
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It's not mindblowing or original. I basically just took all the stuff I was storing in the bathroom and store it in my bedroom to use there. I'm sure plenty of people have figured this out before me but it took me a minute to realize how helpful this is.
So what's in here?
CeraVe AM Moisturizer
The Ordinary Hyaluronic Acid
Good Molecules Discoloration Correcting Serum
CereVe "in the Tub" - Moisturizing Cream
Differin Gel*
*Differing Gel is something I only use when I take this kit to the bathroom as it's important to wash your hands after using a retinol
"But you're supposed to use it on wet skin!" - yeah I know. I keep a small spray bottle in here to wet my skin before applying
"But that can mold!" - yeah I know. It's a small one and I use it up in a few days before I need to refill it. I try to clean it regularly too.
But ultimately done is better than none. I accept some risk in order to make this accessible to me. My skin is no longer so dry it's cracking and getting infected. Thank god.
Native Deodorant - Black Oak + Amber
Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab & Sphere and Sundry - Her Eyes That Were Full of Shining Perfume Oil
Kat Von D - Everlasting Liquid Lipstick in "Witches"
Besame Cosmetics - Black Cake Mascara
Tweezerman Tweezers
I don't use all of this all of the time but I appreciate having the option. Sometimes you know you're not getting out of bed but you'd like to look nice. Sometimes looking nice helps you get out of bed.
Not pictured but I keep a small mirror on my shelf near where I store this bag. I use that for make up and tweezing. When tweezing, I wipe the edges off with a tissue then toss it the next time I get up. I also rinse it the next time I use it at the sink. Not perfect, I know. But it helps.
I do have a facial razor in here, but I only use that at the sink at the moment. I also want to swap from disposable to reusable soon. But baby steps and all that.
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And now for the part that will horrify some people and be saving grace to others.
Disposable pre-pasted toothbrushes
Sea to Summit Collapsible Cup with Lid
I won't be accepting comments on this. It's personal and I hesitated to share this because I know it's polarizing. But I know there's something like me out there for whom this would help a ton.
I have a horrible reaction to most toothpastes. I'm talking brush my teeth for 2 minutes, shitting on the toilet for multiple hours afterwards bad. It is miserable and makes me terrified to brush my teeth. I also have just always struggled with it and been shamed a lot for it.
These dang pre-pasted toothbrushes for some reason I do not react to. Idk if it's the fact I toss them after or the paste they're using somehow doesn't have the thing I'm reacting to but I can finally brush my teeth without unbearable cramps afterward.
I recommend them for people who are depressed, bedbound, or otherwise can't get to the sink to brush their teeth though. For me it falls into the camp of medical waste - which no one should be shaming anyone for - if it's this or nothing.
The collapsible cup will also put some people off. What I do is spit into the cup, cap it, then empty and clean it whenever I get up next. Gross? Maybe. But it works. I've not had issues with smell this way and since it's capped, there's no way to spill it if I lose my balance or accidentally kick it.
Holotaco Nail Kit
Badger Sleep Balm
The nail kit was a gift and boy oh boy is it nice. You don't need this one but something like this is a godsend. It is so nice to be able to clip nails back, file them, and clean them up without needing to like make a session of it in the bathroom. I'm considering adding my fav base coat, nail polish, and top coat so I can more easily paint them too.
Badger Sleep Balm has become a part of how I wind down and also how I help recover from panic attacks. I've taught myself some basics of self massage and use this to make it go a little easier. I really recommend learning. There are some good videos on youtube and I get fewer cricks in my neck now.
I really hope this helps someone out. Maybe this doesn't suit your particular use case but I hope it serves as an example that sometimes you're not keeping your desired routines because the environment needs a redesign and sometimes that requires thinking outside the box a little.
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Remember how I kept saying I gotta show up in your inbox again with weird asks? Guess what! I'm back!
Your characters gain the ability to summon one (1) type of object. It can be any object that's not living (but it can be something that was once alive). They can summon as many as they'd like whenever they'd like for the rest of their lives, but it can only ever be the exact same object originally chosen with zero future modifications.
What do they choose?
Ooooh, I love this!! That's really cool!! Thank you!
Rae: Just a regular ink pen. Do you know how many times she's needed to write something down and doesn't have a pen?
Robin: Something really basic like a granola bar or other simple food item. Obviously very useful for herself, and means that no matter what she won't go hungry, but even more useful when Peter burns a lot of calories zipping around and needs a quick boost.
Madison: Just a bottle of water. Convenient after training or missions or wherever else, even better if she ever ends up in another survival situation, it's just... practical.
Ophelia: A roll of gauze. Look, she's out in the battlefield a lot, she gets pretty beat up and so do all her allies, and maybe a roll of gauze isn't a perfect fix but it's better than nothing in a pinch.
Gia: Probably something super practical and consumable, like a bag of soil or plant food that she uses in her shop. Saves her the money and trouble of having to order it in bulk every week.
Jasper: A very basic first-aid kit (they argue that the kit counts as one item, even if it contains other supplies, because when you say "first aid kit" you have a general idea of what it will contain) that has bandages, burn cream, arnica gel, ibuprofen, and a suture kit. Similar to Ophelia's idea - not a solution to every problem, but definitely helps while they find that better solution.
Kestrel: An empty field journal. Do you know how many field journals they go through?? They take copious notes when they work, and having a fresh journal whenever they need it would be a lifesaver on complicated missions
Katherine: A new, freshly-sharpened pencil. Similar premise to Rae's, she has a writing implement whenever she needs it, but extra helpful for Katherine when she feels like sketching or doodling.
Quinn: A bottle of pain meds in her prescription. No more doctor's visits to get it refilled, can be summoned whenever and wherever she needs them, and useful if anyone else on the team needs them as well since she doesn't have to be stingy with them. Could this cause a drug crisis? On a large enough scale, probably. But she literally just uses it to save herself the trouble of dragging herself to some doctor every three months to get the prescription refilled.
Eris: A small throwing knife. The details don't matter all that much - infinite throwing knives? Hell yeah!
Nikoletta: A pair of gloves like the ones she wore in Belle Reve. Useful for when her shadow-touch returns or she loses her usual gloves, helpful in more mundane ways (like when there's something she just doesn't want to touch with her bare skin), and sometimes it just helps with some of her ongoing anxiety.
Jimmy: A copy of his favorite book (Jane Eyre). It's always going to summon the same book, and by now he's pretty much got the whole thing memorized, but he honestly can't think of anything else he'd want or need to summon. And if nothing else, he could donate the books to Little Free Libraries or other programs he finds.
Vivienne: Does a glass of orange juice count as "was once alive"? If it does, that's what she's going with - combats the hydration problem AND the Vitamin C problem while out at sea, all in one fell swoop. Neither of those are generally huge problems for Vivienne, being a siren and all, but you bet it uses this power to take care of Wojchek and his crew while they're at sea for months on end.
Spider: More tapes for his handheld recorder. He's always taping interesting sounds he finds, and he goes through a lot of tapes because he refuses to tape over what he's already recorded unless he absolutely has to. An infinite supply of blank tapes would be incredibly useful for him.
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l-coleart · 1 year
Sketchbook Supply Recs!
Hi y’all, Since I’ve been posting more sketchbook pages recently, I thought I would share some of my favorite supplies. My recommendations are tailored to creating a user-friendly, portable kit mainly focused on ink and markers. I’ve found that having a kit like this makes me more likely to regularly develop my sketchbook, which I view as one of the most important parts of keeping one. None of these recommendations are sponsored or affiliated, I just hope that by sharing what supplies I enjoy, others can find new things to try. Keep reading under the cut!
I often find that products marketed towards the stationary and note-taking/organization niches perform better at lower prices for frequent sketchbook use than products targeted specifically towards the art and illustration community. Don’t shy away from products in office-supply stores just because it doesn’t say ‘for art’ on it. 
I also recommend refillable pens whenever possible. They usually offer more customization in ink color and nib size. Refillable options produce less plastic waste than disposable options. Refillable designs tend to have more ergonomic designs, with larger barrels and better weight balance that minimize hand discomfort. If you draw frequently, this is something worth considering to avoid damaging your hand joints in the long term. In addition, they’re built with durability in mind, allowing them to be thrown in your bag or pencil case without worry. 
Darker ink drawing pens make up the core of my kit, so I’ve tried a variety of options and usually have at least a few of these in my bag. Currently, the Pilot Kakuno Pocket Fountain Pen (around $10-19 depending where you purchase from) is my favorite. I love the line quality this pen can produce– the barrel is a bit larger than most pens and the body and cap give it a good balance in the hand. This pen also takes cartridge refills, allowing you to easily switch colors between refills without the mess. There are a wide range of colors available for this pen, and the thinner water-based ink formula is easy to work with. The ink dries down matte, so it scans accurately without digital manipulation. It also comes in a few different nib sizes with different cosmetic options/color ways for the pen body. Though fountain pens typically have a slight learning curve in learning how to draw with them, I found this one especially easy to work with since the nib has an etched design that shows when you’re holding it properly. 
The Pilot EnerGel Alloy Body Ballpoint Pen (around $8-10) is another of my favorites. The metal body of the pen is a slightly larger barrel size with a nice weight balance which allows smooth lines without hand discomfort. They’re also refilled with cartridges, which come in a few different colors and point sizes; I enjoy the 1.0 mm the most for this pen. The water-based gel ink formula for this pen is one of the best I’ve tried, as it’s very smooth, dries fast which minimizes smudging, and scans well. The V5/V7 Ballpoint Pen from Pilot (available in multi-packs for around $1-2 per pen) has a similar ink formula in varied nib sizes. They aren’t refillable, but they last a long time. I think they’re worthwhile, especially as a beginner friendly, widely available option.
Muji Pens (available online for about $2 per pen) are another great ballpoint gel option. They come in an impressive range of colors, thicknesses, and cap types. They can also be refilled with cartridges. I think the finer 0.38 and 0.5 nib sizes are my favorites from this line. 
If you prefer a brush-tip style pen to ballpoint or fountain pens, I really enjoy the Tombow Fudenosuke or Pentel Pocket Brush. The Fudenosuke (around $3-4) is a felt-tip brush pen. The nib is a perfect firmness to get a variety of line weights with ease. I find that this makes it well-suited to thumbnails and other fast sketching. They come in a smaller range of well-formulated, pigmented colors, which consistently scan well. They aren’t refillable, but last a long time, which I think makes them worth it. 
The Pentel Pocket Brush (around $7 with two refills included) is a bristle brush pen. The fibers are very smooth and can achieve a wide variety of textures and line weights. It has a bit more of a learning curve than some of my other recommendations, but that’s mostly if you haven’t inked with a brush previously– it’s relatively easy to get comfortable with. It’s also refillable with cartridges and has a few different color options. This pen is one of my favorites for figure drawing. 
Though it’s not a pen, I also think the Rotring Mechanical Drafting Pencil (around $20-30) deserves a mention for folks who prefer sketching in pencil. The metal body and textured grip create a good weight balance that makes it write exceptionally smooth. It also takes standard graphite and other colorful options which give an equivalent level of customization to the previously described pens. 
Markers and colorful supplies are another important element of your kit. At the top of the list for me is a couple of different highlighters and felt tip pens. I love Zebra Mildliners, especially the double-ended ones with the super fine/brush tip combo (usually less than $1/pen when purchased in packs of 5 or more). They’re easy to draw with and can be a great choice for adding value or colors. The color range (mostly pastel and creamy colors) is also impressive. Stabilo makes a similar style of pen called the pointMax (M 0.8) (usually about $2 a pen, but also comes in packs) that comes in some darker, more vibrant colors. I prefer the thicker size since they tend to last longer, but they make some thinner liner versions of this pen (called point88) with the same ink formula that are also good. If you like a thicker marker, Chunky highlighters are the way to go. Stabilo Boss (about $1.50 in a multi-pack) and Staedtler Textsurfer (about $1.70) are great options that come in a variety of colors, with Stabilo coming in creamy pastels and Staedtler coming in more bright and neon colors.  
Within this category, novelty supplies can also be a good colorful addition. Mixed color pencils can be really fun for line drawing. Koh-i-Noor makes some of my favorites (about $4 but they last a long time) with earth tones, primaries, and neons. Gelly Roll pens (about $1.50 /pen) also are a nice novelty pen while still being high quality. They have a good color range with metallic, neon, glitter, and other finishes. 
On top of drawing supplies, some washi tape, stickers, double-stick tape, and cool paper also make fun additions. It’s harder to make specific recommendations for specific washi tape and stickers, however, supporting your local stationery/craft/paper good stores and favorite artists and designers who make and sell it is always a good move! I have some from Natalie Andrewson, Alex Tomlinson of Pigeon Post, and Starmint Art that I use all the time. The best ones complement the imagery and colors you use. Be curious, collect, and repurpose things that make you excited!
Hopefully these recommendations help you find something new and exciting. Let me know if there are other topics you’d be interested in! Thanks for reading :^)
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bomberqueen17 · 2 years
packing for journey
so Dude in his infinite wisdom booked us tickets that go out on a Tuesday and come back on a Thursday and then we just both took both weeks off work. This is new for me, I’m used to a like, “leave right after work” aesthetic. i once went straight to work after getting off a redeye from California. So this is a very, very new notion for me, this concept of like, taking one’s time.
I have not packed yet. I spent the entire weekend working industriously on like. The wrong things. It’s okay but like. I became preoccupied with making sure my travel first aid kit had literally everything I could possibly need, correctly apportioned and labeled. I repackaged things into smaller containers. That started getting out of hand; I dug out some old tins, an old Altoids tin got filled with Tums. A cleaned-out lip balm tin was refilled with ibuprofen. (My first aid kit is meant to zip kinda flat and open like a folder so my old method of film canisters for medication didn’t work great.) I found a tiny holder for ear plugs. I emptied a small 2.5-oz squeezy bottle of hand sanitizer that expired in 2014, rinsed it well, and refilled it with aloe after-sun gel. i couldn’t find laundry powder so I had to buy laundry detergent concentrate and I couldn’t find a good small container for that in plastic so it’s in a glass bottle but I‘m sure that will be fine.
I set out to sort my jewelry into sets to wear with specific outfits, but was defeated by not having packed outfits yet. I also had got tiny containers for the purpose but they weren’t the right shape for some of the jewelry. So I wound up just unpacking and re-packing the tin I’ve been carrying around all year with the jewelry I like to wear, with actual matched sets of things that maybe coordinate with outfits I’m bringing. We’ll see.
(I did start packing clothes. I finished the hem on the black linen Rockwell dress. I want to do a little more hand-sewing to finish the sleeve edges on that, and to get the waistband put together, but it’s done apart from that.) 
It got out of hand by the end of the night. I had a great little ripstop nylon velcro pouch with a carabiner, see-- they come on tripods we sell at work, holding little allen wrenches to adjust the tripods, and when we have a defective one sometimes the manufacturer doesn’t want them back so we throw them out, and I took the little carabiner-bag first because it’s perfectly good. And I’ve been looking at this thing trying to figure out what should go in it, for ages. And then I was fidgeting and the big 3″ bobby pins I use to hold my braids up are exactly the length to fit in that thing, so I put them in there, and then I attached it to my purse so that I will always have a bobby pin easy to hand, and this was so hilarious to me I could not stop laughing about it. So i took a break.
But now the plane leaves in 24 hours and I have some packing to do but all the laundry is dry now, the suitcases are laid out, the bag of summer clothes i collected has been retrieved, and I’m ready to start thinking about it.
I also made my lens selections and charged my camera and cleared off my camera memory cards and such. So. We’re getting there.
OH and i also installed the Colombia pack for my Bird ID app (Merlin). Excited about that too.
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thatryanbarnes · 2 years
My Travel Art Kit
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Whether I am going on a trip to visit friends and family, getting away for a weekend, going to work, or just running errands, I am always traveling with my own little portable art studio. Keeping things simple so I don't bring absolutely everything (why would I bring all my gouache, watercolors, and alcohol markers?) I have narrowed my supplies down to the bare minimum for my travel art kit.
A quick note before I get into the details, everything I talk about in this post and more is available on my Amazon page.
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Starting with the pencils, I pack my 0.7mm Pentel Quicker Clicker mechanical pencil with 2H lead refill, my 0.5mm mechanical pencil with 2B lead refill, and eraser refills.
The 0.7mm mechanical pencil is filled with 2H lead for quick, light sketches and thumbnailing. The 0.5mm mechanical pencil is filled with 2B lead for rendering the sketch and adding more details.
What I like best about the Quicker Clicker model is that the button for extending the lead is in the grip instead of at the end of the pencil. This allows me to stay in the zone longer because I don't have to change how I hold the pencil to extend the lead.
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I bring several different erasers all with their own purpose.
I use the Faber-Castell kneaded erasers (not pictured) for lightening a sketch. I get the normal gray ones. In my experience, the color ones are a little messy.
For erasing large areas, I use Staedtler Mars plastic eraser. They do the job nicely and clean compared to most other erasers.
Sticking with the Staedtler brand, I also carry the Mars plastic eraser stick holder and two refills just in case.
For more detailed and smaller erasing, I use Tombow MONO Zero Eraser Round Tip and Square Tip.
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I have a couple options for inking that I bring with me and use depending on how I feel.
If I feel I want to do a more traditional, manga style line art I have my Sakura Pigma Micron Fineliner Pens to help me achieve that.
If I want to fill in some dark spots or just have a painterly, brush texture I use my Tombow Fudenosuke Hard Tip Brush Pen. This pen is very versatile too and is practically all the Sakura Pigma Micron pens I have in a single pen.
Sometimes, gel pens feel like the right choice or I need to sign something or make a quick note and don't want to use my art supplies for it. So I also pack my 0.7mm Sharpie S-Gel and 0.38mm Sharpie S-Gel pens (not pictured).
Lastly for highlights and what not, I have the Uni-Ball Signo White Gel Pen. This gel pen goes on fairly thick and doesn't pick up the pigment underneath as easily, although some alcohol marker pigments will require a few coats.
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Bonus: sometimes, while doing gesture drawing, I like the emphasis my favorite sketches using highlighters. For added fun, I bring an assortment of Sharpie Highlighter colors.
Finally, all of these things fit in my large capacity pencil case (as seen in top photo). This soft case fits everything I need and then some. It's double zippered so I keep my pencils and erasers on one side and all my pens and things on the other. I'm curious to know what your guys' go to travel art supplies are. Digital, traditional, or both? Let me know as a reply or reblog!
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arfathbaig112 · 6 days
1. Understand Your Product’s Compatibility with Tube Packaging
The first step in using round plastic tubes is ensuring that your product is compatible with this type of packaging. Round plastic tubes are ideal for semi-solid and liquid formulations such as:
Lotions and creams
Gels and serums
Sunscreens and scrubs
Lip balms or ointments
If your product requires precise dispensing, such as gels or liquids, tubes with narrow tips may be the best option. For thicker products, tubes with wider openings or applicators work better for easy squeezing and application.
Tip: Test different tube sizes and nozzles to ensure smooth and controlled dispensing of your product.
2. Choose the Right Tube Material
Round plastic tubes come in various materials, each offering specific benefits depending on your product’s formulation and your brand’s requirements.
LDPE (Low-Density Polyethylene) is flexible, making it easy to squeeze, and ideal for lotions and creams.
HDPE (High-Density Polyethylene) is more rigid and offers excellent product protection.
Laminated tubes (such as ABL or PBL) provide an extra layerof protection for sensitive or high-end products. They offer a premium feel and are resistant to air and moisture.
Tip: For eco-conscious brands, opt for post-consumer recycled (PCR) plastic or bio-based materials to reduce environmental impact.
3. Customize Your Tube Design
The design of your round plastic tube plays a key role in brand recognition and product differentiation. Customizing your tube’s appearance helps your product stand out on shelves and resonates with your target audience.
Color and printing options: Choose from a variety of colors, finishes (matte or glossy), and printing techniques such as silkscreen, hot stamping, or digital printing to showcase your branding.
Tube shape and size: While round tubes are the standard, you can vary the diameter, length, and even the cap style to give your product a unique look and feel.
Decorative elements: Add eye-catching designs with embossed or debossed logos, metallic accents, or clear windows to highlight the product inside.
Tip: Work closely with your packaging supplier to explore the best options for customization that align with your brand image.
4. Select the Right Cap or Closure
Caps and closures are a vital part of tube packaging as they ensure the product remains sealed, fresh, and easy to use. There are various types of closures available, depending on your product and its intended application.
Flip-top caps are ideal for daily-use products like moisturizers and sunscreens because they offer quick and convenient access.
Screw caps provide a more secure seal, perfect for travel-sized products or formulations that require extra protection.
Applicator tips can be used for precise application, such as for eye creams, spot treatments, or liquid products.
Tip: Ensure the cap or closure complements the functionality and convenience of the product, particularly for on-the-go use.
5. Consider Tube Size and Volume
The size and volume of your round plastic tube should match your product’s intended use and customer preferences. For daily-use items, larger tubes (50ml–150ml) are common, while travel-size products often use smaller tubes (10ml–30ml). Offering multiple sizes can cater to different segments of your market.
Tip: Smaller tubes are perfect for samples or travel kits, which can help introduce new customers to your brand.
6. Maximize Sustainability with Your Tube Packaging
With increasing consumer demand for eco-friendly packaging, round plastic tubes can be designed to support sustainability efforts. You can implement the following strategies to make your packaging more eco-conscious:
Use recyclable materials: Opt for HDPE or LDPE tubes that can be easily recycled by consumers.
Incorporate PCR (Post-Consumer Recycled) content: Using recycled plastic in your tubes helps reduce waste and minimize the environmental impact.
Design refillable tubes: Consider creating refillable packaging solutions to encourage reuse and reduce the need for single-use plastics.
Tip: Promote your sustainability efforts on your packaging and marketing materials to appeal to environmentally conscious customers.
7. Test for Durability and Functionality
Before launching your product, it’s essential to test the durability and functionality of your round plastic tube packaging. Factors such as temperature changes, pressure during transportation, and everyday consumer use can impact the performance of your packaging.
Durability tests ensure the tube doesn’t crack, warp, or leak under different conditions.
Dispensing tests confirm that the product can be easily squeezed out without clogging or excessive effort.
Shelf life tests assess how well the tube maintains product freshness and protects it from contamination.
Tip: Always run product compatibility tests to ensure the packaging protects your formula effectively.
Round plastic tube packaging offers a versatile, customizable, and practical solution for a wide range of personal care, skincare, and beauty products. By carefully selecting the right material, size, design, and closures, you can ensure your product is well-protected and presented in a way that enhances the customer experience.
At Enki Packaging, we provide a wide range of round plastic tube solutions that can be tailored to your product's unique needs. Contact us today to explore how we can help elevate your packaging.
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deal4shop · 10 days
Truly Beauty Blue Razors for Women with 1 Razor & 1 Razor Blade Refill with Aloe and Shea Butter Gel - Shaving Kit Women, Razor Gift Set for Women - Award Winning Best New Beauty She Finds 2022
Price: (as of – Details) From the brand Best Sellers Bestsellers Save on Bundles Shop Shaving Shop Discoloration Shop Ingrowns Shop Cellulite Where are the products made? All products are made in the USA with global ingredients. We use only natural and vegan ingredients of the highest quality, ensuring that you will feel and look your absolute best. How long can you use the product after…
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travelagepk · 4 months
Choosing the Right Travel Accessories to Enhance Your Journey
Traveling can be an enriching experience, but having the right accessories can significantly enhance your journey. From ensuring your belongings are secure to providing added comfort and convenience, the right travel accessories make all the difference. The Hardtop Luggage Collection by Travelagepk offers a range of durable and stylish options, perfect for any traveler. Here’s a guide to choosing the essential travel accessories to complement your hardtop luggage and enhance your travel experience.
1. Luggage Tags and Locks
Luggage Tags: Personalized luggage tags help you easily identify your bags and add a touch of style. Ensure they are sturdy and have a secure attachment.
Locks: Use TSA-approved locks to keep your belongings secure. These locks allow TSA agents to open your luggage for inspection without damaging it.
2. Packing Cubes and Organizers
Packing Cubes: These are essential for keeping your clothes and accessories organized. They help maximize space and make it easier to find items quickly.
Travel Organizers: Consider organizers for electronics, toiletries, and documents. They keep everything in place and prevent items from getting tangled or lost.
3. Portable Chargers and Adapters
Portable Chargers: A high-capacity power bank ensures your devices stay charged throughout your journey, especially during long flights or layovers.
Universal Adapters: A universal travel adapter allows you to use your electronics in any country, making it an essential item for international travel.
4. Travel Pillows and Blankets
Neck Pillows: Memory foam neck pillows provide support and comfort during flights or long car rides, helping you rest better.
Compact Travel Blankets: Lightweight and compact, travel blankets are perfect for keeping warm on chilly flights or in air-conditioned spaces.
5. Toiletry Kits
Hanging Toiletry Bags: These bags keep your toiletries organized and accessible, with multiple compartments for different items. Hanging options are convenient for small bathroom spaces.
Leak-Proof Containers: Invest in leak-proof containers for your liquids and gels to avoid spills and comply with airline regulations.
6. Noise-Canceling Headphones and Earplugs
Noise-Canceling Headphones: These are great for blocking out ambient noise, making your journey more peaceful and enjoyable.
Earplugs: Compact and effective, earplugs are perfect for getting some rest in noisy environments, like airplanes or busy hotels.
7. Travel Wallets and Document Holders
RFID-Blocking Wallets: Protect your personal information with an RFID-blocking wallet, which prevents electronic theft.
Document Holders: Keep your passport, boarding passes, and travel documents organized and easily accessible with a dedicated holder.
8. Compression Socks and Eye Masks
Compression Socks: These improve blood circulation during long flights, reducing the risk of swelling and discomfort.
Eye Masks: An eye mask helps block out light, enabling you to sleep better in various environments.
9. Reusable Water Bottles
Collapsible Water Bottles: Save space with a collapsible water bottle that you can refill after passing through airport security.
Insulated Bottles: Keep your drinks hot or cold for longer periods, perfect for all types of travel climates.
10. Hardtop Luggage Collection by Travelagepk
Durable and Stylish: The Hardtop Luggage Collection by Travelagepk offers robust protection for your belongings with a sleek design.
Multi-Directional Wheels: These provide smooth and effortless movement, making it easy to navigate through airports and streets.
Built-In Security: Features like TSA-approved locks and durable zippers enhance the security of your luggage.
Choosing the right travel accessories can significantly enhance your journey by providing added convenience, security, and comfort. The Hardtop Luggage Collection by Travelagepk, combined with essential accessories like packing cubes, portable chargers, and travel pillows, ensures you travel efficiently and stylishly. Invest in these accessories to make your travel experience more enjoyable and stress-free. Happy travels!
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savzzuk · 4 months
Smile Time Premium Top Up Teeth Whitening Set
Smile Time Premium Top Up Teeth Whitening Set 😁✨
The all-in-one premium top-up teeth whitening set is here! The Teeth Whitening Refill Gels contain six days' worth of whitening power to maintain a bright white smile, delivering teeth that are at least 2 shades whiter. 🌟
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Upgrade any teeth whitening routine with the specially formulated Natural Charcoal Teeth Whitening Kit, designed to remove existing stains and prevent new ones from forming. Plus, the Teeth Whitening Pen is perfect for touch-ups on the go. 🖌️🦷
Everything needed to supercharge a white smile at home! 🏠😃
🚚 Express delivery in 2 business days (or Standard Delivery in 3-5 business days) from the UK warehouse.
What's Included:
1 x Teeth Whitening Refill Gels 💉 1 x Charcoal Teeth Whitening Powder 🖤 1 x Bamboo Toothbrush 🎋 1 x Teeth Whitening Pen 🖋️
Get 10% off the first order! 🎉 Discount link - https://www.savzz.co.uk/brands/smiletime-discount-codes/
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invisiblealignersbysa · 7 months
The Teeth Whitening Kit for a Brighter You
At-home products are designed to remove stains and brighten your teeth. They are relatively easy to use and affordable but may not be as effective as other methods.
Ingredients used in most teeth whitening kits is a bleaching agent, usually hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. This chemical composition works by breaking down the stains on the surface of your teeth, eventually resulting in a brighter smile.
Bleaching agents can sometimes cause tooth sensitivity, especially for people with sensitive teeth or exposed dentin. If you have concerns, consult your dentist before using a whitening kit.
Different kits have varying levels of effectiveness. Professional-grade whitening kits offered by dentists tend to be more potent and achieve faster results than over-the-counter kits.
Premium whitening kits offered by dentists tend to be more potent and achieve faster results than over-the-counter kits. However, they also come with a higher price tag.
Whitening pens contain a bleaching gel applied directly to your teeth. They are portable and convenient but may not be as effective as other methods.
Different types of whitening kit
Wireless LED tray: Fits comfortably over your teeth and emits blue light. It activates the whitening gel, enhancing its stain-removal properties. Wireless design offers convenience and portability.
Gel pen: The pen applicator allows precise and targeted gel application onto your teeth. Some gel pens are designed for single use, while others are refillable.
Charging cable: Powers the wireless LED tray. Ensure the cable is compatible with the specific tray included in your kit.
Things to consider before using a teeth whitening kit:
Sensitivity: Bleaching agents can cause tooth sensitivity, especially in people with sensitive teeth. If you have sharp teeth, talk to your dentist before using a whitening kit.
Effectiveness: Different kits have different levels of effectiveness. Read research and reviews and compare various products before making a purchase.
Safety: Make sure the American Dental Association approves the kit you choose
Results: Whitening kits can lighten your teeth by several shades, but results will vary depending on the severity of your stains and the type of kit you use.
Brush your teeth to remove any surface debris. Twist the bottom of the pen to dispense a small amount of gel onto the brush tip.
Now, the gel is directed to the surface of your teeth, avoiding your gums. Now, it’s time to insert the wireless LED tray into your mouth and turn it on. The time allocated is around 15 to 30 minutes. This process is followed by rinsing the mouth with water to remove residual; for better results, continue this activity for 20 days. Stained foods and drinks, smoking, and aging can all contribute to staining, so regular touch-ups might be needed to maintain a bright smile. You may consult a dentist with expertise in this field for professional whitening if you have complex staining, sensitive teeth, or underlying dental issues. They can recommend the most suitable and safe option for your individual needs.
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scienceofbeauty · 7 months
PAUME Making Hand Care Feel Like Self Care
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PAUME offers a holistic approach to hand care, transforming routine hygiene into a self-care ritual. The Exfoliating Hand Cleanser removes impurities while renewing skin texture. The Antibacterial Sanitize Kit ensures germ-free hands with its effective cleansing components. Overnight Hydration Gloves deliver intensive moisture, rejuvenating dry, cracked skin. 
The Antibacterial Gel Refill Bag promotes sustainability by minimizing packaging waste. The Exfoliating Hand Cleanser Refill Bag offers convenience while reducing environmental impact. Infused with probiotics, the Hand Balm soothes and protects, maintaining skin balance. The Moisturizing Antibacterial Hand Gel combines cleanliness with hydration. Elevate your hand care routine with PAUME, where hygiene meets indulgence.
PAUME Product Collection
PAUME Exfoliating Hand Cleanser 
PAUME Exfoliating Hand Cleanser likely contains exfoliating agents such as microbeads or natural exfoliants to help remove dead skin cells and impurities from the hands, leaving them feeling smooth and refreshed.
PAUME Antibacterial Sanitize Kit
PAUME Antibacterial Sanitize Kit might include various antibacterial products like hand sanitiser, antibacterial wipes, and possibly other hygiene items designed to keep hands clean and free from harmful germs and bacteria.
PAUME Overnight Hydration Gloves 
PAUME Overnight Hydration Gloves are probably designed to be worn overnight after applying a moisturizing hand cream or balm. They help lock in moisture and enhance the effectiveness of the hydrating treatment, leaving hands soft and supple in the morning.
PAUME Antibacterial Gel Refill Bag 
PAUME Antibacterial Gel Refill Bag provides a convenient and eco-friendly way to replenish your antibacterial hand gel supply without having to purchase additional plastic containers, contributing to sustainability efforts.
PAUME Exfoliating Hand Cleanser Refill Bag
Similar to the gel refill bag, the PAUME Exfoliating Hand Cleanser Refill Bag option allows you to restock your exfoliating hand cleanser without generating additional waste from new packaging, making it a more environmentally friendly choice.
PAUME Probiotic Hand Balm 
PAUME Probiotic Hand Balm likely contains probiotics, which can help support the skin's natural barrier function and promote a healthy balance of microorganisms on the skin. It moisturizes and nourishes dry, rough hands, leaving them feeling soft and rejuvenated.
PAUME Moisturizing Antibacterial Hand Gel 
PAUME Moisturizing Antibacterial Hand Gel is a dual-action solution for clean and hydrated hands. Combining antibacterial properties with moisturizing agents, it effectively kills germs while keeping the skin soft and nourished. Ideal for on-the-go use, it offers convenience and protection without compromising on skincare.
Overall, these PAUME products offer a comprehensive approach to hand care, addressing not only cleanliness and hygiene but also hydration, exfoliation, and overall skin health.
The Science Of Beauty
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bandaidfirstaid · 1 year
What's the Difference Between Personal and Workplace First Aid Kit Refills?
Having a well-stocked first aid can mean the difference between a minor inconvenience and a potential crisis averted. Whether you’re at home, or in a bustling workplace, a first aid kit is your trusted ally in handling unexpected injuries. However, have you ever wondered if there’s a difference between the supplies needed for personal use and those required in a workplace setting? Let’s dive into the world of first aid kit refills and explore the nuances that distinguish personal and workplace kits.
Personal First Aid Refills: Tailored for Individual Needs
Imagine embarking on a weekend hiking trip to reconnect with nature. Your personal first aid serves as your lifeline, addressing minor cuts, insect bites, and scrapes. When it comes to refilling a personal first aid kit, the emphasis is on customisation. You have the flexibility to cater to your specific needs and activities. The essentials often include:
Adhesive Bandages and Gauze: These are essential for covering small wounds and preventing infection.
Antiseptics & Cleansing Wipes: Keeping wounds clean is crucial. Antiseptic wipes or sprays help prevent infections.
Pain Relievers & Anti-Inflammatories: Over-the-counter pain relievers like ibuprofen can provide relief from headaches and minor aches.
Tweezers and Scissors: These tools are handy for removing splinters, cutting tape, or trimming bandages.
Personal Medications: If you have allergies or specific medical needs, it's wise to include your required medications.
Cotton Balls and Swabs: These versatile supplies can be used for cleaning wounds or applying creams.
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Workplace First Aid Kit Refills: Meeting Regulatory Standards
Now, shift your focus to a bustling workplace. Be it an office, construction site, or factory, the first aid kit serves a broader purpose. Workplace first aid kits need to adhere to regulatory standards, ensuring the safety and well-being of employees. This implies a more comprehensive approach to refilling. The essentials often include:
Wound Dressings and Sterile Supplies: Workplace kits should accommodate a range of injuries, from minor cuts to more substantial wounds.
Eye Wash and Emergency Eyewash Stations: Industries involving chemicals or hazardous materials must have these on hand to address eye injuries.
Burn Dressings and Burn Gels: For workplaces dealing with hot surfaces or chemicals, burn treatments are essential.
Resuscitation Devices: A workplace kit should include tools like CPR masks or shields for potential life-saving situations.
Emergency Blankets: In case of shock or exposure to extreme temperatures, emergency blankets provide warmth and comfort.
Safety Gloves and Masks: Protective gear is crucial in preventing contamination and the spread of infections.
The Key Differences
While both personal and workplace first aid kits share common items, the difference lies in their scope and purpose. Personal kits focus on catering to individual preferences and activities, while workplace kits prioritize adhering to legal and regulatory requirements. Workplace kits have a more comprehensive range of supplies to address a variety of injuries that can occur in a professional setting.
As we've explored the world of first aid kit refills, it's clear that the difference between personal and workplace kits extends beyond just the supplies themselves. Personal kits embody self-sufficiency and reflect your unique lifestyle, while workplace kits underscore the responsibility of employers to ensure the safety and health of their staff. Both play crucial roles in maintaining well-being, one tailored to individual pursuits and the other to professional environments. So, whether you're an adventure seeker or an employee navigating the corporate world, a well-maintained first aid kit is a testament to your readiness for whatever life might throw your way.
Centaur Training stocks a wide range of first aid kit refills. Click here for more information.
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hester-goon · 1 year
The Essential Guide to Packing Your Dopp Kit for Any Vacation
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What is a Dopp Kit?
A Dopp kit, also known as a toiletry bag or wash bag, is a compact bag used for storing personal hygiene essentials while traveling. It was first introduced in the early 1900s by the leather goods company Charles Doppelt & Co. and quickly gained popularity for its practicality and utility.
The Benefits of Using a Dopp Kit
Using a Dopp kit has many benefits when it comes to packing for your travels. It helps keep all your personal hygiene essentials organized and in one place, so you don't have to worry about forgetting anything important. It also saves space in your luggage and ensures that your toiletries don't spill or leak during transit.
Choosing the Right Dopp Kit
When choosing a Dopp kit, it's important to consider the size, material, and design. A good Dopp kit should be spacious enough to fit all your essentials, but not too bulky that it takes up too much space in your luggage. The material should be durable and easy to clean, while the design should be practical and stylish.
The Essential Items to Pack in Your Dopp Kit
When packing for your travels, your Dopp kit should contain all the essentials that you need for your personal hygiene routine. These include:
Toothbrush and toothpaste
Shampoo and conditioner
Shower gel or soap
Face wash or cleanser
Razor and shaving cream
Hair styling products
Contact lenses and solution (if necessary)
First aid kit (including band-aids, pain relievers, and any necessary prescription medications)
How to Pack Your Dopp Kit
When packing your Dopp kit, it's important to pack your items strategically to save space and prevent any spills or leaks. Here are some tips for packing your Dopp kit:
Use travel-sized containers or purchase refillable containers to save space.
Place any liquids in a resealable plastic bag to prevent any leaks or spills.
Pack your heaviest items at the bottom of the bag to prevent any damage to your other items.
Place any fragile items in a separate pouch or container to prevent any damage.
Consider packing your Dopp kit in a separate compartment of your luggage for easy access.
When it comes to packing for your travels, a Dopp kit is an essential item that shouldn't be overlooked. It helps keep all your personal hygiene essentials organized and in one place, making your travels more comfortable and stress-free. So next time you're going on vacation, make sure you pack your Dopp kit!
Sources: Travel + Leisure, Business Insider
Article by "None" From this article you can learn dopp kit.
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phyllis-hayes · 1 year
Traveling Light: Tips and Tricks for Streamlining Your Toiletry Bag
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Packing Essentials for Your Travel Toiletry Bag
Organization Tips for Your Travel Toiletry Bag
Security Measures for Your Travel Toiletry Bag
Sustainable Practices for Your Travel Toiletry Bag
Packing Essentials for Your Travel Toiletry Bag
When it comes to packing your travel toiletry bag, it’s important to pack only what you need. The size of your bag will depend on the length of your trip and how much you are planning to bring with you.
Some essentials to consider packing include:
Travel-sized shampoo, conditioner, and body wash
Toothbrush and toothpaste
Consider investing in travel-sized containers that are reusable and eco-friendly. This not only helps reduce plastic waste but also allows you to bring your favorite products with you wherever you go.
Remember to also pack a first-aid kit that includes essentials such as band-aids, pain relievers, and any necessary medication.
Organization Tips for Your Travel Toiletry Bag
Organization is key when it comes to packing your travel toiletry bag. Here are some tips to keep things streamlined:
Use a clear, waterproof bag to keep your toiletries organized and visible.
Invest in a toiletry bag with compartments and pockets to keep items separated.
Pack items in the order that you use them so that they are easy to access.
Consider using packing cubes to keep your toiletry bag and other luggage items organized.
Remember to also consider the weight distribution of your toiletry bag in relation to your other luggage items. It’s important to pack heavy items at the bottom of your suitcase and lighter items on top to prevent crushing or damage.
Security Measures for Your Travel Toiletry Bag
Traveling with liquids and gels can come with its own set of security concerns. To prevent any issues at TSA checkpoints, do the following:
Be sure to keep liquids and gels in containers that are 3.4 ounces (100 milliliters) or smaller.
Place all containers in a clear, plastic, quart-sized bag.
Remove the bag from your toiletry bag and place it in a separate bin for screening.
Be sure to label your bag with your name and contact information in case it gets lost.
Pro tip: To save time and energy, consider purchasing TSA-approved travel-sized toiletries that come in their own clear, plastic bag.
Sustainable Practices for Your Travel Toiletry Bag
As travelers, it’s important to be mindful of our impact on the environment. Here are some sustainable practices to consider when packing your travel toiletry bag:
Use refillable containers that can be reused on multiple trips.
Invest in bar soap and solid shampoo to eliminate the need for plastic bottles.
Consider using reusable makeup remover pads instead of disposable wipes.
Use biodegradable and eco-friendly products whenever possible.
By practicing sustainable habits when we travel, we can help preserve the planet for generations to come.
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nailsupplyblog · 1 year
6 Essentials for Nail Tech Schools You Must Have
What's the nicest part about back-to-school season? It's the essentials for nail technicians, in addition to performing acrylic and French manicures. Check out nail supply store open to public our top sellers, nail art kits, and professional collections to find out what you're missing!
You must have been busy studying for back-to-school through online nail tech classes or binge-watching nail tech YouTubers now that the summer is over. Get a pen and paper ready for your nail tech school checklist; included below are the essentials you'll need to succeed in your studies and obtain your license.
You will require a practice hand, also known as a nail training hand, if you are attending nail tech school because this tool will allow you to practice your brown nail art ideas on blossom gel nails both inside and outside of the classroom. To help you become a better nail artist, you must make this investment.
Keep in mind that every famous nail technician you know today began at the very bottom. For more information on maximizing each application of nail art, read our instruction on using the Nail Training Hand. Don't forget to buy refill tips for your practice hand!
2. E-Files and drill bits
For effective nail preparation, e-files and drill bits are essential tools for every nail artist. You can read our blog about e-files if you need help utilizing one and find it complicated. Drill Bits come in a variety of forms, and choosing the proper one for your electronic filing and application can be challenging. Read our guide to drill bits here!
You should definitely add sanding bands to your collection of drill bits and electronic files. The sanding bands are useful for filing the top surface of products that have been made of rigid materials, such as acrylic or UV gel, and they can also be used to remove nail extensions. The most popular grits, 180 and 240, are available in a variety of sizes.
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In order to keep your nails strong and able to survive the repeated application and removal of nail art, from applying DIY press-on to filing away nail tips, nail care is just as important as yellow nail art designs.
When it comes to having nail art supplies, the more the merrier! A jewel or two will make your nail art sparkle! How about some rhinestones to make your nails absolutely gorgeous? Here is where you can read our summary of our nail art supplies.
What are beauty tools to nail technicians and make-up professionals like paint brushes to painters? Without nail art brushes, you cannot create stunning nail designs. There are nail wholesale supply near me many different brushes available, but we made it simple for you to pick the top ones to make a statement. Here are our picks for the top 8 IGel Beauty brushes for nail art.
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